Stockfish17 shows a SURPRISE WEAPON against the French Defense!!!

  • Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
  • [Event "Import"]
    [Site ""]
    [Date "2025.02.09"]
    [White "Stockfish 17 64-bit"]
    [Black "Devre 6.0 64-bit"]
    [Result "1-0"]
    [GameId "Vy6HKPaM"]
    [WhiteElo "3622"]
    [BlackElo "3504"]
    [Variant "Standard"]
    [TimeControl "-"]
    [ECO "C11"]
    [Opening "French Defense: Steinitz Variation, Bradford Attack Variation"]
    [Termination "Unknown"]
    [Annotator ""]
    1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. f4 c5 6. dxc5 Bxc5 7. Qg4 { C11 French Defense: Steinitz Variation, Bradford Attack Variation } O-O 8. Bd3 f5 9. Qh3 Qb6 10. Nge2 Bf2+ 11. Kf1 Nc5 12. b4 Nxd3 13. Qxd3 Bd7 14. Rb1 Bh4 15. Be3 Qc7 16. Bc5 Rc8 17. Qh3 b6 18. Bd6 Qd8 19. g4 fxg4 20. Qxg4 Be7 21. Rg1 Qf8 22. Bxe7 Qxe7 23. b5 Rc4 24. Qf3 Qf7 25. Kf2 Be8 26. Rg5 Nd7 27. Rbg1 g6 28. h4 Rac8 29. h5 Nf8 30. hxg6 hxg6 31. Rh5 Rxc3 32. Nxc3 d4 33. f5 Rxc3 34. Qh1 Rxc2+ 35. Ke1 Rc1+ 36. Kd2 Qg7 37. Kxc1 Qxe5 38. Qh2 Qxh2 39. Rxh2 exf5 40. Rc2 Ne6 41. Rc8 Kf7 42. a4 g5 43. Rh1 Ng7 44. Rh7 f4 45. Rc7+ Kf6 46. Rhxg7 Bh5 47. Rg8 { White wins. } 1-0
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  • @joseraulcapablanca8564
    @joseraulcapablanca8564 12 годин тому +3

    A very interesting idea,well played by the fish and good analysis. I ordered one of you rucksacks today all my friends at the club were impressed. Thanks Josip.

  • @webdevelopment7759
    @webdevelopment7759 12 годин тому +3

    Bradford Attack...learnt this for the first time because of your video. Keep up the great work Jozarov!

  • @EnriqueBecerra-x7s
    @EnriqueBecerra-x7s 10 годин тому +1

    Brillante ataque de Stockfish, gracias jozarov, saludos

  • @Jaylooker
    @Jaylooker 8 годин тому +1

    That’s an interesting opening. If black plays 6. … Nc6 instead of 6. … Bxc5, white has a3 to wait and still play the same idea of Qg4 on Bxc5.

  • @GeorgeEpting
    @GeorgeEpting 12 годин тому +1

    When you said that black is slightly better is wrong and not because stockfish can make it work but because black castled on king side and whites most valuable pieces are facing and or favorable towards the king so let's understand this insight.first reaction is concede and then there where you would like to admit for no one wants failure for a reaction for if someone tells you without proof the sight of what's true in reality comes from experiencing the objective truth of a situation.😮my numbers doesn't come from a program but needs to be made by one.