Updates: 1. The CD drive actually works, including booting and ejecting! I was surprised. 2. The PRAM battery was installed backwards, so the clock doesn't keep working after a replug. Oh well, this computer has WiFi so I can just use network time. 3. I installed Mac OS X Sorbet Leopard along with a bunch of applications. My next video will be producing an entire video on this Mac Mini.
I genuinely remember my Dad (whom was an Apple store empoliee at the time) being stupidly excited about these. For the longest time PPC machines were just huge PowerMacs that sat on the floor and took up half of your leg room. Such a shame this miniaturised technology was only possible as late as 2005 as if this was a G3 machine it would of been absoutley revolutionary. Of course, there was the G4 cube but the preformance was abysmal. Partly the reason why none brought them.
Even though you installed the SSD with its own OS, if you want to access the original drive and and the owners account, you can change the owner's PW by booting the OS Install CD (Should be OSX 10.4 Tiger) and go through the first steps of installing the OS until you get the Apple Menu Bar and from the menu bar access "Accounts", select the owner's account and change the password on the account.
I actually did go and change the owner's password but cut it out of the video. There was nothing there anyways as all their data was deleted, and I wiped the drive almost immediately after I removed it.
*Im here 6 months later because i found one of these with a MightyMouse at a flea market and it works minus low ram and a dead PRAM battery but it’s running OSX Tiger and once my ram upgrade arrives im gonna install leopard and explore old mac os since i grew up with windows lol*
@@DistrosProjects so, basicaly, that's a museum exhibition.. I was thinking of retrofitting its enclosure, turning the whole thing into a regulated power supply or a desk lamp stand...
No kidding! All Apple products are white (who do they think they are, the good guys? We know damn well that HP IS the bad guy out there, just invest in one of their printers any you will learn about the big F U when it comes to parts for repair or any help. Keep your driver disks, you will need them, their on line drivers are sh!t.
if you want to open a G4 mac mini without causing any physical damage to the case then you case use a bunch of pins/sewing needles to open the case, i find its easier then the putty knife method.. ymmv
1. The CD drive actually works, including booting and ejecting! I was surprised.
2. The PRAM battery was installed backwards, so the clock doesn't keep working after a replug. Oh well, this computer has WiFi so I can just use network time.
3. I installed Mac OS X Sorbet Leopard along with a bunch of applications. My next video will be producing an entire video on this Mac Mini.
Looking forward to 3
I genuinely remember my Dad (whom was an Apple store empoliee at the time) being stupidly excited about these. For the longest time PPC machines were just huge PowerMacs that sat on the floor and took up half of your leg room. Such a shame this miniaturised technology was only possible as late as 2005 as if this was a G3 machine it would of been absoutley revolutionary. Of course, there was the G4 cube but the preformance was abysmal. Partly the reason why none brought them.
8:51 Nice to see my name in the video man ;) i appreciate that :p
Even though you installed the SSD with its own OS, if you want to access the original drive and and the owners account, you can change the owner's PW by booting the OS Install CD (Should be OSX 10.4 Tiger) and go through the first steps of installing the OS until you get the Apple Menu Bar and from the menu bar access "Accounts", select the owner's account and change the password on the account.
I actually did go and change the owner's password but cut it out of the video. There was nothing there anyways as all their data was deleted, and I wiped the drive almost immediately after I removed it.
*Im here 6 months later because i found one of these with a MightyMouse at a flea market and it works minus low ram and a dead PRAM battery but it’s running OSX Tiger and once my ram upgrade arrives im gonna install leopard and explore old mac os since i grew up with windows lol*
Macbooks from that era: Am I a joke to you
Question: Can you replace the DVD Drive with a second SSD Drive? - And get Raid Zero going?
Yes, but you can’t install an OS without FireWire or a CD.
@@DistrosProjects Thanks! - I've got an external Firewire & USB "super drive", so I was looking the mini to a OS9 classic games server.
Those Mac minis are no fun to take apart nice upgrade
This is what I need thanks! 👍
Just found your channel - Excellent Content. Another subscriber for you sir!
16:15 after you stated that you were going to buy an Android after your iPhone dies, that was really badass.😎
Geekbench GPU test score please?
Nice video - do you have a link to where u bought the SSD and the adapter?
You can find mSATA SSDs and IDE to mSATA adapters on any website that sells electronics (like Amazon).
is the computer even really _yours_ if it isn't missing 6 or 7 screws?
13:52 Yes, Thats how Y2K happened
Nice video, how much money was too much money? 💵 Looking to upgrade and use Morphos on my machine soon. :)
any viable linux distro for this g4?
Not really, Debian sid can run but poorly. Ubuntu is a no go and most others are either outdated or unmaintained.
@@DistrosProjects so, basicaly, that's a museum exhibition.. I was thinking of retrofitting its enclosure, turning the whole thing into a regulated power supply or a desk lamp stand...
Ah yes the period accurate black Apple HP mouse
No kidding! All Apple products are white (who do they think they are, the good guys? We know damn well that HP IS the bad guy out there, just invest in one of their printers any you will learn about the big F U when it comes to parts for repair or any help. Keep your driver disks, you will need them, their on line drivers are sh!t.
if you want to open a G4 mac mini without causing any physical damage to the case then you case use a bunch of pins/sewing needles to open the case, i find its easier then the putty knife method.. ymmv
interesting, will do if i ever have to open one of these again
So you max out the mac mini. To bad it is still slow as hell. :D