What's Wrong with Immortal Souls? | Episode 809 | Closer To Truth

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @ob1keno227
    @ob1keno227 4 роки тому +20

    This channel should have 20 million subs.

    • @TasteMyStinkholeAndLikeIt
      @TasteMyStinkholeAndLikeIt 4 роки тому +1

      Why... It makes ZERO progression in any logical order as one would do if they were actually looking for truth.
      This KuhnHole jumps all over the place, and outrageously lies about claiming he believes NO ONE he interviews. Every single atheist, theist, and every shade in between he claims is bullshyt. He's a dishonest lying prick trying to fein objectivity

    • @odiupickusclone-1526
      @odiupickusclone-1526 4 роки тому +2

      @@TasteMyStinkholeAndLikeIt Well, if you are looking for truth then the answer is this : There is no truth, at least no truth that would satisfy your mortal soul, and that is the truth! But, as i already pointed out, you don't like that truth, so, try to imagine this : every new episode that you watch on this channel begins with intro which states the truth which i've just told you...how many viewers would open new uploaded videos, knowing the truth? It must be very boring being God, that is to say knowing the answer to every question, musten't it?

    • @TasteMyStinkholeAndLikeIt
      @TasteMyStinkholeAndLikeIt 4 роки тому +1

      The name of the channel is "closer to truth," and one could be reasonably interpret that as meaning each video is a progression towards truth.
      When you learn math, you don't start with Calculus, then learn addition and subtraction, then learn algebra, then learn multiplication/division.
      This idiotic channel is all over the place, making ZERO forward progress. What is the point of interviewing idiots who are easily disproven AFTER you've interviewed someone who has demonstrated clearly that they are on to something.
      And your first sentence gave away the indisputable fact that you've never taken a class in logic.
      It also betrays the fact that your rodent brain is incapable of discerning and evaluating 'evidence' of existing truth, as well as your ignorance of an astounding mountain of evidence and logically sound arguments that indeed do point to a truth. The problem with the intellectually disabled like yourself is that you have zero interest in truth or facts.
      You have a calcified fossilized brain that is already settled in the tiny bit of nonsense it manages to hold.
      The unforgiveable problem with UA-cam is that it allows any 6 year old on earth with an internet connection to create an account and pose as an adult in comments.
      There is ZERO vetting on the part of UA-cam. Anyone can comment on anything regardless of their knowledge or intellect.
      Ideally it would be a punishable crime for people to spread their stupidity and ignorance on UA-cam, or anywhere else for that matter.
      I imagine you'd be serving quite a long time behind bars in that society though.

    • @codybradley4100
      @codybradley4100 4 роки тому +1

      @@TasteMyStinkholeAndLikeIt I personally like to think his tendency to contradict or deny the people he interviews is a way to provoke the audience and perhaps even himself to think about different concepts much more thoroughly. It's also a good way to bring a different dynamic with this type of content so its easier to keep a viewer occupied with a subject having them ponder things from all angles instead of him just being a yesman to everyone he interviews.

    • @xxxs8309
      @xxxs8309 4 роки тому +1

      Best channel in youtube

  • @GhostLightPhilosophy
    @GhostLightPhilosophy 4 роки тому +33

    I love this show for giving multiple ideas and perspectives equal time to air their views without making it confrontational.

    • @broderickwallis25
      @broderickwallis25 Рік тому

      Hi Ghost.... It's obvious that you are happy where you are. This stuff is intellectually and spiritually retarded !!!!
      Nothing new here.

  • @darioinfini
    @darioinfini 4 роки тому +27

    I think we find ourselves in a uniquely human conundrum. It's hard to believe that we go through all that we do only to die and have it all just vanish. We want it to mean something, to have everlasting value, to have made a difference, to be able to observe and participate. It is sobering to watch someone die and realize everything they ever were as a conscious entity is gone. It's hard to accept and believe. But we exist in a vacuum of knowledge. We have little grasp of consciousness, and none at all of "the afterlife". So we fruitlessly grasp at theories, beliefs, traditions, rituals, trying to tease out a thread and a hope because we want it so bad and have nothing but the abyss of ignorance to work with.
    If there is anything that is everlasting, it's the perennial human struggle against existential nihilism.

    • @thoel1
      @thoel1 4 роки тому +1

      Maybe we have to disengage ourselves from wondering in a linear time ('what will become of us', 'where are we coming from'), and remove time from the equations that define us. To find our values interacting beyond the lifespan, and then us into them. Maybe as part of a bigger entity and intelligence background field.

    • @darioinfini
      @darioinfini 4 роки тому +2

      @@thoel1 Well yes, that line of thinking is one of many conjectures. And that's all we really have and may ever have... simply conjectures of what ifs and maybes.

    • @japanaircarrier1394
      @japanaircarrier1394 2 роки тому

      No meaning has meaning. Non-existence exists. Luke Skywalker is in no way real but he can be referred to in a logical way concerning his effect on Americans in the 20th Century. Dead people are still real even though they don't exist. People like Albert Einstein and William Shakespeare are still shaping this world in magnificent ways. I could argue they're more real than I am. In a hundred years nobody will know who I am but Batman and Jesus will still be here, so how are they less real? It seems to me I'm the one who's not real. If presentence of existence is necessary for reality I'm a dust mite and they're cleaning the floor. Their non-existence is bigger than my existence in any real way, no matter how you measure it. Animal Chin is real. And I've see him. And that's a true statement even though his existence is negated by the physically and realistically true statement that Animal Chin is not real. The concept of Animal Chin, in it's non-existence, has an existence. A non-existent thing is simply in a class: non-existent things. The USS Enterprise is real, for example. It's a real member of the class of non-existent things. So are Dracula and Superman. Point is all mustache people are crab people. lol, no, not the South Park kind, the other kind.

    • @TrueLoveLovesAll
      @TrueLoveLovesAll Рік тому

      Ehm. My life was awesome until I heard about the afterlife.
      First I made the best out of this life, now I work for the future and avoid the pit.
      Nihilism is a struggle, but working for heaven and avoiding the pit is a bigger struggle, not a bandage!

    • @0The0Web0
      @0The0Web0 11 місяців тому

      you nailed it 👌

  • @ProtectMyLiberty
    @ProtectMyLiberty 4 роки тому +12

    He stated "I would rather know the truth than to be happy". I have always lived by that myself, but it suddenly struck me that as I grow older I increasingly realize the value of happiness. If it is indeed true that we have no immortal soul, does happiness not become even more valuable?

