This is a content worth taking notes for. As an Econ student and someone with a finance background, I can verify this piece of information is what we learn in college except Million taught us in 2 hours and 6 mins. Impressive! As an entrepreneur myself, I am learning a lot!
Can i ask for your advice? I was thinking of learning economics. Do you think it is worth it? and can i run my small business while learning economics?
Amazing episode. Million is my AAU 1994 Accounting graduating batch. The way he explained and the examples made complex finance concepts interesting. I’m proud of you Mil.
Meri thanks as Usual! This kind of interviews are priceless 👌 amazing ethiopians sharing their experiences for free. You are building a great generation . Stay blessed guys!
Million thanks ones again, u always give us the best. U know what i always want to listen to ur podcasts but i finish them in like 2 or 3 days, i always try to spend my spare time and sacrifice my work time to listen to ur valuable words. Keep up dears, u r building the generation 🎉
the best podcast of the year for me wow ene gondar university ye accounting and finance 3 gna amet temari negn ena ametun mulu yalagegnehutn timhrt new yawekut degmachihu btakerbuln?
One of the best episodes. But it felt like the guest had a lot more to give, and the episode was too short!!! Would be great if you can call him again, and have at least 2-3 episodes with him!!!
While I appreciate most of the interviewee’s perspectives, I do not agree with him saying entrepreneurship doesn’t work in a part-time basis because it does! People actually should start something of their own on the side first and then when they validate the idea, they can go all in full time. Don’t quit your job or sell your house to start a business - start it on the side and take it from there.
Wow what a knowledge and ability to pass the knowledge to audience this way? I am impressed and enjoyed the lesson I got. High value knowledge. I am willing to listen to it again.
Meri podcast, you really doing great job. Every time you bring knowledgeable person, I said amazing person. So, I must find other words . Because this man is so amazing 👏. Thank you.
Meri podcast i really love your podcast and adviced everybody to watch your podcast inorder to learn how to be successfull in any sector .Thank you very much. .
Thank you Ato Million for sharing a life time of Wisdom in two hours. If this interview was a course I would pay to learn from you. You answered most of the business questions I had for more than 9 years. I hope to hear from you soon on Meri. Thank you hosts . 👏
A jam-packed, non-stop, and invaluable interview on the critical fundamentals of forming and running profitable businesses!!! This is a must watch, specially for enteurpruners who don't have financial and accounting backgrounds...
Meri podcast በጣም በርቱ መሸለም ያለባችሁ ወጣቶች ናችሁ።
ከእስቱዲኦ ወጣ ብላችሁ አንድ አንድ ድርጅቶች በመሄድ መሬት ላይ ያላቸውን አሰራር ብታቀርቡልን ብዙዎች ተጠቃሚ እንሆናለን።
why do we not see this type of people in the mainstream media, young people need to listen to this type of content. great job guys 👍
Someone speaking my mind here!
you should be "the electee." to appear on MSM lol
ስለመቀጠር Normal መሆኑ የተናገረዉ በጣም የተሳሳተ አመለካከት ነዉ። ተቀጥሮ መስራትን ያበረታታል። ልክ አደለም። Financial Freedom ተቀጥረህ ሰርተህ አታገኝም። የሌላ ሰዉ ባርያ መሆን ነዉ። አቅምህ የደከመ ቀን ቀጣሪህ thank you ብሎ ወይም ሳይል ያባርሀል። የድካምህን አታገኝም። For all ተቀጣሪዎች ከቅጥር የምትወጡበት እና የራሳችሁ አለቃ የምትሆኑበት ቀን ቅርብ ናት ፅኑ❤
ዛሬ ገና ቢዝነስ እሚያውቅ ሰው አመጣችሁ. ይሄንን ሰውዬ በድጋሚም ቢሆን interview አድርጉት እንጂ የዛሬው ብቻ በቂ አይደለም. እሚገርም ሰው ነው ያገኛችሁት😮😮
በጣም 👌
ዛሬ ገና አላለም😂😂😂
This is a content worth taking notes for. As an Econ student and someone with a finance background, I can verify this piece of information is what we learn in college except Million taught us in 2 hours and 6 mins. Impressive! As an entrepreneur myself, I am learning a lot!
I came on here to comment but then saw this and decided not too since it was exactly everything I wanted to say 💯
Can i ask for your advice? I was thinking of learning economics. Do you think it is worth it? and can i run my small business while learning economics?
