1947 we cannot live with hindus 1953 we cannot live with ahmedis 1971 we cannot live with Bengalis 1980s we cannot live with shia 1990s we cannot live with muhajirs 2000s we cannot live with pashtoons 2020s labbek sabke sar tan se juda
The fact that your head has remained safely attached to your torso till this date, fills my heart with hope that a small percentage of Pakistanis can still raise their voice against the injustice done to an individual or a community. Good luck and a long life is wished to you .
My neighbors where ahmedi. Good people, kept their beliefs to themselves and were just trying to live their lives. I still remember how we were told to never even drink water from their house.Growing up i had to unlearn so much. Hate has been ingrained in our society and I don’t see it changing in the near future. Pakistan needs a reboot
@@karndeosingh9689 Jinnah didn't have shit to do with it . I know you guys think you know everything abt pakistan sitting across the border but this shit is more complicated than that. Short answer: Kali Vigo
مجھے ایک بات سمجھ میں نہیں اتی کہ پروگرام اردو کا ہوتا ھے اور ایک جملے میں لازم دس الفاظ انگریزی کے ہوتے ھیں ہم جیسے عام لوگ کچھ سمجھ نہیں پاتے یہ کیوں،،،؟
We are the same people who are first to condemn the violence against muslims in India and we are the once treating our minorities in the same exact way.
Same way how ....your lot worse ....you can condemn violence in India and you should....if your comparing India's treatment with minority with Pakistan I think it's a delusion by you...
@@SabyasachiSahoo-ov7kdsuse even after Bangladeshi hindu gen0cide our muslims are still safe, one of my friend didnt want to hire a Muslim plumber, i said let him do this dirry woork for you, he agreed
Number didn't lie check them number and see the result of situation and treatment 2nd making noise doesn't means noise maker is percecuted it means noise makers are privilege to make noise against majority real percecuted people can't make noise against majority can't even cry
I live in bihar , India and my neighbours are Ahmediyas and Sunnis but one thing I find most differentiating between both is that Sunnis are very aggressive, like to flaunt their belief . They always block roads for Namaz even they don't allow Ambulance to pass while Ahmediyas are very peaceful , fun loving , don't block roads , they keep their beleifs to themselves and follow the laws . I have friends from both community and I often put these points to them and both of them agrees with me .
Ahmadis were originally the most anti-Hindu sect of Muslims. They were in the forefront of the demand for Pakistan and not Sunnis of Deoband. Otherwise they are as fanatic and stupid as are Sunnis. But because of the fierce opposition of Sunnis on the point of khatm-e-Naboowat, they are on the defensive and appear peaceful. Relatively speaking at least in India, Shias tend to be more reasonable and peaceful amongst Muslims.
Sunnis have superiority complex. In India mostly Shias, Ahmedias, Bohras vote for BJP because they are assured they won’t be harmed by Sunnis or else will be strictly punished. Muharram procession in UP used to be very violent or sometimes stopped by the state till Yogi came to power.
@@apurvabhide2860 you’ll see Bohra community people welcoming Modi when he goes on international trips.. check his Egypt trip pics. In Gujarat too, merchant bohras support him
I was very vocal during my early days of university. The fundamentalists abducted me and did what they are best at. Still, i used to promote peace, secularism, equality and feminism. Guess what? They started blackmailing me regarding my family. Literally, i am in delusion is mulq m ruka jaye ya bahr jaya jaye halanke I say to everyone k we the youth can only bring change. But how can we bring change if we are not even alive, right?
I see humor ( disguised as humor) in your talk. You are maturing every day. I wish there were 100 Pakistanis like you. That is enough to bring a change in the way people think.
@@ThePakistanExperience نوازشریف جیسا شخص جو نہ ایکٹر بن سکا، نہ کرکٹر بن سکا نہ گلوکار بن سکا، نہ کاروبار چلا سکا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ اور نہ ہی سیاست کرسکا۔۔۔۔۔۔ وہ اپنے ہی حلقے * گوالمنڈی لاہور سے 1979 میں بلدیانی الیکشن ہار گیا ۔۔۔۔۔۔ اور جو شخص ایک عام سا یونین کونسل کا الیکشن نہ جیت سکا۔ * وہ بغیر الیکشن لڑے 1982 میں پنجاب کا وزیرخزانہ کیسے بن گیا؟ ------------ کیا یہ سلیکشن نہیں تھی تو اور کیا تھا؟ * پھر 1985 میں بغیر الیکشن لڑے وزیراعلی کیسے بن گیا؟ ----------- کیا یہ سلیکشن نہیں تھی تو اور کیا تھا؟ * اور پھر 1990 میں آئی۔ایس۔آئی سے 35-35 لاکھ روپے لیکر آئی۔جے۔آئی بنوا کر اس کو کیسے وزیراعظم بنایا گیا ----------- کیا یہ سلیکشن نہیں تھی تو اور کیا تھا؟ کیا اس سے بڑی "سلیکشن " کی مثال اور تاریخ پاکستان میں کوئی اور تھی، یا ہے یا ہوسکتی ہے یا ہوگی؟؟؟؟؟ اس سے بڑا، بُرا اور ناکام ترین پراجیکٹ پاکستان کی تاریخ میں نہ کبھی تھا ----- نہ ہے ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ نہ ہوسکتا ہے۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ اور نہ ہی ہوگا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ جو پاکستان کی تاریخ کی کتابوں میں پڑھایا جائے گا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ اور مستقبل قریب میں یہ پٗرانے پکوڑے بکِنے والی اخباروں میں ہی اس کا زکر ملا کریگا۔۔۔۔! آئینہ جب بھی اُٹھایا کرو۔ پہلے دیکھا کرو پھر دکھایا کرو۔۔۔۔
I won't comment because I also like my head attached to the rest of me. In Pakistan, the only safe topics of conversation left are new lawn collections and the restaurants you like.
I was having coffee in a cafe with a friend, laughing, having a good time, when it suddenly occurred to me that this could very well be a very brief reprieve, having even such small freedoms, judging from the direction the country is heading in.
