What Hell is REALLY like - Paul Washer

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
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  • @spencergsmith
    @spencergsmith Рік тому +34

    “The gates of hell are locked from the inside.” C.S. Lewis

    • @tgreg9542
      @tgreg9542 Рік тому

      I don’t get it

    • @spencergsmith
      @spencergsmith Рік тому +8

      @@tgreg9542 meaning that the people who choose to reject God in this life won't be repentant in the next. They won't WANT to get out of Hell, because that would mean humbling themselves and repenting of their sin. If they refused to do it in this life, they won't change after death. Also, they CHOSE to run from God, and the only way out of Hell is to be in God's presence, and they won't want that.

    • @LucasFMelo-op4rg
      @LucasFMelo-op4rg 9 місяців тому +1

      ​@@spencergsmithI don't think so, there are several people in hell, one of them is a 10-years-old hindu girl who never heard the gospel, hell is described as a place where people will regret not having accepted Christ.

    • @spencergsmith
      @spencergsmith 9 місяців тому +5

      @@LucasFMelo-op4rg people can regret the torment of Hell and still refuse to repent due to pride or anger towards God.
      Also, who is this 10-year-old girl? How do you know she never heard the gospel? Jesus is the most well-known figure on the planet, and even those who have never heard the gospel specifically can see God through His creation, and God gives grace to those based on how much they know.
      God is not unjust, and He wants everyone to believe and be saved from Hell. He will not condemn someone who would have otherwise followed Him if they were in a different situation.

    • @paulnash6944
      @paulnash6944 5 місяців тому

      @@LucasFMelo-op4rg Where did you see this from?

  • @jojoRizzle
    @jojoRizzle Рік тому +41

    I have never heard hell depicted like this and yet that's the scariest thing I've ever heard. Even if they had a chance.... Still! They would deny. That's scary. Sad. Wicked and opposite of love all in one.

    • @anacorreia8058
      @anacorreia8058 Рік тому +3

      I don’t think this is true for all people in Hell. Some Christians who believed (but didn’t “enter the narrow gate”) would probably try to praise God and escape, if given the chance.

    • @anacorreia8058
      @anacorreia8058 Рік тому

      However, I do know a lot of rotten-personalitied, tattooed, militant atheists and liberal Dems who probably would do what Paul Washer is saying, they’d curse God rather than embrace him

    • @DilipKumar-ou6pg
      @DilipKumar-ou6pg 5 місяців тому

      Not biblical at all.just read the story of Lazarus and rich men where the rich men tells Abraham to warn his brothers not to come to hell

    • @joyfilonczuk8965
      @joyfilonczuk8965 4 місяці тому

      @@anacorreia8058Christians in hell?

    • @robertdavis3036
      @robertdavis3036 2 місяці тому

      ​@@DilipKumar-ou6pgThe Lazarus parable doesn't disprove what he's saying. At all.

  • @guitarmusic8833
    @guitarmusic8833 Рік тому +35

    It’s interesting that in parable of Lazarus and the rich man, the rich man never asked to get out. He asked for relief and he asked for his family to be told not to come there. But never to leave

    • @nobstompah4850
      @nobstompah4850 Рік тому +4

      perhaps he knew it was a futile desire and wanted to try and use his short time of access to abraham for something he viewed as possible. assuming that this wasn't just a parable and was an actual interaction

    • @marylamb6063
      @marylamb6063 Рік тому

      Abraham's bosom never existed. David, Solomon, and Hezekiah said that in the grave the dead do not praise God. He was right. The Pharisses believed in the Greek version of Hades, where souls would be divided by a chasm, and place was run by Adam (at first), then the Patriarchs or just Abraham. Just think about it: The rich man has teeth, a tongue, the ability to drink water and to urinate. A drop of water would evaporate instantly.