    • @firstnamesurname6550
      @firstnamesurname6550 4 роки тому +1

      Why to believe that Truth must to be incompatible with Happinnes ??
      Truht is unhappy when/where one nurtured falsehood and one get no chances to had a life in Truth ...
      If You are Truthfull, You are Happy ... Of course, Your unhappiness is the untruthfulness that is not in You ...

    • @jayworldjs
      @jayworldjs 2 роки тому +5

      No Jesus
      No peace
      Know Jesus
      Know peace

    • @jsar5409
      @jsar5409 Рік тому +1

      @@jayworldjs lol

    • @Mikha335
      @Mikha335 3 місяці тому

      Real happiness is the outcome of following the Truth

  • @garyoldman9172
    @garyoldman9172 4 роки тому +51

    Reencarnation without memory persistance is the same as death.

    • @firstnamesurname6550
      @firstnamesurname6550 4 роки тому +1

      Agree but some how those memories 'runs' faster and faster in hope into death for at least get a chance to die again ... the sorrowing issue arise when/where those memories never reach their corpses and death's bodies ...

    • @lisali5319
      @lisali5319 4 роки тому +2

      Maybe you will remember all memories after you die

    • @a_06_rajarshikarmakar14
      @a_06_rajarshikarmakar14 4 роки тому +5

      If you can't remember about your childhood then you were dead before according to your view

    • @jcoats1203
      @jcoats1203 4 роки тому +1

      Gary Oldman Yes, you must be correct. Logically it couldn’t be any other way. At least that’s the way I think of it.

    • @bridgenorton537
      @bridgenorton537 4 роки тому +2

      Rajarshi Karmakar sort of, yes. If your brain right now was reverted to the state it was in when you were born and stayed that way I would say you had become brain dead and pull the plug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • @youfilin
    @youfilin Рік тому +3

    A human dies twice.
    The first time, when the heart stops beating.
    The second time, when people stop say your name.

  • @Jacob_Crowthorne
    @Jacob_Crowthorne 2 роки тому +14

    What about a radio transmitter transmitting radio waves to a radio? Before we discovered that radio waves existed, we thought that it was impossible!
    We can't naturally sense them in any way.
    What if our brain acts like a type of transmitter to our consciousness/soul?
    It is possible to think and make decisions in a pseudo way because computers can but they are not conscious.

  • @taboramombasa2512
    @taboramombasa2512 3 роки тому +7

    I 100% agree with the definition of Keith Ward for what a soul is, and I am one of those traditional Muslims, I never knew that some Christians also have this kind of understanding. thank you closer to the truth.

    • @colinm610
      @colinm610 6 місяців тому

      From a quick search of the bible (say the KJV) for the words mortal and immortal - it is obvious that man is mortal, not immortal. Only God is immortal.
      Job 4:17 - Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?
      1 Timothy 6:16 - Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.
      1 Timothy 1:17 - Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
      2 Timothy 1:10 -: But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:
      Romans 6:12 - Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.
      Romans 8:11 - But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
      1 Corinthians 15:53 - For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
      1 Corinthians 15:54 - So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. etc. The bible teaches that God made Adam out of the dust of the earth and then breathed his 'life' into him and he became a' living' soul. It teaches the dead 'sleep in death' throughout. Dead = dead. When we die - our bodies return to dust, and our spirit returns to God who gave it. That is why after Adam sinned he was banished from the garden of Eden with a flaming sword and cherubim guarded the 'way of the tree of life'. If he had partook of it (as a sinner) he would have received eternal life right then and become an 'immortal' eternal sinner. Unredeemable. That proves man does not have eternal life or immortality - that's what we need still. When we die - we await resurrection - when the two parts (material and immaterial (come together and we are made alive again) the righteous with a new glorified body. The bible teaches that immortality is only possible for those made righteous at the resurrection who have it imputed to them (because of faith in Christ's finished work on the cross alone) - he was the only perfect sinless man.
      Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
      John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      John 3:36 - He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
      john 10:28 - And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
      john 5:24 - Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

  • @jackmann679
    @jackmann679 3 роки тому +5

    there is no show quite like this show.great.

  • @0The0Web0
    @0The0Web0 11 місяців тому +2

    Interesting tour, I liked to hear all the views.
    I get the impression that lots of the concepts were born out of fear of having to let our ego go when we die. Those who proudly say yes death is the end, no immortal soul, but then want to have their loophole with a come-back resurrection are just as scared.

  • @derdualeraum356
    @derdualeraum356 4 роки тому +57

    Closer To Truth attracts me (being an atheist) even with theological topics ;-)

    • @johnaugsburger6192
      @johnaugsburger6192 4 роки тому +3

      Me also

    • @angelabierman567
      @angelabierman567 4 роки тому +5

      Love this channel. These are questions I have been asking ever since I can remember. And even though we can't prove an answer in a philosophical sense, it's hard to go through life without searching and asking these questions and trying to find an answer

    • @odiupickusclone-1526
      @odiupickusclone-1526 4 роки тому

      @@angelabierman567 True, however all roads lead to the pesimistic answer to the problem of evil.

    • @thomasridley8675
      @thomasridley8675 4 роки тому +4

      At this rate. The sun will die before we get too the last episode of closer too the truth. Which will be
      ' we didn't find any '

    • @odiupickusclone-1526
      @odiupickusclone-1526 4 роки тому +9

      @@thomasridley8675 Exactly, on top of that :
      I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.

  • @panosfillipou14
    @panosfillipou14 4 роки тому +5

    what wonderful conventions!!!! Thank you mate !!!!! Christian here

  • @mindfulskills
    @mindfulskills 2 роки тому +3

    As always, I love your discussions, Robert. Humans identify themselves as physical creatures, so it's understandable that many scientists are hardcore materialists. But if you put your hand on a sheet of photographic film on top of a metal discharge plate, the resulting photograph will show an energy field around the hand that is invisible to our senses - a Kirlian photograph. To account for phenomena in the observable universe that seemingly defy the laws of physics as we understand them, string theory posits between 10 and 26 dimensions. If extra dimensions exist, isn't it possible and even reasonable that there are dimensions of the human person that lie beyond our physical senses? Could this be the basis for ESP, souls, ghosts, transmigration and similar phenomena? Perhaps you could bring some string theorists into the conversation, and ask them.

  • @xspotbox4400
    @xspotbox4400 4 роки тому +5

    Worst about souls is, there's so many of them, most dead souls must have came from neanderthals and cannibals. Imagine eternity with those people, can't even die again or force them to go away.