Shahzad Sahib Allah bless you for raising your voice for voice-less. My suggestion for any sane person is that if you can afford then "PAKISTAN SE ZINDA BHAGG".
i can and could afford, i just had innocent hopes especially under tenure of Imran Khan hoped things would turn in right direction, but it seems probably it can happen but i might not be able to see it then
@@MansoorAhmed-ts3egby the way,it is IK’s party trying to benefit from this by maligning the rightful decision given by the Supreme Court,I find it funny you still have hopes from a person who would go to any extent for his OWN BENEFIT
I am an Ahmadi. I follow your channel for some time now. I had seen plenty of good content here on other social issues - but no video concerning Ahmadis. I understand the risks which are involved, so I didn’t expect much on this subject. As always an excellent video - sums up the title of this channel. I can only pray that may Allah always keep you in His protection. I hope and pray for the day when we will have love and respect in our land for everyone.
so why did god send prophets to teach Islam he can do it by himself? there is nothing in this universe that god can not do so why is there need of messengers?
I live in Canada and even then i deleted a comment i just wrote on this post, for fear of mine and my loved ones safety. I would've said i praise you and to keep going and raising your voice, but as you yourself said, there's no point in giving your life up for this. That being said, can't appreciate enough what you've already done and said and the impact it has had, even if it has moved the needle by a fraction.
I have many Ahmadi friends - none has ever spoken to me about their faith. I know because it is common community knowledge, yet we often pray in same masjids (non-ahmadi) here is USA, never discuss sensitive issue regarding faith and respect everyone's beliefs. Why can we not live like that in Pakistan? Pakistan is a failed state and experiment.
My friend who is a Syed says that nothing preventing anyone from praying with Ahmadia , Shias , Barelvis , Christians , Jews in their place of worship . They are all good people but they are different religion. You are free to join their religion
@@Adi-ev1uh Your friend who is a Syed is not an authority on the religion. Good & bad people exist everywhere, but places of worship are distinguished & there's good reason behind it. When the Christians of Jerusalem handed over the keys of the compound to Omar ibn Khattab, they requested him to pray in the church as the prayer time had reached. But he politely refused & prayed outside, upon reasoning he said that if I hadn't abstained myself from praying there then tomorrow the people might start converting other places of worship into mosques.
@@HTrntrs Nice of him for having said that. But that did not prevent Muslims from converting many churches to Mosques; for instance Hagia Sofia and Arap Mosque, both in Istanbul, Al-Khadra Mosque in Palestine, Al-Attarine Mosque, in Alexandria etc,. For that matter the Mecca was a place of worship for pagans earlier.
I used to be very open about my views regarding Islam (i'm a modernist) but after I saw what literal UNIVERSITY STUDENTS did to their fellow Mashaal Khan, I stopped talking about my views publicly. This leads me to wonder how you live under such a pressure all the time because clearly, you couldn't keep quite as I did.
Hats off to you Shahzad to say all this in a country of butchers. May Allah protect you. The best service you and folks like you can do for Pakistan is to leave the country.
And here in India we had a Chief Justice of our Supreme Court CJI Ahmedi !! And it was the Ahmedis and Shias and Bengali sunni who were the most vociforous proponents of two nation theory and Pakistan.... and are suffering the most in the same pakistan. Ironically, the safest and most progressive and free place for muslims of all sects is multi ethnic India ... not the cesslool called pakistan...
As a ahmadi, if I say Salam, send durood, read kalma, namaz these things r blasphemous bcz it hurts feelings of Sarkari Muslims. Can't wrap my head around it
stop this non-sense, all of the sects are together in this one, Ahmedis's is not a sect, they are non-Muslims who want to behave as a sect, so no they will not be treated as a sect of Islam
This man is a Neo liberal fool- doesn’t understand Islam and pretends to be a man of the masses. His guests are good but his views are simplistic garbage
Qadian is a flourishing town here in Gurdaspur. Why such a fuss there? Here is a sect Namdharis amongst Sikhs that is similar to Ahmadiyyas amongst Muslims. Madness
Namdhari movement was the genesis of the Anandpur Sahib declaration and issues related to it. Yes it better in our side but it’s not like there are no issues still. Khalsa Sikhs cause for seperate nationhood is based on Khaalis or purity of the practice and polluting sub sects like nirankari and namdharis. Correct me if I am wrong.i fully agree though that it’s not take. A criminalizes angle like in case of qadian practice.
@@saadahmed1157 since you decided who can and cannot be a Muslim, you did shirk you kaafir. Now you aren't a Muslim either. Your Sar should be tan se juda according to your guys logic. Now go save yourself from the mob
So If I am a Hindu, Christian or an atheist then I obviously do not believe in Allah and his supremacy. Does that make me a blasphemer by default in Pakistan?
Do you want a written certificate. I doubt you would believe it even then if your eyes had been closed till today it will remain so after this too, cause this is nothing new but the very reality since the 6th century... Search zafar heretic if you still need more documentation...
I'm against all this killing and hate. But what abu bakar R.A did against Muslima qazaab was wrong? We have no problem with people's beliefs as long as they're not attacking on ours. Please also understand the fact that qadiyanis call themselves Muslims. Have some research don't just start camera and start speaking. Hope you're so called modern and liberal brain understand this thing.
Guys... If you are athiest. If................agnostic If........ . . . . any other religion Dont debate with muslims if u r in pakistan otherwise It would be blasphemy
CJP Mr Faez Issa has very wisely dealt with this situation. Why put his own life in danger where not even state can take any action against unruly mob.Nobody can put sense into the dirty minds who can put vulgar abuses in jumma khutba and religious sermons in the name of safeguarding Islam and namoos e risalat.There was nothing wrong in the judgement but of course the self proclaimed saviours of islam had to safeguard the religion
I, for one, would like to congratulate our new overlords, the might TLP, on this monumental occasion and achievement. I am confident that their reign will be full of mercy and grace for all of us.
As an Ahmadi, i thank you for trying to educate the youth of Pakistan. Perhaps we can dream that if not us, our children will see sense and unite Pakistan to make actual progress and tarakki. Or perhaps not 😅
Pakstan should also make law like CAA... and ask all Indian, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Burmese, Sudan, Somalia muslims to migrate to Pakistan. We will be very happy, trust me we will be more than happy and always be thankful to u.
How we celebrate the independence day every year whilst still being slaves to our rotten core is beyond me. The hate has been instilled into us since our childhood. There is a reason so many nations are flourishing, whereas we are going backwards. We deserve what we are getting.
Just 1 Question- Pakistanis have a problem with Non Muslims then how come they dont have a problem going with begging bowl to Christian West for Losns? Wo chalta hai?.Non Muslims ka khairat mein mila paisa chalta hai jis se Pakistan chalta hai? Wo haram nai hai?
