Graphic Designer REACTS TO OLD AND AMAZING INDIAN VFX Scenes | A KibaKibi Breakdown

  • Опубліковано 12 січ 2025


  • @v5q211
    @v5q211 3 роки тому +530

    Satyajit Ray the greatest Indian Film director of all time.

    • @KibaKibiOfficial
      @KibaKibiOfficial  3 роки тому +66

      I agree👍

    • @jishuchatterjee2001
      @jishuchatterjee2001 3 роки тому +12

      No, he is one of three greatest indian film director of all time

    • @sudiptoojha777
      @sudiptoojha777 3 роки тому +1

      @@KibaKibiOfficial Bro.. to know about the last effect of that dance seen watch this video from from 7:22 second

    • @BONDO520
      @BONDO520 3 роки тому +3

      And book writer

    • @killersingh2981
      @killersingh2981 3 роки тому +9

      And Steven spellberg has copied his Nobel the alien and make movie et (extra terestials)

  • @strangeroustexts8810
    @strangeroustexts8810 3 роки тому +109

    The thing is, Satyajit Ray's movie, the masterpiece 'Goopy Gayen Bagha Bayen' was a film whose original storywriter was Upendrokishore Ray Chowdhury; who was a publisher and a child-story writer. He was the grandfather of the master Satyajit Ray; Upendrokishore Ray Chowdhury was the father of Satyajit Ray's father ( the great storywriter, publisher, poet Sukumar Ray ).

    • @KMon1111IND
      @KMon1111IND 3 роки тому +8

      The whole family gave super talented people for 4 generations.

    • @koushik_chatrzee
      @koushik_chatrzee 3 роки тому

      @@KMon1111IND edit your comment

    • @kun490
      @kun490 3 роки тому

      It runs in the blood.

  • @arkaprabhadeb2432
    @arkaprabhadeb2432 3 роки тому +28

    My mind is blown every single time I watch any of Mr. Ray's films. He made a lot of character driven movies, were in almost every film, we had an active Protagonist. The delicate nature with which he handled his subject matter and characters was nothing short of being called brilliant! A class apart! His mind and thoughts were beyond our comprehensive, so he left his thoughts in snippets with the movies he made!
    Thanks for the breakdown! Thanks for the appreciation!

  • @atanubhattacharya7983
    @atanubhattacharya7983 3 роки тому +29

    "Bhuter Nach" end scene making- Satyajit Ray divided the film negative into 4 parts. While shooting the 1st part, he blocked other 3 parts. Then he rewound the negative to shoot the 2nd part. That's how he gradually shot the whole last scene.

  • @ayonbiswas4186
    @ayonbiswas4186 3 роки тому +84

    Bengalis/Indians: BonkuBabur Bondhu.
    Hollywood: We got E.T!!
    Also, the Ghost-king's voice is done by Satyajit Ray himself.

  • @pradumantripathi04
    @pradumantripathi04 3 роки тому +23

    This is one of the things that sometimes frustrates me that Indians were not good with documentation.. that's why so many great works of our past have vanished with time

    • @fretted4life
      @fretted4life 3 роки тому +5

      Heck if the British hadn't collected and documented Harappan artefacts during road work construction in Punjab we would have lost a good chunk of that history as well.

  • @ankanroy24
    @ankanroy24 3 роки тому +216

    সত্যি বলতে আমরা ভারতীয়রা নিজেদের শিল্পীদের বিষয়ে খুব কম জানি।।
    আর এর থেকেও বড় কথা আমরা আমাদের শিল্পীদের কদর করি না😣.।।
    আজ যদি উনার মতো লোকের বিষয়ে অধিক তথ্য থাকতো তাহলে আমরা আরো সমৃদ্ধ হতাম

