"Do not trust me" - Part 8

  • Опубліковано 12 бер 2024
  • Here we have further EVIDENCE that Joke Blerp is intentionally cherry picking "facts" he's using on his channel to make sure that he is viewed as a trustworthy person, when reality dictates that he is DISHONEST and a LIAR
    #joeblue #theanticheater #anticheater #exposed
  • Ігри


  • @exiFPS1
    @exiFPS1 3 місяці тому +1

    2:38 that caught me off guard xD
    good video as always!

    • @icandobetter6969
      @icandobetter6969  3 місяці тому

      Intentionally placed it 1 run too early to give the 🤨-reaction and then give the arh-😅 reaction when he jumps
      I'm glad it worked🥰

  • @najahadeath7391
    @najahadeath7391 3 місяці тому +2

    Seriously, it didn't take you long to make this video ^^ (it's not as long as some others, you had quite a habit, some may even say... an obsession), when i recieved a like on my comments, i was like "could it be him ?"
    I wanna make a statement, i'm not into any battle here. Like i said when i commented on Joe's video, my point was simply to have a entertaining discussion about suspicious players, not judging anything or anyone.
    I guess i'll have to thank you for this honor (if it is one), and for my pseudonym, simply decompose Naja and Hadeath, like the name of the snake and the name of the greek god of the underworld.
    This aside, when i stumbled upon your two channels that are antagonistic to one another, it sparkled in my eye. It's fabulous, like a batman vs joker kind of rivalry.
    The answer to why he use this course i think is because the alleged cheater take a course that seems doing this pattern, but it doesn't (I'll admit without any shame, the suspect making the sound metallic through all his movement was a lucky draw or a lag error).
    A lot of time when connection is not suffisent or the server is lagging too much, the client can perceive a sound for more time than it's supposed to. Example, you walk on wood, then dirt, from the time your computer understand it's not on wood anymore, it will make wood sound even on dirt.
    Also a thing i didn't bring on the table, on youtube, video encoding compress the sound, so we would never hear some of the sounds that happen.
    For me these two people that are suspicious are not at fault of anything but sound error. There is not enough evidence to prove anything so yeah, Ockham Razor (Simplest explanation is the more likely solution. I don't have to invoke cheating to explain those phenomena, so it's probably not cheating.). These two people could be easily defeated, a cheater is a pain from start to end. Yes some of them are that bad, but there, there is nothing to complain about. Every thing happening badly for Joe's team could be avoided.
    Joe doesn't see and hear the thing from the same perspective as me, and it's okay, we can have separate opinions.

    • @icandobetter6969
      @icandobetter6969  3 місяці тому +1

      Sorry for the longer text
      1. I got no idea who "naja" is and "Hadeath" (if spelled in English) is the incorrect way of spelling the Greek God of the Underworld, his name is spelled Hades, so i apologize for not noticing the connection
      2. well, the reason i have this channel all together is purely because of how disrespectful and dishonest Joe Blue is, once he actually humbles himself and stops crying wolf at everyone, then this channel disappears - I hate cheaters just as much as the next, but Defamation of Character and calling everyone in the comment section a cheater is something I cannot support
      3. "The answer to why he use this course i think" - I am sorry to say this, but unless you actually are Joe Blue, then what you "think" is not relevant, his actual behavior on his entire channel is what matters
      (doesn't mean it offensively, so if it comes across like that, i am sorry)
      4. 100% agrees with you on the sound - it was luck on his part and unlucky for Joe Blue, but that being said, Joe Blue should not be trying to make that the all-in-all evidence of cheating aka "phantom footstep" and then follow it up with moving the goal post to say "but he had no footstep" when he might have went from crouching to sprinting (which also is a known bug)
      also - i love how you're adding in such detailed explanations, it only goes to show that you're arguing something you known rather than giving short explanations, thanks

    • @najahadeath7391
      @najahadeath7391 3 місяці тому +1

      1 "Hadeath" is a not so clever merging between Hades and Death (i came up with it long ago) ^^, no need to apologize, your pronunciation is on point, i just wanted to point out the thing.
      3 It is not relevant, however as any commentary on his actions, it as the same value of interpretation. I mean, if in your video you point out that it's not the correct way to investigate the matter, you assume he's not trying to. Maybe he just have no clue as to how it should be done (Not throwing him under the bus, but if he can't have another argument than "this is a fact because my video", maybe he's not intuitive enough to use a propers ways to investigate.).
      Like someone commented on the video, Joe is not trying to find cheaters, or explain how they did it, he just assume. Your methods are quite better than his (If i refer to "Joe Blue PROVING he is fabricating evidence" video), you actively try to understand what the alleged cheater is trying to do, using other references to make your case, widening your point of view by excluding cheat a the first option. Maybe he is that clueless about how to do things the correct way or maybe it's as intentionnal as you think (We will probably never know.), i personnaly can't exclude the benefit of the doubt, because of point 6.
      5 (These two people could be easily defeated - he defeated the 2nd player who "force you to med kit", which is hilarious) If they didn't turned their back to the reviving guy in the first one, they would have win this fight. They didn't attempt to burn him either to make him stand up, nor to lure potential allies (the supposed allies that never comes cause he's a solo). But apparently i'm undermining and underestimating his skill and his teamates skill when i tell him that (I'm an humble 3 star player, what do i know about necro.. silly me ^^).
      6 Some people have difficulties accepting the cruel and dire truth. When insecure, relying on a higher power, a guiding hand or a belief makes people do crazy things. He's trapped in his delusion that everyone and everything is against him (Everyone that makes him feel bad is a cheater to him, it's kinda like paranoïa). Statistics can allege that unless he's extremely unlucky, he probably wouldn't have a cheater in everyone of his clips. So yeah, we know that it can't be, he probably doesn't. Probabilities are too thin.
      Everygame he plays must be riddled by cheaters , we can't possibly imagine how much stress he's passing through (Though it doesn't excuse any insult or bad behavior he had toward anyone.). But yeah, a little introspection or a revelation choc could do him real good. Without that, he will simply stay there, trapped in his own mind, creating this oozing feeling of toxicity towards anyone that don't agree with him. And that's very sad..

