Learn to make plans with the FUTURE PROGRESSIVE tense

  • Опубліковано 16 чер 2024
  • www.engvid.com/ What will you be doing in 30 seconds' time? Learning about the future progressive verb tense, of course! This tense is all about making plans for the future using the "will be" and "going to" structures. After the lesson, you will be able to confidently start talking about future plans and decisions. When you are done, I will be waiting for you to complete the quiz to assess your understanding. Will you be staying in tonight to watch this useful video? www.engvid.com/learn-to-make-p...
    Hello, everybody. My name is Benjamin, and welcome back to www.engvid.com, the home of good English on the internet. Today we're going to be covering the future progressive tense. Now, this is a very useful tense when you're asked a difficult question in an interview situation, like: "Thomas, where do you imagine being in five years' time?" Okay? So this is a really good tense to master for those kind of speculative, difficult questions you might face in an interview. So, today, we're going to be looking at the use form, how to use it in the positive, the negative, and then looking at different ways of asking questions in the future tense, and the different meanings of using: "will", "going to", or the future progressive. Great.
    So, we use the future progressive when we are saying that something will be happening at a specific time in the future. For example: I will be eating pizza today with my mother. Okay? So, the form: "I will be"; the verb, "eat" in this case; and then "ing", and we have a later time in the future. So: "I will be eating pizza later today." At a specific time. We know what time it's going to happen.
    Okay, so in the positive: "I will be work" and then my "ing" ending. "I will be working..." And then, what time is that going to happen? We will need to add that here. In the negative, it would be: "He will not be working on Tuesday, because he has a day off." Okay? Using a question mark. If I want to ask someone what they're doing at the weekend, maybe I would say: "Will you be working on Saturday?" Okay? Maybe I want to play football with them, so I find out if they will be working. "Will you be working on Saturday?"
    I want you to think of an example now. Now, think of that. I'm talking about interview questions. The person says to you: "Matthew, what will you be doing in 5 years' time?" So, I want you to answer: "In 5 years' time I will be", now you could use the verb: "work", "live", or "study". Okay? "In 5 years' time I will be..." Remember the form: "I will be", the verb, and "ing". Okay? Have a quick go. What have you got? Good. Keep a note of that for later.
    Now, we're going to move on to questions. Okay? So, three different ways of using questions. Sometimes this question... Sometimes questions aren't actually questions at all. So, questions are only questions if you raise your voice at the end. What are you doing later? But if I just say: "What are you doing later?" Then I don't like what you're doing later; I'm being nasty.
    So, a request or an order. "Will you finish your homework tonight?" Okay? "Will you finish your homework tonight?" Okay? This is a teacher or the parent, being quite "poof, poof, poof", with the student or the child. Okay? So: "Will you finish your homework tonight?" I'm using the future tense, "will", here. I still have a definite time, tonight. Will you finish your homework tonight? But it's an order. I want them to finish their homework tonight.
    Here, I want a decision, and I'm going to use the future tense: "going to". "Are you going to finish your homework tonight?" I want them to finish their homework tonight, I really do. I want them to say: "Yes! I am going to finish my homework tonight." So a want decision, but it's not "ch, ch, ch, ch, ch", like it is here.
    Now, here, we are using the future progressive tense. You'll notice the "will", the "be", the verb, plus the "ing". "Will you be finishing your homework tonight?" You'll notice it's polite. Okay? It shows respect to the other person. "Will you be", so I've changed the word order of "will", and the subject and the verb while I form the question. "Will you be finishing your homework tonight?" And that's a nice respectful way of asking a question. Lovely.
    So, today we've looked at the use of the future progressive. We're talking about something that's going to happen at a certain point in the future. We use "will be", the verb, "ing" and it needs to have a specific time. For example: "In 5 years' time I will be working in Montreal in Canada." Okay? Positive, negative, question mark. Just make sure you use the "ing" with this tense. And here are the different ways of asking questions in the future. Making an order, "Do that", when I use "will"; wanting an answer: "Are you going to?"; and when I want to be polite, I use this future progressive: "Will you be finishing your homework tonight?"