0. Timeline; cookies, mc, score and score check. 1:45 1st, yellow | 467,894,556 4:03 2nd, pink | 730,775,858 can 735+ 5:58 3rd, pink | 712,255,876 8:18 4th, +2 jump | 701,092,125 can 705+ 10:45 5th, dest | 611,898,815 13:03 6th, all bears | 849,839,758 15:09 7th, dest | 710,791,133 17:33 8th, all jellies | 829,161,035 20:19 9th, dest | 636,561,935 22:46 10th, all jellies | 1,323,179,299 total = 467,894,556 + 730,775,858 + 712,255,876 + 701,092,125 + 611,898,815 + 849,839,758 + 710,791,133 + 829,161,035 + 636,561,935 + 1,323,179,299 = 7,573,450,390 diff from max statistics: around 4.3M and 4M = 8.3M. finalized approximated score: 7,581,750,390 This means that the score of some relays that are not 2nd or 4th can be intensified more. And/or, the approximated max statistics diff will be further than 8.3M. - 1. 1:52 after bears at coins 2:04 skip all, here and onwards 2:23 distance check 3:09 collect all, here and onwards 3:15 hmj for skill 3:35 2 jumps, boat lift = highest and hmj for battery before die 3:48 hmj longest for max jellies (all from rectangle, can go over to potion cuz that’s max distance and 2nd relay will still not spawn over it.) - 2. 4:10 single jump, miss 1 4:11 collect first 2 (first slowest by slide and touch rightmost edge, 2nd fastest at leftmost edge; can stay still but if jump into it will be faster and reduce more distance hence the wave can cover more jellies and get more points.), miss 3, collect last, slide for wave 4:32 miss all 4:44 miss boost and magnet for shell 4:47 miss 1 5:13 miss 1 5:17 miss 2 5:27 max on left, get orb and slide for burst and shell 5:50 miss 1 and hmj longest. -rightmost edge of platform, slide and last breath jump longest seems to give more jellies and more points. - 3. 6:11 miss 3rd 6:46 delay burst 6:54 2, 1 per each 6:59 miss 1, miss boost (battery collects it back, how many is collected and how many is cut by window?) -2+2, 4 jumps each, 1 for avoid and 1 for attract, 1 for attract then wait and fo 4th jump with 2 shoe combined to attract all bottles entirely. 7:32 1 dispense and ensure collection 7:40 miss 2 by single jump in between. -3+2, 3 for bottle and 2 ; 1 per jelly group and another per 1 entire bottle -should 1 shoe and collect entire bottle to collect 2 missing rainbow bears for more points cuz the battery charge is reset at the next runner anyway. 7:55 3 dispense and dodge obstacle, 2 jumps for last skill and hmj longest with max jelly amount and contact at the end. - 4. 8:44 miss all and 2. -should shoot 1 to destroy and 2 for manu (first shoot closest for all 3 entire in manu) 8:54 popcorn drag 9:35 burst in manu + miss 3 by slide and single jump 9:40 miss 5 and 1 by entire and double jump to cut left and right 9:55 collect 1st, miss 3 after that, collect all boost after that 3. Collect all batteries for entire boost series. -burst in manu 10:13 hmj for tram, -3 in manu -another 3 fastest 10:26 quit, is it possible to collect all and die for more points or it will ruin the checkpoint and make the next relay spawns in worse condition? Quit at same level of lower frozen bear, lower than its lowest tip a little. Be near it in terms of left and right (x-axis). - 5. 11:21 miss 5 for window 11:25 miss 1 11:28 collect all and don’t miss anything, I think. 12:16 miss 1 12:23 collect all, miss 2 + 1 12:34 miss 2 12:39 miss all, collect all, fastest, burst and then fly down to delay and control another burst to happen slowest at the end but finish bursting before cookie dies. Last breath jump longest to increase a chance to do it successfully. - 6. 13:06 - 13:24 for 2nd burst in carpet -also for 13:42 burst in carpet 14:03 down collection -burst in carpet 14:16-14:21 tunnel control 14:21 collect cube and get a lot of jellies inside it for max bonus points. 