    • @justiceman176
      @justiceman176 Рік тому

      Spiritusl terrorist

    • @CRobinson11
      @CRobinson11 Рік тому +2

      @@marylamb6063 Abraham’s bosom did exist.. The grave is different from Hades..
      if you want to know more about the skin and other physiology in hell, please watch the video 23 minutes in hell by Bill Wiese

    • @marylamb6063
      @marylamb6063 Рік тому

      @@CRobinson11 Abraham's Bosom was a fiction generated by Hellenized Jews who in turn adopted it from the Greek myth of Hades.
      "It is not the dead who praise the LORD, those who go down to the place of silence"
      "For there is no mention of You in death; who can praise You from Sheol?"
      Bill Wise is a LIAR who made up a story that is 100% unbiblical. We're supposed to test people's claimed experiences with the Bible. Bill Wise is 100% unbiblical.

  • @Qui_Gon_Jinn_76
    @Qui_Gon_Jinn_76 Рік тому +42

    Ask yourself how bad must Hell be if God was willing to torture and kill His only Son to keep you out of there?

    • @grant316
      @grant316 Рік тому +9

      Hell is so bad, it's beyond human comprehension.My greatest gift in life was, is and always will be accepting Jesus Christ of Nazareth as my Saviour and Lord over my life forever.Without the gift of Salvation through Jesus, Life is meaningless and dead with an eternity of indescribable horror to go through as your final destiny.Salvation in Jesus Christ is the greatest gift of all time in the entire universe.

    • @JesusChristMyKing.
      @JesusChristMyKing. Рік тому +1


      @LITTLE-ROCK 9 місяців тому +1

      God can simply forgive without punishing: this is what Christ taught his disciples and this is what the OT says. This whole theory of atonement was introduced by Paul later.

    • @Qui_Gon_Jinn_76
      @Qui_Gon_Jinn_76 9 місяців тому +1

      @LITTLE-ROCK obviously you have never read the Bible.

    • @AnthonioNesbitt-go2bg
      @AnthonioNesbitt-go2bg 9 місяців тому

      God didn't torture his son, God did what was needed for Humanity to be save, before Jesus cam all of Humanity was destine to go to Hell, so God sent his son to be a sacrifice for all those who wanted to be saved & turn away from there wicked ways, Hell was designed for Lucifer & his Demons, it's a place that is separated from Gods love & Goodness & his light of truth, humans were never meant to go to that awful place but because most people continue or feel as tho they don't need God or refuse to follow his law they are willingly dissobaying God & as a result "The ways of Sin is Death" as written in the Bible

  • @susiet2150
    @susiet2150 Рік тому +9

    Hatred and pride are that deep-seated. Hard to fathom.

    • @APilgrimInAFallenWorld2030
      @APilgrimInAFallenWorld2030 Рік тому +1

      One day, I pray before you die, that you will come to know your true nature by the grace of God so that you can be saved. A perfect and holy God is far more perfect and holy than our minds can perceive! When He reveals this to people, they will either hate Him and despise Him or they will fall on their face and cry out for their creator to cleanse them of their wicked thoughts and deeds so that they can glorify Him and magnify His holy name!
      It is a true blessing to know Truth! Truth is love because it hides nothing and there is absolutely no deceit in Truth! There is no such thing as “individual” truth. There is Truth and then there is deceit which produces all forms of evil!

    • @Muzicboy3
      @Muzicboy3 Рік тому

      Yeah I agree… wonder how Paul comes to that conclusion

  • @scotty7132
    @scotty7132 Рік тому +20

    Please post the link to what sermon this is so we can watch the entire sermon. Please post the link to the corresponding whole sermon on every video. Thank you.

  • @brokenarrow-zz7ch
    @brokenarrow-zz7ch 6 місяців тому +2

    Makes perfect sense. Being sorry for sin is a sign of conviction, which is something good. In hell there is NOTHING good.

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 6 місяців тому +1

    I am not convinced people would rather remain, in hell....or the Lake of Fire, if you will...

  • @ndjoker34
    @ndjoker34 Рік тому +10

    This actually makes perfect sense, because it's the same logic for a lot of people in prison right now. A lot of them aren't sorry for what they did, why should the people in hell be any different?

    • @Muzicboy3
      @Muzicboy3 Рік тому +1

      But name one of them that wouldn’t leave there given the chance ..

    • @ndjoker34
      @ndjoker34 Рік тому

      @@Muzicboy3 I have no doubt they would in a heartbeat.

