Agree he is one of three of my favorite Pastors I could gone on about my respect for him you listen to him so I'm sure you know the fact the he talks on a variety of subjects and topics and shys away from non he stands up for what is right and true with no hesitation to explain why
Threenity teaching wants to make people beleive Jesus Christ is the second personne in God among with the Father and the Holly-Spirit . Jesus is not a creator himserf was created by our Father. All things was not made BY but THROUGH Him. Donc make him what the Bible dies not tels us!!! Jesus Christ is the son of God our brother and savior by the grace of our Father !! Amen
@@gowsif_dnb so if Jesus Christ is the one who is God, what is His creator? The Bible never says that Jesus Christ is the one who is God. He is said to be created by God and borne on eorth by God and resurrected by God, glorified by God ... Jesus is a special creation on God to the redemer of all nature chosen by God.
I have just rededicated my life 🔙 to jesus,and he is truly a loving and forgiving God,and i amso happy I've come back to him,im being changed daily and am learning more and more about him,thank you jesus!
This morning, I was reading Colloseans, and after only one chapter was interrupted by tasks to do. After dropping my husband at work I randomly chose a sermon to listen to on the drive home and found this one. What a fabulous providence!
That isnt love its a fake knockoff. Put parentheses around it in that case to understand it. Liek Your 'love' is like the early morning mist that disappears in the sunlight.
What an awesome and inspiring message. Thank you Heavenly Father God for using Pastor Baucham to proclaim your most beautiful and precious Holy words to us. A willing vessel being used in your service.
I read 'the first born of all creation' as the inheritor of all creation. The first born is the one who got the blessings and the inheritance on earth.
“16Therefore let no one judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a feast, a New Moon, or a Sabbath. 17These are a shadow of the things to come, but the body that casts it belongs to Christ” Colossians 2
Why do you doubt God and Jesus ? My question is of this you are woken everyday and have your senses intact and body limbs wich move and hands wich can do good it's not your vessel your earthy body wich makes you wake everyday and be able to move talk ect it's god who has blessed you with life and Jesus who has died for our sins our Lord and savour I pray you open your heart and let Jesus in open your soul to know in faith alongside Jesus christ side you can acknowledge the holy blessings upon us all amen
“8See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ. 9For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity dwells in bodily form. 10And you have been made complete in Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority. 11In Him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of your sinful nature, with the circumcision performed by Christb and not by human hands. 12And having been buried with Him in baptism, you were raised with Him through your faith in the power of God, who raised Him from the dead.” Colossians 2
I need your help, please Mr.Voddie sir ..I have learned today that everything that I had been believing in my whole life is a lie. And all I want to do is spirit myself away from all this pain. Please help me if you can.
Hello, this is not Pastor Voddie, I am just me. But I just read your message and felt the need to reach out to help you if I can. I can probably track down an email or phone number that may be able to help if you still need help. May God bless you and yours... Don M
Open your ❤️ & each morning & night, THANK THE FATHER FOR ALL WE ENDURE. I INVITED JESUS Into my life, asked him to use me as he wishes. HE LOVES YOU April Tracy. So BELIEVE 100% & GIVE YOURSELF 100% He has always been there for YOU, he just wants YOU to show him YOUR love & YOUR loyalty to him. You will be fine 🥹💖✝️🙏
“I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” John 5:30 KJV “Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.” John 20:17 “And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.” Matthew 19:17 KJV “and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:11 KJV
In the beginning he was the word; “I am.” The word was with God and the word was God. And the word became flesh. You hear many religions say, Jesus is not God but a messenger of God. Like Muslims believe that God did not became flesh, he has no physical form like a man. But in the gospels, we ourselves have read. Jesus said, “I am”, “I have desired this moment.” Paul says, having the form of God did not but humbled himself to be in the likeness of man and Serve mankind. Jesus is God. Jesus said, for if I do not go, the Holy Spirit cannot come. Jesus went to come back to be with the apostles forever in the Holy Spirit; trinity. Praise be to God. For those who denied Jesus is God, deny he has resurrected is false teachers, antichrist, false prophets. And we have heard of all this man called themselves prophets denying Jesus. Daniel 9:28 For their are those who will remove the atoning sacrifice, they will put new things into it, and will do new things; religions, Muslim, Catholicism have put their own traditions into the sacrifice of the living God. Jesus warned us about this. Jesus is not religion, his true church is the church he founded in the beginning of creation.
Col 1:15; 'He (Christ) who is the image of God, the unseen (one)'.. Col 1:19; For in Him all the fullness (*) was pleased to dwell' (* 'of God' is not in the original Greek text).. Mat. 1:20; 'For what in her (Mary) is generated, is of holy spirit'.. God was his Father, he was without sin, and therefore he could be the perfect offering to take sin(s) away.. Luke 1:35; '(the) holy spirit will come, and the power of the Almighty will rest upon you, because of this the one that will be begotten in you, will be holy and will be called the Son of God.'
To all the Non-Trinitarians out there! I like to plea with you. I realize that you reject the Trinity and reject that Jesus is God and think it's all heresy but I implore all of you to just consider what Trinitarians have to say. The Trinity is not some doctrine created by Catholics, it's not something made out of nowhere that we blindly follow. The Trinity is Bible based. I like to give you three things to consider: 1. God said in Isaiah that He shares his glory with No one. In the Gospel of John Jesus said that he shared glory with the Father before time began. 2. Jesus received worship multiple times. In the Old testament or anywhere else I don't see the Father telling people to listen to his Son but don't worship him. The only person we should worship is God. The Father did not tell people worship or not to worship Jesus but they did it in the New Testament anyway and Jesus Did NOT rebuke them. 3. At the End of The Gospel of Matthew, Jesus issues the Great Commission. He ordered that disciples would be baptized in the name of the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Why would Jesus make this command? First of all Jesus is making himself equal with the Father which would be blasphemy which is what the Jews accused him of, and second, why did he mention the Holy Spirit? If God is One Person and One Being why didn't Jesus just say "Baptize them in the name of the Father"? Throughout Scripture The Holy Spirit is given Respect that is only equal to God. We're told not to Grieve the Holy Spirit, the Spirit speaks, the Spirit wrote the Bible itself and also throughout the New testament The Apostles mention All 3 of the Godhead in the beginning and endings of their letters. Michael the Archangel or Gabriel or any Prophet aren't given this much respect and honor, all which goes to God. I do not understand the Trinity 100 percent, neither do I understand Jesus being God and Human 100 percent but I submit to it and it just shows that God is not like Us. Jesus told us to worship God in spirit and truth. If we don't see God for what he truly is then we are worshipping a false god and are guilty of idolatry and deserve condemnation. I challenge you to consider the 3 points I made and not just throw it a side out of bias. The Trinity is true and Jesus is the God-Man OR the Bible is a contradicting mess and all the Apostles are idolators and All of our hope is in vain. Wrestle with that.