14:22-14:27 carpet control, fill all of it in. 14:28 should not miss but collect all frozen for max points and scoop 14:46 2 cube and 1 carpet control 14:53 last breath jump longest, I guess. For max cube. Can crash into obstacles for longest distance = max jellies = max score, I think. Die here, just like video shows, to be safe. - 7. 15:14 15:24 15:27 15:33 1, obligated 15:48 15:54 16:12 16:39 16:45 16:58 should collect all 17:20 - 8. 17:45 18:06 possible if stay still on ground and not jump to get that missing star bomb? 18:14 18:24 and first burst, amount of batteries missed, ignored by window and dragged back by burst 18:29 18:42 collect, miss, ignore and drag and 2nd burst 18:46 18:52 19:05 short double last breath jump for last breath jump spot for skill at the end 19:11 all orbs and 3rd burst, possible to collect all star bombs if do jumps slower but still get all rainbow bears and star bombs to get all the missing colorful star jellies? 19:41 stay still, drag, check percentage adter drag, 4th burst 19:57 battery control and hmj, 5th burst 20:06 hmj and die at same spot, can longest for more points? - 9. 20:19 2 blank - 2 orbs - 1 fall, void, longest and wave to drag back 20:34 4 to drag all batteries, fastest? (Yeah, stand still and do 4 skills fastest to collect all batteries with no miss.) - miss boost and magne to 1 cover whole rectangle 20:49 battery burst and ignore - 2 for obstacles - 2 for coins, 1 for each zone - 1 for rectangle, nearest to obstacle 21:00 1 to help cover, 2 cycles of 1 dispense and 1 attract 21:15 1 attract, 1 dispense for immortality so can 1 attract the coins, 1 attract bears, ignore and wave at the last moment before missing first orb 21:29 miss 2nd orb 21:31 1 delay longest for bursr - 1 extend burst - 1 and 1 attract - 1 wave to cover all triangles and most on leftside of it (all basics) 21:42 3 dispense - 1 invincible on floor - wave at entire jelly group (Trick: ground, miss all and wave = max coverage and points?) 21:58 2 pile dest - 1 rectangle - 1 giant but stay in between, wave nearest to obstacles and whole bottom rectangle 22:08 miss 1, last 2 sets, collect all bubbles and quit (complex, a lot of details, lazy to write. Sry.) On surface level, -first set for hmj and battery drag -all sets do 2 waves at rectangle to cover all for max additional points. -last set let the wave finish and release all jellies before die. Reborn to get it all and quit fastest. *20:31 burst 1 (subordinate) 20:51 burst 2 (obstacle) 21:33 burst 3 (obstacle) 22:18 burst 4 (obstacle) - 10. 23:00 miss some 23:03 miss 1 23:11 stay still, slide, check bar 23:16 stay still 23:30 stay still 23:36 most, near full 24:12 same length, fall down to destroy 2, leave 1 small, burst but not reach small. Check bar when collected all orbs 24:28 all of this is done for max amount of explosions and move the last to the end to collect all in fromt = best way for last explosion = max points. - Finally! Thx for reading. Good luck!
0. Timeline; cookies, mc, score and score check.
1:45 1st, yellow | 467,894,556
4:03 2nd, pink | 730,775,858 can 735+
5:58 3rd, pink | 712,255,876
8:18 4th, +2 jump | 701,092,125 can 705+
10:45 5th, dest | 611,898,815
13:03 6th, all bears | 849,839,758
15:09 7th, dest | 710,791,133
17:33 8th, all jellies | 829,161,035
20:19 9th, dest | 636,561,935
22:46 10th, all jellies | 1,323,179,299
total = 467,894,556 + 730,775,858 + 712,255,876 + 701,092,125 + 611,898,815 + 849,839,758 + 710,791,133 + 829,161,035 + 636,561,935 + 1,323,179,299
= 7,573,450,390
diff from max statistics: around 4.3M and 4M = 8.3M.
finalized approximated score: 7,581,750,390
This means that the score of some relays that are not 2nd or 4th can be intensified more. And/or, the approximated max statistics diff will be further than 8.3M.