    • @KingVegeta1981
      @KingVegeta1981 Рік тому +1

      Prisoners are not burning. I think maybe if I was on fire for eternity I'd want out if given the chance. I know just getting burned in one spot hurts, I couldn't imagine feeling that all over forever.

    • @Muzicboy3
      @Muzicboy3 Рік тому

      @@ndjoker34 Yeah, so it doesn’t correlate… But if man is truly that hateful towards God, and in love with their evilness and hates holiness that much then that is CRAZY! …

    • @strategicsage7694
      @strategicsage7694 Рік тому

      @@Muzicboy3 That would depend on what the options are for them to leave *to* though, wouldn't it?

  • @humble.servant.Christ
    @humble.servant.Christ Місяць тому

    Have faith and trust in Jesus!

  • @user-bc1sb3fh6d
    @user-bc1sb3fh6d 7 місяців тому +1


  • @mikebrown9850
    @mikebrown9850 5 місяців тому +1

    There are 3 different interpretations or definitions of the English word hell in the OT and NT. The one the presenter is referring to is Gehenna which refers to the valley of Hinnom where the fire never went out. Where the analogy of that valley and the hell from Dante’s Inferno( where traditional Christianity gets its doctrine of hell, breaks down), is that everything thrown into the Gehenna fire burned completely up. There was nothing left. It was CONSUMED by the fire. The Fire was not quenched. See Malachi 4:1. Indigent, unidentified, nameless, criminals etc. basically the dregs of society were thrown in this valley after death. But even they will be resurrected in the 2nd resurrection(Revelation 20). The fate of eternal death in the lake of happens only once. This will be the resurrection to death (12-15). This is when the earth is destroyed by fire(II Peter 3:10). The earth is purified so The Father will be able to bring down New Jerusalem to this earth from the 3rd heaven where the Father and Christ currently dwell.
    “For the wages of sin is death…” Not eternal life in a lake of fire. God is Love, not a barbaric tyrannical psychopath that would ever allow a Dante’s inferno type of reality.

  • @catyear75
    @catyear75 5 місяців тому +2

    What about the Weeping and Gnashing of teeth - I think there is Eternal regret in Hell

  • @Kevin197200
    @Kevin197200 Рік тому +8

    That is a very presumptuous train of thought that I believe to be wrong. To cite Romans 1 as a prooftext that people in Hell would still turn away from God, even in Hell, is very presumptuous. Romans 1 is speaking of people who were given over to their lusts WHO WHERE ON EARTH, LIVING A LIFE THAT IS NOT COMPORABLE AT ALL TO THE SEVERITY OF HELL. Those people, given over to their lusts, lived in a life that still had blessings (like rain and a way to live comfortably). They could still find some degree of peace, joy, laughter, etc. in this life.
    In Hell, there will be absolutely no rest, no peace, no laughter, no joy - nothing at all but eternal suffering in eternal darkness. To compare the people in Hell and what they will be experiencing to Romans 1... people who are in a COMPLETELY different life and conclude that they still wouldn't repent is very presumptuous. There is nothing in scripture that would indicate that somebody in Hell would not be repentant. In fact, look at the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. The rich man was in Hades while Lazarus was in Heaven. Was not the rich man sorry and begging for mercy? Yes he was. If God burst in there and offered salvation to the rich man on condition of belief in Him, do we really believe the rich man would slam the door in God's face as this preacher speaks of? Considering that the rich man begged even for a small amount of water to cool his tongue and also begged that his brothers be warned so that they don't end up in the same place, do we really think that he would reject God if given the opportunity? Do we see in the rich man an attitude of stubborn resistance, or that of sorrow and likely repentance?

    • @Jdbaraiac19
      @Jdbaraiac19 Рік тому

      In hades they prefer their punishment to the presence of God. After the final judgement and they are thrown into the Lake of Fire they will repent but God will only laugh and mock.

    • @nickrandles1102
      @nickrandles1102 Рік тому

      I love Washer very much, but I believe you are correct. After seeing the outer darkness in a dream in 2019, I’ve watched just about every Hell NDE you can find on the internet and they all share one thing: almost every one if not every one cried out to Jesus in Hell to leave.

