The Problem with France's Economy | France Economics

  • Опубліковано 5 гру 2023
  • France is one of the oldest and largest global economies. Having significant power over the EU. However in 2023, there was a crisis and anger against the pension reforms. This has sent the popularity of their leader Emanuuel Macron plummeting. Apart from exposing these, it also highlighted other underlying issues with the French economy, which need to be resolved if it to remain a top global economy. Join us in the video as we highlight some of the core issues with the economy of France, and some potential solutions
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  • @hersdera
    @hersdera 2 місяці тому +1574

    In light of the ongoing global economic crisis, it is crucial for everyone to prioritize investing in diverse sources of income that are not reliant on the government. This includes exploring opportunities in stocks, gold, silver, and digital currencies. Despite the challenging economic situation, it remains a favorable time to consider these investments.

    • @EddyAgnes-vy4kp
      @EddyAgnes-vy4kp 2 місяці тому +2

      The pathway to substantial returns doesn't solely rely on stocks with significant movements. Instead, it revolves around effectively managing risk relative to reward. By appropriately sizing your positions and capitalizing on your advantage repeatedly, you can progressively work towards achieving your financial goals. This principle applies across various investment approaches, whether it be long-term investing or day trading.

    • @nicolasbenson009
      @nicolasbenson009 2 місяці тому +2

      It's often true that people underestimate the importance of financial advisors until they feel the negative effects of emotional decision-making. I remember a few summers ago, after a tough divorce, when I needed a boost for my struggling business. I researched and found a licensed advisor who diligently helped grow my reserves despite inflation. Consequently, my reserves increased from $275k to around $750k.

    • @ScottKindle-bk3hx
      @ScottKindle-bk3hx 2 місяці тому +2

      Please can you leave the info of your investment advisor here? I’m in dire need for one

    • @nicolasbenson009
      @nicolasbenson009 2 місяці тому +2

      Well, there are a few out there who know what they are doing. I tried a few in the past years, but I’ve been with Melissa Terri Swayne for the last five years or so, and her returns have been pretty much amazing.

    • @Hectorkante
      @Hectorkante 2 місяці тому +2

      I copied her whole name and pasted it into my browser; her website appeared immediately, and her qualifications are excellent; thank you for sharing.

  • @shootnicky8166
    @shootnicky8166 7 місяців тому +1091

    French retirees have had everything: real estate assets multiplied by 3, a stable job during the glorious thirties and for some early retirement at 55. The next generation has none of that and continues to pay for their high pensions and degraded public services.

    • @arofhoof
      @arofhoof 7 місяців тому +96

      This is what you get when you design your retirement system like a ponzi scheme😢😢

    • @pierren___
      @pierren___ 7 місяців тому +98

      1. Reverse immigration
      2. Delete social welfare
      3. Healtcare for the French only
      4. Cut pensions by half

    • @h8510129
      @h8510129 7 місяців тому +1

      Yeah boomers had the easiest life in history, didn't have to pay pension, and still couldn't save for their own retirement and now whining for younger generations to pay for them, what a joke.

    • @panter82
      @panter82 7 місяців тому +18

      Same as Italy. We are just 20 years ahead of the declining curve

    • @mattj905
      @mattj905 7 місяців тому +33

      Same as pretty much all developed nations, it’s a complete outrage and that generation of very privileged people often don’t even acknowledge it

  • @konstantinospitas1993
    @konstantinospitas1993 7 місяців тому +33

    One has to live in France to experience just how close to socialism it is while being capitalist. Then one can either marvel at how well its doing despite the above, or despair at how difficult it is to change. Basically there is a big elite in France that is quite oblivious to "the market". It is bred since childhood to reach peculiar French milestones like going to specific prestigious universities that set you up for life and then scoring public sector jobs, or jobs in companies semi-controlled by the government. Also many if not most employees are basically unfirable, which means that often they couldnt care less about doing their job perfectly, just about ok seems to be the norm. And on it goes with many similar peculiarities and inefficiencies.