    • @rolex6825
      @rolex6825 3 роки тому +4

      The sad thing is it's True we should be ashamed our selfes 😔

    • @jonathonunknown4082
      @jonathonunknown4082 3 роки тому +1


    • @debjitmajumder981
      @debjitmajumder981 3 роки тому

      Kintu akhon best somoy amader silpider kodor korar

    • @ઘનશ્યામભાઈરોજાસરા
      @ઘનશ્યામભાઈરોજાસરા 3 роки тому

      ઢઢોઓઓઢઢો ઓઢૈ છે કે નેટ ઉપર તો ઓ ને આવજો ઐઐઐઐગૈગૈઐઐઐઐગૈઐઐઐઐઐઢેગૈઐ છે ઐઐઘગગૈઢોગઢૈગૈગઢ ઐઐઢઢઢૈઐગઢઢઢૈઐઢઢૈગૈઢૈઢગગઢઢઢૈઢ કે ગૈઓગૈઐગઢોઓડોઢઘૈઐઢઢઢઢોઢૈઢૈઢોઢઢઢૈઢઢઢૈગોઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢોઐઢઢ ઓછો ઓઢૈ ઐઐઐઐગૈગૈઐઐઐઐગૈઐઐઐઐઐઢેગૈઐઐગઢૈઐડૈઢૈઐઐઢગૈઢૈગગગઢૈ ઢઢૈઐઐગૈઐઐઐઐઢૈઐઐ ઐઐઓઐઐડ્ડોઓઐઐઓઓઓઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઓઐઓઓડો ઓઓઢોઐઓઓઓઢો તો હવે તમે તમારા પાર્ટનરને ખુશ તો હવે હું તો ભગત ઓટો રિક્ષા ચાલક ફરાર છે ઓઐઓઓઓઓઓઓઐઐઐઢ છે ઐઐઐઐગૈગૈઐઐઐઐગૈઐઐઐઐઐઢેગૈઐ ઐઐઐઐગૈગૈઐઐઐઐગૈઐઐઐઐઐઢેગૈઐ ઐઐગૈગૈગૈઓઐઓઐઐઓઓઓઓઓઐ ઓઓઓગોઐઐઐઐઐઐઓઐઐઐઐઓઐગૈઐઐઐઐઐગૈગગઐઐઓઓઓ ઓઓઐઓઓઐઓઐઓઐઓએઐઐગૈઐઐઓઢ્ઢઢઘઘઘઘોઘઘોઢોઢોઢઢોઢઢોઢગોઢોઢૈઐઢગઢૈઢઢૈગઢેઢૈઢગૈઢૈગૈઢૈઢૈઐઐગખૈઓઐગઢગગૈગૈઐઢૈઢઢેએઐઓઢૈગેગઢગગૈએએએગૈઓઓઓઐઐઓઓઓઐઘૈઢઢઢોઓઢોઢૈઢોઐઓઢઢોઓઢઢઢઢઢઢગઢઢઢોઢઘોઓઐઢોઢૈઘૈઢૈઢઢગોઓઢગગૈઐઐઓઢડડૈઐઢઢૈઢૈઐઢૈઐઐઐઢઢૈઢૈઐઐગઢડડૈએઐઐગઢઘઢઢઘઢઢઢઢૈઢઢઢગૈઢઢઢઢઘઢઢઢઢઢડ્ડઘગઢઢઢઢૈડૈગૈઢગઢૈઐઢગૈએઢૈઐઐઢૈઐઐઐગઢડૈઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઐઐગૈઓઢઢઢઢોઓઢોઓઢઢઢઢઢોઢોઢોઓઓગોઢઢઢઢઢૈડઢડઢઢૈઓઐઐઓઐઢઢઢગઢઢગગઢઢઢઢઢઢઢગઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢૈઢઢઢઢૈગઢૈઐઐઐઓઓઢૈગઢૈઐઐઐઢૈઢૈગઢૈઢઢગૈઐગૈઢઢૈઢગૈઐઐઐઐઐઐઐગૈઐઢગઢઢૈઢૈગૈઐઐગૈઐગઢઢઢઢગગગૈઐગઢઢૈઢોઢઢઢૈઐગઢગૈઐગગૈઐઐઢગૈઐઐઐઢૈઐગઢઢગઢગઢૈગઢૈઐઢઢઢઢઢોઢઢઢઢઘોઓઓઘોઘોઘઘોઘઘઢઘ ડો ઢોઢઘોગૈડૈ કે ડૈડૈઐઐઐએએએએઐઐઐડૈઐઐઐગૈ કે ઓઐગૈ ગૈઐગૈડડે એગડડગેડગેએડેએ ડડેઐએઓેખડખેએડખખખૈખખખડેએ તો ગઢ ઘઘઘઘઘઘૈઘઘઘ ઢઢઢઢઢઢઢઢ કે ઢઘોઘઘ ઢબઐઢોઐઓઐગઢૈઢઢૈઢઢઢૈઢઢઢઢઢઢઢોઢઢઢઢૈઢૈ

    • @27aritrasinhaxb63
      @27aritrasinhaxb63 3 роки тому

      একদম ঠিক কথা বলেছেন ।

  • @soumyadeeppaul2389
    @soumyadeeppaul2389 3 роки тому +35

    Mr. Ray was ahead of his time.
    Just one sentence "মহারাজা তোমারে সেলাম"