1:52 after bears at coins
2:04 skip all, here and onwards
2:23 distance check
3:09 collect all, here and onwards
3:15 hmj for skill
3:35 2 jumps, boat lift = highest and hmj for battery before die
3:48 hmj longest for max jellies (all from rectangle, can go over to potion cuz that’s max distance and 2nd relay will still not spawn over it.)
4:10 single jump, miss 1
4:11 collect first 2 (first slowest by slide and touch rightmost edge, 2nd fastest at leftmost edge; can stay still but if jump into it will be faster and reduce more distance hence the wave can cover more jellies and get more points.), miss 3, collect last, slide for wave
4:32 miss all
4:44 miss boost and magnet for shell
4:47 miss 1
5:13 miss 1
5:17 miss 2
5:27 max on left, get orb and slide for burst and shell
5:50 miss 1 and hmj longest.
-rightmost edge of platform, slide and last breath jump longest seems to give more jellies and more points.
6:11 miss 3rd
6:46 delay burst
6:54 2, 1 per each
6:59 miss 1, miss boost (battery collects it back, how many is collected and how many is cut by window?)
-2+2, 4 jumps each, 1 for avoid and 1 for attract, 1 for attract then wait and fo 4th jump with 2 shoe combined to attract all bottles entirely.
7:32 1 dispense and ensure collection
7:40 miss 2 by single jump in between.
-3+2, 3 for bottle and 2 ; 1 per jelly group and another per 1 entire bottle
-should 1 shoe and collect entire bottle to collect 2 missing rainbow bears for more points cuz the battery charge is reset at the next runner anyway.
7:55 3 dispense and dodge obstacle, 2 jumps for last skill and hmj longest with max jelly amount and contact at the end.
8:44 miss all and 2.
-should shoot 1 to destroy and 2 for manu (first shoot closest for all 3 entire in manu)
8:54 popcorn drag
9:35 burst in manu + miss 3 by slide and single jump
9:40 miss 5 and 1 by entire and double jump to cut left and right
9:55 collect 1st, miss 3 after that, collect all boost after that 3. Collect all batteries for entire boost series.
-burst in manu
10:13 hmj for tram,
-3 in manu
-another 3 fastest
10:26 quit, is it possible to collect all and die for more points or it will ruin the checkpoint and make the next relay spawns in worse condition?
Quit at same level of lower frozen bear, lower than its lowest tip a little. Be near it in terms of left and right (x-axis).
11:21 miss 5 for window
11:25 miss 1
11:28 collect all and don’t miss anything, I think.
12:16 miss 1
12:23 collect all, miss 2 + 1
12:34 miss 2
12:39 miss all, collect all, fastest, burst and then fly down to delay and control another burst to happen slowest at the end but finish bursting before cookie dies. Last breath jump longest to increase a chance to do it successfully.
13:06 - 13:24 for 2nd burst in carpet
-also for 13:42 burst in carpet
14:03 down collection
-burst in carpet
14:16-14:21 tunnel control
14:21 collect cube and get a lot of jellies inside it for max bonus points.
14:22-14:27 carpet control, fill all of it in.
14:28 should not miss but collect all frozen for max points and scoop
14:46 2 cube and 1 carpet control
14:53 last breath jump longest, I guess. For max cube. Can crash into obstacles for longest distance = max jellies = max score, I think. Die here, just like video shows, to be safe.
15:33 1, obligated
16:58 should collect all
18:06 possible if stay still on ground and not jump to get that missing star bomb?