Pakistani nhi jatay na humara consent hai is main. Rigged elections aur political engineering k through ek selected class elect ho kr aati hai aur vo international establishment ki marzi se hi aati hai yeh unka apas ka mamla hai na humne kisi se qarza manga na humen chaiye. Pakistan main poll krva lo pata chal jayega. Dusri baat konsa country Christian hai bhai unko sadiyan ho gaye church ko laat maar k nikal diya unho ne. Koe ek bhi baat apki theek nae hai.
Don't twist the facts and create confusion. Ahmedis are citizen of Pakistan but they are prohibited to spread their faith as they call themselves Muslims which is not true.
Ye vo log h jo bolte h ki India me muslmano pr bada julm ho rha h England France me muslman bahut dukhi h or khud k desh me minorities ko jine tk ka hak nhi dena chahte . 1947 me Ahamadiya muslmano ne bahut jyada Hinduo ki hatya ki thi or Pakistan bnane k liye puri jaan lga di thi ab usi pakistan me inko muslman tk nhi mana ja rha h 😂😂😂
esa kuch nhin huwa na koi reported hay kahin ke ahmadiyon ne hinduon ko katal kiya. Lekin Ahmadi Pakistan ke bnanay ma zaroor shaamil thay or Jinnah ahmediyon ko muslim maantay thay
When a sitting chief justice of Pakistan is made to expunge the paragraphs in the judgment that interpret freedom of religion under the Constitution, it is quite telling where this country is heading. Earlier the religious violence was on the streets but now it has reached inside the supreme court of Pakistan. Religious hardliners are fast gaining ground and soon their hatred will engulf the entire country. Pakistan sai zinda bhag and if you cant then keep a picture of khadim hussain rizvi with you at all times.
Good Job SGS🎉 Shahzad Ghiyas, you are one of the few people who are speaking the truth openly But with thought, be a little careful Either go out of Pakistan I don't know how you are living After listening to you, I am afraid that Allah forbid that I should hear bad news about you. May Allah protect you, Amen Stay safe 🇵🇰
Karma is real. Every community that asked for Pakistan are paying for there karma. Bengali Muslims , Ahmadi Muslims, Sindhi Muslims. They all are suffering there own deeds. Lets hope Indian muslims will get some sense in there mind.
indian muslims ko koi akkal nahi aani, jiss community ko interest hi na ho iss life mei, all they think about is afterlife how do you expect sense from them? ya toh ye humme bhi le dubenge, ya koi bada civil war karwake maanenge
@@Mayajaiveer-47A he was defence manister then. He ordered the troops to counter paki army in kashmir and thwarted the rising in hyderabad. Gandi and nehru were not much enthusiastic about millitary compaign.
Ali muhammad khan, haneef abaasi, javed latif , and whoever use relegion openly is a curse for the society .. main heran hun ke kisi insan ko human rights samajhne ke lie koi ziada aqal chahye hoti hai..
@@ravindramorey5433 Can you quote another name beside him? if not then how could you claim that. I can quote Jogendarnath Mandel who was a Hindu from a lower caste and was one of the founders of Pakistan also. So can I claim that Hindus also supported Pakistan formation. No way. Molana abul kalam azad supported United India along with almost all the religious Muslim fractions of India. So can I say that all Muslims were against partition. This is your argument sounds like. Some were in favour and some obviously not.
Shehzad Zinda raha na zyada important hain tumhara taki next generation ko sahi rasta par rakha ja saka . TPE team and Shehzad may god give you strength and keep you safe.
Everything needs to be understood in context. Hillary Clinton once said, 'You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbors. Eventually, those snakes are going to turn on whoever has them in the backyard.' Similarly, when guests like Shahram Azar claim that the Islamic way of life was better than the colonial way of life, and even humorously better than modern life, by selectively quoting the Quran and highlighting the most generous empires of the medieval period while highlighting the worst colonial atrocities, the truth must be acknowledged. European colonial rule was indeed highly barbaric, but many other rulers, including the Mughal and Ottoman Empires, were no less brutal.Please differentiate between free speech and propaganda, especially when it is historically and scientifically inaccurate. As a society, if we persist in wishing for the downfall of modern civilization, we risk not gaining new freedoms, but instead, gradually losing the basic rights we have painstakingly acquired over the centuries.
شہزاد صاحب پلیز جانے دیں ۔ حضرت محمّد مصطفیٰ خاتم النبیین صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے لیے احمدی تمام دنیا کے انسانوں کے دل جیتنے کے مشن پر ہیں۔ اس راہ میں قربانیوں کے لیے ہم صرف پاکستان نہیں بلکہ دنیا کے ہر ملک میں قربانی کے لیے تیار ہیں۔ ہمیں نہ پہلے خدا تعالٰی نے اکیلا چھوڑا ہے اور ہمارا ایمان ہے کہ محبت اور عشق کی اس جدوجہد میں اللہ تعالیٰ ہم کمزوروں کو آئندہ بھی اکیلا نہیں رہنے دیگا ۔ عدو جب بڑھ گیا شورو فغاں میں نہاں ہم ہو گئے یار نہاں میں
Mera putar israel v tuwadi changi le reya fer uus hisaab naal, jab apne kihlaf hota hai tou rone lagte ho oor apne se kamzoor par wohi zulm karte ho, begherto
جس ملک کے چیف جسٹس کو اپنی جان بچانے کے لئے آئین اور انصاف کا خون کرنا پڑے۔ تو آپ یقین رکھیں کہ میں آج زد پہ اگر ہوں تو خوش گمان نا ہو چراغ سب کے بجھیں گے ہوا کسی کی نہیں۔
Jinnah ka 11 August ka statement dramebaaji thi. He was personally authored DIRECT ACTION and caused hundreds of death before 15 August. Jaisa leader, waisi quam😮😅😅
i believe indians should focus on how to control human rights violations in india. Because pakistan is still far better in minority rights, we dont have any far right radical goverment who persecute minority
580 Nawabs from U.P C.P Deccan Bengal Bihar Punjab financed Mohd Ali Jinnah Muslim league in making of Pakistan out of them 85% were from SHIA/Ahamdiya communities but after partition of India 🇮🇳 they became 2nd class citizens in Pakistan because Pakistan official religion became SUNNI Islam . But at the time of partition of India 🇮🇳 they all were one unit Muslim in looting/killings/ rapes of Hindus Sikhs Jains Parsi in East Pakistan/West Pakistan under the influence of 8th century feudal brutal barbarian blood thirsty political ideology called Isl........
