Lobotomy Corporation: The Will To Protect (Gebura Suppression Cleared Story) (Ep. 19.5)

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @GolexCh
    @GolexCh  Рік тому +5

    I wanted to write this since in writing I'm a lot more coherent tbh! (Probably why I'm on the sidelines of my dnd group unless it's time for combat haha...)
    (This Is also kinda sad so brace)
    (Also kinda long)
    (Also kinda story of the abno that would have given the A Memory Eternal Ego)
    (Also more simplified version)
    (Ok I'm done with these disclaimers)
    The All Consuming Flame [I]:
    The flame chooses its targets, yet it never chooses well. It never truly consumes a person completely. Those who have wielded its power had ambition, the strength to retain the core elements about themselves. What they wanted with their lives, minds, and souls were all retained, all but one person. But they were the strongest amongst them all.
    The flame feeds on the consumption of everything a person has. It is seen in the color of what the viewer needs to see. A prime example lies in its current retainer. The example of what was seen by a once purple haired girl was nothing but hopelessness. Pitch black emptiness, a void that had nothing for her, yet it was so comforting to see.
    The desire to feel nothing, after all of the tasks she was forced through the days slowly revoked her hair of all color, it put her mind into a bottomless pit of rotten curses and plagues that no person should ever have to experience. The memories forced into her head of a happier life she could have had, a precious life together with friends, a life with a lover. It was the only thing that kept her going.
    One day, by the end of this, she could be happy.
    One day, once she obtained this flame, she could go back to the life she was supposed to have.
    One day, she could finally be with friends.
    One day, she could be with Faust.
    One day, was now, yet why was the flame still pitch black?
    This day, what was it telling her?
    'That man' called out to her, 'that man' always said that Faust was away on a journey far away, but he would return to her in the end. The end was now, where was he? Did he not want to see her? Did she do something wrong? Where were all of her friends? They were supposed to be here to congratulate her in the end. She made it to the end of the journey. What was her reward? What was the payoff?
    She couldn't hear the man. She could only stare at the flame, begging for something, for anything to happen, for one shred of color to be within the black flame. But nothing was there. It was pitch black emptiness. She stared at the flame. She wanted the flame to tell her something, anything, so the flame told her the truth, there was no one waiting for her.
    They were killed long ago.
    A red stained blade battered to chunks of metal, repeatedly repaired with such unprofessional work, enough done to retain its functions. It was ugly. The blade was her. She who was stained by the blood of those she never truly knew. Before her lied to the pitch black emptiness, she could have done something about this, yet she let herself go down this road. She continued on, never trying to leave the life she lived behind. Despite all of her fear despite all of her anguish, despite all of her suffering, she blamed it all on herself. She felt like the nothing before her.
    Instead of rejecting nothing, complaining about nothing, or fighting against nothing, she embraced nothing. What other choice did she have? She never had her own choices once she came into this world. It's about time she got to choose her fate. The result, ended in her body being engulfed in a sea of flames that would forever spread across the world as everything about the girl was burnt, her body, her mind, her senses, her emotions, her soul, her hopes, her dreams, her loves and hates, her good times, her bad times, her few smiles, her many hardships, her memories. All used as fuel for the pitch black empty fire.
    Her memories were being destroyed, one by one. She's being turned to nothing, to become nothing, why must she protect anything from burning away? This is her only choice, her only decision she gets to have. Yet why did she feel so much pain in her heart? She watched everything slowly burn away but as it got closer and closer to the memories she was so attached to, the memories that kept her alive all this time, the memories that she never got to experience, she couldn't stop the tears from falling. She wants a life where she can be happy, she wants a life where everything would be okay, she wants a life with Faust. She dashed over to him, embracing him as the sea of flames surrounded them. She hugged him tightly, saying his name over and over again, never wanting anything more in her life than this.
    She finally understood as the last parts of her became ash. That pitch black emptiness wasn't for an eternity of nothing. She was broken, unfixable, and trapped. She was living a fruitless life that bore nothing, but that didn't matter. At last, she felt some semblance of joy. At last, there was finally an end to her journey. At last...
    The flames died down, no signs of life, only the ashes of it. A womanly figure emerged from those ashes. Her skin, completely burnt, her pupils were pitch black emptiness. Her body, engulfed in black flames. With no expression, the woman spoke of a man named Faust in various pitches of voice as she wondered the land with no clear destination.
    Within that husk was only left one memory eternal.
    TLDR: damn they really got her with that flame fr she lived such a hard life and killed everyone she was supposed to love just to become one memory bruh damn that sucks but hey at least the world sucks for everyone now and not just her

    • @ManagerDamien
      @ManagerDamien Рік тому

      Sidelines?? I refuse to believe such untapped potential! As one who loves stories, player and start to be a DM (Co-DM as first time) I refuse everyone not getting a say, a few words is sufficient!