I have a question. When Mr. Voddie said "we all want to be in Heaven, but nobody wants to take the ride". My question is, by taking the ride, did he mean living a life pleasing to Christ as His new creation and walking in His will? Or does he mean like, literally dying ( as a portal to go to the other side)? Not sure if I am making sense. But do help!
I believe that he meant, everyone wants to go to Heaven but no one wants to die. Because we cannot enter Heaven in our current bodies. Our finite bodies have to die in order to receive our eternal bodies. That is what I believe he means.
I might need to listen to this message again to fully grasp what he saying and do my own theological studies. But could it be that he is saying That we can’t separate Jesus from the Father and the Holy Spirit. That they are ONE. God the Father, Jesus the son (the WORD made flesh). We can’t separate “The Word” from the Creator. Cause Through him (the WORD) all things were made.
A preacher/man of the church looks out into the mortal world he believes God created and then judges it because he is ignorant of his own Truth of Being, thereby denying the Omnipresence of the Infinite, Perfect Spirit of God.... A Priest of God knows the Infinite, Perfect Spirit of God is the Only Presence, the Only Life. Therefore, he knows where everything Mortal and Finite Appears to be, only the Infinite, Perfect, Omnipresent Life of God is. He knows that when he is not attuned to Divine Consciousness(Eternal Life, Immortality, Truth, God), by default, he is attuned to Mortal Consciousness(karmic death, mortality, form, fear, judgment, evil, etc). He knows that every communication Unfolding from God within is to encourage the Spirit/Soul die to the False Sense of Mortal Self, as the Purpose of the Soul is to take Dominion over the only Adversary, the World Mind and it's thoughts tempting him to believe mortality/form/decay is reality. He knows Divine Love can not express itself through a Material Consciousness. He knows he that Realizes he is the Son of God has Eternal Life. He then walks through the world of mortal appearances a Divine Being in who the 5 Senses of Mortality have been Impersonalized, and therefore hold no power over him. His fidelity is to the Immortal Spirit he is, and no longer to the mortal sense of life, not of God. He knows the RESURRECTION takes place when he drops the belief and reliance upon the False Appearances of the World Mind of Mortality through the Acceptance and Realization of God/Spirit being the only Infinite, Perfect, Omnipresent Being, thereby knowing his true self to be the Infinite, Perfect, Omnipresent Spirit of God. He knows he Must OVERCOME the Mortal Belief he is not Immortal, Divine Being, and Only then can he be called: A Priest of God Pick up the Cross of Immortality and Bear it despite mortal appearances and the temptation to entertain them as reality! To the Degree in which we can walk through the false world of mortality and not be disturbed by it is the Path of the Realized Christ Within! Peace Be Unto You
How was Jesus God? His identity as the Logos stayed the same in the Incarnation, and he was given the Holy Spirit without measure. How was Jesus a man? In every way made like us. How did Jesus do miracles? By the Father working through him by the Holy Spirit, and not by his own attributes of deity; otherwise he would have glorified himself, which he could not do as a man. Now in his glorified state, he has all attributes of deity restored to him.
With a television you don't have to be supernatural. God prefer that because it's more social but we have to use it correctly. Right now we have anarchy blindness. Despite the anarchy blindness I figured it out. That proves we can be God like. Only a person getting crucified would suspect something greater. They crucified me with exact same disease that in pink Floyd the wall. Victor said it's all good. It should be possible to make everything all good.:‑X
Jesus Christ is shown to be “the firstborn of all creation” as well as “the firstborn from the dead”-not merely most distinguished in relation to those created or those resurrected but the first one actually created and the first raised from the dead to endless life. (Col 1:15, 18; Re 1:5; 3:14) On earth he was the firstborn child of Mary and was presented at the temple in accordance with Jehovah’s law. (Lu 2:7, 22, 23) The apostle Paul speaks of the followers of Jesus Christ who have been enrolled in the heavens as “the congregation of the firstborn,” the first ones accepted by God as sons on the basis of their faith in Jesus’ sacrifice and the first of Christ’s followers to be resurrected with no need to die again.-Heb 12:23.
@@houseoftravers no he supports apostasy. Hes far from biblical truth Jesus was not a Godman Trinity dogma is not a biblical teaching False religion / Christendom have turn jesus into almighty God which he never claimed to be Jesus only claim was that he was Gods son and the messiah Pagan trinity gods 1. Egypt. Triad of Horus, Osiris, Isis, 2nd millennium B.C.E. 2. Babylon. Triad of Ishtar, Sin, Shamash, 2nd millennium B.C.E. 3. Palmyra. Triad of moon god, Lord of Heavens, sun god, c. 1st century C.E. 4. India. Triune Hindu godhead, c. 7th century C.E. 5. Kampuchea. Triune Buddhist godhead, c. 12th century C.E. 6. Norway. Trinity (Father, Son, holy spirit), c. 13th century C.E. 7. France. Trinity, c. 14th century C.E. 8. Italy. Trinity, c. 15th century C.E. 9. Germany. Trinity, c. 19th century C.E. 10. Germany. Trinity, 20th century C.E. AT MATTHEW 4:1, Jesus is spoken of as being “tempted by the Devil.” After showing Jesus “all the kingdoms of the world and their glory,” Satan said: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.” (Matthew 4:8, 9) Satan was trying to cause Jesus to be disloyal to God. But what test of loyalty would that be if Jesus were God? Could God rebel against himself? No, but angels and humans could rebel against God and did. The temptation of Jesus would make sense only if he was, not God, but a separate individual who had his own free will, one who could have been disloyal had he chosen to be, such as an angel or a human. On the other hand, it is unimaginable that God could sin and be disloyal to himself. “Perfect is his activity . . . A God of faithfulness, . . . righteous and upright is he.” (Deuteronomy 32:4) So if Jesus had been God, he could not have been tempted.-James 1:13. Not being God, Jesus could have been disloyal. But he remained faithful, saying: “Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”-Matthew 4:10. How Much Was the Ransom? ONE of the main reasons why Jesus came to earth also has a direct bearing on the Trinity. The Bible states: “There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all.”-1 Timothy 2:5, 6. Jesus, no more and no less than a perfect human, became a ransom that compensated exactly for what Adam lost-the right to perfect human life on earth. So Jesus could rightly be called “the last Adam” by the apostle Paul, who said in the same context: “Just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive.” (1 Corinthians 15:22, 45) The perfect human life of Jesus was the “corresponding ransom” required by divine justice-no more, no less. A basic principle even of human justice is that the price paid should fit the wrong committed. If Jesus, however, were part of a Godhead, the ransom price would have been infinitely higher than what God’s own Law required. (Exodus 21:23-25; Leviticus 24:19-21) It was only a perfect human, Adam, who sinned in Eden, not God. So the ransom, to be truly in line with God’s justice, had to be strictly an equivalent-a perfect human, “the last Adam.” Thus, when God sent Jesus to earth as the ransom, he made Jesus to be what would satisfy justice, not an incarnation, not a god-man, but a perfect man, “lower than angels.” (Hebrews 2:9; compare Psalm 8:5, 6.) How could any part of an almighty Godhead-Father, Son, or holy spirit-ever be lower than angels?
