Defense started his day sweating bullets 😳 Ended his day shitting bricks Midday Monday Morn; "It's been a long week." Poor guy 👦 trying so hard to defend the defenseless.
What’s important is the fact that this ex-officer kept his knee on Floyd’s’ neck, cutting off the blood flow, for 9 minutes, the end result was death! He had the opportunity to remove his knee and didn’t!!!
I want to know if Derek Chauvin has any history of drug abuse in his police career. I want to know if his blood was tested the day he killed George Floyd. Did Derek ever interact with George or mention George when they both worked security at that little restaurant/ club? I would like to see the Prosecution call Chauvin's ex wife as a witness and ask her these things.
I feel bad for this Dr. He had just got his License in May 2020 and first time to Testify. I can see why he is not very happy. I give him 100% he is a great Dr for just starting out and he will be great in the future. Thank you Dr. Bradford for trying to save George Floyd but he was already decreased. RIP George Floyd
I feel the exact same way and your comment was what I thought too. I think you're spot on and instead of writing basically the same thing I'm leaving you a comment. He seems upset about not being able to save George because he tried so hard. I wonder if he was mad after finding out why he was in a full code. RIP George. This is gut wrenching to see that video so many times. All George wanted was his mom 💙 I felt sadness for him in his last moments, senseless, and so sad. I just lost my mom to suicide and I long to hear her voice and get mommy hugs. I'm sorry this man had to die. He was scared and alone while dying. I hope he's with his mom 😢
When the defense was attempting to show that Derek's knee was no longer on Mr. Floyd's neck, you can also see that Derek was holding onto Floyd's limp hand. So I was fixated on that. Just as the Chief of Police said, I suspect as well, Floyd was dead prior to the ambulance arriving. Derek had to have known that Mr. Floyd was dead because he held his hand, even the driver of the ambulance just looked at Mr. Floyd and could tell he wasn't breathing and he didn't have to even touch him. This is how evil is through the centuries, when one does evil others follow along. Not one of those cops said anything and they all had training that this was a dangerous position this man was held in. Even as he screamed for his life. Even as the crowd shouted to let him up!!
Yes even there other officer (not Tao) the one holding Floyd down, you could tell he was incredibly shaken by the incident. He knew exactly what happened there and not they are trying to change the narrative. If Chauvin is not evil for killing Floyd, he is even more evil for trying to blame the death on Floyd himself instead of taking accountability.
I love how knowledgeable Chief Arradondo is with the defense. Also the fact that he re-examines some of the questions asked and addresses them thoroughly to the defense as well as eye to eye contact with the jury.
George Floyd was under all that distress and never threatened or called them out of their names. He never cursed or used foul language - he plead for his life the entire time.
The Police Chief did a Great job and he is very professional in his job. I give him 100 %. He is right on top of his job... Couldn't ask for a better Chief 💙💙 Defense is trying very hard 👍👍 Good luck Defense your going to need it. 👊👊
@@MKL614 Well the good people in the city don't seem to agree look record breaking crime rate.... that sounds perfect right homicides at a decade high and nobody going to want to stay but the criminals and I say let them.
Defense is running out of facts to support their case. Did officer Chauvin received use of force training? Yes or No. when and how doesn’t matter. Smh.
But we’re the witnesses at the crime scene or manufactured outside of the crime scene, there is no getting away with this one and it is a huge insult that they even tried..
Defense is expected to argue that Chauvin received specific training that the technique he employed was part of training, despite what other officers have testified to ( ! ), and is used hundreds of times a year in that city with no deaths before. Being able to say that he followed his training, even for the most part, is important in an excessive force question.
@@TWteedoubleu I am pretty sure, everybody trained or untrained knows how to put a knee on a neck without killing a man. He literally twisted his knee deep inside that neck..just evil and sinister..but what's more shocking is the lack of empathy, even the other officers looked shaken by the incident..except Chauvin and Tao, just sick
In Lt Johnny Mercil testimony, he said wrestlers knock out their opponent by pressing on the back of the shoulder/neck and compressing the frontal carotid artery by it being against an arm or leg, thereby directly compressing the carotid artery until the opponent passes out from oxygen deprivation... then they release the hold. In this case, Chauvin pressed on the neck/back of Floyd with the front of Floyd's neck firmly against the pavement, which caused Floyd to pass out due to hypoxia. The difference here is Wrestlers immediately release the neck restrain, where here Chauvin continued compressing the carotid artery four an additional four minutes after the body went totally limp and an involuntary stream of urine became visible running onto the street from Floyd's limp body.