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому +1

      Pft I think just voicing it out makes me nervous, makes it harder to play the character for me been in this one group for years but I'm still not really comfortable with it not sure why.

    • @ManagerDamien
      @ManagerDamien Рік тому

      @@GolexCh Really? I'm curious why? Because I was once not into voice until I got in, maybe you need time?

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому +1

      I thiiink I need more time to be the one running the reins. Our group is small and usually one person, and always that person leads our group on. Kinda hard to say on what else it could be other than it's hard for me to interject when someone has a flow going already. And my brain loves to be different when I'm typing, and when I'm speaking.

    • @ManagerDamien
      @ManagerDamien Рік тому

      ​@@GolexCh Makes sense! Everyone has their own preferences. Would love to read more! I'm like a guide that waiting for others and make a random yet organic scenes for them, I love reading any stories and the things they will brew.

  • @preoklenthe
    @preoklenthe Рік тому +4

    Kali's flustered face is cute.
    Cool custom EGOs too, that must have taken some effort to create.

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому

      It was unexpected I didn't think I'd see her do that it was very cute lol.
      And thank you! I made it too hard by not following proper templates, but they were fun to make! Will definitely be making more.

  • @RigzGrid
    @RigzGrid Рік тому +3

    Oh tip if you are going down the making abno routes. Each abno is a manifestation of that person's mind. If you do end up wanting to mod them I'd say start off in these areas to make it less of a hassle after you get the story for em down.
    Work types is one of the first
    Followed by managerial notes.
    Escaping info
    Ego gifts
    And ego gear.
    If an escaping abno be sure to know the resistances you want it to have and since it seems they all might be alephs make em a bit stronger to justify the gear given.
    Lastly weapon animations and abno animations while daunting don't have to be super complex. Look at abnos like judgement bird and funeral for abno animations. And sets like mosb and nothing there for ego weapon animations

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому +2

      I could likely go through making some nice animations for them but as of nowww it's hard to say if I want to go through the process of making an abno since it will possibly require a lot of coding knowledge that I don't have but at the very least I'll probably look at some modded abnos and see if it's truly as complicated as I think it will be, would be nice if it isn't but thank you for the tips! I'll go down that route if I ever decide to go all in on making abnos.

  • @OSO-171
    @OSO-171 Рік тому +2

    Oooooo the outfit and your weapon look really cool!
    I love how you've gone all the way to making your own mods for your first playthrough

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому +2

      Thank you! I think it's really fun to add your own creative ideas or things that identify with you to games. I'm sure it would have still been a fun experience without them, but it makes things pretty exciting!

