One of guards in the last picture standing in front of Nicholas II who was wearing his crown near the canape was the future Marshall Mannerheim of Finland. At the time he was a serving officer in the Russian Imperial Army.
@@Надежда-к3о1щ Насколько я понял, комментарий не конкретно о Николае, а о России вообще. Против страны тогда единым фронтом выступили внешние враги, и нанятые ими враги внутренние. Видимо Николаю не хватило политической мудрости , чтобы противостоять им. Но он и не стремился быть царем, а когда всё стало рушиться остался один. Так что скорее предали его, а не он.
I am amazed by the existence of these photographs. For years I only saw one of these in print. I wish there were more closed up photographs of the imperial family on this day.
@@DOLfirst Oui 1389 morts. Certains avancent qu'il y aurait eu 20,000 blessés à la tragédie de la Khodynka ou l'on distribua des candy. On aurait reproché au Tsar de ne pas avoir annulé le bal ce soir là. Merci à la personne qui nous a procuré ces belles images du couronnement.
Beautiful video! Great pictures of remarkable quality. More than this is a Historical register of the Russian Empire. Congratulations for your work !!!
Dear friend Nigel, my admiration for Your video beyond words! Stunner! Love and music and themselves photo, transmitting a solemn moment in Russian History. Many thanks and low bow to You!
Thank you dear friend Natasha. I agree, these are fascinating photographs of this solemn event. Tchaikovsky's 'Festival Coronation March' composed for Emperor Alexander III gives weight.....Nigel
One of the officers with drawn swords near the end of the video, when Tsar N II walks under the "tent", is the in future Field marshal of Finland Mannerheim.
Like the viewer above, I am stunned into near-silence by the quality and the quantity of photographs in this video. Your work surely deserves award of the Order of St. Vladimir or some such for what you are doing to further interest in Russian history. What I see makes me want to climb through the screen and not come back! Like the person above says, “Many thanks and low bow to You!”
Its amazing photography goes back this far. To be able to see the Grand occasion this many years later. Love all tbe horses and particularly the white horses. And to have the soundtrack too.
Интересный факт. Царская фамилия Романовых началась с Ипатьевского монастыря в Костроме, где в 1613 г. был призван на царство Михаил Федорович Романов. И закончилась в подвале тоже Ипатьевского дома, только в Екатеринбурге в 1917 года. Злая ирония судьбы...
ak 37. Okay, their end was terrible, but their life was so very rich and whealthy !!! Look at the juwels the girls had in their dresses ! But they didn't earned such a horrific death.
Well, they had it coming. (Not the children and the servants, they were innocent victims in the revolution. But the Tsar brought the revolution upon his kindom. When Nicklas came to the throne, he had the absolute power over his people. His words were considered God's will. Yet, look what this emperor had done for his people? NOTHING! IF anything, Nicklas II brought poverty and war to Rusia. And Rasputin.
Коронация царей всегда была в Москве. А с тех пор, как Петр I перенес столицу в Санкт-Петербург, императоры были похоронены в Петропавловском соборе в Санкт-Петербурге ....
Коронацию проводили именно в национальном сердце России - Москве. Петербург не является таковым, он обычный космополитический город. По крайней мере тогда был таким
Under the Czars, Russia was a super power in its own right. The galaxy of writers, poets, thinkers and intellectuals it produced during the reigns of Czar Alexander III and Czar Nicholas is remarkable while its composers produced such magnificent masterpieces which are a class by themselves. The concept of Trans Siberian railway could not be visualized anywhere else in the world. However its vastness was its undoing.
The October Revolution of 1917 was successful because the people were oppressed like in France before the French Revolution. Why glorify feudal rulers who hardly cared for the poor and weak in their countries?
The people, the architecture, the country, is beautiful. I wish time travel was real , for I would travel back to this time to witness this and be among all these people to see Czar Nicholas be crowned. If I could change history I would. The Czar and his family should have been able to live their full lives.
@@ВесёлыйПрохожий Господь Иисус Христос Вторая Ипостась Пресвятой Троицы, воплотился от Духа Святого и Пресвятой Богородицы для того, чтобы спасти человечество от прародительного греха! Господь Иисус Христос был распят на Кресте, пострадал Человеческим естеством, воскрес, показав этим, что Христос это Бог, то есть имеет два естества: Божественное и Человеческое, но без греха! Искупив всех, которые подчиняются Божией воле, то есть, имеющих Веру Христа, Господь Иисус Христос вознёсся на Небо, воссел одесную Бога Отца и скоро придёт судить мир. Но сначала после уничтожения врагов Православного Самодержавия Русского - хасидо-тамплиеро-иезуито-масонов- в последней Мировой войне, явится Богопомазанник, которого будет страшиться антихрист! И так, Россия выстоит в борьбе с мировым злом, созданным хасидо-тамплиеро-иезуито-масонами! А по 2-м Своём Пришествии Господь Иисус Христос убьёт мечом Уст Своих антихриста! По Страшном Суде дракон ( сатаны-люцифер), зверь (хасидо-тамплиеро-иезуито-масоны), лжепророк (папа римский) с антихристом будут ввергнуты в геенну огненную на веки вечные!
Dios salve al Zar y a Rusia, mi tatarabuela fue dama de la emperatriz, Princesa Dolgurukovna, ojala pudieramos regresar al la santa patria como lo que somos
Great assortment of vintage photographs. Also splendid music. However, the opening March is the Festival Coronation March for Tsar Alexander III composed by Peter Tchaikovsky in 1883.