    • @tahu1349
      @tahu1349 8 годин тому

      French aristocracy did that...
      I wonder how that worked out? 🤔

  • @mark27432
    @mark27432 7 місяців тому +54

    In the UK we solved the whole pension problem by just raising the pension age above the average life expectancy. Sorted. /s

    • @Rowlph8888
      @Rowlph8888 7 місяців тому +3

      Rubbish. life expectancy in the UK is mid 80's, similar to France.

    • @brb4903
      @brb4903 7 місяців тому +7

      Rubbish some people's sense of humour@@Rowlph8888

    • @lucaj8131
      @lucaj8131 6 місяців тому +2

      also lower the life expectancy

    • @renaudfilippi2599
      @renaudfilippi2599 6 місяців тому +2


    • @younesjonas2040
      @younesjonas2040 6 місяців тому

      France is over

  • @ebroussi
    @ebroussi 7 місяців тому +549

    It all boils down to people’s budget. Saying that France has the highest tax in the OECD doesn’t mean anything in itself, at all. What matters is what are those taxes and how they are spent. Pensions, health, education is provided by the state and therefore represents close to 0€ in a family’s budget in France. Studies have shown that a US citizen pays less or 0 taxes in those departments but end up spending much more on those items per capita than a French for lower quality overall.
    The real problem is ideology. Recently with the last three governments, a big chunk of tax revenues has been diverted to fostering ´investment’ i.e. subsidy offer instead of demand. The results are ridiculous. CICE, a huge tax cut for companies was meant to create 1 million jobs. It created 10 000 for 40 billion € per year. So not only this money didn’t create jobs, it didn’t raise salaries either, it almost all ended up in profits and dividends for shareholders. Corporate profits have never been higher in France and investment lower. Total, LVMH, Banks all registered profits unparalleled in the entire history of France. Even the East India Company never registered so high profits. A deadly paradox. Worst of all, some even laid off their workforce.
    Moreover ,in spite of this corporate economic inefficiency, the entire budget would be balanced if France wasn’t the champion of tax evasion and corporate fraud. All in all 80 billion € is missing each year, the exact amount of the deficit, hiding in Switzerland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Ireland. What is the government doing? Dividing the number of tax inspectors by half in 15 years.
    Lastly, energy costs. The French state provided the cheapest electricity in all of Europe, by far. Result of a long genious public investment plan in Nuclear energy. Companies in France, although they paid higher taxes, largely compensated with their energy costs. By joining the European Common Market for Energy, France aligned its electricity price to Gaz, therefore hindering massively companies’ budgets and competitiveness vs Germany.
    I could go on and on and discuss how a free market in many instances isn’t the solution but the very root of the problem - private highways rising transportation costs, private hospitals draining Social Security funds, private banks refusing loans to ´risky’ new entrepreneurs while investing in products such as CDOs and subprimes, private education and student housing creating a shortage of essential professionals like doctors, railways etc.

    • @vmoses1979
      @vmoses1979 7 місяців тому +25

      You raise some good points but there is a paradox. French voters are overwhelmingly against Macron's neoliberal policies yet the socialists and the left wing never make it to the final round in presidential votes. The choice is between right and far right. Why is there this dichotomy of people saying they want socialist policies but voting for the right?

    • @axanarahyanda628
      @axanarahyanda628 7 місяців тому +59

      ​@@vmoses1979That's where you are wrong. The French did vote for the left (François Hollande) for 2012-2017, and nothing really happened. Whatever party is elected, it generally ends up in disappointment thus a change of president on the next election. One of the reasons for the rise of abstention is that we are running out of parties we haven't already been disappointed by.

    • @Oscareuh
      @Oscareuh 7 місяців тому +24

      @@axanarahyanda628no serious French leftist considers Francois Hollande to be part of the left. He is overwhelmingly seen as right wing, even before he was elected (the left would rather take him over Sarkozy)

    • @paillettecnc
      @paillettecnc 7 місяців тому

      @@vmoses1979 Because Melenchon is a national threat, not a solution, many saw this and said "nope !". The rest (on the left) are starting to see what those were right since october 7th. The thing that prevents the left from being elected is immigration. The left always wants to open the flood gates of immigration because if you don't you're racist.

