Sanibonani, Ukuthwala is to partake an agreement with the evil spirits for them to fulfill your desires, Hawu ma Africa amahle asibonge impilo. God bless Thank you 💕...
Ukuthwala is not for weak, greedy, envious people, uzalimala going around coveting other peoples lives. I suspect that this lady did not finish some of these rituals because you can tell shes very proud and she wouldnt stop praying, going to church even though uthwele. I think she never slept at the grave for those 3 days thats why everything is backfiring the way it does. Uyaphapha nje lo sisi kant and klaar!
Watching from Frankfurt in Germany. Cha, angifuni ukungasho, ngiyawathanda amaZulu - abantu bakuboka ma wami. I've been saying that I'll marry uMzulu in my next life, if there's any😅 Kodwa hayi bakithi, uyathandwa umuthi lapho - kuyathandwa ukuthwala. Sengihlulekile nje...
Your biggest mistake is thinking that these things are done by Zulu people only, I've watched lot of Channels on utube and it every culture even overseas too eg the Piddy sagga, that all things they do for money the only different is that it not the same.
@@slindilemahlobo5934 Phela angibathandi labo, so whatever they do doesn't bother me. Ngifisa nje ukuthi ngabe laba engibathandayo abayenzi at the rate they are doing it. At the same time, ngiyazi ukuthi akuwona wonke amaZulu athwalayo.
She doesn’t even know the ghost is a ex rapist, murders or what yo no guys stop these things. Your cleansed ancestors are enough. Please be patient our pace is deferent as people
She really made a grave mistake. We not saints aswell l hope she gets help may God have mercy on her,she just have to take Jesus as her personal savior and work hard on her deliverance she will surely make it😢
Askies ctandwasam umntwana uyawhlala engumntwana erhalela ufana nabanye abantwana, ndibhlungu ba u learnt it the hard way ukuthi ii short cuts are very dangerous
Ukuthwala kunzima mina ngabaleka sokumele thathe isqhumo sokuthi kumele nikele ngegazi ngenhlanhla umama onzalayo wafika ngephupho wathi kumina yiyo indlela efunu kwenza ngayo imali after that intozami zabheda kakhulu i lose a lot of money my business fall apart eish kuningi nd kunzima lalile emathuneni phakathi kobusuku
So in all the effort sisi of living a soft life wayithola yini imali nd if not its a testimony of taking short cuts in life for the love of money isifundo kwabanye abaningi abathanda izinto njengawe ukhule ekhaya lapho bazali bekholwa ngumdali wena wazikhethela eyakho indlela its ur bed u chose lie on it
Guys let's work with God's time we go look around of things that will destroy youth😢askies girl let us learn not to compare our lifestyle with others 😢let's hope u will get yr life back and go to school focus of being graduated ❤️ gud luck 🎉
Wena cc loyabhuti nomama babexoxile nje bathwele ngawe😢😢.... N ngoba bakulalisa emathuneni babeyokubulala uphila, loyamuntu owalala ethuneni lakhe wuye olala nawe n wuye okudukisela ngomqondo😢😢😢... I wish ungasizalala cc
Uze ungisize Nkosi, ngingangeni ekulingweni kokuthwala, futhi ngingabi yi 'victim' yabantu abathwele, kuzona zonke izono zami, ungikhumbule Mvelinqangi wokhokho bami!!
Nami Nkosi ngicel a ungivikele omndeni wami kungabi khona okusihlanganisa nokuthwala futhi singabi ama victim abantu abathwalayo in Jesus name Amen 🙏
Amen. Thina singamavictim wabantu abathwala kunzima. I hate ukuthwala
OMG yamnkela uYesu sisi.Every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord.Uzoba right .
