My friends went to the Seven Sisters Colleges, if yo peeps dk, it used to be the sister schools of the Ivy Leagues when they didn't admit women. They have the teaching styles of Ivy League Universities, but it felt safer and well um... feminist in a good way.
I decided to turn down two Ivy League schools to go to Johns Hopkins two years ago. University is university, pick the school that you love, see yourself at, and you deem have the most opportunities for you. “Name value” itself doesn’t cut it when getting internships and jobs , they care about your experience/what you’ve done. I’m an engineer at what people think is just a “medical school,” but this engineer is working for NASA next summer :)
I think American college elitism in general is extremely toxic and honestly doesn’t make much sense. As a nation, we seem to value prestige and selectivity over academics and general happiness. I think even the application process in general with people constantly shoving down your throat “your dream school is a safety, you could do better than that” really affected my self esteem even though I knew that school was right for me. It made me think that to be happy I needed to go to the school with the lowest acceptance rate possible. We all need to take a step back and realize we’re all in this together, and that the end goal for everyone is a degree regardless of where you choose to pursue it.
👏SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK👏 at the end of the day, a degree is a degree. As long as you are gaining the knowledge and experiences you want to have, that’s all that matters.
I appreciate the sentiment, but I think it's also important to recognize that some people do not have the opportunity to go to a university or college at all in America, and that they are just as important as a university graduate.
Barnard ‘24 here - it’s absolutely ridiculous the lengths to which “Ivy League” students go to justify their own superiority when the Ivy League is literally a sports conference. I’m not even on campus and I’ve already seen the “Barnard = back door to Columbia” argument. It’s just so ridiculous!! I got into both and chose Barnard because of that superiority complex and toxicity which I didn’t want to deal with!!! I love this video
I feel you Ava and am SO PROUD of your choice! Barnard is a wonderful school (absolutely love the mission of empowering women) and I personally am excited to see you go far bc you know what you're capable of and where you thrive❤️
Hey! That's interesting to hear. From what I know Columbia meets 100% demonstrated need W/O loans and Barnard meets 100% need with loans ryt? Did this not factor in your decision when choosing b/w the two?
I don't really understand... how is your choosing Barnard avoiding the complex and the toxicity? You just end up on the other end of it... couldn't you go to Columbia and just not take part in it?
Cornell has a stress culture that is most toxic. They have a high suicide rate among the undergraduate. Make no mistake about it. The killing work load comes in mostly later, in sophomore and junior years.
I am not to belittle anyone that went to one of these, but I visited 6 of the IVYs in high school and I hated my Columbia, Princeton and Yale visits. People seemed so fake there! Eventually I applied to Brown, Penn and Harvard. Getting accepted to the later two; and enrolling into Wharton! When I tell you that was the worst decision of my life is an understatement. I almost committed suicide in my sophomore year there- twice! All these was few years back! Recently before Rona, I visited Cornell Johnson and Tuck at Dartmouth. The only two places I didn’t visit back then. I wish I applied to these two than the others. Folks in Ithaca were so laid back and nice and seem to emphasis on mental health. I wish I can rewind the time! But definitely not making the same mistake for my MBA next year! Loving Big Red everyday !
@@KatieTracy thank you I just sent my application for Cornell Johnson and hopefully something good happens! Thanks again! It would be awesome to be in Ithaca and avoid the big city for a couple of years! Wish you the best too Katie!
sorry if this is a personal question and you dont have to answer, but was it that the school work was too hard or was it the people around you that were horrible in penn.
I appreciate Cornell for two reasons: 1. The ‘Cornell notes’ I’ve been taking since elementary school. 2. Their non-scattery, delightful marching band. :>
dude, the college that was able to create something as renowned and a classic part of education like the "Cornell Notes" made that school the summit of the most honorable colleges that existed, and definitely one of the most classical university in the world. going to that school made me idolize it and see it as the representative of education. the birthplace of the Cornell notes! going there would be the greatest honor for me.
Beyond the ridiculousness of classifying a school's "rank" based on an arbitrary acceptance rate (which varies per program - cornell engineering is legit 6%), I think people don't appreciate the powerful historic value that Cornell has which NONE of the other ivies have. Cornell was legitimately developed and founded on the MOST equalitarian principles (ANY person, ANY study) during the Civil War, a fight over whether or not a man could be regarded as property. Cornell is the founding home of the first black fraternity, AND enrolled women ALMOST AN ENTIRE CENTURY before Columbia and other ivies did. This university was a pioneer in genuine equality, and that's something I take a lot of pride in as a Cornellian, and as an underrepresented student. If anything, this makes Cornell possibly one of the most valuable ivy leagues as it truly stands for the disruption of the things that hold humanity back - unlike the other ivies that had to learn to be this way. So to all those who like to be toxic and pretentious over stupid percentages; learn your facts, grow up, and leave high school in the past
aww THANK YOU for sharing this! so powerful and well spoken. I 100% agree and am incredibly proud of Cornell's egalitarian values. That conclusion tho👏🏼👏🏼
a schools rank is only VERY LIGHTLY based on acceptance rate, it's certainly not arbitrary. The ranking of universities is primarily done via the graduate school via academic output such as publications, awards, international reputation, etc. The impact from undergraduates on the ranking can be in the form of outcome -> starting salary, how quickly to find jobs, where did they find jobs, before and after for the students, etc. But the most weight is placed on the output of research.
I was Associate General Counsel at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. My office was on the sixth floor of the East wing in the Administrator’s suite of offices. After someone on the curatorial staff in the refectory at lunch made the passing question/comment about whether Cornell was in the Ivy League, I just smiled. On my next trip to Ithaca, I made sure to pick up some dairy products with the Cornell cow and various other dairy trademarks on them that could be cleaned, sterilized and proudly displayed in my I. M. Pei designed legal office overlooking the beautiful atrium. As I said, one milk carton and my Cornell education speak for themselves#😎🐻allhailCornell
This video helped me realize why I love Cornell. The students are just as smart as any other Ivy but much more likely to be real people with actual personalities and not just status-obsessed insecure robots.
Im a high schooler and bruh I completely agree with you 😤 My “ friends” think only getting into an IVY is the only purpose of their life and therefore, they are aimlessly trying out every single ECA and are jealous of anyone with more achievements then them :3 I mean there’s nothing wrong with trying out everything but doing things only for the sake of getting into an IVY seems very cliche and toxic.
Trying out every ECA is only gonna hurt them more than it's gonna help them lmao. Colleges want to see what you're actually interested in, oof. This is what this level of competition does to kids, honestly.
This is so important, I hope every high school student sees this. It's so easy to get caught up in the college application process but school/degree really honestly doesn't matter. It's about your experience and what you do to strengthen yourself and your career outside of school.
Basically, I say that any school that does not make its own ice cream, milk, yogurt, cheese, grow its own apples, have its own cows, is a bogus Ivy school. #gobigred
Whenever I hear about this kind of stuff, I like to remember a quote from my grandfather: “the easiest part of college is getting into college.” It’s not gonna matter if you got into a top school if you can’t even survive, let alone THRIVE there. Also from what I’ve heard, what you end up doing in college matters a lot more then where you go.
Before I came to Cornell I was talking to someone who was also an incoming freshman. They said they wished they had gotten into a “real ivy.” I don’t understand why so many people say this🙄
Aye trust me, it’s a common first year thing HAHA. It’s gotten better in my experience as people started to dive into all the amazing opportunities and grow more secure in themselves :)
Hello again Katie, hope all is well with classes. When I graduated Cornell, Professor Daryl Bem gave a talk at the Phi Beta Kappa ceremony. He called us the most proletariat of the Ivy’s. To this day, that stands out as the single most defining comment of our school. I’m proud that we are the least elite and as a Cornellian, we can relate the most to all people. That is what makes our school so special. Before my daughter went to Cornell, we toured all the east coast schools. So 30 plus years after graduating, I walked the campuses of all these schools back to back. As I walked our beloved Hill, I realized that Cornell was the perfect place for me. And my daughter, Class of 2023, thinks it’s the perfect School for her. Like you she is doing zoom university as the logistics of going back did not make sense given all that was going on. But we hope to return for the spring. Cornell is as much an Ivy League school as any other as we are 8 schools in an athletic league. But what defines us is our character, our willingness to work hard and follow in the path that God has given us. He gave me and my daughter Cornell and I will forever be thankful. Go Big Red! There is no better college for me and when we all grow up, those in the more “elite” schools will realize it really doesn’t matter. Lastly, it is fact that Leland Stanford modeled Stanford University after Cornell’s education system and many of Stanford’s first faculty including its president David Starr Jordan, were Cornellians.
Aww wow, this comment really moved me. Thank you. You’re right - I am grateful that people I have met at Cornell have been so humble and it is truly a pioneering institution. I especially admire how Cornell admitted the first woman among Ivy League schools, and its motto celebrates learning for anyone from any background. Wishing you and your daughter the best. You are such a wise parent and God bless too! We’ll get through!