@@AstariahJW you are following a cult clown Not even a clever 1🙄🤣🤣🤣 Yet you are so triggered youre here to compain😅😅😅😅😅 Hopefully you get convicted and repent.😮😢
Natural selection is the character flaw in evil that is integrity is more important than life otherwise evolution is tragic circumstances with nothing intelligent happening. Almost everyone survive until they reproduce. Nothing is getting selected except for the character flaw in evil. I found a replacement for the character flaw in evil that I liked but God makes me forget things that will cause me trouble.:^)
Easy 2 be saved. Believe that Jesus died for all your sins. He was buried and rose on the 3rd day. Born Again Believers: Over 2,000 yrs. ago. Jesus died for all our sins, Past, Present, and Future. A simple way 2 understand our sin debt that Jesus paid. Past=Yesterday. Present=Today. Future=Tomorrow. So, My Past is gone=no sin. My Present = Today now my time where i lived is 11:30pm. So, at 12:am I will be in My future. . which will be my present. And yesterday will be my past=no sin, and it repeats every day that way. In 10 Mins. I will be in my future which will be My present, and yesterday will be my past=no sin. God Bless all those who read this...Ours sins are Completely Gone Forever!!!
Threenity teaching wants to make people beleive Jesus Christ is the second personne in God among with the Father and the Holly-Spirit . Jesus is not a creator himserf was created by our Father. All things was not made BY but THROUGH Him. Donc make him what the Bible dies not tels us!!! Jesus Christ is the son of God our brother and savior by the grace of our Father !! Amen
The demon in sunshine movie is Jesus. It's not reality but people's perceptions. The churches have failed Jesus. Fighting over the star makes more sense than the horrible prophecy fighting over who knows what.:-O
False ideology. twisting scripture. not accepting jesus own words. John 1:14 And the word was made flesh and Dwelt among us,[ and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the ONLY BEGOTTEN of the FATHER,] full of grace and truth. IF john is claiming the word is Jesus and he is God????, then how can the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON be the FATHER?????. John calls Jesus "the lamb of God", Verse 29. So Jesus is NOT GOD, but the SON OF GOD. if jesus is the creator then who sent him???. if jesus is the creator/God then who did jesus pray to many times????. if jesus is the creator then how did the eternal God die on the cross????. if jesus is the creator then there is no God the Father???? JESUS OWN WORDS 1 Corinthians 11:3 but i want you to realise that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of every woman is man, and the head of CHRIST IS GOD. so voddie baucham is wrong and lacks understanding of the scripture.
Jesus routinely accepts acts of worship from his followers. If he were not God and instead only a godly man then he would have rebuked those people as Peter did with the centurion in Acts 10. Since he did not, then he is either God incarnate, or a false prophet and a blasphemer. I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of any reason why God would resurrect a blasphemous false prophet.
I had to overcome the world 🌎 again GOD has a bloodline. Abraham Lincoln was Abraham from the Bible Before Abraham was I AM. BETHUEL AKHENATEN Eural URIEL your AL your owl 🦉 eye 🦉 👁 EL GOD IZ JESUS BETH HOUSE 🏠 Elizabethtown Kentucky Bible history is Kentucky history. DANIEL BOONE DAVID CROCHET. JAMES HARROD
@Baron Reed 😁 us that the most intelligent 👌 🤣 thing you have to say for yourself NARCISSIST NARCISSIST NARCISSIST 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 THAT IS ONLY YOUR OPINION. ONLY GOD'S OPINION 🙏 MATTERS. NOW. WORK OUT YOUR SALVATION IN FEAR 😨 AND TREMBLING 🪱 WORM 🪱 🌫🌬🔥😱🔥
@@baronreed8131 Passover ☄️ asteroid and solar eclipse pink moon 🌙 and the black ⚫️ HOLE 🕳 is directed energy. You are going to see a storm. A big one. The assembly will look 👌 😍 like a burning 🔥 cross🔥 ✝️ 🔥
@@taebrown384 Bible simply means book or books in Latin. The sacred text is simply a combination of books pieced together. Hence the name "Bible". Using a term to describe The Savior of the world that He didn't even use or none of His disciples used is wild! He has many names throughout the scripture. Why make up one that's not in the scripture?
Very tip of time given from before. What is nor what this and that? How else? Who is that? Are ye talking about my Heirs? Nor...was CONDEMN TO DEATH HOLY FEET TOUCHING THE CURSE DRY GROUNDS FOR THE LOVE FOR....THE CHILD. WHICH YE ALL GIVEN TO GLORIFY. WHAT IS CREATIONS? WITHOUT " WHO WILL GLORIFY"? RAINBOW IS TO PRESERVE NOT EXTINCTION! NOR TO LEAD ASTRAY TO A PLACE OF NO RETURN! SINCERE CONVERSATIONS FOR THY SOULS COMES WITH QUENCH! What is alive without QUENCH but gnashing of teeth? But reminding written within. Will recognize one another!
Jesus to Philip : "Have I been with you So..lonnng and yet you have not come to know Me?" john14 To Christians today who elevate human 'freewill' and downgrade the Sovereignty of God. To Christians today...who wrongly esteem the impact of original Sin and promote a pseudo 'island of righteousness' in the soul; a pristine imaginary place of re:beginning, impervious to the Adamic nature. To Christians today, who have Jude, Peter, James, Paul, Luke, John and Jesus...ALL saying the same thing : 'salvation is of the Lord'...and yet STILL promote a different schema in the plan of salvation. It has become 'our' plan...not God's plan. Totally wrong.