Be grateful with the little you got Be thankful for the gift of life Follow Jesus 🙏🙏
Amali!,there is nothing from devil that will give you peace
😮🎉 15:41 🎉🎉🎉😊😊😮🎉😢😮😢😢 16:53 😢🎉🎉😢😮😮😮😮😮😮🎉🎉😢😢😢😢🎉🎉😢
Amen and amen
Amen, the devil shall never bless anyone
@@bullishenterprise2077devil taking our blessings that. God gave us he will never bless us never
Wathwala ngawe ntombi uyisithwalo sakhe
Yes lamfana womngani wathwala ngaye....mna kunye nje ngu Jesu yokumnceda
Kunjalo impela
Indaba yo kuthwala iyi nkinga uzu lale emathuneni imali impande ye Sono 😢😢😢
Cabanga njeee awazi nalowo muntu wafa kanjani.hayiii chaaaa mane ngihlale nokuhlupheka engiyikho
Hayiboo ithuna lonke pho 😂😂😂😂uye udabula valo wenza babe nesbindi
Yah ner impela
Hamba the Revelation spiritual Home uzosizakala ngaphandle kokukhipha imali siyakhishwa isithwalo
Ayibo lengane kwathwalwa ngayo. Lobhuti wayefuna umuntu azomusebesela isithwalo sakhe. Eyi bakithi asiyekeni ukuthanda izinto saneliswe ilokhu esinakho.
Matthew 7: 28 Wozani kini lonke elikhatheleyo elisindwayo ngizoliphumuza. Utsho njalo uJesu Kristu. From Old Phumula, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Buyela kuJesu ngane yami uyimpendulo yakho konke❤
Ngathi ungathola usizo baby girl,nabanye bethu izngane zethu zisema varsity ema res asazi kungenzakalani so walingeka nje
Yah ngathi angasizeka nkosiyami afunde emaphutheni akhe sonke siyawenzamaphutha
Ukuthwala is to partake an agreement with the evil spirits for them to fulfill your desires,
Hawu ma Africa amahle asibonge impilo.
God bless
Thank you 💕...
Amen usuke u initiated ku devil worshiper
Mmmmmmm kunzima yazi bakubulele uphila
You are still young for ukuthwala Cc 😢
uSathane akanandaba ukuthi ungakanani uhlasela ngisho ingabe isasesiswini. Asihlaleni sithandaza singaphezi uSathane yibhubesi elibhongayo elifuna noma Unani elizomnaphuza.
Can you lmagine ujahephi pho
Yekani izithwalo bandla. Thathani uJesu Kristu.
askies nana god will intervene one day i pray
Abantwana bethu sebethanda yona quickly money...bantwana don't compare your life like other people..very dangerous
Waze wamncane ngane yami
Ncese Nana 💔💔
Engathi ungasizakala kodwa
Ngebhadike la SA sino King bhaka o good ekukhulumeni kodwa ohlulekayo ukusiza abantu abakhulumelayo
Ukuthwala is not for weak, greedy, envious people, uzalimala going around coveting other peoples lives.
I suspect that this lady did not finish some of these rituals because you can tell shes very proud and she wouldnt stop praying, going to church even though uthwele. I think she never slept at the grave for those 3 days thats why everything is backfiring the way it does. Uyaphapha nje lo sisi kant and klaar!
Watching from Frankfurt in Germany. Cha, angifuni ukungasho, ngiyawathanda amaZulu - abantu bakuboka ma wami. I've been saying that I'll marry uMzulu in my next life, if there's any😅 Kodwa hayi bakithi, uyathandwa umuthi lapho - kuyathandwa ukuthwala. Sengihlulekile nje...
Your biggest mistake is thinking that these things are done by Zulu people only, I've watched lot of Channels on utube and it every culture even overseas too eg the Piddy sagga, that all things they do for money the only different is that it not the same.
@@slindilemahlobo5934 Phela angibathandi labo, so whatever they do doesn't bother me. Ngifisa nje ukuthi ngabe laba engibathandayo abayenzi at the rate they are doing it. At the same time, ngiyazi ukuthi akuwona wonke amaZulu athwalayo.
@@ntombentshaliwane6634 ngicela ukuvele ngishade nawe straight
@@SaneleCele96 in my next life yebo😃
Phephisa cc khumbula ubude abuphangwa 🤔😎
Umbuzo omuhle bhudie why bethanda izinto bebancane
Kwaphelelaphi ukulinda ngoba uyafunda why u can't wait for your turn to be blessed ama2k ngokuthanda izinto
Jesu lobhuti utwele ngawe cc xem ngatsi uNkhulunkhulu angakuhawukela lobhuti ukubulele uphila😢
uSisi kumele atshele abazali bakhe. Akathwalanga kodwa kwathwala ngaye.
