Me too, but then today I had to write this decoding and printing the digits out. In 9S08 assembly code. Oddly, I watched this after doing the same exercise myself and writing the code. Handy to have watched this, looks like I did it properly.
What kind of magical video is this. 100% clear explanation. Wow. Just wow. 7 minutes of a video that I would watch repeatedly forever so I could just experience the power of this video one more time
Hey girl... You really helped me... I was dead loss in converting the IEEE754 to decimal... And I am having an exam tomorrow... You're really a miracle!! You explain so simply and clearly... I just understood the converting in 7 minutes... Wow... Thanks a lot... You made my day.. ♥ 💕 😍 😘
i am from bits..just abt to give my midsem exams..was really worried as none of my friends explained me..randomly searched and found ur video..understood everything..Thanks a lot...may god bless you!!
Thank you so much! I'm a Stanford student and tomorrow I have a test on this stuff, I really appreciate it! I'm sure that if this comes up on the test I'll get those points for sure! Great explanation!
Thank you so very much! This is the most helpful conversion video I have found. You break it down so it is so much easier to understand. This has helped me with my homework.
Thank you for your videos. I learned how to change between the floating and Decimal. In the step III, I use 1.10101×2^7. Then I can move the point to the right 7 times. so the result is 11010100, then turn it to a number based 10, it is 212.
Your way of teaching is amazing ! This video has cleared all my doubts . Thankyou so much!! I really want you to upload more videos that will help students like me.
Thank you sis. Helped me a lot!!! Your voice is captivating me towards this subject and your handwriting is way too good. Make more videos,continue the good job.
Good thing to remember is that for simple questions like these, 2^7 is 128. which is always 1000 0000 in Base-2 (Binary). Once you get used to the simple numbers. At first glance, I knew 110 is 6. meaning it was 128 + 6 = 134. anything beyond 1000 (8) you should use the 2^x (where 1 is present) method. it's a lot more accurate if you're not confident with the basic binary
You saved meee at work xD here's the python version : def IEEE754(n): # decimal to binary b = bin(n)[2:] # the binary in IEEE754 notation # add '0' bytes on the left if len(b)%4 != 0: v = '' for i in range((4-len(b)%4)): v += '0' b = v + b sign = b[0] # add '0' bytes on the right while len(b) < 32: b += '0' # compute exponent and mantissa exponent = int(b[1:9], 2) - 127 mantissa = computeMantissa(b[9:]) print("sign : ", sign, "exponent : ", exponent, " mantissa : ", mantissa) # compute the value final = (-1)**int(sign) * (1 + mantissa) * 2**exponent return final
So TRUE bro! I leave the classroom with depression after every System Programming class now, because I simply just cannot understand the lecture. My prof gives the most confused explainations and not-so-good examples with his not-so-sexy British accent, which make his lecture more confusing. Sorry for being negative in here but I seriouslly considered take off my shoe and throw him with it. Like why should I pay my tuition if you want me study on my own?!
@@Mason-yj1ip are u indian??. If not,then chill bro. We indians pay a huge as tuition fees,can't complaint anyone,teach our friends and make ourselves to understand everything. 😂😂😂
Thank you so much !, 35 years of writing code and never had to do this before, clear , precise, just fantastic
Me too, but then today I had to write this decoding and printing the digits out. In 9S08 assembly code. Oddly, I watched this after doing the same exercise myself and writing the code. Handy to have watched this, looks like I did it properly.
You should definitely consider a future in teaching. clear, concise and to the point, properly showing each step with explanations! Amazing!
What kind of magical video is this. 100% clear explanation. Wow. Just wow. 7 minutes of a video that I would watch repeatedly forever so I could just experience the power of this video one more time
you should teach my teacher how to teach.
lost you lost me lost
100 % plz teach my cllg teachers also
😂😂 truue
yo dawg
I have never seen this type of explanation of this question anywhere..u r just awesome dear...carry on..
I have seen it after 3 years and It's still worthy....
The way you are writing on the paper is so satisfying 😮💨.....
