This Theory Proves The Existence Of A Hidden Universe - How did this happen?

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024
  • One of the greatest physicists of the 20th century was John Wheeler. Wheeler was thinking about this quantum “weirdness,” about how these quanta sometimes behave as particles and sometimes as waves, when he began to devise experiments that attempted to catch these quanta acting like waves when we expect particle-like behavior and vice versa. Perhaps the most illustrative of these experiments is shown passing a photon through a beam splitter and into an interferometer, one with two possible configurations, “open” and “closed.”


  • @colinb4176
    @colinb4176 11 місяців тому +8

    Drop the background music, you don't need if you are narrating the video - it can be annoying when using head phones.

  • @CupOfSweetTea
    @CupOfSweetTea 11 місяців тому +2

    A theory that proves something. Surely the contradiction here is really obvious. Science never actually proves anything. That's not what science does.

  • @Abmotsad
    @Abmotsad 11 місяців тому +2

    "This Theory Proves..."
    Uhm..., no.
    Theories don't prove things.

  • @jIMwILLIAMS-im7kk
    @jIMwILLIAMS-im7kk 11 місяців тому +14

    So we have been told the universe is proven to be deterministic yet we cannot determine the weather accurately 3 days out.

    • @tondekoddar7837
      @tondekoddar7837 11 місяців тому

      No, universe hasn't been proven to be deterministic in any good way. It's been proven not to be locally real though, if that helps (doesn't really). Odd thing we're in yup :)

    • @peelsreklaw
      @peelsreklaw 9 місяців тому

      Determinism doesn't mean a human can automatically know everything. Dropping a million bouncy balls down the stairs is deterministic, but a human can't predict where they'll all land.

  • @mikey6214
    @mikey6214 9 місяців тому +2

    No, the moon does not exist if it is not experienced by another.
    That is what existence IS. One, experiencing another.
    Does anything exist?
    Who is asking?
    Everything exist relative to who is asking. If there is no one to ask this question, then nothing can exist.

  • @gszd55
    @gszd55 11 місяців тому +11

    The double slit experiment is the portal to the realization that we, or I, am an active participant in the reality we perceive

    • @mcw-lg2dm
      @mcw-lg2dm 11 місяців тому +8

      It seems it could be some kind of simulation or program, considering how particles technically can go back in time and rewrite their history. Weird stuff

    • @ProjectMoff
      @ProjectMoff 11 місяців тому

      You are not a participant in reality, you are reality. Science is finally catching up to nondualism. The entire “known” universe is a model, it’s a panting, an artistic expression, all apparent “things” or “parts” are invented by mind. I hope one day everyone can see the stupidity of mistaking the map for the territory. All the lines drawn to separate the medium into labels and symbols are projections of thought alone. Nothing is interacting with anything else, there is only one “being”, reality is all there is, it doesn’t influence you and you don’t influence it because the seemingly two are one. The issue is mind defines and identifies itself with its labels and falls into the delusion of false self, that world that you think is out there is you, the real you, not you as a person, the person was always false, it’s a model, a tool, a figment, nothing more, the true you is all.

    • @deathbydeviceable
      @deathbydeviceable 10 місяців тому

      Are you alive or dead? 😂

  • @ronaldkemp3952
    @ronaldkemp3952 11 місяців тому +5

    Cosmic inflation fails when we take these into consideration, the age of the universe, 13.8 billion years, the laws of motion, once in motion always in motion unless acted upon by an outside force, and the measurements of a Hubble constant 70.5 km/s per megaparsec. Doing so then the maximum size of the universe would be only 4,231 megaparsecs wide.
    Galaxies are spread out by a megaparsec on average. That's where the term megaparsec was born. Each megaparsec comes out to be about 3,261,563.8 light years. If the universe is only 13.8 billion years old then how fast could galaxies be moving away from us after 13.8 billion years if the Hubble constant were correct? Well, 13,800,000,000 light years / 3,261,563.8 (1 Mpc = 3,261,563.8 light years) = 4,231 megaparsecs wide. So we multiply 4,231 megaparsecs by 70.5 km/s and we get a velocity of 298,292 km/s. The speed of light is 300,000 km/s. Thus the furthest galaxy could only be moving away from us at a velocity of 298,292 km/s. 299,792,458 - 298,292 = 1,500 km/s. No galaxy would be moving away from us faster than the speed of light. If on average galaxies are separated by a megaparsec then there would be around 4,231 galaxies between us and the furthest galaxy moving away from us at a Hubble constant of 70.5 km/s per megaparsec. Thus indicating rapid cosmic inflation never occurred. All along the Hubble constant is able to explain how the universe filled with so many galaxies spread so far apart. No instant cosmic inflation and no abrupt stop. We only need to use the current observations of accelerated expansion of space to explain cosmic inflation.