  • @aurangak1
    @aurangak1 2 роки тому

    Soul is like energy which will never disappear and will remain forever and it is the essence of our body. God will preserve this soul in His way.

    • @johndevisser903
      @johndevisser903 Рік тому

      It is not.
      God created man from the dust, blew spirit into it's nostrils and the man
      👉became👈 a living soul.
      A soul is what you are when you're alive, a soul is what you have for dust you are and to dust you shall return.
      The spirit goes back to God who gave it.
      The spirit is not you it's God's breath of life wich has turned the dust man into a living soul (human being).

  • @Koljadin
    @Koljadin 10 місяців тому +1

    The best argument I ever heard about the subject was by Sean Carroll, and it goes like this:
    "Life, or consciousness, is not a substance like water or air; it is a process like fire.
    When you put out the flame on a candle the flame doesn't go anywhere, it simply stops.
    And that is what happens when we die."
    What I would add is that in an infinite Universe, the possibility of the same process to continue is also infinite.
    Some call it "reincarnation", but it's more like waking up after a very long and far away sleep, causally completely disconnected from the previous realm.
    That being said, in an infinite Universe, death would be Einsteinian/relativistic. Meaning, for everyone else around, we would die, and for them death would be as real as it gets, simply because they would all witness it.
    But, from the point of view of the one who actually died in that scenario, when the process continues, for them it would seem like they just woke up, completely oblivious of their own death, while at the same time witnessing other processes stop, thus being convinced that death is real.

  • @mikebell4649
    @mikebell4649 4 роки тому +2

    Why do u never distinguish between claims n evidence of a claim??

  • @joeyburrell3207
    @joeyburrell3207 4 роки тому +10

    Your memory is a huge portion of who you are, so if no memory continues then you have in effect indeed died. Point blank!

    • @douglasparise3986
      @douglasparise3986 Рік тому

      When everyone who knew you dies, then it is like you in never existed

    • @ventrust7507
      @ventrust7507 10 місяців тому +2

      During an episode of memory loss then you are dead and regained memory then alive again; I think not. There appears to be more to it than memory.

    • @dare-er7sw
      @dare-er7sw 9 місяців тому +1

      @@ventrust7507 Background awareness

    • @jamesmarshel1723
      @jamesmarshel1723 9 місяців тому +1

      ⁠@@ventrust7507seems like a ship of Theseus scenario

  • @realistic.optimist
    @realistic.optimist 3 роки тому +1

    Some things are beyond measurement and human understanding.

  • @Jack-vm1fg
    @Jack-vm1fg 4 роки тому +7

    Even if we assume a materialist view on consiousness.... that the material universe produced our individual feeling of consious experience. What are the odds of this happening only one time, given the boundless nature across time and space of the universe?

    • @mockupguy3577
      @mockupguy3577 4 роки тому

      If would argue that consciousness has happened billions of times, in each human and in som advanced animals.
      If assuming materialism, consciousness are unlikely without life. We have really no idea how common life is in the universe so consciousness is even more difficult to guess.

    • @b.g.5869
      @b.g.5869 3 роки тому

      God of the gaps.

  • @warrenbarnes9653
    @warrenbarnes9653 4 роки тому +1

    Brilliant video essay. One of Robert Kuhn’s very best.

  • @sprocketslip4564
    @sprocketslip4564 4 роки тому +6

    But what I can’t understand is why we are souls can’t remember before we went in our body how are we supposed to remember when we leave our body . If there is no remembrance before matter how is there supposed to be a remembrance after matter.

    • @odiupickusclone-1526
      @odiupickusclone-1526 4 роки тому +5

      I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.

    • @CatharsisEffect
      @CatharsisEffect 4 роки тому +3

      Maybe there's a veil that prevents us from remembering so that we can focus on our present life, and said veil is lifted after we pass on, so we we can reflect on the life we just lived.

    • @sprocketslip4564
      @sprocketslip4564 4 роки тому +1

      Well most certainly I don’t want to sound like an atheist . but what I think we need to do is really understand consciousness and our existence . is it that our minds play tricks on us because of the fears of the unknown after death and before life , could our Conscious minds see our fears as sort of a mirage seeing water in a desert when there is not.

    • @thzzzt
      @thzzzt 4 роки тому +1

      It makes sense to me that you can't remember previous lives. Your soul is the immortal part. Your self, your personality, your mentality, your memories, are all mortal, and are "flushed" at death. I for one am glad I won't carry all of those encumberments into the next life --that is, if my belief is true. Perhaps your soul carries with it the lessons that really matter --about love and kindness for example, but not the multiplication tables.

  • @dennistucker1153
    @dennistucker1153 4 роки тому +1

    My definition of a souls is...an accurate description of behavior of something. If our accurate description of behavior is about a person, that description is information that can survive death. In this sense, it is immortal. Thank you CTT.

    • @mysticwine
      @mysticwine 4 роки тому

      A soul is a person, the individual. It occupies a material body temporarily and moves on to another body after physical death after some time in the afterlife. It's called reincarnation. It is an impossibility to become nothing. One would have to be where there is no eternity. Impossible, eternity is infinite, beginningless, and everywhere.

    • @vitaly6772
      @vitaly6772 4 роки тому

      Why do you think so?

  • @honestinsky
    @honestinsky 4 роки тому +2

    Excellent video, thanks for posting, much appreciated. I love your work Dr. Kuhn. A+

  • @jmaniak1
    @jmaniak1 4 роки тому +5

    Every statement about souls or afterlife in the video were assertions made by people who have no more information about that any other human that has ever existed. The plural of anecdote is not data. The plural of guessing is not fact. The plural of inference is not deduction. The plural of assertion is not evidence

    • @madmax2976
      @madmax2976 4 роки тому

      True, but all knowledge starts with an idea - an exploration or description that we can at least see as coherent and that takes into account all the facets. Then we can try to support that idea - to show that it's true - which of course is where it all falls apart.

    • @jmaniak1
      @jmaniak1 4 роки тому

      madmax2976 - Ideas might be based on a correct or incorrect interpretation of the evidence. Humans are predisposed to assign agency. Our best current resource is the scientific method. We should make sure the facts actually lead to the conclusion and be sure we are not starting with a presupposed idea and twisting the facts to agree with it. If the fact don’t confirm the idea it should be abandoned. Pardon if that’s what you were referring to.