  • @ondutygamer6329
    @ondutygamer6329 3 роки тому +251

    Proudly say that I am a bengali and our satyajit Ray our pride☺️

  • @willhemcrool2645
    @willhemcrool2645 3 роки тому +54

    On those days VFX wasn't there , those were all Special Effects that were achieved manually with meticulous hard work. This is really masterful.Today is 2nd May, Sir Satyajit Ray's 100th birth anniversary. Shamim da , you actually gave all of us a great gift on this great occasion. He is not only a master filmmaker but also an institution. A genius. The trio of Bengal Satyajit Ray, Ritwick Ghatak and Mrinal Sen single-handedly had put Indian Cinema on the map of World Films. Shamim da , We owe you so much. I will not belittle you with thanks. Stay well and Stay safe.

  • @LordJeet2
    @LordJeet2 3 роки тому +402

    I'm a Rajput and I have watched almost all the films of Ray using subtitles because I don't understand Bengali. Every single film is a masterpiece. There was a film named Agantuk which I still cannot believe was an Indian film. The word 'masterpiece' even seems lame to describe this film.

    • @anubhabchatterjee4403
      @anubhabchatterjee4403 3 роки тому +16

      It's my fav one ..and Nayak the hero ...
      Love u from Bengal

    • @LordJeet2
      @LordJeet2 3 роки тому +19

      @@anubhabchatterjee4403 I have watched a film named Jana Aranya recently, it was also made by Ray sir. It literally gave me goosebumps. I cannot believe he made such a film over 50 years ago. For me, Ray sir is the best film director ever. Just my opinion

    • @anubhabchatterjee4403
      @anubhabchatterjee4403 3 роки тому +5

      @@LordJeet2 ya Jana aranya tells the struggle of every youth ...........
      Do u watch aparajito ??

    • @LordJeet2
      @LordJeet2 3 роки тому +6

      @@anubhabchatterjee4403 yes it is the second part of Apu trilogy right? I just love his thriller films too. Sonar Kila is one of my personal favorites

    • @anubhabchatterjee4403
      @anubhabchatterjee4403 3 роки тому +5

      @@LordJeet2 nice bro.. I think u r my twin in watching movie ...
      Jay baba felujath too...
      Do u watched ghore baire?

  • @mayukhchatterjee7692
    @mayukhchatterjee7692 3 роки тому +25

    Satyajit Ray was that person who have crafted Indian Flims. He used much lower quality of camera,,but see the results
    He was a genius. His creations are masterpieces

  • @anime_rat279
    @anime_rat279 3 роки тому +34

    Those 31 guys who disliked this video,really don't know how to appreciate the art n artist. If Satyajit Ray made this happen n then this guy finding out all the info n giving to the normal people is also great. If monuments are there,Then a person is needed to tell its greatest history. You are that person.❤️

    • @27aritrasinhaxb63
      @27aritrasinhaxb63 3 роки тому +3

      They are those who don't know the movies and masterpieces of their own country.

  • @borhansiddiki7079
    @borhansiddiki7079 3 роки тому +30

    Sir, The way you described this masterpiece is really impressive. It's like we are watching a 60's movie behind the scene.

  • @sourajitbasak4269
    @sourajitbasak4269 3 роки тому +80

    বাংলার আরো অনেক ফিল্ম আছে যেগুলো নিজের যোগ্যতা অনুযায়ী সন্মান অনেক কম পায় আজো❤️

  • @Asifkhan-bh3uu
    @Asifkhan-bh3uu 3 роки тому +2

    It's absolutely true. That ET is actually a screen play of Sir Satyajit Ray. There is an interview of Ray where he tells the whole story about it.

  • @hasinfarukee
    @hasinfarukee 3 роки тому +9

    Satuajit ray only one piece... His thoughts was beyond time... I just can't imagine what if he born after 2000... Nothing could beat him

    • @rahulghosh9528
      @rahulghosh9528 3 роки тому

      Do you know that dancing sequence was a reflection of Indian history!!. Har ek bhut ek ek class ko signify karta hai, usme Mughal, Pathan, British, nawab , farmers ko dikhaya gaya.

  • @AnindyaD786
    @AnindyaD786 3 роки тому +18

    Satyajit ray the first Oscar winner of India. Proud Bengali Proud Indian❤️❤️

    • @sushantsrivastav
      @sushantsrivastav 3 роки тому

      Bhanu Athaiya won before him.

    • @DrAdi070
      @DrAdi070 3 роки тому

      She won on 1983 and she is the best.