  • @KyronFoxx
    @KyronFoxx Рік тому +1

    The wind howling through the trees grew louder, and the evening chill made him shudder as he awoke in one the Forests clearings. The brush and trees blackened, but not by fire. He sat up to take in his surroundings, his familiar black suit adorned with golden eyes being the only thing to keep him warm.
    He could remember this clearing clearly. It was his home for many years after all. Turning around he could see his old rickety Shack he build when he was younger. It was small, tiny now that he grew, it looked like the strong winds could blow it away at any second.
    Then he noticed it, a lack of a feeling he came to be accustomed with. Feeling the top of his head and grabbing behind him confirmed it. His E.G.O was gone. Now that he was starting to think more clearly he wondered why he was even back here in the first place. Did a reset happen while he was asleep? No, that can't be it, he was never sent back this far, and he was still wearing Big Bird's E.G.O. That ruled that possibility out... Was he dreaming? Maybe.
    "Ah! Fuck, that hurt..."
    Negative. Biting himself in the hand wasn't his brightest idea it seemed... Great, now he was bleeding and confused. What a great combination...
    Feeling like he was getting nowhere, he decided to head into his old home, to think of a game plan and to figure out what's going on. Maybe some of his old supplies where still there, not that anyone would steal them... No one lives here after all. Standing up, a sudden gale whipped him in the face, making him cough. Just as he was breathing out, too... Rotten luck as always...
    Trudging his way over to his old abode hit him with a sudden wave of nostalgia. As monstrous as this place is, fun times where had here. A small, wistful, smile stretched over his face. Yeah, maybe he kind of misses it sometimes. Simple, Easy, Feral... Heh, maybe those City slickers weren't wrong- No. He wasn't like that anymore, it's more than just him now. He had people to protect, doesn't matter how close they are to him.
    Grabbing the doors handle he opened it, the hinges were squeaky as all hell and it got stuck a couple of times due to bad construction, but... Hey, not bad for someone that was 5 at the time. God how frustrating building this was, the doorframe went empty for months...
    Ducking through the doorway, he took a look inside and froze. Sitting on the floor on a black pelt, next to the empty Fireplace, was a younger Ky. What was more striking however where the fact that he had three tails and a set of ears. He looked just like him when he was younger, white hair even messier then it was now with some leaves sticking out of it. Clothed in a set of self-made Black Clothing made out of some rough cloth the Birds provided him. And that face... wide open golden eyes and a feral grin...
    "You're here." The boy said, his grin never leaving his face. It sounded exactly how he did when he was younger...
    Coming back to his senses he unfroze. "...Who are you?" His was, unsure, shaking.
    "Don't remember your own name? That's pretty sad." The grin made him feel like he was getting mocked. "Kyron Fox. Ironic, but fitting, is it not?"
    He remembered. That was the name he would always go by. Kyron came from Charon, the ferryman, and Fox from his fascination of them, due to seeing them in the Forest all the time. Now he just goes by Ky... Easier that way.
    "What are you?" He asked, his voice gaining confidence. He was sure he knew what was sitting before him.
    "You." It simply said, before abruptly adding, "Time's up!"
    He blacked out. The last thing he saw was that damn feral grin...
    He could hear voices as he started to wake up.
    "an't you just let him sleep? You see how exhausted he always is."
    "No. He still has to make up for yesterday, and entering, let alone sleeping, in an Abnormality Containment is strictly prohibited. He knows that, very well in fact, he teaches it to other employees all the time in my department after all. Also the Manager wanted to ask him something, apparently she send him a message and hasn't heard back yet. Also the workday is about to start."
    "You people are slave drivers you know that? Leave him be."
    "I would, but I am in no position to make such calls. The Manager is."
    Seems like he has his Fox features back, or he wouldn't be able to hear the Discussion between Queenie and Michelle nearly as good.
    The Manager send him a Message? Hmm... Eh. He's just gonna write back when his next report is due. For now he'll catch as much sleep as possible while those two are bickering. He is going to have to think about what just happened, too. No rest for the wicked it seems. ...Well, maybe a little rest.
    (OOC: Damn, that took long to write but boy was it fun! I think I am gonna do Reports on Gameplay Videos, and Story on... you can probably guess. Nice Customs Manager! I'm looking forward to what you're gonna do in Library! Maybe even custom Cards!
    While I'd like to ask for a custom E.G.O or Gift, I think that's a bit too much to ask... Nor would I know what it would look like in it's entirety... If you ever feel like making something for Ky, I'd like to see what you think a Ky E.G.O would look like! No need though! Ky's gunning for Twilight!
    Anyway. Good Video, as always. Keep it up!)

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому +1

      Does look like it took a while, it's nice! The origins of the Ky name and his true name are revealed. It's interesting to see his backstory that was potentially kept from himself all this time if what I'm reading infers what I think it does. It's very nice! Doing reports on gameplay and story sounds nice I'd like to see them.
      Library should be so much easier to mod things in although I probably need to learn the mechanics before making those lol. So for noww probably will make a skin for the start! That was my original plan since a while ago actually but then I realized couldn't I also make a mod for Lobotomy? So now here we arrre.
      I'd be down to figure something out for Ky if I have the time. Depends on if I can get other things about modding fully figured out, and I finish up all of the ones I plan to create. We shall see!
      Twilight is so sought after for everyone... might need to share it around tbh lol

    • @KyronFoxx
      @KyronFoxx Рік тому

      @@GolexCh Kept from himself... huh? Maybe, Maybe not. :)
      Little Hint, Why do you think Ky didn't have his Fox traits, but the other him did?
      Yeah, Library should be easier since it's mostly still sprites. Truth be told I wanted to draw out Ky getting his E.G.O and make a skin for it in Library, for your playthrough. But, then I realized that I am so unbelievably rusty at art that I just gave up lol. Eh maybe I'll warm up by the time we get there ;) Haven't touched my tablet for like 4 years...
      Don't worry about the Ky E.G.O thing to much, do it whenever you want or maybe even not at all!
      Don't worry about Twilight either, that's just going to make Ky's endless hunt for Twilight all the more funnier!