ሀገራችን ለምን ወደ ኋላ እንደቀረች ለማወቅ እንደዚህ ያሉ እጅግ ጠቃሚ ይዘት ያላቸውን ቃለ ምልልሶች የሚያገኙት የእይታ መጠን ነው።
የሚደነቅ ሰው!!!ሌሊት እንቅልፌን ትቼ በሙሉ አዳምጫዋለሁ። ግሩም ገለጻ ።ተባረክ!!!
ሁለት ዓመት ሙሉ የፈጀብኝ የካውንቲንግና ፋይናንስ ትምህርት በሁለት ሰዓት ሰመራይዝ... wow 👍👍👍
እኔ በሙያዬ ከቢዝነስ ውጪ ነኝ ማስተማር ስረ ላይ ወደፊት ግን ተቀጥሬም ሆነ በግሌ ኢንተርፕረነር መሆን እፈልጋለሁ፡፡ አሁን ለዚህ እንዲረዳኝ በአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርስቲ በማታው ክፍል ማኔጅመንት 4ተኛ አመት እየተማርኩ ነው፡፡ ታዲያ አቶ ሚሊየን የአአዩ ውጤት በመሆንህ ኮርቻለሁ እየተማርኩ ያለሁትን በተግባር የበለጠ ትኩረት እንዳደርግ ስላደረከኝ አመሰግናለሁ፡፡ ቢዝነስን የተማረ ሰው ሲሰራው ሁሉ ነገር ትክክል ነው በሌላም ጉዳይ አቅራቢዎቹ ቢያቀርቡህ ደስተኛ ነኝ ፡፡ አንተም አቅራቢዎችህም ተባረኩ
በጣም ነው የማመሰግነው ትልቅ ትምህርት ነው የወሰድኩት
አቶ ሚሊዮን ክብረት በጣም መልካምሰዉ ነዉ በጣም አመስጋኝ ሰው ነው በጣም ትሁት ሰው ፈጣሪ ይጠብቅህ ትልቅ ትምህርት ነው tnx
በእኔ በኩል ከፍዬ እንኳን የማላገኘውን እውቀት እና ሀሳብ ነው ያገኘውት በጣም አመሰግናለው
MEDIHANEALEM!!! ይሄ ሰው በጤናው ነው!! ደስ ሲል !!! ሲገርም!! የት ያስተምር ይሆን???
መሪዎች ምሩ!!
Amazing episode. Million is my AAU 1994 Accounting graduating batch. The way he explained and the examples made complex finance concepts interesting. I’m proud of you Mil.
Many thanks, Bereket.
Meri thanks as Usual! This kind of interviews are priceless 👌 amazing ethiopians sharing their experiences for free. You are building a great generation . Stay blessed guys!
እናመሰግናለን በጣም። ገና አሁን ቁጭ ብዬ ስለ ፋይናንስ ተማርኩኝ። ሁላችሁም አመሰግናለሁ።❤❤❤❤
ይህን የመሰለ የ ቢዝነስ እዉቀት ያለዉ ሰዉ ስላቀረባቹልን ሜሪዎች በጣም እናመሰግናለን።
I have not wasted my time. Great lesson! Thank you Meri podcast; thank you guest.
Million thanks ones again, u always give us the best.
U know what i always want to listen to ur podcasts but i finish them in like 2 or 3 days, i always try to spend my spare time and sacrifice my work time to listen to ur valuable words. Keep up dears, u r building the generation 🎉
በጣም ቆንጆ ነው አቀራርባችሁን በክፍል በክፍል አድርጉት
እጅግ ከማከብራቸው ምርጥ ምሁራን አንዱና ስለ ዕውነት የሚኖር ሰው ስለመሆኑ እመሰክራለሁ።መልካሙን ሁሉ!
የእስካሁኖቹ ስራ ፈጣሪዎችን ውይይት ጠቅለል ስታደርገው ኢሄ ታላቅ ሰው ይሆናል
Mili the great! I’m happy to see you here on the interview. Keep it up brother!
በጣም እናመሰግንሀለን ብዙ ትምርት አስተማርከን ዝም ብለን ነበር ኢንቨስት ስናደርግ የነበረው አሁን ግን ከብዙ ነገር እንድናይ እረድተህናል
Im considering this podcast as business school.
ግሩም ትምህርት ሰጭ ነው:: እናመሰግናለን::
እንግዶዳችሁ "የትኛውን ጠያቂ እያየሁ ልናገር " ብለው ሲጨናነቁ ማየቱ አንድአንድ Detail oriented የሆን ሰዋች ትኩረታችንን ይረብሻል። አቀማመጣችሁ ለውይይት የተመቸ አይደለም።
This is really Golden idea, thank you Ato million, and Meri Pod cast!🏆🏆❤❤
Very informative interview from this knowledgeable gentleman. Highly appreciated!!! We need more of this.
