Nonviolent Communication Part 3 Marshall Rosenberg

  • Опубліковано 23 тра 2006
  • Marshall Rosenberg created Nonviolent Communication and is Founder and Director of Educational Services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication, an international non-profit organization based in California.
    Dr Rosenberg talks about Teilhard de Chardin's theories of human evolution which sought to return to a more natural way - one where no-one advances at the expense of another. He speaks of his own experiences working with Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and how enriching the lives of others is the most rewarding work mankind can engage in.
    Marshall Rosenberg is so very cool.


  • @caverly
    @caverly 17 років тому +6

    Marshall's perspective of being aware of my joy in helping others and this meaningful purpose inrichs my life beautifully. his gentle and loving way have transformed my life wonderfully and his communication insights and techniques let me love others so much better. i love you Marshall for the contributions you've given me and many others....

  • @melissaoconnell5648
    @melissaoconnell5648 5 років тому +2

    No contest.
    No question.
    Without expectation.
    "How will I choose to explore and act on solutions that honor myself and others best??"
    Thank you for sharing Marshall's word.

  • @FayeKu
    @FayeKu 7 місяців тому

    This is why I work on the Unversal Basic Income every day. To support all basic needs, then money would be good. To extract labor and resources from those who have less, is where money was designed. We can redesign money so it supports our freedom and what's alive in us.

  • @psbzu
    @psbzu 12 років тому +1

    Thank you Mr.Marshall Rosenberg!
    Let´s all play The Fun Game and play it fast!!!
    Inspiring to say the least.

  • @rednosereddotenjoyempower3577
    @rednosereddotenjoyempower3577 2 роки тому

    Thank you!

  • @kathya.robinson407
    @kathya.robinson407 7 років тому

    Good concepts that hit the nail on the "head". There has been some interesting outcomes that were used earlier in therapy sessions which helped moved a lot of pent-up emotional energy on both sides. As mentioned earlier in last video, one side did not want to recognize the importance of "Safety". Therefore, an act or an action had taken place that was deemed necessary. Because the other side had gone over board and beyond or just too stubborn to stop when they should of stopped long ago. Thank you Marshall for all of your pass works, classes and books.

  • @LucMoustache1
    @LucMoustache1 9 років тому +1

    I like verymuch - You have my respect Mister Marshall Rosenberg

  • @billyjo1881
    @billyjo1881 15 років тому


  • @florianwink
    @florianwink 15 років тому +1

    I believe this is quality content, it alows oneself to be honest with yourself ,,and that my friend is very hard to do" (Bruce Lee)

  • @rednosereddotenjoyempower3577
    @rednosereddotenjoyempower3577 2 роки тому

    Thaaaaank you!

  • @coreluminous
    @coreluminous 13 років тому

    equality has to be defined. it's not a question of levels of measurement , it's a question of recognition of the inherent VALUE of each particpant in life's dance, and thus a way of appreciating the diverse ways in which all life nurtures more life for all life. It's also a means to discern those behaviours that are not mutually nurturant, that reduce the viability of others life processes, that seek gain at anothers expense.

  • @ivanahodak1227
    @ivanahodak1227 6 років тому +1

    I agree!

  • @Finlad
    @Finlad 16 років тому

    This video is great I use these methods and ideas to connect with Aliens and UFOs. I know that you're watching me! You guys!

  • @patkerr2007
    @patkerr2007 12 років тому +1

    It's French philosopher PierreTeilhard de Chardin that Marshall Rosenberg speaks of.

  • @TimoDcTheLikelyLad
    @TimoDcTheLikelyLad 11 років тому +2

    it's so important for the future that he contacts the venus project (or tvp contact him). i see no differences so far between the viewpoints of the venus project (founded by Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows) and Marshall Rosenbergs (especially because they're not "opinion"based but based on scientiffic research and work). He's thinking about a "resource based economy" without even knowing about the venus project. I dont know how but they should know each other so that they can collaborate.

  • @amazeblaze
    @amazeblaze 16 років тому

    Well from what my nonviolent teacher said to to my class, there is enough food. The thing is that the workers in the fields get like ten percent of what they make. The landlord then sells the 90 percent to supermarkets in the industrial nations. I believe what the nonviolent people cause they're really honest joes. Also they are the ones talking to real people instead of looking at numbers and graph charts.

  • @weestro7
    @weestro7 15 років тому

    You definitely have a good point, and I wonder how you might think differently if you consider his perspective as an American. Most Americans who pay attention to books like Rosenberg's will be well off enough to be able to take security and safety for granted. For example, even a fist fight is very rare in my experience living in many places in the States. Certainly, his book is not so good for those living in danger of attack.

  • @totallyfrozen
    @totallyfrozen 15 років тому

    That "label" might be convenient, but I'm not talking about sociopaths. I'm talking about the average person. Everyone is motivated by a payoff in one way or another. A person will do whatever benefits them and makes sense to them. If responding to your compassion makes sense, then they will. If they can get more from taking advantage of you they will. That's not what God wants and it's not what we want; but it's true.

  • @drmgiver
    @drmgiver 16 років тому

    My only criticism with this clip is when he mentioned we have enough food, well unfortunately we will not have enough food for the world if we continue to burn it for oil. Then we will have a crisis that he will most definitely acknowledge.