Katie Tracy Yes, Cornell should be proud of the fact it admitted women from the beginning. Others like Yale did not do so till 1969. And from Cornell, I was able to matriculate at my first choice Medical School, Johns Hopkins then eventually doing a surgery subspecialty residency at Duke University. But despite the “big names” I went to in the field of medicine, I’ve learned from what Dr. Bem said so many years ago and also what God teaches, be humble and live a life of service. Our intelligence was given to us at birth. We did nothing to earn that other than being born. Our hard work and the way we choose to walk our lives is truly what defines us. I turned down Hopkins and Duke to go to Cornell for undergrad but eventually when the time and place was right, I was where I needed to be.
In Mexico, public colleges are the top and there's so much elitism amongst them it's insane, but we also have the other end of the high profile private schools with the same attitudes, so the ones of us that are on not-so-famous or not-so-expensive schools are sandwiched between them and criticized A LOT. But we have this saying: "the student makes the school", and not the other way around, so when you see the sense of community and even students from your school doing so great (and often better than the other ones) you feel so happy and proud that you totally forget about all that elitism
Aww I love this so much Daniela. I definitely agree and the people + supportive community is what I hope to continue focusing on moving forward❤️Hope you’re doing well!
Lmao people think Cornell isn’t an Ivy aren’t aware of the success Cornell has and with their amazing programs. There’s a reason why people want to apply to Cornell and not just as an Ivy League school but because of the great programs.
I consider Cornell to be better than a lot of the other Ivys. When my mother went there in the 1950s she was friends with both Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Thomas Pynchon and Vladimir Nabokov was one of her professors. She couldn't have gotten that experience any other place. Anyway, students should be so busy that they can't worry about any other college other the one they go to. Honestly, it's not so much the college but how you build on your college experience. The CEO of The Walt Disney Corp went to Ithaca College. Who would have thought?
I go to UPenn and no one knows what it is even though I’m from PA. They think it’s Penn State, which is fine, but I wish people knew how hard it is to work at home at Penn sometimes.
Aww my friends at UPenn have talked about that too. Hey girl, you know how hard you worked to get here and what an incredible school it is☺️ Focus on that and I promise the rest will fade in time Katie!!
You are so awesome Katie!!! I am a senior in high school applying to some of the Ivy League schools and you have helped me understand the nuances of the college system. I know this video is 4 years old, but it’s been so cool to watch you grow from a freshman to the person you are today. Thank you so so much 🫶🥹
I’m also an IB student (senior) and I’m applying to Cornell ED this year! I just want to say your videos have been so helpful and inspiring. I’ve seen how competitive and toxic the college application process can be and it is so empowering to see a college student like you secure in their identity and willing to speak about these issues. Thanks Katie!!
Kaustubh Singh Same, I’m applying early decision this year and people have ready started telling me it’s a fake ivy and I’m like it’s programs are amazing and so interesting I just don’t tolerate it
GOOD LUCK YOU GUYS!! And yes, seriously, you all know much more through your actual research. It makes me so happy to hear you look more thoughtfully beyond surface labels!
Thank you for making this video!!! For a while I took waaaay too much pride that I was in a Russel Group university (basically a bit like an Ivy League but in the UK I guess??). At the same time I was very bitter for not getting into Oxford. It took me so long to remember that I went to uni not for some prestige but because I actually love learning and I'm interested in academia and my subject. And I hate hate hate judging people based on the uni they go to instead of just realising that going to any ANY university is so amazing.
Julka!! Thank you for sharing your perspective on the UK and being so honest!💛 I 100% relate to your story and how you grew in your thinking. I had a very similar progression HAHA it’s wonderful to hear you’ve felt the same. Hope you’re doing well and I’d love to visit the UK one day.
Thank you for your video. It has been many years since I went through the stress of applying to the Ivies and am watching these types of videos to get a sense of what it is like currently for students to help my children when it is their time . Your videos are very helpful.
I went to Cornell for my LL.M. i was accepted into Berkeley, Duke, NYU, Columbia and Cornell. I don't regret my choice one bit, I loved Ithaca, Cornell campus, the people, professors ans activities. It's such a magical place. I wish I could go back.
When I talk to a student, I don't ask what school they're going to, I ask what they're studying, why they chose that major, and what their dream job is. That's how I know whether I want to keep in touch with them as potential future employees.
Great video! Alumnus here. I don't think it will ever end IMO. When I meet with high school kids interested in going to college it reminded me of high school back long long time ago. I think it's part of the everlasting culture of having an ambition. In a way I enjoy working more with people over the years who aren't super ambitious.
Cornell is an Ivy league college! A class of mine went their for her Master’s degree and a cousin of mine graduated from their with his Bachelor’s degree. It’s as much of an Ivy league as Dartmouth and Yale are.
I've noticed that once you leave these "established" institutions, you stop caring about university. Be educated, but never attach your identity to college or a college. Ugh. It's so insecure.
UW-Madison ‘25!!! Is wisco the most competitive school? No. Is it still hard to get into? Yes. (Average ACT score is 30) I’ve heard so many ivy-accepted high-school classmates tell me that they’re sorry I didn’t do better. Elitism sucks.
Thank you for bringing this into light, Katie, and sharing your opinions about it because it is something that needs to be brought into awareness and discussed!! I’m very excited to go to Cornell next year (I’m taking a gap year right now) and to have some new and beautiful experiences!! 🤍
Hey Katie, just recently came across your channel. I've already graduated with my MBA just last year (didn't go to Ivy). I love the truth behind this vid. Yes, it is about LEARNING. As someone who loves to learn as well, life (not just school) is about: learning, growing, and evolving! Trust me, mid-20s is crazy enough and that is another challenge post grad life. One last thing, good luck with your semester!
Toxicity is unfortunately prevalent in many communities, and it's refreshing to see content creators like you taking a stand against it. Creating quality content without relying on elitist labels fosters a more inclusive and positive environment for your viewers.
Katie I’m so happy that you’re sharing your realization of your identity, that is so refreshing and your conclusions at the end of the video is so true in many other aspects of life. The most important thing is you are Honest to admit your “identity dependence” in the past - this makes your realization SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL AND CONVINCING to those who never had this “identity dependence” (Many have been there at one point in their lives, but they just haven’t had the courage to admit it like you so Honestly did)......... rarely watched you videos in the past, just casually looking at this video because its brings up so many interesting topics,.. and will definitely watch more!
Gordon!!😭 Thank you for such a beautiful and reassuring comment. It took me time to get here and see my own role in this so THANK YOU so much. It’s so encouraging and I’m excited for the new life lens that awaits!! hope you’re doing well!☺️
I think this happens in any country who have that ranking of schools/elite school and some students from that school are just toxic. I understand this and thank you for speaking up.
gosh this is so relatable - I'm talking about the part where you say that people are trying to cover up their insecurities with the school they have chosen I'm not from the US, but I got into all of the universities I applied to (in my country) however after high school I ended up going to a local one, and not to a "prestigious" one in a capital of the country (I had my reasons) everybody thought I was absolutely insane and they kept asking me questions and prying it's been more than 3 years and I can say that I've made the right choice - I decided what I wanted the trajectory of my education to be, came up with the plan, followed it and benefited greatly. I am on the right path. I totally agree with your opinion that if you know your worth, you don't need an educational establishment to back it up. I find it absolutely ridiculous when people try to bring you down because they don't consider your place of study good enough. I see it in my country as well. Those who study in the capital judge those who don't. And somehow the wars between top universities still exist and they are even worse.
3:22 preach. This cannot be more true. Having a top college title definitely is a boost, but if you're confident enough in yourself, you'll get yourself wherever you want to go. You wouldn't need to sell the college name to impress people. It just shows how inconfident you are in yourself. There are plenty of people who go to community colleges not because they aren't smart enough but because they don't think they're ready yet or financial reasons; it might take them longer but those determined enough will get there. Shouldn't have to bring down someone else to bring yourself up.
hi katie!! thank you so much for this video 🥺🥺I really felt you on this topic :(( I keep hearing people who attend Cornell bash Cornell and it literally triggers me because the whole world is focused on the name & brand, and it seems like no one really cares about the opportunities YOU yourSELF can create and get by being here. I highly believe that no matter where you go, you have to enjoy your time there first as a student. You're there for education and then the next close step is finding friends & a community that you can be yourself to grow. It has been a tough ride finding the right group of people, but i think i am heading in the right direction, so I am glad to see that there are down to earth real people like you 😭😭I love your content a lot and have been here since foreverrrr !!! I HOPE TO MEET YOU ON CAMPUS AHH !! : ))
aww I could not agree with you more! Seriously, we forget that the power to do anything is within US, not our college title alone. Yes, it enables us to get opportunities but WE have to take that step instead of sulk and wish to be spoon-fed. Trust me, the friend group thing is a constant college struggle everyone faces, and I am too am still navigating this, but it's been an amazing process getting to meet great people along the way. :) I HOPE TO MEET YOU TOO AND BEST OF LUCK THIS YEAR!!❤️ YES, KEEP YOUR OPEN MINDSET and I'm SURE you're going on the right direction!