    • @madmax2976
      @madmax2976 4 роки тому

      @@jmaniak1 Sure, I'm just saying it doesn't hurt to engage in phase 1 so to speak: Can we make sense of this? Can we frame it coherently while incorporating all the parts? We have to start with something that at least gets us that far, then we can go to phase 2, phase 3, etc., coming up with real things we can test and verify and confirm. And when we can't - which is usually the case with these kinds of subject - we're just left with agnosticism and maybe a dash of hope.

    • @jmaniak1
      @jmaniak1 4 роки тому +2

      madmax2976 - yes, unfortunately I think too many stop before the testable and repeatable phase because they find something that feels good. In the end there may be many questions we will never have the answers to. I’m not always comfortable saying I don’t know but sometimes it’s the only answer and we continue searching.

    • @dandamerville
      @dandamerville 3 роки тому

      Hi, jamaniak1 -- I deeply appreciate your comments. I've heard your point expressed differently, but rarely (ever?) so well. Thanks, Dan

  • @guillermobrand8458
    @guillermobrand8458 4 роки тому +3

    Appeal to the fact that there are truths that are beyond the scope of Reason makes sense. What does not make sense is to pretend that these truths are accepted by Reason.

    • @mysticwine
      @mysticwine 4 роки тому

      Truths are accepted by intuition. Reason is a by product of intuition and not always right. Intuition is always right.

  • @whippet71
    @whippet71 4 роки тому +1

    Our souls are code. Our bodies are avatars. God(s) are the coder(s).

  • @richardmooney383
    @richardmooney383 Рік тому +1

    I wish Lawrence had asked Keith if all sentient beings had souls, or just humans.

    • @dennyworthington6641
      @dennyworthington6641 11 місяців тому +1

      Yes, that is a good question. All creatures that have ever lived are made of the same stuff, i.e., atoms and molecules of C, N, O, H, P, etc. If H. sapiens have an afterlife, than all other creatures should as well. What about a bacterium that died billions of years ago? Is its soul or essence floating around somewhere in the ether? What about a monkey that lived 10 million years ago? What about a Neanderthal that lived 100,000 years ago? Where is its soul now? Me thinks the whole idea of an immortal soul for any creature, including H. sapiens, is simply childish nonsense.

  • @richardmooney383
    @richardmooney383 Рік тому

    What's so wrong with non-existence? We've all tried existence and, honestly, it's not that great, is it? Losing all the worries, insecurities, embarrassments, pains etc, of existence could be a blessed (sorry) relief.

  • @MrRamon2004
    @MrRamon2004 3 роки тому +1

    I think we are immortal we keep coming back, we don't make to eternity, I hope eventually we all make throng brighter side, in this life and the next one estay in the light.

  • @brunoharari6454
    @brunoharari6454 3 роки тому +2

    I love this channel!

  • @garypritchett8136
    @garypritchett8136 2 роки тому +1

    If it is true that when we die and there’s nothing else, no further journey, then why do I still find myself worrying about it!!. I have never looked for answers more than I have these last 5 years, and what have I found?. I don’t know any more than you, but intuition just seems to tell me there is more than this, isn’t there!??

  • @tdiddle8950
    @tdiddle8950 Рік тому +1

    As a neurophysiologost, I would think that you would be aware of the multiple M.D. documented NDE anecdotes that show OOBE as a real, and objectively verifiable, phenomenon.

    • @tdiddle8950
      @tdiddle8950 Рік тому +1

      Scientific atheism functions as just another religion. And just like in religion, to divert from dogma is to commit heresy.

  • @julianmann6172
    @julianmann6172 3 роки тому +1

    Orthodox Judaism does hold by the idea of an immortal soul and re-incarnation. You interviewed a conservative Rabbi whose view Orthodox Jews do not follow. There is an old classic work Shaarei Gilgulim, which deals with reincarnation of souls, and it is well known that the Arizal was able to discern who people had been in their previous lives. I would suggest that you learn more about your roots from an orthodox group such as Lubavitch and then most of the questions you have would become self evident. Also look at near death accounts, of which there are many on the Internet to see the process involved. Look especially at Robert Schwartz who explains that we plan our lives before birth and agree to the main challenges we will face here, which are pre-determined, in order to provide an appropriate level of spiritual challenge. He states that each person has a number of spiritually advanced souls assigned to him in the next world to assist him in that endeavour. Also there are a number of possible different Realms we can go to, not just the one we are familiar with here. G-D is immortal and so are our souls.

  • @ronaldmorgan7632
    @ronaldmorgan7632 3 роки тому +2

    "I desperately don't want to believe in anything I can't touch, so I'll find a bunch of people from different backgrounds who believe as I do, then present it as, see, I must be right." Sad that some people want to believe that you die and that's it.

    • @tysonamos9066
      @tysonamos9066 3 роки тому

      They are living in the matrix & if they don’t bring them selves to a higher vibrations that same soul he don’t believe is immortal he’ll be A lost soul in A dark place .

    • @spectrepar2458
      @spectrepar2458 2 роки тому

      Is it not wanting to believe in an afterlife or not wanting to believe something false. Because I want an afterlife, im just having trouble finding evidence

    • @ronaldmorgan7632
      @ronaldmorgan7632 2 роки тому

      @@spectrepar2458 If heaven is a place outside of the physical universe, then you won't see any physical evidence.

    • @spectrepar2458
      @spectrepar2458 2 роки тому

      @@ronaldmorgan7632 ok so what about other evidence

  • @stevencantare8020
    @stevencantare8020 2 роки тому

    indeed we are One with the universal Soul the Omnipresence the ATMAN we are a microcosm of the infinite soul.

  • @richardgalea9884
    @richardgalea9884 3 роки тому +2

    It all depends how one see himself, either he is a body with a soul, or a soul with a body.

  • @pb5640
    @pb5640 2 роки тому +1

    I love how religion always uses words like truth, education, facts and knowledge. This is all part of the indoctrination process.

  • @carminefragione4710
    @carminefragione4710 2 роки тому

    There cannot be just energy and matter, but a third party conservator , like a ribbon of fabric into which the designs of events are woven by their parley of matter and energy having an attachment to a background which seems as a void or empty space, but is being embroidered by the weave of matter and energy leaving a trail of data memory explaining every event and every force behind every event as it attaches to a third party of empty voids , however the voids are something else of another condition that takes responsibility to remember all that ever came and went through these empty places. This is an artistic technique to capture the image of what the artist saw in his mind.

  • @williammcenaney1331
    @williammcenaney1331 10 місяців тому

    I seem to remember that in one of his Meditations in First Philosophy, Descartes says that he can survive without his body.