Thank you for your visit and comment. If you look at the description of the video above, you will see I have noted the music already and fully realise that this music was composed for the new emperor's father for his coronation some 13 years earlier.......
Wonderful pictures! Almost a fairy tale. Too bad that their fellow countrymen felt that they could no longer afford such a huge family . Too bad that the Romanov family never really understood their subjects, except for what they could get out of them.
@@NigelFowlerSutton I think that World War I was part of it, as the Russians lost the Russo-Japanese war a few years earlier, also under Nicholas II. World War I was another big blow. The famine was another. The fact is that between the Tsar and Tsarista, they really did not have the intellect to process the changes that were happening right under their nose. On top of that, they could barely cope with their son's medical condition without the help of a mystic, charlatan or whatever you want to call Rasputin.
@@NigelFowlerSutton4:19 если Алексей жил и с гемофилией иунаследовал российский престол он бьл прекрасньй справедливьй добрьй и сострадательньй монарх да жаль ето не случилось
if only the Nicholas II had listened to Rasputin, who told him to stay out of the 'Great War' and actually gave the Tsar good advice - that's why the aristocrats had him murdered according to recent studies - our elites here in usausa have a hard-on for war too
Not as far back as you might think. I knew a guy, who's Mother was a place guard for the Czar in Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) at the Winter Palace. They had a whole unit of women guards. (Look it up.) Anyway, she fled for her life soon after "Bloody Sunday" in 1905. My acquaintance, (friend) eventually ended up in Southern California. We used to drink beer together. He has now passed on.
Кстати, читала, что на фото был запечатлен будущий враг Советского Союза , союзник Гитлера, Карл Густав Маннергейм. На 6:36 . Отдельно идущий слева, в высоких черных ботфортах.
It breaks my heart to know that the same folks honoring him later turned to kill him and his family. Just spent my weekend researching this family and OMG. So sad that they a lost part of history.
Wasn't there a bad incident in celebration of this coronation where a crowd of people accidentally crushed hundreds of people to death and marred the joy of the coronation I know that when it happened that deeply affected the Czar and his family but I'm not sure if it was during his coronation celebration I think it was say what you will about an autocratic regime those people did not deserve what happened to them by a long shot
Yes, there was a terrible stampede during the coronation festivities and many thousands of people died. The following article is one the best accounts:
More lavish and spectacular than Edward VII's coronation, as befits the sovereign who ruled over 1/6 of the earth's land surface; England was a backwater compared to Russia.
It is not "All the Russias" as there was only one Russia - The correct title is The Emperor or Empress of All Russia (Russian: Императоръ Всероссійскій, Императрица Всероссійская, Imperator Vserossiyskiy, Imperatritsa Vserossiyskaya) It was the title of the ruler of the Russian Empire from 1721 to 1917. It was created in connection with the victory in the Great Northern War and appeared as the adaptation of the Tsar's title under the accepted system of titling in Europe. The suffix "of All Russia" was transformed from the previous version "(Tsar) of All Rus'".
According to the article 59...... and I quote...... of the Russian Constitution of 23 April 1906, "the full title of His Imperial Majesty is as follows: We, ------ by the Contributing Grace of God, Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias, of Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, King of Kazan, King of Astrakhan, King of Poland, King of Siberia, King of Chersonesus Taurica, King of Georgia, Lord of Pskov, and Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolia, and Finland, Prince of Estonia, Livonia, Courland and Semigalia, Samogitia, Belostok, Karelia, Tver, Yugra, Perm, Vyatka, Bulgaria and other territories; Lord and Grand Duke of Nizhni Novgorod, Sovereign of Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Beloozero, Udoria, Obdoria, Kondia, Vitebsk, Mstislavl, and all northern territories; Sovereign of Iberia, Kartalinia, and the Kabardinian lands and Armenian territories - hereditary Lord and Ruler of the Circassians and Mountain Princes and others; Lord of Turkestan, Heir of Norway, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, Oldenburg, and so forth, and so forth, and so forth."
@@jameshepburn4631 It is a misunderstanding and mistranslation. It is both Czar of all Russia" and "Czar of all the Russians". Excerpt: In 1547 Ivan IV the Terrible, grand prince of Moscow, was officially crowned “tsar of all Russia,” and thus the religious and political ideology of the Russian tsardom took final form. [snip] In 1721 Tsar Peter I discarded the title of tsar for that of “emperor of all Russia” as part of his effort to secularize and modernize his regime and assert the state’s primacy over the church. As I stated before, there never was more than one Russia, so "Czar of all the Russias" is wrong and makes no sense.
Нет! Определённо нет! Возврата к монархии не должно быть. Все в прошлом. Не должно быть абсолютной власти у одной семьи, которая будет передавать ее по наследству даже тогда, когда наследник править не способен.
Почему?Вы посмотрите,как приятно наблюдать за Королевскской английской Семьёй.В России тоже могло так и быть,если бы в 17-году не пришли бы Варвары большевики с коммуняками.А на Троне восседать должен кто-то из «породистых»,а не так,как например «Лууккаа» ,он же «Тарраккан» без роду и без племени.
@@ОльгаСуранова-м5н Ольга, помните в Старом завете, когда евреи попросили царя, а он спросил зачем, если Бог итак с ними. Посмотрите, сколько горя странам приносил монархический режим. Это как должно повезти, чтобы царский ребенок был достойным и способным к управлению, а если нет? Родился наследником, а управлять не способен. А потом о каком таком мировом царе вы пишите? Не о том ли, о каком предупреждал Иоан Богослов, когда под видом мирового царя будет коронован антихрист в Иерусалиме? Он многим покажется добрым и справедливым....