I have Never seen such a pitiful array of lies from lawyers and their clients in my life. then this could be the norm. Pitiful humans. They must not know God saw what happened.!!!
Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others. “But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah. The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted". (Matthew 23 NIV) You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything, in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath, or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents up to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. If my people who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, I will hear from Heaven, will forgive their sins, and will heal their land. And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. "Matthew 5-7 NIV Bible Gateway", we can use google search. These are the teachings, The Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ our God. REPENT, and start doing what is right. If you abide my teachings, you are really my disciples; then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. A time is coming and has now come, that the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. God is Spirit, so his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and Truth; they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. In the New Heaven and New Earth, only Righteousness dwells. May the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ our God be with you all.
Let's pretend he was overdosing on drugs......the police highly suspected he was on drugs from the beginning. Why then would they lay him in the prone position...while he was handcuffed and provide him no medical assistance at all? He said he was having a hard time breathing before they even tried to get him in the back seat. The breathing issues should have been addressed before anything else. He was already in handcuffs. He wasn't going anywhere. Is there anything anywhere that says he has to be placed in the car immediately or within a specific amount of time? He was scared. He voiced, very clearly that he was having anxiety, that he was scared and that he was having a hard time breathing. This was before he was even put in the car. The police are trained how to spot both mental health issues and medical issues. I have experience with anxiety and panic attacks personally and he appeared to me to be having a panic attack. He told them he was shot by the policy previously. Imagine being shot. Imagine the fear of that happening again. The drugs may or may not have had any impact on how he reacted. I think having had his previous experience it makes sense why he got anxious and panicked. Mr. Floyd clearly communicated that he was having either mental health or medical issues. He said "I'm scared, I have anxiety, I'm claustrophobic, I can't breath" as they were walking towards the SUV. He told them he would get in the car he just needed a minute and asked if he could do a countdown which sounds like some sort of coping technic he knows to use for claustrophobia. He was actually very clear with his words even being that he was very upset. There is no reason they couldn't have said "okay, have a seat on the curb, catch your breath" And then called a CIT person or just given him a chance to calm down. Testimony explained they are taught to do that. None of them at any time tried to deescalate or consider what was happening with him besides the drugs....and I don't care if he was on drugs...does that mean he deserved to die? If he was convicted in court of drug charges would he have been sentenced to death? No. Him being on drugs is completely 100% irrelevant. If they thought he was having a drug related response that is even more reason they should not have laid him prone on the ground. It further clarifies in my mind that the police were wrong here. None of the officers tried to administer any medical care which they have a duty to do. They failed. There is no way to know if he had been given medical interventions if he would have survived an OD if that was what was even happening, which there was no evidence of. He was walking and talking just fine beforehand. I have read through some of these comments here and the people talking about how Chauvin is not guilty or anything about it just being an OD make me sick. He did not deserve what happened to him. Nobody would deserve that.
Despite the expensive excuses put forward by the defense lawyer the fact remains a man is dead. Without any training what so ever anybody on the street is aware that if you cut off somebodys air supply they will die. If this officer required training to understand such a basic fact then it beggers belief that he survived ninteen years on the police force.
The prosecution will need to prove that Floyd’s air supply was cut off by Chauvin. The defense is arguing that it wasn’t, and that drug overdose is the cause of death. There will be more doctors to testify to both sides in the coming days.
@@TWteedoubleu The fact that death was cause by Chauvin is already proved..whether he did it in purpose is a case for another day. But dont assume because he was a black man that people are not taking this case seriously.
All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy. All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.
Minnesota is a Class Act City And Eric Nelson is doing an extremely professional Job. Chauvin is truly evil for the Cold & Heartless way he has responded to this life & Death situation. Chauvin will pay.
@@TWteedoubleu No, he killed that man and he is not remorseful. Whether or not he did it on purpose is a case for another day but it is a damn shame that he sits there and tries to blame the victim for his own death
Watch the body camera footage. George Floyd was incoherent, non compliant, and he was foaming at the mouth. He complained that he couldn't breathe seven times before he was even placed on the ground. Floyd also had 11 ng/ml of fentanyl, which 3 ng/ml is potentially lethal. He had 0.65 ng/ml of 4-ANPP, 0.65 ng/ml of 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC, 2.9 ng/ml of Delta-9 THC, 5.6 ng/ml of norfentanyl, which is a metabolite of fentanyl. He had 19 ng/ml of methamphetamine, 42 ng/ml of Delta-9 Carboxy THC, and he was postitive+ for cotinine. According to an autopsy doctor, had he been found home alone, it his death would've been called an overdose. Floyd was not suffocated. He was not a victim of police brutality. He overdosed.