Hey girl... You really helped me... I was dead loss in converting the IEEE754 to decimal... And I am having an exam tomorrow... You're really a miracle!! You explain so simply and clearly... I just understood the converting in 7 minutes... Wow... Thanks a lot... You made my day.. ♥ 💕 😍 😘
Ur a genius ! It's incredible how my entire classroom has understood this, however we're french
Thank you !
meme moi. elle a tres bien explique franchement
i am from bits..just abt to give my midsem exams..was really worried as none of my friends explained me..randomly searched and found ur video..understood everything..Thanks a lot...may god bless you!!
Thank you so much! I'm a Stanford student and tomorrow I have a test on this stuff, I really appreciate it! I'm sure that if this comes up on the test I'll get those points for sure! Great explanation!
Thank you so very much! This is the most helpful conversion video I have found. You break it down so it is so much easier to understand. This has helped me with my homework.
Some amazing people over the internet teaches you amazing things. Thank you.
Super clear explanations, descriptive notes, and step-by-step solution in this video. I highly RECOMMEND it!
Thank you for your videos. I learned how to change between the floating and Decimal. In the step III, I use 1.10101×2^7. Then I can move the point to the right 7 times. so the result is 11010100, then turn it to a number based 10, it is 212.
I tried to figure out this system with my profs script for 2 days XD, for you it took 7 minutes
Your way of teaching is amazing !
This video has cleared all my doubts . Thankyou so much!!
I really want you to upload more videos that will help students like me.
Thank you so much , my professor spent so much time on this he made it sound more complex than it actually is
you deserve morethan the likes that u have are simply the best..i love you
The most brilliant explanation i've got. Thanks a lot.
Excellent job explaining a simple process that so many cannot explain!
Literally have an exam tomorrow on this. This saved my life thanks!
Magnificent explanation !! My professors need to learn from you how to teach....
Your explanations are awesome, I have been watching so many videos, and yours the BEST
Great work - took a complicated subject and made it super simple to understand.
Thank you sis. Helped me a lot!!!
Your voice is captivating me towards this subject and your handwriting is way too good.
Make more videos,continue the good job.
Best explaination... I have never seen such kind of explaination for ieee
Desi Texan greeting Howdie is what keeps me up at night
Best video I've seen so far. Thanks!
Thank you so much for this help. I wouldn't have been able to figure this out without it.
Fantastic explanation. I'm truly impressed with the way you write. Vera level Thangam nee.
Thank you! This is the best explanation I have found and I finally understand it! You're a life saver!
Saved my COA paper. Crazy nice videos. I was wishing double precision to be here;
OMG what an amazing explanation! thank you so much. i really like how you explained everything in great detail :)
Gal you are better than best.Teach our prof how to lecture please.You good.
Thanks for making this video. Saved me on my exam.
you should be our explain so nice and clear . Easy to understand
Your video makes a lot of sense! Thank you for the simple, yet detailed explanation! :)
Excellent. Very neat writing too makes it even easier to understand. Thank you.
pronunciation & explanation deserve a big clap.
Priceless! With this explanation I was able to create software to do the job. Many thanks.
you have no idea how you've saved me from failure
Now I understood this technique sounds and clear. Thank you Abishalini :D
the best explanation on the internet!
this is the best explanetion i've ever had. thank u
Thanks again. Love how you show the calculation both ways.
This has been extremely helpful, and I like your Siemens pen.
You are awesome !! We'll never fail if you will teach !!
You have done a wonderful job explaining this Abishalini. Beautiful handwriting as well. Please drop some more videos like this.
Thank you so much I was stuck in question for days, and I finally understood it because of your video!
Good thing to remember is that for simple questions like these,
2^7 is 128. which is always 1000 0000 in Base-2 (Binary). Once you get used to the simple numbers. At first glance, I knew 110 is 6. meaning it was 128 + 6 = 134. anything beyond 1000 (8) you should use the 2^x (where 1 is present) method. it's a lot more accurate if you're not confident with the basic binary
Thank you so much! Your explanation was exactly what I was looking for!
