Hahaha dude fine editing . The part at 9:36 had me rolling 😂😂😂 . I’ve only been playing for 3 days I don’t understand how y’all are so good. Good stuff to learn from 👍💯
Stripe I’ve been really liking your sideswipe content I think you should really start a 1v1 show match’s on sideswipe top 10 only or sometimes Diamond players plats and so on it doesn’t have to be a 1s only show match it can also be 2s and hoops:)
can't you and sunless like make a competition of who that comes to gc first and you start from bronze, Sunless go in real rocket league and u in sideswipe-
@@Striped I agree, I think it would be cool to just come up with an actual game show name and present them as that if its going to continue being a recurring series.
@Striped I opened my first crates yesterday first one I got black market nemesis Then titanium white atomizer goal explosion Then titanium white racer flames boost
Me and my friends at school made a mechanic where you get extra power by front flipping perfectly where the ball is between the front and middle of the car, falling down. Of course, we named it……The Adoption Flick
Let me know what you think of occasional Sideswipe content like this! To be in future videos, join my discord: discord.gg/striped
I love them
Hello striped
I want dem credits when you reach 400k :username Tuxedo _Gamer
What emulator do you use to play it on the pc? (4:35, mouse is visible and clicks)
I want in on the next I’m currently diamond.
it was so much fun competing, great video as always
you were insane actually
Will u stream today?
Stone you got bad mechanics
If they complete any red ones, they should gain a life. This was awesome!
Really good job with the editing striped! Loved whatever you changed much more this time around.
Always a pleasure
Hahaha dude fine editing . The part at 9:36 had me rolling 😂😂😂 . I’ve only been playing for 3 days I don’t understand how y’all are so good. Good stuff to learn from 👍💯
i can coach you
@@xnlarena1473 your 7 and diamond 2 bro…
@@arhamtajwar65 *you’re
@@Tronexx 💀
I’ve been waiting for this one!
No you weren't
@@Leo-mh5mf oh? how so?
LOVE IT keep it up my man
JG's scream at the end though lmaooo
It was so emotional 😭💀
I felt like he lost something that day
Cool! I hope you make more tourneys! Love your channel keep it up ❤️
I'm new to rl and started watching your videos, i love it. keep going king
Stripe I’ve been really liking your sideswipe content I think you should really start a 1v1 show match’s on sideswipe top 10 only or sometimes Diamond players plats and so on it doesn’t have to be a 1s only show match it can also be 2s and hoops:)
3:22 This dude is impressive, I cant even do that gold shot 💀
lolllll so easy to do
@@Souleater7 do it then and screen record
@@bandokaysauntie7638 your username
@@bandokaysauntie7638 im diamond 4
the sideswipe content is amazing keep it going man
I love how it ends with JG screaming 😂
“For us to practice…on our phones while in class” Exactly
It was great to participate!
I've been having a lot of fun in sideswipe and this video makes me a lot more motivated, thank you.
playing on bluestacks doesnt count ur still terrible
@@buywtv salty
@@buywtv cry
@@otoh6387 ur a loser playing on blue stacks is no diff than playing normal rl
@@buywtv how u felt saying that: 😈👹😈
7 months later, much more people can do those shots easily now
1:57 how did that dude get a tw dominus already!?!?!?!!!!
Proud of JG for clutching the win
Crazy how bronzes now are better than the old gcs
10:15 , what a shot!
Alright, Now I wanna see "HORSE" In sideswipe
Watching him struggle with these easy shots when he’s a champ and I’m a gold is painful
When JG said NOOOO. Just reminded me of the office 😆
Lol yes
can't you and sunless like make a competition of who that comes to gc first and you start from bronze, Sunless go in real rocket league and u in sideswipe-
I had a stroke reading this.. BUT it would probably be harder in rocket league
It would probably be more fair if Sunless started in Champ 1 while Striped starts at Bronze 1 in Sideswipe.
First if all they would need to smurf and second of all I think its a bit harder in rl cuz in sideswipe you get win streak bonuses
@@008b4 u get win streak bonuses in both games
@@SooClassy but RL games are 5 minutes without forfeits, RL Sideswipe are 2 minutes, so Sunless would have to have a head start of some sort
9:11 the fact that this was diamonds back in the day
No one: plats: I am a plat and should be in video! Please please please
Bro ur content is growing and becoming better and better!