@@seahorse2 Still doesn't deter than he had well over LETHAL amounts of fentanyl in his system. Look at the toxicology report. It confirms that data. The guy who gave Floyd the counterfeit money refused to testify because he was giving drugs to Floyd, and he didn't want to incriminate himself. I'm telling you, everything you've been told has been a lie. The autopsy doctor said that had he been found home alone, they would've ruled his death an overdose.
@@cs-7 Sorry. I've watched the trial, and heard the witnesses. And listened. The ER doctor confirmed asphyxiation. The tox report confirms that there was no overdose. The chief confirms excessive force was used, as do others. You are misinformed, and spreading misinformation.
@@seahorse2 I think you are misinformed. I think that these people are saying that floyd was killed because that's the narrative that majority of people want to believe. Just like derek chauvin will probably go to jail. Although he might not get the death penalty or life in prison, no prison sentence will satisfy the left. If he is sentenced to death, they'll complain that they're giving him the easy way out. If he gets 25 years to life, they'll complain that he's not being punished severely enough. No matter what happens, there will be turmoil because the left is never satisfied, even when they get their way. Dr. Anthony Baker said that had he been found all by himself, his death would've been ruled an overdose.
@@cs-7 not true..I dont know what left or right you are talking about but the video clearly showed that man killing another man. You must have very little regard for human life if you think you can twist that narrative to declare the killer innocent
I don't get the defence logic that the people watching and getting upset at what is happening is contrary to being able to deescalate. Among that group was a first responder who can be objective and also the lady in the call centre who saw something unusual. That would be a real perverse event if that is deemed to be true. It would effectively nullify any future videos or witness testimony. He is trying to make it something it is not, in its raw form it is the killing of a person, slowly.
The senior homicide detective "zimmerman" was on the witness stand and said the crowd cannot make you do such a thing. He was really clear that what was done was wrong. The problem is that everyone saw that it is wrong but refused to do anything about it, except the people in the crowd who tried their best
@@MKL614 It is interesting that even within day 7 the defence council are still trying to make the witnesses culpable by virtue of being there. The defence is twisting valid human concern of anothers wellbeing into a potential threat.
@@kristinflugaur-wessell1063 It's smart to keep him quiet. Not very hard for him to do -- I read that Chauvin was pretty quiet and emotionally detached before this.
In a very light manner not as aggressive as he did it and definitely not jamming it in even further through out the time and definitely not after he stopped resisting and was dead!! And definitely not when the paramedics arrived.
@@captinbeyond cops didn't find a pulse! They did know! That was revealed in the body cam footage! Trainer even said that position is NOT part of the training she didn't even recognize it. If his own department isn't defending him than you shouldn't be either!
@@FCUK- No pulse? again, it does not prove Chauvin caused him to lose that pulse . You simply don't understand the charges against Chauvin nor the burden of proof required to convict
@@captinbeyond you do know the autopsy and medical experts already ruled it a homicide don't you? Yes we will see when the cause of death is revealed. Stay tuned 😉
In my assessment, this Defence lawyer took on a case that was far beyond his ability. I'm glad he wasn't representing an innocent person in this case. This was hard to watch!!!!
Wish Juan Martinez, the lawyer who prosecuted Jodi Arias, for killing her boyfriend, and won, was still able to practice, and be the prosecuting attorney in THIS case!! WOOOOO he'd have that courtroom hopping!! They couldn't handle his genius! And he would win!!
.That murderous cop used his training in a derogatory way. And we wonder why people have so much trust in cops. Remember, one bad apple can and will spoil the whole.
Not really he doesn't have anything to do but to just poke a hole and the truth and try to get one of those Caucasian people to say that that monster is innocent I could do that
He died of a drug overdose. Not a knee on the neck. He was saying I cant breathe before they even got in into the car, way before the knee incident. If he couldn't breathe he wouldn't have been able to talk..
He was most likely having a panic attack which would cause shortness of breath or the feeling of shortness of breath. Mr. Floyd actually communicated extremely clearly that he had anxiety, he stated he was claustrophobic, he said had previously been shot by the police. Understandably a person with anxiety who is put in a stressful situation would behave in the way Mr. Floyd did. My daughter suffers from panic attacks and they were actually misdiagnosed as asthma for a while because her oxygen levels would lower during the attacks. As far as drugs...maybe....probably even.....HOWEVER.....the police suspected he was on drugs and heard him saying he couldn't breath long before they even put him on the ground and kneeled on him. If a person is saying they can't breath....that should absolutely 100% be addressed....before they even tried to put him in the back seat that should have been addressed. His medical and mental health concerns should have been addressed first and as a priority. He didn't deserve to die or have his medical needs neglected because he was possibly drugs. If they suspected he was having a hard time breathing because of drugs that is exactly why he should have never been put in the prone position. In court when people are convicted of drug offenses the death penalty is not used. Maybe he would have died of a drug overdose that day, but because the policy encountered him they should have offered assistance for that. He was accused of using a fake $20 bill. That doesn't receive the death penalty in court either.
