I have never heard anyone else ever teach that David is God's only begotten Son. Not priest , pastor nor Rabi or any other teacher new age or new thought, no one . And yet the masses believe them . My christian friend calls Neville a false teacher but I recognise most the things she teaches to new christians is what Neville teaches, except about David and I AM which she calls blasphemy. I believe that I have found the truth through Neville and I pray that many more will hear this wonderful message.
Dear Divine, please ask her when the time comes again on this topic, what was the name revealed to Moses (through Moses’ communing in his own consciousness) by the Supreme Divine?? The Name(or sentence) was “I AM” BEING THAT WHICH “I AM” - shortened to “I AM”. From same The Bible in Hebrew.
@@variniaginn4718 So what about Jesus being the son of God, as God says "who I am well pleased." In the Bible, Jesus is mentioned as the son of God far more than David. 😟
It's no wonder they keep our minds so busy. The "city" that never sleeps. That's what they have created in our minds. When one is in silence; God is heard.
It's all about expanding Our Consciousness Awareness, if We really learn how to couple Imagination w/AWARENESS & Action, then nothing can stop Us fm. experiencing & creating Our Own dream state into this physical state of REALITY on Our Own terms.
This is all new to me but I feel like all my questions about spirituality and God have been answered and a weight has been lifted . Im having no trouble grasping these lessons and I feel like that's a good sign. Life is different now and that I cannot explain.
Although I am a Muslim and I have a different (at least at the surface) system of beliefs, but what this gentleman is preaching is simply Mind-boggling. When I listen to him, I get a weird feeling of relief (and confusion at the same time). 🤯🤔😌
Jason Robert Blake Very well said Mr. Blake, very well indeed. I needed to hear your take on the subject matter, most especially your metaphor of emptying our cup full of limiting and/or biased belief paradigms to hopefully make room for a new expanded consciousness & “God-like Awareness”. Nature abhors a vacuum.
in Islam, there is 'Hakikat' ('Hakikat' in malay, i dont really know the name of teaching in English.) . also in Tasawuf if im not mistaken.. we are not God but averything is God...its like we are the reflection of God...i dont know how to explained it bcuz it can only be explained by experience...
@@bienjieonex like the experience of ONENESS?? A feeling or knowing I am ONE with all things, experiencing self as all things, during a heightened sense of awareness??
“Have patience - wait, but do not sit idle; work while you are waiting; smile while you are wearied with monotony; be firm while everything around you is being shaken; be joyous while the ugly face of despair grins at you; speak aloud while the malevolent forces of the nether world try to crush your mind; be valiant and courageous while men all around you are cringing with fear and cowardice. Do not yield to the overwhelming power of tyranny and despotism. Continue your journey to the end. The bright day is coming." ‘Abdu'l-Bahá
@@pratikrajsah From the Baha’i writings. AbdulBaha was the son of prophet founder of Baha’i faith. If you’re from India your country has the largest population of Baha’is in the world. The lotus temple is one of Baha’i shrines.
There are many beautiful sayings but it does not bring you closer to God. You are already talking about a temple outside yourself where people go to worship. This is not the way.
100Watt This is very well received Tky...~ "Now let us go into the Silence" As opposed to applause which disrupts the spirit of Wisdom. We are in the The New Thought Experience
"The immortal you is buried in the skull (Golgatha) of a mortal human which is the body that you wear.".......So imagine imagination is the goldin liquid light that neville speaks about (god)....so imagination (God) wanted to experience itself and forget that it was already perfect for a while......but at the same time did not want to get lost on the journey....so God (imagination) created david (second copy of imagination)...so God (imagination) sent David....(the reasearcher)...to enter the earth (death)...and multiply and enter each human body and animate it gain experience and see if you can remember how to get back.....we are all david.....once we awaken we will know this...... then david takes us inside ourselves to the golden liquid light and introduces us to his father God (imagination).....which is really introducing us to ourselves God (imagination)....we all are one...
This is an All in all encompassing MESSage like none I have ever heard! Thanks for posting 🍞🍷💗🙌😎So so FULL of Hope in the mystery which is Christ in y’all!
That, which opposes Truth, that occupies the other end of the spectrum. It is duality/polarity. On the right, is the truth, and on the left the lie. This (and all of Neville's lectures) sure as Hell gets a thumbs Up from me. ;)
Neville Goddard ' teaching is a 'must' to everyone: " It is a prophetic blue print ; it is the dreamer in man that needs to be awaken " ❤🙏💙🏌️♀️💃✨🌚 You just need to listen to this several times a day if you truly love yourself. It is even free as the some of the most beautiful valuable but priceless gifts that have been bestowed upon us so abundantly just like water and the air we breathe in this wonderful life we have. 🎹🙏💙❤💃🏌️♀️🌚✨ Every word of this genius, new thought leader, , prophet avatar - being far ahead of his time in every way is a radiating pearl- pure poetry light - a mile stone. It is light giving music to our ears been recorded with his marvelously articulated original actor poet voice more than 55 years ago. Totally mind-blowing in every way - incredible! What a priceless remarkable gift to "the most marvelous miraculous inconceivable powerful force the Universe has ever known" which as Neville so beautifully and truthfully puts is your own "human wonderful imagination" = jesus christ or God who dwells inside you:
this is the voice calling you, it's the same voice calling you in the bible, and the moment you start to understand this teaching you're hearing the call, do not think it's a different voice, the understanding of the bible or this teaching is the hearing of the call, for this teaching or the bible is as a stupid things to them.
LoloLove brother, cRISE innerMent. A year ago YesToDay Spare-iT seeKEEN that soul PURePOSED one eis aLLsouL nowHeir within yourCeLL uPifANY Mii's kNoLLs(that)edgE aWeAreNEiS? Have you met, David of Nazareth son to Abraham. Thus I'mPossible to present a peace of your true DNA.AND my father, a GoD! I, M, thaht aLLsouL NowHere Gaurdians.Of.Divinity, our e-Go is just governing. Soul now you kNoLLs G's isUS, 2 1/2 yrs. more tWOmoraLs to endOing. I tell that once you've pick up your cross, or experience if you will. Like Neville, i cannot get enough of all there is this bbn planet seems to throw at me brothers and sisters. Its like enjoyable a fix or something better than sex, and devil has no effect, i just love it even more. Lol. So pay full attention to be faithful. Reproach me comePaSSOn. One on one. 6668999
@DaverTinus can I please hear HOW it came to pass that you had this exact experience? I have been searching for what to do so that I, too, can experience it.