کبھی رحمتیں تھی نازل اس خطہ زمیں پر وحی خطئہ زمیں ہے کہ اب عذاب اتر رہے ہیں کبھی طائروں کے جھرمٹ اس فضا میں جھومتے تھے وہی خطئہ زمیں ہے کہ سبھی بکھر رہے ہیں
"I pretty much like my sar attached to my tan"
~ Sun Tzu ( The Art of War )
Ye line video ka title hona chaiye 😅😂
this is blasphemy
What the fuck
@@ThePakistanExperience Thanks for pin sir ❤
1947 we cannot live with hindus
1953 we cannot live with ahmedis
1971 we cannot live with Bengalis
1980s we cannot live with shia
1990s we cannot live with muhajirs
2000s we cannot live with pashtoons
2020s labbek sabke sar tan se juda
600s we cannot live with arab pagans and jews
Ending funny thi😂
Very true? But what about the body and soul of human beings other than us? I ask the Chief Justice.
The fact that your head has remained safely attached to your torso till this date, fills my heart with hope that a small percentage of Pakistanis can still raise their voice against the injustice done to an individual or a community. Good luck and a long life is wished to you .
تاجدار ختم نبوت زندہ آباد
My neighbors where ahmedi. Good people, kept their beliefs to themselves and were just trying to live their lives.
I still remember how we were told to never even drink water from their house.Growing up i had to unlearn so much. Hate has been ingrained in our society and I don’t see it changing in the near future. Pakistan needs a reboot
In Pakistan you're required to impose your beliefs on others
Reboot ka button hota to kia hi ACHa hota
That is the reason the country is in the state it is in today.
You people are cursed to experience the deeds of Jinnah.😢
@@karndeosingh9689 Jinnah didn't have shit to do with it . I know you guys think you know everything abt pakistan sitting across the border but this shit is more complicated than that. Short answer: Kali Vigo
I'm still in shock you did it while living here in Pakistan. May Allah protect you from this Mob.
dont worry about am in. am waching this shitt . is ko bolo aik din kisi tlp ka leader sa meatup kra or live queation kra phir ya brr brr nhi kra ga.
مجھے ایک بات سمجھ میں نہیں اتی کہ پروگرام اردو کا ہوتا ھے اور ایک جملے میں لازم دس الفاظ انگریزی کے ہوتے ھیں ہم جیسے عام لوگ کچھ سمجھ نہیں پاتے یہ کیوں،،،؟
We are the same people who are first to condemn the violence against muslims in India and we are the once treating our minorities in the same exact way.
Life of muslims in 🇮🇳 are far better than Life of Hindus in 🇵🇰
Same way how ....your lot worse ....you can condemn violence in India and you should....if your comparing India's treatment with minority with Pakistan I think it's a delusion by you...
@@SabyasachiSahoo-ov7kdsuse even after Bangladeshi hindu gen0cide our muslims are still safe, one of my friend didnt want to hire a Muslim plumber, i said let him do this dirry woork for you, he agreed
Number didn't lie check them number and see the result of situation and treatment
2nd making noise doesn't means noise maker is percecuted it means noise makers are privilege to make noise against majority real percecuted people can't make noise against majority can't even cry
@@freeman4758 and those real minorities are pak hindus
I live in bihar , India and my neighbours are Ahmediyas and Sunnis but one thing I find most differentiating between both is that Sunnis are very aggressive, like to flaunt their belief . They always block roads for Namaz even they don't allow Ambulance to pass while Ahmediyas are very peaceful , fun loving , don't block roads , they keep their beleifs to themselves and follow the laws . I have friends from both community and I often put these points to them and both of them agrees with me .
Ahmadis were originally the most anti-Hindu sect of Muslims. They were in the forefront of the demand for Pakistan and not Sunnis of Deoband. Otherwise they are as fanatic and stupid as are Sunnis. But because of the fierce opposition of Sunnis on the point of khatm-e-Naboowat, they are on the defensive and appear peaceful. Relatively speaking at least in India, Shias tend to be more reasonable and peaceful amongst Muslims.
Sunnis have superiority complex. In India mostly Shias, Ahmedias, Bohras vote for BJP because they are assured they won’t be harmed by Sunnis or else will be strictly punished. Muharram procession in UP used to be very violent or sometimes stopped by the state till Yogi came to power.
Muslims and voting for BJP i.e. India what a joke@@anuchugh31
@@apurvabhide2860 you’ll see Bohra community people welcoming Modi when he goes on international trips.. check his Egypt trip pics. In Gujarat too, merchant bohras support him
Sunnis are supported by mullahs in Pakistan and mullahs are supported by Paki generals.
I was very vocal during my early days of university. The fundamentalists abducted me and did what they are best at. Still, i used to promote peace, secularism, equality and feminism. Guess what? They started blackmailing me regarding my family. Literally, i am in delusion is mulq m ruka jaye ya bahr jaya jaye halanke I say to everyone k we the youth can only bring change. But how can we bring change if we are not even alive, right?
If u can go out of this country please goo don't risk ur family
This country is safe only for rich people and gangster and not for anyone else
I see humor ( disguised as humor) in your talk. You are maturing every day. I wish there were 100 Pakistanis like you. That is enough to bring a change in the way people think.
@@ThePakistanExperience aap b mirzaie ho ....ya Muslim
نوازشریف جیسا شخص جو نہ ایکٹر بن سکا، نہ کرکٹر بن سکا نہ گلوکار بن سکا، نہ کاروبار چلا سکا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ اور نہ ہی سیاست کرسکا۔۔۔۔۔۔ وہ اپنے ہی حلقے
* گوالمنڈی لاہور سے 1979 میں بلدیانی الیکشن ہار گیا ۔۔۔۔۔۔ اور جو شخص ایک عام سا یونین کونسل کا الیکشن نہ جیت سکا۔
* وہ بغیر الیکشن لڑے 1982 میں پنجاب کا وزیرخزانہ کیسے بن گیا؟ ------------ کیا یہ سلیکشن نہیں تھی تو اور کیا تھا؟
* پھر 1985 میں بغیر الیکشن لڑے وزیراعلی کیسے بن گیا؟ ----------- کیا یہ سلیکشن نہیں تھی تو اور کیا تھا؟
* اور پھر 1990 میں آئی۔ایس۔آئی سے 35-35 لاکھ روپے لیکر آئی۔جے۔آئی بنوا کر اس کو کیسے وزیراعظم بنایا گیا ----------- کیا یہ سلیکشن نہیں تھی تو اور کیا تھا؟
کیا اس سے بڑی "سلیکشن " کی مثال اور تاریخ پاکستان میں کوئی اور تھی، یا ہے یا ہوسکتی ہے یا ہوگی؟؟؟؟؟ اس سے بڑا، بُرا اور ناکام ترین پراجیکٹ پاکستان کی تاریخ میں نہ کبھی تھا ----- نہ ہے ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ نہ ہوسکتا ہے۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ اور نہ ہی ہوگا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ جو پاکستان کی تاریخ کی کتابوں میں پڑھایا جائے گا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ اور مستقبل قریب میں یہ پٗرانے پکوڑے بکِنے والی اخباروں میں ہی اس کا زکر ملا کریگا۔۔۔۔!