    • @ronaldkemp3952
      @ronaldkemp3952 11 місяців тому

      @JSG3Yes, you're right. The postulate was because of the Hubble constant, an expansion of space equal to 70.5 km/s per megaparsec. Then galaxies further than 4,226 megaparsecs away would be receding away from us faster than the speed of light.

    • @williamhallick6627
      @williamhallick6627 9 місяців тому

      ☆₩0₩☆ Excellent observation and explanation ( I had to read it a couple of times to comprehend )
      So many different variables though - not the least of which is that scientists may be over thinking the available evidence / observations
      By the way - are you a professional, a scientist or something - or a knowledgeable, interested layman?

    @WSCLATER 9 місяців тому +2

    How can a theory prove anything? There seems to be a market for this sort of fantasy bullshit, usually delivered by some sort of hysterical voice.

  • @Kenjiro5775
    @Kenjiro5775 9 місяців тому +2

    Theories do not prove anything. Evidence supporting the theory does.

  • @darksword67
    @darksword67 11 місяців тому +18

    Be able to phase in and out of existence will be Child's Play because you'll be able to understand quantum entanglement and quantum mechanics to that of a single particle to be able to move yourself through a Quantum Bubble at that faster than the speed of light using time as a vessel of travel that way you never really break the speed of light but use time as a vessel to get to point A to point B faster than light can travel and be able to reconstitute the entirety of self because you are able to manipulate every single particle of your body down to the subatomic molecular level even the vacuum of space wouldn't bother you anymore because you can make oxygen from basically the components of the space-time Continuum and that of the particles in space because you're able to manipulate matter antimatter Dark Matter Dark Energy gravity electromagnetism stronger weak as well as inertia and other forms the cosmos we don't even know about and other laws of the Multiverse and Omniverse and multiple dimensional space through the space-time continuum

    • @aprilvereen3169
      @aprilvereen3169 11 місяців тому +5

      Where did all that come from? I ask because of how your paragraph starts, being able to...I hadn't watched the video yet but I liked your comment & want to understand how or when that would all be possible. Hope to hear back, been into all the space, quantum & physics stuff for a year or so not & it's helped me way more to understand things or accept what I don't understand or get. Thanks in advance, peace stranger ✌️

    • @rainbowinthedark453
      @rainbowinthedark453 11 місяців тому

      @@aprilvereen3169me too this comment was wild, and I’d love to know how to do all this. Could you imagine!?

    • @darksword67
      @darksword67 11 місяців тому

      All this comes from an amalgam of different scenarios to be able to play out if we live in a Multiverse if we live in Omniverse if we live in a constant state of probabilities such as shown by the Schrodinger effect then all things are possible it's even shown in your biblical text is shown in Vedic text in ancient texts even in Sumerian texts

    • @darksword67
      @darksword67 11 місяців тому

      What do you think your comic books your movies your sci-fi your action feels draw their inspiration from it's just a reiteration of what concepts we have been thinking about for millennium that are ancient ancestors through their architecture even carved in stone in blazing and symbols that will stand the test of time to project meaning for future generations to understand and grow from I need to learn from their mistakes and imagine a grinder world and you as part of it as part of an ever-expanding universe as your knowledge of wisdom expand as your technology progresses as your attitudes and perceptions change and as you question everything you begin to get a understanding even an inkling that will move you forward

    • @ProjectMoff
      @ProjectMoff 11 місяців тому +4

      You assume you understand self. If you could rearrange some particles that are in the exact configuration as your body do you really believe that will be you? You cannot truly say either way, it’s just an assumption. Say you made an exact replica, a clone basically, which one would be you? Are you defining self as body or awareness? Dig deep enough and you’ll realise you’ve made a big error like most people do, the self they believe themselves to be is an illusion, individuality is a concept taken as fact. The number of minds in the universe is one, mind is mind as gravity is gravity, there are no “gravity’s” and mind belongs to no one, it’s people that belong to mind, not the other way around, the thinker is a thought.