  • @Qui_Gon_Jinn_76
    @Qui_Gon_Jinn_76 2 місяці тому

    Hell is the perpetual beginning of the loss of everything Heaven was traded for.

  • @barelyprotestant5365
    @barelyprotestant5365 Рік тому +3

    It's fitting that this is the only picture I've ever seen in which Paul Washer is smiling.

  • @vijaysangepu
    @vijaysangepu Рік тому +1

    He nailed it

  • @ChristsDisciples
    @ChristsDisciples Рік тому +1

    Proverbs 21:13 Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.

  • @grant316
    @grant316 Рік тому +1

    Very very interesting.Why on earth did the rich man not beg to get out of hell but rather spoke of his brothers being warned not to come there.Its as if the rich man knew his fate was sealed for all eternity.Nowhere in the Bible unless I am mistaken does it say that people beg God to come out of hell.Mankind's rebellion against God would always continue if they were allowed to come out because they originally never accepted God in the first place despite the endless torture they would endure in Hell.

  • @busayog.6105
    @busayog.6105 Рік тому +1

    The only rule of witchcraft is: 'do as you will'. Apparently, even the devil is confident that they'll stay with him...

  • @robertdavis3036
    @robertdavis3036 2 місяці тому


  • @AnthonioNesbitt-go2bg
    @AnthonioNesbitt-go2bg 9 місяців тому

    What this guy said is so true, most people would rather rot in Hell then to be in God pressance because most people Love SiN💔

    • @micklumsden3956
      @micklumsden3956 3 місяці тому

      Nonsense - unless you are speaking for yourself

  • @glennevans1713
    @glennevans1713 2 місяці тому

    I would beg to get out of there

  • @SAMEntalhealth
    @SAMEntalhealth Рік тому

    Hell is now and the choices we make

  • @MrJbinchrist
    @MrJbinchrist Рік тому +5

    The WORD says they will be weeping (because they can't have their way) and gnashing their teeth (because they are mad that their lies at the Great White Throne were not able to save them). Hell, itself, as bad as it is, is nothing compared to the Lake of Fire where their torment shall ascend like smoke forever and ever.

    • @shantilus
      @shantilus Рік тому

      The weeping could be because they thought they were righteous and in right relationship with God, but they realize the truth and weep (because they most likely had heard it, yet they are fully aware of their denial of it). The gnashing is for everyone who hates God, similar to the fallen angels.

    • @eltonron1558
      @eltonron1558 Рік тому

      The weeping and gnashing, is because they are about to pay the wage of sin. Death by fire, not the gift of life, to suffer and burn for eternity.

    • @shantilus
      @shantilus Рік тому +1

      @@eltonron1558 There is a difference in weeping and gnashing. One signifies sadness and/or regret, the other bitterness and anger.

    • @eltonron1558
      @eltonron1558 Рік тому

      @@shantilus And another in sorrow for unforgiven fate.

    • @tammymisiowiec3677
      @tammymisiowiec3677 Рік тому

      I feel sad for those who thought they were going to Jesus and ended up in hell
      No more chances it's done for eternity and if the lake of fire is worse than hell.. LORD please cover me in your blood submerge me in your living water and mercy. Please help me before it's too late in Jesus name amen

  • @kennyzraht5804
    @kennyzraht5804 Рік тому

    WOW...now, THAT is a scary thought!

  • @petruslourens4435
    @petruslourens4435 Рік тому +3

    Link to full sermon please.

  • @robg_
    @robg_ 3 місяці тому

    Hell is simple it's the separation from GOD FOR EVER!...