Пишу во второй раз, так 1й был удалён. Под мировым царём, которого так ждут, придёт по откровениеям Иоанна Богослова антихрист и будет коронован в Иерусалиме, причём покажется большинству добрым и справедливым....Не нужен нам царь.
I think it was not that nicholas II not capable to rule Russia , but it was due to the World War 1 that had cause many starvation and death among the nation. Everything was uncontrollable.
Baron Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim rose to become the rank of Lieutenant general of the Imperial Russian army and held a prominent place in the coronation ceremonies of Emperor Nicholas II.
Нет, съемок этого трагичного события нет, только несколько фото, да оно и понятно, т.к. только год назад братья Люмьер изобрели киноаппарат для съемки и проекции «движущихся фотографий», ну и наверное не стоит говорить, что съемка трех минутного ролика (собственно событий коронации) была достаточно дорогой. Но есть описание очевидца событий журналиста Гиляровского В.А., можете почитать, он там был, и тоже чуть не был раздавлен толпой.
The Ruskies put the English to shame on coronations. I am absolutely amazed by these pictures. I wish he had been coronated ten years later so there would be moving pictures. Nicholas blew it. He had incredible support. These photos say that and I have read accounts written in the 1890’s and before 1905 that testify to his popularity. I think he was a really exceptional individual in many ways. It is horrible when anybody gets killed, but when somebody like Nicholas gets killed it seems way more horrible. The thing is, when he abdicated he had hardly any supporters. His press relations must have been absolutely horrible. That had to be so, because there is no doubt that he could have worked the press. I don’t have much of a grasp on things yet, but it looks like Nicky goofed up big time, big time. And whatever anybody thinks about Rasputin, Rasputin had it right about the war. Nicholas comes across as a character that we all, or most all, feel great sympathy for. All of the UA-cam videos blame Lenin. I am not saying this to argue, but I had looked into this years ago and I believed that Lenin was not aware. I am looking forward into finding out if I am wrong and I won’t find that out on UA-cam. Every UA-cam video blames Lenin. If Lenin is to blame, my opinion of Lenin fell through the floor. But here in the United States the billionaires have put a lot of money into trashing all of the leaders of Russia-they were not all as unreasonable as the billionaires would have us believe.
Nicholas II's main problem is that he took the "autocrat" a bit too far, just as England's King Charles I got carried away with the "divine right of kings."
Shirtless made a true and worthy commentary; however, I hope his historical knowledge and understanding is understood throughout history. History and tyranny repeat themselves over and over in history due to the fact we are a all fallen. Need to put truth first. David
Esperence Fe, you seem to lack intellectual integrity. Individuals who express themselves by demeaning their fellow man lacks objective interpretation. YOU DENY AND AVOID TRUTH. YOU DENY YOUR OWN HUMAN DIGNITY. LEARN TO READ AND INTERPRET THE EXACT CONTENT. David. PS: Where were you for a year?
События, показанные в этом видео, относятся к священной коронации императора Николая II, которая состоялась 14 мая 1896 года. Трагедия на Ходынском поле произошла 18 мая 1896 года, в национальный праздник в честь коронации.
The event you are referring occurred four days after this solemn ceremony of the Coronation. And, as such has no place in this video. There were many events associated with the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II, which I have also showcased here on UA-cam. All my videos are based around photos of the day. No photos of the The Khodynka tragedy were taken,with good reason.... who would look at a series of grisly photos of dead people.....
@@NigelFowlerSutton same event though, a celebration of Nicholas ii's coronation. All those people lost their lives and no mention of them, their names in memorium?
@@NigelFowlerSutton I didn't mean photos of them of them alive, if any exist (I doubt they do) or a list of the names of those who lost their lives. I'm not interested in seeing dead bodies.
I read somewhere that the extravagant cost of a coronation that lasted 5 days was a key factor in finishing off the monarchy. Now, looking at these photos i can see that a period of Russian history was coming to a close.
That is an interesting view. Coronations, are by their very nature, extravagant and costly events. We only have to look at the coronation of Elizabeth II to make the point. Nicholas II was completely unprepared to become ruler of Russia. The stiff, formal ways of the Court were not to his liking. He was more at ease with his family and reviewing troops. By shutting himself off from Court Life he alienated himself from the ruling classes. With unrest and civil disturbance in the capital, he failed to act and give proper representation to the people. His weakness was his undoing and the subsequent demise of the dynasty.
Not to sound a discordant note here, for I am stunned by this footage, but has anyone related objectively what occurred after the Coronation, the stampede that cost the lives of many? Not HM's fault. I believe it was seen by some(?)as a bad portent for the Reign, or is that some historical mischaracterization? Again, thank you for bringing Russian History alive.
Больше 1000 чел были раздавлены на Ходынке. Кровавое начало царствования. 20 лет у власти, 1916 декабрь, убийство Распутина. Февраль 1917-отречение от престола. Династия Романовых началась с трагических событий и ими закончилась.
I didn't see any photos of the tragedy of Khodynka Field. You should add that because it is a very important part of the coronation activities. Nicholas was a good husband and father, but an atrocious Tsar. Autocracy is a terrible system of government. These are wonderful historical pictures, though.
These photographs were simply of the Solemn Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II. The tragedy at Khodynka Field occured a couple of days after this sacred ceremony.
