1000 Years of Creationist 'Achievements'

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2007
  • Highlighting what science has achieved over the last 1000 years and comparing it to religions achievements.
    Music, theme from Bladerunner
    This is not my video.
    His channel: / thunderf00t
    I highly recommend his videos.
  • Наука та технологія


  • @RileyCourter
    @RileyCourter 16 років тому

    Nice work Jedi! I love it!

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    I love it!
    Enjoy the rest of his videos :)

  • @fatcat2939
    @fatcat2939 13 років тому

    Now that was awe inspiring. 10/10

  • @goneutt
    @goneutt 16 років тому

    Excellent collection of man's achievements.
    Excellent choice of musical accompaniment.

  • @DeletedDelusion
    @DeletedDelusion 16 років тому

    Awesome video.

  • @websnarf
    @websnarf 16 років тому

    Really excellent!

  • @8698gil
    @8698gil 4 роки тому +1

    Excellent video. Religion has not only brought nothing toward the advancement of mankind, it has over the years actively discouraged progress.

  • @hargodwinson
    @hargodwinson 16 років тому

    excellent video

  • @Oilwellian
    @Oilwellian 16 років тому

    Well done. :D

  • @kurtilein3
    @kurtilein3 16 років тому

    really great, i favourited it.

  • @estefez
    @estefez 16 років тому

    I just discovered the Atheist Experience- a live call-in show in Austin Texas. There are some great videos from it on youtube.
    You get a great sense of the inanity of some of these creationists/religious people.

  • @Scurck
    @Scurck 16 років тому

    I'll await his coming with snacks and beverages ready.

  • @AIVSRelilgion
    @AIVSRelilgion 16 років тому


  • @confoozled3737
    @confoozled3737 16 років тому +1

    I am Catholic, so I'm going to attempt to answer the question presented in this video.
    My God made it possible for us to do these things by creating LIFE and the UNIVERSE.
    He KNEW we were going to do these things millions upon millions of years ago when he created the first living organism.
    He also knew that there would be people like you who deny the fact that he exists and did these things.

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    Daniel's prophecy of the weeks (Daniel 9:24-26) is pretty explicit. (Keep in mind when you read it that the weeks are weeks of years; in other words, each "week" is seven years.)

  • @dacherx
    @dacherx 16 років тому

    This phenomenon of having a memory for the race, of having an accumulated knowledge passable from one generation to another, was new in the world--but it had a disease in it: it was possible to pass on ideas which were not profitable for the race. The race has ideas, but they are not necessarily profitable.
    Then a way of avoiding the disease was discovered.
    - R Feynman "What is Science"

  • @frid9999
    @frid9999 16 років тому

    I like.

  • @jasonhoblin
    @jasonhoblin 16 років тому


  • @jacewolf301
    @jacewolf301 15 років тому

    Let me also explain this, we evolved over how many year, now lets look at the creation of the microchip and the rapid doubling of capacity it has done in it's short lifespan. This is occurring so rapidly that what used to take up an entire room so long ago, is less powerful than an mini calculator.

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us, just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us, it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.
    (Luke 1:1-4)

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    "What's God done since then?" - xJediHowieX
    That's a very good question. The answer is a very long story called History. You'll find most of the most important parts in the Bible. You can ask a Christian what God has done in their life. I can tell you that He has been active in my life and in the lives of many of my friends.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    It is nice work, but it's not my work
    Check out the description box :)

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    ... died awful deaths...
    Sorry, typo.

  • @pdema030
    @pdema030 15 років тому

    Hi, I study evolution. I'd love to hear about these new studies. Despite spending most of my days immersed in the scientific literature, I seem to have missed these earth shaking new developments. How embarassing!
    Could you please respond with a citation, I'm really interested!

  • @jasonlajoie
    @jasonlajoie 16 років тому

    ...we are a dead 'species' - I think you meant
    Well put and concise video:)

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    No! :D not my video pls sub to the author :D
    Check description box.

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    And, yes, I am being sarcstic. If that offends you, then, that's too bad.

  • @vgerdj
    @vgerdj 15 років тому

    "Look up what China's archeologists have been digging up, basically what they are digging up now disproves Darwin's "tree" of life."

  • @djinn690
    @djinn690 16 років тому

    who created the people and gave them the brains to create these things?

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    You are right. It is rediculous to think that a mere man could do those things. It's not so far out, though, to think that an Almighty God could do those things.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    3 billion years of savage brutal evolution......think about it.

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    You shouldn't say that eyewitnesses are unreliable sources of information just because they believe what they claim to have seen. If everyone thought that way, that would be the end of any semblance of order and justice in society. Just because a book is thousands of years old doesn't mean that it's full of lies.

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    "No one writes about eyewitnesses to such events either." - Scurck
    Josephus mentions a guy who he says was stoned to death named "James the brother of Jesus." That has traditionally been considered James the brother of Jesus who wrote a book of the Bible and was apparently stoned for saying that Jesus was God. Stoning, interestingly enough, is the traditional Jewish punishment for such crimes as blasphemy. Let me ask you, how many grown adults you know who believe that their brother is God?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    What's God done since then?

