ini pake setelan bahasa bawaan,jdi kalo setelan bahasa hp mu indo berarti pake ai suara google indo,kalo mau pake audio originalnya tinggal pencet settings terus pencet audio track yang dibawah caption/subtitle nanti pilih yang english/original😅
That has nothing to do with anything. That dumbass was clearly shifting the Mustang wrong that’s why he was losing. I personally have a new Mustang GT and raced one of these cars at the drag strip and won ever race. If the car was a manual the out come would have been very different. But even in this case the mustang should not have lost if he would have let the car do its own shifting.
mending ngg udah di translate pake google voice deh.. cringe😅
Bisa di nonaktifkan
lah, kan bisa dimatiin fiturnya
Y jangan lah
Jangan di translate pake google voice jadi ga enak di tonton nya, pake translate teks aja udh bener min
ini pake setelan bahasa bawaan,jdi kalo setelan bahasa hp mu indo berarti pake ai suara google indo,kalo mau pake audio originalnya tinggal pencet settings terus pencet audio track yang dibawah caption/subtitle nanti pilih yang english/original😅
Klik pengaturan ambil trek audio pilih asli
Nice info bang
Gokil, lgsg ditranslate ke indo
Judging by the way the bmw m2 looks I don't think it's stock.😅
Next week let’s try a modded mustang vs stock Mcar .
The Ustang deserves no M !
Jangan pakai google voice, sangat mengganggu, tidak bisa menikmati. Google voice adalah ide yang buruk 😢
Jangan di dubbing minnnnn cukup pakai teks ajaaaaa pleaseeeee
50hp mustang hnya untuk suaranya 😁
Pake suara asli aja,lebih bagus video yg pake suara asli.
Yg koment terganggu Suara dubbing.makanya cek dulu baru komentar,biar kagak malu
German power bmw best car ever
3 menit yang lalu 😅
He’s monkey shifting the Mustang wrong. 😂
Tolong pake suara asli aja
M2 1800kg 😢
Di sini keliatan,
Amerika mentingin cc besar daripada power
Dan eropa cc lebih kecil power lebih besar daripada mobil2 amerika yg ber-CC gede
Karena jalan di Amerika itu rata² panjang makanya mereka gunain CC gede biar klo ngebut di highway bisa pake rpm rendah aja
That has nothing to do with anything. That dumbass was clearly shifting the Mustang wrong that’s why he was losing. I personally have a new Mustang GT and raced one of these cars at the drag strip and won ever race. If the car was a manual the out come would have been very different. But even in this case the mustang should not have lost if he would have let the car do its own shifting.
Jadi aneh suaranya 😂
Ga basuh, bagusan aslinya
kaget ajg😂
The 20 thousand you save on the mustang you could upgrade tires and packages or add a supercharger