CODE MISTAKE - CORPSE x Bring Me The Horizon (Reaction)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @KumoHs
    @KumoHs Рік тому +2

    the problem with making a react channel is that when a video becomes very popular, people will only ask for things related to it
    but whatever, this shit is a real banger 🤘

    • @kw1ll1sreacts
      @kw1ll1sreacts  Рік тому +1

      yk I really needed this. Thanks

    • @KumoHs
      @KumoHs Рік тому +1

      @@kw1ll1sreacts well, I'm not telling you to stop doing reacts, if you like it you can continue.
      it's just kind of sad to see people commenting on things from other videos here, just don't let people in the comments control your content man 😔
      i rlly like your videos and your songs tho, you're charismatic asf 🤘

    • @kw1ll1sreacts
      @kw1ll1sreacts  Рік тому +1

      Thank you :). Yea I was thinking about reacting to some horror videos and stuff at some point. I totally agree with you about not letting comments dictate direction. I appreciate you sm@@KumoHs

  • @luccahunger
    @luccahunger Рік тому +4

    Hey man! love your videos, please so The Serenity of Suffering album by Korn, great one!

  • @claires_epiphany
    @claires_epiphany Рік тому +5

    Need LONGER reactions from you. Your excitement contagioUs 💕
    Can you please react to more Bring Me? Pretty plz⁉️
    Or have you already heard em all? Me too, why I love watching reactions to music, to regain sum of the initIAL wONder & thrILL‼️
    🔥Rock tf ON❤️‍🩹

    • @kw1ll1sreacts
      @kw1ll1sreacts  Рік тому +2

      Thank you! That means a lot. I definitely need to hear more BMTH

  • @mark.trujillo
    @mark.trujillo Рік тому +1

    you should react to all hope is gone by slipknot if you haven't yet its my favorite album by them fs

  • @Gghbhbf
    @Gghbhbf Рік тому

    You should react to "steal this album" By system of a down

  • @fode.
    @fode. Рік тому

    Now Rage Again the machine, please.

  • @Eddie-loves-deathcore-and-slam
    @Eddie-loves-deathcore-and-slam 6 місяців тому

    I’m not really forcing a request, but one day can you react to mental cruelty - purgatorium full album?

  • @President_SheepIsAwesome
    @President_SheepIsAwesome Рік тому +4

    You should do Steal This Album by System Of A Down, it’s definitely one of their best.

  • @carolinecoy3164
    @carolinecoy3164 Рік тому

    Have you reacted to all BMTH albums? I cam Only see count your blessings. There is a hell And Sempiternal would be great. Even thats the spirit and Amo. Then there's the live at the royal Albert hall which they absolutely smashed. So jealoyi didn't go.

    • @Osama_Bin_Ladder
      @Osama_Bin_Ladder Рік тому

      I think post human survival horror would be better than amo since he likes the heavier side.

    • @kw1ll1sreacts
      @kw1ll1sreacts  Рік тому +1

      That’s the spirit is one of my favorites! I haven’t heard much of them outside of that album.

  • @MistrGrimyLikesCofey3961
    @MistrGrimyLikesCofey3961 Рік тому

    the black parade album when?