Well explained Mr Million!
It is a valuable for Entrepreneurs!
Pls, pls, invite Mr. Million again. He has a lot of knowledge to share.
the best podcast of the year for me wow ene gondar university ye accounting and finance 3 gna amet temari negn ena ametun mulu yalagegnehutn timhrt new yawekut degmachihu btakerbuln?
ይህንን ሰው ጥያቄ እና ሀሳብ አሰባስባችሁ ድጋሚ ኢንተርቪው ብታደርጉት ብዙ ሊያሳውቀን የሚችል ሰው ነው
He raised very helpful and true points!! Thank you so much Meri podcast!!
በጣም ጥሩ ውይይት ነው። ቢዝነስ ያላቸው ወይም መጀመር ለፈለጉ ሰዎች ጥሩ ትምህርትና መመሪያ የሚሰጥ ሲሆን ሰውየውም ጥሩ ልምድ ያከማቸ መምህር ነው። ቢዝነስ ያላቸው ሰዎች እንደ አማካሪ ቢያደርጉት በጣም ይጠቀማሉ።
The best interviewee I have ever seen on this podcast 👌👌👌👌
Amazing Person. I love this guest. prepare another good question and bring him again please. he is talking facts on the ground.
Kechalachu be addisu season digama yikireb👍
This is really outstanding! Thanks Meri Podcast 👍🙏
በጣም ልዩ ነበር እባካችዉ ድጋሚ ጋብዙልን
This podcast is worth taking note✍️, thank you meri.
100% true!
I want to thank Mr. Million & Meri Podcast. It was very informative interview. Keep it up
Very amazing interview you always grow up!!!!!!!
Wow it’s amazing interview but we need more episodes please.
Thank you million and meri podcast.😊
Bless you
አገር በቀል ምክር ይሉሀል ይሄ ነው።በሚገባን መንገድ... ደስ ያሰኘችኝ ምሳሌ ቢዝነስና ጦርነት በ(part time)አይሆንም የምትለዋ ነች።የሚደመጥ ባለሙያ እባካችሁ ሰፋ ያለ ውይይት እንዲኖር ጥረት አድርጉና ድጋሚ ጋብዙት።
we need part 2
One of the best episodes. But it felt like the guest had a lot more to give, and the episode was too short!!! Would be great if you can call him again, and have at least 2-3 episodes with him!!!
Mr. Million Kibret, You are great. Thanks, Guys!
What an interesting lecture. Note.
ዋዉ እዉቀትህንም ፓወርህንም አደንቅልሀሉ ስላካፈልከንም አመሰግናለሁ አቅራቢወቹንም ጭምር
Amazing Episode. Thank you brothers!
He is a powerfully energetic person. I like it
thank all you i learn 4 eyes
Thank you for sharing your experience
Amazing lecture 👏👏👏👏👏
While I appreciate most of the interviewee’s perspectives, I do not agree with him saying entrepreneurship doesn’t work in a part-time basis because it does! People actually should start something of their own on the side first and then when they validate the idea, they can go all in full time. Don’t quit your job or sell your house to start a business - start it on the side and take it from there.
Correct life is not football
No! nothing will be successful unless it is your priority!
😊 41:54 ዋው!
Wow what a knowledge and ability to pass the knowledge to audience this way? I am impressed and enjoyed the lesson I got. High value knowledge. I am willing to listen to it again.
Hi my brother 10q very much
በጣም አሪፍ ትምህርት ነዉ እናመሰግናለን 🙏
It's a Podcast Gem !!!🔥🔥🔥
1:53:06 ኧረ 😮😮😮
ሚሊዮን ክብረት በሬዲዮ ሃሳቤን ሰምቶ ያበረታታኝና የፋይናንስ ድጋፍ ያደረገልኝ ሰው ነው❤
Meri podcast, you really doing great job. Every time you bring knowledgeable person, I said amazing person. So, I must find other words . Because this man is so amazing 👏. Thank you.
amazing with full energy
Amazing content and very insightful!
Wow u guys are amazing and lean so much form Million
Please do another interview with him.
Meri podcast i really love your podcast and adviced everybody to watch your podcast inorder to learn how to be successfull in any sector .Thank you very much.