Большинство дорог на маршруте Коронации были вымощены булыжником. Это очень тяжело сказывается на копытах лошадей и деревянных парадных экипажах. Поэтому сверху был уложен слой песка, создающий впечатление грунтовой дороги! Та же практика продолжается и сегодня в Лондоне на торжественных мероприятиях.
Page 52 Chulalongkorn visit Russia during his European tour in April-December 1897, and personal friendship developed between him and Nicholas II -- a strange pair of friends, one so uxorious and the other so faithfully monogamous ... Agreement was reached between them on the establishment of diplomatic relations.
Как же всё красиво! Как замечательно увидеть нашу историю.. Это было совсем недавно.. Как скоротечно время..
One of guards in the last picture standing in front of Nicholas II who was wearing his crown near the canape was the future Marshall Mannerheim of Finland. At the time he was a serving officer in the Russian Imperial Army.
Imperial Russia! How fabulous these photographs are!Thank you for sharing these priceless memories on film for all prosperity.
You are most welcome, Virgina. Warm greetings and thank you for your visit! Nigel
Царю Батюшка Николае, чтим и величаем святую память твою, и всей твоей святой Семьи!!!
А чем они святые?
добавьте к титулу "Кровавый"
тем что рабам всегда нужен господин@@НатальяЧерненко-щ6у
@@luticpagan35490:32 0:35 а Ленин и Сталин тоже кровавьй антихрист и убийца
3:20 А Ленин не кровавьй так ли
Как жаль, что нет прежней Российской Империи и благородного Императора, как жаль. Спасибо Вам за видео.
Нет.не жаль.безвольный царь,предавший Россию и народ
@@Надежда-к3о1щ Насколько я понял, комментарий не конкретно о Николае, а о России вообще.
Против страны тогда единым фронтом выступили внешние враги, и нанятые ими враги внутренние. Видимо Николаю не хватило политической мудрости , чтобы противостоять им. Но он и не стремился быть царем, а когда всё стало рушиться остался один. Так что скорее предали его, а не он.
Видео и фото хотелось бы с Ходынки, с 9 января...
@@Надежда-к3о1щ если бы он уехал из России, тогда можно было говорить о предательстве.
@@Надежда-к3о1щ вы правы, видимо,мало кто документальные книги изучал
i wish i could have lived on this day and time so i could witness the grandeur and elegance of that era..
I am amazed by the existence of these photographs. For years I only saw one of these in print. I wish there were more closed up photographs of the imperial family on this day.
Спасибо за видео! Было очень интересно смотреть :)
Добро пожаловать! Спасибо большое.
Rest in peace your majesty! Such a glorious day, I will make sure to recognize it.
David Delaney He died today in 1918. Memory Eternal
It's "Your Majesty!"
1,389 people were stampeded to death at his coronation. Good start.
@Nicholas II of Russia 🙄
@@DOLfirst Oui 1389 morts. Certains avancent qu'il y aurait eu 20,000 blessés à la tragédie de la Khodynka ou l'on distribua des candy. On aurait reproché au Tsar de ne pas avoir annulé le bal ce soir là. Merci à la personne qui nous a procuré ces belles images du couronnement.
Beautiful video! Great pictures of remarkable quality. More than this is a Historical register of the Russian Empire. Congratulations for your work !!!
Thank you very much. These photographs are a great historical reminder of the past. Nigel
fabianoasc Thank you for your lesson in Brazilian history!
They are beautiful and clear videos and we want to see more of them.
Я казашка, но очень много читала и фильмы смотрела об Императоре Николае 2 -ом. Иманды болсын. Жаксы адам болды! ❤❤❤❤❤
Dear friend Nigel, my admiration for Your video beyond words! Stunner! Love and music and themselves photo, transmitting a solemn moment in Russian History. Many thanks and low bow to You!
Thank you dear friend Natasha. I agree, these are fascinating photographs of this solemn event. Tchaikovsky's 'Festival Coronation March' composed for Emperor Alexander III gives weight.....Nigel
Спасибо,кто сохранил эти видео,хранились и почитались в Европе
Bow for this valuable video,Nigel!.Thank you very much.The music is beautiful!
Огромное спасибо за видео!
.... и я благодарю вас за ваш визит и комментарий.
One of the officers with drawn swords near the end of the video, when Tsar N II walks under the "tent", is the in future Field marshal of Finland Mannerheim.
Well, I call that well spotted.... Thanks for that. Nigel
I am glad that you noticed that. I made the same comment above.
Thank you, Nigel! Very appreciated video. It was so far in history, and yet so close..time flies)
I can't imagine the same emperor along with his family being murdered and the bodies buried untraceable for 70 years.
My grand grand father and grand grand mother were Russian aristocrathy and they were somewhere there in crownation of Nikolaj II.
As were mine. I am pleased to meet you.
It must have been something unforgettable for them.
You are peacedoorball maybe?
Wuau! I'm Italian girl of 25 years old and i like so much Romanov family
But I am russian musician, and my favorite dream is studying very beautiful Italian language)))
Like the viewer above, I am stunned into near-silence by the quality and the quantity of photographs in this video. Your work surely deserves award of the Order of St. Vladimir or some such for what you are doing to further interest in Russian history. What I see makes me want to climb through the screen and not come back! Like the person above says, “Many thanks and low bow to You!”
Thank you my friend. These photographs were a great find and I agree, it is as we are witnessing the the unfolding events ourselves. Nigel
He was a criminal He and His wife murdered their children. and 7 millions more. They deserved everything they got
High quality photos, fantastic!