  • @quantum-co8zb
    @quantum-co8zb 11 місяців тому +2

    The existing of something from nothing seems impossible. From law of conservation of energy and mass it says that they cannot be created or destroy than what created this. The only solution according to me is that consciousness can create anything when u dream u create ur world from nothing. What was before big bang how it was created, what is existence, Do we really exist or I'm living in my dream, does this channel even exist before i found out, how much vast is our universe, can galaxy expand infinite,how much smaller can a thing go, can it go smaller than plancks length,

  • @jnhrtmn
    @jnhrtmn 11 місяців тому +1

    EVERYONE does what you do here. You talk about assumptions as if they are fact, and act like the leftovers are science totally forgetting the number of assumptions that you have settled on as fact. NUMBERS DO NOT DICTATE A REALITY, but modern science believes that exactly. "The wheels on the bus go round and round." This song describes a bus EXACTLY like math does, but it is not an understanding of a bus. The variables in gravity math are likely incidental, NOT CAUSAL. Modern science puts numbers before cause then derives cause from that MATH ANALOGY. The perfect analogy will FOOL modern science forever, because once it becomes math, IT IS NEVER SECOND-GUESSED.

  • @dwayneandrews2059
    @dwayneandrews2059 10 місяців тому +1

    1st off I'm not a mathematical prodigy or astrophysicist. Ex psychonaut and part time ethnobotanical student if you will. My basic theory is time and space are a linear illusion created by the confines of an experience of our external 3D world. Whenever we observe and study any phenomenon, patterns smaller or larger will emerge on a similar scale. Once consciousness is aware of itself, i.e. yourself or the unverse itself, your existesness is and always will be. Hope someone else concurs and the harmony of the universe falls back into place. Either way I believe we will always transcend entropy since "nothingness" can not exist even in within the confines of our hearts, bodies and souls which are infinite. Thanks for reading if you come this far, hopefully you will go farther.....

  • @robbieburns3564
    @robbieburns3564 9 місяців тому +1

    What is the theory? I grew bored and gave up watching around 9 mins because of the pretentious big-word babble fest here. The title drew me in but the sesquipedalian dialogue drove me away (there's a big word for ya!).

  • @halweilbrenner9926
    @halweilbrenner9926 9 місяців тому +1

    I have a limited understanding of physics, but "looking back in time" by means of powerful telescopes just seems uncomprehensible to me. Perhaps the extreme distance the light has to travel, seems to be a logical explanation, but it absolutely makes no sense to me.

  • @AlBirk-m1p
    @AlBirk-m1p 11 місяців тому +3

    Was made in seven days that's good enough for me......

  • @thexrayman50
    @thexrayman50 9 місяців тому +5

    I think Kozyrev and Oliver Heaviside were about the only true physicists that understood how things actually worked including this reality.

  • @mr.voidout4739
    @mr.voidout4739 9 місяців тому +1

    A theory is speculation.
    Evidence is proof.

  • @rocklerock495
    @rocklerock495 9 місяців тому +1

    Oh my goodness, you're one of those channels that uses AI voices to read some script. 💀

  • @katofmine
    @katofmine 9 місяців тому +1

    “Theory” and “Proves” don’t belong in the same sentence

  • @oddjob7821
    @oddjob7821 11 місяців тому +2

    In the words of Oliver Hardy. "Tell me that again"😂😂😂😂😂

  • @relaxsleep9189
    @relaxsleep9189 9 місяців тому +1

    Just like the stock photos, videos, and AI art. This video is an illusion

  • @steelersgoingfor7706
    @steelersgoingfor7706 9 місяців тому +1

    This theory proves? Theories cannot themselves prove a thing.

  • @ToxicTerrance
    @ToxicTerrance 11 місяців тому +2

    Okay, new sub here. Nice video.