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому +1

      Oooh if it wasnt a point he didnt remember in childhood then I think it could be the EGO in its rawest form. Might be wrong again, though. But if I think I know how EGOS work then might be close!
      I was planning to somehow allow workshop selections for skins, so I don't mind if you draw or pick one from the workshop. If you do decide to draw it, I hope it goes well!

  • @Aveir_
    @Aveir_ Рік тому +2

    Aveir: Manager you are really amazing. You suppressed CENSORED and CENSORED decided to help you, you suppressed the Red Mist and now she is helping you too.

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому

      Pft it's not all that impressive, I'm sure you could do it by yourself too with the EGO you had, and her help is only temporary. But thank you, hopefully all continues to go well.

  • @psilimo
    @psilimo Рік тому +1

    GOLEX LORE??? SET ME UP- I love little snippets of lore people make for their characters, honestly. ESPECIALLY if it’s attached to a game or implemented into the game, like Lobotomy Corporation. Dies Irae and Clavis Aurea were originally apart of my originator universe as the heralds of Ragnarok/Twilight which is attached to Psi - my main character and also Manager Psi (snippet of a snippet but Psi comes from Takipsilim which means twilight lmao).
    Only when I play Lob. Corp did I realize both Twilight - EGO ARMOR AND WEAPON - kind of connects to my own characters which was super fucking cool. So I just adjusted the lore a bit to attune Dies Irae, Clavis Aurea, and Psilim to the lore and it was so FUN.
    I made an abnormality awhile ago, that was a pirate ship - which is Psi’s ship - that if escapes floats around and spawns in undead pirates.
    Alright that’s enough of my hyperfixation rambling lmao- character time.
    Part I: Clavis Aurea
    The day was peaceful, other than the occasional rumbles of the ‘testing’ the manager was doing. People were talking to one another, another ‘peaceful’ day; too peaceful.
    Even today didn’t make her daily threat to the manager which was.. odd. In fact today she was smiling - it was basically unnoticeable unless you squinted - looking calm as if she didn’t have bad blood against the company.
    She then walked off from the Welfare Department, and disappeared from the cameras view. Scrolling through the cameras not a hair could be seen of Clavis, that is until scrolling the cameras and seeing Dies Irae waving to the cameras and mouthing: ‘behind you!’
    One quick turn told it all, there Clavis was crossing her arms and looking at the screens.
    “Angela let me in.”
    She said to the point and just continued to look at the screens. She didn’t have any will to harm as she didn’t more. She just stood behind the manager, gazing onward. Ignoring the manager worried remarks of why she was in there.
    “.. Core suppressions. I think when you complete them, I become less.. ‘aggravated’. I call it retribution but whatever. Continue onward and I might act friendly with you.”
    “Still don’t forgive you killing clerks, believe that. Next time you pass the threshold of 100 more, I’ll set all three birds out.”
    She said calmly, as if she didn’t just threaten to cause the apocalypse.
    Part II: Dies Irae
    Dies Irae was bored. Peace was boooo-ooring. He wanted to do somethingggg, but what? He blankly looked to the ceiling of the Information Department.
    He just waved to the camera and got up, opening the door to Punishing Bird’s containment. The bird only tilted it head, and Dies sighed heavily.
    Suddenly out of almost nowhere starting climbing Punishing Bird’s wooden perch it surprisingly not giving way to his weight. He slumpt over almost akin to clothes on a laundry wire, Punishing Bird hopping on his almost limp body hanging on his perch, nestling in his grayish hair.
    “I’m so booooooooooored…”
    He groaned, Clavis who was still in the Manager’s room only stifled a laugh at him.
    Yesod would definitely get on him for this, oh well.