спасибо за экскурс в историю!
Конечно, пожалуйста!
Que grandes imágenes y con la "Marcha de la coronación "de Chaikovsky
Its amazing photography goes back this far. To be able to see the Grand occasion this many years later. Love all tbe horses and particularly the white horses. And to have the soundtrack too.
Great video. Thank you so much.
Прекрасная архитектура
Интересный факт. Царская фамилия Романовых началась с Ипатьевского монастыря в Костроме, где в 1613 г. был призван на царство Михаил Федорович Романов. И закончилась в подвале тоже Ипатьевского дома, только в Екатеринбурге в 1917 года. Злая ирония судьбы...
Очень интересно было посмотреть, спасибо)
7:08 - poor, unfortunate young couple... 22 years left to the gruesome end. From imperial porch to the muddy abandoned forest road...
ak 37. Okay, their end was terrible, but their life was so very rich and whealthy !!! Look at the juwels the girls had in their dresses ! But they didn't earned such a horrific death.
Well, they had it coming. (Not the children and the servants, they were innocent victims in the revolution. But the Tsar brought the revolution upon his kindom.
When Nicklas came to the throne, he had the absolute power over his people. His words were considered God's will. Yet, look what this emperor had done for his people? NOTHING!
IF anything, Nicklas II brought poverty and war to Rusia. And Rasputin.
@@TheXmeimei Lol, they were replaced by people who did even worse!
@@TheXmeimei So did stalin and others? They killed millions of people of hunger, they massacred their own people.
Потрясающие кадры! Я не знал, что коронация в Москве, а не в Петеррбурге проходила или возможно в обеих столицах!
Коронация царей всегда была в Москве. А с тех пор, как Петр I перенес столицу в Санкт-Петербург, императоры были похоронены в Петропавловском соборе в Санкт-Петербурге ....
@@NigelFowlerSutton, но ведь столица была в Петербурге, а коронация в Москве, это удивляет!
Я никогда не думал об этом до твоего комментария. Вы правы, это удивительно ..
Коронацию проводили именно в национальном сердце России - Москве. Петербург не является таковым, он обычный космополитический город. По крайней мере тогда был таким
The amazing coronation took place only in Moscow, not St. Petersburg.
Under the Czars, Russia was a super power in its own right. The galaxy of writers, poets, thinkers and intellectuals it produced during the reigns of Czar Alexander III and Czar Nicholas is remarkable while its composers produced such magnificent masterpieces which are a class by themselves. The concept of Trans Siberian railway could not be visualized anywhere else in the world. However its vastness was its undoing.
Too bad not many peasants could enjoy the magnificent art with hunger on their mind.
Very true..
"Super power"! Haha! It was a feudal society with millions of poor people and no industrialization. You need to read more.
The October Revolution of 1917 was successful because the people were oppressed like in France before the French Revolution. Why glorify feudal rulers who hardly cared for the poor and weak in their countries?
Super Power because they had a train? Germany and the British Empire were súper powers and industralized. Russia was decades behind them
The people, the architecture, the country, is beautiful. I wish time travel was real , for I would travel back to this time to witness this and be among all these people to see Czar Nicholas be crowned. If I could change history I would. The Czar and his family should have been able to live their full lives.
Thank you very mach. Beautiful history.
Thank you.
Спаси Господи тех, кто дал это видео!
господа нет спешу тебя огорчить
@@ВесёлыйПрохожий Господь Иисус Христос Вторая Ипостась Пресвятой Троицы, воплотился от Духа Святого и Пресвятой Богородицы для того, чтобы спасти человечество от прародительного греха! Господь Иисус Христос был распят на Кресте, пострадал Человеческим естеством, воскрес, показав этим, что Христос это Бог, то есть имеет два естества: Божественное и Человеческое, но без греха! Искупив всех, которые подчиняются Божией воле, то есть, имеющих Веру Христа, Господь Иисус Христос вознёсся на Небо, воссел одесную Бога Отца и скоро придёт судить мир. Но сначала после уничтожения врагов Православного Самодержавия Русского - хасидо-тамплиеро-иезуито-масонов- в последней Мировой войне, явится Богопомазанник, которого будет страшиться антихрист! И так, Россия выстоит в борьбе с мировым злом, созданным хасидо-тамплиеро-иезуито-масонами! А по 2-м Своём Пришествии Господь Иисус Христос убьёт мечом Уст Своих антихриста! По Страшном Суде дракон ( сатаны-люцифер), зверь (хасидо-тамплиеро-иезуито-масоны), лжепророк (папа римский) с антихристом будут ввергнуты в геенну огненную на веки вечные!
@@ВикторияКондря-к7х троль
Господ существуют я тебе горько огорчаю@@ВесёлыйПрохожий
Коронация Николая II обошлась русской казне в 100 млн рублей. Если переводить на современные деньги, Олимпиада в Сочи обошлась дешевле.
Dios salve al Zar y a Rusia, mi tatarabuela fue dama de la emperatriz, Princesa Dolgurukovna, ojala pudieramos regresar al la santa patria como lo que somos
Muchas gracias, Alexander por un comentario interesante. Tales tiempos turbulentos. Nigel
Sería interesante conocer la opinión de tu tatarabuela sobre los Zares
Thanks for posting. Excellent footage!
You are most welcome! Thank you. Nigel
Fantastico video
Thank you very much. You are most welcome! Nigel
Great assortment of vintage photographs. Also splendid music.
However, the opening March is the Festival Coronation March for Tsar Alexander III composed by Peter Tchaikovsky in 1883.