I would agree with some here that COP Arronondo is an excellent ambassador for Minnesota. Watching Nelson from 5 hours in trying to defend the indefensible is painful. I wonder who it was that put up $1m bail for Chauvin?
The body cam showed his knee was on his shoulder for a very shortened period of time (just before the paramedics showed up on scene). 4:48:42 clearly shows the knee on floyd's neck as you can clearly see his entire shoulder. How can his knee have been on his shoulder (even if it was just for a few seconds) if his knee is just under his ear. So because his knee was not on his neck for 1 minute out of 9, he should be found not responsible? That argument doesn't fly. They would have to prove that he would have died of an OD that day, with or without his knee on his neck. Good luck with that.
The whole world saw that the knee was on his neck up to the point when paramedics arrived. You can't spin this! There is eye witness account and video evidence...
Thank you Chief Arradondo!
Defense started his day sweating bullets 😳 Ended his day shitting bricks
Midday Monday Morn; "It's been a long week."
Poor guy 👦 trying so hard to defend the defenseless.
I know 😅 they have NO defense dude is definitely trying hard. Just going in circles tho.
The Defense regrouped in cross-examination of LT today - hopefully jurors aren't falling for it tho'
@@arlethajoseph4971 haven't seen today's yet! But yeah nervous about what the jurors will decide.
@@FCUK- do not be nervous, good people sit in high places.
What’s important is the fact that this ex-officer kept his knee on Floyd’s’ neck, cutting off the blood flow, for 9 minutes, the end result was death! He had the opportunity to remove his knee and didn’t!!!
The expert witness has stated that the knee was not on the neck but the shoulder instead. Camera angle makes it look bad, but it was not on his neck
@@captinbeyond it was on his neck
What are your credentials compared to the photos and expert testimony that was shown in thd trial today?
@@rockytoronto It was on his back. You should have watched todays show.
@@buck-johnson they are just twisting the narrative, the knee on his neck took him out. Periodt.
I want to know if Derek Chauvin has any history of drug abuse in his police career. I want to know if his blood was tested the day he killed George Floyd. Did Derek ever interact with George or mention George when they both worked security at that little restaurant/ club? I would like to see the Prosecution call Chauvin's ex wife as a witness and ask her these things.
What happened to that story
I feel bad for this Dr. He had just got his License in May 2020 and first time to Testify. I can see why he is not very happy. I give him 100% he is a great Dr for just starting out and he will be great in the future. Thank you Dr. Bradford for trying to save George Floyd but he was already decreased. RIP George Floyd
I feel the exact same way and your comment was what I thought too. I think you're spot on and instead of writing basically the same thing I'm leaving you a comment. He seems upset about not being able to save George because he tried so hard. I wonder if he was mad after finding out why he was in a full code. RIP George. This is gut wrenching to see that video so many times. All George wanted was his mom 💙 I felt sadness for him in his last moments, senseless, and so sad. I just lost my mom to suicide and I long to hear her voice and get mommy hugs. I'm sorry this man had to die. He was scared and alone while dying. I hope he's with his mom 😢
@D Tinsley He called his mom that also from her testimony, so they were both called mama..
@D Tinsley Yes she testified to that so it's a, fact. Look up her testimony. Take care 😊
Yes, the doctor is really smart. He will be a great doctor!
When the defense was attempting to show that Derek's knee was no longer on Mr. Floyd's neck, you can also see that Derek was holding onto Floyd's limp hand. So I was fixated on that. Just as the Chief of Police said, I suspect as well, Floyd was dead prior to the ambulance arriving. Derek had to have known that Mr. Floyd was dead because he held his hand, even the driver of the ambulance just looked at Mr. Floyd and could tell he wasn't breathing and he didn't have to even touch him. This is how evil is through the centuries, when one does evil others follow along. Not one of those cops said anything and they all had training that this was a dangerous position this man was held in. Even as he screamed for his life. Even as the crowd shouted to let him up!!
Yes even there other officer (not Tao) the one holding Floyd down, you could tell he was incredibly shaken by the incident. He knew exactly what happened there and not they are trying to change the narrative. If Chauvin is not evil for killing Floyd, he is even more evil for trying to blame the death on Floyd himself instead of taking accountability.
