The white wire going to the yellow capacitor is the FM deviation circuit modification that modulates the VCO frequency for better FM audio The original design modulates the crystals causing the awful muffled audio
I m looking for cheap alternative bench test equipment just for repair citizen band TX. I saw your rf generator and the frequency counter. Did you build them? Thanks 😉
The white wire going to the yellow capacitor is the FM deviation circuit modification that modulates the VCO frequency for better FM audio
The original design modulates the crystals causing the awful muffled audio
I have seen a mod that uses a varicap diode to fix this as well ?
I would also replace c11 as they fail causing no rx and tx due to the 10.240 not oscillating
@@MicroChipz this is the same mod look closely at the 10k resistor its at the side of it
that would cause a interesting fault , just looked at the diagram, next time im in that radio il do it .
Sneaky , didn't even see it there , fooled me ;)
I m looking for cheap alternative bench test equipment just for repair citizen band TX. I saw your rf generator and the frequency counter. Did you build them? Thanks 😉
The LED counter i built , the rf gen came from ebay.