  • @jacobwest7
    @jacobwest7 9 місяців тому +1

    If a tree makes no noise then cant you say the same for people when they arent being seen or heard by anyone

  • @mikey6214
    @mikey6214 9 місяців тому +1

    If you start at the end, look at all the time you will save.

  • @tigerscott2966
    @tigerscott2966 10 місяців тому +2

    If a tree falls in the woods even hundreds of miles away, people can still hear it...
    They just imagine they are standing in front of the tree as it falls to the ground..
    The human brain matches the frequencies of the event and YOU are there and YOU can hear everything as well....Thanks..

    • @factormars4339
      @factormars4339 10 місяців тому

      You fart now i hear.

    • @camoTiaras
      @camoTiaras 9 місяців тому

      Sound doesn't exist until the ear makes it.

    • @Sparkette
      @Sparkette 9 місяців тому

      You mean remote viewing/clairaudience?

    • @LuigiCotocea
      @LuigiCotocea 9 місяців тому


  • @jasonparmele8447
    @jasonparmele8447 9 місяців тому +1

    So until my mom had an ultrasound I didn't exist?

  • @robertcahoon5278
    @robertcahoon5278 9 місяців тому +1

    A theory can't prove anything....that's why it's a theory...duh!

    • @robbyjay8119
      @robbyjay8119 9 місяців тому

      I know right.. like duuuhhh..

  • @Walter-wo5sz
    @Walter-wo5sz 11 місяців тому +4

    Quantum mechanics works in mysterious ways. Sounds familiar.

    • @deathbydeviceable
      @deathbydeviceable 10 місяців тому +2

      "For every action there's an opposite reaction"
      Science just mirrors religion and the karmic cycle but they can't see it 😂

  • @mikecavossa6450
    @mikecavossa6450 9 місяців тому +1

    Quantum physics is bogus😂

  • @95Gabe
    @95Gabe 11 місяців тому +1

    A theory proves nothing at all.

  • @MrHaterplease
    @MrHaterplease 9 місяців тому +1

    AI voice = thumb down

  • @mrj3217
    @mrj3217 10 місяців тому +1

    I feel like every time in my life where I had a accident where I didn't get hurt bad but should have was the moment I shifted into multiverse where the me there took my place in my home world and this version of me died.
    I on the other hand think it was a close call and just move on with my life only noticing odd differences in this world iver time.

  • @frankplozza3672
    @frankplozza3672 11 місяців тому +4

    Reality is what we make of it!

  • @tondekoddar7837
    @tondekoddar7837 11 місяців тому +2

    One needs to understand measurement definition in this context. It's when interaction happens with such energy it "measures" something, so the tree and sound are there. Observer is also usually misunderstood as being something that's self-aware, kind of same thing.
    Planck is graininess of universe, read about fermions and bosons - one'll get understanding of "measuring" those by a group, collapsing the wavefunction by observing one of them, and also other very interesting happenings.
    Quantum mechanics being weird is our definition of weird.
    The maker of this video's views (like "one needs to accept multiverse", mistakes like "inflation happened _before_ big bang", "big bang theory explains the beginning of time" etc) - stuff that just isn't true.
    Entertaining video though yup.👍

  • @Eaglepass
    @Eaglepass 10 місяців тому

    ...Same answer...
    * Time itself the process elude decayed
    ...A processor Quirks even dipole tandem inflation or parallelogram simulation sources indicate.
    ...Time dilation occupys usable space.
    ...Incredible though is experiencing a Starlight Planetarium.
    ...The original question obsessed with no time.

  • @ivankaleoniefuchs333
    @ivankaleoniefuchs333 10 місяців тому

    Your video Title speaks of "Hidden Universe", but your video content speaks of "Hidden Reality". As you give examples of in your video showing attributes of Relative, or Quantum, existence. They are certainly not das same thing.
    Auf Wiedersehen

  • @itsanewworld
    @itsanewworld 11 місяців тому +2

    im the wave like a particle....bars

  • @margarita8442
    @margarita8442 11 місяців тому +1

    nothing new here

  • @GMT439
    @GMT439 9 місяців тому


  • @patrickhawthorneLS
    @patrickhawthorneLS 9 місяців тому

    A particle,atom,photon or what ever can be 1.(something) and in a USED state or 2.(free forming) OPEN
    When it is used,its destination and configuration is set and will act like it's known property
    When it is OPEN,it is a wave of possibility and can also be used in the quantum basis which is basically energy states
    Understanding or to be more clear,accepting that the quantum area (OPEN) is different to the USED every day decided matter yet are both compatible and the same is what is needed to allow unity
    The quantum stuff is the paint that is used to create both the colours and the painting in the physical large scale world