Kendal, I didn't notice til you said that!! Oh my gosh! But I agree, yes he knew. Do read my previous comment!
@@MKL614 beautifully stated!! ❤️
I love how knowledgeable Chief Arradondo is with the defense. Also the fact that he re-examines some of the questions asked and addresses them thoroughly to the defense as well as eye to eye contact with the jury.
The defense is arguing a lot of hypotheticals and a broad spectrum of possibilities. Let's stick to the facts.
Is triple the lethal amount of fentanyl in a bloodstream and lack of damage to the trachea a fact for you?
@@jimmcphearson7252 just like the defense, you will try to twist the narrative but it wont work because we all saw what happened..
@@jimmcphearson7252 just like the defense, you will try to twist the narrative but it wont work because we all saw what happened..
Thank you, CBS! Police Chief did a great job.
Until he's on the streets because no officers stay
@@chavezchrissy good people are everywhere, evil officers will leave but do not think in your head that God has jo plan to replace them.
George Floyd was under all that distress and never threatened or called them out of their names. He never cursed or used foul language - he plead for his life the entire time.
Then when EMS arrive he dragged George like he was trash to the gurney
That needs to be addressed! Absolutely zero respect was shown to him during the so called load and go. What a terrible choice of words.
What is Chauvin writing ? Literally non-stop!! Oh no, not a book already !!!!!
He hasn't uttered a word
His life is on the line. I’d be writing everything as well.
He is finally taking notes on the training he decided didn't pertain to him obviously...a little too late..
Everybody in there is putting on a show for a movie part here come Netflix and Hulu plus
@@dennisthomas6338 oh yes of course. Why didn’t I think of that!!
The Police Chief did a Great job and he is very professional in his job. I give him 100 %. He is right on top of his job... Couldn't ask for a better Chief 💙💙 Defense is trying very hard 👍👍 Good luck Defense your going to need it. 👊👊
Good luck Minneapolis hear more police are leaving without thinking twice now people can deal with it themselves see how that works
How's the crime rate going there?
@@chavezchrissy dirty cops leaving is good riddance
Bet he's not out saving lives 3 dead again today dude needs to be out on the streets making arrests as homicide is now at a all time high in his city
@@MKL614 Well the good people in the city don't seem to agree look record breaking crime rate.... that sounds perfect right homicides at a decade high and nobody going to want to stay but the criminals and I say let them.
Someone is still drawing his hangman on his notepad...
Yeah, I wonder what he is writing 'how can I defend the indefensible?' maybe?
Defense is running out of facts to support their case. Did officer Chauvin received use of force training? Yes or No. when and how doesn’t matter. Smh.
Defense hasn't put on their witnesses yet
But we’re the witnesses at the crime scene or manufactured outside of the crime scene, there is no getting away with this one and it is a huge insult that they even tried..
Defense is expected to argue that Chauvin received specific training that the technique he employed was part of training, despite what other officers have testified to ( ! ), and is used hundreds of times a year in that city with no deaths before. Being able to say that he followed his training, even for the most part, is important in an excessive force question.
@@TWteedoubleu I am pretty sure, everybody trained or untrained knows how to put a knee on a neck without killing a man. He literally twisted his knee deep inside that neck..just evil and sinister..but what's more shocking is the lack of empathy, even the other officers looked shaken by the incident..except Chauvin and Tao, just sick
I want Chief Madaria Arradondo to bring out an audiobook.... I'd buy it right away - whatever the story. His voice is soooo soothing.
Any ideas on WTF the defendant is writing?? Last will & testament perhaps?
Colleen Lally-ross Is what I've been thinking! Probably writing over and over - don't let them convict me, don't let them convict me, don't let....!!
Probably writing notes in case he is convicted so he can file his appeal
In Lt Johnny Mercil testimony, he said
wrestlers knock out their opponent by pressing on the back of the shoulder/neck
and compressing the frontal carotid artery by it being against an arm or leg,
thereby directly compressing the carotid artery until the opponent passes out
from oxygen deprivation... then they release the hold. In this case, Chauvin
pressed on the neck/back of Floyd with the front of Floyd's neck firmly against
the pavement, which caused Floyd to pass out due to hypoxia. The difference
here is Wrestlers immediately release the neck restrain, where here Chauvin
continued compressing the carotid artery four an additional four minutes after
the body went totally limp and an involuntary stream of urine became visible
running onto the street from Floyd's limp body.
He’s going be cell mates with 350 pound flamer named Gorgeous George
Haven't heard the real questions asked.
Is it the job of police officers to arrest or to punish?
Are suspects innocent or guilty?