  • @Joe_Yacketori
    @Joe_Yacketori 7 років тому +2

    It seems like he knows what he's talking about and has good reason to believe what he believes, I find it hard to imagine humanity as something that values empathy and helping to meet others' needs above all else. It seems to me that the ultimate goal of people is always selfish in any case, because even the most pure altruism is still on behalf of oneself's need to feel empathy and feel like he/she is contributing to the fulfillment of another's needs. Because of this, it feels like it's irresponsible to vest all our trust into the goodness of humanity. Even though we humans have all the resources we may need and all the technology needed to aid others, we only gained this as a result of having things at stake and having our eyes on an ulterior motive besides altruism. Those are just my observations. Maybe my views are misguided, but it really seems apparent to me that humanity will always act on behalf of the self, and that the only way a world with 8 billion people can survive is for personal needs to be at stake, and people are compelled to help others because of personal risk in addition to empathy/altruism.

    • @4kirsten
      @4kirsten 5 років тому +4

      This has been an issue that the greatest thinkers haven't been able to agree on for thousands of years. I suggest the solution is to decide how you want to live yourself: do you want to live your life motivated by the need to help others? It's like an experiment: concentrate on your own motivation and don't try to guess at other people's motivation, and see what happens. If this works out for you, then maybe you can conclude that humanity is motivated by an impulse to help others. And if there are others who live in a different way, does that make you "wrong"?

  • @florianwink
    @florianwink 15 років тому

    Dear reader, please find out which need of Barzacus is being met by his very action.
    Blair Warren's ,,needs"
    1) a need to feel needed
    2) a sense of hope
    3) a need for a scapegoat
    4) a need to feel noticed and understood
    5) a need to know things they're not supposed to know/ things others don't know
    6) a need to be right
    7) a sense of power
    Certainty/Comfort. Variety Significance Connection/Love Growth Contribution

  • @maryannmcqueen2101
    @maryannmcqueen2101 5 років тому

    Joe for me that makes no sense, what you experience emotionally is your own, empathy in listening is ok but you have to remember it is their journey and the fact that they communicate with you about something is not for you to emotionalize. Listening is so you have a clear understanding about what their needs are ... if they don't know what that is .. who are we to tell them ? Life is about us learning about our own response to challenges for our self, listening to someone else is your gift to them it is THEIR journey not ours. What is profound to me is that I have to learn to treat myself like someone I care about deeply, it begins internally with ourselves.

  • @user-nl4tb4bk7s
    @user-nl4tb4bk7s Рік тому

    我就想问 为什么没有字幕?

  • @thoughtspek
    @thoughtspek 13 років тому

    @Barzacus What does equality mean in this context? Instead of thinking in absolutes, consider that humanity simply needs MORE equality. There is no such thing as 100% equality in any society. There IS such thing as meeting COMMON needs, but society is currently failing to do that because it has evolved from a competition-survival mentality. This mentality is destructive and obsolete, we need to grow up ASAP. The sooner we understand this globally, the sooner we can provide for EVERYONE'S needs.

  • @nostrabonghits9908
    @nostrabonghits9908 11 років тому +2

    Use your giraffe skills!

  • @coljackdripperofburp
    @coljackdripperofburp 11 років тому +3

    those are not insane comments. They are just tragic expressions of unmet needs ;)

  • @justintempler
    @justintempler 12 років тому

    @thoughtspek See I actually do spend the time to research. When I debate someone I've done my homework. If someone is respectful towards me, I'll be respectful towards them.
    If I get someone like Sidionian who calls everyone he disagrees with mongoloid, ape, troll, cretin, I'm more than happy to give back what is given me. Disrespect me and I'll disrespect you right back.
    You seem like a decent guy whose heart is in the right place, we just have differing views of justice and equality.

    • @elistreiff5305
      @elistreiff5305 7 років тому

      An Eye For An Eye making the whole world blind. Maybe one of your your needs are not met.

  • @CleverDjembe
    @CleverDjembe 13 років тому

    HA! ... fuck

  • @amazeblaze
    @amazeblaze 16 років тому

    Oops what the nonviolent people say

  • @Barzacus
    @Barzacus 15 років тому

    Regarding his take of violence, again, I must disagree. I will never turn the other cheek. I reserve violence to counter severe injustice. In self-defense, and in defense of my home and my loved ones, I would kill without hesitation.

  • @Barzacus
    @Barzacus 15 років тому

    I must say that this individual has a warped sense of reality.
    To start with, there will NEVER be equality. One, because we are born into inequality (family's socio-economic status). Two, because of inherent abilities (intellectual and physical), and Three, because of geographical conditions (flood wipes out your crop, and you have a lot of unmet needs, all of a sudden).
    This world is full of unrealistic needs. We live in own reality. I need a Mercedes (I think) but a bicycle will suffice.

  • @gilesholtby1702
    @gilesholtby1702 9 років тому

    "This conflict is an evolutionary phenomenon...We have enough resources to meet everyone's needs..."
    Sorry, but wrong. I agree with the philosophy, but the human race is expanding fast and the resources are beginning to run out. Tin, oil, silver, helium: all will be exhausted in the next hundred years.

    • @elistreiff5305
      @elistreiff5305 7 років тому

      I don't drink oil, I'd be fine without any silver or Tin and I'd be outright content without any balloons. Food Water And A Roof Tis all we need:)

    • @TimoDcTheLikelyLad
      @TimoDcTheLikelyLad 7 років тому +2

      we have more than enough we just have to get rid of the ownership/property system into a natural law resource based economy. Than we can focus on all human needs and create an access abundance. we have the technology where we can do more and better for less effort. :) We can do all of this in a sustainable, efficient, innovative and enviromentally restorative way. Look up The Venus Project, Zeitgeistmovement, AnarchistCommunism!

    • @leeali4096
      @leeali4096 5 років тому

      What's the basis of your assertion?