  • @AbhisInfoToday
    @AbhisInfoToday 3 роки тому +6

    As a Bengali we are always proud of Satyajit Ray. He is a legend. Love to see that picked up his work. If you read his stories, specially the stories of Prof.Shanku. You may understand how keen he was in sci-fi. Thank you so much.

  • @hrishikesh07m
    @hrishikesh07m 3 роки тому +7

    I wish Satyajit Ray was still here in 2021. Its out of my imagination what he could have done with modern vfx. Marvel Dc fail. 🤣🤣🤣

  • @IndiCoderProjukti
    @IndiCoderProjukti 3 роки тому +17

    What a great tribute to Ray's 100th Birth Anniversary! Great tribute man.

  • @dhananjoymandal5799
    @dhananjoymandal5799 3 роки тому +13

    Ray created an Indian Fantasy World with the Gupi Gyne Bagha Byne series. Every Bangali and every Indian should be proud of this movie. You've explained in a very descriptive manner. Do continue making such videos. Thankful that I found this channel today, but disappointed of knowing it so late.
    Love and full support from Kokrajhar, Assam.

  • @tinkudutta8413
    @tinkudutta8413 3 роки тому +33

    We all Bengalis feel proud of him❤️

    • @yematosan8837
      @yematosan8837 3 роки тому

      Hey , stupid you should believe your self learn what is true and what is fack . He do his job with his talent but what you do.

  • @avistuff9097
    @avistuff9097 3 роки тому +1

    You really make people understand in a very effective manner.. I like your videos especially the way u elaborate things..

  • @biplabmakal8656
    @biplabmakal8656 3 роки тому +4

    Satyajit ray all time greatest Indian movie director,Oscar winner director, proud to being a Bengali,bengali rocks,joy bangla,luv from west bengal

  • @mumayank1
    @mumayank1 3 роки тому +1

    Please accept my thanks from the bottom of my heart bhaiya.. ekdam gazab content.. I'm literally your fan.. I'm new to youtube vlogging, learning about different editing techniques, cameras, lighting, etc.. and suddenly I've found you detailing out things.. amazing.. thank you once again!! Looking forward to many more videos

    @CAKASURFUNNYBANGLA 3 роки тому +4

    I can learn a lot from your reaction video all the time,
    Thank you so much ❤️💙

  • @sandeepsarkar7803
    @sandeepsarkar7803 3 роки тому +1

    I'm from Barpeta and a your channel and it's production quality. Keep it up bro.

  • @heyrishav
    @heyrishav 3 роки тому +8

    After all these years, I hadn't thought about the "Z" axis in the old Muqabala song.
    This tip would be something new I learned today. 😊

  • @namratasarkar5707
    @namratasarkar5707 3 роки тому +2

    Yes... You are right... ET was made from Bankubabur bandhu... Thank you so much for these informations... Please interview Sandip Ray.. He knows many things

  • @fossilsanirban
    @fossilsanirban 3 роки тому +26

    He didn’t use glass in the dance sequence to create the wave. He used water. At first he shot the scene normally. Then projected that on a screen in front of small artificial water body, where he created a rhythmic wave & shot that reflection of the projection on the water body

  • @Puredew1
    @Puredew1 3 роки тому +1

    Exactly have nailed the spot in the of the ghost....I also had same impression as what an idea to portray ghost how unnaturally Satyajit ray could portay it...

  • @mahasinhossen2502
    @mahasinhossen2502 3 роки тому +28

    *The original screenplay's name was "The Alien", not Bankubabur bondhu....Bankubabur Bandhu was just a short story by satyajit ray.

  • @aryanparuthi5649
    @aryanparuthi5649 Рік тому +2

    At 11:40 you mention about the scene where 4 layers of dancers are stacked together in camera. I researched about this a lot. And i feel that what they have done here is something called "Forced perspective" with 2 platforms..1st one for layer 1 and 4 and 2nd one for layer 2 and 3 in between :D

    @INFINITIVESCINEMEDIA 3 роки тому +6

    There is a book written by Ray named Speaking Of Films where he described many of his techniques which he used to shoot.

  • @ItnaBadaChannel
    @ItnaBadaChannel 3 роки тому

    amazing video brother .. satyajeet ray was so ahead of hos time, but sad part is nobody knows and talks about him. glad that you came up with this initiative.

  • @sahityamondal7230
    @sahityamondal7230 3 роки тому +3

    As a Bengali this was probably the first film I've watched and at that that time I've no idea about shooting. Now I'm just speechless. I also love you're effort how you explained everything is extraordinary.

  • @debojyotidas5225
    @debojyotidas5225 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you for such an amazing video. My mom always thought about how this scene was shot, now I will show her your video. Awesome research work.