Okay go you, Katie!! I went through a similar sort of epiphany when I was in high school when I realized I was pursuing the IB Program for all the wrong reasons. I love how you said to identify yourself not as a student at ______ school, but as a "student." Education has unfortunately been twisted so wrongly in the world of college applications when all it should be is a personal path full of curiosity and growth; and it could look like a college degree, an experiential gap year, or a part-time job. Each and every person's educational path is unique and I, like you, hope that more people come to realize we can't keep up with these harmful "tiers". Awesome video Katie and thank you for saying what needed to be said!
AMEN!!🙏🏼❤️ Thank you for sharing this! I 100% agree that education is an experience that looks unique to everybody, and I hope we can celebrate that shared love to grow + learn + recognize ANY access to education is a great privilege and opportunity. Hope you’re doing well!☺️
What you're feeling is just kind of phase of time you're in. After you graduate, the whole what school you're from changes. At that point it's all about you, yr character, personally, skills etc. People will stereotype but if you have the intention to prove them wrong, they will drop all judgement and see who you are. Hopefully that was helpful.
This is so reassuring to hear! Thank you for your advice Juhyung! I've spoken to some friends who've graduated and they feel the same way. I'm very excited for the post-grad life that awaits. Hope you're doing well too :)
finally someone said it, life isn't just about college/admission, I was so stressed during the admission process and was so consumed. And by the way, despite everything you said, I just wanna say i don't care whether you're an ivy league student or not, you're a huge inspiration to me nevertheless
To me this toxicity devalues all the efforts and energy that kids put into application process,it’s insane stress and getting into Harvard is a Huge accomplishment as much as getting into Cornell,Penn.Besides Ivies there are so many other prestigious and really amazing schools in USA
this is a weird fun fact but in the Philippines, Cornell has HELLA clout because UP does so much agricultural research, so they employ a lot of people who did grad school at Cornell! real talk tho: I think that the best part of going to a rural school is knowing that the surrounding communities already understand the role of the university in the local area, so you don't really feel like upholding the elitism. There's no one to project your elitism onto, and it's great because it causes people to grow out of that mindset, imo, because now you're forced to reckon with the idea that you're just a student around other students that also got into the same university that you did.
I’m so grateful that no one is this toxic in Australia (from everyone I know that is haha) everyone is supportive of their friends and just wants them to achieve their dreams 💜
Please, I have two Ivy-League degrees, an Oxbridge degree, and working on another. Cornell is second to none. Which is why it is ranked internationally from about 10 to 20, among some tens of thousands of universities in the world. And it should be ranked within the top ten, as international rankings are skewed toward science and tech unis (like ETH, MIT, Imperial and Caltech) as opposed to large liberal arts and science unis that offer excellence from A to Z. There's something special about Cornell, the mother of Stanford. The inspiration, perhaps, for MIT. The mother of unis in the later, industrial era, of America. Indeed, the first, true American university.
PS. USNWR isn’t only one doing rankings, check out the Wall Street Journal’s college rankings. Cornell is in top ten and only Harvard, Yale, Brown and Princeton ahead of us for Ivy League schools.
For the longest time I was very insecure about where I was hoping to go to school. It’s taken such a long time for me to realize that it doesn’t necessarily matter where you go ( at least to the extent that I was making it)❤️❤️ I used to want to go to an Ivy, now I’m a senior hoping to go to a university in the UK lol :)
My sister's freshman year roommate at the University of Chicago turned Harvard down for UC because Harvard's acceptance letter opened with "Dear Minority Student". UC's letter started with "Dear Cathy". Couple years later, after a very impressive undergrad career, when she was deciding where to go for her masters', Harvard tried recruiting her, and she told them basically that Harvard was rather weak in her chosen field, and suggested that they really need to get a lid on their institutional conceit.
Thanks you so much for this!! I am so proud to be apart of the Big Red Family despite how hard the world makes it. I am a first generation college student in arts and sciences and for as long as I have been fortunate enough to call myself a Cornellian, I have heard from people around me how it’s not really all that impressive to be at a “fake ivy.” My college application was an absolutely underwhelming document. I had been waitlisted and rejected outright to almost every liberal arts college and research university I applied to. But Cornell wanted me for me. Not for what my less than ideal test scores said I was. I wouldn’t have gotten in if it weren’t for countless people who helped me do something many people from my community never accomplish. It didn’t bother my pride when people said I was at a fake ivy but it certainly felt like an insult to all the sacrifices so many people made to help me succeed and get to where I am. Cornell may not seem like the top of the ladder for many privileged communities, but for me it is all I have ever dreamt of. I just again want to say thanks Katie for sticking up for people who are proud to be where they are, no matter how much others tell them they still aren’t good enough!
THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. And so real. Thank you for sharing your story Peter and I’m so happy to hear it worked out for you! You’re right - it is an incredible opportunity to be here and when we focus on that, we grow the most + have the best time :)
question? why are ppl so obsessed with their colleges/uni? I find it weird esp cuz it’s just 4 is it really that deep that you go to an Ivy league or the top school in ur state ? 😅 I just don’t quite understand the culture around it honestly
Look, I went to a state university but during college I worked for Disney. The year after I left them and graduated I didn't have to say much of anything at job interviews. I chose one of two offers from two subsidiaries with the same parent company. It was kind of surreal and I was thinking is this what it would be like to have gone to a good university. However, your college record should be relevant throughout your career. An individual job's relevance fades so if you are going to go use that to get ahead you have to have a resume full of prestigious companies.
This hit way too close to home. I'm going to an LAC (currently on a gap year), but I grew up in the same type of super competitive, toxic high school (and middle and even elementary school ) environment you described. I, too, am working on unlearning what I've learned from these environments.
It couldn't have been Dartmouth students that said this, they are too well adjusted. It would be awesome if Cornell just said "bye" to the Ivy League one day and joined the conference that Duke is in and still have the same high rankings on the popular college ranking lists.
All I can say that this is very true. I haven't stepped on my campus yet, however, I have been bombarded with toxicity (and also have been a part of the toxicity) throughout the college process and within the group chat that upperclassmen had set up for us. This is a very well made video and I applaud you to come out and warn me and many other people to not fall down the toxic hole and I really appreciate it. :)
What is the long term goal of going to Ivy League schools? Grads say they can do whatever they want but one third consistently go to Wall Street or consulting. Not bad jobs necessarilly but I doubt that many really wanted to do it.
don’t listen to them queen cornell is awesome!!! i do not go there lmao but i have a friend who does and they love it (: i’m so proud of all of their success and proud of yours too 💗
I'm not in a position to know for sure, but some of the reports I've been getting give a different picture of an Ivy League education today. They were saying that on the radio the average grade point at Harvard is a 4.0. This girl presents herself well, though, and she seems motivated. She seems like the type destined for great success, as far as I know.
this admissions cycle i was deferred from cornell ed, but received a likely letter two days ago and plan to attend. after doing so much and wanting to go to this school for so long, it kinda sucks that some people don’t recognize the academic caliber of cornell students. oh well, i’m not going there for them. Go Big Red!!
Also, once you get into a school like that, then it’s elitism and exclusivity in clubs and greek life (at some of the schools) and job recruiting and the competition never really stops!
'86 Cornell grad here - Most people "in the know" realize that although Cornell may be the least selective of the Ivy's, it, and arguably Penn, generate the hardest working, most resourceful, and least entitled employees of the "Ancient Eight"...
Interesting. I went to an Ivy for grad school. I didn"t even think about going to an Ivy for undergrad. My grad school experience was good. I only had a minor problem with one person in the admin but it was sorted out fairly quick. Just a class registration issue. For the most part the class mates were great. Maybe only one bossy, disrespectful person to deal with in group work but I think you can encounter these types in every universoty.
You know what, I am VERY VERY PROUD of you. I don't even know you personally but as a Filipino who also wants to attend an Ivy league, I believe that you have gone so far. You are an amazing person; that I'm sure of. It doesn't matter what the system is, or what others deem of you. What matters is that you have gone so far into achieving your dreams. I am happy for you and you serve as an amazing inspiration for me. I hope that one day I can also be like you. I hope you notice this because you deserve all the compliments.
Ryan you are so kind😭😭 thank you so much for this thoughtful message. I’m so proud to hear you’re also a Filipino with big dreams and I wish you the BEST. Go get it!!❤️
I don’t know why everyone rushes to go 100k plus in debt at the Ivies . Unless if your pursuing a career in something specific that requires a degree, you might aswell not bother
No wonder they all dropout! Lol The only thing that matters is you're happy and growing with where you're at in college! Lol if your identity is your "college", you'll be a lost soul after you graduate.
I've been watching you since the eleventh grade and now I go to Cornell and I am on campus! I think that it is ridiculous how people see Cornell as a fake ivy simply because we have the highest acceptance rate and some state components. First of all, our STEM is probably THE best, or at the very least comparable to Brown and Harvard. I have heard from Princeton professors (btw I chose Cornell over PRINCETON) that if you want to do real engineering, you go to Cornell. Second, and what I am experiencing right now, this curriculum and competition is next level. Other ivies have smaller classes while many of our most common classes have 300-400 student lectures, like the CS and pre-med classes. Third, I think that Cornell's admissions worry less about extraordinary ECs and more about having a student body that will become competent and top of the line doctors, engineers, and other professionals. Due to that, I think we have more people that are "academic" focused that simply trying to have the most international awards (although I see people multitask that).