I know he is telling the thruth as a few months before hearing this i was in meditation and i had seen an image of a young healthy man clothed in red and gold and white on a throne and i was aware that he was david. There was no image of david that i seen before to compare but i was told its david almost as a realization and i was wondering what it meant. Now i know what it meant. And i didnt pay special importance to david in the bible either so it took me entirely by surprise when this was revealed to me but what it meant was not revealed. Today its revealed and it makes sense and i also can verify for my own experience that Neville is telling the thruth. How blessed to have him tell us and how blessed are we to have heard his words of thruth. Thank u Father, Thank you Jesus, thank you I Am, thank you Neville, thank you David, Thank you Jesse, and thank you 100 k watt, and thank you all.🙏
If I am to become God, and God is perfect, how is that ever going to be established? I seem to be so far from perfect.. It is too hard, I cannot fulfill my task, I need more clear input. Way more clear. I want to be put on a track in which I cannot run away, and everything becomes Self-evident. Hauxxx
Granted 🙏😇in the beginning was the word and the word was God and God is love... love Was manifested in the flesh and dwelt among us"Jesus"when they crucified him before he ascended he decended and took the keys to death and Hell and on the 3rd day he arose again and said here's the keys to death and Hell , love God and Love your fellow man on these 2 hang All The laws and prophets.. the 10 commandments,if you do these you won't break 1...but since you are not perfect here's My gift to you before I ascend to the Father.. IAM with you and in you All even until the end of the world... now I go to sit down at the right hand of the Father and IAM in you,where do you sit¿?at the right hand of the Father! All power in heaven and earth (Love)Was given to me and IAM in you!!!who has All power in Heaven and Earth¿?you... He was God manifest in the flesh!!Who Are you¿?God manifest in the flesh!!! God is Love and in us all...😇🙏💯
Neville Goddard was a con artist. I have been doing what that drunkard in the photo suggests, for 5 FULL fucking years now, and apart from 'coincidences' which have changed ZERO on my experience, nothing has changed. Things have kept getting worse, and I, older. What is worse is, I have believed the shit this charlatan preaches, bought his works, studied and applied it, and now that I know I was fooled my heart hurts of betrayal and stupidity. Cause I feel the dumbest person alive,for having wasted HOURS ON HOURS and days on days staying SILENT and fooling myself!!! It's a good thing the mf ended as he did, it's what he deserved for having lied all his life. Whoever claims they are "manifesting" big money or else, do so in order to make money out of videos, stages, private "counseling". That's where they're getting their money from, video monetisation or your naivete. The fact not even Goddard's daughter wants to have anything to do with this stuff, nor the Goddard company, shows what this really is: mambo Jambo. He died as a drunkard (his hesophagus exploded) while his wife was in hospital trying to fight for her life. Don't make my mistake and that of many others, I tell you even magick or Santeria/ voodo is more powerful than this.
I get what he is saying about Jesus being the imagination but I really dont get how and who David is the son - the one trying to wake God up in us so is the son our experiences ? Please help explain I thank you in advance
Brilliant question! At this point I've heard several dozens of Neville's lectures, some of them dozens of times, as well as some of his written works, & almost each time I do I understand it more and more, sometimes the most profound Revelations! And yet, somehow, there's remained mystery, ambiguity, & questions yet answered... the larger our sphere of Illumination grows, the more we see; but so too grows the perimeter of darkness... The more we come to know & understand, the more we realize just how much there it that we don't... but I know from experience that Neville's material continues to unpack itself even after reading / listening to it dozens of times. New meanings explode. Stuff that's been there the whole time, waiting.
Everything Neville said is TRUE because I am experiencing them. I have not earn or merited these experiences. I am emotional and full of tears that despite all I have done the Father decided to reveal himself in me. They will happen to you. David is the only one that will basically convince you that you are God the Father. None of the other mystical experience would. David is the son of I AM. He is your son and mine son. He is the eternal son of God the father. When you see David, he will call you father then memory will return and you will remember who you were before you came down into man. The father and the son are both buried inside of us waiting to come out. Yes, David is calling onto us now but we cannot hear him. You will only wake up when you have played all the parts. One night you will go to sleep and the mystical experiences will start. You will have a lot of foreshadowing but also actual experiences that Neville spoke about. The more you listen and read the more clearer it will become, anyways it was so in my case. I would suggest you ask yourself the question just before you go to sleep. The answer is sure to come maybe not that night but it has never failed me. I could have a dream/vision or feel the urge to listen or read a specific Neville's lecture and right in the lecture Neville will talk about that point I was struggling to understand. Sometimes in the middle of the day out of the blue a thought will "drop" into my mind shading more light on a question I had. I hope this has shade some light on the matter.
William Blake is a famous author who died in 1857. Used to be required reading in school. You can Google him, probably get his works for free digitally or at a public library.
Hello! What's Blake's full name. I wish to research more about him. Thank you for uploading these videos! They have really helped a lot to understand myself and the universe 🙏 bless you
According the bible Jesus Christ is God. John 1:1, Colossians 1:15-19. I fail to see how I am God, in fact the bible says we are all sinners. Romans 3:23. Neville is interesting to listen to, but I question his theology?
@Corby God if you are God then you would know how everything is created, what everyone thinks, you could heal anyone. The astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross calculated that the God who created the universe is as least 10 to the power of 99 that's 99 zeroes times smarter,(a trillion is 12 zeroes)smarter than the smartest scientists on the planet. Now I do like Neville and he has lot of valuable information, however making yourself God violates the First Commandments.
@Ronnie Jackson then by definition you break the First Commandment. You shall have no other Gods before me. In the garden of Eden the first lie ever told is Satan deceiving Eve by saying: "You will be like God". If you were like God you would not die. Neville Goddard certainly died. There is a big difference between tapping into the infinite mind of God, and being God.
The Bible also says, “don’t I say ye are all Gods???” We are all sinners in the flesh but in the flesh we are all “The Lord” “the Supreme Divine Being” dreaming or expressing/manifesting as human- BEINGS!!! In the Bible, The Supreme Divine Beings revealed name(or sentence) for ever and ever to Moses was “I AM BEING THAT WHICH I AM” shortened to “I AM”. Now, can you describe yourself (good or bad) without first saying “I AM”...???