  • @terrymaccarrone9927
    @terrymaccarrone9927 10 місяців тому

    Consciousness is not being measured... That is about Vibration Frequency and Entropy...
    Thus travel between dimensions is possible..but where is the evidence ?
    It can be created but not transferred

  • @trinivet
    @trinivet 10 місяців тому

    If it's a theory, how can it prove something? If it does, it's a fact not theory. Name should be "This theory supports the....blah blah blah"

  • @dragonhawkeclouse2264
    @dragonhawkeclouse2264 9 місяців тому

    A quantumly entangled the exact moment that you measure one's location, measure the other's speed......then you know both position and speed of one particle

  • @TheGreatest1974
    @TheGreatest1974 9 місяців тому

    To me, of course a tree falling in the forest still makes a noise. Just because no ‘person’ is there doesn’t mean that NATURAL SOUND stops. ? So a ‘human’ HAS to witness something for it to have sound? What a load of rubbish.

  • @marblecavesdistillery1303
    @marblecavesdistillery1303 11 місяців тому +1

    Nice explanation of multivese Thanks

  • @Notevenallowedtoburnwood
    @Notevenallowedtoburnwood 9 місяців тому

    Come up with a unique idea for your doctorate.
    "Ok, there is stuff beyond stuff even though we can't explain the origins of our own universe and boiling water in a large pan boils quicker than the same amount of water in a smaller pan and you can hear the difference when pouring boiling water in a mug v's pouring just water".
    That will do....Dr.

  • @whitecloud3356
    @whitecloud3356 11 місяців тому +2

    Very informative

  • @scottgreen3807
    @scottgreen3807 9 місяців тому

    Not my words but, quantum physics is stranger than you think because it’s stranger than you can think. Multiverse, no.

  • @tooakki
    @tooakki 9 місяців тому

    The Uncertainty-Principle kinda loosens the grip of supposed Scientific Facts, nothing is concrete in the Quantum world.

  • @theslay66
    @theslay66 9 місяців тому

    Bad title.
    A theory can't prove anything. That's just not how it works.
    A theory relies on the hypothetic existence of something. And that's the theory that must be proven right.
    Well actually, even that is incorrect : You can only fail at proving it wrong. And only when you fail at proving it wrong, you gain confidence that the theory may be actually right, and that hypothetic something it relies on may be existing indeed.
    Hey, let me guess : The title was the only part not generated by an AI. Right ?

  • @camoTiaras
    @camoTiaras 9 місяців тому

    Nothing makes sound but ears.
    Nothing makes pictures but eyes.

  • @w.c.orielly9059
    @w.c.orielly9059 9 місяців тому

    im sure somebody has already though of this... but ill say it anyway... what if a "BIG BANG" ... event is incorrect and there isnt any real "beginning" but it is/was more like a constant ebb and flow like an unimaginable river always flowing at different rates forever expanding.. and the thing it is expanding into is simply itself and the size is so incomprehensable that it would be like a tartegrade trying to comprehend a galaxies motions.... we simply have no real idea yet... not yet

  • @jond7972
    @jond7972 9 місяців тому

    Theories don't prove anything. That's why they're theories. Have fun with your AI program though.

  • @oneom8158
    @oneom8158 9 місяців тому

    Firstly, a proven theory isn't a theory young man, it's a fact, so please, get your facts together and stop taking your dreams for reality. A theory will never be anything else than a theory and only proves your confusing and misleading believes to be reality... whatever beautiful music you surround it with, a theory is a believe not a fact..... Period

  • @carlacontini1172
    @carlacontini1172 9 місяців тому

    Theories do not prove anything. And scientific knowledge never exceeds the status of hypothesis. We know only one thing: "I think, therefore I am."

