Dawkins: Q&A Atheism July 07 (1/3)

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • 3 Parts.
    Dawkins Q/A Session at Kepler's Bookstore on July 14, 2007

    Thanks to David Cowan


  • @JoeyTube
    @JoeyTube 17 років тому

    Man, I'm VERY glad there are people like Dawkins and Hitchens in the world! ;) Even if I was a theist/deist, I would no longer be, after listening to them for 5 minutes.

  • @TrepValk
    @TrepValk 17 років тому

    Dawkins speaking sense yet again. I wonder when more people will listen, especially in America

  • @Mistic283
    @Mistic283 16 років тому

    I agree! If someone at my childs school heard me tell my kids one of you will be sacraficed when we get home, people would go nuts. Even if I said god told me to, they would still stop me. What makes these people right & not us?

  • @mattshute07
    @mattshute07 17 років тому

    Excellent. 5/5.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Come back tomorrow I will upload the other 2 parts. :) You're most welcome.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    I agree with you. It's a complicated issue. Religion is certainly not an answer.

  • @cinedux
    @cinedux 14 років тому

    During our general election in 2008 we had two contenders for the post of Prime Minister. In a head to head debate,on the topic of religion,both declared their lack of a belief in a life after death.Quickly establishing that voters need not be concerned either harboured a compartmentalised delusion.
    It seems such frankness would be akin to "political suicide" in the USA. Which is pretty scary for the rest of the world.

  • @Textra1
    @Textra1 16 років тому

    Sorry, I couldn't find the link for that particular interview. Just search 'Root of all evil?' in UA-cam and you'll find the series, then you can locate the interview.

  • @Censeo
    @Censeo 17 років тому

    The fact that Stalin was an atheist proves that there would exist evil even without religion, so Dawkins should have answered since an atheistic world obviously isn't by definition a good world.

  • @cjunk351
    @cjunk351 16 років тому

    this is just for Australia.... but just recently the government approved state paid ministers to all the state schools. I like the fact that the laws and science is more realistic, but for an individual living here, its hard to even get to 'free thought'. I guess when i hear the same of Sweden and other countries, I am a little skeptical of the claim. Just recently Richard Dawkins pointed out the same thing.

  • @ClumsyRoot
    @ClumsyRoot 13 років тому

    Contrary to what religious people think about the impact of atheism, I happen to believe that it's a net gain for humanity. When you aren't constantly looking for outside assistance--when you stop believing that someone or something is going to "save" you--then you tend to become a more mature, responsible person. Religion is, in essence, a refusal to grow up.

  • @Erech01
    @Erech01 17 років тому

    if atheism is a religion (which it isnt) then dawkins is our messiah, getting our voices heard at last! and making sure atheism has a futue rather than continuing to live in the shadows! we've hd enough with religious views making all our decisions rather than rational thought!

  • @111blacksun111
    @111blacksun111 15 років тому

    it debatable whether or not hitler was christian. he said he was and there is some evidence for it in his writing, but the opposite arguement could be made as well. one thing not under debate is the his followers were unambiguously christian

  • @costanza77
    @costanza77 16 років тому

    The black, hispanics, gays and lefties on one side and the proper humans on the other. bring on the apocalypse.

  • @andrewrberkshire
    @andrewrberkshire 16 років тому

    I completely understand what you're talking about, Canada claims to not be the bible thumping country the USA is, while we have an evangelical prime minister and god in our national anthem. From what I've read and heard Sweden is bordering on anti-religious, so I hope its true.

  • @ClumsyRoot
    @ClumsyRoot 13 років тому

    My point is, there's no real analogy there. A moustache is a physical characteristic, nothing more; atheism, on the other hand, is a belief, and beliefs CAN have implications for behavior.
    Don't get me wrong, I think people who equate atheism with immorality are dead wrong. I'm just saying that Dawkins' analogy doesn't really help to undermine that idea.

  • @Yankeezcap
    @Yankeezcap 17 років тому

    The guy at 9:06 annoyed me with his nonsense when he implied that hitler was atheistict. He wasn't an atheist, he was christian and abused christianity in order to assasinate random jews and spout hate about non-aryans. So when the guy at 9:06 acted like nazism had something at all to do with atheism, I felt like writing something to let people if they think that way, they're all messed up. Letting people know when they're wrong can help them, so productive? yup.

  • @Textra1
    @Textra1 16 років тому

    By way of analogy, we already impinge on 'freedom of speech' when we make it illegal to speak sexually with children. I mean not in a factual educational way, but in a suggestive erotic way. Speaking to a child as you would speak to a lover would see you imprisoned. Yet could that not be considered a violation of free speech? Free speech does not mean we are free to say any and every thing we like.

  • @Textra1
    @Textra1 16 років тому

    Chapter 9, pg 349 in 'The God Delusion' speaks at large about the idea that indoctrinating child into religion can be abuse and psychologically traumatising. Also, you can see an interview that Dawkins does with Jill Mytton in his documentary 'The Root of all Evil?' I'll try and locate a UA-cam link for you to this video. I think there is one floating around.