    • @vmoses1979
      @vmoses1979 7 місяців тому +16

      @@axanarahyanda628 Francois Hollande is more centrist than leftist - I mean Macron worked for him. And why give only one term to him and his Socialist party and multiple terms to the right - it doesn't make sense.

  • @alioshax7797
    @alioshax7797 7 місяців тому +109

    If a pension system is a Ponzi Scheme, then so is a bank.
    Both assumption are ridiculous. A Ponzi scheme requires always more and more money coming in, in order to create the illusion of profits. A bank and a pension system just need to maintain stable income and outcome. That's why, in a theorical nation with a fixed population and fixed revenues, a pension system is perfectly sustainable. Only issue here is that the population is aging.

    • @SP95
      @SP95 7 місяців тому

      A Ponzi Scheme requires infinite growth to simply survive, not a bank.

    • @benjaminlamey3591
      @benjaminlamey3591 7 місяців тому +1

      when insurance and brokers cannot get the people broke, they describe the other solution as being a scam. it is the best acknowledgement that it can work when not undermined by politicians.

    • @hencokotze2232
      @hencokotze2232 7 місяців тому +13

      That doesn't make any sense. Credit issued by banks are still assets; they retain their value. A bank doesn't need a constant flow of cash to be viable; they just need cash on hand.
      In the pension scheme on the other hand, the money is consumed by the retirees instead of being invested. Hence there needs to be a steady replenishment of pension fund.

    • @alioshax7797
      @alioshax7797 7 місяців тому +6

      @@hencokotze2232 Yeah ? What happens if all the clients of a bank want their money back at the same time ? The same thing that happens if everyone stop paying for pensions. Collapse.

    • @hencokotze2232
      @hencokotze2232 7 місяців тому +7

      @alioshax7797 lol that's a completely arbitrary equivalence. You can do that with anything. "What happens when all the consumers stop buying? Collapse".
      Taking 2 subjects to their absurd extreme and saying they're the same cause they'll collapse at that extreme isn't very sound or informative.

  • @jk9999999able
    @jk9999999able 7 місяців тому +17

    I think you're exagerating. France has issues similar to other countries in europe but its also in a better position than most. It has a relatively high birth rate, much higher than germany for example. Also, you compare france and brittain at one point when GB is litteraly a dumpster fire right now. It really seems like all you pointed out in the video is minor and could be fixed relatively easily as opposed to more existential problems like aging population.

    • @tuckerbugeater
      @tuckerbugeater 7 місяців тому


    • @renaudfilippi2599
      @renaudfilippi2599 6 місяців тому

      Yep looks like ideologists bias

    • @user-mb2zr1mz5e
      @user-mb2zr1mz5e 2 місяці тому

      The birth rate is higher because the children of refugees here in France are made french when tehy are born here it's not the real french population that is growing and France is also litterally on fire right now because of the refugees and the 300 billion deficit that france has this year

  • @diegoyuiop
    @diegoyuiop 7 місяців тому +163

    Shares a lot of issues with Italy, although it's in a better shape. I wonder how can you reform the pension system in countries where a large (and growing) share of the populations is made up of retirees or workers close to retirement age, who consider the current benefits as a right they're entitled to... you're never gonna win elections with such proposals

    • @bellicapelli8155
      @bellicapelli8155 7 місяців тому +17

      In Italy the government finally decided to cut some pensions, but sadly it's done in the most unequal way, as always: those who indeed contributed the most see their pensions cut, while the "smart" guys who worked off the book for a lifetime. paying zero taxes see their social pensions increased.
      Moreover, to save on pensions, instead of cutting them, the government has been increasing retirement age relentlessly and steeply in the past decade: that created an employment bubble, that eventually exploded, leading to some sectors, like healthcare, being in an unprecedented labour deficit.

    • @yannickfoulon5802
      @yannickfoulon5802 7 місяців тому +13

      Immigration is the only answer, but a large portion of that same population doesn't want it either

    • @timmytimpster3807
      @timmytimpster3807 7 місяців тому

      ​@@yannickfoulon5802you are one of those clowns who wants Islam imported into Europe. You need to move to Iran

    • @richardsimms251
      @richardsimms251 7 місяців тому +4

      Yes, as pointed out in another comment, correctly carried out immigration is important even though many citizens are irrationally against this. It just has to be done carefully.
      RS. Canada

    • @panter82
      @panter82 7 місяців тому +4

      Italy reformed is pension system 30 years ago and again 10 years ago. We retire at 67. The economy is somewhat weaker (south) and demography is much worse than France. But France is on the same path like Italy.