  • @mixedmessenger9545
    @mixedmessenger9545 9 місяців тому

    “Today a young man on acid realized all matter is merely energy condensed down to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, that there is no thing such as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here’s Tom with the weather.” -Bill Hicks

  • @brotatoechip.akadanielmcli7887
    @brotatoechip.akadanielmcli7887 9 місяців тому

    A theory can’t prove anything… hence it being a theory. It wouldn’t be a theory anymore. It would be factual.

  • @alkishadjinicolaou5831
    @alkishadjinicolaou5831 9 місяців тому

    How could this be true. Say I am here in Cyprus and I have a friend in England. Don't we both exist and do what we do? Is what we do dependant on us observing or thinking of one another? There must be a flaw - as had been argued by physicists - in quantum physics or we don't understand it completely.

  • @john7643
    @john7643 11 місяців тому +2

    The super small is just like the extra large, the major difference is the smallest values are influenced by everything around it to a much greater degree, just like a feather pushed by a gentle breeze wether a rock would need Gail force winds, the act of measuring alters the trajectory, there is no “weirdness” just a lack of understanding and knowledge, there’s a reason we don’t have a theory of everything. With all that said I’m amazed by how far our possible understanding of what this universe could be made of and how just blows my mind !!!

  • @cesarblsjr
    @cesarblsjr 9 місяців тому

    There is no uncertain... The quantum world is just too fast to our measure metods.. The nobel prize of this year (Attosecond) explains it.

  • @Jim-tv2tk
    @Jim-tv2tk 11 місяців тому

    Since when does a theory prove anything? A theory is an explanation for observations. I skipped around a bit so maybe I missed what scientists were afraid of, or it wasn't discussed. And you can't just state the multiverse exists. There is 0 evidence that it's anything more than a potential mathematical solution to wave collapse.

  • @kaycosti3631
    @kaycosti3631 9 місяців тому

    I challenge all (any) scientists and especially astrophysicists to do this (it is much easier than other things they’ve done): trace back the place where the “big bang” happened … you’ll definitely be surprised.

  • @stephencaudill2422
    @stephencaudill2422 9 місяців тому

    96 percent of universe is dark matter and dark energy, we only know about 4 percent of the universe, let's just accept the fact that we don't know much

  • @Power50505
    @Power50505 9 місяців тому

    Did he say Heisenberg? Man, I knew he was a good cook, but damn! even on the quantum level?! No wonder he had half of the US on that blue stuff.

  • @mikey6214
    @mikey6214 9 місяців тому +3

    The weirdness is because we don’t have an understanding of non-time. We are completely oblivious to this concept.
    In non-time everything already exists, or better said, every potential exists. What we see as movement and events in time is non-time being exposed into our time reality.
    Like dropping a mirror into infinite potential, thus reflecting/exposing what is already there. The mirror is time itself.
    It is this reflection that we see as reality. Each observer is like a tiny mirror exposing a finite piece of infinity.

    • @jnhrtmn
      @jnhrtmn 9 місяців тому +1

      I do believe that time does not exist beyond remember and anticipate. I also think that a truly fundamental physics is too small or even too large for us right now, so our theories are outright goofy and based in hasty assumptions. Math allows rote memory dependent people to thrive in physics, because it is a procedural path to understanding, and the problem is that the perfectly wrong analogy will fool them forever. Your post reads like there is no choice in thought, fate is set. I cannot go there. I understand the physical arguments over electrons and how it can be like playing a record, but that's the thing. -There is no record. I don't think nature even knows what a velocity is, much less, what I'm going to be thinking. There are infinite definitions for each velocity, and they do nothing until they change.

    • @CaptZdq1
      @CaptZdq1 9 місяців тому +1

      Time is merely the measure of motion.

    • @jnhrtmn
      @jnhrtmn 9 місяців тому

      @@CaptZdq1 I think sequence is a better word than time.

  • @roundgarage
    @roundgarage 8 місяців тому

    I am sorry that you do not understand quantum physics. Perhaps you should read up on the subject first. Next time try using a real human voice instead of ai.