I have Never seen such a pitiful array of lies from lawyers and their clients in my life. then this could be the norm. Pitiful humans. They must not know God saw what happened.!!!
Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others.
“But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah. The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted".
(Matthew 23 NIV)
You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything, in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath, or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents up to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
If my people who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, I will hear from Heaven, will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
This, then, is how you should pray:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
"Matthew 5-7 NIV Bible Gateway", we can use google search.
These are the teachings,
The Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ our God.
REPENT, and start doing what is right.
If you abide my teachings, you are really my disciples; then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
A time is coming and has now come, that the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. God is Spirit, so his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and Truth; they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
In the New Heaven and New Earth,
only Righteousness dwells.
May the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ our God be with you all.
Love this
Let's pretend he was overdosing on drugs......the police highly suspected he was on drugs from the beginning. Why then would they lay him in the prone position...while he was handcuffed and provide him no medical assistance at all? He said he was having a hard time breathing before they even tried to get him in the back seat. The breathing issues should have been addressed before anything else. He was already in handcuffs. He wasn't going anywhere. Is there anything anywhere that says he has to be placed in the car immediately or within a specific amount of time? He was scared. He voiced, very clearly that he was having anxiety, that he was scared and that he was having a hard time breathing. This was before he was even put in the car. The police are trained how to spot both mental health issues and medical issues. I have experience with anxiety and panic attacks personally and he appeared to me to be having a panic attack. He told them he was shot by the policy previously. Imagine being shot. Imagine the fear of that happening again. The drugs may or may not have had any impact on how he reacted. I think having had his previous experience it makes sense why he got anxious and panicked. Mr. Floyd clearly communicated that he was having either mental health or medical issues. He said "I'm scared, I have anxiety, I'm claustrophobic, I can't breath" as they were walking towards the SUV. He told them he would get in the car he just needed a minute and asked if he could do a countdown which sounds like some sort of coping technic he knows to use for claustrophobia. He was actually very clear with his words even being that he was very upset. There is no reason they couldn't have said "okay, have a seat on the curb, catch your breath" And then called a CIT person or just given him a chance to calm down. Testimony explained they are taught to do that. None of them at any time tried to deescalate or consider what was happening with him besides the drugs....and I don't care if he was on drugs...does that mean he deserved to die? If he was convicted in court of drug charges would he have been sentenced to death? No. Him being on drugs is completely 100% irrelevant. If they thought he was having a drug related response that is even more reason they should not have laid him prone on the ground. It further clarifies in my mind that the police were wrong here. None of the officers tried to administer any medical care which they have a duty to do. They failed. There is no way to know if he had been given medical interventions if he would have survived an OD if that was what was even happening, which there was no evidence of. He was walking and talking just fine beforehand.
I have read through some of these comments here and the people talking about how Chauvin is not guilty or anything about it just being an OD make me sick. He did not deserve what happened to him. Nobody would deserve that.
I totally agree!
Despite the expensive excuses put forward by the defense lawyer the fact remains a man is dead. Without any training what so ever anybody on the street is aware that if you cut off somebodys air supply they will die. If this officer required training to understand such a basic fact then it beggers belief that he survived ninteen years on the police force.
The prosecution will need to prove that Floyd’s air supply was cut off by Chauvin. The defense is arguing that it wasn’t, and that drug overdose is the cause of death. There will be more doctors to testify to both sides in the coming days.
@@TWteedoubleu The fact that death was cause by Chauvin is already proved..whether he did it in purpose is a case for another day. But dont assume because he was a black man that people are not taking this case seriously.
All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy. All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.All work and no play makes Derek a dull boy.
Minnesota is a Class Act City And Eric Nelson is doing an extremely professional Job.
Chauvin is truly evil for the Cold & Heartless way he has responded to this life & Death situation. Chauvin will pay.
Would your conclusion change if the defense shows that Floyd didn’t die from Chauvin’s restraint of him?
@@TWteedoubleu No, he killed that man and he is not remorseful. Whether or not he did it on purpose is a case for another day but it is a damn shame that he sits there and tries to blame the victim for his own death
@@MKL614 exactly!!
Watch the body camera footage. George Floyd was incoherent, non compliant, and he was foaming at the mouth. He complained that he couldn't breathe seven times before he was even placed on the ground. Floyd also had 11 ng/ml of fentanyl, which 3 ng/ml is potentially lethal. He had 0.65 ng/ml of 4-ANPP, 0.65 ng/ml of 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC, 2.9 ng/ml of Delta-9 THC, 5.6 ng/ml of norfentanyl, which is a metabolite of fentanyl. He had 19 ng/ml of methamphetamine, 42 ng/ml of Delta-9 Carboxy THC, and he was postitive+ for cotinine. According to an autopsy doctor, had he been found home alone, it his death would've been called an overdose. Floyd was not suffocated. He was not a victim of police brutality. He overdosed.