  • @andrasize
    @andrasize Рік тому +1

    Place of eternal separation from God, place of utter/unnatural darkness, place of weeping and gnashing of teeth , there is no end of it. ---> Call it whatever You want. But in one We must agree! God is NOT present there.
    Place where Lord Jesus Christ is with His saints for eternity, place where is No dark nor pain nor sorrow nor death, place of light eternal/God Himself it is, place of joy and celebration and worship of The Lamb for eternity. ---->Call It whatever You want. But that is the place where God is present.
    Lake of fire is something completely different and has its purpose. (Revelation 20:10)
    Now after that introduction.
    I agree with the words from the video (from the brother Paul). Place of eternal separation from God is because those persons: hate, despise everything that God is and represent.
    Ohh wait, just a little more and You`ll be astonished in realization & discovery when people start publicly proclaiming hatred for everything that God is and represents. And not because someone
    make them/put them into it BUT simply because that is their choice and decision.
    My choice & decision is to follow Christ.

  • @sarahpokala4747
    @sarahpokala4747 Рік тому +4

    Where can I find this entire sermon?

    • @ChristsDisciples
      @ChristsDisciples Рік тому

      It’s up now I believe

    • @justiceman176
      @justiceman176 Рік тому

      From pauls human viewpoint.

    • @Muzicboy3
      @Muzicboy3 Рік тому

      @@justiceman176 haha

    • @justiceman176
      @justiceman176 Рік тому

      @@Muzicboy3 paul is not a textual critic. No honest student of the word will agree to his ECT...

    • @Muzicboy3
      @Muzicboy3 Рік тому

      @@justiceman176 yes they will. I don’t understand why you think Hell is not eternal. Are you one who does not live for the Lord?

  • @snicfeelthelove2069
    @snicfeelthelove2069 Рік тому


  • @GraceGiftedMercyGranted
    @GraceGiftedMercyGranted Рік тому


  • @kathleenwharton2139
    @kathleenwharton2139 Рік тому

    Hell is simply disobeying Gods Commandments. Obeying Gods Commandments will bring you Love and Peace and Health. Gods Will in earth as it is in Heaven. 😊❤

    • @nickrandles1102
      @nickrandles1102 Рік тому +2

      No. Hell is a real place.

    • @kathleenwharton2139
      @kathleenwharton2139 Рік тому

      You are Right! I have been there. But..I know How to never go again!

  • @naamhaisiddhu
    @naamhaisiddhu Рік тому


  • @FortuneMbeu
    @FortuneMbeu Рік тому +1

    this is scary

  • @JL-me1ry
    @JL-me1ry 9 місяців тому

    And if you think about it, what Paul Washer said is true because God sent those people down there in His righteous Judgement. If those who are condemned to hell actually would repent given the chance, then that would imply that God's judgement isn't right. It would imply that He's wrong at times. This depiction of Hell by Paul Washer is not only biblical, but it also glorifies God's judgement.

  • @kathleenwharton2139
    @kathleenwharton2139 Рік тому +1

    Sorry Folks! For me..Hell would be having to listen to Paul Washer. 😊❤

    • @Lycurgus47
      @Lycurgus47 10 місяців тому

      Man, you took time out of your day just to type that out. What is your problem with him?

    • @kathleenwharton2139
      @kathleenwharton2139 10 місяців тому


    • @Lycurgus47
      @Lycurgus47 10 місяців тому

      @@kathleenwharton2139 what has he said that is arrogant?

    • @kathleenwharton2139
      @kathleenwharton2139 10 місяців тому

      It isn’t as much what he says..though that is arrogant too..but his attitude of arrogance and teaching Fear..which is totally wrong. He is a wolf.

    • @Lycurgus47
      @Lycurgus47 10 місяців тому

      @@kathleenwharton2139 Are you a follower of Christ?

  • @busayog.6105
    @busayog.6105 Рік тому

    When hell is the only place left for evil and sin and lust to be available, I can see why they'd rather stay there...

    • @micklumsden3956
      @micklumsden3956 3 місяці тому +1

      Church people always seem to think they are the righteous!
      I am reminded of Jesus story of the religious person and the tax collector “thank you god that I am not like that sinner.. ….”

    • @busayog.6105
      @busayog.6105 3 місяці тому

      @@micklumsden3956 and then went on to list his good points without once asking mercy for his sins. The publican asked mercy for his sins. We ask and should continue to ask mercy for our sins but it's not bad to thank God we're saved

  • @ynwa_zay8664
    @ynwa_zay8664 Рік тому

    Will someone please let me know the name of the full sermon.

