Cultured Conversations with Guo Pei

  • Опубліковано 3 січ 2025
  • In this episode of Cultured Conversations, we’re very privileged to speak with renowned Chinese Designer, Guo Pei. The episode is available in both Mandarin and English. A sought-after designer for royalty, film stars and celebrities, Guo Pei’s Yellow Queen gown worn by Rihanna to the 2015 Met Gala is showcased in the exclusive exhibition 'Guo Pei: Fashion, Art, Fantasy 郭培 :时装之幻梦' at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki.
    In this interview we explore Guo Pei’s career, and talk through how she has drawn on her own personal experiences, plus themes from nature, mythology, and European and Asian clothing traditions to inform her work. She offers insight into her creative process and explains how she incorporates extraordinary fabrics and bejewelled embroidery to create wearable works of art. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear insights directly from the artist herself, as told to Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki Director, Kirsten Lacy.
    Watch now.
    在本期配有中、英双语字幕的《Cultured Conversations》节目中,我们有幸与来自中国的著名高定设计师郭培对话。郭培作为在皇室成员、电影明星和社会名流中炙手可热的设计师,创作了蕾哈娜在2015年大都会艺术博物馆庆典中所穿的《黄皇后礼服》。这件作品正在奥克美术馆的独家展览《Guo Pei: Fashion, Art, Fantasy 郭培:时装之幻梦》中展出。
    我们将在节目中探索郭培的创业历程,讨论她的作品如何从个人经历、山川草木、神话传说以及欧亚着装传统中撷取灵感。郭培更会与我们分享自己的创意工序,解答她如何将不同寻常的面料与流光溢彩的刺绣结合,制作出可穿的艺术品。不要错过这绝无仅有的良机,在郭培与奥克兰美术馆馆长Kirsten Lacy的交流中,听她向您敞开心扉。