  • @pritamray9237
    @pritamray9237 3 роки тому +11

    Satyajit Ray jodi ela thakilek hoi..just imagine kon leveler movie banalek hoi ..❤️❤️

  • @tanushreejha2260
    @tanushreejha2260 3 роки тому +1

    It's not like that no one is interested but it's just UA-cam logarithm. Bss reach ni mili h video ko. Wonderfully explain... Best of luck.

  • @soumengoswami4555
    @soumengoswami4555 3 роки тому +5

    "Bankubabur Bandhu" story is love from child hood 😍

  • @maitreyeemukherjee7114
    @maitreyeemukherjee7114 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you for bringing Satyajit Ray's cinematographic work.his grandfather Upendrakishor Roy Chowdhuty was a great photographer. His work on photography was very innovative during British period in India. He imported advance equipment from England.. He had his own dark room, photo developing room, studio etc. Satyajit Ray belonged to that legendary family....

  • @ashis3347
    @ashis3347 3 роки тому +110

    You should interview his son Sandip Ray. He knows many things.

    • @vishnugupt322
      @vishnugupt322 3 роки тому +7

      He is worst movie maker... He destroys feluda series movies... He should learn from his father's work...

    • @amitmondal4522
      @amitmondal4522 3 роки тому

      @@vishnugupt322 exactly. He destroyed the feluda movies.

    • @ashis3347
      @ashis3347 3 роки тому

      @@vishnugupt322 I agree, but he has many information about his father

    • @sourinbhattacharjee5426
      @sourinbhattacharjee5426 3 роки тому +3

      @@vishnugupt322 , Well, I think he didn't, because after watching some different Feluda films by another directors, I understand what he is capable of.

    • @twishampatidutta5211
      @twishampatidutta5211 3 роки тому +2

      @@vishnugupt322 no if u compare him with his father then definitely he has been lagging but when compared with his contemporary directors he is one of the bests director now bengali cinema has. His Prof Shonku was very realistic , natural and great. No overdrama shown like most of the so called art film directors harbours to.

  • @mrinmoynandibappa3452
    @mrinmoynandibappa3452 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for the dance sequence explaining documentary suggestion. The breakdown was awesome. Truly he used different layers of philosophy!❤

  • @MorpheusRishi
    @MorpheusRishi 3 роки тому +14

    Actually, four different scenes were shot with dancers - some of them wearing masks - turned into negatives and then spliced together, one above the other,” Roy tells his interviewer with pride"... Telegraph's shot in the dark article where Ray talks about the last part of the sequence

    • @sreyashipramanik5605
      @sreyashipramanik5605 3 роки тому +1

      Well done for showcasing his talent and tremendous jobs to us, because there are so many people specially from India who don't even who is He. Which is very sad. If you guys praise the Hollywood movies and their effects and all then pretend to be a movie lover then you should know atleast the name "Satyajit Ray".

    • @MorpheusRishi
      @MorpheusRishi 3 роки тому

      @@sreyashipramanik5605 seriously... Ironically, in the West, or at least in Europe, Ray is a big name in the film circle.. Says a lot about the country's population.. There needs to be education about regional directors and their films.

  • @easyography
    @easyography 3 роки тому +1

    Satyajit Ray is bengali's emotion... GEM of world cinema..

  • @abhisheksrivastava5014
    @abhisheksrivastava5014 3 роки тому +5

    Yes there is an interview in which he was claiming, his mediator ditched him and later on Steven Spielberg made ET on the same script

  • @harshwanwe7070
    @harshwanwe7070 3 роки тому

    Thank you for telling us about the historic movie it means a lot

  • @artjuchhan75
    @artjuchhan75 3 роки тому +4

    Satyajit Ray- The magician of Analogue VFX

  • @WitcherBoss
    @WitcherBoss 3 роки тому +2

    Satyajit Ray is India's all time best director..he also got an oscar as a life time achievement award.. Many Hollywood and European directors specially french directors of that time followed his work and also inspired by him.. His ideas were so futuristic that nobody in Indian cinema could think like him.. Respect the Legend ❤️❤️❤️he sent a short film to the oscar on the request of the jury members

  • @banerjee3
    @banerjee3 3 роки тому +98

    E.T is truly inspired from Ray's 'Bonkubabur Bondhu'

    • @sid.469
      @sid.469 3 роки тому +5

      Ya its STOLE n

    • @sudipdas2998
      @sudipdas2998 3 роки тому +6

      @@sid.469 exactly i have read that Mr. Ray one day told the story and the ideas how to take those shot to Mr. Spielberg..and rest is history..