  • @kpwong5040
    @kpwong5040 4 роки тому +2

    In this period of mankind we went beyond the physical into "virtual" which may be a crude form of non materialism.
    Is it possible that this realm can go beyond to mind, consciousness or spirituality. . . .to something we do not understand yet?
    I am not a religious person but the finality of death seems brutal so some of us cling on to the hope of something beyond

  • @sammysam2615
    @sammysam2615 4 роки тому +2

    In order for something to have value it must be finite. Nothing unlimited is precious, including life.

  • @peterbyrne6910
    @peterbyrne6910 2 роки тому

    There is a fundamental misconception right at the beginning of this episode that the "western religious tradition" is that the soul is separate from the body, leaves the body at death, etc. This is neither the Christian nor the Jewish tradition, as explained by Christian and Jewish scholars during the show.

  • @johnaugsburger6192
    @johnaugsburger6192 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks, I'm glad I'm not religious anymore. Too much to confuse one's mind.

  • @crazydio887
    @crazydio887 4 роки тому +1

    Finding soul in mental projection means granting immortality to mind. Who can see the one who see all. That's why it becomes null in the game of mental projection.

  • @JohnAutry
    @JohnAutry Рік тому

    Why being right is always this close to being wrong to being wrong to wrongs fullest extent.🐚

  • @Jordan-li7fx
    @Jordan-li7fx 2 роки тому

    I would rather know the truth than to be happy too.

  • @maxsterling8203
    @maxsterling8203 2 роки тому

    Thanks for this one Dr Kuhn

  • @Arunava_Gupta
    @Arunava_Gupta 4 роки тому +1

    Instead of "souls," we should say "conscious personality," the very first principle of reality. Eternal, having a spiritual body (and very beautiful one at that!).

  • @YourLocalIceMan
    @YourLocalIceMan 3 роки тому +2

    Immortal souls? Dont tell the government. Immortal taxation will be next.

  • @user-vs1cm8nv5i
    @user-vs1cm8nv5i 2 роки тому

    we're immortal because each of us is the entirety of a dimension

  • @DurgaDas96
    @DurgaDas96 4 роки тому +2

    I like the program and topic. I disagree with the basic premise of the speaker, that consciousness arises our of matter. If youve read any of the literature from Science and Non Duality, you may be aware that there is no evidence that consciousness arises from matter. You dont need to postulate an immortal soul to also postulate the primacy of consciousness. Delving deep into that possibility, one begins to see (to know) that even in this “appearance” of being an ego (individual, autonomous soul), one is actually, and timelessly always just consciousness, and that you’ve never not been that. Study Vedanta.

  • @CarlosElio82
    @CarlosElio82 2 роки тому +3

    Robert presents his work as a search for truth. I admire the form and the substance of his search: it is elegant and it discusses powerful ideas. He's been doing that for a while. I like to invite Robert to share with his viewers a summary of the main ideas appear clear to him so far. Something solid and true like the Pythagoras theorem in mathematics. An episode where he is interviewed.

  • @wardandrew23412
    @wardandrew23412 4 роки тому +2

    In Western and Eastern religious traditions, the soul is supposed to represent the "essence" of whatever person it inhabits; it is who we are, minus the physical body. Now, five or six years ago my mother started to exhibit the first signs of Alzheimer's disease. In the time that has passed since then, I have watched the person I have always known gradually disappear and be replaced by someone else who can't remember much of her life, who is unable to think coherently, and who lives in a delusional world in which she's unable to separate reality from fantasy. She is clearly no longer the person she was before, yet we're supposed to think that the soul she possesses is the same person she has always been. How are we to make sense of this?

    • @williamburts5495
      @williamburts5495 4 роки тому +1

      The soul is " being " or self and " being " is knowing that you " be ". someone can experience full blown amnesia or alzheimers your personal history can be wiped clean from your memory but your being conscious that you " be " is what constitutes as self. The self Isn't an experience or state of consciousness ( wakefulness, dream, deep sleep ) but is the ever-constant knower that views these states.

  • @Beevreeter
    @Beevreeter 3 роки тому

    The big problem with the 'soul' concept is one of identity - How do you retain an identity without a physical presence? You should explore that (if you ever read these comments.)

  • @lrimunlmorin7947
    @lrimunlmorin7947 2 роки тому

    It doesn't matter what explanation you happen to arrive at with regard to reality.
    The simple fact of existence forces ones hand.
    Whatever the fundamental cause of it, divine or mundane, that thing must be acausal.
    Accepting that, one must necessarily accept everything else.
    The personality and memories of an individual, ( the soul ) must therefore, exist immaterially, regardless of the presence of it's likeness in any given material medium.

  • @acesgame3743
    @acesgame3743 2 роки тому

    I wish they would have explained further why they believe Christian and Jewish religion does not support the idea of an immortal soul. It seems all Jesus spoke about was eternal life and not focusing on this life or this world. I can’t understand how they justify those statements about Christianity and I would like to understand it better.
    Otherwise, I love this channel and am so glad to have found it! Such awesome topics covered, very interesting!

  • @nuclear4567
    @nuclear4567 5 місяців тому

    How do we know consciousness cannot be reduced to particles or fields or something more fundamental? We don’t know much about consciousness.

  • @micronda
    @micronda 4 роки тому

    The soul is the energy that animates you and in so doing affects and alters the fields and their orientation. When the fields are perfectly aligned, the souls come together in bliss.

    • @Shadolis
      @Shadolis 4 роки тому

      Beautiful and poetic way to perceive it. However, it has absolutely no evidence 😔 I think life is likely more chemical reactions/metabolism in concert with plenty of carbon, water, etc. to keep it going. Think of our bodies as mobile hot springs able to acquire what it needs to sustain the conglomeration of cells that constitute you. The soul/consciousness is likely emergent like so many other things. We don't know if it transcends into some naturalistic quantum realm upon death... Or simply ceases to be. However, it's selfish to expect or want to exist for eternity... And likely tied to the self preservation circuit in the mind.

    • @micronda
      @micronda 4 роки тому

      Chemistry is particles. Particles are waves. I see energy as those waves moving in the fields. Its Newtons 3rd law (equal and opposite reaction). The wave / particle gets deflected and its field disoriented.

    • @micronda
      @micronda 4 роки тому +1

      I wouldn't wanna live for eternity but who wouldn't wanna be there when the universe gets it right.

  • @NameRequiredSoHere
    @NameRequiredSoHere Рік тому +1

    I find nothing comforting in the idea of an immortal soul. Think about living forever. It's horrifying!