E.A. Abe Preisinger That is not “Gods” will for you in the journey of your flesh. You see things from your first eye (which see only in the flesh). You are here to experience Gods individualized expression/manifestation in the Physical realm and finally to reawaken to “know” from a personal experience from inside of you!!! But you must understand “God” is not of this physical realm(it’s all an expression which nothing last forever, NOTHING - EVERYTHING WILL RETURN TO ITS ORIGINAL STATE - GOD). But “GOD” is A BEING-NESS, EXISTENCE WITH POWER BEYOND HUMAN IMAGINATION - THAT IS WHY WE STRUGGLE TO UNDERSTAND MANY THINGS - THAT IS NOT WHY WE ARE HERE THOUGH! Your time or moment will come to reawaken in this realm or another and then you will “KNOW” the truth - then you will be on the other end of your statement (people will doubt you too). All of us will and must play all the parts for our personal individualized experience!!! Infinite Love❤️❤️❤️
realneville.com/txt/blake_on_religion.htm ua-cam.com/video/JYjgXjKJqdk/v-deo.html "He who does not imagine in stronger and better lineaments, and in stronger and better light than his perishing and mortal eye can see, does not imagine at all" ~William Blake~
Does the owner of this channel still reply to comments? I have a question about one specific aspect in the Bible that Neville preached about in his lectures and writings. It's not entirely clear to me, and I wish someone would explain it to me in more detail, I'd be thankful. Thx!
@@100kwatt_Neville_Goddard So I have read some of his scripted speeches on realneville, and in some of these (this speech here is among those) he revealed that every one of us, every single man in the world, will be redeemed. And every man/woman will be redeemed in the way that they see the son of God, David, from the Scripture, who will set him/her free for real, because then each of us will get back all the memories that we lost and remember who-we-are etc. So Neville made clear that salvation is predestined and everyone will return back to God. Now, here is one thing that I did not entirely understand. He basically said that it is proposed to us to practice the Law (of Assumption) and use it create the life of our dreams, _but_ our salvation is preconditioned and we would not "fail" at being saved. But what did he really mean with "fail"? Just not failing at being saved, or also not failing at realizing the life of your dreams & your greatest desires too? He said that we will become the Father only when we become "perfect", in the sense of completed, having reached our ideal self, gone back to the "original" which is the Father. Does this necessarily mean that at this state we would also have accomplished everything that we wanted to have/be, or are our realized wishes and desires independent from having become perfect/reached our ideal state of self/etc.?? Can it actually be that I would not succeed at using the Law of Assumption at all, that I would not have accomplished anything at all, yet still I would then get to see David sometime and leave this world without having realized anything that I wanted in this world? Is it really this what he meant, i.e. practice the Law, become healthy, wealthy and wise, _but_ the fitness is preconditioned? We will eventually see David and remember who-we-are, but it is entirely up to us whether we will manifest anything that we want in this world, is that really what he meant, or does _this_ aspect actually go with the ideal self of course? Do you understand my question? I personally don't want to depart from this world without having successfully manifested anything, or having manifested just few things but not satisfied my biggest desires... That's the question!
@@Katze400 I can tell you from my own personal experience that everything Neville said is truth because I am experiencing the Promise and I also use the Law when I need something. In response to your questions, why waiting for the Promise to happen which you cannot fail at it meaning, regardless it will happen. Everybody will experience the Promise. While you are waiting for the Promise and still here on earth you might as well use the Law to live a great life. The successes of the Law is up to you if you practice it as he taught it but with the Promise will can not initiate it. The Promise will happen when the Father decides it is your time. No one can earn the Promise, it is a gift. No human can be Perfect (Neville said this in one of his teachings). Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." You do not have to do a thing. When you have played all the parts the Promise will start in you. You can realize all your dreams in this life or the next one as you already know the Law (if you do not reach the end of the Promise in this life). The funny thing is once the Promise starts happening to you, you will lose interest in material things. The mystical experiences are mind blogging that you can hardly think of anything else. You can manifest and live your greatest dream here on earth and still have the Promise if you are due to receive it in this lifetime. I hope this helps.
@@goldenperiod5900 Thank you for your reply. Let me tell you I absolutely acknowledge that Neville told the truth, I know that he was 100% dead serious about every story and lecture that he gave, he didn't joke about a single thing that he told, so I know ofc there's no chance that he made his stories up let alone was a scammer! But anyways, the reason why I asked this question is that - I don't like to openly talk about this at all though - I don't feel good about my life, I don't have great hopes about myself, my family, or anything. Because I am NOT able to manifest or do anything at all, that's the problem. I am not able to "manifest and live my greatest dream here on earth", but I've tried it in the last 6 months and have only failed and failed. Nothing is working. And basically I don't know how to "practice" it (how exactly am I supposed to practice manifesting things and strengthening my faith and assumptions?), or if "practicing" it is actually the next step on how I should approach this issue, I don't know what to do now, I have no plans. Should I watch life coaches on yt who give "exercises" on imagining stuff/training my visualization, which would basically turn into burdens of work for me because then I'd have to use my time and imagination for exercising instead of actually applying it for manifesting things? Should I then study the Kabbalah, since I have to "quantitatively" use my visualization and assumption abilities? I find the Kabbalah insanely complicated and hell of a work for me to dedicate, I have no idea how long it would take to learn anything from it, or if its even worth! I've had no real successes on using the Law at all, and I'm afraid it might stay this way, or at best nothing much will change in my life before I experience the Promise. I have no life at all, I'm 22 and I have 0 friends, I've had no relationships whatsoever, my parents/family is not doing financially well, and not only this, we have almost no contact to any of our relatives, we have no healthy relations to almost any of our relatives. And the ethnos to which I belong seems more and more to be heading towards doom/gen0cide! What if it's too late until I finally figure out how to manifest positive things in my life, and you see it's even very difficult for me to imagine the _feelings_ and _sensations_ of being a normal social person (and being successful), any of these feelings... I have to be completely honest with you, I have almost no motivation to do anything, everything seems to discourage me. So I _honestly_ wonder then, what's the point of being alive in this world at all??? I am not 'waiting' for the Promise to come, but I mean it's totally indifferent if I was born to live in this world for an unnecessary long time doing nothing, or just right away departing from this world or not been born in the first place. What's the point of being trapped in this world and doing nothing, creating nothing, and instead just suffering and being unhappy, and then finally departing from this world??? I don't consider this to be a meaningful life, and I wouldn't consider it to be even remotely a "success" to accomplish nothing in this life (or "a couple more lives") and then being set free after seeing David. I am not debating your point btw, I'm just telling you how I genuinely feel about all this. Although, if you're saying that I'm supposed to play 'all the parts' and go through all possible states, then doesn't this eventually mean that I will experience great states too? And frankly, even if it's true that I will lose interest in material things once the Promise starts happening to you, I still cannot imagine how I would be genuinely satisfied about my empty life at that point, I still wouldn't consider it having lived a full and meaningful life, it's impossible for me to imagine being completely happy despite of all of this. I don't think I would be happy and satisfied even then, I want to live a full life, and if I just depart from the world without having succeeded at anything, there's no way I would be happy at the end. It doesn't make sense to me. Well yeah, this is what I genuinely think about this. Still, thx very much for your reply!
Can someone explain who or what the Son is? He says the son is David, but what is the significance. Is son our state of mind when we are in amnesia? I'm a little confused.