آئینہ جب بھی اُٹھایا کرو۔
پہلے دیکھا کرو پھر دکھایا کرو۔۔۔۔
Ask question is proper format.
Are you muslim or dead? This right format.@@muhammadtalib9015
@@muhammadtalib9015muslman hone ki definition keya hai?
❤❤❤❤TLP ❤❤❤❤
I won't comment because I also like my head attached to the rest of me. In Pakistan, the only safe topics of conversation left are new lawn collections and the restaurants you like.
Ab say wohi vlogs banao ga mai bhi
Even the blogs on restaurants and lawn collection could get forbid if nothing left behind. We do not know how far these lunatics can go.
I was having coffee in a cafe with a friend, laughing, having a good time, when it suddenly occurred to me that this could very well be a very brief reprieve, having even such small freedoms, judging from the direction the country is heading in.
Shahzad Sahib Allah bless you for raising your voice for voice-less. My suggestion for any sane person is that if you can afford then "PAKISTAN SE ZINDA BHAGG".
Mere bhai ye solution nahin hai. Aap sab mil kar iske khilaf mahaz kholein.
اب یہ ممکن نہیں رہا کینسر پورے بدن میں پھیل گیا ہے۔ زندہ بھاگنے کے علاوہ کوئی آپشن نہیں بچی۔
i can and could afford, i just had innocent hopes especially under tenure of Imran Khan hoped things would turn in right direction, but it seems probably it can happen but i might not be able to see it then
@@MansoorAhmed-ts3egby the way,it is IK’s party trying to benefit from this by maligning the rightful decision given by the Supreme Court,I find it funny you still have hopes from a person who would go to any extent for his OWN BENEFIT
Saad Hussain rizvi ❤️Tlp 💪 zindabad 🇯🇴 ⚔️🇵🇰
This is not going to stop here. Every other sect will start using the same law against each other. This fire will burn each and every home. Sad day
what you sow is what you get
I salute your courage from Delhi 🇮🇳
I am an Ahmadi. I follow your channel for some time now. I had seen plenty of good content here on other social issues - but no video concerning Ahmadis. I understand the risks which are involved, so I didn’t expect much on this subject.
As always an excellent video - sums up the title of this channel.
I can only pray that may Allah always keep you in His protection. I hope and pray for the day when we will have love and respect in our land for everyone.
Are you Muslim or non Muslim, what you call your self
@@AlfaChemical-w5o Muslim of course. I don’t care what others call me. I am not going to call myself something else just to please others.
Alhumdulliha i am ahmadi and i m muslims.... i believe Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa S.A.W is last profit of Allah @@AlfaChemical-w5o
you bastards are not muslims
Not Ahmadi
love you TLP❤❤❤❤😂😂😂Tlp 😘😘😘😘
In my opinion God isnt so weak that He needs us to protect his religion.
olla is impotent
Wish more people understood this fact.
God doesn't need you but you have to prove yourself a good believer that's why you are here.....
@@pankaja7974 Ja betta dukan se 100 ruppey ka bhagwan le aa.
so why did god send prophets to teach Islam he can do it by himself?
there is nothing in this universe that god can not do so why is there need of messengers?
Sir ZafarUllah wrote a roadmap for Muslim league for Muslim state and then the same roadmap was published by the name of Muslim league.
He was a staunch Ahmedi.
Murshid janam Saad rizvi ❤❤❤❤
I live in Canada and even then i deleted a comment i just wrote on this post, for fear of mine and my loved ones safety. I would've said i praise you and to keep going and raising your voice, but as you yourself said, there's no point in giving your life up for this. That being said, can't appreciate enough what you've already done and said and the impact it has had, even if it has moved the needle by a fraction.
Moeed Aftab 4776 ko UA-cam username se kon dhonde ga 😂 zada na drame kr buddhe
Seriously how do you live in that country.. I mean Pakistan
I have many Ahmadi friends - none has ever spoken to me about their faith. I know because it is common community knowledge, yet we often pray in same masjids (non-ahmadi) here is USA, never discuss sensitive issue regarding faith and respect everyone's beliefs. Why can we not live like that in Pakistan? Pakistan is a failed state and experiment.
My friend who is a Syed says that nothing preventing anyone from praying with Ahmadia , Shias , Barelvis , Christians , Jews in their place of worship . They are all good people but they are different religion. You are free to join their religion
@@Adi-ev1uh Your friend who is a Syed is not an authority on the religion. Good & bad people exist everywhere, but places of worship are distinguished & there's good reason behind it. When the Christians of Jerusalem handed over the keys of the compound to Omar ibn Khattab, they requested him to pray in the church as the prayer time had reached. But he politely refused & prayed outside, upon reasoning he said that if I hadn't abstained myself from praying there then tomorrow the people might start converting other places of worship into mosques.
Nice of him for having said that.
But that did not prevent Muslims from converting many churches to Mosques; for instance Hagia Sofia and Arap Mosque, both in Istanbul, Al-Khadra Mosque in Palestine, Al-Attarine Mosque, in Alexandria etc,.
For that matter the Mecca was a place of worship for pagans earlier.
thats not a proof of anything, try reading some of the books written by cursed Mirza, try reading their beliefs from their textbooks
I thought Quran was ultimate text book of hate speech
Only tlp
لبیک یا رسول اللہ
I used to be very open about my views regarding Islam (i'm a modernist) but after I saw what literal UNIVERSITY STUDENTS did to their fellow Mashaal Khan, I stopped talking about my views publicly.
This leads me to wonder how you live under such a pressure all the time because clearly, you couldn't keep quite as I did.
any context about this "mashaal khan" what happened with him?