  • @jean-pierrecombes5325
    @jean-pierrecombes5325 7 місяців тому +140

    A lot of interesting points, even though most issues are faced by many Western countries, not just France. Comparing the pension system to a Ponzi scheme is a very weak argument though.

    • @earlem9771
      @earlem9771 7 місяців тому +4

      It made sense.

    • @garysanderson5774
      @garysanderson5774 7 місяців тому

      it is a ponzi scheme. Pension should not be state based

    • @zurielsss
      @zurielsss 7 місяців тому +6

      Why not? Ponzi scheme pays profits by new players paying into the scheme. Eventually it’s unsustainable.
      The lower birth rate today paying into the expanding pension system is fundamentally similar to one

    • @Mamoudzou
      @Mamoudzou 7 місяців тому +8

      @@zurielsssIt s not a Ponzi scheme because you don 't need to find new players it s actually in trouble because of the baby boom

    • @user-my8zq4pv5w
      @user-my8zq4pv5w 7 місяців тому

      ​@@earlem9771It's actually a Ponzi scheme you need more young people to enter the system to keep paying the elderly. What happens when people don't have kids? Well no more young people no more pensions.

  • @MohamedSaid-tc1wq
    @MohamedSaid-tc1wq 6 місяців тому +5

    The main problem of France is its democracy. If we look at the last few presidents they had, Sarkozy, Holland and Macron and even at the other candidates that didn't win like Le Pen, Melenchon, we find out that obviously the electoral system isn't working at all, it's making manipulators and great communicators running the country, while the most competents are left entirely out of the political system.

    • @SP95
      @SP95 6 місяців тому

      Competence =/= conflicts of interests

  • @vermicelledecheval5219
    @vermicelledecheval5219 7 місяців тому +236

    France, despite all being said is... A rich, powerful, civilized country that has as least more than a millenium of existence... Yes it faces challenges nowadays but there were tougher challenges in the past : all were overcome...
    This country still allows its citizens to earn their living and be free. This is not not so obvious in most countries in the world...

    • @jk9999999able
      @jk9999999able 7 місяців тому +55

      facts bro france rocks. It has the best healthcare system in the world

    • @adamfarkhani1354
      @adamfarkhani1354 7 місяців тому +35

      @@jk9999999able yeah because the whole country stole almost every treasure around the world

    • @vermicelledecheval5219
      @vermicelledecheval5219 7 місяців тому +56

      @@adamfarkhani1354 Yes, so what ? Are you living into fantasy land where there is no evil ? Lucky fellow you are.

    • @jandron94
      @jandron94 7 місяців тому +34

      @@Macristo France unlike the US, Australia, etc. left the power to natives when those colonies gained independance. In the US, Australia, NZ, Canada, etc. descendants of colonizers or "settlers" since the independance kept administrating those countries, natives having been mostly "wiped out" or relegated to "reserves".
      Mexico is different in the sense that natives and colonizers formed a mixed society but Mexico is not considered yet a "rich" country and the native culture and language have been mostly wipe out : it's all spanish language now.
      Many African countries that are considered "Francophone" are likely to abandon the French language or have already done it in favour of English or native languages so the Francophonie has become now an obsolete concept (even in France people do not believe in it anymore).
      France has many issues to address on its soil in Europe so it better focus on itself rather than being distracted by the rest of the world.