Hello, I’ve been studying Neville’s wisdom for a few years and for now, I humanly(ego, intellect) understand that when he refers to the son of God as David, he is referring to the collective whole of imperfect humanity, which is also individually represented as each of us. We are David. I am David. You are David. I do truly believe this cannot be understood intellectually, it must be ‘known’ from a far greater source buried within each of us awaiting eruption. I wait to understand from experience alongside you! But I hope this helps some. It took me two years of study to even grasp that little bit. Lol
@@kwill75 Thank you so much!!!! I heard before from others that we are expressions of God, and that we have Christ consciousness...and I couldn't understand it and it didn't make sense...and I'm beginning to understand and see it. Just yesterday I was driving and saw people walking in the streets and I got a little emotional thinking this was all creation of God and we are him, an expression of him, and all we do....at least that's my understanding...when you sit back and look at it it really is just amazing! So, David is the expression of God as human and Christ is our mind and the power of God?
Continued revelation and re-hearing of this Great word Neville shared he connects the dots of David and The Christ as being the Messiah. Re: David "...He is the image of the inner you..." -Neville. Fascinating. This is all so mystical, so beautiful, and the imagining for the ages.
To "Golden Period", in case you can't see my reply that I posted to you: Hello again mate. May I ask, what exactly do you mean that you are currently experiencing the Promise? So have you already seen David, or are you actually about to see David soon? Also, I think it would be good for me to ask you about my experience, I'd really appreciate it if you would explain what really happened to me! At the end of last year, on December 31st 2021 in the morning did it happen. I dream about Jesus Christ as the man from Nazareth, it was just an innocent dream I thought. But after I asked him "to baptize me", I suddenly woke up with a light flashing in front of me and I got completely possessed by - what I would personally consider - infinite energy I have never ever felt in my life before and never thought would even be possible to feel. The most intense vibrations could I feel on my breast, my head was absolutely tripping, and I really felt like I had the power to explode if I wanted to. Everything felt great and liberating. Next I noticed a blue/violet light appearing above my forhead and decided to follow it, but then after I calmed down and wanted to relax, I realized that I was now formless consciousness floating above my body! I couldn't sense nor feel anything that was flesh, I was just pure awareness. After a time I descended back into my body and everything became normal again. Can you please tell me which of these divine experiences mentioned in the Bible did manifest to me that morning (if it was a biblical event)?? Was THAT the "fertilization" of my spiritual seed Neville talked about?? Does that mean that I will wait 30 years and then I will get to meet David and experience its final unfolding on my "tree of life" in the ensuing period of 3 1/2 years?? Was this also the event described in John 20:22, because in the lecture "The Sin against the Holy Spirit" (on realneville) he associated this verse exactly with these intense vibrations which possessed me? Is this also the act of Baptism as described Acts 2:38 "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." I myself am convinced that this must have been the gift of the Holy Spirit! Or is the actual act of my Baptism really fulfilled at the very end where the dove descends upon me? Now if I really have received my divine fertilization in this case, there is one issue I'm really confused about: In "Who is the Real Messiah" (again on realneville), Neville describes how in 1929 he was "called and sent", when he answered the question "What is the greatest thing?" to the Holy Spirit with "Faith, Hope and Love. All three abide; but the greatest of all is Love", and then 30 years later Jesus Christ unfolded himself in him. Well, I do NOT recall having faced the Holy Spirit and being asked any question by anyone at all!! The Jesus in my dream just smiled and laughed at me and embraced, then I asked him to baptize and had this extraordinary awakening. Did I do something wrong, or is this normal?? Are you able to explain what really happened to me, what biblical prophecy I had fulfilled then? And can my experience be actually compared to any of your experiences that you've had so far?? Please please help me out on this, I'd very thankful again! Either way, have a great day and God bless you on your path friend!
Hello, I have not seen David yet but I have had a lot of foreshadowing. I have had the experience of being infinite light, of leaving my body and floating in the air, of the embrace, of being infused with sheer power, of hearing a voice from within ne saying I am God.
Sorry for the multiple replies, the message is long so reading a section at a time. My understanding of the vibration happens (1) just before you wake up in your skull (2) before David reveals himself to you. The fertilisation to my understanding is an embrace/fusion. I didn't stand before the Ancient of Days or got asked any questions. The first act is you waking up and coming out of your skull and you will see the sign of your birth which is the child. The 2nd act is you seeing David. The 3rd is you fusing with the golden liquid at the base of your spine and you go up like a fiery serpent into your skull and the last is the dove. From the first to the last takes 3.5 years
I have never heard anyone else ever teach that David is God's only begotten Son. Not priest , pastor nor Rabi or any other teacher new age or new thought, no one . And yet the masses believe them . My christian friend calls Neville a false teacher but I recognise most the things she teaches to new christians is what Neville teaches, except about David and I AM which she calls blasphemy. I believe that I have found the truth through Neville and I pray that many more will hear this wonderful message.
Dear Divine, please ask her when the time comes again on this topic, what was the name revealed to Moses (through Moses’ communing in his own consciousness) by the Supreme Divine?? The Name(or sentence) was “I AM” BEING THAT WHICH “I AM” - shortened to “I AM”. From same The Bible in Hebrew.
In the book of exodus David is called gods only begotten son
@@OneEternalLove also, you can point out the word forever, an all...❤️God never changes.
Neville's message is lovely isn't it?
@@variniaginn4718 & Psalm 2
@@variniaginn4718 So what about Jesus being the son of God, as God says "who I am well pleased."
In the Bible, Jesus is mentioned as the son of God far more than David. 😟
It's no wonder they keep our minds so busy. The "city" that never sleeps. That's what they have created in our minds. When one is in silence; God is heard.
It's all about expanding Our Consciousness Awareness, if We really learn how to couple Imagination w/AWARENESS & Action, then nothing can stop Us fm. experiencing & creating Our Own dream state into this physical state of REALITY on Our Own terms.
Yep, "be still and know that I am God." But these days people can barely stay still for 5 minutes.
Wake up at 4:30am to experience the silence
Spend all your time on noble thoughts 😢😢 worthy to recall!! Amen
who is "they"? stop with the dualism... we're all equal, tho you might be unique in your own way
Neville is one of the greatest teachers sent from source, to help in ones awakening. Thankyou to Neville and 100kwatt for sharing.
This is all new to me but I feel like all my questions about spirituality and God have been answered and a weight has been lifted . Im having no trouble grasping these lessons and I feel like that's a good sign.
Life is different now and that I cannot explain.
Don't explain...simply enjoy instead.