  • @Erech01
    @Erech01 17 років тому

    also the crusades, the stoning of 'sinners' were done by christians

  • @Textra1
    @Textra1 16 років тому

    There is much evidence that preaching hellfire and damnation can harm children. Richard Dawkins covers this very idea in his book 'The God Delusion'. I'm afraid I cannot go into much detail in the limited space of the comments section, but I have given you two examples that you can follow up for yourself.

  • @111blacksun111
    @111blacksun111 15 років тому

    oh, right. i kinda used the two terms interchangeably.

  • @manchesterfellow
    @manchesterfellow 14 років тому

    @xJediHowieX I just wanted to point out that Dawkins agreed with user "salladsdressing" if you listen to him again. He is simply pointting out what the article in the newspaper said.
    Thanks for the upload voted up!

  • @cjunk351
    @cjunk351 16 років тому

    These countries are just more secular, which is good. It is still against the constitution in Sweden for the leader of the royal family to be anything other than a christian. here in Australia.... 'secular' also is still run by conservative christianity. Its just that these moderate christians have opened themselves more so to reality. there is still a MAJOR religous influence. just less is based DIRECTLY on religous dogma

  • @majav15mg
    @majav15mg 16 років тому

    dawkins lives in the US?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Guilty, your honor.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    He must have some evidence for what he said....I wonder if you can find out for us?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    You guys get all the chicks. ;)

  • @Unbiased321
    @Unbiased321 17 років тому

    I live in Sweden and it's NOT going towards religon =)
    Rather the opposite! The political party "Christian Democrats" are getting smaller each year! They only hold 4% of the votes in Sweden today.
    The statistic show that 85% of Sweden is outspoken NON RELIGOUS but i whould however say that 10% more are as Dawkins whould put it "Closet Atheists" =)

  • @111blacksun111
    @111blacksun111 14 років тому

    i just ment its debateable whether he believed it or just used it as a tool

  • @ZachRose88
    @ZachRose88 13 років тому

    @intecrisis Roman Catholic to be more precise, but yes.

  • @cjunk351
    @cjunk351 16 років тому

    I hear often people say how secular australia is, where i live. And yet most people here are religous. 70% christian. Sure it is more secular when it comes to law and acceptance of science, but its ripe with a 'believe what you want mentality', which is even just as ridiculous...be it christianity, Islam or special alien contacts its not leading people to free thought.

  • @andrewrberkshire
    @andrewrberkshire 16 років тому

    The royal family in Sweden doesn't really matter though, they're respected, sure, but Sweden is the least religious nation in the world by populace and practice, so thats all that matters.

  • @mewletter
    @mewletter 17 років тому

    Amen ,bro! LOL And Stalin wasn't technically Atheist. Then why he wanted his ppl to 'worship' him?

  • @ClumsyRoot
    @ClumsyRoot 13 років тому

    Of course atheism is a belief; let's not get distracted by this "no, it's a lack of belief" silliness.
    My point still stands: a person's beliefs--the way they look at the world--has implications. You don't think that the 9/11 hijackers' actions had something to do with the fact they they were Muslims? Beliefs impact actions, for good or ill. If you don't believe in God, it's going to affect your choices in life.
    Race, like having a moustache, is simply a superficial physical trait.

  • @cjunk351
    @cjunk351 16 років тому

    well someone who believes there is a creating God, just not one that has delivered any set morals or guidance for life. Of course there definition of God would no doubt be the same as the monotheist, just without the 'moral principles'. I dont really care too much about words, just the definitions. so if a someone who calls them self a deist but believes differently, its no big deal to me somewhat.

  • @ryu1024
    @ryu1024 15 років тому

    I would not call Einstein an atheist. Pandeist or deist perhaps.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    But of course, we would still have problems in the world. But Religion is the source of much evil.

  • @shubidubar
    @shubidubar 15 років тому


  • @cjunk351
    @cjunk351 16 років тому

    A deist is just an amoral theist.
    that doesn't really come out right does it. Makes me sound like I have it in for deist. oh well 2 points...... oh wait this is youtube not yahoo answers. :)

  • @cjunk351
    @cjunk351 16 років тому


  • @eightfootmanchild
    @eightfootmanchild 17 років тому

    Chill. It's obviously a joke.

  • @pilotlicense
    @pilotlicense 16 років тому

    good christ dude, learn how to hold a camera

  • @aquatix
    @aquatix 16 років тому

    You are morally and intellectually bankrupt, I just figured you should know that. Hopefully you will reflect and seek professional help in the future! Peace, love and an open mind.

  • @danielyeh
    @danielyeh 16 років тому


  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    You are sick. Get help pls.

  • @kurtilein3
    @kurtilein3 17 років тому

    you are right, dawkins shouldnt be equated with those gods. after all, dawkins exists, while those gods dont ^^
    but its more like dawkins pushing away the ridiculous ideas that those names of gods stand for.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    I think the point is that he didn't believe in the supernatural and that a pantheist is just a sexed up atheist. Pantheist is certainly a million miles away from theism.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    It's not about being just an atheist. It's about being rational and reasonable. Stalin was none of those.