    • @sid.469
      @sid.469 3 роки тому +3

      @@sudipdas2998 ya actors like Marlon Brando were also casted for that films but unfortunately vo bani hi nhi

    • @abhisekghosh5847
      @abhisekghosh5847 3 роки тому

      No its অবতার। original screenplay written by ray.

    • @AMITAVABERA-ig3no
      @AMITAVABERA-ig3no 3 роки тому

      @@sid.469 he died before the making of the movie

  • @banalata9959
    @banalata9959 3 роки тому

    Thanks for this compliment about our Bengali talent .As a bengali I so much proud for satyajit Ray.

  • @depressedlaunda
    @depressedlaunda 3 роки тому +5

    This channel deserves more subscribers. Try reacting to south movies or changing the format a bit.

  • @sanjoynag4581
    @sanjoynag4581 3 роки тому +1

    I am bangali and I am from Kolkata and I am proud of my language because of this legends and the art of our culture

  • @strangeroustexts8810
    @strangeroustexts8810 3 роки тому +6

    Happy birthday master Satyajit Ray! ❤️

  • @raghuvirsinhjjadeja1427
    @raghuvirsinhjjadeja1427 3 роки тому +2

    Today I have found a new channel that actually explore and explain so easily and appreciate the technicians of movie industries...and after watching this channels video I have started analysing or started guessing about the the work their hard work ....lovely bro v good I really like all your videos

  • @arunkumarchakrabarty7775
    @arunkumarchakrabarty7775 3 роки тому +3

    Big fan of Satyajeet ray❤️❤️ really glad to know that you know our language

  • @LombokornyoSomachar
    @LombokornyoSomachar 3 роки тому +2

    Very nice interpretation... The last part where Mr. Ray used the ghost stacking effect, he used very simple but elegant effect ,that I would like to share ... Mr. Sandip Ray, son of Mr. Satyajit Ray stated that, he achieved this by stacking the negatives of the shoot in the editing table and they literally tapped the three layers manually and joined the sequence and play them in the projector... This is what the scene breakdown..
    Being a Bengali, we are really fortunate to have him but unfortunately we didn't archive him properly.. therefore the next generation couldn't find his work as a whole. Thank you

  • @hrishikesh07m
    @hrishikesh07m 3 роки тому +28

    He achieved the stacked affect by making Bamboo floors for all 4 type of ghosts. Yes it's actually choreographed in 4 level. And not by any camera trick. He used some fiber filters to blend things. He was also the editor supervisor (read: manual editing by scissors) of this dance. Its mind boggling. The choreography is matched second by second with pandit ravi Shankar's music. He is master of detailing. Ray is truly an international level film maker, still didn't get his due from indian people.

    • @souvikindia2005
      @souvikindia2005 3 роки тому +1

      Music by Satyajit Ray himself

    • @sayanmaji1135
      @sayanmaji1135 3 роки тому +2

      As far as I know , it was shoot twice . Because the bamboo platform was too high to shot all 4 levels at once . So what he did , 1st take with top 2 levels , he mask the lower half of the lens , and then vice versa .

    • @poulamighosh511
      @poulamighosh511 3 роки тому

      No was shoot by by changing focal lenghth of lense... zoom in and zoom out krke. Aap ko ye mil jayega.. agar details search kroge to. Kyunki layers bna hua tha but uspe dance koi kar nhi paya tha

    • @hrishikesh07m
      @hrishikesh07m Рік тому

      @@poulamighosh511 thanks for correction. You belong to this industry? Then we can connect on LinkedIn

  • @aurabindaghosh4559
    @aurabindaghosh4559 3 роки тому

    I never expected someone to talk about goopi gayin. You have a good taste.

  • @swapnadas7237
    @swapnadas7237 3 роки тому +13

    1:43 absolutely true (Steven Spielberg not actually plagiarized Ray's script (The Alien) he claimed that he was inspired from his script) and not only that Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver was also inspired from Ray's film Abhijan. There are many examples like that...

  • @shuvadas9129
    @shuvadas9129 3 роки тому +1

    Satyajit Ray & Ritwik Ghatak both director are The legend of India Cinematography

  • @acharyapranoy
    @acharyapranoy 3 роки тому +4

    we bangalis can't live without these movie by RAY

  • @samrat.sikder
    @samrat.sikder Рік тому

    Iam from Bangladesh 🇧🇩.
    And you are really awesome.
    I didn't feel bore in any video 😮.