Also someone might ask why I chose Cornell over Princeton. My family REALLY wanted me to go to Princeton, and low-key framed my last two years in HS to get in. But I have always wanted to go to Cornell, because of these AMAZING programs, scenery, large student body (I have always wanted to go to a large school), and because of the options. At first I regretted it because a lot of people in my school were like "omg Agartha we thought you'd go to Harvard but you're going to Cornell? Where even is that??". But then I realized that all of those people were ignorant and really stupid because they're jealous that they couldn't even get into a T100 (most of their SATs were
Aww Agartha this was so powerful and I'm SO PROUD of how you followed your heart (and mind) to end up where you want to be. You seem to be really strong and know exactly the path that's best given your goals, and I just encourage you to keep going because Cornell will toughen you! And your open mindset will take you far. :) Congrats and thank you for your continued support❤️ Hope we meet on campus one day.
Having grown up in Palo Alto, living in Saratoga and being surrounded by this crap my whole life, I concur. These snobs are so bad that they don’t even realize how snobby they are. I guess having the right (and of course only one possible if you are intelligent) political opinions makes it OK to be a snob and toxic.
I am really having a hard time choosing Universities some are saying don't go to Ivy League colleges and some are saying go. Can anyone please give some suggestions?
There is no harm in attending an Ivy League school ( or Stanford, or the “little Ivies” such as Amherst , Williams , etc) but the academic jump from public high school to elite Ivy can be daunting. On the flip side, your career wont end if you attend Penn State , U of Illinois , etc as long as the school has a strong department in your area of interest.
Look up Steven Squyres, he was “only” an Assistant Professor when I was there. And then let’s add others like Carl Sagan, Freeman Dyson, Richard Feynman and Hans Bethe to that long list of those associated with Cornell over the years. Professor Squyres was the principle investigator of the Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity. So yes, you will be trained well.
As someone who got rejected from all ivys that I applied to, I really envy ivy students. I never get to carry that “name” ever. I never get to experience being a student of *insert ivy name”. Although Cornell has the highest acceptance rate of all ivy, it’s still hard to get in. It’s still a privilege and opportunity that a lot of people wish that they could’ve gotten. If you go to Cornell and other ivy students belittle you, remember there are always people out there who admires you and respect your hard work or intelligence like I do. I’m sorry this might sound like a loser’s whining but I really wish that I could be Cornell student if I had a chance. If I had a high GPA and high SAT score and if I had interesting EC activities that sets me apart I’d love to be part of that ivy prestige. I don’t care if I get into harvard or Yale or whatever, I wanted to be part of the Ivy League. Unfortunately English is my second language and I had (still have) difficult times writing essays and papers in a coherent manner. That affected my grade a lot. It’s really frustrating for me that how GPA is heavily based on writing. I’m not even trying to publish anything why do I have to write in a certain way, why do I get points deducted for writing in a different style than teacher’s preference? It’s not that I’m grammatically incorrect because I studied grammar intensely and I believe I have better knowledge of English grammar compared to those who speaks English as their first language. It’s just so unfair. Sometimes the fact that I’m not in a “highly competitive” university makes me feel like I’m less intelligent which sucks because I know I’m not stupid. I sometimes know stuffs more than a harvard student does. I believed I deserved a spot in those prestige colleges but I didn’t get any. It still makes me depressed
Read about Michael Faraday, William Hershell, the Wright Brothers, Srinivas Ramanujan, and Benjamin Franklin. Many of these never had a formal education. The Ivies are more about class signalling than what you can actually do. It's what you actually do that really matters in this life. So what if you don't have the Ivy signalling on your resume? You are not a failure. Work on something you can be proud of; you'll be alright. Find something you care about -- learn your craft and master it. Out of date textbooks on fundamental subjects aren't particularly expensive. Never stop learning. If you do this; it won't be long before your knowledge exceeds anything that four years at an Ivy would provide.
You don’t have to go to an Ivy to be successful. Truthfully, the education you receive at an Ivy League school is the same at any university in America, and while having a certain “prestige” next to your name may help when applying for jobs, it won’t matter if you don’t have the skills for said job in the first place. This is especially the case when it comes to STEM degrees. Jobs and employers care more about skills and less about university recognition. Honestly, just go wherever you WANT to go and wherever you think will make you the HAPPIEST. Don’t go to a college that will make you miserable every second you are there just because it looks good on a resume.
I go to a private, online nationally accredited college and the college gets a ton of bashing and trash talking because it isn’t regionally accredited, and they feel regional accreditation is far superior than national accreditation. So I understand what you’re experiencing.
This comment!!🙏🏼 I’m sorry to hear the trashing - they’re likely just insecure. I’ve been thinking about how quality-wise, an online school curriculum can be delivered just as well (at a MUCH lower price) and it’s opened my eyes to how much brand labels really factor into the perception of a “quality” education...
Katie Tracy my out of state online college is actually cheaper than an in-state 4 year Division I University for me and no student loan debt. We pay a monthly tuition payment based on what we can afford (the school does have a minimum amount) but they offer a family and friend $100 off referral option and they offer a one time scholarship for a free semester (it’s a one time to allow other students to get a chance to win it) per semester and it’s all inclusive tuition all fees and textbooks are included in the tuition price. And we have a far superior curriculum since it’s college controlled rather than government controlled....I went to a division I and II state universities and a community college and I’m learning way more advanced stuff at the 100-200 level classes than I did at the public state colleges. The curriculum is in between Honors and Ivy League. My college has been called everything from a non-accredited college to a “scam” simply because it’s not regionally accredited and students had too high of an expectation....they wanted a regionally accredited college experience at a nationally accredited college tuition price tag.
"katie, cornell's not a real iVy LeAgue"
yes I know, haha, I already made the joke in my thumbnail. now pls watch the video :)
ps. i love the earrings
Princess Yvonne thank you HEHE❤️
Oh yeah the earrings are nice :)
@@princessyvonne pl
My friends went to the Seven Sisters Colleges, if yo peeps dk, it used to be the sister schools of the Ivy Leagues when they didn't admit women. They have the teaching styles of Ivy League Universities, but it felt safer and well um... feminist in a good way.
I decided to turn down two Ivy League schools to go to Johns Hopkins two years ago. University is university, pick the school that you love, see yourself at, and you deem have the most opportunities for you. “Name value” itself doesn’t cut it when getting internships and jobs , they care about your experience/what you’ve done. I’m an engineer at what people think is just a “medical school,” but this engineer is working for NASA next summer :)
Good job!
Johns Hopkins is an elite school on par with the Ivies. What are you talking about? Lol
John Hopkins is John Hopkins - you sound so ignorant. It’s not like you got into two ivy’s and went to a community college bro relax
Congratulations! I’m in middle school, I hope to work for NASA one day. ❤️I’m glad you found what you truly wanted
Congrats man❤️
I think American college elitism in general is extremely toxic and honestly doesn’t make much sense. As a nation, we seem to value prestige and selectivity over academics and general happiness. I think even the application process in general with people constantly shoving down your throat “your dream school is a safety, you could do better than that” really affected my self esteem even though I knew that school was right for me. It made me think that to be happy I needed to go to the school with the lowest acceptance rate possible. We all need to take a step back and realize we’re all in this together, and that the end goal for everyone is a degree regardless of where you choose to pursue it.
👏SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK👏 at the end of the day, a degree is a degree. As long as you are gaining the knowledge and experiences you want to have, that’s all that matters.
It does matter where you choose. Have you seen small schools right now?
I appreciate the sentiment, but I think it's also important to recognize that some people do not have the opportunity to go to a university or college at all in America, and that they are just as important as a university graduate.
Barnard ‘24 here - it’s absolutely ridiculous the lengths to which “Ivy League” students go to justify their own superiority when the Ivy League is literally a sports conference. I’m not even on campus and I’ve already seen the “Barnard = back door to Columbia” argument. It’s just so ridiculous!! I got into both and chose Barnard because of that superiority complex and toxicity which I didn’t want to deal with!!! I love this video
I feel you Ava and am SO PROUD of your choice! Barnard is a wonderful school (absolutely love the mission of empowering women) and I personally am excited to see you go far bc you know what you're capable of and where you thrive❤️
Hey! That's interesting to hear. From what I know Columbia meets 100% demonstrated need W/O loans and Barnard meets 100% need with loans ryt? Did this not factor in your decision when choosing b/w the two?
I don't really understand... how is your choosing Barnard avoiding the complex and the toxicity? You just end up on the other end of it... couldn't you go to Columbia and just not take part in it?
You chose Barnard because you’re a sexist
It sounds more like u chose Banard because it makes you more superior than the "toxic" people in Columbia
To me, Cornell became the #1 college in the world ever since my son became a student. I bet many parents would feel this way besides me ;-)
🤩 so true haha love this comment!