    • @alioshax7797
      @alioshax7797 7 місяців тому +19

      @@Macristo Sorry. How is that any different from all other colonial states ? You think the British saw Indians as their equals ? Were Dutch making friends with Javanese ? Were Belgians benevolant in Congo ? Italians peacefully took over Libya ?
      Treating locals as second class citizens (and in fact, sometimes as non-citizens at all) was a characteristics of colonialism as a whole. It's not specifically a French, British or Dutch practice. Because indeed, they saw themselves, Europeans, as superior. And at the time, well, that made sense. In 1850, Europe was indeniably technologically more advanced than any other place in the world.
      As for the use of the word "genocide" for either the Algerian conquest or the Algerian war, just like in most colonial wars (the Cipay Rebellion wasn't a genocide neither, for instance) you seem to have no clue of what that word means. Like most colonizers, the French never actually worked to eradicate the population of the land their conquered. That would have made no sens, not ideologically, not economically, not politically and even less moraly. They tried, however, to crush rebellions as hard as they could. Spilling the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocents if necessary.
      People love to use "genocide" anywhere as if using a word by giving it a wrong meaning would make their comment more relevant.

  • @poulaycurriz
    @poulaycurriz 7 місяців тому +92

    You did in 10 minutes what we can’t explain in 2 hours to our friends and family here in France, thank you

    • @sleinpein3072
      @sleinpein3072 7 місяців тому +22

      on peut pas l'expliquer parce que c'est complètement de la merde. c'est une des pire analyses de la situation que j'ai jamais vu. La vidéo recommande littéralement de flexibiliser le marcher du travail, de baisser la charge des retraites etc bref que des mesures libérales et d'austérité alors qu'on a fait que ça depuissssss (Et encore plus sous macron) et que pourtant la situation ne fait que de se dégrader.

    • @jeanladoire4141
      @jeanladoire4141 7 місяців тому +5

      ​@@sleinpein3072franchement ya moyen qu'il fasse faire comme en Argentine, de couper tout ce qui sert à rien, d'optimiser les administrations publiques (on connaît bien les problèmes liés aux fonctionnaires), et puis peut être annuler une partie de la dette, puisque elle nous étouffe depuis la période des taux négatifs, donc en gros les gouvernements précédents ont préféré prendre des milliards de dette pour gagner de l'argent à court terme (car taux négatifs), quitte à nous niquer au long terme.

    • @Fireinthesky67
      @Fireinthesky67 7 місяців тому +5

      I agree. French people have been living in this Welfare state for way too long to be able to see and understand reality as someone from outside can do it. It's like asking a fish to be conscious of water.

    • @sleinpein3072
      @sleinpein3072 7 місяців тому +6

      @@Fireinthesky67 Economy is not an hard science. The economy primary fonction is to serve the humans and organize the society. Our curent economy only serves the capitalist class. Right now we are enslaved to the economy. But it doesnt have to be that way.

    • @brainlesscactus3184
      @brainlesscactus3184 7 місяців тому +6

      On peut pas l'expliquer parce que cette explication est éclatée, c'est de la bouillie néolibérale donc littéralement la continuation du truc qui fout en l'air l'économie du pays depuis 50 ans

  • @lucienjacquet6512
    @lucienjacquet6512 7 місяців тому +9

    Tax revenue was reduce by 20 billions / year in 2012 with CICE. In addition we give money during covid in order to support major economy, majors companies only provide dividend to shareholder with our public money (annual record of dividend during 2020 and 2021 was done by CAC40 company). And moreover their is an inheritage problem, indeed rich person are rich not because of their incredible skills or work but only due to the fact that their parents where rich, in UK or other european countries this is not the same level as in France.
    And to conclude, majors companies only paid 4,5% of tax on their benefits (due to tax loopholes, actually 465 !) however small companies paid 25% of tax on their benefits !!
    This is one of number of measure that lead to current fiscal deficit in addition to bad spending in several domain.

  • @zhaojie6153
    @zhaojie6153 7 місяців тому +17

    Different generations should learn to compromise their interests, and those with vested interests should not overspend the future of the next generation in order to protect their own privileges

    • @zhaojie6153
      @zhaojie6153 7 місяців тому

      @@mrlaurent202 don't think "stop living" and " save " are proper here

  • @user-sb8qi6db3w
    @user-sb8qi6db3w 7 місяців тому +6

    Their problem is they have created an economy of the poor, business creators make business for the poor, and tax laws are about taking money to whoever earns too much or is too successful with his business.
    Plus their strange mindset about money : it’s good to have money, but terrible to have too much. And only your neighbour can say when it’s too much.