What? This man said Jesus is God-man? Such a liar out of his own mouth. God is a Spirit... John 4:24. God is not flesh, bone and bone. This man missed out somewhere about Jesus temperarily life on earth. He understands nothing during Jesus cried out loud twice before his death. All Trinitarian are missing this gap that is why they are all struggle about the Trinity. Even this man, not even clear himself. God said he is a Spirit. Trinitarian said God are 3 distinct persons or personalities.
@@baronreed8131 baron do u actually think I care if u agree with it or not? When u die u gonna have to bow and co fess that Jesus is God and God alone no trinity. Show me trinity or triune or when the Bible says we are three distinct God's wit 3personalities?? Ur mind is flawed u heathen
God man is not scriptural nor God's Truth its Greek mythology making Jesus a demi god and the Greeks tried to make Paul zues and Silas hermes why can't you see your error
@Sauli Ruottu Show me what I said isn't true one Account of God the Son or God man anywhere in scripture old or new. The fact of the matter is the orthodoxy of professing believers was corrupted from the days of old when Paul warned us men left the true faith teaching damnable heresies deeper Truths and understandings then what the Apostles clearly and directly teach. The profession of faith for most professing believers is Jesus is God. The error is what is the Rock the Lord Jesus built his house on? Many are so decived believing lies from the minds and councils of men and their doctrines rather than hearing Jesus and His God and Fathers direct testimonies of one another. We are in the end of days and God's Truth will be restored the bride made wrinkle and blemish free the majority will choose the wide gate the few of us the narrow way to life is what we find. Do you desire the narrow way or the false majorities way that leads to destruction.
@@shawnembrey1118 I don't what you are criticizing in your original comments. Did you mean Jesus was not a man since you wrote "God man is not scriptural"? Jesus was fully God and fully man when He was in the flesh, the second Adam, how is that Greek mythology?
@Sauli Ruottu My point is men change the scripture to meet their understanding and feelings instead of listening to be taught. Jesus the Son of God not God the Son two different things one is God's Truth one is a fabrication from men that couldn't understand spiritual things but tried to explain anyway. This error is leading many blind people of the blind leaders into the pit. And to be clear as to not be caught in being called and anti christ spirit Jesus the Son of God came in the Flesh without question the issue is who died and ressurected as that is the foundation of the True Faith. There is One God not 3 gods that make up one god. The Truth is as simple a child can understand it if you make it so complicated contradictory or mysterious how then did you come to the Lord as a child requiring so much vain philosophy and definition of words just to believe?
@Robin Grubitz He may be your triune god. The unfortunate issue with not rightly dividing the word of God using verses out of context adding to the scripture and taking away from the scripture is how your false teaching started. You profession of faith is Jesus is God. The testimony of Jesus and Eveyone of the Apostles is Jesus is the Son of the Only True Living God and That one God who is Spirit and the Father of Lights ressurected Jesus of Nazareth after He died some have seen him after his ressurection and still revered him as the Son of God He himself Jesus is clear He has a God and Father that God and Father is His and our God and Father. In your error you fail to see or understand the death and ressurection. Who died of the cross God the Father, God the Son not found In scripture God the Holy Spirit also not found in scripture. Who Ressurected same question? Who comes out of the tomb tomorrow morning?
Don’t thank Voddie Baucham for his teachings. Instead, thank God for Voddie Baucham!!! ❤🙏🏾. Thank you Lord
@dirtylaundry-331😄😄😄😄 no.
Agree he is one of three of my favorite Pastors I could gone on about my respect for him you listen to him so I'm sure you know the fact the he talks on a variety of subjects and topics and shys away from non he stands up for what is right and true with no hesitation to explain why
Threenity teaching wants to make people beleive Jesus Christ is the second personne in God among with the Father and the Holly-Spirit . Jesus is not a creator himserf was created by our Father. All things was not made BY but THROUGH Him. Donc make him what the Bible dies not tels us!!! Jesus Christ is the son of God our brother and savior by the grace of our Father !! Amen
@@jeandamourndereyehe7286 you have to ignore a LOT of scripture to determine that Jesus isn't God.
@@gowsif_dnb so if Jesus Christ is the one who is God, what is His creator? The Bible never says that Jesus Christ is the one who is God. He is said to be created by God and borne on eorth by God and resurrected by God, glorified by God ... Jesus is a special creation on God to the redemer of all nature chosen by God.
Another Brother in Christ, unafraid and unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus- who IS the Truth. Amen!
I have just rededicated my life 🔙 to jesus,and he is truly a loving and forgiving God,and i amso happy I've come back to him,im being changed daily and am learning more and more about him,thank you jesus!
Best sermon I have ever seen on the Deity of Christ . Thank God for Voddie Baucham and John MacArthur ! 🙏🙌
...and Paul Washer as well 😊. My three best preachers. Praise God for these faithful men!
@@therighteousbranch2599 Agreed
Those two are my favorites also. Amazing men of God
@@therighteousbranch2599 stev lawson
Jm Boice
Agreed on everyone mentioned.
Conrad Mbewe, Alastair Begg, Jeff Durbin, & Sinclair Ferguson too!
This morning, I was reading Colloseans, and after only one chapter was interrupted by tasks to do. After dropping my husband at work I randomly chose a sermon to listen to on the drive home and found this one. What a fabulous providence!
Thank you, LORD JESUS CHRIST FOR SHAPING A MAN LIKE PASTOR VODDIE BAUCHAM ✝️👑🙏🕊❤️.We so desperately need his kind of man ❤❤❤
Jesus Christ
Fully God and Fully man
Jesus Christ = God in human body. God in human body it not called God it is called Jesus Christ !!!
@@jeandamourndereyehe7286 OK
Thankyou Voddie, 😌 As ALWAYS a BEAUTIFUL sermon❤️for all TRUE ✝️
You are a beacon of light brother ,truly loved & blessed. AMEN
💖 ✝️ 🙌 🥹 ✨️ 🙏
We must follow God 🙏 rules 🙏 all time
Amen 🙌🙏 to God and Jesus Christ 🙏
Love can be evil; the love of the world. And love is manipulated by the world. But the love of God is not of this world.
That isnt love its a fake knockoff. Put parentheses around it in that case to understand it.
Liek Your 'love' is like the early morning mist that disappears in the sunlight.
Jesus is first born 🙏
We must care for each other 🙏🙏❣️
Thank You Lord for the blessing of Founders Ministries and Voddie Baucham! ❤ AMEN!