Cornell has a stress culture that is most toxic. They have a high suicide rate among the undergraduate. Make no mistake about it. The killing work load comes in mostly later, in sophomore and junior years.
I am not to belittle anyone that went to one of these, but I visited 6 of the IVYs in high school and I hated my Columbia, Princeton and Yale visits. People seemed so fake there! Eventually I applied to Brown, Penn and Harvard. Getting accepted to the later two; and enrolling into Wharton! When I tell you that was the worst decision of my life is an understatement. I almost committed suicide in my sophomore year there- twice!
All these was few years back! Recently before Rona, I visited Cornell Johnson and Tuck at Dartmouth. The only two places I didn’t visit back then. I wish I applied to these two than the others. Folks in Ithaca were so laid back and nice and seem to emphasis on mental health. I wish I can rewind the time! But definitely not making the same mistake for my MBA next year!
Loving Big Red everyday !
Wow Nathaniel, you have such a powerful story. Thank you for sharing this with us. Congratulations and I wish you the best + many future successes!
@@KatieTracy thank you I just sent my application for Cornell Johnson and hopefully something good happens! Thanks again! It would be awesome to be in Ithaca and avoid the big city for a couple of years! Wish you the best too Katie!
sorry if this is a personal question and you dont have to answer, but was it that the school work was too hard or was it the people around you that were horrible in penn.
@@enochxiao8486 current penn undergrad here, honestly it's both.
@@Ann-pk6qy how are you doing now?
I appreciate Cornell for two reasons:
1. The ‘Cornell notes’ I’ve been taking since elementary school.
2. Their non-scattery, delightful marching band. :>
dude, the college that was able to create something as renowned and a classic part of education like the "Cornell Notes" made that school the summit of the most honorable colleges that existed, and definitely one of the most classical university in the world. going to that school made me idolize it and see it as the representative of education. the birthplace of the Cornell notes! going there would be the greatest honor for me.
Beyond the ridiculousness of classifying a school's "rank" based on an arbitrary acceptance rate (which varies per program - cornell engineering is legit 6%), I think people don't appreciate the powerful historic value that Cornell has which NONE of the other ivies have. Cornell was legitimately developed and founded on the MOST equalitarian principles (ANY person, ANY study) during the Civil War, a fight over whether or not a man could be regarded as property. Cornell is the founding home of the first black fraternity, AND enrolled women ALMOST AN ENTIRE CENTURY before Columbia and other ivies did. This university was a pioneer in genuine equality, and that's something I take a lot of pride in as a Cornellian, and as an underrepresented student. If anything, this makes Cornell possibly one of the most valuable ivy leagues as it truly stands for the disruption of the things that hold humanity back - unlike the other ivies that had to learn to be this way. So to all those who like to be toxic and pretentious over stupid percentages; learn your facts, grow up, and leave high school in the past
aww THANK YOU for sharing this! so powerful and well spoken. I 100% agree and am incredibly proud of Cornell's egalitarian values. That conclusion tho👏🏼👏🏼
a schools rank is only VERY LIGHTLY based on acceptance rate, it's certainly not arbitrary. The ranking of universities is primarily done via the graduate school via academic output such as publications, awards, international reputation, etc. The impact from undergraduates on the ranking can be in the form of outcome -> starting salary, how quickly to find jobs, where did they find jobs, before and after for the students, etc. But the most weight is placed on the output of research.
not attending an ivy league school but a friend from back home (ph) asked me if the university im attending is "legit." pissed me off so much
that sucks to hear :(( especially in the PH having an education is such a blessing already. keep doing you and focusing on your opportunities!😊
I was Associate General Counsel at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. My office was on the sixth floor of the East wing in the Administrator’s suite of offices. After someone on the curatorial staff in the refectory at lunch made the passing question/comment about whether Cornell was in the Ivy League, I just smiled. On my next trip to Ithaca, I made sure to pick up some dairy products with the Cornell cow and various other dairy trademarks on them that could be cleaned, sterilized and proudly displayed in my I. M. Pei designed legal office overlooking the beautiful atrium. As I said, one milk carton and my Cornell education speak for themselves#😎🐻allhailCornell
This video helped me realize why I love Cornell. The students are just as smart as any other Ivy but much more likely to be real people with actual personalities and not just status-obsessed insecure robots.
Im a high schooler and bruh I completely agree with you 😤 My “ friends” think only getting into an IVY is the only purpose of their life and therefore, they are aimlessly trying out every single ECA and are jealous of anyone with more achievements then them :3 I mean there’s nothing wrong with trying out everything but doing things only for the sake of getting into an IVY seems very cliche and toxic.
Trying out every ECA is only gonna hurt them more than it's gonna help them lmao. Colleges want to see what you're actually interested in, oof. This is what this level of competition does to kids, honestly.
My daughter got accepted to Cornell now she is a freshman and first generationat Cornell 2024 and I thank God letting her attend there. Go Big Red 👍
This is so important, I hope every high school student sees this. It's so easy to get caught up in the college application process but school/degree really honestly doesn't matter. It's about your experience and what you do to strengthen yourself and your career outside of school.
Basically, I say that any school that does not make its own ice cream, milk, yogurt, cheese, grow its own apples, have its own cows, is a bogus Ivy school. #gobigred
HAHA we love Cornell dairy😍
Whenever I hear about this kind of stuff, I like to remember a quote from my grandfather: “the easiest part of college is getting into college.” It’s not gonna matter if you got into a top school if you can’t even survive, let alone THRIVE there. Also from what I’ve heard, what you end up doing in college matters a lot more then where you go.
Cornell has the highest ranked engineering program in the Ivy League. We also have the best Reddit page, by far.
Before I came to Cornell I was talking to someone who was also an incoming freshman. They said they wished they had gotten into a “real ivy.” I don’t understand why so many people say this🙄
Aye trust me, it’s a common first year thing HAHA. It’s gotten better in my experience as people started to dive into all the amazing opportunities and grow more secure in themselves :)
Hello again Katie, hope all is well with classes. When I graduated Cornell, Professor Daryl Bem gave a talk at the Phi Beta Kappa ceremony. He called us the most proletariat of the Ivy’s. To this day, that stands out as the single most defining comment of our school. I’m proud that we are the least elite and as a Cornellian, we can relate the most to all people. That is what makes our school so special. Before my daughter went to Cornell, we toured all the east coast schools. So 30 plus years after graduating, I walked the campuses of all these schools back to back. As I walked our beloved Hill, I realized that Cornell was the perfect place for me. And my daughter, Class of 2023, thinks it’s the perfect
School for her. Like you she is doing zoom university as the logistics of going back did not make sense given all that was going on. But we hope to return for the spring. Cornell is as much an Ivy League school as any other as we are 8 schools in an athletic league. But what defines us is our character, our willingness to work hard and follow in the path that God has given us. He gave me and my daughter Cornell and I will forever be thankful. Go Big Red! There is no better college for me and when we all grow up, those in the more “elite” schools will realize it really doesn’t matter. Lastly, it is fact that Leland Stanford modeled Stanford University after Cornell’s education system and many of Stanford’s first faculty including its president David Starr Jordan, were Cornellians.
Aww wow, this comment really moved me. Thank you. You’re right - I am grateful that people I have met at Cornell have been so humble and it is truly a pioneering institution. I especially admire how Cornell admitted the first woman among Ivy League schools, and its motto celebrates learning for anyone from any background. Wishing you and your daughter the best. You are such a wise parent and God bless too! We’ll get through!
Katie Tracy Yes, Cornell should be proud of the fact it admitted women from the beginning. Others like Yale did not do so till 1969. And from Cornell, I was able to matriculate at my first choice Medical School, Johns Hopkins then eventually doing a surgery subspecialty residency at Duke University. But despite the “big names” I went to in the field of medicine, I’ve learned from what Dr. Bem said so many years ago and also what God teaches, be humble and live a life of service. Our intelligence was given to us at birth. We did nothing to earn that other than being born. Our hard work and the way we choose to walk our lives is truly what defines us. I turned down Hopkins and Duke to go to Cornell for undergrad but eventually when the time and place was right, I was where I needed to be.
In Mexico, public colleges are the top and there's so much elitism amongst them it's insane, but we also have the other end of the high profile private schools with the same attitudes, so the ones of us that are on not-so-famous or not-so-expensive schools are sandwiched between them and criticized A LOT. But we have this saying: "the student makes the school", and not the other way around, so when you see the sense of community and even students from your school doing so great (and often better than the other ones) you feel so happy and proud that you totally forget about all that elitism
Aww I love this so much Daniela. I definitely agree and the people + supportive community is what I hope to continue focusing on moving forward❤️Hope you’re doing well!
Omg don’t even get me started about the toxicity and elitism! I hate people who feel the need to diminish Cornell! Literally don’t get the point
Lmao people think Cornell isn’t an Ivy aren’t aware of the success Cornell has and with their amazing programs. There’s a reason why people want to apply to Cornell and not just as an Ivy League school but because of the great programs.