  • @bradsmith9189
    @bradsmith9189 7 місяців тому +1

    Please talk to Dr Stephen Meyer if you want truly sound answers

  • @therubbersouls
    @therubbersouls 2 роки тому

    That which is aware of being aware is the soul.

  • @It__From__Bit
    @It__From__Bit 2 роки тому

    The crucial point: There are no objects.

  • @henrycunha8379
    @henrycunha8379 3 роки тому +1

    Afterwards I want to have a serious talk with Attila and Adolph.

  • @jamesmustin7289
    @jamesmustin7289 2 роки тому

    I can’t get beyond the Shroud of Turin!

  • @zenzen9131
    @zenzen9131 Рік тому

    Excellent video. Thank you for sharing it with us :)

  • @SandipChitale
    @SandipChitale 4 роки тому +10

    Wow..."the consciousness is so obvious (implied as a separate from brain)...how anyone can deny it"..."look around, ground looks obviously flat around us, how can anyone deny earth is flat". And some theologians call scientists arrogant. Simply wow. Are we supposed to rely on human perceptions for understanding reality? Time and again we have found human perceptions are error prone.

    • @danielfelipe1606
      @danielfelipe1606 2 роки тому +2

      "Look at the complexity of life; how can anyone deny that it was created by a god? It surely wasn't a mere product of blind chance!"

    • @SandipChitale
      @SandipChitale 2 роки тому

      @@danielfelipe1606 Read Richard Dawkins's Blind Watchmaker.

    • @danielfelipe1606
      @danielfelipe1606 2 роки тому +2

      @@SandipChitale I did! A very delightful read! My comment above was meant to be a parody of creationists when they say that natural selection is "ramdom". But that assertion of creationists - just like every other they make - is spurious.

    • @gure1686
      @gure1686 2 роки тому

      During near death experience when brain shut down his functioning , they still counscious and awareness about their resuscitation by doctors , this prove that counscious is independent entity from brain .

    • @SandipChitale
      @SandipChitale 2 роки тому

      @@gure1686 Remember near death experience (NDE) is NOT after death experience. Total death is not an instantaneous process, parts of the body are alive over that process. And sometimes this process of death is stopped and that is when we have NDE.
      It is true that the legal definition of death is at an arbitrary instant when the doctor writes it down to be.
      Also note in dreams we can be skiing on Alps, or during a drug trip (LSD, DMT) people experience all kinds of weird experiences because of chemical imbalance in brain. Sometimes near death there is hypoxia, lack of oxygen in the brain. That causes hallucinations.
      None of this IMO says anything about consciousness being something separate from brain. Have you seen free standing consciousness anywhere? I have not.

  • @surendrakverma555
    @surendrakverma555 4 роки тому


  • @writereducator
    @writereducator 2 роки тому

    Science does not dismiss anything non-physical. It does not study non-physical things. You might as well say that geometry dismisses physical things, since it deals with abstract things. Or, history dismisses athletics.

  • @evanantonola4935
    @evanantonola4935 2 роки тому +1

    What resonates with me is We reincarnate in many bodies until we realize who we are, a spiritual being, and all our aspect are integrated and whole. Thats support reap and sow. Some evil people lived and died without punishment. Coz i dont believe you die once in physical world and gets punished in spiritual. You cant judge a physical and punish spiritual because they are in different world. It's unfair. And you cant punish a spiritual, it has no form. So it needs to relive again. It supports Unconditional Love of God. The chances God gives. That every soul comes from God, and ONLY ends in God. Alpha and Omega. Life is not a test or audition, it is a game. Like a puzzle, you need to realize something. Game because game is more fun. And God is Joy. Thats the message of Jesus (Yeshua), remember who you are. You are God's children. That what you do to your brothers you do to God, you do to yourself, because we are all connected in spiritual world. Scientifically, Is there an immortal soul? Is there an immortal energy? (Reference reading: Laws of Thermodynamics)

  • @stevefrompolaca2403
    @stevefrompolaca2403 2 роки тому

    All human development has come from intuition (the eureka moment) the heart knows more than the brain can even imagine. In my experience it, the heart is never wrong but the brain/ego is easily fooled.

  • @HighPokerChessPL
    @HighPokerChessPL 4 роки тому +1

    i Think the immortal part , is the communality in all views that might come from the simplicity of our essence, the lighter your essence is the easier it is to retransfer into something else without the same identity .. enlightened beings have walked the earth, mostly focusing on spirituality and the soul, in my view a spiritual essence is very light in terms of weight , it doesn't take much to move it around, i think that's why spiritualism have survived and taken many forms, because it doesn't require an specific identity, many people inherit spiritual essence and carry it out in different ways .. the way i see it we are made of body, soul and spirit each one correlating to the image of god, which is the holy trinity .. Again i am an atheist and just try to make sense out of things out of an specific premises, i am not a believer, i am just proposing a theistic point of view: continuing .. i think the Soul is heavier it requires a lot more effort to keep a soul alive and it usually identifies with an defined identity in a level lower, the body is the subject in which those higher levels involve themselves with in order to create experience, As i see experience is the learning process , of soul and spiritual development .. as for how they correlate to the divine or the biblical God, I think the spirit is the identity of the holy spirit, the soul God as the Father, and the body Maybe the Son or lower form in which subjects itself to the aspects of existence for the purpose of experience. Each individual as creations in God Image as the bible says, carries within those 3 aspects, of body , soul and spirit .. The way the body Interacts with those aspects of our created existence is through the brain and the mind .. again experience , a learning process for the development of soul and spirit.

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 4 роки тому +1

    Soul is consciousness in body / human, similar to awareness is consciousness in the mind. The soul connects the human body / whole person to conscious experience of reality, so that the whole person participates in conscious reality. The soul likely returns to consciousness / God at death of body, which may be called immortality.

  • @samsonsupaka8716
    @samsonsupaka8716 3 роки тому

    The moment of the conciousness departing the physical body is somewhat incomprehensible by word.Ir is like finding oneself in another place without a minute struggle-as it was designed to be so yet isnmore frightening than death itself because it undermines all applied reasoning.

  • @pieterblom9229
    @pieterblom9229 4 роки тому +1

    we dont have souls .we are

  • @petra8074
    @petra8074 3 роки тому

    Your quest is incomplete without understanding Vedanta perspective…

  • @znariznotsj6533
    @znariznotsj6533 4 роки тому

    Well done, again.

  • @_a.z
    @_a.z 4 роки тому +1

    Naturalism leads to the yet unexplained sensation of mind.
    Theology leads to everything unexplained!