18:24 and first burst, amount of batteries missed, ignored by window and dragged back by burst
18:42 collect, miss, ignore and drag and 2nd burst
19:05 short double last breath jump for last breath jump spot for skill at the end
19:11 all orbs and 3rd burst, possible to collect all star bombs if do jumps slower but still get all rainbow bears and star bombs to get all the missing colorful star jellies?
19:41 stay still, drag, check percentage adter drag, 4th burst
19:57 battery control and hmj, 5th burst
20:06 hmj and die at same spot, can longest for more points?
20:19 2 blank - 2 orbs - 1 fall, void, longest and wave to drag back
20:34 4 to drag all batteries, fastest? (Yeah, stand still and do 4 skills fastest to collect all batteries with no miss.) - miss boost and magne to 1 cover whole rectangle
20:49 battery burst and ignore - 2 for obstacles - 2 for coins, 1 for each zone - 1 for rectangle, nearest to obstacle
21:00 1 to help cover, 2 cycles of 1 dispense and 1 attract
21:15 1 attract, 1 dispense for immortality so can 1 attract the coins, 1 attract bears, ignore and wave at the last moment before missing first orb
21:29 miss 2nd orb
21:31 1 delay longest for bursr - 1 extend burst - 1 and 1 attract - 1 wave to cover all triangles and most on leftside of it (all basics)
21:42 3 dispense - 1 invincible on floor - wave at entire jelly group
(Trick: ground, miss all and wave = max coverage and points?)
21:58 2 pile dest - 1 rectangle - 1 giant but stay in between, wave nearest to obstacles and whole bottom rectangle
22:08 miss 1, last 2 sets, collect all bubbles and quit (complex, a lot of details, lazy to write. Sry.)
On surface level,
-first set for hmj and battery drag
-all sets do 2 waves at rectangle to cover all for max additional points.
-last set let the wave finish and release all jellies before die. Reborn to get it all and quit fastest.
*20:31 burst 1 (subordinate)
20:51 burst 2 (obstacle)
21:33 burst 3 (obstacle)
22:18 burst 4 (obstacle)
23:00 miss some
23:03 miss 1
23:11 stay still, slide, check bar
23:16 stay still
23:30 stay still
23:36 most, near full
24:12 same length, fall down to destroy 2, leave 1 small, burst but not reach small. Check bar when collected all orbs
24:28 all of this is done for max amount of explosions and move the last to the end to collect all in fromt = best way for last explosion = max points.
Thx for reading. Good luck!
@@boxygen ภายหลังการแข่งขันนี้จบ ผมยินดีเป็นอย่างยิ่งเลยที่จะเปิดเผยคะแนนและคลิปของทุกผลัดของผมครับ
แต่ในตอนนี้ ผมจำเป็นต้องกั๊กไว้ก่อนจริงๆ