Thank you for your visit and comment.
If you look at the description of the video above, you will see I have noted the music already and fully realise that this music was composed for the new emperor's father for his coronation some 13 years earlier.......
Nigel thank for video, always interesting. Ciao
What's most interesting to me about many of these photos, is that major city streets aren't paved, or even cobbled, but still dirt.
Великий государь !
Боже, царя храни !
С какого он великий?просрал все Россию ,семью,власть,народ !
@@Надежда-к3о1щ в этом виноват народ !
А в чем он великий , посмотри его заслуги и что он сделал для страны . Но его все предали (
@@СергейХалимов-ы9с его предали самые приближенные,потому что по сути ничего не сделал
@@СергейХалимов-ы9с троль
Много выступаешь,а историю не знаешь.Почитай.Мой прадед -дворянин служил у Царя Ни колая2 .
Good job!!!
Хорошо,что в Европе сохранились фотографии старые,и с Коронации.Иожем хоть чуточку представить ту обстановку,более 120 лет прошло. .Святая память.
Wonderful pictures! Almost a fairy tale. Too bad that their fellow countrymen felt that they could no longer afford such a huge family . Too bad that the Romanov family never really understood their subjects, except for what they could get out of them.
and the blame for the demise of the Romanov dynasty is firmly due to the outbreak of war in 1914.
@@NigelFowlerSutton I think that World War I was part of it, as the Russians lost the Russo-Japanese war a few years earlier, also under Nicholas II. World War I was another big blow. The famine was another. The fact is that between the Tsar and Tsarista, they really did not have the intellect to process the changes that were happening right under their nose. On top of that, they could barely cope with their son's medical condition without the help of a mystic, charlatan or whatever you want to call Rasputin.
Наверняка так бьла пищна и коронация Царевича Алексея жалько что ето не случилось
Страдающий гемофилией цесаревич Алексей никогда бы не унаследовал российский престол.
@@NigelFowlerSutton4:19 если Алексей жил и с гемофилией иунаследовал российский престол он бьл прекрасньй справедливьй добрьй и сострадательньй монарх да жаль ето не случилось
Россия бь тогда могущественная империя
Сильная - Страна ,
Сильная - История!
рухнула и Империя, рухнул и Союз. Не такая уж сильная как оказалось
2:36 2:47
Как они, интересно, разные флаги использовали.
He most have made such a impression on the people with his looks alone, if only he would have been well guided by his 'Entourage.'
Could we see it ones more?👑
Грандиозно, конечно,волнует!, но при таком роскошном убранстве передвигаться без дороги! и так до сих пор,, к сожалению
if only the Nicholas II had listened to Rasputin, who told him to stay out of the 'Great War' and actually gave the Tsar good advice - that's why the aristocrats had him murdered according to recent studies - our elites here in usausa have a hard-on for war too
archives intéressantes c'est fascinant
Not as far back as you might think. I knew a guy, who's Mother was a place guard for the Czar in Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) at the Winter Palace. They had a whole unit of women guards. (Look it up.) Anyway, she fled for her life soon after "Bloody Sunday" in 1905. My acquaintance, (friend) eventually ended up in Southern California. We used to drink beer together. He has now passed on.
Вот настоящая Россия
Кстати, читала, что на фото был запечатлен будущий враг Советского Союза , союзник Гитлера, Карл Густав Маннергейм. На 6:36 . Отдельно идущий слева, в высоких черных ботфортах.
Эх... Хорошее было время
I am an American and love Russian history, The majesty of the Tsars of Russia far exceeds that of the British monarchy.
at least the British monarchy survives.....
This is true. Sadly, What could have been.@@NigelFowlerSutton
Дай бог, вернется былое величие России, 100 лет смуты это слишком, даже для русских.
Это какое величие, 80% неграмотных и безвольных?)
It breaks my heart to know that the same folks honoring him later turned to kill him and his family. Just spent my weekend researching this family and OMG. So sad that they a lost part of history.
Wasn't there a bad incident in celebration of this coronation where a crowd of people accidentally crushed hundreds of people to death and marred the joy of the coronation I know that when it happened that deeply affected the Czar and his family but I'm not sure if it was during his coronation celebration I think it was say what you will about an autocratic regime those people did not deserve what happened to them by a long shot
Yes, there was a terrible stampede during the coronation festivities and many thousands of people died. The following article is one the best accounts:
@@NigelFowlerSutton thank you so much I was pretty sure about that incident I'll look into the information you provided thank you
More lavish and spectacular than Edward VII's coronation, as befits the sovereign who ruled over 1/6 of the earth's land surface; England was a backwater compared to Russia.
Hardly a backwater.....
Revive monarchy in Russia
I'm so glad this still exists in britain.
It is not "All the Russias" as there was only one Russia - The correct title is The Emperor or Empress of All Russia (Russian: Императоръ Всероссійскій, Императрица Всероссійская, Imperator Vserossiyskiy, Imperatritsa Vserossiyskaya) It was the title of the ruler of the Russian Empire from 1721 to 1917. It was created in connection with the victory in the Great Northern War and appeared as the adaptation of the Tsar's title under the accepted system of titling in Europe. The suffix "of All Russia" was transformed from the previous version "(Tsar) of All Rus'".