Jesus Christ is important man and that is important 🙏
Your life is made of glory of created 🙏
All Glory to The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
What an awesome and inspiring message. Thank you Heavenly Father God for using Pastor Baucham to proclaim your most beautiful and precious Holy words to us. A willing vessel being used in your service.
His explanation and application of Jesus being "firstborn from the dead" is awesome. Praise the Lord!
I love this. Total glorification of Jesus accounting everything to Him, not us!
I became a baptized for a long time 🙏 for Jesus Christ 🙏 and Jehovah witness for my life
We sing to Jesus Christ and worship and life to him and he is Jesus Christ of God man is master of redeemer
Good protect your life
Jesus Christ is visible flesh of God 🙏
Everything made for him
Jesus Christ was the fullness of the Godhead bodily
The God man is Jesus Christ who teaches the truth of Bible
Thank you, Lord, for raising up Voddie Baucham to reveal your grace and great love for us.
He gets to use you for his purpose, amen to THAT! He is not running for God, he IS God, also love this. The God man, I absolutely love that title! ❤😊
I cant get enough of these sermons, his delivery, humbleness and ability to clearly define scripture is truly a blessing from The Most High!
Why do we need God man because he needs us to help you in your life 🙏🙏
Father God is also very important to
Amen, Pastor Voddie, the Lord Jesus Christ is GOD MANIFEST IN THE FLESH! See 1 Timothy 3:16!
I read 'the first born of all creation' as the inheritor of all creation. The first born is the one who got the blessings and the inheritance on earth.
That’s good that’s a good reading I like that
Thank you for all that you do God bless 🙌
Jesus Christ takes sin away from you seriously
Godbless you brethren in Yeshua messiah name amen Glory to God forever amen
Amen Amen
“16Therefore let no one judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a feast, a New Moon, or a Sabbath. 17These are a shadow of the things to come, but the body that casts it belongs to Christ”
Colossians 2
Love This Man and His Teachings!🙂
So many are being led astray with this video.
Blind deaf fake evil space cadet
@Samnium Spyder it's almost ironic isn't it
Why do you doubt God and Jesus ? My question is of this you are woken everyday and have your senses intact and body limbs wich move and hands wich can do good it's not your vessel your earthy body wich makes you wake everyday and be able to move talk ect it's god who has blessed you with life and Jesus who has died for our sins our Lord and savour I pray you open your heart and let Jesus in open your soul to know in faith alongside Jesus christ side you can acknowledge the holy blessings upon us all amen
Glory to Jesus the Only One, our creator, for this man.
Jesus is first created
May The HS anoint you immeasurably so the church be deeply rooted in Christ,that good news
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Jesus is creat of God
Preach Sir, love it!!, preach the word, God is honored 🎖 🥇 🙏
Very well spoken and Theologically sound.
"Unfathomable, unimaginable...that God...would become a Man...but that's exactly what happened." V.B. re: Colossians 1:15.
You can identify the TRUE servants of THE MOST HIGH GOD YHWH by their CONSISTENT BOLD NON
God man is version
The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are three distinct persons.
(FATHER) ❤❤❤
(GLORY) ❤❤❤
“8See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ. 9For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity dwells in bodily form. 10And you have been made complete in Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.
11In Him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of your sinful nature, with the circumcision performed by Christb and not by human hands. 12And having been buried with Him in baptism, you were raised with Him through your faith in the power of God, who raised Him from the dead.”
Colossians 2
Like Ephesians 3:19; '.. and you may be filled up in all (the) fullness of God.'
I have a problem with Christmas and all other holidays.
I also have a problem with Christmas and holidays as GOD said, do not do that.
I need your help, please Mr.Voddie sir ..I have learned today that everything that I had been believing in my whole life is a lie. And all I want to do is spirit myself away from all this pain. Please help me if you can.
Hello, this is not Pastor Voddie, I am just me. But I just read your message and felt the need to reach out to help you if I can. I can probably track down an email or phone number that may be able to help if you still need help. May God bless you and yours... Don M
Open your ❤️ & each morning & night, THANK THE FATHER FOR ALL WE ENDURE. I INVITED JESUS Into my life, asked him to use me as he wishes. HE LOVES YOU April Tracy. So BELIEVE 100% & GIVE YOURSELF 100%
He has always been there for YOU, he just wants YOU to show him YOUR love & YOUR loyalty to him. You will be fine 🥹💖✝️🙏
@@Sir-Dude 👍💖🙏
Repent and follow Jesus Christ. Read the Bible daily.
@@joham no love expressed at all in your statement just a copy and paste
You should read the book God-Man the word made flesh by Dr. George Washington Carey
Be honest to yourself 🙏
“I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.”
John 5:30 KJV
“Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.”
John 20:17
“And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.”
Matthew 19:17 KJV
“and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Philippians 2:11 KJV
I attempted to listen to this video and there was no volume.
In the beginning he was the word; “I am.” The word was with God and the word was God. And the word became flesh.
You hear many religions say, Jesus is not God but a messenger of God. Like Muslims believe that God did not became flesh, he has no physical form like a man.
But in the gospels, we ourselves have read. Jesus said, “I am”, “I have desired this moment.” Paul says, having the form of God did not but humbled himself to be in the likeness of man and Serve mankind.
Jesus is God. Jesus said, for if I do not go, the Holy Spirit cannot come. Jesus went to come back to be with the apostles forever in the Holy Spirit; trinity. Praise be to God.
For those who denied Jesus is God, deny he has resurrected is false teachers, antichrist, false prophets. And we have heard of all this man called themselves prophets denying Jesus.
Daniel 9:28
For their are those who will remove the atoning sacrifice, they will put new things into it, and will do new things; religions, Muslim, Catholicism have put their own traditions into the sacrifice of the living God. Jesus warned us about this.
Jesus is not religion, his true church is the church he founded in the beginning of creation.
Col 1:15; 'He (Christ) who is the image of God, the unseen (one)'..
Col 1:19; For in Him all the fullness (*) was pleased to dwell' (* 'of God' is not in the original Greek text)..
Mat. 1:20; 'For what in her (Mary) is generated, is of holy spirit'.. God was his Father, he was without sin, and therefore he could be the perfect offering to take sin(s) away..
Luke 1:35; '(the) holy spirit will come, and the power of the Almighty will rest upon you, because of this the one that will be begotten in you, will be holy and will be called the Son of God.'
We are all GOD MAN
Does anyone know which Bible version does Voddie use??.
To all the Non-Trinitarians out there! I like to plea with you. I realize that you reject the Trinity and reject that Jesus is God and think it's all heresy but I implore all of you to just consider what Trinitarians have to say.