Wooo simandze uze ungisite ungangihlanganisi nalomhlo ngikahle naloku enginako .ngichubeke ngitizamele ngengobe ngiphanda 😢😢
Uvele uthwala nje uthwalan ngempela
She is a brave girl still at school and having a the goll 😢 to sleep at the cemetery
She doesn’t even know the ghost is a ex rapist, murders or what yo no guys stop these things. Your cleansed ancestors are enough. Please be patient our pace is deferent as people
She really made a grave mistake. We not saints aswell l hope she gets help may God have mercy on her,she just have to take Jesus as her personal savior and work hard on her deliverance she will surely make it😢
First step is to report your story at home.
Yamukela uJesu cc yena yedwa abe inkosi nomsindisi kuwe ,uyena oyinyanga enkulu ngaphezu kwezinyanga zonke.
Askies ctandwasam umntwana uyawhlala engumntwana erhalela ufana nabanye abantwana, ndibhlungu ba u learnt it the hard way ukuthi ii short cuts are very dangerous
Haibo Kanti uphi umkhulu Gasa ungahlanganisi noma utsel'abantu ngaye our.
Khona wathanda izinto umncane uze uyolala emathuneni imali yimpande yesono sometimes suvuna esikutshalayo
😅😅😅mara people ingane isenhlungwini
Ohh worst fear when it's time for my kids go away to tertiary 😭😭
Thixo sindisa abantwana bethu kwizilingo zalolhlava🙏
May you get help sis
My king angisakwazi ngajabula ukukubona ❤❤
Yamkela uJesu be faithful with Jesus
Imali yimpande yesono.ukuthwala nje yinto embi nje engabusisekanga
Sorry gal after all you did and paying bt for nothing I hope you get help and leave a normal life again. Thanks producer for this episode.
Is aThank you ukthwala ngiryt nguhhobo nje coz angilali ngingadlile
Askies cc bathwale ngaww sengaathi ungasizakala
Yasetshenziswa usis bathwala ngaye lo bayamsebenzisa
Bathakatha ngaye
Phephisa Dadewethu kwaze kwabuhlungu yazi,sengathi ungasizakala bakithi 😢
Ukuthwala kunzima mina ngabaleka sokumele thathe isqhumo sokuthi kumele nikele ngegazi ngenhlanhla umama onzalayo wafika ngephupho wathi kumina yiyo indlela efunu kwenza ngayo imali after that intozami zabheda kakhulu i lose a lot of money my business fall apart eish kuningi nd kunzima lalile emathuneni phakathi kobusuku
Bakithi ngcelu ukbuza zonke lezinto yiqiniso? I jst follow this channel hayi ziyethusa lezi storry
Ay Luqa ngiyaythanda indlela obabuza ngayo
It is not a problem if lm praying for you. Luke 1 v 37
Ayiii maaar there was no need for all what you went through....because you know the power of prayer🙆🙆
Good Story teller can't wait for the next episode.
Ayi .xem wow girl you strong im in nelspruit
Woza ngapha kwamhlabuyalingana.....
😂😂 azothini
Ngiyathanda khona ukuba ryt empilweni but hey zokuthwala cha ngyabonga.