  • @dipayandas6988
    @dipayandas6988 3 роки тому +4

    This movie is a masterpiece of Bengali cinema. By legendary Satyajit Ray

  • @saptarshigoswami5923
    @saptarshigoswami5923 3 роки тому +1

    দাদা আমি পশ্চিমবাংলার বাসিন্দা , খুব ভালো লাগলো তোমার এই প্রেজেন্টেশন টা❣️

  • @srijitghosh6956
    @srijitghosh6956 3 роки тому +3

    there was a book called "ekai bole shooting" by Satyajit Ray,you may find many stories about the cinematography technique of RAY.

  • @avitanufamilyblog8522
    @avitanufamilyblog8522 3 роки тому +1

    অশেষ ধন্যবাদ দাদা, গুপী গায়েন বাঘা বায়েন নিয়ে vfx breakdown করার করার জন্য।

  • @Moon-eg2cm
    @Moon-eg2cm 3 роки тому +3

    ET was inspired by the character Bhooter Raja..So,yes,u are right partially..Not sure if Ray had a hand on the full script of ET..Much love,loved the detailed scene review..❤️👍

    • @swarnavagain9285
      @swarnavagain9285 2 роки тому

      ভুতের রাজা নয়, ET 'বঙ্কুবাবুর বন্ধু' থেকে প্রভাবিত। এইজন্যই 'অ্যাং' এর চেহারার সাথে ETএর অনেক মিল। এমনকি শোনা যায় ETএর স্ক্রিপ্টও নাকি সত্যজিৎ রায়ের লেখা।(সত্যি নাকি গুজব জানি না।)

  • @tirjyanayak3785
    @tirjyanayak3785 3 роки тому

    Your manner of speaking is very simple and beautiful, touching

    @SOURAVCHAKRABORTY-1 3 роки тому +4

    Vai iska ooor ek part hai
    "Hirok rajar dorbar "
    "হিরক রাজার দরবার "
    Please dekho please
    And love from Bengal

  • @dolbymusic7450
    @dolbymusic7450 3 роки тому +1

    Satyajit Ray Is only Indian Director & First Person to Won Oscar Satyajit Ray received an Honorary Academy Award in 1992, becoming the first Indian to receive an Honorary Oscars. Proud to Be Bengali as well as Indian 🇮🇳

  • @kapilraut3763
    @kapilraut3763 3 роки тому +3

    Tumne muze mere bachpan ki yad dila di maine vo lighting gahr pe banu thi and this was ossom 🙂

  • @shankhanilsarkar2161
    @shankhanilsarkar2161 3 роки тому +1

    4:42 Brother, Sodium-vapour is not spread across background. It is a type of lamp (called sodium vapour lamp), that contains sodium vapour inside the bulb. As a physics student, I've used this type of lamp in laboratory in some experiments.
    All the best; love from Satyajit Roy's own city Kolkata...❤️

    • @KibaKibiOfficial
      @KibaKibiOfficial  3 роки тому

      I found it in a research paper from Hollywood times, but anyway its a dead technic now. But have to give the credit where its due.

    @PIANOCENTRIC 3 роки тому +4

    Satyajit Ray is a genius 🙌

  • @27aritrasinhaxb63
    @27aritrasinhaxb63 3 роки тому

    Thank you very much Shameem . Guppy gain bagha bhain was my childhood favourite movie . I used to watch it every week 😃😃

  • @anubhabchatterjee4403
    @anubhabchatterjee4403 3 роки тому +3

    Last 4 layer dance he shoot by making the lens in two parts by some lines. And he shoot 2 stairs in two times and this two layers is sequenced very nicely .....

  • @Ars0205
    @Ars0205 2 роки тому +1

    There is ample evidence to suggest that Spielberg straight up chhapoed the story of Ray

  • @aritraroy6849
    @aritraroy6849 3 роки тому +3

    The literature side of Satyajit Ray is not well known by rest of the India. He created legendary characters like Felu Da (Detective), Professor Shanku ( Science Fiction) and many other short stories.

    • @mcpeguru4060
      @mcpeguru4060 3 роки тому

      Professor shonku ???

    • @aritraroy6849
      @aritraroy6849 3 роки тому

      @@mcpeguru4060 ok ok Shonku... Trilokeshwar Shonku...