The Trinity is not some doctrine created by Catholics, it's not something made out of nowhere that we blindly follow. The Trinity is Bible based.
I like to give you three things to consider:
1. God said in Isaiah that He shares his glory with No one. In the Gospel of John Jesus said that he shared glory with the Father before time began.
2. Jesus received worship multiple times. In the Old testament or anywhere else I don't see the Father telling people to listen to his Son but don't worship him. The only person we should worship is God. The Father did not tell people worship or not to worship Jesus but they did it in the New Testament anyway and Jesus Did NOT rebuke them.
3. At the End of The Gospel of Matthew, Jesus issues the Great Commission. He ordered that disciples would be baptized in the name of the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Why would Jesus make this command? First of all Jesus is making himself equal with the Father which would be blasphemy which is what the Jews accused him of, and second, why did he mention the Holy Spirit? If God is One Person and One Being why didn't Jesus just say "Baptize them in the name of the Father"? Throughout Scripture The Holy Spirit is given Respect that is only equal to God. We're told not to Grieve the Holy Spirit, the Spirit speaks, the Spirit wrote the Bible itself and also throughout the New testament The Apostles mention All 3 of the Godhead in the beginning and endings of their letters. Michael the Archangel or Gabriel or any Prophet aren't given this much respect and honor, all which goes to God.
I do not understand the Trinity 100 percent, neither do I understand Jesus being God and Human 100 percent but I submit to it and it just shows that God is not like Us. Jesus told us to worship God in spirit and truth. If we don't see God for what he truly is then we are worshipping a false god and are guilty of idolatry and deserve condemnation.
I challenge you to consider the 3 points I made and not just throw it a side out of bias.
The Trinity is true and Jesus is the God-Man OR the Bible is a contradicting mess and all the Apostles are idolators and All of our hope is in vain.
Wrestle with that.
The Sun of Righteousness is not the same one as the Son of Righteousness but the man child
Why does the term God-Man not appear in the KJV of the Bible?
I have a question. When Mr. Voddie said "we all want to be in Heaven, but nobody wants to take the ride". My question is, by taking the ride, did he mean living a life pleasing to Christ as His new creation and walking in His will? Or does he mean like, literally dying ( as a portal to go to the other side)? Not sure if I am making sense. But do help!
I believe that he meant, everyone wants to go to Heaven but no one wants to die. Because we cannot enter Heaven in our current bodies. Our finite bodies have to die in order to receive our eternal bodies. That is what I believe he means.
He's saying that no one wants to die.
I might need to listen to this message again to fully grasp what he saying and do my own theological studies.
But could it be that he is saying That we can’t separate Jesus from the Father and the Holy Spirit. That they are ONE. God the Father, Jesus the son (the WORD made flesh).
We can’t separate “The Word” from the Creator. Cause Through him (the WORD) all things were made.
How can the son of man be the God-man
Does that Mean Lazarus was in a certain picnic when He was dead and Jesus snap him back from it ot I got it wrong? somebody help .
Very good.
Thank you, God.
Thank you, Rev Baucham.
A preacher/man of the church looks out into the mortal world he believes God created and then judges it because he is ignorant of his own Truth of Being, thereby denying the Omnipresence of the Infinite, Perfect Spirit of God....
A Priest of God knows the Infinite, Perfect Spirit of God is the Only Presence, the Only Life. Therefore, he knows where everything Mortal and Finite Appears to be, only the Infinite, Perfect, Omnipresent Life of God is.
He knows that when he is not attuned to Divine Consciousness(Eternal Life, Immortality, Truth, God), by default, he is attuned to Mortal Consciousness(karmic death, mortality, form, fear, judgment, evil, etc). He knows that every communication Unfolding from God within is to encourage the Spirit/Soul die to the False Sense of Mortal Self, as the Purpose of the Soul is to take Dominion over the only Adversary, the World Mind and it's thoughts tempting him to believe mortality/form/decay is reality.
He knows Divine Love can not express itself through a Material Consciousness.
He knows he that Realizes he is the Son of God has Eternal Life. He then walks through the world of mortal appearances a Divine Being in who the 5 Senses of Mortality have been Impersonalized, and therefore hold no power over him. His fidelity is to the Immortal Spirit he is, and no longer to the mortal sense of life, not of God.
He knows the RESURRECTION takes place when he drops the belief and reliance upon the False Appearances of the World Mind of Mortality through the Acceptance and Realization of God/Spirit being the only Infinite, Perfect, Omnipresent Being, thereby knowing his true self to be the Infinite, Perfect, Omnipresent Spirit of God.
He knows he Must OVERCOME the Mortal Belief he is not Immortal, Divine Being, and Only then can he be called:
A Priest of God
Pick up the Cross of Immortality and Bear it despite mortal appearances and the temptation to entertain them as reality!
To the Degree in which we can walk through the false world of mortality and not be disturbed by it is the Path of the Realized Christ Within!
Peace Be Unto You
How was Jesus God? His identity as the Logos stayed the same in the Incarnation, and he was given the Holy Spirit without measure. How was Jesus a man? In every way made like us. How did Jesus do miracles? By the Father working through him by the Holy Spirit, and not by his own attributes of deity; otherwise he would have glorified himself, which he could not do as a man. Now in his glorified state, he has all attributes of deity restored to him.
With a television you don't have to be supernatural. God prefer that because it's more social but we have to use it correctly. Right now we have anarchy blindness. Despite the anarchy blindness I figured it out. That proves we can be God like. Only a person getting crucified would suspect something greater. They crucified me with exact same disease that in pink Floyd the wall. Victor said it's all good. It should be possible to make everything all good.:‑X
Jesus Christ is shown to be “the firstborn of all creation” as well as “the firstborn from the dead”-not merely most distinguished in relation to those created or those resurrected but the first one actually created and the first raised from the dead to endless life. (Col 1:15, 18; Re 1:5; 3:14) On earth he was the firstborn child of Mary and was presented at the temple in accordance with Jehovah’s law. (Lu 2:7, 22, 23) The apostle Paul speaks of the followers of Jesus Christ who have been enrolled in the heavens as “the congregation of the firstborn,” the first ones accepted by God as sons on the basis of their faith in Jesus’ sacrifice and the first of Christ’s followers to be resurrected with no need to die again.-Heb 12:23.
Might want to read you're Bible again champ, and study it properly this time. What Voddie is speaking here is bang on.