@@maxgordon3194zombies killed mashaal Khan l.
@@maxgordon3194 killed in university after being accused of blasphemy.
@@thoughtyfalcon3991 did he actually do it tho? I checked on google too but there wasn't much details about him.
Hats off to you Shahzad to say all this in a country of butchers. May Allah protect you. The best service you and folks like you can do for Pakistan is to leave the country.
And here in India we had a Chief Justice of our Supreme Court CJI Ahmedi !! And it was the Ahmedis and Shias and Bengali sunni who were the most vociforous proponents of two nation theory and Pakistan.... and are suffering the most in the same pakistan. Ironically, the safest and most progressive and free place for muslims of all sects is multi ethnic India ... not the cesslool called pakistan...
Jinnah was either khoja or Bori and his wife was Parsi.
As a ahmadi, if I say Salam, send durood, read kalma, namaz these things r blasphemous bcz it hurts feelings of Sarkari Muslims. Can't wrap my head around it
ahmadies are completely non muslim you people blame islam so kindly accept that you are non muslim then you people live openly in pakistan.
Your fake prophet claimed to be 2nd advent of prophet Mohammed ﷺ. Go read his books and they will open your eyes.
Still you muslim 😂😂
Next Shiya vs Sunny, then Barelvi vs Diobandi keep going...
Then civil lines vs DHA
stop this non-sense, all of the sects are together in this one, Ahmedis's is not a sect, they are non-Muslims who want to behave as a sect, so no they will not be treated as a sect of Islam
@@Eagle57-r6h aur kafir ko wazib-e-qatl ki seekh kaha se ayi hai
Those who don't know Search zafar heretic banu qureza for answers
Gotta pause everything that I'm doing to watch this because i don't know how long this will be up for. 😢😢😢😢
congrats Tlp
Very sad to hear you my friend. May God Bless you with greater strength.
Shehzad is the last brave man in Pakistan.
This man is a Neo liberal fool- doesn’t understand Islam and pretends to be a man of the masses. His guests are good but his views are simplistic garbage
What a great person you are, God bless you and save your life, ameen.
Ahmediya were first to develope two nation theory,
congrats TLP
We needed Pakistanis like you, rationality at peak.
Your best thing is that you explore...
Prayers for you from south Punjab ....
Keep going...
@@ThePakistanExperiencehis rationality goes down the tube when it's time to apply the critical lens to islamic theology and how it produces hate
Labbak over Law
Sharia over constitution
Al Akhir in Pakistan
Bro i really appreciate you ❤
You r such a brave man bro 👏
تاجدارِ ختم نبوت زندہ باد زندہ باد
لبیک یا رسول اللّٰہ صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم
واہ ، کیا بات ہے ۔ کمال کر دیا ۔
اللہ آپ کی عمر دراز کرے ۔ آمین
آپ کے لیے صرف دعا ہی کر سکتے ہیں اور کچھ تو رہا نہیں ہمارے پیارے ملک میں !
Qadian is a flourishing town here in Gurdaspur. Why such a fuss there? Here is a sect Namdharis amongst Sikhs that is similar to Ahmadiyyas amongst Muslims. Madness
sikhs of Punjab have also started aping Pakistani jihadis
but they are not among us muslims..thats the whole point
That's according to YOU. Who tf are you to decide who's Muslim or not? @@GraphicDesign-f3n
Namdhari movement was the genesis of the Anandpur Sahib declaration and issues related to it. Yes it better in our side but it’s not like there are no issues still. Khalsa Sikhs cause for seperate nationhood is based on Khaalis or purity of the practice and polluting sub sects like nirankari and namdharis. Correct me if I am wrong.i fully agree though that it’s not take. A criminalizes angle like in case of qadian practice.
@@saadahmed1157 since you decided who can and cannot be a Muslim, you did shirk you kaafir. Now you aren't a Muslim either. Your Sar should be tan se juda according to your guys logic. Now go save yourself from the mob
You should invite me in your podcast
insha'Allah i will explain everything about qadyani,s
And different between qadyani,s and non Muslims
Sir Tan Sai Juda would make for an awsome National Anthem
So If I am a Hindu, Christian or an atheist then I obviously do not believe in Allah and his supremacy. Does that make me a blasphemer by default in Pakistan?
Do you want a written certificate. I doubt you would believe it even then if your eyes had been closed till today it will remain so after this too, cause this is nothing new but the very reality since the 6th century...
Search zafar heretic if you still need more documentation...
Yes. That is the present law in Pakistan. Be careful. This is Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Yess thats how small brained people see things
No, this is not the law, please don't exaggerate, issue is more serious here
I'm against all this killing and hate. But what abu bakar R.A did against Muslima qazaab was wrong? We have no problem with people's beliefs as long as they're not attacking on ours. Please also understand the fact that qadiyanis call themselves Muslims. Have some research don't just start camera and start speaking. Hope you're so called modern and liberal brain understand this thing.
Exactly this is the point
If you are athiest.
If........ . . . . any other religion
Dont debate with muslims if u r in pakistan otherwise It would be blasphemy
CJP Mr Faez Issa has very wisely dealt with this situation. Why put his own life in danger where not even state can take any action against unruly mob.Nobody can put sense into the dirty minds who can put vulgar abuses in jumma khutba and religious sermons in the name of safeguarding Islam and namoos e risalat.There was nothing wrong in the judgement but of course the self proclaimed saviours of islam had to safeguard the religion
I, for one, would like to congratulate our new overlords, the might TLP, on this monumental occasion and achievement. I am confident that their reign will be full of mercy and grace for all of us.
As an Ahmadi, i thank you for trying to educate the youth of Pakistan. Perhaps we can dream that if not us, our children will see sense and unite Pakistan to make actual progress and tarakki. Or perhaps not 😅
Ahemadis were on forefront demanding separate Homeland Pakistan
You people deserve to be treated like that 😂😂
😂😂😂 taraki hai mullo k kitab me😂😂
We hope so 😢
Stop associating with Islam and word muslim. Establish your OWN new religion and live happily everafter.
To pyare nabi ko galiya kyu dete ho
I imagined this entire monolgue as a satircal play. Imagine how powerul the message would be. Can someone please make this happen?