  • @thecodeprism
    @thecodeprism 3 роки тому +1

    I have seen Gopi Gyne Bagha byne. It is an amazing movie. But most importantly this movie has a hidden movie in it

  • @bijoybiswas1932
    @bijoybiswas1932 3 роки тому +3

    Bonkubabur bondhu is short story by Ray that he later wanted to adapt into a movie

  • @soumyadeepmondal7246
    @soumyadeepmondal7246 3 роки тому

    Hello, Sir, I am SOUMYADEEP Mondal from Kolkata,
    Ek information aur dena chata hun, iss film me bhuter raja ki jo speech hain, o speech khud satyajit Ray ki hain, but main uska pitch tune kark represent kara gaya tha.
    E film main ekin se kah sakta hu kariban 7-8 times dikha since my childhood. But aap ne jo notice kiya, o ajtak humko pata nehi tha, thank you. Make me Proud to be a small part of bangali again.. Thank You So Much

  • @sreyashipramanik5605
    @sreyashipramanik5605 3 роки тому +3

    Well done for showcasing his talent and tremendous jobs to us because there are so many people specially from India who don't even know who is He. If you guys praise the Hollywood movies and their effects n all and pretend to be a person who knows all about filming then you should know atleast the name "Satyajit Ray".

  • @Dipexplores
    @Dipexplores 3 роки тому +1

    Loved your research work & analysis brother! Well done :)

  • @manishdhawan9339
    @manishdhawan9339 3 роки тому +14

    It's a shame that you are so talented and with such few followers while some dumbhead reel makers gather million followers. We live in a pathetic world ,my friend.

    @GREATKUNDAN 3 роки тому +4

    Amazing facts buddy, baaz ki aanken lagi h aap me. 🤭😁

  • @AhmedRazaOfficial
    @AhmedRazaOfficial 3 роки тому +3

    Keep it up bro❤️❤️❤️

  • @akhilrm4360
    @akhilrm4360 3 роки тому +4

    watch old HINDI movies 'JANTAR MANTAR , PARASMANI and Aladan aur magic lamp" .... you will get some good vfx scenes

  • @joy02___
    @joy02___ 3 роки тому +4

    So amazing facts 😋😅😘

  • @krishnavsaikia
    @krishnavsaikia 3 роки тому +4

    Bro I think the latest video of “5ocial” was inspired by your video... 😏

  • @Harshhhkk
    @Harshhhkk 3 роки тому +1

    Awesome amazing superb fantastic fabulous extraordinary wonderful brilliant spectacular legendary excellent incredible and mind blowing video bhaiya Jiii

  • @kuldeepsharma7579
    @kuldeepsharma7579 3 роки тому +4

    Satyajit ray 🙏🏻
    I surprise with old muqabla song u said there is no z-axis 👍🏻 that’s why he dance horizontally

  • @mumayank1
    @mumayank1 3 роки тому

    I'll literally pay to listen to this guy... what amazing content! Wish I could subscribe multiple times! God bless you

  • @samanthjain590
    @samanthjain590 3 роки тому

    I'm so glad i found this video! Really a very informative video! Great work. Would love to see more of these kind of videos

  • @gamingrey4756
    @gamingrey4756 3 роки тому

    wow...... bhaiya aap cheezon ko kitni achi tarah se explain krte hoo.
    loved it.............
    lots of love and support from my side...

  • @moulibanerjee5341
    @moulibanerjee5341 3 роки тому +1

    Stacking in reel was done with a very simple technique yet briliant.. he divided the lense of the camera and there was a 2 storied platforms where the dancers were dancing in each platforms. So the lower half of the camera was covered while shooting the upper platform and the upper part of the lense was covered when the ground level of the platform was shot.. then he manually cut the reel and joined two portions together... There are several video interviews done by his son especially regarding this scene

    • @KibaKibiOfficial
      @KibaKibiOfficial  3 роки тому

      Thank you Mouli...always learning new things from the legend.

    • @moulibanerjee5341
      @moulibanerjee5341 3 роки тому

      @@KibaKibiOfficial I am so blessed that I grew up watching his movies...and he is still inspiring every new creator...

  • @govindoburdwan
    @govindoburdwan 3 роки тому

    I am a Satyajit Ray enthusiast. I was also very surprised to see all those effects and wondered how he did it. Thanks a lot for this video.

  • @jayasuryaraveendran
    @jayasuryaraveendran 3 роки тому +2

    Man, I am from Kerala. Yesterday I taught my students the challenges faced by Sathyajith Ray to shoot a sequence with a tiger in it. They used real tiger for achieving it.This movie is a masterpiece in so many ways. You tube algorithm fits perfectly for me for it recommended your video ❣️ You are awesome ❣️

  • @rakeshhowly
    @rakeshhowly Рік тому

    Thank you dada for solving all technical scenes. Love you from Bengal

  • @tanmaydhali8923
    @tanmaydhali8923 3 роки тому

    It's describe so awesome . Explore a little bit of Ray through you . Thanks a lot from west bengal