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому +1

      YEAH GOLEX LOOREEE, I had a few alternate storylines of the original story for my character and I really love it when Abnormalities have their own connections to one another (big bonus for if they all fuse into one singular entity) The flame one is one of three I plan to make and it was fun writing the lore out and creating the weapon. I now need to make more concept images. If I can make a fully functioning abnormality, it would be so fun for the three ideas I have to meet and form either something nice or a monstrosity, whichever I decide.
      The ship seems interesting, and that sounds like a nice concept for an abnormality. I'd like to see it!
      Clavis being in the room was a great concern, but it's definitely progress that she now doesn't have her life threatened and instead wants to unleash the apocalypse if 100 more clerks die. It's better than fearing life walking through the hallways, but it's sort of better. Managing with that in mind might become a bit difficult, but oh well, what can you do. Doesn't seem like Angela would do anything about her anyway... so... it's better to comply.
      Seeing Dies in Punishing Bird's chamber was a sight worth giggling at. Seems like he's really waiting for the apocalypse. Well, maybe he'll get his wish soon. In due time, the stage will be set for Twilight to come.

  • @ManagerDamien
    @ManagerDamien Рік тому

    (After the Gebura flashback, so does a certain employee as they drifted to sleep, in their "dream" in a pouring rain, trickling down on their face and body, laying back wishing someone should kill them already, first not knowing their parents, trying to stay alive in highschool, but dropout due insufficient funds, taking care of soon-dying grandfather who took them in. [They had brief of nostalgia and familiarity seeing Hokma whenever they pass by in his department] "All I just want, is to live, is that so much for anyone could ask for?" Then all of the sudden a letter appeared in their chest and took it. Seeing the application, they immediately took it, they don't know why, they know they just had to. "I already going to lose everything anyway, so might as well take this chance to die with more purpose." Despite everything they been through just to live, even murder a person or two, their faith still hanging on by the thread that is there still a light in this godforsaken world. And so they headed to the facility.)
    Yaku wakes up in not a cold sweat like they usually do, but instead a calm wave of relief, their resolve is half-tempered, holding their chest they realize they had better life than before, yes it still shit with all the monsters and dying colleagues, but they make sure the deaths are not in vain even knowing they are expendables, hearing each suppression's stories made them slowly having realization too.
    After fixing themselves, they saw from the screen they brought in Silent Orchestra, their eyes widen in shock and amusement, heading towards to the manager. "Manager Golex! I... I won the bet??" They couldn't believe what they saw and for the first time their smile is wider than before like a child's face brighten after a genuine affection. "But it still up to you Manager Golex, I had fun in this facilities and as I said, I always trust your judgement even with the blunders." They check their temporary form. "Is this miss.. Gebura's past clothes and weapon..? Amazing.. So this is the Red Mist.." They feel the power surging now knowing what it is like to be a colored Fixer, they really prove their enigmatic huge reputation, they thought.
    "The will to protect, I will take that words to my heart too, and I will say this again, use me as your sword and shield especially to my last breath, Manager Golex, and I will also berate those troublemakers too." They don't want to admit they starting to be fond of their chaotic routine. "Although... Since I won and got the Apocalypse Bird... I hear those two (Ky and Dies Irae) had it in their own timeline and still wants it... Can I hide?" They sweatdrops a lot by out of fearing for their safety. "Again, thank you manager Golex, until the next task, I will go back to my training now." They bow gracefully with a smile, and left.
    (Manager D: Woooooooooooo! Bet won!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry for your pain, I can hear your sobbing from the screen, and those Mods ARE FUCKING GOOD HOLY SHIT ESPECIALLY A LORE FROM GOLEX, COOL!! I love when people do that, I support it. Also the reason I/Yaku bet for higher that is Apocalypse bird because lore wise, despite having similar Kali's backstory, Yaku is Tiph with hint of Chesed and Binah, I won't spoil, because Library will explain also and in time you'll know, because some thinks Binah is Apocalypse Bird itself, from her backstory to her current state especially in Library. The Paradise Lost is (said to be) the strongest Aleph gear of all which I agree, but this Yaku didn't lose their faith, only belief (since Binah in Kabbalah means "Knowledge" can also interpreted as Belief of individual. While Hokma in Kabbalah means "Wisdom" can also interpreted as Belief of Faith extending to which we all know religion, I can't believe a game character grandpa make me restored my faith back. Take a good rest now! And thanks for the fun videos!)