@c.t.crobpg3d ผมต้องการแค่คะแนนตอนนี้ครับ ไม่เอาคลิป
@@boxygen ขอถามวัตถุประสงค์ครับ ว่าต้องการทราบตอนนี้ไปเพื่ออะไร
ผมวิ่งไปทั้งสัปดาห์นะครับ อดหลับอดนอนมาหลายวัน เล่นทั้งวันทั้งคืน ทุกวัน เพื่อได้คะแนนนี้
และก็ไม่ต้องการเพยแพร่แม้แต่คะแนน เพราะอาจจะมีผู้เล่นคนอื่นที่ไม่ใช่คุณมาโค่นอันดับผม
ทั้งนี้ การถามคะแนนของผม เป็นไปเพื่อวัตถุประสงค์อะไรครับ
ถ้าจะเอาไปเพื่อใช้ทำลายสถิติของผม อันนี้ ผมขอไม่แชร์นะครับ
ทริคแต่ละอย่าง มันต้องเล่นมาเยอะมากๆกว่าจะได้ ดังนั้นผมไม่แชร์มันง่ายๆหรอกนะ
ถ้าเหตุผลของคุณมันสมเหตุสมผล ก็ขอให้แนบ id discord มาด้วยครับ เพราะอยากจะส่งให้เป็นการส่วนตัว
และก็ห้ามเอาเรื่องนี้ไปบอกใครด้วย ไม่อย่างนั้น ผมจะเอาเรื่องคุณให้ถึงที่สุดครับ
@c.t.crobpg3d จะได้แก้ใหม่ยังไงล่ะครับ เพราะคุณเบรคเปลี่ยนแล้ว มันไม่ใช่นิสัยของผู้ใหญ่ที่ดีหรอกครับ//ซึ่งผมก็ไม่ได้ดีนักหรอกครับ
16:13 I skip the third blast but got 711, no sure if it is better
is better😂
ถ้าให้ผมเดา ผลัดสองจะ 735 ได้ ต้องใช้ดวงสร้อยหมี + เก็บเยลลี่บนสี่เหลี่ยมให้ครบ รวมถึงเยลลี่ตรงนี้ทั้งหมด (5:05) ในขณะเดียวกันก็จะต้องปล่อยให้เยลลี่จำนวนมากสุดถูกหอยคลุมด้วย
และผลัด 4 จะ 705 ได้ก็ต่อเมื่อยิงทุกสกิลเข้าวงได้ (สำหรับแต่ละนัดที่มันไม่จำเป็นต้องไปใช้ทำอย่างอื่น)
ผมได้735ตอนเล่นนะ แต่ผมลบไฟล์นั้นทิ้งครับ(กั๊กไว้นั่นแหละ)
@@boxygen ขอบคุณครับ
May i know why exactly is pilot hard to use? Is it because of reaching the last skill and the shoe treasure?
Control shoe is crazy
@@boxygen not gonna lie, the damn clown shoe IS crazy. (Excuse my language)
Did wizard cookie just kicked out lemon from the destruction meta?
Only Wandercrab
@@boxygen okay. That's good. I guess.
If I use everything pie can I still use lollipop afterwards?
Can use 😊
Adventurer cookie: wizard cookie what do you think?
9:59 กระโดดยังไงหรอครับ
What is the build that get 720m in wizard cookie?
I don't know
ult+ 2 crazy + 4 hard lol
Pretty much sums up Wandercrab
นักบิน ผมโดดใช้เข็มทิศไม่เป็นเลย
ลองค่อยๆฝึกดูครับ ค่อนข้างยากอยู่
ผลัด1 ผมใช้ ตัวใหม่ ทำไงให้อมยิ้มเกิดจุดเดียวกันครับ
ต้องยื้อให้ไกลพอตามในคลิปครับ ถ้าไกลไม่พอ ลองปรับจุดลูกไฟดูครับ
@@boxygen หมายถึงปรับลูกไฟตรงอมยิ้มใช่ไหมครับ
@@boxygen พอผมปรับอมยิ้มแล้ว ใก้จังหวะ ใช้คลื่นตามในคลิปโดยการเก็บลูกไฟช่วงแรกหมด อมยิ้มตายแบบเดียวกับในคลิป(จุดเดียวกัน) แต่นักบินเกิดไกลกว่าในคลิป ผมงงมาก555
@@kongkongkidakol4830อมยิ้มมีระยะเกินนะครับ ต้องระวังด้วย
@@boxygen ทำไงให้ระยะไม่เกินครับให้ตายช่วงไหนครับ
แรงงานคนแก่ๆบ่นเยอะเกินครับ เดฟเลยปรับให้พวกเขาครับ
ปล.ผมไม่เห็นด้วยกับการลดผลัด มันดูไม่เข้ากันไปหมดเลย แถมเล่นยากขึ้นด้วย เกมเริ่มใกล้เข้าจุดจบไปอีกขั้นล่ะ
ไม่ต้องครับ เพราะถ้ายท้อไกลมากพอ ผลัดสองจะเริ่มที่เดียวกับในคลิปเลย