Is Aag Me Sab Jalengeyy…MaashaOm❤
Niyogi sab se pehle jalenge
@@LosBlancos710 niyogi ramu ke baad
@@Dungeonmaster222 Bete Ram K to Jooti k Neeche Pada Hoga Tmhara PDF Nobi Chudammad Piss Be Upon Him 😂😂
@@Dungeonmaster222Xi Zinping formula puri duniya main lagoo hoga ,Apney jeeja B Netyanhu se Gaza ke gadho ko baccha le pehlay
Waah Shehzaad Ghias Hindu Diety ki Blasphemy k Comments Delete Nahi Hongey Par Mohammed k Upar Vale Ho Jaayenge..Hypocrisy at its level Best
Pakstan should also make law like CAA... and ask all Indian, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Burmese, Sudan, Somalia muslims to migrate to Pakistan. We will be very happy, trust me we will be more than happy and always be thankful to u.
lol. pakistani will be happy to send all of them to India
@@mehak-GB CAA in india was used as poltical tool by BJP. Just to get hindu and non muslim vote.
How we celebrate the independence day every year whilst still being slaves to our rotten core is beyond me. The hate has been instilled into us since our childhood. There is a reason so many nations are flourishing, whereas we are going backwards. We deserve what we are getting.
Just tlp
Just 1 Question- Pakistanis have a problem with Non Muslims then how come they dont have a problem going with begging bowl to Christian West for Losns? Wo chalta hai?.Non Muslims ka khairat mein mila paisa chalta hai jis se Pakistan chalta hai? Wo haram nai hai?
Pakistani nhi jatay na humara consent hai is main. Rigged elections aur political engineering k through ek selected class elect ho kr aati hai aur vo international establishment ki marzi se hi aati hai yeh unka apas ka mamla hai na humne kisi se qarza manga na humen chaiye. Pakistan main poll krva lo pata chal jayega. Dusri baat konsa country Christian hai bhai unko sadiyan ho gaye church ko laat maar k nikal diya unho ne. Koe ek bhi baat apki theek nae hai.
Shehzad sir you are revolutionary person of Pakistan 👋👋👋🖐️
And Muslin Cry for Islamophobia😂😂😂😂😂😂
double standards are evident
Don't twist the facts and create confusion. Ahmedis are citizen of Pakistan but they are prohibited to spread their faith as they call themselves Muslims which is not true.
Ye vo log h jo bolte h ki India me muslmano pr bada julm ho rha h England France me muslman bahut dukhi h or khud k desh me minorities ko jine tk ka hak nhi dena chahte . 1947 me Ahamadiya muslmano ne bahut jyada Hinduo ki hatya ki thi or Pakistan bnane k liye puri jaan lga di thi ab usi pakistan me inko muslman tk nhi mana ja rha h 😂😂😂
esa kuch nhin huwa na koi reported hay kahin ke ahmadiyon ne hinduon ko katal kiya. Lekin Ahmadi Pakistan ke bnanay ma zaroor shaamil thay or Jinnah ahmediyon ko muslim maantay thay
@@AliaWarraich apko nhi pta to kya hua ? Bahut sare Arya Samaj ke vidvano ki hatya ki thi Ahamadiya ne.
@@Jaldeep_Arya kahan likha hay. suni sunayioyon par believe mat karain.
@@AliaWarraich kya tumne kbhi Allah ko deha h? Suni sunai bato pr yakin Mt Krna, btao allah ko dekha h kbhi ?
Check kashmir 1948 war where ahmadi work as razakar@@AliaWarraich
Muhammad SAW is the last prophet of Allah. No one can change it
Islam Ahmadiyat Zindabad ❤❤❤❤
When a sitting chief justice of Pakistan is made to expunge the paragraphs in the judgment that interpret freedom of religion under the Constitution, it is quite telling where this country is heading. Earlier the religious violence was on the streets but now it has reached inside the supreme court of Pakistan. Religious hardliners are fast gaining ground and soon their hatred will engulf the entire country. Pakistan sai zinda bhag and if you cant then keep a picture of khadim hussain rizvi with you at all times.
Good Job SGS🎉
Shahzad Ghiyas, you are one of the few people who are speaking the truth openly
But with thought, be a little careful
Either go out of Pakistan
I don't know how you are living
After listening to you, I am afraid that Allah forbid that I should hear bad news about you.
May Allah protect you, Amen
Stay safe 🇵🇰
Karma is real. Every community that asked for Pakistan are paying for there karma. Bengali Muslims , Ahmadi Muslims, Sindhi Muslims. They all are suffering there own deeds. Lets hope Indian muslims will get some sense in there mind.
Indian Muslims chose India so they are now becoming second-class citizens. here is karma
indian muslims ko koi akkal nahi aani, jiss community ko interest hi na ho iss life mei, all they think about is afterlife how do you expect sense from them? ya toh ye humme bhi le dubenge, ya koi bada civil war karwake maanenge
Don't forget 700 years long karma
Don't worry islam will end soon@@ImranMalik-nc3nz
@@GauravLingwal-zp8do End your drink
thanks Nehru...I'm from kashmir india😊
Not nehru..... to sardar vallabhai patel.
@@Rahimkhan-77 galat ussa waqt gandi or nehru power main tha sardar vallabhai patel pakistan ka baad power ma aya ...
@@Mayajaiveer-47A he was defence manister then. He ordered the troops to counter paki army in kashmir and thwarted the rising in hyderabad. Gandi and nehru were not much enthusiastic about millitary compaign.
As per Qadianees belief all non-Qadianees are Kafirs.
Shame on Shehzad for supporting Qadianees.
Ali muhammad khan, haneef abaasi, javed latif , and whoever use relegion openly is a curse for the society .. main heran hun ke kisi insan ko human rights samajhne ke lie koi ziada aqal chahye hoti hai..
Shahzad Sir ❤❤❤
this is karma ..these ahmadis were in the forefront of India's division....they wanted muslim state...imagine now
Lol no they were not
Who was sir Zaffarulla khan?
@@ravindramorey5433 Can you quote another name beside him? if not then how could you claim that. I can quote Jogendarnath Mandel who was a Hindu from a lower caste and was one of the founders of Pakistan also. So can I claim that Hindus also supported Pakistan formation. No way. Molana abul kalam azad supported United India along with almost all the religious Muslim fractions of India. So can I say that all Muslims were against partition. This is your argument sounds like. Some were in favour and some obviously not.
@@AliaWarraichhe also got his karma
@@marjannaqvi6624who is zaffarullah
Allah apko apny hifz o aman main rakhy.. or apki video ko TLP sy door rakhy.. Ameen..
