Eritrean Interview About Hashashi Bahli Dina Hizna - Eritrea TV

  • Опубліковано 26 бер 2016
  • - Eritrean Interview About Hashashi Bahli Dina Hizna - Eritrea TV.


  • @tesfomtekleab1120
    @tesfomtekleab1120 3 роки тому

    Wawwwwwwwwwwwwww nay bhaki Eritreawnet lbona Ade tiwled Eritreawi ybzaha.🇪🇷❤✍🏿

  • @yonasafowerky519
    @yonasafowerky519 8 років тому +5

    It very sad that TV wast time on this topic. THere are so many other important issues that discus. How Can you say that eritrea's are spenders while they have any 500 NAkfa. Are you trying to control every one life as communist cuba.
    Let every one lead his or own life. Please don't try to tell people not to do wedding that is their culture , After all spending help the local economy. All Shekato or sellers Such as Taff, Shgurty Onion, Komeder Tomato , so many other loca products do benefit from Wedding and Teskare, Temket, Memerkta . So telling people not to spend their money on wedding and Tekare is like a boycotting the locale suppliers and sellers from selling their products . After all way is the government spending so much money every year on all kind Festivales. It is the government who need to spend that money on increasing salers not festivales

  • @dijeikefali9739
    @dijeikefali9739 5 років тому +4

    ህዝብና ሓሻሺ እዩ 100% ግድን እኮ ውድድር ክህሉ ኣለዎ ምስ ጎሮቤቱ ወይ ምስ ኣብ ሩሑቅ ዘሎ ሃገራት ስለዚ ህዝብና ሓሻሺ'ዩ። ንኣብነት ድኻ ክንሱ ብዝሒ ገንዘብ ኣውጺኡ መርዓ ይገብር:ወርቂ ይገዝእ :ክዳን ይገዝእ: ኣብ ደገ ንርኣዩ ብሓጺሩ ደሞዙ ውሕዳት ክንሰን ልዕሊ ዓቅሙ ክዳውንቲ ክገዝእ ክሰቲ ገዝኡ ገዲፊ ኣብ ቤት መግቢ ዝምገብ ይበዝሕ። ጻዓዱ እንተ ሪኢናዩ ሓንቲ ሳንቲም ክዕቅብ ትሪኢ ኣብ secend hand ክዳን ክገዝእ ትሪእዮ :መስተ ብመደብ ክሰትዩ ከለው ኤሪትራዊ ግን ማዓልታዊ ሰትዩ ከማን ኣይ ጸግብን ካልእ ካብቲ ካልእ ሓውኻ ኤሪትራዊ ርእስኻ ዘየማዕበልካ ብኽዳን ወይ ብንብረት ናይ ገዛ ልዕሊኡ ክትመስል ካብ ዘይ ብልካ ዘይትኣደነ ገንዘብ ከውጽእ ትሪኦ
    በቲ ኢልካ በቲ ሓሸሽቲ ኢና።ክግበር ዘለዎ ግን ሕሙም ባህሊ'ዶ ክንብሎ ባህሪ ክጠፍእ ኣለዎ ንሱ ምስ ጠፍኤ ሰብ ክማሓየሽ ይኽእል ይኸውን ኣይኮነን ኣብ ኤሪትራ ኮፍ ኢልካ ነየናይ ህዝቢ ሪኢኻ ኢኻ እሞ ክትፈርድ

  • @tesfitredae7775
    @tesfitredae7775 8 років тому +1

    natey rieito hzbi artra hashashi aykonen ekadea nxbehey bhalay nay srah odlat entetzkfetelu hlfi sebu xeblel mbele aymteseden kea

  • @hadasyohanneskafela8939
    @hadasyohanneskafela8939 4 роки тому

    Tanika Anatzu fetshu!

  • @hadasyohanneskafela9574
    @hadasyohanneskafela9574 5 років тому

    Aytemuti Tekhea Araya

  • @efermnetserab1097
    @efermnetserab1097 7 років тому


  • @berheweldemichael1048
    @berheweldemichael1048 5 років тому

    Alem kale tbl nsukum ka ezuy ktzarebus eway hiwet

  • @robiro669
    @robiro669 7 років тому +2

    entay mis habkum ekum

  • @BtctoMoon101
    @BtctoMoon101 8 років тому

    Ah it's very tragedy... we as a people to pass through all this hardship and mysery after all those patriotic paid their life... it's really unfortunate.

  • @mnbaraydgemneyu8809
    @mnbaraydgemneyu8809 8 років тому

    Hasewti ab Eritrea msel nay mzrab alena dikum ktblu hgdefs ajokum deki eri keribna enya eta gize

  • @habtehanbir282
    @habtehanbir282 8 років тому

    abey ms rekebe eyu dhshesh hasewti

  • @tsigereda-rose5534
    @tsigereda-rose5534 11 місяців тому

    እዚ መደብ ክቅጽል አለዎ።

  • @Matigebarmati
    @Matigebarmati 7 років тому


  • @fornaioalemkeren8974
    @fornaioalemkeren8974 7 років тому +1

    ab iropa.zelu eretrauian.bzu.genzeb.ietfu.ula.ane

  • @niyalageregere9092
    @niyalageregere9092 5 років тому

    Ab adna edaga yelen

  • @biriktihaile5499
    @biriktihaile5499 4 роки тому

    ወዲ ግርማይ ጽቡቕ ኣገላልጻ

  • @yonitesfa9629
    @yonitesfa9629 6 років тому +1

    Abey terkibu eu zehshsh

  • @amansrnay7465
    @amansrnay7465 6 років тому

    Abey terekbu eyu zhshesh wedey hizbi bitmet ketilkumo zelekum

  • @seltenemesfn486
    @seltenemesfn486 7 років тому

    abyet demokrati

  • @mnbaraydgemneyu8809
    @mnbaraydgemneyu8809 8 років тому

    Rayu belu degefti hgdef hzbi Eritrea kemey alewu

  • @wedimusgun9927
    @wedimusgun9927 7 років тому


  • @yasinammuwwoddisharmutha3395
    @yasinammuwwoddisharmutha3395 8 років тому +1

    asaiyas weshima ike

  • @sebetayzeybele8527
    @sebetayzeybele8527 7 років тому

    deki higdefe

  • @yasinammuwwoddisharmutha3395
    @yasinammuwwoddisharmutha3395 8 років тому

    at hasawi donkey Christan

    • @love-yn2uq
      @love-yn2uq 7 років тому

      Yasin Ammu wwoddi sharmutha donkoro drbay sik zeytbl k kondaf

  • @seltenemesfn486
    @seltenemesfn486 7 років тому

    abyet demokrati