Entire LFG Team Rage Quits And We Learn About Milk

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024


  • @TheGoldApproach
    @TheGoldApproach  2 роки тому +5

    Remember, you are sitting down watching a guy play a video game on UA-cam so maybe do some self-reflecting before preaching philosophy from the comment section and coping with how you’re only here because of the recommended.
    Since all of you guys just post the same thing over and over again, I'm just going to respond to the same few posts and reference you guys here!
    1) Q: Why are you so toxic?!
    A: I believe that acting the way I do helps get the raids done faster. We have tried both ways and it is clear that this way seems to work far better. Will we have rage quits? Sure. But in the long run it saves time. You may disagree and that's fine. That's what makes you, you and me, me!
    2) Q: What gives you the right to treat people with such disrespect?!
    A: I treat people with disrespect when I feel that I have been treated with disrespect, as you probably do also! You can pretend to live by your "You should be nice to everyone!" philosophy, but nobody does that so don't be a hypocrite. If somebody walks up to you and punches you in the face, then you are probably not going to treat them with respect. Am I comparing a rude LFG person to being punched in the face? No. What I am saying is that everybody has some threshold at which they decide, "Ok this person doesn't deserve any respect." I don't live by your threshold, and you don't live by mine. If somebody joins a KWTD QUICK RUN and doesn't pay attention, then in my opinion they are being disrespectful and I will return that disrespect x5. Also we title our party chat "TOXIC RAID GROUP..I'M AN A$$HOLE" as another warning!
    3) S: YOUR a dumbass!
    R: No, I've had my IQ tested (by MENSA, not papa Al's online IQ test!) and there's a good chance the person typing that has a lower IQ than me! I'll take MENSA's word for it over the opinion of somebody in the YT comment section that probably spelled "you're" incorrectly! ;-)
    Q: You're bragging about your IQ!
    A: NO! When somebody makes a claim that I am stupid, that is the response!
    S: (A real statement pulled from the FAQ post) "You absolutely bragged about your IQ in the FAQ!"
    R: Again no you just have poor comprehension skills. The FAQ is a list of FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS and my RESPONSES for them. If a FAQ was "Why are you so poor?" And somebody responded with "I'm not poor, I reported an income of 3.5 million last year." Then you could not make the claim that he is BRAGGING ABOUT HIS SALARY. Because IT IS AN APPROPRIATE RESPONSE TO WHAT IS BEING ASKED OR STATED.
    4) S: You have no life, work at Walmart, never had a gf, and live in your mom's basement!
    R: AD HOMINEM.. and what's wrong with mom's basement.. I HAVE AC DOWN HERE AND I CAN SLEEP UNTIL 3 IN THE AFTERNOON BECAUSE THERE'S NO LIGHT GOTCHAAAAAA.. and I talk to Eva Levante all the time. She doesn't cheat on me.
    5) Q: How can you expect LFG people to not make a mistake? You can't expect them to raid as much as you do and be as good as you are!
    A: Straw man! We absolutely expect and even anticipate randoms from LFG to make mistakes. We do the strats we do so that 4-5 things can go wrong and we can still compensate and prevent a wipe. People are going to die and mess up, that is not the problem. The problem comes when people join our group and do not pay attention to what is going on and what their position is. We do expect the listening/comprehension skills of a middle schooler. That's literally all we need, and if you can't do that then you shouldn't be signing up for a KWTD QUICK RUN.
    6) S: You're bad at the game.
    R: K.
    7) S: This is just your opinion! I think you should act/behave/play like the way I think you should play and let me tell you how!