I love the sideswipe videos
Great video, glad to see an rl UA-camr actually representing some sideswipe 🙂
398k!!! so close to 400k!! good job keep up the good work :)
Striped I think u r a awesome UA-camr and I love ur vids congratulations on your growth gl in the race😁😁😁
Been subscribed since less than 100k keep up the good work striped!
Tbh I feel like these are always more a freestyle game show then a freestyle comp with these setups, entertaining either way though
Yeah I feel like it adds more suspense to be more games how
@@Striped I agree, I think it would be cool to just come up with an actual game show name and present them as that if its going to continue being a recurring series.
This is good
you're good
i love your videos, even at school
i knew it
Idk why I haven’t been following you bro you’re legit such a good creator, enjoy the sub bro
"..Invented all kinds of new mechanics and crazy shots for us to practice, ON OUR PHONES, DURING CLASS."
He got that part right.
U have the best content tbh ngl ur the best
Congrats on 400K YAYYYY
Love watching your vids man keep up the good work soo close to 400k
This video was awesome stripe keep the good work up ❤
Just absolute clap is what ima to do to you in sideswipe
To do to
You're as fake as your name
Oh no and BTW not sarcasm
@@beskoetjeRL I didn't know
Ha you wish
The ending was emotional
always is hahah
Love the content you are my favorite content creator :>
Your so close to 400k! Good luck and keep going
When tobey comes back to the office
Michael: 13:45
Love it great video! Hope you hit the 400k!
crazy seeing this 2 years later and golds now being able to do these mechanics
i cant believe displates has designs of my favorite anime character and the anime isnt a main popular anime
striped ur goated dude
I opened my first crates yesterday first one I got black market nemesis
Then titanium white atomizer goal explosion
Then titanium white racer flames boost
Striped my man u should play with them there and win tf brother u r so good lmao🔥
JG's noooo and scream are so iconic
Keep it up! Side swipe is surprisingly pretty awesome!! 😎😎
Me and my friends at school made a mechanic where you get extra power by front flipping perfectly where the ball is between the front and middle of the car, falling down. Of course, we named it……The Adoption Flick
I was waiting for someone to do this
Had to be done
I hope we get tournaments in the game soon! I have been hitting penta flip reset double touches in my play lobbies
Nice you made 400k congrats dude love ur vids
love your vibs so much you are my favorite youtuber
Wowwww 10,000 credits woohoo. For the ppl supporting you that’s all they get. What a blast! And it’s Christmas. Ha
what was that montage at the end
Those poster things are cool
Congrats for 400k
LOVE IT BRO! Keep up the amazing content 👌
I knew this video is coming soon
The best side swipe Video
400k!!!! Well done
What a fun video.
good freestyles no cap
3:02 "Red shot" looks purple to me. Am I colorblind?
Oh my lord. This is going to be interesting
these edits are funny 😂
What is the classical song at the end? Starts at 12:30
We need more of this
I would love u compete in one of these challenges as a silver
You should do a video where you do a heatseaker freestyle tournament
Absolute banger
Hi, I like your video's! 👌♥️ Keep it up! 🙏👍
The bone crack got me 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why u didn't post this vid in sidestriped channel too?)
Nice vid, I like the fun editing and role play type vibe u do. Very fun to watch striped.
This video was actually very interesting
New Rocket League game releases
Striped: Is for me ☺?
This is an amazing idea! Love the vids
congrats on 700k
Play at 0.25x speed, fisci's red shot didn't turn red 10:34
Soo enjoyable video 😀
Diamonds and champs should be able to do all of those mechs easy. Make a second one, but this time, do it like a 1v1.
Almost to 400k!
That’s such a good vid idea!!
What rank do you get your first 9 flip resets without unlimited boos in freelance? For me it was broze/silver.
This is some great content! I subbed and I also play the game
You are so close to 400k
you vids are so funny i look at 1 of your vids and your makking nice vids
Love the content❤️❤️❤️❤️