  • @DAWOL2025-fs1ve
    @DAWOL2025-fs1ve 9 місяців тому

    Na, that picture is just light bouncing back and forth between two passive reflectors, in this case mirrors.
    Telecommunications technology used to bounce microwaves around corners as they travel in straight lines, using 2 panels angled just right to make a microwave go around corners like if a mountain was in the way. A lot cheaper than building another relay tower

  • @VaultWeasel
    @VaultWeasel 9 місяців тому

    Here is something.
    I hit your like button.
    Now, imagine me clicking on it, are you imagining a human being clicking a mouse, pressing a screen, or did you image me as a Cartoon Character doing it?
    In one universe its a cartoon
    In another universe its a human being
    And if you thought Alien, I must ask you to look into this real quick.

  • @SamuTheFrog
    @SamuTheFrog 9 місяців тому

    "Theory" "proves" nothing. It is theory. If the theory it's self is just that, a theory, it can't prove anything, only further theorize.

  • @kennethanway7979
    @kennethanway7979 9 місяців тому

    I think that light is made of particles that move in a wave...if you can view them in slow motion, thay are normal speed, They look like a wave?

  • @commodoor6549
    @commodoor6549 9 місяців тому

    " _The sound was there but you couldn't be sure the tree was_ ." That is the stupidest thing ever spoken on the UA-camz. But if we're assuming that the natural world exists, (independent of theoretical posits about the mind creating reality, and/or the absence of a double slit quantum scenario), then if no one was there to hear, there would still be flucuations in air pressure present, but nothing there to detect those oscillations in pressure, which is sound, i.e, the detection of fluctuations in air pressure. So the answer is actually no, there is no sound.

  • @jerrycratsenberg989
    @jerrycratsenberg989 9 місяців тому

    Can a field mouse know and describe a 1954 Buick Roadmaster? To think that we can know the universe, is to believe that our minds, our methods of masurement, our theories are somehow not limited severely just as those of a field mouse. As a species we are absurdly and undeservedly arrogant as we gather our measurements and calculations and results of experiments that can only result in a description that may not even resemble any all encompassing reality. Rather, what we see and calulate and theorize is a universe no different than the measurements and calculations of a fied mouse searching through a scatter of leaves in which it believes that it knows that there are seeds on which it can feed. Of course we would have to believe and agree on our abiity to calculate and define the universe because our minds are the minds of humans and we can see only what human beings can see or think that we see. We have the moment, the now, eternity, that which has no beginning and no end. Everything else is perhaps interesting, perhaps entertaining, perhaps intriguingly curious, but a fantasy that is no different than a cat trying to figure out its reflection in a mirror. The end is just beyond the reach of the latest most powerful telescope launched into space, that can only send us information that we, as human beings, can recoginize and perhaps understand and which will reenforce our human arrogance. LOL

  • @mikey6214
    @mikey6214 9 місяців тому +1

    Existence IS something experiencing something.
    One does not exist on its own. One exists relative to another.
    That is what existence is, one experiencing another.
    Until something is experienced by is all potential.

  • @cincinnatipedalsteel4347
    @cincinnatipedalsteel4347 8 місяців тому

    When a THEORY proves something it is no longer a theory but a fact.
    The title of this video is not accurate.

  • @billjohnson9472
    @billjohnson9472 6 місяців тому

    uhh theories don't "prove" anything. observations provide evidence for theories.

  • @hp.a.
    @hp.a. 8 місяців тому

    Especulación. Científica pero, especulación.

  • @MarcelCramer
    @MarcelCramer 9 місяців тому

    If you read the Upanishads and dive into advaita vedanta you will 'stumble' over consciousness from the get go. If consciousness is able to 'be' in the way we see it and 'not be' at te same time without it changing itself it could mean that the all is makeable. Now, to quantum. Consciousness sees itself, the wave, and the fact that it sees itself combined with the nature in this universe where consciousness will manifest, so, there be a particle. The consciousness simply wants and needs to eye itself with the result that it is a wave or less but simply cannot because it wants to objectify itself....

  • @mikerotonda6264
    @mikerotonda6264 9 місяців тому

    Actually a theory is just a theory.. So it really doesn't prove anything..

  • @kutsy3785
    @kutsy3785 9 місяців тому

    Theres a huge missconception about quantum physics and many uneducated people who look up at some videos about double slit experiment think that they know what theyre talking about. Its never been the case that the observer makes the wave collapse into a particle but rather the act of observation due to very miniscule energies involved, collapses the wave into a particle and its not that things are never certain, its simply that they cannot be measured to be certain due to interactions with the particles would cause interference, hence you can never know particles position and its speed at the same time. This is where non-determinism missconception comes from. And collapse due to measurement interference stemmed missconception that observer causes the particle to collapse. Both of which are bollocks if you knew anything about physics.