According to the article 59...... and I quote...... of the Russian Constitution of 23 April 1906, "the full title of His Imperial Majesty is as follows: We, ------ by the Contributing Grace of God, Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias, of Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, King of Kazan, King of Astrakhan, King of Poland, King of Siberia, King of Chersonesus Taurica, King of Georgia, Lord of Pskov, and Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolia, and Finland, Prince of Estonia, Livonia, Courland and Semigalia, Samogitia, Belostok, Karelia, Tver, Yugra, Perm, Vyatka, Bulgaria and other territories; Lord and Grand Duke of Nizhni Novgorod, Sovereign of Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Beloozero, Udoria, Obdoria, Kondia, Vitebsk, Mstislavl, and all northern territories; Sovereign of Iberia, Kartalinia, and the Kabardinian lands and Armenian territories - hereditary Lord and Ruler of the Circassians and Mountain Princes and others; Lord of Turkestan, Heir of Norway, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, Oldenburg, and so forth, and so forth, and so forth."
Don't know what the Cyrillic text reads in Russian, but in English we say "Czar of all the Russias".
@@jameshepburn4631 It is a misunderstanding and mistranslation. It is both Czar of all Russia" and "Czar of all the Russians".
In 1547 Ivan IV the Terrible, grand prince of Moscow, was officially crowned “tsar of all Russia,” and thus the religious and political ideology of the Russian tsardom took final form.
In 1721 Tsar Peter I discarded the title of tsar for that of “emperor of all Russia” as part of his effort to secularize and modernize his regime and assert the state’s primacy over the church.
As I stated before, there never was more than one Russia, so "Czar of all the Russias" is wrong and makes no sense.
Может быть ,и всё восстановится обратно!России нужна Монархия!
Нет! Определённо нет! Возврата к монархии не должно быть. Все в прошлом. Не должно быть абсолютной власти у одной семьи, которая будет передавать ее по наследству даже тогда, когда наследник править не способен.
Почему?Вы посмотрите,как приятно наблюдать за Королевскской английской Семьёй.В России тоже могло так и быть,если бы в 17-году не пришли бы Варвары большевики с коммуняками.А на Троне восседать должен кто-то из «породистых»,а не так,как например «Лууккаа» ,он же «Тарраккан» без роду и без племени.
@@valiko51 ошибаетесь,Царю дана власть над всем миром! Российская Империя, снова возрадится
Станет Великой и Прославленной!🙏
@@ОльгаСуранова-м5н Ольга, помните в Старом завете, когда евреи попросили царя, а он спросил зачем, если Бог итак с ними. Посмотрите, сколько горя странам приносил монархический режим. Это как должно повезти, чтобы царский ребенок был достойным и способным к управлению, а если нет? Родился наследником, а управлять не способен. А потом о каком таком мировом царе вы пишите? Не о том ли, о каком предупреждал Иоан Богослов, когда под видом мирового царя будет коронован антихрист в Иерусалиме? Он многим покажется добрым и справедливым....
Пишу во второй раз, так 1й был удалён. Под мировым царём, которого так ждут, придёт по откровениеям Иоанна Богослова антихрист и будет коронован в Иерусалиме, причём покажется большинству добрым и справедливым....Не нужен нам царь.
I think it was not that nicholas II not capable to rule Russia , but it was due to the World War 1 that had cause many starvation and death among the nation. Everything was uncontrollable.
Какая стройность линий в построении и какой порядок! Кто же устроил провокацию на Ходынском поле? Из каких архивов эти редкостные фото?
Провокации устроили коммунисть анархистьй
как шыкарно жыль и тем времени другие умирале от голода..и через 20 лет растреляли как пса...
Спаси Господи ❤
I believe Mannerheim of Finland was one of the imperial guards.
Baron Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim rose to become the rank of Lieutenant general of the Imperial Russian army and held a prominent place in the coronation ceremonies of Emperor Nicholas II.
123 years ago...
Про то случилось на ходынском поле во время коронации Николая 2 никто не снимал?
Нет, съемок этого трагичного события нет, только несколько фото, да оно и понятно, т.к. только год назад братья Люмьер изобрели киноаппарат для съемки и проекции «движущихся фотографий», ну и наверное не стоит говорить, что съемка трех минутного ролика (собственно событий коронации) была достаточно дорогой. Но есть описание очевидца событий журналиста Гиляровского В.А., можете почитать, он там был, и тоже чуть не был раздавлен толпой.
Très belle reconstitution.
Merci beaucoup!
Dear Nigel, your video is great, do you know where we can licence those photographs for a professional use ? Many thanks Best
No idea
@@NigelFowlerSutton where did you get them if you don't mind me asking ?
The Ruskies put the English to shame on coronations. I am absolutely amazed by these pictures. I wish he had been coronated ten years later so there would be moving pictures. Nicholas blew it. He had incredible support. These photos say that and I have read accounts written in the 1890’s and before 1905 that testify to his popularity. I think he was a really exceptional individual in many ways. It is horrible when anybody gets killed, but when somebody like Nicholas gets killed it seems way more horrible. The thing is, when he abdicated he had hardly any supporters. His press relations must have been absolutely horrible. That had to be so, because there is no doubt that he could have worked the press. I don’t have much of a grasp on things yet, but it looks like Nicky goofed up big time, big time. And whatever anybody thinks about Rasputin, Rasputin had it right about the war. Nicholas comes across as a character that we all, or most all, feel great sympathy for. All of the UA-cam videos blame Lenin. I am not saying this to argue, but I had looked into this years ago and I believed that Lenin was not aware. I am looking forward into finding out if I am wrong and I won’t find that out on UA-cam. Every UA-cam video blames Lenin. If Lenin is to blame, my opinion of Lenin fell through the floor. But here in the United States the billionaires have put a lot of money into trashing all of the leaders of Russia-they were not all as unreasonable as the billionaires would have us believe.