  • @lockhart1895
    @lockhart1895 7 місяців тому +7

    Maybe if they didn’t give 100 billion tax breaks years to their billionaires friends it would help

    • @rebours
      @rebours 7 місяців тому +1

      This degenerate capitalism is killing most occidental countries, austerity can only make things worse. In France all public services are in suffering, education, security, justice, health care, all are desperately lacking human and financial ressources, this will lead to a complete disaster within a generation. Euro was tailored to suit german economy, not ours.

    • @rebours
      @rebours 7 місяців тому

      Oh and french "elites" (whether from their education or their executive power) are definitely selfish and quite stupid, they'll never question the strict top down flow even when they know it doesn't make any sense.

  • @Tortuex_
    @Tortuex_ 7 місяців тому +13

    i was told by a fellow Dutch friend "I really wish we also had protested when they changed the retirement age to 67"

    @CLMBRT 7 місяців тому +72

    Regarding unemployment, there is mismatch in the job market because far too people are going to University. Few reasons for that, first it's free (some students even get paid to go through subsidies) , second universities are far too lenient with students who are not made for advanced education, third we have cultivated the belief that a bac+5 is a life goal and the most prestigious thing one could seek for. As a result, we have a large contingent of graduates who feel entitled to a well paying jobs when in fact their degree adds little to none to the economy.
    There should be way more people going into trades and the current shortage some sectors are facing rn could be adressed by pushing more students to trades (and not only the least performing ones), instead of importing immigrants in proportions that cannot be controlled and integrated to the society.
    While stopping mass immigration won't solve all the country's problems, far from it, it is no brainer to reduce the current numbers in order limit the stress on the public services and the housing market. Also, people hate to admit it but immigrants drive wages down. France is becoming a country with 3rd world country wages, with the cost of living of a first world country.
    Regarding the current pension systems, it is bound to collapse. But boomers want to their last piece of the cake and the youth is too financially uneducated to see where this is heading.
    The country is old fashioned. Companies are still run like in the 90s and the heritage of the Age of Enlightenment is a burden on our education and capacity to change.

    • @xavi239
      @xavi239 7 місяців тому +2


    • @thescholarofpain
      @thescholarofpain 7 місяців тому +4

      What a based analysis. Where do you plan on going though?

    • @curiositykillsthecat
      @curiositykillsthecat 7 місяців тому +3

      You had me til you add migrants issue!!! Puting the heavy blame in only migrations is biased for the best. Fr has many problems..the 1st one is to define where it wants to go ( the objective/ what type of Fr?). 2. Improve the management and reduce unnecessary stress at work for better productivity).3. Increase flexibility (35h, 8-17, Sunday free are bad frameworks, we need more freedom). 4. Lack of support for basic entrepreneurships at low level. 5. Lack of creativity& flexibility for everything /and hidden well paid jobs for a minority. Fr is acting as if we were still in the 80's when it comes to job creations and training courses ( xl & English..). 6.Heavy and rigid administration. 7. Zero promotion of risk taking, civil servant mindset culture. And 8. Then you can add your favorite topic immigration, but migrants are not a good or a bad thing on itself, it depends how you manage them. But it is fair to Fr is enable to deliver and needs time to get it's shit together..a slowing down of migration is necessary. And when things are fixed ,re - starting the migration process. Btw, no European countries can survive without migration, saying otherwise is just a BIG lie. If I Ask you to give me 5 programs implemented by Fr in order to better integrate migrants since the 2000' I bet it will be very difficult. It's scribble politics since several decades!!

    • @CLMBRT
      @CLMBRT 7 місяців тому +12

      ​@@curiositykillsthecat While I do agree with some of the elements you outlined, you need to learn how to read because I didn't put all the blame on immigrants.
      "no European countries can survive without migration, saying otherwise is just a BIG lie" yea that's in fact the biggest lie propagated in Europe and used a justification to kill the immigration debate. Birth rates can be increased through a set of policies, the most impactful one being bettering housing affordability. And you know what creates stress on the housing market? Increasing the housing demand by importing more people. And that's the snake that bites its own tail.

    • @gfys756
      @gfys756 7 місяців тому

      ​@@curiositykillsthecatYou should just admit that you want Europe to be an Islamic Caliphate. Because constantly demanding more immigrants is what that accomplishes.