I totally agree and love this! Thank you for your wise words Janice☺️
I consider Cornell to be better than a lot of the other Ivys. When my mother went there in the 1950s she was friends with both Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Thomas Pynchon and Vladimir Nabokov was one of her professors. She couldn't have gotten that experience any other place. Anyway, students should be so busy that they can't worry about any other college other the one they go to. Honestly, it's not so much the college but how you build on your college experience. The CEO of The Walt Disney Corp went to Ithaca College. Who would have thought?
I go to UPenn and no one knows what it is even though I’m from PA. They think it’s Penn State, which is fine, but I wish people knew how hard it is to work at home at Penn sometimes.
Aww my friends at UPenn have talked about that too. Hey girl, you know how hard you worked to get here and what an incredible school it is☺️ Focus on that and I promise the rest will fade in time Katie!!
So many people forget UPenn is an Ivy 😭😭😭
Lol Im going to Penn State and I heard about that.
You are so awesome Katie!!! I am a senior in high school applying to some of the Ivy League schools and you have helped me understand the nuances of the college system. I know this video is 4 years old, but it’s been so cool to watch you grow from a freshman to the person you are today. Thank you so so much 🫶🥹
aww you are so sweet nelly. sending you love and wishing you the best with your college apps!❤️God will lead you to the right one for you!
I’m also an IB student (senior) and I’m applying to Cornell ED this year! I just want to say your videos have been so helpful and inspiring. I’ve seen how competitive and toxic the college application process can be and it is so empowering to see a college student like you secure in their identity and willing to speak about these issues. Thanks Katie!!
Aww thank you so much for sharing this Ellen🥺 YES LOVE seeing other IB students hehe KEEP GOING! You got this❤️
Katie I hope things work out for you, we’re all here for you; you’re honestly such an inspiration. You got this fammmm ❤️
if i get into Cornell
MY dream school
i will not entertain the "fake ivy" s***
Kaustubh Singh Same, I’m applying early decision this year and people have ready started telling me it’s a fake ivy and I’m like it’s programs are amazing and so interesting I just don’t tolerate it
GOOD LUCK YOU GUYS!! And yes, seriously, you all know much more through your actual research. It makes me so happy to hear you look more thoughtfully beyond surface labels!
Man, Cornell is the best. I think it's got the best campus in the Ivy League. It is also my dream school. Good luck for you; I hope to see you there!
Katie you’re so down to earth and humble so I’m sure it will catapult you to success in the the future!
Aww you’re too kind riane.🥺 YOU are so kind and encouraging I’m sure you bring light into your friends’ lives💛
Thank you for making this video!!! For a while I took waaaay too much pride that I was in a Russel Group university (basically a bit like an Ivy League but in the UK I guess??). At the same time I was very bitter for not getting into Oxford. It took me so long to remember that I went to uni not for some prestige but because I actually love learning and I'm interested in academia and my subject. And I hate hate hate judging people based on the uni they go to instead of just realising that going to any ANY university is so amazing.
Julka!! Thank you for sharing your perspective on the UK and being so honest!💛 I 100% relate to your story and how you grew in your thinking. I had a very similar progression HAHA it’s wonderful to hear you’ve felt the same. Hope you’re doing well and I’d love to visit the UK one day.
You’re the goat for making this video, madd supportive
Thank you for your video. It has been many years since I went through the stress of applying to the Ivies and am watching these types of videos to get a sense of what it is like currently for students to help my children when it is their time . Your videos are very helpful.
I went to Cornell for my LL.M. i was accepted into Berkeley, Duke, NYU, Columbia and Cornell. I don't regret my choice one bit, I loved Ithaca, Cornell campus, the people, professors ans activities. It's such a magical place. I wish I could go back.
hi, are you able to tell me which professor in the LLM program that you were really excited to learn from ? and why?
thank you.
When I talk to a student, I don't ask what school they're going to, I ask what they're studying, why they chose that major, and what their dream job is. That's how I know whether I want to keep in touch with them as potential future employees.
Great video! Alumnus here. I don't think it will ever end IMO. When I meet with high school kids interested in going to college it reminded me of high school back long long time ago. I think it's part of the everlasting culture of having an ambition. In a way I enjoy working more with people over the years who aren't super ambitious.
Cornell is an Ivy league college! A class of mine went their for her Master’s degree and a cousin of mine graduated from their with his Bachelor’s degree. It’s as much of an Ivy league as Dartmouth and Yale are.
As someone who is going to apply to basically all the Ivys, this videos was so interesting and honest, thank you Katie!!! :)
I've noticed that once you leave these "established" institutions, you stop caring about university. Be educated, but never attach your identity to college or a college. Ugh. It's so insecure.
UW-Madison ‘25!!! Is wisco the most competitive school? No. Is it still hard to get into? Yes. (Average ACT score is 30) I’ve heard so many ivy-accepted high-school classmates tell me that they’re sorry I didn’t do better. Elitism sucks.
Thank you for bringing this into light, Katie, and sharing your opinions about it because it is something that needs to be brought into awareness and discussed!! I’m very excited to go to Cornell next year (I’m taking a gap year right now) and to have some new and beautiful experiences!! 🤍
Omg that’s wonderful!! Ahh have an amazing gap year! Now’s a great time to take a pause and reflect :’) Hope I see you on campus.
Hey Katie, just recently came across your channel. I've already graduated with my MBA just last year (didn't go to Ivy). I love the truth behind this vid. Yes, it is about LEARNING. As someone who loves to learn as well, life (not just school) is about: learning, growing, and evolving! Trust me, mid-20s is crazy enough and that is another challenge post grad life. One last thing, good luck with your semester!
Thank you so much Denyrl!! I really appreciate your advice and wish you the best!
@@KatieTracy Of course 😊! Thank you. Keep being you, and best wishes as well!
Toxicity is unfortunately prevalent in many communities, and it's refreshing to see content creators like you taking a stand against it. Creating quality content without relying on elitist labels fosters a more inclusive and positive environment for your viewers.
Katie I’m so happy that you’re sharing your realization of your identity, that is so refreshing and your conclusions at the end of the video is so true in many other aspects of life. The most important thing is you are Honest to admit your “identity dependence” in the past - this makes your realization SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL AND CONVINCING to those who never had this “identity dependence” (Many have been there at one point in their lives, but they just haven’t had the courage to admit it like you so Honestly did)......... rarely watched you videos in the past, just casually looking at this video because its brings up so many interesting topics,.. and will definitely watch more!
Gordon!!😭 Thank you for such a beautiful and reassuring comment. It took me time to get here and see my own role in this so THANK YOU so much. It’s so encouraging and I’m excited for the new life lens that awaits!! hope you’re doing well!☺️
I’m doing well thank you
To Katie the hero 🥳🥳🥳🥳
Not me finding this video 3-4 years later. This is very insightful!
i love how open and honest you are about your feelings and experiences!
- i wish i knew
I think this happens in any country who have that ranking of schools/elite school and some students from that school are just toxic. I understand this and thank you for speaking up.
When cornell is one of my dream schools 👁 👄 👁
You should read the comments and see why Cornell is a great school🤩 GOOD LUCK!
@@KatieTracy omg I just saw that you had responded 😭
gosh this is so relatable - I'm talking about the part where you say that people are trying to cover up their insecurities with the school they have chosen
I'm not from the US, but I got into all of the universities I applied to (in my country)
however after high school I ended up going to a local one, and not to a "prestigious" one in a capital of the country (I had my reasons)
everybody thought I was absolutely insane and they kept asking me questions and prying
it's been more than 3 years and I can say that I've made the right choice - I decided what I wanted the trajectory of my education to be, came up with the plan, followed it and benefited greatly. I am on the right path.
I totally agree with your opinion that if you know your worth, you don't need an educational establishment to back it up. I find it absolutely ridiculous when people try to bring you down because they don't consider your place of study good enough. I see it in my country as well. Those who study in the capital judge those who don't. And somehow the wars between top universities still exist and they are even worse.
3:22 preach. This cannot be more true. Having a top college title definitely is a boost, but if you're confident enough in yourself, you'll get yourself wherever you want to go. You wouldn't need to sell the college name to impress people. It just shows how inconfident you are in yourself. There are plenty of people who go to community colleges not because they aren't smart enough but because they don't think they're ready yet or financial reasons; it might take them longer but those determined enough will get there. Shouldn't have to bring down someone else to bring yourself up.
hi katie!! thank you so much for this video 🥺🥺I really felt you on this topic :(( I keep hearing people who attend Cornell bash Cornell and it literally triggers me because the whole world is focused on the name & brand, and it seems like no one really cares about the opportunities YOU yourSELF can create and get by being here. I highly believe that no matter where you go, you have to enjoy your time there first as a student. You're there for education and then the next close step is finding friends & a community that you can be yourself to grow. It has been a tough ride finding the right group of people, but i think i am heading in the right direction, so I am glad to see that there are down to earth real people like you 😭😭I love your content a lot and have been here since foreverrrr !!! I HOPE TO MEET YOU ON CAMPUS AHH !! : ))
aww I could not agree with you more! Seriously, we forget that the power to do anything is within US, not our college title alone. Yes, it enables us to get opportunities but WE have to take that step instead of sulk and wish to be spoon-fed. Trust me, the friend group thing is a constant college struggle everyone faces, and I am too am still navigating this, but it's been an amazing process getting to meet great people along the way. :) I HOPE TO MEET YOU TOO AND BEST OF LUCK THIS YEAR!!❤️ YES, KEEP YOUR OPEN MINDSET and I'm SURE you're going on the right direction!
