First Holy Communion atSst Teresa Church, Moulali Kolkata

  • Опубліковано 6 лют 2023
  • Today is a momentous day-a day filled with joy, wonder, and profound significance. It is a day when you take your First Holy Communion, a moment you've been eagerly awaiting as you grow in faith and understanding. Today, you receive the precious gift of the Eucharist for the very first time, and it is a moment that will forever be etched in your hearts.
    As you approach the altar to receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ, remember that this sacrament is a beautiful and sacred encounter with our Lord. It is a moment when He comes to dwell within you in a special and unique way. With the innocence and purity of your hearts, you welcome Jesus into your lives, just as He welcomed the little children when He walked on Earth.
    The Eucharist is more than a simple ritual or tradition; it is the source of strength, grace, and love. In the bread and wine that become His body and blood, we find nourishment for our souls, forgiveness for our sins, and the promise of eternal life. The Eucharist is a gift that will sustain you on your journey of faith, through all the joys and challenges life may bring.
    Today, you become part of a larger family-the family of believers who gather around the altar to receive Christ. With this communion, you are joined with Christians around the world and throughout history in a bond of faith, love, and unity. It is a testament to the universality of the Church and the enduring presence of Christ in our lives.
    As you receive your First Holy Communion, remember the teachings of Jesus: to love one another, to be kind and compassionate, and to share His message of hope with the world. Carry His love in your hearts and let it shine through your actions.
    Your faith journey is just beginning, and this moment is a stepping stone towards a deeper relationship with God. Continue to seek Him in prayer, study His Word, and grow in your understanding of the faith. As you do, may the Eucharist always be a source of strength and inspiration, guiding you on the path of holiness and bringing you closer to God.
    Today, we celebrate your First Holy Communion with great joy and gratitude. May your hearts be forever enriched by the presence of Christ, and may your lives be a testament to His love and grace.
    With love and blessings.