  • @HenriLR
    @HenriLR 7 місяців тому +28

    Attention aux chiffres concernant le chômage!
    Indeed real numbers are quite higher, it's marketed as such because government needs them to be like this.
    For example people who are not looking for a job (discouraged) and not in the official system are not taken into consideration.
    According to some french economists, such as Olivier Delamarche, french unemployment rate is close to 20% (cf. youtube video named "Analyse des différences entre le chômage ressenti et le chômage statistique par Olivier Delamarche").

    • @togrid4816
      @togrid4816 7 місяців тому +3

      Beaucoup de bêtises dans cette vidéo, surtout sur le régime des retraites il est déficitaire dans le public mais bénéficiaire dans le privé. À mon sens le problème de notre pays c'est la mauvaise distribution des richesses et l'effondrement du taux d'industrie.

    • @jeanglory452
      @jeanglory452 4 місяці тому +1

      @@togrid4816 mauvaise distribution des richesses et l'effondrement du taux d'industrie. C'est psk en france on taxe comme des fou pour "redistribuer" que y a plus d'industrie

  • @samycousseau6545
    @samycousseau6545 7 місяців тому +7

    Why do you say that the country has become more liberal since 1983 while the weight of the governement in the gdp has risen from around 30% to around 60%. It's a sincere question and yes I am french. Would love to have your feedback.
    Many thanks

  • @dentatusdentatus1592
    @dentatusdentatus1592 7 місяців тому +9

    I don't care what nobody says,....I will always love French fries. 😋😋😋

    • @Also_sprach_Zarathustra.
      @Also_sprach_Zarathustra. 7 місяців тому

      It turns out that this channel is a propaganda organ financed by Saudi Arabia. It's easy to see why it's attacking France and Sweden in a totally dishonourable way (2 countries that are so committed to secularism).

  • @sasoikot4825
    @sasoikot4825 7 місяців тому +4

    French economy is declining because African countries have started to kicking out french coloniser 😂

  • @louisd9013
    @louisd9013 7 місяців тому +3

    Cette vidéo laisse entendre que les politiques libérales et d'austérités en faisant des coupes budgétaires sont nécessaire... Il suffit de regarder la Grèce, on voit bien le résultat... Le problème de la France n'est absoluement pas le fait qu'on soit trpp taxé, TANT QUE ces taxes servent pour les services publiques comme dans la santé, le transport, l'énergie, suffit pour l'ékectricité de regarder EDF qui permettait à la France d'avoir l'énergie pour les industries à bas cout, c'est hyper compétitif, jusqu'au jour où l'europe à décider de détruire EDF. C'est un exemple concret que le libéralisme se pensant au dessus du protectionnisme a échoué dans un pays comme la France ou il existe des monopoles naturels comme avec EDF (pour détruire ce monopole on en est venu a forcer EDF à vendre l'électricite que elle produit à prix coutant, quelle abération) Le libéralisme économique est PUREMENT DOGMATIQUE rien de plus, certains outils peuvent être utilisé mais il ne s'agit absoluement pas d'une solution clé en main qui peut améliorer le monde

  • @danielefabbro822
    @danielefabbro822 7 місяців тому +5

    Yeah yeah yeah, it's the same set of problems that have Italy. But unlikely Italy, France have no plans to face them.

  • @CanSArat
    @CanSArat 7 місяців тому +4

    Didn't know France is so similar to Turkey in the sense of education, creating too many university graduates but unable to create proper jobs for them. Even worse in Turkey ofc. UNiversities are mostly terrible so all they do is make their graduates think they are overqualified but the fact is they are both underqualified and don't have any work aligning with their educations neither. Same with pension system too, it's way similar in turkey too but since Turkey is still a young country but at some point same problems will surface when the born rates decrease. I hope by then Turkey could solve their democratic, systematic problems...

    • @SP95
      @SP95 6 місяців тому

      Overpopulation is a time bomb. Thankfully Türkiye's birth rate has finally reached a stable level but the current population is still way too large.
      Growing the population by 7 times in 100 years is insanely irresponsible as most of the population will remain in poverty for ever for the next 200 years to come.