Me siento ahí.
Nicholas II's main problem is that he took the "autocrat" a bit too far, just as England's King Charles I got carried away with the "divine right of kings."
No king nicholas ll is Tsar
Tragic downfall. I wish they all could have been saved.
Shirtless made a true and worthy commentary; however, I hope his historical knowledge and understanding is understood throughout history. History and tyranny repeat themselves over and over in history due to the fact we are a all fallen. Need to put truth first. David
@Esperance Fe ?
Esperence Fe, you seem to lack intellectual integrity. Individuals who express themselves by demeaning their fellow man lacks objective interpretation. YOU DENY AND AVOID TRUTH. YOU DENY YOUR OWN HUMAN DIGNITY. LEARN TO READ AND INTERPRET THE EXACT CONTENT. David. PS: Where were you for a year?
Stay in your dark corner. You Sir are reliving history. Do you work for CNN? Your comments reveal that you are Fake. Happy trails. David
А где же фото происшедшей тогда же, и из-за этих же коронационных торжеств, Ходынской трагедии?
События, показанные в этом видео, относятся к священной коронации императора Николая II, которая состоялась 14 мая 1896 года.
Трагедия на Ходынском поле произошла 18 мая 1896 года, в национальный праздник в честь коронации.
Круто же тебя удѣлали . Какъ говорится , по царски . )))
Where are the photos of the 1,389 peopl who were stampeded to death?
The event you are referring occurred four days after this solemn ceremony of the Coronation.
And, as such has no place in this video. There were many events associated with the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II, which I have also showcased here on UA-cam.
All my videos are based around photos of the day. No photos of the The Khodynka tragedy were taken,with good reason.... who would look at a series of grisly photos of dead people.....
@@NigelFowlerSutton same event though, a celebration of Nicholas ii's coronation. All those people lost their lives and no mention of them, their names in memorium?
@@NigelFowlerSutton I didn't mean photos of them of them alive, if any exist (I doubt they do) or a list of the names of those who lost their lives. I'm not interested in seeing dead bodies.
I read somewhere that the extravagant cost of a coronation that lasted 5 days was a key factor in finishing off the monarchy. Now, looking at these photos i can see that a period of Russian history was coming to a close.
That is an interesting view. Coronations, are by their very nature, extravagant and costly events. We only have to look at the coronation of Elizabeth II to make the point. Nicholas II was completely unprepared to become ruler of Russia. The stiff, formal ways of the Court were not to his liking. He was more at ease with his family and reviewing troops. By shutting himself off from Court Life he alienated himself from the ruling classes. With unrest and civil disturbance in the capital, he failed to act and give proper representation to the people. His weakness was his undoing and the subsequent demise of the dynasty.
Richard Benitez : Nonsense. Read history books (not popular drivel).
Not to sound a discordant note here, for I am stunned by this footage, but has anyone related objectively what occurred after the Coronation, the stampede that cost the lives of many? Not HM's fault. I believe it was seen by some(?)as a bad portent for the Reign, or is that some historical mischaracterization? Again, thank you for bringing Russian History alive.
"Боже царя храни"... Не сберёг ни царя , ни наследника, ни царицу, ни невинных дочерей. Светлая им память!
Коронация Император и самодержец Всероссийский Николая II --> Коронация Императора и самодержца Всероссийского Николая II
god save the tzar !!
Это же фотографии! Есть фильм Камилла Серфа?
Больше 1000 чел были раздавлены на Ходынке. Кровавое начало царствования. 20 лет у власти, 1916 декабрь, убийство Распутина. Февраль 1917-отречение от престола. Династия Романовых началась с трагических событий и ими закончилась.
Вот как такая мощная держава и рухнула??
Читайте, изучайте разные источники и не будет вопросов таких. Мощная держава никогда бы не рухнула.
Одна показуха была
Царские генералы,элита устроили революцию и свержение монархии,церковь помогла.только удержать власть не смогли.
I didn't see any photos of the tragedy of Khodynka Field. You should add that because it is a very important part of the coronation activities. Nicholas was a good husband and father, but an atrocious Tsar. Autocracy is a terrible system of government. These are wonderful historical pictures, though.
These photographs were simply of the Solemn Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II. The tragedy at Khodynka Field occured a couple of days after this sacred ceremony.
Я не пойму,там где прохрдило шествие, там что нет дорог?Странно золотые кареты и нет дорог...Кажется я вижу глину .....
Большинство дорог на маршруте Коронации были вымощены булыжником. Это очень тяжело сказывается на копытах лошадей и деревянных парадных экипажах. Поэтому сверху был уложен слой песка, создающий впечатление грунтовой дороги! Та же практика продолжается и сегодня в Лондоне на торжественных мероприятиях.
@@NigelFowlerSutton Спасибо за ответ! Все очень красиво и величественно было организовано!
What is uxorious?
Page 52
Chulalongkorn visit Russia during his European tour in April-December 1897, and personal friendship developed between him and Nicholas II -- a strange pair of friends, one so uxorious and the other so faithfully monogamous ... Agreement was reached between them on the establishment of diplomatic relations.
Uxorios - having or showing a great or excessive fondness for one's wife.
To this day the murder of this family is still shocking how can the Russian people hold up their heads after such a crime
The same as the French two centuries earlier....
Все должны повеситься?
He should have hired more Cossacks for crowd control