Kodwa uyaphapha sisi wahlulwa ukulinda ufunde uqede uhambe uyosebenza
Watching from mosselbay
Wathwala ngawe lobhuti iyo askies
Kgahliso watching from boksburg nice show 🙏🙏
Your friends plot against you with this guy , they sacrifice you nale nyanga. Part 2 pls
Zila ukudla 3days and pray cz uhlanganise imithi nomthandazo that y ingaksebenzel
Kwaze kwanzima Kwa earth bakithi, watching from Villiers
Durban Central here Nice episodes
Hamba sisi uyengase The Revelation Spiritual Home uzosizakala ubusuhlala phansi uphile ngenhlanhla yakho owabuya nayo mhla usuka ezweni lomoya
Niyalayekai niyazithanda izinto
Nje lapho muncani ubexakwe yin😢😢
UJesuiNkosi ukhona ukukuphumuza, sondela kuye, ume kuye, uzokukhulula
Cc phila ngaloko onakho wamukele isimo sakho koze kulunge
So in all the effort sisi of living a soft life wayithola yini imali nd if not its a testimony of taking short cuts in life for the love of money isifundo kwabanye abaningi abathanda izinto njengawe ukhule ekhaya lapho bazali bekholwa ngumdali wena wazikhethela eyakho indlela its ur bed u chose lie on it
Sengathi uJrhova angakuhawukula uthola I second chance
Yhoooo such a young girl, hayi nithanda izinto shem
Ncese baby isilingo ngeke sikujaje
Kufanele ubuyele ku gogo nana pliz umbizele uFake Gobela akusize cc
am watching from polokwane
Bathwale ngawe ntombi yami ukuthanda izinto nkosiyami uzube nami
Uyalayeka uthanda izinto unkulunkulu akasoze akunika ongaphezu kwamandla akho ukuba wabekezela wabonga lokho ophiwekona ngabe awukho kulesimo khuluma noJehova uzobonisa idlela okemele usizakale ngayo
Askies Nana ngempela yamkela onakho,umkhulekko uyasiza kakhulu
Ay ngeke guys ethunen ngath ngisana kanje nokungcwaba how much more I HV to sleep there were nxm never m not crazy
Niyatitsandza tintfo
My king watching from pretoria
Watching from umlazi
U sound like a very good girl futhi okhuliswe kahle but wadidiseka and may be wakusebenzisa lomuntu, I hope u get help my girl.
Weeeeeeee kids of this days johovah plz help😢😢😢😢😢
Cha cc asikuvumanga navusa umuntu ogazigeni lezo nkodwa uzobaryt khululeka siyakhona soyibamba Ishisa thina iyopholela ezadleni
Wathwala ngawe ngobhuti 💔imali yayihlonipha
Asikho isthwalo esingena bungozi,niyasibulala,nisilalisa nazo,nihluphekisa thina singenzanga niks,kanti ngabe kufa nini zilale nani ngingatholi niks ngoba nifuna impilo kamakhelwane
Guys let's work with God's time we go look around of things that will destroy youth😢askies girl let us learn not to compare our lifestyle with others 😢let's hope u will get yr life back and go to school focus of being graduated ❤️ gud luck 🎉
Lento yekufuna bangani aba rich kunawe ikufakele I pressure wangena enkingeni mtwana umcane 😢
Wena cc loyabhuti nomama babexoxile nje bathwele ngawe😢😢.... N ngoba bakulalisa emathuneni babeyokubulala uphila, loyamuntu owalala ethuneni lakhe wuye olala nawe n wuye okudukisela ngomqondo😢😢😢... I wish ungasizalala cc
Eish baqeda ngaye okubuhlungu
Tshepo watching from Rustenburg
Sanibona bafowethu.Ngiyajabula uma niphila bafowethu.
Uyangthusa u carpet wenu ngathi inyoka😢ncese cc ngathungasizakala😢
Nami uhleli ungethusa lo carpet
Mina ngisaba lakuhleli khona ukuhamba 😢
Mina ngisaba lakuhleli khona ukuhamba 😢
Mina ngisaba lakuhleli khona ukuhamba 😢
Thatha lento ayinabungozi uma iyingozi abakutsheli
Uyobona ekhaya thathile thathile hai phindisa😂
Wayentshena nje ngoba wayenkhonzile😮okunye ukukhonzwa hayi ngeke asinamona😂
Bakuthwebulile ungumdliwa umuntu ophilayo ebefile wu jesu 😢
Awuuuuu bakithi nana phephisa ngicabanga ukuthi ufike endaweni eryt uzolthola usizo ngaze ngazwelana nawe
Ingathi ungalithola usizo cc ngikufisela inhlanhl kuzodlula ayikho into engadluli
Asifunde ukubonga lokhu esinakho.shem sisi sengani ungathola usizo.. ungaphindi nawe
Ukuthanda izinto ezisheshayo akulunganga😢
Ngabe wawungagodoli na😢😢
Srr cc usufundile isfundo ,ukube wabekezela nje eskoleni nawe ngabe uzphathele manje
Ngilampumalanga bathi ayinabugozi😂