Thank you Ato Million for sharing a life time of Wisdom in two hours. If this interview was a course I would pay to learn from you. You answered most of the business questions I had for more than 9 years. I hope to hear from you soon on Meri. Thank you hosts . 👏
Thank you ❤
best of the best podcast in ethiopian business podcast i really enjoy watching your video while working on my laptop business excell
In such long podcasts, it would help viewers if the hosts remind who they are interviewing several times.
ከመሐል የሚጀምር አንተን ብቻ አየሁኝ
በሳቅ ነዉ የገደለኝ የተለመደዉ የሐሜት ጋጋታ መሰሎት ይሆናል አይፈረድበት ምድረ ወጠጤዉ አክቲቪሰት ሌላዉ ማርሸ አሰቀያሪ ሌላዉ አጨብጫቢ ሌላዉ እሳት አጎብጋቢ ሌላዉ አፋፍ ላቆማ አዋጊ በሆነበት ዘመን በየጣልቃዉ,ጣልቃዉ ሚሊዬን ሚሊዬን ቢሉ,የብር ሰም ይመሰላቹና ደላር ነዉ ወይሰ ብር በማለት አበወዙብናል
The best business podcast in Ethiopia for me
Very professional, excellent interview!!
This is what we call practical knowledge
Podcast ችሁ እጅግ በጣም አስተማሪ ነዉ ነገር ገን የቃላት አጣጣላችሁን አስተካክሉ፣ አትኮፍሱ።
I love this podcast, his great. I learned a lot from him. Thank you for presenting him.
thank you biro 🙏🙏🙏💯
Absolutely Amazing
OMG this is best Episode
Thank you guys
Keep it up meri ❤❤
የማጠቃለያውና በመጨረሻ ላይ ማዳመጥ አትራፊነት ነው ያሉት ሀሳብ በእጅጉ ተስማምታኛለች ለሁሉ ጠቃሚ ናት::
ለ 5 ኛ ጊዜ እየሰማሁት ነው ሚሊዮንን ቃል በቃል ያወራቸዉን ነገሮች ስታርት አፕ ድርጅቴ ዉስጥ እየተገበርኩኝ ነው መሪዎች ውለታችሁ አለብኝ፡፡
Thank u men, not everybody can be entrepreneur that’s what I notice this days on the young generation teketro meseratem eko yechalal 🙏
ትንሽ ተስፋ አስቆራጭ ንግግር ናት። ኢንተርፕረነር ለመሆንን ተነሳስተው በተለያየ ችግር የተያዙትን ተስፋ እንዳያስቆርጥ እሰጋለሁ። እሱ ለማለት የፈለገው እነዚህ አነቃቂ ነን የሚሉትን ነው። እነሱ ተቀጥሮ መስራትን እንደ ድክመት ነው የሚያዩት። so
አንተም ጥሩ ሄደህበታል ግን አንድ ልጨምርልህ,
ማለት የፈለገዉ ሁሉም ዘፋኝ መሆን ይፈልጋል ግን ሁሉ ሊሆን አይችልም ጥቂቶች ናቸዉ የሚዋጣላቸዉ ነዉ ያለዉ
ሀሉም ሯጮች ሊሆኑ አይችሉም በጣም ጥቂት ሰዎች ናቸዉ የሚሳካላቸዉ
አሜሪካን ዉሰጥ የቅርጫት ኳሰ ተጫዎቾች ካልተሳላቸዉ በትምህርታቸዉ እንዲቀጥሉበት ጉን ለጎን ይማራሉ
No he is saying not everyone can be a doctor right so not everyone can be entrepreneur because it’s very fantasized this days trust me
@@ዋሰ thank u 🙏
Enjoyed it !
He is really excellent .And Thank you to the hosts!
Thanks ❤❤
A jam-packed, non-stop, and invaluable interview on the critical fundamentals of forming and running profitable businesses!!! This is a must watch, specially for enteurpruners who don't have financial and accounting backgrounds...
Great interview
You change my mind set😮❤
Xayaraandemuufii dawatuun.takkaamiit markabadawatuunii babuuraas seeneenamademeeraa dhageysee hiimuunfaydaaqabdii.biideenafarsuun belabahanii
Amazing interview!!! pls bring him back
I can see how difficult it is to explain technical finance terms and concepts to a non professional. Mr Million did it exceptionally though.
የምትመቹኝ ልጆች ናችሁ❤❤❤❤❤ የሚዲያ ባለቤቶች ❤❤❤
Respect 👍 ✌️
This is the best top guest other than kidus on this podcast.
Why meri add betam short Promotions ...may be it helps for some .........