  • @Censeo
    @Censeo 17 років тому

    I don't believe morality is based on pure reasoning. We reason that what feels wrong also is, but the feelings do not always come from reasoning. Humans are both emotional and logical and both are tools in a combination for our actions and beliefs. Morality cannot be purely subtracted to one of these two alone I think.

  • @Textra1
    @Textra1 16 років тому

    I have uni first thing in the morning else I'd search some more. Suffice to say, that if one can accept that it's possible to traumatise a child with religious dogma and hellfire preaching in the home, you have to make the choice that it's either okay it let parents continue to do so, in favour of the rights of individuals, or it's okay to limit such behaviour to protect a child from such abuse.

  • @Textra1
    @Textra1 16 років тому

    So it should be permissible to tell children that there is a being called Grover who watches everything you do, and if you're good he'll give you chocolate, and if you're bad he'll come to you at night and cut your feet and hands off?
    Freedom of speech is very important in free cultures, I agree, but there comes responsibility with it. What HarryandNad was suggesting was not to limit free speech, but to limit psychological abuse of child from zealous religious parents and preachers.

  • @FHB71
    @FHB71 16 років тому

    Jesus? The only record of a Jesus is in the bible. Jesus is most likely summary of old myths coming together in an artificial person. Look at the egyptian god Horus, at the indian Krishna, at Buddha (all b.c.) and see the parallels. Especialy Horus is assumed to be the raw model for the Jesus figure in the bible which makes complete sense, while Judaism is a movement most likely originating in egyptian monotheism of the period of pharaoh echnaton. His followers were driven out of the country ...

  • @GustafSjoblom
    @GustafSjoblom 16 років тому

    We swedes like to think of ourselves as tolerant but we do have some racists and problems with integration and so on. So don't expect paradise. :P
    With regards to religion, I don't see it growing, but I guess it would be hard to tell since religion overall is very very quiet here. But I think that it is telling that our Prime Minister has left the church and said that he couldn't run in America because of religion (hint: Atheist) and that our opposition leader is an outspoken atheist.

  • @Textra1
    @Textra1 16 років тому

    Jill Mytton is a psychologist who councils adults who grew up in deeply religious families, and were traumatised by their own family. She herself was brought up in an Exclusive Brethren family, were she was psychologically traumatised. She now works to help people in and from situations like herself. This is an example of the harm that religion can do to children.

  • @andrewrberkshire
    @andrewrberkshire 17 років тому

    Sweden and Norway are leading the way in free thought and are sparkling examples of what a country or region can be without major religious influence.

  • @ukidding
    @ukidding 17 років тому

    prophesy from a non-believer:
    in the year 20,008 ad
    there will be no christian religion because god will not have returned to earth by then, and the general ppoulatio will have given up on it.

  • @mountainmanbear
    @mountainmanbear 14 років тому

    Hitler was catholic and was praised by the church until his death. Stalin thought of himself as a god. Pol pot was very religious. He wanted to rebuild the ancient buddhist ankor empire.

  • @Textra1
    @Textra1 16 років тому

    Free speech does not give a person the right to threaten another person, especially a child, with eternal torture and hellfire because they don't believe in a particular god.

  • @HighFlyingDutchman
    @HighFlyingDutchman 17 років тому

    dawkins rules..
    oumph,only his own life ;)
    not anything else.

  • @KLinZ3
    @KLinZ3 15 років тому

    What an awesome little Q & A! I keep missing Prof. D. when he comes to the States! Some day, I'll actually get to listen in person.

  • @FHB71
    @FHB71 16 років тому

    I agree. Maybe there was this guy Joshua, a rabbi, but that's it, all the myth around him is completely man made.

  • @WizardJim
    @WizardJim 17 років тому

    Awesome, more awesomeness from the Dawkmeister.

  • @Unbiased321
    @Unbiased321 17 років тому

    here here!!! =)
    I have lived in norway so i know JUST what you are talking about ;)

  • @KittyGotSued
    @KittyGotSued 16 років тому

    damn..I'm an amoral theist.. well, good thing is I learned something today :D

  • @ClumsyRoot
    @ClumsyRoot 13 років тому

    Dawkins' "moustache" analogy is really bad. I wish he'd stop using it.

  • @dkt80
    @dkt80 15 років тому

    Is that intro meant to imply that Dawkins is some sort of deity? :-)

  • @lurconis666
    @lurconis666 16 років тому

    No, he's UK citizen and a professor at Oxford University in Britain.

  • @wogsland
    @wogsland 17 років тому

    Thanx for posting!

  • @kksf1979
    @kksf1979 15 років тому

    hhaah.obviously looking to get a rea ction

  • @fiddleronthegreen
    @fiddleronthegreen 15 років тому

    its truee....y are ppl thumbs downing u?

  • @dinsy6956
    @dinsy6956 15 років тому

    wait... you mean he's not? D=

  • @yancur
    @yancur 17 років тому

    Great video! :) Thanks

  • @Mistic283
    @Mistic283 16 років тому

    Ramen to that!

  • @majav15mg
    @majav15mg 16 років тому