    R: My response to this is pretty simple.. fuck you. Who are you to sit there typing away on your keyboard telling somebody else how they should play the game? That's where this false equivalency between your opinion and mine comes into play. My opinion differs from yours, but I don't tell you how to play the game. My stance is, you play however you want. If you want chill runs or if you don't mind taking 2 hours to clear a raid and want to take it slowly, fine. I don't care what you do! But you are not going to sit and tell me how I'm going to act. You're not even close to being that important.
    S: B-b-but you are telling the people in the video how they need to play the game so you're a hypocrite!
    R: False equivalency! In a raid there is a host and if you are a guest in a fireteam then you do what is asked of you. It is not a democracy and there is no vote. If that's not how YOU normally do it, fine. But you will not tell me how I need to be running a raid group. Me telling somebody that they can't use solo Rat King on a raid boss doesn't equate to the UA-cam philosophers preaching to me how I should live my life.
    S: You're not that important either!
    8) Q: Why do you delete comments? YOU CAN'T TAKE IT AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
    A: I'm done responding to the same 5 points being made over and over again. If someone wants to reasonably address something that hasn't been covered here a million times over then I'm more than happy to explain. The unintelligent fools that come ready to preach philosophy will no longer have a place here. I've responded to pretty much everyone in the last year with entire paragraphs going point by point dismantling the arguments and it doesn't do any good. If I respond then I get "Oh you responded? INSECURE HAHAHAHA" And if I don't respond "HAHAHA NO RESPONSE GOTCHA!!" It's a lose-lose either way so I'm choosing the option that takes up less of my time. Remember, trolling and toxic are 2 different things.
    9) S: “You’re not toxic.. You’re just a (insert random other term)!”
    R: Ahh the good ol’ “you’re not toxic you’re just a (insert other descriptive term here).” The thing is, it doesn’t matter which descriptive term I use to warn people. I’ve heard “you’re not toxic you’re just annoying.” But then if I put “ANNOYING AND TOXIC RAID GROUP” do you think that would help? No, because then they would say “you’re not annoying or toxic you’re just (insert next word that I now have to add to the list) So no matter how many words I put, people like you will just choose one that I haven’t listed and claim that I’m not all those other things I warned people about.. I’m (insert other new word).
    10) Q: “Why do you think having a ton of raid clears is a life accomplishment and why do you bring up raid report stats all the time?!”
    R: Again... for the 1000th time. Nobody thinks it’s a life accomplishment. Nobody. Nobody has ever made or implied that claim. Ever. You guys can keep arguing against points that literally nobody has made.. it’s called a straw man. If someone is going to come in flexing their 20 clears, you bet I’m gonna bring up my stats to make them look silly. If someone is going to tell us that our strategies are bad and they know better then you bet I’m going to bring up their 2 hour runs and compare them with our 40 minute runs. It’s not a life accomplishment. That alone doesn’t make someone a good player... for the 1000th time.
    11) S: “Wow this guy wrote an essay!” (For this one I’ll just copy and paste one of the many times I’ve replied to this)
    S: “Man really just typed up an essay”
    R: “You guys realize that copy and paste is a thing right?”
    S: “well you typed it up at some point so... not really sure what your point is.”
    R: “That perhaps it wasn’t me sitting down typing an essay for an hour but an accumulation over time of adding responses to the dumb things you guys say. Similar to if I took all of your UA-cam comments from the past year and compiled them together and said “WoW ImAgInE WrItInG An EsSay On YoUTUbE” … that would be silly right?”
    S: “fair enough”
    12) Q: “You think that giving people a warning that you’re going to be toxic gives you the right to be toxic?!”
    R: “Yes.”