  • @plasticmoon222
    @plasticmoon222 10 місяців тому

    The only people that are going to Hell are people with no faith in God ,, No man is totally sinless,,,the only thing that makes a person sinless is Jesus on the cross that did our punishment for us

  • @ryanjones5751
    @ryanjones5751 Місяць тому

    Only problem is that Jesus told us about Lazurus and the rich man and that guy would have done anything just for his brothers to escape hell. And he wasn’t even in the lake of fire yet. Paul Washer is a clown.

  • @buffplums
    @buffplums 8 місяців тому

    Mr Cheese…

  • @micklumsden3956
    @micklumsden3956 3 місяці тому

    It’s very easy for good Christian preachers to portray “wicked sinners” in this negative way.
    Reality - he has no idea about this!
    I wish Christian preachers would focus on the sins of Christian people - perhaps condemning Christian politicians who support war or the death penalty.
    Jesus preached forgiveness but the church seems to support revenge.
    Perhaps he would be advised to warn Christians about the perils of wealth.
    Jesus’ sternest words were against religious people………

  • @TheUsurperGuy1
    @TheUsurperGuy1 Рік тому

    What sermon is this?

  • @benwardkief
    @benwardkief 3 місяці тому

    As an atheist I can promise you that if the Christian hell is real I will say whatever god wants me to say to get out 😂

    • @j.c.d.hinkson7455
      @j.c.d.hinkson7455 2 місяці тому

      The opportunity to get out of hell is now. After death you go one of two places. The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is the Son of God that can only be accepted/believed in before death.

    • @benwardkief
      @benwardkief 2 місяці тому

      @@j.c.d.hinkson7455 you are 1 of thousands of belief systems that tell me your beliefs are the only way to salvation. Prove your hell is real and I’ll listen

    • @j.c.d.hinkson7455
      @j.c.d.hinkson7455 2 місяці тому

      @@benwardkief What happens when you go to sleep?

  • @drumrnva
    @drumrnva Рік тому

    Speaking with great conviction doesn't make it true. Snake oil. This man knows exactly as much about hell as anyone else: zero.

  • @wisedyes
    @wisedyes Рік тому

    Ye of little faith.

  • @AllSven
    @AllSven Рік тому

    Love the message - cannot STAND his voice inflection. Always sounding like he’s whining. Needs to work on that.

  • @wadeunderhile7977
    @wadeunderhile7977 3 місяці тому

    Blasphemy. ITS THE LAKE OF FIRE . this sermon is Blasphemy

  • @SAMEntalhealth
    @SAMEntalhealth Рік тому

    There is no hell people get real loll😅

  • @Dragontron20
    @Dragontron20 Рік тому

    Another great pastor and teacher called James White says that they will hate God so much...SO SO much that they will turn their violence upon the only remembrance of God left in hell, themselves. Scary indeed.

    • @Muzicboy3
      @Muzicboy3 Рік тому +1

      But where is the biblical support. I wonder where they get this biblical viewpoint

  • @marylamb6063
    @marylamb6063 Рік тому

    I have read Stott's work and am no longer a believer in eternal conscious torment. Now the Bible makes perfect sense. For the wages of sin is DEATH, but the gift of God is eternal LIFE through Jesus Christ. Hell is where everything is obliterated, never to exist anymore. God is not a torturer. The unsaved will receive either few stripes or many stripes, then be gone forever. "In a little while, and the wicked will be no more."

    • @marylamb6063
      @marylamb6063 Рік тому

      @@vladkarpina8908 That means permanence.
      Isaiah also says that the smoke of Edom's torment will rise forever and ever. But Edom was just captured by the Babylonians. Edom, which is east of Israel, never burned and never smoked. Worms that never die is a metaphor, as worms always die and they won't survive in a fire anyway.

    • @LucasFMelo-op4rg
      @LucasFMelo-op4rg 9 місяців тому

      In revelation hell is referred to as "eternal torment" rather than "eternal death"

  • @rdneonian7680
    @rdneonian7680 7 місяців тому

    This is ridiculous. The living and true God is the saviour of all humanity. This is slander.