Finally found something that's understable..
hi, i'll have an exam tmr, thank you for this video, it's amazing
Finally the journey to learn this ends.! Thanks a lot!
This is pure gold , thanks for the clear explanation
Best teacher ever! I've been searching for an easy and clear explanation like yours for about a week! Thank you so much =)
Very well executed, clear and informative. Well done.
Wow i don't how i can thank you i wish you luck you should be a teacher for teachers
You saved meee at work xD here's the python version :
def IEEE754(n):
# decimal to binary
b = bin(n)[2:]
# the binary in IEEE754 notation
# add '0' bytes on the left
if len(b)%4 != 0:
v = ''
for i in range((4-len(b)%4)):
v += '0'
b = v + b
sign = b[0]
# add '0' bytes on the right
while len(b) < 32:
b += '0'
# compute exponent and mantissa
exponent = int(b[1:9], 2) - 127
mantissa = computeMantissa(b[9:])
print("sign : ", sign, "exponent : ", exponent, " mantissa : ", mantissa)
# compute the value
final = (-1)**int(sign) * (1 + mantissa) * 2**exponent
return final
These videos are amazing. Thank you so so much!!
You should have my useless prof's salary
So TRUE bro! I leave the classroom with depression after every System Programming class now, because I simply just cannot understand the lecture. My prof gives the most confused explainations and not-so-good examples with his not-so-sexy British accent, which make his lecture more confusing. Sorry for being negative in here but I seriouslly considered take off my shoe and throw him with it. Like why should I pay my tuition if you want me study on my own?!
@@Mason-yj1ip are u indian??.
If not,then chill bro.
We indians pay a huge as tuition fees,can't complaint anyone,teach our friends and make ourselves to understand everything.
Thank you teacher. The lecture is very easy to understand ❤️❤️❤️ i cant control it when on class. Thank you
Awsome video mam....
You are amazing.... And also your voice is just lovely....... Thank you so much for this video
Just amazing!!! Please upload more of such videos!!
Thank you very much for such a concise and simple to follow explanation!
Thank you from France !
University sucks. How can a random person on youtube teach 1000x better than my teacher.
Thanks a lot!!
Thank you sooo much! Excellent walkthrough -clear and concise!
Thank you so much! Clear and well structured explanation!
You are awesome! Don't stop teaching
You made this quite clear. Well done. Thank you.
i love you for this. i hope u have an amazing life
im not allowed to use a calculator on the exam, i think im cooked
An absolutely amazing calculation of how tf this is in my recommended
I love your teaching
You made it so easy..your a darling❤️..Thank you
Impressive tutorial and english knowledge.
I kept hearing “equilibrium” instead of “equivalent” lol.
Great explanation dude. Thanks a lot :)
that was awesome ,Imagine that my teacher gave me your video link to learn!
if just our teachers were like you. This hurts my heart I am speechless :(
Explicas muy bien, incluso con mi inglés básico entendí absolutamente todo. Eres increíble, gracias!
Thank you for your great explanation Abishalini......♥
hey, your videos are really helpful. Thank you a lot :)
You explain this concept very nicely
Thank you so much for such a nice explanation 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Explained very well. Keep it up
Thank you very much for this video, kind human!
this was amazingly taught, thank you so much
Thank you :) Nicely explained!
thank you you helped me with my uni homework
my fucking teacher teach me in class like 2 hours, and I get nothing, but this video makes me understand in 7 minutes, good video!!
we need more videos please!!! u are sooo good
Thank you for this.. really solved every single confusion.. 😁
Thank you, you're good at this!
hi buddy!
you are awesome!!
I enjoy your vids very much!
This is so great, thank you so much!! Used this last minute for my assignment and it was incredibly clear. Thanks again!! :D
OMG, i believe that professors should learn from u how to express an idea clearly after watching your explanation
This should definitely be the top result
Thanks mate it helped me solve my assignments 👍👍
Simple and easy to understand. Thank you!
Very nicely explained!