  • @jackieswan422
    @jackieswan422 4 роки тому +1

    We can look into Allan Kardec .

  • @bdjshwbwhdhh1991
    @bdjshwbwhdhh1991 2 роки тому

    So, if you cut the corpus collosum, you have a person with two different sets of experience, one for the left hemisphere and one for the right, and those can develop with different memories and conflicting motivations. So how many immortal souls are there here before and after the corpus collosum is cut? And what if we then reconnect them, how many now?
    The idea of the soul as distinct from the body is demolished by this fact.
    When two people communicate, that communication is an analogue of communication between the two hemispheres via the corpus collosum. So when two people communicate is there a unitary experience of that as we have a unitary experience of our two hemispheres?
    There is a word for this unitary conscious experience born from communication. It’s called an egrigore. We are all egrigores. In fact this is the structure of consciousness.

  • @svenland6892
    @svenland6892 4 роки тому +3

    Looking back a few episodes, Robert thinks differently now....

  • @joeyburrell3207
    @joeyburrell3207 4 роки тому +1

    So the last person he talks to sounds like he believes we live on basically in gods mind of us, like in his memory which unlike ours is something actually that is actually more than just passing thoughts. Something outside of time and is of literal substance. Maybe not atoms, but something. This to me makes total sense. Especially if you give any credence to NDE’rs. Many of them say they experienced this oneness with the universe and understood everything there is to know. And could feel what the other person felt that you have had any communication or experience with. If you had cause that person pain or something that’s what you would experience from their perspective. So I guess what I’m saying is that we don’t have a soul within us but, being in Gods memory, or his mind, if you will, has that same effect and value. It make sense when you think of the scriptures that said The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob is the God of the living , not the dead. Those individuals are in effect alive bcoz of being in Gods mind or memory. Which translate to actually living there at the very moment of there death till now and ofcourse eternally. That’s why Paul said as well to be absent from the body is to be with the lord. It all makes sense to me now. The thing we should concern ourselves with is how do we make sure we remain in Gods memory. Is it something we earn here on earth? Or is it automatic at death? I believe God sending his son Jesus here to redeem us shows there’s requirements that must be meant first to avail ourselves of this opportunity and gift. He ,is the conduit.

  • @njeyasreedharan
    @njeyasreedharan 2 роки тому

    Souls: Not in time nor in space; In time but not in space; In time and in space?

  • @scharkalvin
    @scharkalvin 4 роки тому +1

    The brain is a biological computer. It runs a program, and our memories are data. So is the soul the information contained in the program and the data? Where does this program come from? Is it the structure of our brains, or the interconnected patterns of the neurons?
    I observed my twin daughters while they were growing up from birth. From my observations, it seemed that as new born infants they were 'soul less', that is their brains hadn't yet started running a consciousness program, only a bare bones 'operating system' that controlled vital body functions. At some point after birth, they suddenly did seem to become persons, as if the vital bit of brain program had suddenly been 'uploaded'. Had I witnessed the souls being attached to their bodies?

  • @tedgrant2
    @tedgrant2 2 роки тому

    The rules of chess are nothing like the chess pieces on the board.
    The chess pieces on the board are physical objects, typically made of wood or plastic.
    The rules are obviously not material, but transcend the physical world.
    They belong to a different domain, outside space and time.

  • @scottwilkins5379
    @scottwilkins5379 2 роки тому +1

    Contradics everything yeshua said about eternal life and why he was crusified in the first place. Seems like everyone left out the most important part. Hmmm,🤔

  • @Dismythed
    @Dismythed 2 роки тому

    Hit a home run out of the gate with this one with Keith Ward's and Neil Gillman's comments. Robert was on point as well.
    As the Bible says, the soul is the body and mind together. Jesus was highlighting the flaws of the Greek-trained Pharisees in Luke 16, using their belief as symbolism, not reality, not teaching an immortal soul. The conclusion of his speach was that their Greek-born belief in an immortal soul and burning alive in hellfire did nothing to help them and they should instead pay attention to the books of Moses and the prophets alone rather than to the traditions of men. The death of the soul is clearly expressed in Mosaic, Solomonic and Ezekiel writings. An immortal soul undermines the resurrection hope.
    He chastized the Sadducees because, although they correctly rejected the idea that the soul is immortal, they also rejected the resurrection (because they were effectively agnostic ["God doesn't care"]) just as with modern conservative Jews, as expressed by Gillman. The resurrection comes from Davidic and Isaian writings as well as demonstrations of resurrection in the histories and Isaiah.

  • @bozo5632
    @bozo5632 4 роки тому

    Early Christians had lots of different ideas about what salvation and resurrection were about, and the ideas have evolved ever since. The bible seems to be agnostic on the subject.

  • @metalpr
    @metalpr 2 роки тому

    With that age, he’s very close to discover the truth

  • @marinoceccotti9155
    @marinoceccotti9155 Рік тому

    What about the Sheol, the realm of the dead... Is it post-biblical too?

  • @tedgrant2
    @tedgrant2 2 роки тому +1

    If you ask a Voodoo expert, "Does Voodoo work ?" you will be told that it does.
    If you ask a Christian, "Do we have a soul" you will be told that we do indeed have a soul.
    If you ask an Orthodox Jew, "was Jesus the Son of God ?" you will be told that he wasn't.
    If you ask a plumber, "Do I need a new boiler ?" you will told that you do indeed need a new boiler.

  • @nivlemhero4115
    @nivlemhero4115 Рік тому

    Why the need of eternal life if souls are immortal? Is the immortal soul affected by the physical world? I prefer to believe the physical sciences especially about cells. Remember something cannot come from nothing. The soul is product of someone's consciousness of our world. You name it, from philosophers, religions, and whoever thinks that there's more to the physical world.

  • @finetuner6238
    @finetuner6238 4 роки тому

    I cant believe you cant find out the exact value of human senses and human thought as we are looking forward to our future life from our present time. You can sensely find out what they might exactly feel at the same time they are living right now. You will find there devine soul finally and just do nothing.

  • @publiusovidius7386
    @publiusovidius7386 4 роки тому +1

    Wait! I thought Ed Feser had definitively proven that humans have immortal souls and can spend eternity in heaven, which will provide them so much bliss they won't care that their pets Fido and Fluffy don't have that privilege. Are you saying that Feser's word games and convoluted logic puzzles aren't convincing anyone but Thomist cultists? I'm shocked!