@@houseoftravers no he supports apostasy. Hes far from biblical truth
Jesus was not a Godman
Trinity dogma is not a biblical teaching
False religion / Christendom have turn jesus into almighty God which he never claimed to be
Jesus only claim was that he was Gods son and the messiah
Pagan trinity gods
1. Egypt. Triad of Horus, Osiris, Isis, 2nd millennium B.C.E.
2. Babylon. Triad of Ishtar, Sin, Shamash, 2nd millennium B.C.E.
3. Palmyra. Triad of moon god, Lord of Heavens, sun god, c. 1st century C.E.
4. India. Triune Hindu godhead, c. 7th century C.E.
5. Kampuchea. Triune Buddhist godhead, c. 12th century C.E.
6. Norway. Trinity (Father, Son, holy spirit), c. 13th century C.E.
7. France. Trinity, c. 14th century C.E.
8. Italy. Trinity, c. 15th century C.E.
9. Germany. Trinity, c. 19th century C.E.
10. Germany. Trinity, 20th century C.E.
AT MATTHEW 4:1, Jesus is spoken of as being “tempted by the Devil.” After showing Jesus “all the kingdoms of the world and their glory,” Satan said: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.” (Matthew 4:8, 9) Satan was trying to cause Jesus to be disloyal to God.
But what test of loyalty would that be if Jesus were God? Could God rebel against himself? No, but angels and humans could rebel against God and did. The temptation of Jesus would make sense only if he was, not God, but a separate individual who had his own free will, one who could have been disloyal had he chosen to be, such as an angel or a human.
On the other hand, it is unimaginable that God could sin and be disloyal to himself. “Perfect is his activity . . . A God of faithfulness, . . . righteous and upright is he.” (Deuteronomy 32:4) So if Jesus had been God, he could not have been tempted.-James 1:13.
Not being God, Jesus could have been disloyal. But he remained faithful, saying: “Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”-Matthew 4:10.
How Much Was the Ransom?
ONE of the main reasons why Jesus came to earth also has a direct bearing on the Trinity. The Bible states: “There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all.”-1 Timothy 2:5, 6.
Jesus, no more and no less than a perfect human, became a ransom that compensated exactly for what Adam lost-the right to perfect human life on earth. So Jesus could rightly be called “the last Adam” by the apostle Paul, who said in the same context: “Just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive.” (1 Corinthians 15:22, 45) The perfect human life of Jesus was the “corresponding ransom” required by divine justice-no more, no less. A basic principle even of human justice is that the price paid should fit the wrong committed.
If Jesus, however, were part of a Godhead, the ransom price would have been infinitely higher than what God’s own Law required. (Exodus 21:23-25; Leviticus 24:19-21) It was only a perfect human, Adam, who sinned in Eden, not God. So the ransom, to be truly in line with God’s justice, had to be strictly an equivalent-a perfect human, “the last Adam.” Thus, when God sent Jesus to earth as the ransom, he made Jesus to be what would satisfy justice, not an incarnation, not a god-man, but a perfect man, “lower than angels.” (Hebrews 2:9; compare Psalm 8:5, 6.) How could any part of an almighty Godhead-Father, Son, or holy spirit-ever be lower than angels?
@@AstariahJW you are following a cult clown
Not even a clever 1🙄🤣🤣🤣
Yet you are so triggered youre here to compain😅😅😅😅😅
Hopefully you get convicted and repent.😮😢
@@AstariahJW you have no.idea what the bible is just insane propaganda 😅😅😅
Natural selection is the character flaw in evil that is integrity is more important than life otherwise evolution is tragic circumstances with nothing intelligent happening. Almost everyone survive until they reproduce. Nothing is getting selected except for the character flaw in evil. I found a replacement for the character flaw in evil that I liked but God makes me forget things that will cause me trouble.:^)
Hes wro g about the trinity
Easy 2 be saved. Believe that Jesus died for all your sins. He was buried and rose on the 3rd day. Born Again Believers: Over 2,000 yrs. ago. Jesus died for all our sins, Past, Present, and Future. A simple way 2 understand our sin debt that Jesus paid. Past=Yesterday. Present=Today. Future=Tomorrow. So, My Past is gone=no sin. My Present = Today now my time where i lived is 11:30pm. So, at 12:am I will be in My future. . which will be my present. And yesterday will be my past=no sin, and it repeats every day that way. In 10 Mins. I will be in my future which will be My present, and yesterday will be my past=no sin. God Bless all those who read this...Ours sins are Completely Gone Forever!!!
Threenity teaching wants to make people beleive Jesus Christ is the second personne in God among with the Father and the Holly-Spirit . Jesus is not a creator himserf was created by our Father. All things was not made BY but THROUGH Him. Donc make him what the Bible dies not tels us!!! Jesus Christ is the son of God our brother and savior by the grace of our Father !! Amen
The first born is made two statement
The universe is an empty wond of creation where all affirmations take key place, curses. Rituals kcabsla. And boodoo.
The demon in sunshine movie is Jesus. It's not reality but people's perceptions. The churches have failed Jesus. Fighting over the star makes more sense than the horrible prophecy fighting over who knows what.:-O
You don't have a clue!
False ideology. twisting scripture. not accepting jesus own words. John 1:14 And the word was made flesh and Dwelt among us,[ and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the ONLY BEGOTTEN of the FATHER,] full of grace and truth.
IF john is claiming the word is Jesus and he is God????, then how can the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON be the FATHER?????. John calls Jesus "the lamb of God", Verse 29. So Jesus is NOT GOD, but the SON OF GOD.
if jesus is the creator then who sent him???.
if jesus is the creator/God then who did jesus pray to many times????.
if jesus is the creator then how did the eternal God die on the cross????.
if jesus is the creator then there is no God the Father????
JESUS OWN WORDS 1 Corinthians 11:3 but i want you to realise that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of every woman is man, and the head of CHRIST IS GOD. so voddie baucham is wrong and lacks understanding of the scripture.
What a crazy inane delusional nitwit😅😅😅😅😅
@@samniumspyder well said 👏
Jesus routinely accepts acts of worship from his followers. If he were not God and instead only a godly man then he would have rebuked those people as Peter did with the centurion in Acts 10. Since he did not, then he is either God incarnate, or a false prophet and a blasphemer. I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of any reason why God would resurrect a blasphemous false prophet.
@@Vengeful_Octopus I ask you a question,,,,,, Is god a deciever?????
