Water Efficiency PSA



  • @Pandabubba9
    @Pandabubba9 2 місяці тому

    Oh and finally the Supreme Court corrected Colorado
    Literally Colorado government “we can decide for you” just remove that choice

  • @Pandabubba9
    @Pandabubba9 2 місяці тому

    Data centers are allowed to pull water from water, stressed, rivers in the mid west
    And it’s not like there isn’t an alternative electricity for air-conditioning is expensive
    But just put solar and wind in
    Instead of cute animations of a lowered water use ,stop letting tens of thousands of people or hundreds of thousands of undocumented individuals
    Pretty sure having less people that weren’t accounted for consuming water, but they never should’ve had access to in the first place (not as far as them being people) people deserve water but not while not contributing to taxes