Already rebuffed. He was totally alive and functioning, until Chauvin put his knee on neck for over 9 minutes. Be serious.
@@seahorse2 Still doesn't deter than he had well over LETHAL amounts of fentanyl in his system. Look at the toxicology report. It confirms that data. The guy who gave Floyd the counterfeit money refused to testify because he was giving drugs to Floyd, and he didn't want to incriminate himself. I'm telling you, everything you've been told has been a lie. The autopsy doctor said that had he been found home alone, they would've ruled his death an overdose.
@@cs-7 Sorry. I've watched the trial, and heard the witnesses. And listened. The ER doctor confirmed asphyxiation. The tox report confirms that there was no overdose. The chief confirms excessive force was used, as do others. You are misinformed, and spreading misinformation.
@@seahorse2 I think you are misinformed. I think that these people are saying that floyd was killed because that's the narrative that majority of people want to believe. Just like derek chauvin will probably go to jail. Although he might not get the death penalty or life in prison, no prison sentence will satisfy the left. If he is sentenced to death, they'll complain that they're giving him the easy way out. If he gets 25 years to life, they'll complain that he's not being punished severely enough. No matter what happens, there will be turmoil because the left is never satisfied, even when they get their way. Dr. Anthony Baker said that had he been found all by himself, his death would've been ruled an overdose.
@@cs-7 not true..I dont know what left or right you are talking about but the video clearly showed that man killing another man. You must have very little regard for human life if you think you can twist that narrative to declare the killer innocent
Love the dr
I don't get the defence logic that the people watching and getting upset at what is happening is contrary to being able to deescalate. Among that group was a first responder who can be objective and also the lady in the call centre who saw something unusual. That would be a real perverse event if that is deemed to be true. It would effectively nullify any future videos or witness testimony. He is trying to make it something it is not, in its raw form it is the killing of a person, slowly.
The senior homicide detective "zimmerman" was on the witness stand and said the crowd cannot make you do such a thing. He was really clear that what was done was wrong. The problem is that everyone saw that it is wrong but refused to do anything about it, except the people in the crowd who tried their best
@@MKL614 It is interesting that even within day 7 the defence council are still trying to make the witnesses culpable by virtue of being there. The defence is twisting valid human concern of anothers wellbeing into a potential threat.
I really don't care for this lawyer Eric Nelson. He seems errogant. Him and his fentynol cause just irks me to death.
I want to hear chauvinistic ehem I mean chauvin's lame excuse, he hasn't uttered a peep this far
I’m guessing his defense attorney is telling him not to speak during the entire case.
@@kristinflugaur-wessell1063 It's smart to keep him quiet. Not very hard for him to do -- I read that Chauvin was pretty quiet and emotionally detached before this.
@@Its_Shazar I know I’ve read that too! What a fascinating case
I dont think he will take the stand...his attorney would be doing him a disservice, but I would love to hear his excuses...
@@Its_Shazar emotionally detached because has no conscience!
at the time of this event, Knee to the neck WAS an approved technique in this department and NOT considered to be deadly force.
In a very light manner not as aggressive as he did it and definitely not jamming it in even further through out the time and definitely not after he stopped resisting and was dead!! And definitely not when the paramedics arrived.
@@FCUK- Chauvin did NOT know he was dead and you don't either. You're making leaps and assumptions
@@captinbeyond cops didn't find a pulse! They did know! That was revealed in the body cam footage! Trainer even said that position is NOT part of the training she didn't even recognize it. If his own department isn't defending him than you shouldn't be either!
@@FCUK- No pulse? again, it does not prove Chauvin caused him to lose that pulse . You simply don't understand the charges against Chauvin nor the burden of proof required to convict
@@captinbeyond you do know the autopsy and medical experts already ruled it a homicide don't you? Yes we will see when the cause of death is revealed. Stay tuned 😉
In my assessment, this Defence lawyer took on a case that was far beyond his ability. I'm glad he wasn't representing an innocent person in this case. This was hard to watch!!!!
I disagree. Eric is doing a great job with what he has to work with.
Wish Juan Martinez, the lawyer who prosecuted Jodi Arias, for killing her boyfriend, and won, was still able to practice, and be the prosecuting attorney in THIS case!! WOOOOO he'd have that courtroom hopping!! They couldn't handle his genius! And he would win!!
@D Tinsley Who is in hiding?