  • @hqironing2285
    @hqironing2285 9 місяців тому

    So where are these participants going to do it? We’ll make a sphere that is large and they can be stuck to its surface: that will be the stage. What’s outside the big sphere? Well we’ll make it nothing - like just black nothingness. With vast distances between their sphere and anything else. Yes, that will keep them on the stage and concentrating on the stimuli.

  • @costrio
    @costrio 9 місяців тому

    Every input to my human brain comes through my senses but I can step in a dog's poo without seeing it first. It did exist when I stepped on it and by the time realization reached my brain, it was a past event due to the time lag in transmitting the sensory signal. Everything I sense is in the past, ergo, I am alone in my "now" waiting for the world to catch up with me.
    In one sense, I am my own universe because others may not receive the same sensory inputs that I do and have differeent opinions on the state of "their" universe, perhaps?

  • @Monkofmagnesia
    @Monkofmagnesia 9 місяців тому

    If anything can PROVE something to be true, it cannot be called a , "theory."

  • @natep1661
    @natep1661 9 місяців тому

    FYI the James web space telescope disproved the big bang theory.

  • @pieinthesky4106
    @pieinthesky4106 9 місяців тому

    Ja, ja, ja. If we knew everything we would know everything.

  • @Blorper
    @Blorper 9 місяців тому

    I love reading the armchair philosophers arguing in this comment section, pretty funny stuff

  • @JohnDavis-qw3he
    @JohnDavis-qw3he 11 місяців тому

    How many angles off a single atom. There's your hidden variables.

  • @us-unclesam6566
    @us-unclesam6566 9 місяців тому

    If we didn't have quantum science, a lot of people would be out of work. Where else could they work?

  • @patriotcanuck6485
    @patriotcanuck6485 9 місяців тому

    It's quantum theory. Non of this has been proven to be fact just like most science, its mostly just theory.

  • @OfficeASUUC
    @OfficeASUUC 10 місяців тому

    Yes, but against your evidence I have my feeling that it's icky. So, same same.

  • @mrjimjimjimmyjim9824
    @mrjimjimjimmyjim9824 9 місяців тому

    8:29 dough doesnt expand cos it has raisins in it when it bakes?! this is what the yeast does!
    it also doesnt help that this video is almost entirely fraudalently copied from a nasa article explaining an expanding universe - all without citing your source or crediting the article?!

  • @OlakalO
    @OlakalO 9 місяців тому

    From everything you’ve said here it sounds like the only logical explanation is creation from a template

  • @salorostov576
    @salorostov576 9 місяців тому

    Isn't that a paradox? "This THEORY PROVES" LOL

  • @victorfinberg8595
    @victorfinberg8595 11 місяців тому

    at the very beginning, you make a very big mistake. quantum physics does NOT apply to objects as large as trees. all of the "interesting" effects are washed out by averaging over large numbers of systems that ARE governed by quantum effects.

  • @sixten8493
    @sixten8493 9 місяців тому

    Gradually finding out how marvellous the design, why not believe in a Creator?

  • @martinmartin8894
    @martinmartin8894 9 місяців тому

    Theories don't prove anything. Theory is at best an explanation of something.

  • @waywardsonsgamerclan
    @waywardsonsgamerclan 10 місяців тому

    Multiverse is irrelevant given an inf or ever expanding universe everything would be bound to repeat maytimes anyhow eventually multiverse or not replicating one in a fashion.

  • @wesleymccravy901
    @wesleymccravy901 9 місяців тому

    You got the uncertainty principle entirely wrong. Once you know one value in know the other or exclusion of indefinitely.

  • @cogsnbanjo
    @cogsnbanjo 10 місяців тому

    Everything travelling at the speed of light has an infinite life relative to us so photons exist for infinity. But how long does a photon exist relative to a photon. Is it one second? One millisecond? Does anyone know? If it is one millisecond then the existence of the universe begins and ends in one millisecond of time within the life of a single photon.