I remember when I got into Brown for grad school my girlfriend at the time literally said “It is not Harvard.”
Okay go you, Katie!! I went through a similar sort of epiphany when I was in high school when I realized I was pursuing the IB Program for all the wrong reasons. I love how you said to identify yourself not as a student at ______ school, but as a "student." Education has unfortunately been twisted so wrongly in the world of college applications when all it should be is a personal path full of curiosity and growth; and it could look like a college degree, an experiential gap year, or a part-time job. Each and every person's educational path is unique and I, like you, hope that more people come to realize we can't keep up with these harmful "tiers". Awesome video Katie and thank you for saying what needed to be said!
AMEN!!🙏🏼❤️ Thank you for sharing this! I 100% agree that education is an experience that looks unique to everybody, and I hope we can celebrate that shared love to grow + learn + recognize ANY access to education is a great privilege and opportunity. Hope you’re doing well!☺️
(A&S 82) - Don't let their issue become yours. Anyone crapping on this reveals who they are and says nothing more. You are amazing.
Toxicity goes beyond the Ivies . That’s just a prep of what you’ll be experiencing in the political corporate world .
What you're feeling is just kind of phase of time you're in. After you graduate, the whole what school you're from changes. At that point it's all about you, yr character, personally, skills etc. People will stereotype but if you have the intention to prove them wrong, they will drop all judgement and see who you are. Hopefully that was helpful.
This is so reassuring to hear! Thank you for your advice Juhyung! I've spoken to some friends who've graduated and they feel the same way. I'm very excited for the post-grad life that awaits. Hope you're doing well too :)
finally someone said it, life isn't just about college/admission, I was so stressed during the admission process and was so consumed. And by the way, despite everything you said, I just wanna say i don't care whether you're an ivy league student or not, you're a huge inspiration to me nevertheless
I think it’s weird how kids at my school got into Ivy League schools but chose not to go to school cause they wanted a year off
Also, some state schools rank higher than the ivies. So, it is kind of stupid to look down on someone for not going to an "elite" school.
upenn has the best business school in the whole world wth :((
To me this toxicity devalues all the efforts and energy that kids put into application process,it’s insane stress and getting into Harvard is a Huge accomplishment as much as getting into Cornell,Penn.Besides Ivies there are so many other prestigious and really amazing schools in USA
Yess!!! This was such an amazing video! ❤️
this is a weird fun fact but in the Philippines, Cornell has HELLA clout because UP does so much agricultural research, so they employ a lot of people who did grad school at Cornell!
real talk tho: I think that the best part of going to a rural school is knowing that the surrounding communities already understand the role of the university in the local area, so you don't really feel like upholding the elitism. There's no one to project your elitism onto, and it's great because it causes people to grow out of that mindset, imo, because now you're forced to reckon with the idea that you're just a student around other students that also got into the same university that you did.
omg YES JOSH!!!👏🏼 I totally agree and ahh that's such a cool fact. Thanks for sharing! Hope you’re doing well! Visit again soon(ish)😫
I’m so grateful that no one is this toxic in Australia (from everyone I know that is haha) everyone is supportive of their friends and just wants them to achieve their dreams 💜
every korean student's dream is cornell university
appa and omma would be proud of u get into cornell as a korean
Can’t believe someone named sanyu tumusiimisimiya could be a korean calling their parents appa and omma
@@Sanyu-Tumusiime 어....그 그래..
Please, I have two Ivy-League degrees, an Oxbridge degree, and working on another. Cornell is second to none. Which is why it is ranked internationally from about 10 to 20, among some tens of thousands of universities in the world. And it should be ranked within the top ten, as international rankings are skewed toward science and tech unis (like ETH, MIT, Imperial and Caltech) as opposed to large liberal arts and science unis that offer excellence from A to Z. There's something special about Cornell, the mother of Stanford. The inspiration, perhaps, for MIT. The mother of unis in the later, industrial era, of America. Indeed, the first, true American university.
PS. USNWR isn’t only one doing rankings, check out the Wall Street Journal’s college rankings. Cornell is in top ten and only Harvard, Yale, Brown and Princeton ahead of us for Ivy League schools.
USNWR - U.S. National Wildlife Refuge? OK. So, how does Cornell compare with Aransas?
For the longest time I was very insecure about where I was hoping to go to school. It’s taken such a long time for me to realize that it doesn’t necessarily matter where you go ( at least to the extent that I was making it)❤️❤️
I used to want to go to an Ivy, now I’m a senior hoping to go to a university in the UK lol :)
Yes Claire!!👏🏼👏🏼 So proud of how early you realized this. You’re so brave! Best of luck with UK uni apps☺️
My sister's freshman year roommate at the University of Chicago turned Harvard down for UC because Harvard's acceptance letter opened with "Dear Minority Student". UC's letter started with "Dear Cathy". Couple years later, after a very impressive undergrad career, when she was deciding where to go for her masters', Harvard tried recruiting her, and she told them basically that Harvard was rather weak in her chosen field, and suggested that they really need to get a lid on their institutional conceit.
Guys there’s reasons the schools are listed as IVY LEAGUE. If they Didn’t have any reason, why would they be in the Ivy League?
Thanks you so much for this!! I am so proud to be apart of the Big Red Family despite how hard the world makes it. I am a first generation college student in arts and sciences and for as long as I have been fortunate enough to call myself a Cornellian, I have heard from people around me how it’s not really all that impressive to be at a “fake ivy.” My college application was an absolutely underwhelming document. I had been waitlisted and rejected outright to almost every liberal arts college and research university I applied to. But Cornell wanted me for me. Not for what my less than ideal test scores said I was. I wouldn’t have gotten in if it weren’t for countless people who helped me do something many people from my community never accomplish. It didn’t bother my pride when people said I was at a fake ivy but it certainly felt like an insult to all the sacrifices so many people made to help me succeed and get to where I am. Cornell may not seem like the top of the ladder for many privileged communities, but for me it is all I have ever dreamt of. I just again want to say thanks Katie for sticking up for people who are proud to be where they are, no matter how much others tell them they still aren’t good enough!
THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. And so real. Thank you for sharing your story Peter and I’m so happy to hear it worked out for you! You’re right - it is an incredible opportunity to be here and when we focus on that, we grow the most + have the best time :)
I never understood when ppl said that Cornell is a fake Ivy. It's literally on the 8 Ivy League list lol
You're inspiring! So mature🖤🦋
question? why are ppl so obsessed with their colleges/uni? I find it weird esp cuz it’s just 4 is it really that deep that you go to an Ivy league or the top school in ur state ? 😅 I just don’t quite understand the culture around it honestly
Look, I went to a state university but during college I worked for Disney. The year after I left them and graduated I didn't have to say much of anything at job interviews. I chose one of two offers from two subsidiaries with the same parent company. It was kind of surreal and I was thinking is this what it would be like to have gone to a good university. However, your college record should be relevant throughout your career. An individual job's relevance fades so if you are going to go use that to get ahead you have to have a resume full of prestigious companies.
This hit way too close to home. I'm going to an LAC (currently on a gap year), but I grew up in the same type of super competitive, toxic high school (and middle and even elementary school ) environment you described. I, too, am working on unlearning what I've learned from these environments.
Aww I could not have described this better - unlearning the toxic environment. Thank you for sharing Sophia❤️Best of luck on your gap year!
You seem like a really smart, grounded young woman. You're going to go far in life.
It couldn't have been Dartmouth students that said this, they are too well adjusted. It would be awesome if Cornell just said "bye" to the Ivy League one day and joined the conference that Duke is in and still have the same high rankings on the popular college ranking lists.
They aren't good enough in sports, maybe Duke should join the Ivy League haha
All I can say that this is very true. I haven't stepped on my campus yet, however, I have been bombarded with toxicity (and also have been a part of the toxicity) throughout the college process and within the group chat that upperclassmen had set up for us. This is a very well made video and I applaud you to come out and warn me and many other people to not fall down the toxic hole and I really appreciate it. :)
What is the long term goal of going to Ivy League schools? Grads say they can do whatever they want but one third consistently go to Wall Street or consulting. Not bad jobs necessarilly but I doubt that many really wanted to do it.
don’t listen to them queen cornell is awesome!!! i do not go there lmao but i have a friend who does and they love it (: i’m so proud of all of their success and proud of yours too 💗
I like Princeton, Penn Stanford and Cornell because those four universities are very academic.