Shehzad Zinda raha na zyada important hain tumhara taki next generation ko sahi rasta par rakha ja saka .
TPE team and Shehzad may god give you strength and keep you safe.
@@LuckySidhu-ln6vk agar Zinda rehna jyada important hai sach bolne se to Zinda bhi gulam ban kar rahenge...
Thank you much needed video.
Everything needs to be understood in context. Hillary Clinton once said, 'You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbors. Eventually, those snakes are going to turn on whoever has them in the backyard.' Similarly, when guests like Shahram Azar claim that the Islamic way of life was better than the colonial way of life, and even humorously better than modern life, by selectively quoting the Quran and highlighting the most generous empires of the medieval period while highlighting the worst colonial atrocities, the truth must be acknowledged. European colonial rule was indeed highly barbaric, but many other rulers, including the Mughal and Ottoman Empires, were no less brutal.Please differentiate between free speech and propaganda, especially when it is historically and scientifically inaccurate. As a society, if we persist in wishing for the downfall of modern civilization, we risk not gaining new freedoms, but instead, gradually losing the basic rights we have painstakingly acquired over the centuries.
Liberal Potato is boiling. Keep seething.
شہزاد صاحب پلیز جانے دیں ۔ حضرت محمّد مصطفیٰ خاتم النبیین صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے لیے احمدی تمام دنیا کے انسانوں کے دل جیتنے کے مشن پر ہیں۔ اس راہ میں قربانیوں کے لیے ہم صرف پاکستان نہیں بلکہ دنیا کے ہر ملک میں قربانی کے لیے تیار ہیں۔ ہمیں نہ پہلے خدا تعالٰی نے اکیلا چھوڑا ہے اور ہمارا ایمان ہے کہ محبت اور عشق کی اس جدوجہد میں اللہ تعالیٰ ہم کمزوروں کو آئندہ بھی اکیلا نہیں رہنے دیگا ۔
عدو جب بڑھ گیا شورو فغاں میں
نہاں ہم ہو گئے یار نہاں میں
جی انگریزوں کے تلوےکتوں کی طرح مرزا قادیانی چاٹتا رہا اور مرزا مسرور بھی کر رہا ہے۔ انگریز تمہارے ساتھ ہیں۔۔۔۔
Mera putar israel v tuwadi changi le reya fer uus hisaab naal, jab apne kihlaf hota hai tou rone lagte ho oor apne se kamzoor par wohi zulm karte ho, begherto
Jinnah was Khoja and his wife and daughter Parsi.
Dard Howa na apko
TLP 🇵🇸 only
جس ملک کے چیف جسٹس کو اپنی جان بچانے کے لئے آئین اور انصاف کا خون کرنا پڑے۔ تو آپ یقین رکھیں کہ
میں آج زد پہ اگر ہوں تو خوش گمان نا ہو
چراغ سب کے بجھیں گے ہوا کسی کی نہیں۔
Said correctly. You are right.
You're the best UA-camr of Pakistan. Please keep your "sar"
Jinnah ka 11 August ka statement dramebaaji thi. He was personally authored DIRECT ACTION and caused hundreds of death before 15 August.
Jaisa leader, waisi quam😮😅😅
Jessi quam wesa leader.
Sadam Hussain and his son is far better for Pakistanis then there army and political forces
i believe indians should focus on how to control human rights violations in india. Because pakistan is still far better in minority rights, we dont have any far right radical goverment who persecute minority
What a brave analysis. Love you for your content, stay safe and blessed. May Allah be with you ❤
Saad Hussain Rizvi TLP 🇵🇸🤲⚔️
aap jese sacche insaan ko samne aana chahiye taaki pakistan ko ek accha mulk banaya jaaye
کسی کا کعئی بھی عقیدہ ہو سب سے پہلے وہ انسان ہیں اور جان مال عزت کی حفاظت ریاست کی پہلی ذمہداری ہونی چاہیے ہے چاہے کوئی کسی بھی عقیدے سے منسلک ہے
Religious scriptures (viz. Quran) do not teach that unfortunately.
Pechawary my ly lo apna comment this is Islamic country you have to respect Islamic laws in this country
Dekho bhai Pechawary me to aapko lena padega nahi to IMF loan nahi dega or USA khairat nahi dega!
@@deepsareen1 ap bi imf ko pechawary my ly lo
Bhai “pechawary” may lenay ka experience ho ga nai aapko aapne madrason may? Qari Saab’s treat.
But you have to condemn the ban of TlP on maij stream media
580 Nawabs from U.P C.P Deccan Bengal Bihar Punjab financed Mohd Ali Jinnah Muslim league in making of Pakistan out of them 85% were from SHIA/Ahamdiya communities but after partition of India 🇮🇳 they became 2nd class citizens in Pakistan because Pakistan official religion became SUNNI Islam . But at the time of partition of India 🇮🇳 they all were one unit Muslim in looting/killings/ rapes of Hindus Sikhs Jains Parsi in East Pakistan/West Pakistan under the influence of 8th century feudal brutal barbarian blood thirsty political ideology called Isl........
i sakte your courage to speak up on this issue. More people need to come out and protect minorities
Don't Blame Sunni Muslims.. Blame Islam its Holy Book, Hadiths.. Sharia.. Sunnat. 😅😅 Just Pity On Ahamadis.
@thepakistanexperience ap ki aisi baton sy shay milti hai k dusro ko aur wo uth kr islam k khilaf bkwas shuru kr detay haen
Shehzad Bhai apko Zindagi pyari Nahi hai lekin Hume pyar hai apse na Kare na 😂❤❤❤
سو فیصد درست فرمایا
کبھی رحمتیں تھی نازل اس خطہ زمیں پر
وحی خطئہ زمیں ہے کہ اب عذاب اتر رہے ہیں
کبھی طائروں کے جھرمٹ اس فضا میں جھومتے تھے
وہی خطئہ زمیں ہے کہ سبھی بکھر رہے ہیں
بہت افسوس کہ انھی کو جھوٹا بھی کہتے اور انھی پے اپنا سب کچھ اپنی نسلوں گروی رکھے ہوے ہیں بس سوچتے کچھ نہیں
Liberal Potato is seething... I just love it.
❤ Ap kabhi upset nai krte. Is naik kaam ko jari rkein shehzad bhai
دراصل پاکستان کو پلیستان کہنے والے غالب آ گئے ہیں اللہ تعالیٰ پاکستان کو پلیستان کہنے والوں کے شر سے محفوظ رکھے آمین