Dallas Texas blueberries



  • @cnjhendricks
    @cnjhendricks 4 роки тому

    Thank you for the video-update!
    My main goal this year is to eat more of my blueberries before the mockingbirds do...
    Kales, Collards, and several other cruciferous veggies also like the DFW winter months and typically taste A LOT better after we get couple of real cold days. Another plus, less bugs to worry about in the winter.
    For kids; check out Ground Cherries and Mouse mellons, they are fun, easy, and very tasty when eaten fresh.

  • @chaneytaylor
    @chaneytaylor 4 роки тому

    Thanks for the video! Those look pretty healthy. I've heard that blueberries like acid soil, how do you keep your soil acidic? Also, how often do you need to water them in the summer? Thanks