I'm not in a position to know for sure, but some of the reports I've been getting give a different picture of an Ivy League education today. They were saying that on the radio the average grade point at Harvard is a 4.0. This girl presents herself well, though, and she seems motivated. She seems like the type destined for great success, as far as I know.
this admissions cycle i was deferred from cornell ed, but received a likely letter two days ago and plan to attend. after doing so much and wanting to go to this school for so long, it kinda sucks that some people don’t recognize the academic caliber of cornell students. oh well, i’m not going there for them. Go Big Red!!
Hi katie! I will be applying to the class of 2023 in Dyson. Saw some stuff online and was having second doubts so THANK YOU for this video💞💞
As a upcoming freshman this helped me. Thank u! ❣️
YES KATIE! this is so true and needed to be said!!
Also, once you get into a school like that, then it’s elitism and exclusivity in clubs and greek life (at some of the schools) and job recruiting and the competition never really stops!
LOL YUP. Exactly.
Seeming from an outside perspective. Isn't all of this just branding?
'86 Cornell grad here - Most people "in the know" realize that although Cornell may be the least selective of the Ivy's, it, and arguably Penn, generate the hardest working, most resourceful, and least entitled employees of the "Ancient Eight"...
Interesting. I went to an Ivy for grad school. I didn"t even think about going to an Ivy for undergrad. My grad school experience was good. I only had a minor problem with one person in the admin but it was sorted out fairly quick. Just a class registration issue. For the most part the class mates were great. Maybe only one bossy, disrespectful person to deal with in group work but I think you can encounter these types in every universoty.
You know what, I am VERY VERY PROUD of you. I don't even know you personally but as a Filipino who also wants to attend an Ivy league, I believe that you have gone so far. You are an amazing person; that I'm sure of. It doesn't matter what the system is, or what others deem of you. What matters is that you have gone so far into achieving your dreams. I am happy for you and you serve as an amazing inspiration for me. I hope that one day I can also be like you. I hope you notice this because you deserve all the compliments.
Ryan you are so kind😭😭 thank you so much for this thoughtful message. I’m so proud to hear you’re also a Filipino with big dreams and I wish you the BEST. Go get it!!❤️
I don’t know why everyone rushes to go 100k plus in debt at the Ivies . Unless if your pursuing a career in something specific that requires a degree, you might aswell not bother
why do people considered Cornell a fake ivy?
No wonder they all dropout! Lol
The only thing that matters is you're happy and growing with where you're at in college! Lol if your identity is your "college", you'll be a lost soul after you graduate.
Facts LOL I’m glad I’ve stepped out of it :’) thank you!!
This was ao refreshing, thank you. :)
I've been watching you since the eleventh grade and now I go to Cornell and I am on campus! I think that it is ridiculous how people see Cornell as a fake ivy simply because we have the highest acceptance rate and some state components. First of all, our STEM is probably THE best, or at the very least comparable to Brown and Harvard. I have heard from Princeton professors (btw I chose Cornell over PRINCETON) that if you want to do real engineering, you go to Cornell. Second, and what I am experiencing right now, this curriculum and competition is next level. Other ivies have smaller classes while many of our most common classes have 300-400 student lectures, like the CS and pre-med classes. Third, I think that Cornell's admissions worry less about extraordinary ECs and more about having a student body that will become competent and top of the line doctors, engineers, and other professionals. Due to that, I think we have more people that are "academic" focused that simply trying to have the most international awards (although I see people multitask that).
Also someone might ask why I chose Cornell over Princeton. My family REALLY wanted me to go to Princeton, and low-key framed my last two years in HS to get in. But I have always wanted to go to Cornell, because of these AMAZING programs, scenery, large student body (I have always wanted to go to a large school), and because of the options. At first I regretted it because a lot of people in my school were like "omg Agartha we thought you'd go to Harvard but you're going to Cornell? Where even is that??". But then I realized that all of those people were ignorant and really stupid because they're jealous that they couldn't even get into a T100 (most of their SATs were
Aww Agartha this was so powerful and I'm SO PROUD of how you followed your heart (and mind) to end up where you want to be. You seem to be really strong and know exactly the path that's best given your goals, and I just encourage you to keep going because Cornell will toughen you! And your open mindset will take you far. :) Congrats and thank you for your continued support❤️ Hope we meet on campus one day.
Having grown up in Palo Alto, living in Saratoga and being surrounded by this crap my whole life, I concur. These snobs are so bad that they don’t even realize how snobby they are. I guess having the right (and of course only one possible if you are intelligent) political opinions makes it OK to be a snob and toxic.
Are you going to join Here Comes Treble? 👀
I am really having a hard time choosing Universities some are saying don't go to Ivy League colleges and some are saying go. Can anyone please give some suggestions?
There is no harm in attending an Ivy League school ( or Stanford, or the “little Ivies” such as Amherst , Williams , etc) but the academic jump from public high school to elite Ivy can be daunting. On the flip side, your career wont end if you attend Penn State , U of Illinois , etc as long as the school has a strong department in your area of interest.
Is Cornell good college for astrophysics?
Yes!! They have an amazing program. You should research more about it. :)
Look up Steven Squyres, he was “only” an Assistant Professor when I was there. And then let’s add others like Carl Sagan, Freeman Dyson, Richard Feynman and Hans Bethe to that long list of those associated with Cornell over the years. Professor Squyres was the principle investigator of the Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity. So yes, you will be trained well.
As someone who got rejected from all ivys that I applied to, I really envy ivy students. I never get to carry that “name” ever. I never get to experience being a student of *insert ivy name”. Although Cornell has the highest acceptance rate of all ivy, it’s still hard to get in. It’s still a privilege and opportunity that a lot of people wish that they could’ve gotten. If you go to Cornell and other ivy students belittle you, remember there are always people out there who admires you and respect your hard work or intelligence like I do. I’m sorry this might sound like a loser’s whining but I really wish that I could be Cornell student if I had a chance. If I had a high GPA and high SAT score and if I had interesting EC activities that sets me apart I’d love to be part of that ivy prestige. I don’t care if I get into harvard or Yale or whatever, I wanted to be part of the Ivy League. Unfortunately English is my second language and I had (still have) difficult times writing essays and papers in a coherent manner. That affected my grade a lot. It’s really frustrating for me that how GPA is heavily based on writing. I’m not even trying to publish anything why do I have to write in a certain way, why do I get points deducted for writing in a different style than teacher’s preference? It’s not that I’m grammatically incorrect because I studied grammar intensely and I believe I have better knowledge of English grammar compared to those who speaks English as their first language. It’s just so unfair. Sometimes the fact that I’m not in a “highly competitive” university makes me feel like I’m less intelligent which sucks because I know I’m not stupid. I sometimes know stuffs more than a harvard student does. I believed I deserved a spot in those prestige colleges but I didn’t get any. It still makes me depressed
Read about Michael Faraday, William Hershell, the Wright Brothers, Srinivas Ramanujan, and Benjamin Franklin. Many of these never had a formal education. The Ivies are more about class signalling than what you can actually do. It's what you actually do that really matters in this life. So what if you don't have the Ivy signalling on your resume? You are not a failure. Work on something you can be proud of; you'll be alright. Find something you care about -- learn your craft and master it. Out of date textbooks on fundamental subjects aren't particularly expensive. Never stop learning. If you do this; it won't be long before your knowledge exceeds anything that four years at an Ivy would provide.
You don’t have to go to an Ivy to be successful. Truthfully, the education you receive at an Ivy League school is the same at any university in America, and while having a certain “prestige” next to your name may help when applying for jobs, it won’t matter if you don’t have the skills for said job in the first place. This is especially the case when it comes to STEM degrees. Jobs and employers care more about skills and less about university recognition.
Honestly, just go wherever you WANT to go and wherever you think will make you the HAPPIEST. Don’t go to a college that will make you miserable every second you are there just because it looks good on a resume.
I go to a private, online nationally accredited college and the college gets a ton of bashing and trash talking because it isn’t regionally accredited, and they feel regional accreditation is far superior than national accreditation. So I understand what you’re experiencing.
This comment!!🙏🏼 I’m sorry to hear the trashing - they’re likely just insecure. I’ve been thinking about how quality-wise, an online school curriculum can be delivered just as well (at a MUCH lower price) and it’s opened my eyes to how much brand labels really factor into the perception of a “quality” education...
Katie Tracy my out of state online college is actually cheaper than an in-state 4 year Division I University for me and no student loan debt. We pay a monthly tuition payment based on what we can afford (the school does have a minimum amount) but they offer a family and friend $100 off referral option and they offer a one time scholarship for a free semester (it’s a one time to allow other students to get a chance to win it) per semester and it’s all inclusive tuition all fees and textbooks are included in the tuition price. And we have a far superior curriculum since it’s college controlled rather than government controlled....I went to a division I and II state universities and a community college and I’m learning way more advanced stuff at the 100-200 level classes than I did at the public state colleges. The curriculum is in between Honors and Ivy League. My college has been called everything from a non-accredited college to a “scam” simply because it’s not regionally accredited and students had too high of an expectation....they wanted a regionally accredited college experience at a nationally accredited college tuition price tag.