  • @eltonron1558
    @eltonron1558 Рік тому

    They wouldn't run to the door, because THEY ARE DEAD FROM FIRE. The wage of SIN is DEATH, or the Bible contradicts. This man cannot cite a passage that says those in the lake of fire CONTINUE LIVING, but for a certain few.

    • @eltonron1558
      @eltonron1558 Рік тому

      @Animosity 1000 The end of life. When God breathed LIFE, into Adam, man became a LIVING SOUL. Which means, when he died, he became a dead soul, just as all the dead souls now in their Graves, or scattered to the 4 winds. We get our lives back at judgment. If the wage of sin is our lot.....the 2nd DEATH. It's not rocket science, just God making sense.

    • @kaitlinrose6352
      @kaitlinrose6352 Рік тому +1

      Can you provide verses that say that people in Hell aren’t in torment? Or that they won’t be forever? Even after the final judgment?

    • @eltonron1558
      @eltonron1558 Рік тому

      @Kaitlin Rose Depending on your understanding of hell, the simple truth is, that the unforgiven, recieve the wage of sin.......death. Roman's 6:23
      The ongoing torment, and ongoing LIVING, is only for Satan, his minions, and false prophets, not us. Rev. 20:10
      Our lot, if unforgiven, is DEATH by fire.
      Mt. 10:29
      Malachi 4:1-2
      Ezekiel 18:4,20
      Isaiah 47:14
      To burn for eternity, and keep living, isn't even God, but for the few listed in Revelation.
      If your understanding of hell ,is the lake of fire, it should be the lake of fire. Otherwise, know this: the new testament is translated from Greek. The Greek word for hell translated to English, is the GRAVE, the pit, the abode of the DEAD, not anyone living. I don't know why it's printed as hell, maybe meant to frighten the unaware.
      Hades is another translation, meaning the underworld. Where anyone gets the idea that anyone LIVES down there is just part of the satanic lie that the soul can't die.
      So either someone is trying to frighten everyone, or liars want us to think the penalty for our temporal sin, is eternity with the gift of life, to suffer and burn.
      What's happened is, those that burn for eternity, and keep on living, have been lumped in with the rest of us by LIARS. Most of those liars are Sunday keepers, the very subject of 1John 2:3-4

    • @eltonron1558
      @eltonron1558 Рік тому

      @@kaitlinrose6352 Mt. 10:28

    • @eltonron1558
      @eltonron1558 Рік тому

      @Animosity 1000 The devil and his minions are ALREADY immortal, so they CAN'T die. The wage of sin for those on his left, is DEATH by fire, as it is the wage of sin for regular mortals.

  • @greywolf850
    @greywolf850 9 місяців тому

    Paul needs to go back to Bible School - Philippians 2 every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus as Lord to the glory of the Father. Revelation 5 every created thing that has breath shall worship God… Jesus’s own words and If I be lifted up to the cross I WILL DRAW ALL MEN TO MYSELF
    Please note in his little false story of the gates of hell there is no verse in the Bible that relays that nonsense he spouted
    Here ends the lesson

    • @joyfilonczuk8965
      @joyfilonczuk8965 4 місяці тому +1

      …So God is not just and wont punish sin?

  • @realinvestiture
    @realinvestiture Рік тому +1

    So all the babies who have ever died would rather rot in hell than stand in Christ's righteousness? That's a hard doctrine.

    • @bogeyman1282
      @bogeyman1282 Рік тому +10

      Where do you get the idea that babies go to hell? I'm just curious. I've always heard it taught that babies, though born sinners, are incapable of understanding right from wrong & thus not held responsible for that.

    • @realinvestiture
      @realinvestiture Рік тому

      @@bogeyman1282 I'm very happy that you don't believe that hideous untruth. But the doctrine is widely held in the Christian community.

    • @ambrose9968
      @ambrose9968 Рік тому +8

      @@realinvestiture what community? We all know dang well God is not sending a 1 year old to hell because it’s Incapable of perceiving quite literally anything. Stop spreading this nonsense

    • @Muzicboy3
      @Muzicboy3 Рік тому +3

      @@realinvestiture I can speak for every single person, but it’s actually widely held or thought of that all babies go to Heaven actually l

    • @codythedoggo7671
      @codythedoggo7671 Рік тому

      ​@@realinvestiturethat doctrine, which I don't even know where you got from, is not held in Christianity. How can a baby sin and rebel against God?