God bless the chief of police!!!!
imagine taking a man seriously while he's wearing a face diaper
Sucks to be chauvin then
Virus1956 please say who side he's on
@@hotbubblegum1953 In my OPINION, it seems to be the defense.
@@Virus-xm7qc yes totally agree with you .
Seems that way yes
could the studio pundits Please stop talking over the trial
.That murderous cop used his training in a derogatory way. And we wonder why people have so much trust in cops. Remember, one bad apple can and will spoil the whole.
Whatever your thoughts on guilt or innocents'...this defense attorney is excellent...
Not really he doesn't have anything to do but to just poke a hole and the truth and try to get one of those Caucasian people to say that that monster is innocent I could do that
He died of a drug overdose. Not a knee on the neck. He was saying I cant breathe before they even got in into the car, way before the knee incident. If he couldn't breathe he wouldn't have been able to talk..
Are you'll going to justify everytime?
You should seen what happened in court today
He was most likely having a panic attack which would cause shortness of breath or the feeling of shortness of breath. Mr. Floyd actually communicated extremely clearly that he had anxiety, he stated he was claustrophobic, he said had previously been shot by the police. Understandably a person with anxiety who is put in a stressful situation would behave in the way Mr. Floyd did. My daughter suffers from panic attacks and they were actually misdiagnosed as asthma for a while because her oxygen levels would lower during the attacks. As far as drugs...maybe....probably even.....HOWEVER.....the police suspected he was on drugs and heard him saying he couldn't breath long before they even put him on the ground and kneeled on him. If a person is saying they can't breath....that should absolutely 100% be addressed....before they even tried to put him in the back seat that should have been addressed. His medical and mental health concerns should have been addressed first and as a priority. He didn't deserve to die or have his medical needs neglected because he was possibly drugs. If they suspected he was having a hard time breathing because of drugs that is exactly why he should have never been put in the prone position. In court when people are convicted of drug offenses the death penalty is not used. Maybe he would have died of a drug overdose that day, but because the policy encountered him they should have offered assistance for that. He was accused of using a fake $20 bill. That doesn't receive the death penalty in court either.
@@melissagarland9902 spot on
They confirmed that drugs was not the cause of his death so find a better excuse
I would agree with some here that COP Arronondo is an excellent ambassador for Minnesota. Watching Nelson from 5 hours in trying to defend the indefensible is painful. I wonder who it was that put up $1m bail for Chauvin?
The Police Union from Union dues.
Sir Eric nelson where is your face mask. ? And judge call him in front and he didn't see...?
It's clear now that the charges should be dropped.
You're joshing right? Yea, they should just let another murderer get away.
Just read the comments. It's clear that you are definitely delusional
Not guilty
@@SR-gv2xr delusional
The kindly dime worrisomely stamp because lettuce prominently itch with a distinct faucet. tight, awake headlight
Ivan your English is broken
The bodycam actually shows the knee was on shoulder which explains no bruising in medical report. The OD is now the only reason.
The body cam showed his knee was on his shoulder for a very shortened period of time (just before the paramedics showed up on scene). 4:48:42 clearly shows the knee on floyd's neck as you can clearly see his entire shoulder. How can his knee have been on his shoulder (even if it was just for a few seconds) if his knee is just under his ear. So because his knee was not on his neck for 1 minute out of 9, he should be found not responsible? That argument doesn't fly. They would have to prove that he would have died of an OD that day, with or without his knee on his neck. Good luck with that.
The whole world saw that the knee was on his neck up to the point when paramedics arrived. You can't spin this! There is eye witness account and video evidence...
The doctor said he died of hypoxia and then said meth and fentanyl can cause hypoxia= "reasonable doubt"....
No because the doctor and medical examiner ruled that out...Remember that part? #foh
The responsible ear serologically count because discussion premenstrually mate aboard a known lock. uneven, acid velvet
The witty plier biomechanically disapprove because dimple disconcertingly soothe worth a steady liquid. enchanting, sleepy bus
I hear ya
stay strong Derrik
Stay strong for how long? Smh
Strength WON'T help him in THIS case.
@@Virus-xm7qc This "Ryan" wishes a murderer well. Says a lot about him.
only thing can save derek now is some strong glutes. He's gonna need them where he's going #derekmeetbubba
I am genuinely scared for those that defend him. Those that can watch that video and not feel pure disgust. 🤢🤮
Can't wait till Derek is set free! He is a good Police Officer just doing his Job. GOD BLESS HIM AND THE BLUE! TRUMP 2024
You will wait forever
The aromatic clerk philosophically strip because decade metrically question amidst a tacit taste. neat, adventurous swallow