Me too. As Eckharte Tolle said: “the spirit will know truth when it hears it.” I feel like I can trust what he is saying 100%
Although I am a Muslim and I have a different (at least at the surface) system of beliefs, but what this gentleman is preaching is simply Mind-boggling. When I listen to him, I get a weird feeling of relief (and confusion at the same time). 🤯🤔😌
Jason Robert Blake Very well said Mr. Blake, very well indeed. I needed to hear your take on the subject matter, most especially your metaphor of emptying our cup full of limiting and/or biased belief paradigms to hopefully make room for a new expanded consciousness & “God-like Awareness”. Nature abhors a vacuum.
in Islam, there is 'Hakikat' ('Hakikat' in malay, i dont really know the name of teaching in English.) . also in Tasawuf if im not mistaken.. we are not God but averything is God...its like we are the reflection of God...i dont know how to explained it bcuz it can only be explained by experience...
There is no external God. Imagination is God himself.
Ask God for holy spiritual to shed light for you
It’s the only true light no mistake.
@@bienjieonex like the experience of ONENESS?? A feeling or knowing I am ONE with all things, experiencing self as all things, during a heightened sense of awareness??
“Have patience - wait, but do not sit idle; work while you are waiting; smile while you are wearied with monotony; be firm while everything around you is being shaken; be joyous while the ugly face of despair grins at you; speak aloud while the malevolent forces of the nether world try to crush your mind; be valiant and courageous while men all around you are cringing with fear and cowardice. Do not yield to the overwhelming power of tyranny and despotism. Continue your journey to the end. The bright day is coming."
Tyranny and the poisonous (force upon) jab. YUCK! 👎
profound, from where you found this quote?
@@pratikrajsah From the Baha’i writings. AbdulBaha was the son of prophet founder of Baha’i faith. If you’re from India your country has the largest population of Baha’is in the world. The lotus temple is one of Baha’i shrines.
@@azitam.a.1682 how can I learn more on this topic? can we get connected over email or social media?
There are many beautiful sayings but it does not bring you closer to God.
You are already talking about a temple outside yourself where people go to worship.
This is not the way.
100Watt This is very well received Tky...~
"Now let us go into the Silence" As opposed to applause which disrupts the spirit of Wisdom. We are in the The New Thought Experience
I experience everything Neville is teaching and I am in my final state.I saw many things that I never experienced in entire life.
@ItsYourRobloxEditorAshlyn how did you come to
experience everything
that Neville is teaching??
Share your experiences with us 😊
God is your imagination known by experience. You will wake in Divine timing. Trust and allow. Be patient.
"The immortal you is buried in the skull (Golgatha) of a mortal human
which is the body that you wear.".......So imagine imagination is the
goldin liquid light that neville speaks about (god)....so imagination
(God) wanted to experience itself and forget that it was already perfect
for a while......but at the same time did not want to get lost on the
journey....so God (imagination) created david (second copy of
imagination)...so God (imagination) sent David....(the reasearcher)...to
enter the earth (death)...and multiply and enter each human body and
animate it gain experience and see if you can remember how to get
back.....we are all david.....once we awaken we will know this......
then david takes us inside ourselves to the golden liquid light and
introduces us to his father God (imagination).....which is really
introducing us to ourselves God (imagination)....we all are one...
Nailed it ❤
Thank you for your time and dedication for these videos.
Thank you Neville! I particularly love your relation of acting and dancing to the awakening of the Divine acting in us, as us.
Thanks 100w, for these videos , they are changing my life ,thank you
I am happy for this speech. Great.
Know Thy Self, Love, be the Light of the world, in him.
We Thank him for those things, that he provides for us, daily.
I manifested my sp :) thank you Neville for your legacy ! ❤
As long as the Bible is taught as human history ~ there will be darkness.
I AM David God's Son the anointed One I love you all
Like the tuning fork, it sets the tone.
This is an All in all encompassing MESSage like none I have ever heard! Thanks for posting 🍞🍷💗🙌😎So so FULL of Hope in the mystery which is Christ in y’all!
So thankful for this truth
How can anybody 👎🏼 this 🤦🏾♀️
That, which opposes Truth, that occupies the other end of the spectrum. It is duality/polarity. On the right, is the truth, and on the left the lie. This (and all of Neville's lectures) sure as Hell gets a thumbs Up from me. ;)
Neville Goddard ' teaching is a 'must' to everyone:
" It is a prophetic blue print ; it is the dreamer in man that needs to be awaken "
You just need to listen to this several times a day if you truly love yourself.
It is even free as the some of the most beautiful valuable but priceless gifts that have been bestowed upon us so abundantly just like water and the air we breathe in this wonderful life we have.
Every word of this genius, new thought leader, , prophet avatar - being far ahead of his time in every way is a radiating pearl- pure poetry light - a mile stone.
It is light giving music to our ears been recorded with his marvelously articulated original actor poet voice more than 55 years ago.
Totally mind-blowing in every way - incredible!
What a priceless remarkable gift to "the most marvelous miraculous inconceivable powerful force the Universe has ever known" which as Neville so beautifully and truthfully puts is your own "human wonderful imagination" = jesus christ or God who dwells inside you:
Gratitude and Love
And one Messiah, Love
Thank you David
Scripture cannot be broken !!!
this is the voice calling you, it's the same voice calling you in the bible, and the moment you start to understand this teaching you're hearing the call, do not think it's a different voice, the understanding of the bible or this teaching is the hearing of the call, for this teaching or the bible is as a stupid things to them.
Great.Neville is best
Love Joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self control ✨️
Christian Mysticism at its finest. Thank you!
Thank you
This was simply HEAVEN
Thank you for posting. Tat Tvam Asi
Did he say that after your experience has been realizes you will hv 3 1/2 years to tell your story!
Yes I believe so...
LoloLove brother, cRISE innerMent. A year ago YesToDay Spare-iT seeKEEN that soul PURePOSED one eis aLLsouL nowHeir within yourCeLL uPifANY Mii's kNoLLs(that)edgE aWeAreNEiS? Have you met, David of Nazareth son to Abraham. Thus I'mPossible to present a peace of your true DNA.AND my father, a GoD! I, M, thaht aLLsouL NowHere Gaurdians.Of.Divinity, our e-Go is just governing. Soul now you kNoLLs G's isUS, 2 1/2 yrs. more tWOmoraLs to endOing. I tell that once you've pick up your cross, or experience if you will. Like Neville, i cannot get enough of all there is this bbn planet seems to throw at me brothers and sisters. Its like enjoyable a fix or something better than sex, and devil has no effect, i just love it even more. Lol. So pay full attention to be faithful. Reproach me comePaSSOn. One on one. 6668999
No he didn't
The visions of the promise will unfold in a span of 3+ years
Thank you 🙏💜
Thanks ...
yogananda says similar things about the base of the skull
I had this exact experience
@DaverTinus can I please hear HOW it came
to pass that you had this exact experience?