  • @ericjohnson6665
    @ericjohnson6665 3 роки тому

    On Dean's ideas... he's real close to describing a state just above the material... known as Morontial... halfwayish to pure spirit. But the question does the soul need a body in order to function, in order to have a mind really?, deals with an area of reality we know nothing about, other than what some celestial beings have told us about in the 5th Epochal Revelation known as The Urantia Book. (links provided in other comments here).
    Upon resurrection, these celestial beings describe the Morontia Worlds, where our soul is given a new, morontial body. This is the equivalent of the "heaven" of our ethos.

  • @squoblat
    @squoblat 4 роки тому +3

    21:50 - put that into context of where Neuralink could go. By that definition, Elon is potentially making a divine ledger.

  • @kallianpublico7517
    @kallianpublico7517 4 роки тому +2

    Immortal - to live forever in time. What is the word for living beyond time? Urmortal?

    • @b.g.5869
      @b.g.5869 3 роки тому

      "Forever outside of time" is incoherent. "Forever" is a temporal concept.

    • @kallianpublico7517
      @kallianpublico7517 3 роки тому

      @@b.g.5869 Those are your words not mine.

    • @b.g.5869
      @b.g.5869 3 роки тому

      @@kallianpublico7517 I'm not quoting you, I put the phrase in quotation marks to frame it as something to refer to.
      Hypothetically you could imagine a 'life' that doesn't have a temporal dimension. It's hard to imagine in what meaningful sense something like an eternal 2 dimensional plane could be considered a living thing but if such a thing existed the existing word "immortal" works fine since there's nothing necessarily temporal about the term "immortal".

    • @kallianpublico7517
      @kallianpublico7517 3 роки тому

      @@b.g.5869 what's your definition of immortal, since you invoke "necessity"? Cause the program we're watching defines it as I have, so, necessarily.

    • @b.g.5869
      @b.g.5869 3 роки тому

      @@kallianpublico7517 Necessarily what?
      You asked what word you would use for living outside of time.
      If this being doesn't die then we'd call it immortal. There's nothing about the term "immortal" that is inherently related to time and the program doesn't argue otherwise.
      Of course immortality is normally understood as living forever, but "forever" is a temporal (meaning time related) concept and you specifically objected to me assuming you had "forever" in mind.
      A two dimensional or other dimensional being with no time dimension would still be mortal if it's existence was finite in all of the dimensions it existed in.

  • @jcoghill2
    @jcoghill2 4 роки тому +2

    The funny thing about souls is that their proponents never really accurately define what a soul is. How convenient. In Buddhism there is no soul but there is consciousness. That consciousness is unborn, undifferentiated, composed of light and devoid of duality. In Buddhism all sentient beings are composed of light and possess the potential to become Buddha. "Luminous beings we are. Not this crude flesh." This is our true state of existence and if we don't have the awareness of it now at some point in the future we will. Buddhism accepts that past, and future are not in fact real. That the only thing that is real is this eternal present moment. Quantum Mechanics says the same thing.

    • @thoel1
      @thoel1 4 роки тому +1

      Yes, the common mistake is to be wondering in a linear time ('what will become of us?', 'where are we coming from?', but time seems to be an emergent property. Unfortunately Buddhism is also speaking about a start and an end on everything, I never heard them say that past and future are not real. The eternal present is mostly a 'new age' philosophy deduction. I'm feeling that removing time from the equation is the key to better understand our nature.

  • @cchang2771
    @cchang2771 3 роки тому

    I'm curious if there are any theologian who believe in immortal soul? Why none of them was interviewed? Or maybe they don't exist? Then how come Christian churches continue to advise the idea?

  • @seekertruth3577
    @seekertruth3577 3 роки тому

    Philosophy is the study or creation of *theories* about things such as existence, or to make sense of life and how to live and let live. It is a particular set of ideas. *Theory is an unproven assumption* and should only be accepted IF observation can be proven to be accurate at any given occasion. In a particular sense Philosophers reminds me of Historians who incessantly ask the question why. Philosophy is an activity one undertakes when seeking to understand fundamental truths not only about themselves, but the world and their relationship to the world and to each other.
    Philosophy is the utmost excessive critical and comprehensive thought process established by human beings. The problem with religion is that most people adhere and never question the theologians. What frequently motivates the study of philosophy is not simply the answers or opinions themselves but whether or not the opinions are good and the answers are true.
    The problem with Christians is that they believe everything that proceeds from the clergy. In a sense I do not blame the clergy since they too receive much of their doctrine from what was established in the early church. Most Christians are too lazy to investigate their fundamental beliefs. With regards Christianity, the Greek Concordance are available online for their perusal but do you think they will investigate? The answer is an emphatic no, too lazy.
    The doctrine of immortality of the soul and the Trinity are unbiblical. Quite frankly the teaching of the immortality of the soul suite the doctrine of Indulgences and Purgatory. The foundations of the church are firmly established on these doctrines. This is the very reason why the church of Rome is one of the wealthiest institutions, it is because of these very doctrines. Any Rabbi and ardent Bible student will tell you that these doctrines are spiritualism. It is sad that most Christian teach these false doctrines.
    In many philosophical and religious tradition, immortality is conceived as the continued existence of an immaterial soul or mind beyond the physical death of the body. In Phaedo’s account, Socrates explains to his friends that a true philosopher should look forward to death. The purpose of the philosophical life is to free the soul from the needs of the body…, a philosopher should see it as the realization of his aim….
    These deceptive doctrines have permeated the religious world with its false promises and claims.
    Socrates illustrates his conception of the soul by means of a compelling myth that describes the earth we know as a poor shadow of the true earth above us in the heavens. Then he has a bath, says his last good-byes, drinks the poisonous hemlock, and dies peacefully.
    Prof. Neil Gillman is completely accurate with his teaching with regards. One does not have to be Jewish to realize that these teaching are heresy.
    The origins of life and death will remain a mystery that even the scientific world cannot solve. The Septuagint, however, provide a clear-cut answer on the origin of life and origin and state of death. According to creation account, humanity received the gift of life from Jehovah.
    The Hebrew word for breath in Genesis 2:7 is neshamah: the life-giving principle. The breath is equivalent to life itself [Isaiah 2:22]. Another Hebrew word which translated 28 times as breath in the KJV is ruach, which can also mean wind or spirit. It is translated 237 times as spirit in the KJV. In Genesis 2:7, God’s breath makes the inanimate material come to life, and transform it into a living soul. The Hebrew for soul is nephesh, and both the terms ruach and nephesh have frequently been misapplied to suit unbiblical positions about death.