🎼✨🎶🌅🎶✨🎼 ~ Ух, какая древняя и редкая запись видео с "Сеймеем" ! Конечно же, поразило то, что костюм другой, видимо - это первоначальный вариант ... очень своеобразный. Но музыка - аутентичная оригиналу : великолепна. Да, Yuzu - редактировал её для себя, применяя тайминг. Спасибо, что сохранили видео. Yuzuru здесь прекрасен ! Из России, с благодарностью ...
He or his team most likely edited it/made a mix or piece of their own to go with his program. He's been shown editing skating music before, so I wouldn't be surprised if he mixed this one himself.
Maybe Yuzuru Hanyu is the only one, who is able to win a gold medal with this kind of music. Hopefully, the next programs are going to sound better than this.
No matter how many times I have heard this music, I have goosebumps.
goosebumps. how detailed it is. i wonder how yuzu felt while skating to seimei.
Huzu is over the top and his skating on this music is terrific!
🎼✨🎶🌅🎶✨🎼 ~ Ух, какая древняя и редкая запись видео с "Сеймеем" ! Конечно же, поразило то, что костюм другой, видимо - это первоначальный вариант ... очень своеобразный. Но музыка - аутентичная оригиналу : великолепна. Да, Yuzu - редактировал её для себя, применяя тайминг. Спасибо, что сохранили видео. Yuzuru здесь прекрасен ! Из России, с благодарностью ...
fantastic fantastic fantastic
absolutely fantastic
Thsnk you ive been looking for this 😭🫶🏼
How can I find the full version please
Uff, so beautiful
Thank you but this is without the choreo sequence
Is it sounds different from yuzuru's
Toooo sad I didn't find the original one
He or his team most likely edited it/made a mix or piece of their own to go with his program. He's been shown editing skating music before, so I wouldn't be surprised if he mixed this one himself.
@@jajapichaii yuzu edited the tracks for seimei himself and made transitions using his breath as well
@@luukje ooo that's so cool HE'S SO COOL
@@luukje Correct. It is a pity that His modification of this piece cannot be found anywhere (mp3)
這不是羽生結弦的FS曲樂吧 差很多耶
Maybe Yuzuru Hanyu is the only one, who is able to win a gold medal with this kind of music. Hopefully, the next programs are going to sound better than this.
What the hell is that suppose to mean...
What the hell is that suppose to mean...
Uhhh..... the music perfectly suits
the choreography and lots of people think this music is very epic and beautiful