I have been searching for what to do so that I, too, can experience it.
I know he is telling the thruth as a few months before hearing this i was in meditation and i had seen an image of a young healthy man clothed in red and gold and white on a throne and i was aware that he was david. There was no image of david that i seen before to compare but i was told its david almost as a realization and i was wondering what it meant. Now i know what it meant. And i didnt pay special importance to david in the bible either so it took me entirely by surprise when this was revealed to me but what it meant was not revealed. Today its revealed and it makes sense and i also can verify for my own experience that Neville is telling the thruth. How blessed to have him tell us and how blessed are we to have heard his words of thruth. Thank u Father, Thank you Jesus, thank you I Am, thank you Neville, thank you David, Thank you Jesse, and thank you 100 k watt, and thank you all.🙏
my name is literally david
its kinda conflicting.
Thanks a lot! I really appreciate you!
That sounds a bit like Frank Carter, Neville’s chauffeur, asking about Blake. ???
If I am to become God, and God is perfect, how is that ever going to be established? I seem to be so far from perfect.. It is too hard, I cannot fulfill my task, I need more clear input. Way more clear. I want to be put on a track in which I cannot run away, and everything becomes Self-evident. Hauxxx
There is no you to become perfect, you dont exist . Only god exist
You are only spirit,you are being awoken to who you really are.
The first step is you first change those beliefs about yourself. You're not going to become God, you are God
Those who die in Christ Jesus are but just sleeping , Bible says
Granted 🙏😇in the beginning was the word and the word was God and God is love... love Was manifested in the flesh and dwelt among us"Jesus"when they crucified him before he ascended he decended and took the keys to death and Hell and on the 3rd day he arose again and said here's the keys to death and Hell , love God and Love your fellow man on these 2 hang All The laws and prophets.. the 10 commandments,if you do these you won't break 1...but since you are not perfect here's My gift to you before I ascend to the Father.. IAM with you and in you All even until the end of the world... now I go to sit down at the right hand of the Father and IAM in you,where do you sit¿?at the right hand of the Father! All power in heaven and earth (Love)Was given to me and IAM in you!!!who has All power in Heaven and Earth¿?you... He was God manifest in the flesh!!Who Are you¿?God manifest in the flesh!!! God is Love and in us all...😇🙏💯
It true David is the Son of God,and if u understand it and experience it it's the most incredible on be earth.
Neville Goddard was a con artist.
I have been doing what that drunkard in the photo suggests, for 5 FULL fucking years now, and apart from 'coincidences' which have changed ZERO on my experience, nothing has changed. Things have kept getting worse, and I, older. What is worse is, I have believed the shit this charlatan preaches, bought his works, studied and applied it, and now that I know I was fooled my heart hurts of betrayal and stupidity. Cause I feel the dumbest person alive,for having wasted HOURS ON HOURS and days on days staying SILENT and fooling myself!!! It's a good thing the mf ended as he did, it's what he deserved for having lied all his life. Whoever claims they are "manifesting" big money or else, do so in order to make money out of videos, stages, private "counseling". That's where they're getting their money from, video monetisation or your naivete.
The fact not even Goddard's daughter wants to have anything to do with this stuff, nor the Goddard company, shows what this really is: mambo Jambo. He died as a drunkard (his hesophagus exploded) while his wife was in hospital trying to fight for her life.
Don't make my mistake and that of many others, I tell you even magick or Santeria/ voodo is more powerful than this.
100kwatt Anyone know from what year this lecture was? 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
My SP is coming to me right now.
I do big business.
I get what he is saying about Jesus being the imagination but I really dont get how and who David is the son - the one trying to wake God up in us so is the son our experiences ? Please help explain I thank you in advance
Brilliant question! At this point I've heard several dozens of Neville's lectures, some of them dozens of times, as well as some of his written works, & almost each time I do I understand it more and more, sometimes the most profound Revelations! And yet, somehow, there's remained mystery, ambiguity, & questions yet answered... the larger our sphere of Illumination grows, the more we see; but so too grows the perimeter of darkness... The more we come to know & understand, the more we realize just how much there it that we don't... but I know from experience that Neville's material continues to unpack itself even after reading / listening to it dozens of times. New meanings explode. Stuff that's been there the whole time, waiting.
Everything Neville said is TRUE because I am experiencing them. I have not earn or merited these experiences. I am emotional and full of tears that despite all I have done the Father decided to reveal himself in me. They will happen to you. David is the only one that will basically convince you that you are God the Father. None of the other mystical experience would. David is the son of I AM. He is your son and mine son. He is the eternal son of God the father. When you see David, he will call you father then memory will return and you will remember who you were before you came down into man. The father and the son are both buried inside of us waiting to come out. Yes, David is calling onto us now but we cannot hear him. You will only wake up when you have played all the parts. One night you will go to sleep and the mystical experiences will start. You will have a lot of foreshadowing but also actual experiences that Neville spoke about. The more you listen and read the more clearer it will become, anyways it was so in my case. I would suggest you ask yourself the question just before you go to sleep. The answer is sure to come maybe not that night but it has never failed me. I could have a dream/vision or feel the urge to listen or read a specific Neville's lecture and right in the lecture Neville will talk about that point I was struggling to understand. Sometimes in the middle of the day out of the blue a thought will "drop" into my mind shading more light on a question I had. I hope this has shade some light on the matter.
Who is Blake? What's the book name?
William Blake is a famous author who died in 1857. Used to be required reading in school. You can Google him, probably get his works for free digitally or at a public library.
The name of the book is Jerusalem by William Blake
Who is Blake he speaks of at the end??
ua-cam.com/video/JYjgXjKJqdk/v-deo.html Neville - Blake on Religion
Thank you so much I was already listening to . Thanks that's cool ya
That which can be made Explicit to the idiot is not worth my care. William Blake
Hello! What's Blake's full name. I wish to research more about him. Thank you for uploading these videos! They have really helped a lot to understand myself and the universe 🙏 bless you
william blake
@@RadioRebel527 thank you
he's my favourite poet and artist. Was super famous in his time
@@anweshaP14 I also love his works. Really admire how he saw the world as symbols and how he interpreted everything in his life 👌🏻
@@Birdseyeview10 wow! Keen eye 👁
According the bible Jesus Christ is God. John 1:1, Colossians 1:15-19. I fail to see how I am God, in fact the bible says we are all sinners. Romans 3:23. Neville is interesting to listen to, but I question his theology?
@Corby God if you are God then you would know how everything is created, what everyone thinks, you could heal anyone. The astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross calculated that the God who created the universe is as least 10 to the power of 99 that's 99 zeroes times smarter,(a trillion is 12 zeroes)smarter than the smartest scientists on the planet. Now I do like Neville and he has lot of valuable information, however making yourself God violates the First Commandments.