    • @icandobetter6969
      @icandobetter6969  3 місяці тому +1

      1. Just laughed at how slow i am making that connection xD
      (needed you to explain it xD)
      3. fair point, investigation can be determined on how you interpret things - the reason why i responded like i did is based on the knowledge of how Joe Blue is responding to people that disagrees with him aka "baseless statements" or "you are a cheater or a cheater defender" or even something like "you are not refuting my actual arguments, you are just character assassinating me"
      (i do see your pov and from that perspective, then i have to agree with you, yes)
      Like someone commented on the video, Joe is not trying to find cheaters, or explain how they did it, he just assume - some of the people responding like that are people coming back from watching him previously (like me) or some who just simply doesnt see the cheat he's claiming and coming to a hasty conclusion (last part is the same as Joe being too hasty calling people cheaters, so equally bad)
      5. ARH.... that was what you meant xD
      110% AGREED - nothing more to say xD
      (you say you're undermining his skill and his teammates skill - watch his January highlight😉 It is a "Joe Blue Highlight" to spectate his cousin or to die", you can also watch some of his Fortnite Rank 3 - 4 - 5)
      6. We are so many who have actually tried explaining that to him, 90% of us also did so in a friendly way to begin with, but since he continuously was disrespecting towards us and others, there has to be an end to the madness of accepting his insults.... which in the long run only will make him lock himself up in his delusion even more... i know
      6.1. But watching his gameplay and how fast he's calling people for "cheater" should give you an indicator of how little it takes to make him Cry Wolf - you basically just need to get the jump on him and then you're wallhacking or have a better aim than him in a fair fight and you're using aimbot, doesn't matter how legit you actually are

    • @najahadeath7391
      @najahadeath7391 3 місяці тому +1

      Well, it seem like the conversation i have with joe is coming to an end (Like, now he's arguing semantics and fallacies construction.). This was quite a journey if i can say so. I don't know if he lost patience with my arguments, or if he discarded the points one by one because he couldn't do anything else to invalid them. Not once he successfully opened his mind to the exercise, it's like talking to a sith lord, everything is so absolute.
      5- I will definitivelly watch your recomandation, it certainly would be entertaining.
      6 and 6.1, yeah by reading more answer from him and seing more of his videos, i quite viewed all he has to offer as a human (for what it's worth, his videos are entertaining for his gameplay value, his comments though..😒), and i'm not that interested in him to continue any discussion so i'm pretty glad it'll be over soon.. for me at least. It seems for you the fight continues, and it will probably last, i wish you good luck with that.
      I guess i'll return to my own games, and look from time to time upon your videos and catch up all the story. I know you don't do that for glory, but i still wish you success and views.

    • @icandobetter6969
      @icandobetter6969  3 місяці тому

      1. that is the same conclusion about him that everyone else (who isn't blindly agreeing or naive) comes to
      2. if you wont professional entertainment, then i recommend tacotommy5584 (also in the comment section) - he got jokes that's making me get complaints from my neighbors xD
      (but thank you)
      3. again, the same conclusion everyone with an open mind comes to, in regards to Joe's behavior
      - from my perspective, it's not really a "fight" against him, it's more like "awareness about who he truly is" ... if he changes behavior and humbles himself, then this channel disappears xD
      4. there are actually 2 reasons why i am doing this (the I Can Do Better channel) - but thanks for wishing me success :)
      4.1. From the bottom of my heart, i hate cheaters
      4.2. I sincerely want more people to catch cheaters, so if Joe can learn to not Cry Wolf at everyone, then that will be a success in the fight against cheaters - he just didn't want to listen cuz he's apparently never wrong xD

  • @tacotommy5584
    @tacotommy5584 3 місяці тому +2

    This is what joe blue hears when he plays hunt. (Idk if its just me, but theres no audio lol)
    Edit: nvm. Refreshed vid and theres audio

    • @icandobetter6969
      @icandobetter6969  3 місяці тому

      I do somewhay believe his hearing is worse than mine - and that's not even comparing my hearing to my partners which is a real life cheat in itself😂
      I can apparently hear 90% of these "no footsteps" in Joe's videos, which he claims isnt there😂
      (My partner, however, can hear the footsteps in the compound next to where Joe is... Kinda😅)