    • @Troonielicious
      @Troonielicious 2 роки тому +1

      They use BLEACH, to pasteurized milk lmaoo

    • @mememachine9796
      @mememachine9796 2 роки тому +2

      Hey gold I was wondering how the way you go about things is better than being positive towards LFGs? I'm not saying "bE NIcE mAn quIt BEinG MeAN," I was curious because in other endgame content it hasn't worked for me. Maybe I'm a dumbass, IDK. It peeked my intrest. Thanks for your time.

    • @Godstone93
      @Godstone93 2 роки тому +3

      The fact you have to explain your self like this in the comments prove your a tool

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  2 роки тому +1

      @@Godstone93 I don’t think you know what that word means

    • @TheGoldApproach
      @TheGoldApproach  2 роки тому

      @@Godstone93 and it’s “you’re” btw

  • @richghost2897
    @richghost2897 2 роки тому +10

    During the milk convo I'm sure the guy said "the udder ones" ...I would have given him kudos for the quick pun but sadly it wasn't intended 🤣

  • @torrisl8554
    @torrisl8554 2 роки тому +5

    LFG group: “says something incredibly stupid and idiotic”
    small silence
    Gold: ✨you’re an idiot”✨
    funniest shit I ever hear every time😂

  • @neverplayedfour1403
    @neverplayedfour1403 2 роки тому +1

    This is off topic but seeing you play VOG reminded me of when I made an lfg and we got to oracles and me and my cousin were partly teaching someone the encounter and this guy who was annoying us the entire time says, “Can we just do a silent raid?” The name of the post was “VOG Teaching two”.

  • @DEATHGAMER189.1
    @DEATHGAMER189.1 2 роки тому +2

    Man I drink a lot of milk did not know they put bleach in them how am I'm not dead right now? LMAO

  • @goldenfalcon2058
    @goldenfalcon2058 2 роки тому +1

    I love these videos man its nice to see a genuine content creator who doesn't change his personality for the cameras to make his content more monetisable.

  • @byLags
    @byLags 2 роки тому +1

    I love the FAQ Gold! 😂 never stop being a menace in LFGs!

  • @emberclad8679
    @emberclad8679 2 роки тому

    The “bleach” he’s talking about is benzoyl peroxide.

  • @ShrekEaterOfOnions
    @ShrekEaterOfOnions 2 роки тому

    That ending was hilarious. Lol

  • @Hamsturp
    @Hamsturp 2 роки тому +1

    Bleach. I physically can’t believe someone thinks that’s in milk XD

    • @Veregh
      @Veregh 2 роки тому

      Actually “someone” said nationwide that injecting bleach into the bloodstream would prevent the virus spreading 🙄🙄. Ironically that could be true…because of people committing mass suicide . Tragically (for them) some people really followed that “suggestion”. Hence:dudes from lfg think that bleach it’s everywhere

  • @jaceareleous5160
    @jaceareleous5160 2 роки тому +1

    Who is Gold Finger? Just stating my opinion guys.

  • @xXSn1p3rCATXx
    @xXSn1p3rCATXx 2 роки тому

    I googled organic milk and it’s pretty much milk from a cow that didn’t eat hay that had pesticide sprayed on them. On that point I think there is no difference between the two. It’s like kosher and non kosher meat lol

  • @sinfulchimp586
    @sinfulchimp586 2 роки тому +2

    Man I love this shit

  • @emberclad8679
    @emberclad8679 2 роки тому

    Who framed roger rabbit is the best movie of all time. Best opinion of all time.

  • @roberthartley6292
    @roberthartley6292 Рік тому

    Hey do you ever share your load-outs?

  • @shenny408
    @shenny408 2 роки тому

    Wtf is this lmao he literally said it’s a toxic lfg why do people join if they can’t handle the heat also I did not know you could do that with the Minotaur at the beginning

  • @ToxNL
    @ToxNL 2 роки тому +3

    People need to read before joining a game🤣. Your toxicity is actually justified as you are statinf facts. People just don't understand and in my opinion people get too offended to quick. Get some balls people! Keep it uo Gold.

  • @spooky_4624
    @spooky_4624 2 роки тому +2

    Whats the shader on the Fatebringer?

    • @Palivox
      @Palivox 2 роки тому +1

      Basalt toxic

    • @jaceareleous5160
      @jaceareleous5160 2 роки тому

      Is that an opinion?

    • @spooky_4624
      @spooky_4624 2 роки тому

      @@jaceareleous5160 I wasnt sarcastic, it was a question.

    • @jaceareleous5160
      @jaceareleous5160 2 роки тому


    • @shenny408
      @shenny408 2 роки тому +1

      @@spooky_4624 looks like golden trace I could be wrong lol

  • @Godstone93
    @Godstone93 2 роки тому +2

    Do a face real