@Ronnie Jackson then by definition you break the First Commandment. You shall have no other Gods before me. In the garden of Eden the first lie ever told is Satan deceiving Eve by saying: "You will be like God". If you were like God you would not die. Neville Goddard certainly died. There is a big difference between tapping into the infinite mind of God, and being God.
@Ronnie Jackson I agree to disagree with you. Nevertheless I wish only the best of blessings in your life.
The Bible also says, “don’t I say ye are all Gods???” We are all sinners in the flesh but in the flesh we are all “The Lord” “the Supreme Divine Being” dreaming or expressing/manifesting as human- BEINGS!!! In the Bible, The Supreme Divine Beings revealed name(or sentence) for ever and ever to Moses was “I AM BEING THAT WHICH I AM” shortened to “I AM”. Now, can you describe yourself (good or bad) without first saying “I AM”...???
E.A. Abe Preisinger That is not “Gods” will for you in the journey of your flesh. You see things from your first eye (which see only in the flesh). You are here to experience Gods individualized expression/manifestation in the Physical realm and finally to reawaken to “know” from a personal experience from inside of you!!! But you must understand “God” is not of this physical realm(it’s all an expression which nothing last forever, NOTHING - EVERYTHING WILL RETURN TO ITS ORIGINAL STATE - GOD). But “GOD” is A BEING-NESS, EXISTENCE WITH POWER BEYOND HUMAN IMAGINATION - THAT IS WHY WE STRUGGLE TO UNDERSTAND MANY THINGS - THAT IS NOT WHY WE ARE HERE THOUGH! Your time or moment will come to reawaken in this realm or another and then you will “KNOW” the truth - then you will be on the other end of your statement (people will doubt you too). All of us will and must play all the parts for our personal individualized experience!!! Infinite Love❤️❤️❤️
Who is this "Blake?" he speaks of at the end?
Never mind. William Blake. Had to hear him mention the book Jerusalem at the end.
"He who does not imagine in stronger and better lineaments, and in stronger and better light than his perishing and mortal eye can see, does not imagine at all" ~William Blake~
Does the owner of this channel still reply to comments? I have a question about one specific aspect in the Bible that Neville preached about in his lectures and writings. It's not entirely clear to me, and I wish someone would explain it to me in more detail, I'd be thankful. Thx!
Ask away.
@@100kwatt_Neville_Goddard So I have read some of his scripted speeches on realneville, and in some of these (this speech here is among those) he revealed that every one of us, every single man in the world, will be redeemed. And every man/woman will be redeemed in the way that they see the son of God, David, from the Scripture, who will set him/her free for real, because then each of us will get back all the memories that we lost and remember who-we-are etc. So Neville made clear that salvation is predestined and everyone will return back to God.
Now, here is one thing that I did not entirely understand. He basically said that it is proposed to us to practice the Law (of Assumption) and use it create the life of our dreams, _but_ our salvation is preconditioned and we would not "fail" at being saved. But what did he really mean with "fail"? Just not failing at being saved, or also not failing at realizing the life of your dreams & your greatest desires too? He said that we will become the Father only when we become "perfect", in the sense of completed, having reached our ideal self, gone back to the "original" which is the Father. Does this necessarily mean that at this state we would also have accomplished everything that we wanted to have/be, or are our realized wishes and desires independent from having become perfect/reached our ideal state of self/etc.?? Can it actually be that I would not succeed at using the Law of Assumption at all, that I would not have accomplished anything at all, yet still I would then get to see David sometime and leave this world without having realized anything that I wanted in this world? Is it really this what he meant, i.e. practice the Law, become healthy, wealthy and wise, _but_ the fitness is preconditioned? We will eventually see David and remember who-we-are, but it is entirely up to us whether we will manifest anything that we want in this world, is that really what he meant, or does _this_ aspect actually go with the ideal self of course?
Do you understand my question? I personally don't want to depart from this world without having successfully manifested anything, or having manifested just few things but not satisfied my biggest desires... That's the question!
@@100kwatt_Neville_Goddard ??🙁
@@Katze400 I can tell you from my own personal experience that everything Neville said is truth because I am experiencing the Promise and I also use the Law when I need something. In response to your questions, why waiting for the Promise to happen which you cannot fail at it meaning, regardless it will happen. Everybody will experience the Promise. While you are waiting for the Promise and still here on earth you might as well use the Law to live a great life. The successes of the Law is up to you if you practice it as he taught it but with the Promise will can not initiate it. The Promise will happen when the Father decides it is your time. No one can earn the Promise, it is a gift. No human can be Perfect (Neville said this in one of his teachings). Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." You do not have to do a thing. When you have played all the parts the Promise will start in you. You can realize all your dreams in this life or the next one as you already know the Law (if you do not reach the end of the Promise in this life). The funny thing is once the Promise starts happening to you, you will lose interest in material things. The mystical experiences are mind blogging that you can hardly think of anything else. You can manifest and live your greatest dream here on earth and still have the Promise if you are due to receive it in this lifetime. I hope this helps.
@@goldenperiod5900 Thank you for your reply. Let me tell you I absolutely acknowledge that Neville told the truth, I know that he was 100% dead serious about every story and lecture that he gave, he didn't joke about a single thing that he told, so I know ofc there's no chance that he made his stories up let alone was a scammer!
But anyways, the reason why I asked this question is that - I don't like to openly talk about this at all though - I don't feel good about my life, I don't have great hopes about myself, my family, or anything. Because I am NOT able to manifest or do anything at all, that's the problem. I am not able to "manifest and live my greatest dream here on earth", but I've tried it in the last 6 months and have only failed and failed. Nothing is working. And basically I don't know how to "practice" it (how exactly am I supposed to practice manifesting things and strengthening my faith and assumptions?), or if "practicing" it is actually the next step on how I should approach this issue, I don't know what to do now, I have no plans.
Should I watch life coaches on yt who give "exercises" on imagining stuff/training my visualization, which would basically turn into burdens of work for me because then I'd have to use my time and imagination for exercising instead of actually applying it for manifesting things? Should I then study the Kabbalah, since I have to "quantitatively" use my visualization and assumption abilities? I find the Kabbalah insanely complicated and hell of a work for me to dedicate, I have no idea how long it would take to learn anything from it, or if its even worth!
I've had no real successes on using the Law at all, and I'm afraid it might stay this way, or at best nothing much will change in my life before I experience the Promise. I have no life at all, I'm 22 and I have 0 friends, I've had no relationships whatsoever, my parents/family is not doing financially well, and not only this, we have almost no contact to any of our relatives, we have no healthy relations to almost any of our relatives. And the ethnos to which I belong seems more and more to be heading towards doom/gen0cide! What if it's too late until I finally figure out how to manifest positive things in my life, and you see it's even very difficult for me to imagine the _feelings_ and _sensations_ of being a normal social person (and being successful), any of these feelings...