  • @SON-OF-AFRICA1022
    @SON-OF-AFRICA1022 Місяць тому

    False Christianity 100%:
    If Hell existed, all Christians teaching falsehoods will burn there but Hell as you are depicting it is the work of Satan and not of God. If you can't prove that the soul is conscious in death, how can anyone be burning right now?

    • @MB777-qr2xv
      @MB777-qr2xv 26 днів тому

      Matthew 25:31-36 says, "Then he will say to those on his left, “Depart from me, you cursed. . . And these will go away into ETERNAL punishment, but the righteous into ETERNAL life.” Revelation 14:9-11 says, "If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath...and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have NO REST, day or night." If they were annihilated out of existence, then the statement no rest day or night makes no sense. Revelation 20:10 says, "And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be TORMENTED day and night FOREVER and ever. . .Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if ANYONE"S name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire." By the way, the word torment is translated from the Greek word Basanismos, and it means to torture. It absolutely does NOT mean to annihilate and put out of existence.

  • @mugenel3712
    @mugenel3712 Рік тому

    Such blasphemy from a teacher.

    • @sergdamian1324
      @sergdamian1324 Рік тому


    • @ronkelley1490
      @ronkelley1490 Рік тому

      Defend your statement. You're accusing a man of God of blasphemy in the pulpit.
      Now, with Chapter and Verse, in context, explain what exactly was blasphemous about this clip.
      If you won't or can't, then quiet yourself and delete this comment. But do not go making baseless accusations of this degree.

    • @mugenel3712
      @mugenel3712 Рік тому

      ​@Ron Kelley The doctrine of eternal hell is a stain on the character of God.

    • @ronkelley1490
      @ronkelley1490 Рік тому +1

      A Stain on His character? Too bad it's in the Bible I guess...
      I ask again, provide evidence for your accusation by using the Bible, Chapter and Verse.
      So far, you've done nothing but display ignorance of God and His Word.

    • @sergdamian1324
      @sergdamian1324 Рік тому

      @@mugenel3712 because GOD is not as holy as He says He is??? U are evil!

  • @jessewallace12able
    @jessewallace12able 8 місяців тому

    This is harmful.

  • @ayybeealternative1999
    @ayybeealternative1999 Рік тому

    Over exaggerate much.

    • @sergdamian1324
      @sergdamian1324 Рік тому

      Y u here then?? Go to your joey the wolf osteen and listen to him then

    • @ayybeealternative1999
      @ayybeealternative1999 Рік тому

      @@sergdamian1324 it's Joel Osteen

    • @ronkelley1490
      @ronkelley1490 Рік тому +2

      Not an exaggeration. If anything, Brother Paul barely scratched the surface of the matter. Hell is far worse than anything we can imagine. If not for the teaching of it in God's Word, we wouldn't even believe it exists.

    • @Muzicboy3
      @Muzicboy3 Рік тому

      @@ronkelley1490 can you give some support for this stance Paul takes?

    • @ronkelley1490
      @ronkelley1490 Рік тому +1

      @@Muzicboy3 throughout the new Testament, natural man in his unregenerate state is described as the enemy of God, at enmity with God and a hater of God. It is not only biblical, but also logical to make the conclusion that this same type of individual, when consigned to eternal Hell, would be all the more hateful toward God.
      Jesus Himself calls it a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth in the Gospels. In the Book of Acts, the Jews who heard Stephen "gnashed on him with their teeth". In context, this gnashing is directly related to actions of hate.
      So, again, by scripture and logical conclusion, it stands to reason that although there will be many in Hell who will be remorseful, there will be many who are absolutely enraged with God for placing them there and will still be just as much lovers of Sin and haters of God as they were here on the earth. Perhaps more so, having been placed under God's eternal wrath.
      I hope that helps. There is scripture to support it, but ultimately, only the Lord and those damned will know it's full reality.