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому +1

      "Yeeesss... you won..." Seeing Yaku, the manager had a depressing face remembering that she lost the bet. She was about to bicker on about it, but before she could, she saw the pure joy on Yaku's face and couldn't help but drop the act and smile along. "I did consider giving it to my double, but I forgot about the EGO she manifested. Besides, one person with Twilight in the facility is still a person with twilight in the facility. You Yaku, win this one... maaaan..." She was more upset about losing than giving up the Twilight EGO, but she sucked it up. "Yes, that's the Red Mist EGO. My double had a run with it before her EGO was produced, so I hope you had some fun with it before it goes away. It's very nice, and it's something that's earned from Suppressing Gebura but- it's too much."
      "I hope you continue to do great work here, Yaku. If you can, yes, please do... they're - something definitely. Something is going to happen one of these days with how much they goof around or threaten harm. Well, once you have Twilight, to be honest- I don't think you'll need to hide. You'll be strong enough to handle anything in the facility. Well, keep up the good work, Yaku! I'm looking forward to getting that EGO for you."
      (Hahaha... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
      After 5 hours, that was sad to see, but nonetheless, you wooon! Now Yaku will attain ultimate power, and none of us can stop her. Also, thank you for liking both the lore and the mods! Hoping to figure out how to fine-tune the mod soon to then add in a couple more. Once I learn everything I need to know. I can definitely see everyone you mention exceeppt for Binah, will definitely have to learn more about her. I've seen some things about Binah that I don't know the context of, so I see the Apocalypse bird connection. Hokma grandpa definitely seems like a cool character. I need more of him, and Binaahh hasn't been getting too much lately (granted, I haven't beaten Binah's mission in a while haha) but they will be beat soooon. Thank you for the peer into Yaku backstory! It's interesting to see every employee's upbringing at least Yaku be happier (somehow) in this hell. Thank you! I shall rest well, hopefully, maybe, I've been staying up too long recently aaaaaa

    • @ManagerDamien
      @ManagerDamien Рік тому

      ​@@GolexCh Yaku: They use their walkie talkie to finish the conversation. "I had fun, at least I can get a feel and you know what, I will do my best! I will make sure they don't hurt themselves, and also I will give you extra dessert with the tea later too, please keep resting for now. I will see you by your next order."
      (I'm really sorry, but at least you have customization those are too cool! And sure take your time! I have one last exam left and I'm free, all are good and I feel it's passing scores too!! Yep! Take your time in reading stories too, they are best when experienced, I understand you can't see with Binah cause it is more of mindset, than personality haha, and YES! I love reading others' backstories too, I feel inspired to the point drawing others also, from troublemakers like Ky and Dies Irae to your other competent employees like Gyeon, Makary, (friendly greeter Aveir) or funny ones like CENSORED for some reason keeps dying in some cycles. If I'm super free of course! Sleep a lot and keep that energy!)

  • @makarymetzger2627
    @makarymetzger2627 Рік тому +1

    I literally just beat Ruina so this is perfect timing!
    Limbussy here i come!

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому

      Oh nice! Congrats on beating Ruinia! I hope you enjoy Limbus the game is fun (at least the gameplay is I wanna read it so bad...)

    • @makarymetzger2627
      @makarymetzger2627 Рік тому

      @@GolexCh The one thing i will say about Ruina is that i loved it so much that i never want to play it agian.

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому

      One of those should stay a one-time sort of feeling? I kinda get it, I usually return to things I like eventually. I'll have to see how I feel, but I feel like I'd replay just to see a couple of mods.

    • @makarymetzger2627
      @makarymetzger2627 Рік тому

      @@GolexCh Its so fucking hard, i had to cheese most fights to keep my sanity.
      *cough cough* Myongest

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому

      *actually I understand why you don't want to replay it now*
      Completely forgot that there are like 10 phase boss fights in that game

  • @notbaconzzzzzzz
    @notbaconzzzzzzz Рік тому

    In order to make custom weapon animations I suspect that you need to purchase the Spine animation software. Which I really hope there's a way around this, either getting it to accept an animation made in free software or -p i r a c y- , because I really don't feel like dropping so much money on a hobby when I'm not likely to use it for anything else as I'm more of a programmer than an animator.
    (and this probably also extends to custom abnormality animations and employee death scenes)

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Рік тому +1

      Yeaaaaah the most I've figured out is stealing the effects other weapons have to enhance the basic animations, unfortunately. I wish I could use Live2D. That's something I have, but I haven't seen anything on anyone using this software for mod making. I've heard of another one, Dragonbone, I think, and for some reason, when I try to download the site, it just stops working sooo soon I'll have to find alternatives or allegedly pirate

  • @genericname2948
    @genericname2948 Рік тому