I have to be completely honest with you, I have almost no motivation to do anything, everything seems to discourage me. So I _honestly_ wonder then, what's the point of being alive in this world at all??? I am not 'waiting' for the Promise to come, but I mean it's totally indifferent if I was born to live in this world for an unnecessary long time doing nothing, or just right away departing from this world or not been born in the first place. What's the point of being trapped in this world and doing nothing, creating nothing, and instead just suffering and being unhappy, and then finally departing from this world??? I don't consider this to be a meaningful life, and I wouldn't consider it to be even remotely a "success" to accomplish nothing in this life (or "a couple more lives") and then being set free after seeing David. I am not debating your point btw, I'm just telling you how I genuinely feel about all this.
Although, if you're saying that I'm supposed to play 'all the parts' and go through all possible states, then doesn't this eventually mean that I will experience great states too? And frankly, even if it's true that I will lose interest in material things once the Promise starts happening to you, I still cannot imagine how I would be genuinely satisfied about my empty life at that point, I still wouldn't consider it having lived a full and meaningful life, it's impossible for me to imagine being completely happy despite of all of this. I don't think I would be happy and satisfied even then, I want to live a full life, and if I just depart from the world without having succeeded at anything, there's no way I would be happy at the end. It doesn't make sense to me.
Well yeah, this is what I genuinely think about this. Still, thx very much for your reply!
Can someone explain who or what the Son is? He says the son is David, but what is the significance. Is son our state of mind when we are in amnesia? I'm a little confused.
Hello, I’ve been studying Neville’s wisdom for a few years and for now, I humanly(ego, intellect) understand that when he refers to the son of God as David, he is referring to the collective whole of imperfect humanity, which is also individually represented as each of us. We are David. I am David. You are David. I do truly believe this cannot be understood intellectually, it must be ‘known’ from a far greater source buried within each of us awaiting eruption. I wait to understand from experience alongside you! But I hope this helps some. It took me two years of study to even grasp that little bit. Lol
@@kwill75 Thank you so much!!!! I heard before from others that we are expressions of God, and that we have Christ consciousness...and I couldn't understand it and it didn't make sense...and I'm beginning to understand and see it. Just yesterday I was driving and saw people walking in the streets and I got a little emotional thinking this was all creation of God and we are him, an expression of him, and all we do....at least that's my understanding...when you sit back and look at it it really is just amazing! So, David is the expression of God as human and Christ is our mind and the power of God?
Yessssssss! That is exactly as I understand it. You worded it marvelously. ❤️
Continued revelation and re-hearing of this Great word Neville shared he connects the dots of David and The Christ as being the Messiah. Re: David "...He is the image of the inner you..." -Neville. Fascinating. This is all so mystical, so beautiful, and the imagining for the ages.
ETA 'invisible' not inner. ❤
To "Golden Period", in case you can't see my reply that I posted to you:
Hello again mate. May I ask, what exactly do you mean that you are currently experiencing the Promise? So have you already seen David, or are you actually about to see David soon?
Also, I think it would be good for me to ask you about my experience, I'd really appreciate it if you would explain what really happened to me! At the end of last year, on December 31st 2021 in the morning did it happen. I dream about Jesus Christ as the man from Nazareth, it was just an innocent dream I thought. But after I asked him "to baptize me", I suddenly woke up with a light flashing in front of me and I got completely possessed by - what I would personally consider - infinite energy I have never ever felt in my life before and never thought would even be possible to feel. The most intense vibrations could I feel on my breast, my head was absolutely tripping, and I really felt like I had the power to explode if I wanted to. Everything felt great and liberating. Next I noticed a blue/violet light appearing above my forhead and decided to follow it, but then after I calmed down and wanted to relax, I realized that I was now formless consciousness floating above my body! I couldn't sense nor feel anything that was flesh, I was just pure awareness. After a time I descended back into my body and everything became normal again.
Can you please tell me which of these divine experiences mentioned in the Bible did manifest to me that morning (if it was a biblical event)?? Was THAT the "fertilization" of my spiritual seed Neville talked about?? Does that mean that I will wait 30 years and then I will get to meet David and experience its final unfolding on my "tree of life" in the ensuing period of 3 1/2 years??
Was this also the event described in John 20:22, because in the lecture "The Sin against the Holy Spirit" (on realneville) he associated this verse exactly with these intense vibrations which possessed me? Is this also the act of Baptism as described Acts 2:38 "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." I myself am convinced that this must have been the gift of the Holy Spirit! Or is the actual act of my Baptism really fulfilled at the very end where the dove descends upon me?
Now if I really have received my divine fertilization in this case, there is one issue I'm really confused about:
In "Who is the Real Messiah" (again on realneville), Neville describes how in 1929 he was "called and sent", when he answered the question "What is the greatest thing?" to the Holy Spirit with "Faith, Hope and Love. All three abide; but the greatest of all is Love", and then 30 years later Jesus Christ unfolded himself in him.
Well, I do NOT recall having faced the Holy Spirit and being asked any question by anyone at all!! The Jesus in my dream just smiled and laughed at me and embraced, then I asked him to baptize and had this extraordinary awakening. Did I do something wrong, or is this normal?? Are you able to explain what really happened to me, what biblical prophecy I had fulfilled then? And can my experience be actually compared to any of your experiences that you've had so far??
Please please help me out on this, I'd very thankful again! Either way, have a great day and God bless you on your path friend!
You definitely experienced your Godself. Did you feel intense love? Like, love that goes beyond human words?
@@cathycadena9500 I wouldn't call that feeling love. To me it felt like greatness, infinite power.
Hello, I have not seen David yet but I have had a lot of foreshadowing. I have had the experience of being infinite light, of leaving my body and floating in the air, of the embrace, of being infused with sheer power, of hearing a voice from within ne saying I am God.
Did he embrace you? Did he baptised you as you requested?
Sorry for the multiple replies, the message is long so reading a section at a time. My understanding of the vibration happens (1) just before you wake up in your skull (2) before David reveals himself to you.
The fertilisation to my understanding is an embrace/fusion. I didn't stand before the Ancient of Days or got asked any questions. The first act is you waking up and coming out of your skull and you will see the sign of your birth which is the child. The 2nd act is you seeing David. The 3rd is you fusing with the golden liquid at the base of your spine and you go up like a fiery serpent into your skull and the last is the dove. From the first to the last takes 3.5 years
I am a soldier 🫡🫡
Who is Blake?
William Blake
So God is the one who is doing all the crime of the world?
In a bad state. Needs to be awakened since they are unaware. ❤