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    Then I suppose we shouldn't use eyewitness accounts in our courts today either because that would be circular reasoning. I mean, people were there, they saw what they saw, and the fact that they believe that they saw what they say they saw means that we shouldn't listen to them because they are biased toward one interpretation of what they saw.

  • @ShortbusMooner
    @ShortbusMooner 16 років тому

    Of course! LOL!

  • @fatcat2939
    @fatcat2939 11 років тому


  • @Scurck
    @Scurck 16 років тому

    That is a faulty analogy.
    A better one: In court we do not trust what the accused say (christianity&bible), we demand technical proof or trustworthy eyewitness accounts.
    The rest of your comments are just more of the same. This answer applies to all of them.

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    If you want stories, I'd be happy to get them for you and give you mine.

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    That's funny. It took us thousands of years to figure out how to make a rocket to get us to the moon.
    And what has God accomplished? Well, He said a few words and the moon came into existence. That's pretty impressive if you ask me...

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    To say that there's no evidence for a historical Jesus is to blind yourself to the evidence that does exist.

  • @nightmathzombieethan
    @nightmathzombieethan 14 років тому

    @ellwyn You don't watch the news do you? We HAVE created life....self replicating single celled organisms. I do agree with you on the fragility of our planet, and the wonder of life itself. However I can't agree with some of your argument: Compared to where we were technologically as a species just over a 100 years ago, I find it hard not to be impressed at our accomplishments.

  • @ogbash
    @ogbash 16 років тому

    It is funny how you come from metaphysical claims to talking snakes.

  • @thorspower
    @thorspower 16 років тому

    I know its a crazy thought but we need to meet an intelligent extraterrestrial life form that has a written history longer then 6000 years. This way we can just throw out all religious doctrine in considering they(religion) claim that that will never happen.

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    Are you saying that I wrote the Bible?

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    How about eyewitnesses that lived with Jesus, saw Him die, saw Him walking around after He died, saw Him go into heaven, and died awful because they wouldn't repent from their claims? Would that be proof enough? How do we prove anything that happened 2000 years ago? By the stuff left behind. There was more left behind by Jesus than there was left behind by Aristotle. So how do we know that Aristotle was real?

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    It'd be silly to believe Luke, too. I mean, really! He got his information from eyewitnesses and as I've already stated, eyewitnesses can't be trusted.

  • @ShortbusMooner
    @ShortbusMooner 16 років тому

    Wow! Excellent vid!
    But, you know all the sheeple will just say all of these things are because of god.
    (how lame)
    Thanx for the post- I'll go check out the link! :)

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    So if you just saw evidence that the apostles really lived and died like it is said, you'd believe?
    How about the emperors of the Roman Empire, were they real?

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    Also, you do cross examine the eyewitnesses and the accused to find reasons to believe or disbelieve their testimony. If you throw out the Bible and Christianity as evidence, you are throwing out the witnesses; and good luck getting Jesus to make an appearance in your trial. He already did that once, and next time He comes He's not going to be doing the whole "meek and mild" thing; let me assure you of that!

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life-- the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us-- that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you..."
    (1 John 1:1-3)
    The guy who wrote that was obviously biased!

  • @Blake97201
    @Blake97201 16 років тому

    but wait, god and religion has tried to stop us from doing these things. why would god give us the ideas to later try and stop them? if this is how god works he must make mistakes.

  • @sausage4mash
    @sausage4mash 16 років тому

    bravo , but the believers of myths and preachers of ignorance , still will not listen :-(

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    Think about it! Other than the eyewitness accounts, Christianity has a pretty poor case for the existance of Jesus. I mean, they don't even have a grave with a body in it for Jesus! All the other religions have a grave with a body in it for their founders. Why do Christians believe in Someone who they don't even have proof existed unless they believe the people who say they saw Him?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    That's proof of the universe, not God. What has God done since then? Nothing.

  • @fatcat2939
    @fatcat2939 13 років тому

    Rats arse you deparados, you propose an unknowable transcendent reality, then speculate on aspects of its unknowable character. And you wonder why some people don't buy it. KMA.

  • @Scurck
    @Scurck 16 років тому

    Get this for, the final time. The Bible is not admissible as evidence!
    You are trying to prove something with something that you have written yourself.
    This is what you do: "Ytrewq is the true and only god, and only those who believe in him can feel his power."
    Why? Because I make the claim that Ytrewq IS the true god, and I base it on the holy text above.
    Do you see how silly your arguments are? That has just as much credibility as the bible.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    How would a person know if God was not behind it?
    And don't you think there is a lot of stupid design?
    Actually don't bother answering, it will just be more BS.

  • @yourlifesherpa
    @yourlifesherpa 15 років тому

    I see that the point of this video is to discredit creationism, which is as archaic a way of thinking as can be, but in my opinion the makers of the video did not argue their case effectively.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    LOL everything is because of god :D
    ... except diseases, that's our fault :D

  • @DavidMatthewJones
    @DavidMatthewJones 16 років тому

    I mean, come on! Everyone who sees a murder happen says that the guy they saw killing someone is a murderer in the same way that everybody who says that they saw Jesus raised from the dead says that He's God! So, obviously they're biased, right?

  • @lmaobutts
    @lmaobutts 16 років тому

    Hey, maybe you should get off the computer that MAN created if God is so great. If you hate technology and progress so much maybe you should stop benefiting from it.