Rebecca's father. Jacob's grandfather. A PAUL 🍎 PAP PAUL
What if He is wrong. God can not die if Jésus Christ was God the creator he He would not have died
I had to overcome the world 🌎 again GOD has a bloodline. Abraham Lincoln was Abraham from the Bible Before Abraham was I AM. BETHUEL AKHENATEN Eural URIEL your AL your owl 🦉 eye 🦉 👁 EL GOD IZ JESUS BETH HOUSE 🏠 Elizabethtown Kentucky Bible history is Kentucky history. DANIEL BOONE DAVID CROCHET. JAMES HARROD
Your lost!
@Baron Reed 😁 us that the most intelligent 👌 🤣 thing you have to say for yourself NARCISSIST NARCISSIST NARCISSIST 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 THAT IS ONLY YOUR OPINION. ONLY GOD'S OPINION 🙏 MATTERS. NOW. WORK OUT YOUR SALVATION IN FEAR 😨 AND TREMBLING 🪱 WORM 🪱 🌫🌬🔥😱🔥
@@baronreed8131 Passover ☄️ asteroid and solar eclipse pink moon 🌙 and the black ⚫️ HOLE 🕳 is directed energy. You are going to see a storm. A big one. The assembly will look 👌 😍 like a burning 🔥 cross🔥 ✝️ 🔥
God man? That term is never used in the Bible.
The term Bible isnt used in the Bible! Just because the term isn’t use, the idea/concept can still be found in it.
@@taebrown384 Bible simply means book or books in Latin. The sacred text is simply a combination of books pieced together. Hence the name "Bible". Using a term to describe The Savior of the world that He didn't even use or none of His disciples used is wild! He has many names throughout the scripture. Why make up one that's not in the scripture?
Very tip of time given from before. What is nor what this and that? How else? Who is that? Are ye talking about my Heirs? Nor...was CONDEMN TO DEATH HOLY FEET TOUCHING THE CURSE DRY GROUNDS FOR THE LOVE FOR....THE CHILD. WHICH YE ALL GIVEN TO GLORIFY. WHAT IS CREATIONS? WITHOUT " WHO WILL GLORIFY"? RAINBOW IS TO PRESERVE NOT EXTINCTION! NOR TO LEAD ASTRAY TO A PLACE OF NO RETURN! SINCERE CONVERSATIONS FOR THY SOULS COMES WITH QUENCH! What is alive without QUENCH but gnashing of teeth? But reminding written within. Will recognize one another!
Sorry, Jesus isn’t God, nor equal to God. He called our God and Father his God and Father at John 20:17.
Jesus to Philip : "Have I been with you So..lonnng and yet you have not come to know Me?" john14
To Christians today who elevate human 'freewill' and downgrade the Sovereignty of God.
To Christians today...who wrongly esteem the impact of original Sin and promote a pseudo 'island of righteousness' in the soul; a pristine imaginary place of re:beginning, impervious to the Adamic nature.
To Christians today, who have Jude, Peter, James, Paul, Luke, John and Jesus...ALL saying the same thing : 'salvation is of the Lord'...and yet STILL promote a different schema in the plan of salvation. It has become 'our' plan...not God's plan. Totally wrong.
What? This man said Jesus is God-man? Such a liar out of his own mouth. God is a Spirit... John 4:24. God is not flesh, bone and bone. This man missed out somewhere about Jesus temperarily life on earth. He understands nothing during Jesus cried out loud twice before his death. All Trinitarian are missing this gap that is why they are all struggle about the Trinity. Even this man, not even clear himself. God said he is a Spirit. Trinitarian said God are 3 distinct persons or personalities.
The godhead was too deep for the Catholic Church they didn't understand it and made up that word Trinity
Your Theology is seriously flawed!
@@baronreed8131 baron do u actually think I care if u agree with it or not? When u die u gonna have to bow and co fess that Jesus is God and God alone no trinity. Show me trinity or triune or when the Bible says we are three distinct God's wit 3personalities?? Ur mind is flawed u heathen
God man is not scriptural nor God's Truth its Greek mythology making Jesus a demi god and the Greeks tried to make Paul zues and Silas hermes why can't you see your error
Thanks for your opinion. Totally unscriptural considering both old and new testament.
@Sauli Ruottu Show me what I said isn't true one Account of God the Son or God man anywhere in scripture old or new. The fact of the matter is the orthodoxy of professing believers was corrupted from the days of old when Paul warned us men left the true faith teaching damnable heresies deeper Truths and understandings then what the Apostles clearly and directly teach. The profession of faith for most professing believers is Jesus is God. The error is what is the Rock the Lord Jesus built his house on? Many are so decived believing lies from the minds and councils of men and their doctrines rather than hearing Jesus and His God and Fathers direct testimonies of one another. We are in the end of days and God's Truth will be restored the bride made wrinkle and blemish free the majority will choose the wide gate the few of us the narrow way to life is what we find. Do you desire the narrow way or the false majorities way that leads to destruction.
@@shawnembrey1118 I don't what you are criticizing in your original comments. Did you mean Jesus was not a man since you wrote "God man is not scriptural"? Jesus was fully God and fully man when He was in the flesh, the second Adam, how is that Greek mythology?
@Sauli Ruottu My point is men change the scripture to meet their understanding and feelings instead of listening to be taught. Jesus the Son of God not God the Son two different things one is God's Truth one is a fabrication from men that couldn't understand spiritual things but tried to explain anyway. This error is leading many blind people of the blind leaders into the pit. And to be clear as to not be caught in being called and anti christ spirit Jesus the Son of God came in the Flesh without question the issue is who died and ressurected as that is the foundation of the True Faith. There is One God not 3 gods that make up one god. The Truth is as simple a child can understand it if you make it so complicated contradictory or mysterious how then did you come to the Lord as a child requiring so much vain philosophy and definition of words just to believe?
@Robin Grubitz He may be your triune god. The unfortunate issue with not rightly dividing the word of God using verses out of context adding to the scripture and taking away from the scripture is how your false teaching started. You profession of faith is Jesus is God. The testimony of Jesus and Eveyone of the Apostles is Jesus is the Son of the Only True Living God and That one God who is Spirit and the Father of Lights ressurected Jesus of Nazareth after He died some have seen him after his ressurection and still revered him as the Son of God He himself Jesus is clear He has a God and Father that God and Father is His and our God and Father. In your error you fail to see or understand the death and ressurection. Who died of the cross God the Father, God the Son not found In scripture God the Holy Spirit also not found in scripture. Who Ressurected same question? Who comes out of the tomb tomorrow morning?
There is no such thing as a god man. It's ether God or man.......and Jesus was a man.
Its both
Jesus was not a Godman stop lieing to people
Evil triggersd cult follower🙄