    • @LEKIPE1
      @LEKIPE1 Місяць тому

      That’s an interesting POV

  • @BStrapper
    @BStrapper 7 місяців тому +51

    When the word France comes up, we have the millenium Old rehashed British wishful thinking...which is that France is doing terrible...
    The reality is this: Britain is faring just like France except for the fact in term of worker productivity Britain is lagging France by 15 to 20 pct...
    As far as the exile of skilled workers, many more britons leave Britain than French leave france . Just check it up!
    You all brits need to stop obsessing about France and start to ask youself why your country is lagging so many others in term of ... productivity.
    Maybe an unefficient education system creating too many talking heads...and shop keepers and not enough of what modern economies need?

    • @martinsingfield
      @martinsingfield 7 місяців тому +4

      The productivity difference is overstated as France measures hours worked differently, and then adjusts them down to take account of "under reporting" of annual leave. Adjust for these factors, and the difference is small.

    • @davidroullierm
      @davidroullierm 7 місяців тому +13

      who cares about who is doing worse? who cares about the Brits? The fact is that I left France because I do not want to pay for somebodies' pension, and nobody will pay for mine in the future... I make 3 to 4 times more money in the US than in France! By doing the same job!!! And you know what is worse??? That consulting hours from my colleagues that work in a French office, are almost as expensive as my consulting hours working from an American office.
      We French are very good at maths. And I do not understand how we deny the fact that the current economy is unsustainable. I dream of returning to France but will not do so until I am paid fairly. In the meantime, I'll keep working abroad and voting from abroad for somebody that tries to address these major issues.

    • @mitonaarea5856
      @mitonaarea5856 7 місяців тому

      Mate, your country is doing just as bad as the Brits. Focus on your problems instead.

    • @arofhoof
      @arofhoof 7 місяців тому

      @@martinsingfieldwho you have a link or proof on that?

    • @arofhoof
      @arofhoof 7 місяців тому

      @@davidroulliermpeople dont believe the situation is unsustainable because politics dont understand basic economic keep making unsustainable promises (no specific to France to be fair)

  • @lalyosos7720
    @lalyosos7720 7 місяців тому +2

    Their problem is (mainly) that they always think that they are more important/bigger, that they actually are...

    • @Athalant8320
      @Athalant8320 7 місяців тому +2

      Spoiler alert: we don't

  • @unbreakable0327
    @unbreakable0327 7 місяців тому +28

    Can you do one about Latin america? I think they are very promising countries (fertility, work force, natural resources) etc. Or one about SE Asia ? It'd be interesting
    Good vid!

    • @TheInvisibleHandCo
      @TheInvisibleHandCo  7 місяців тому +4

      We will be doing videos on lots more countries outside of Europe, Latin America Included! Thanks for the support 😀

  • @86wellacre
    @86wellacre 7 місяців тому +9

    I never believe these predictions about growing economies jumping so far up the scale. They face huge obstacles to get that big.

  • @sirbarbary9004
    @sirbarbary9004 7 місяців тому +4

    Et dire qu’il y a des gens qui ont cru que Melanchon allait arranger les choses

    • @acrosswater9041
      @acrosswater9041 7 місяців тому

      Parce que la droite fait du bon boulot hein ?

    • @pastisse40
      @pastisse40 7 місяців тому +2

      Bah il a pas ete elu? Cmt tu veux qu il change quoi que ce soit mdr

    • @zurielsss
      @zurielsss 7 місяців тому

      The govt need to exit from meddling with the economy

  • @Hanomarkhan...
    @Hanomarkhan... 2 місяці тому +1

    2:31 This is the change that initiated France's descent, the breaking point...
    Relocation, privatization and massive sales of all historical infrastructures and industries over the past 50 years, to an extent unprecedented in Europe since then (during the COVID crisis, people suddenly realized that we were incapable of producing simple masks, and there were no longer any manufacturers in France...). The politicians who are spending for the benefit of their banker buddies are the same ones who are managing public policy on health, unemployment and pensions, and who want to destroy our social system (with the support of the EU). Just to say... more Capitalism isn't going to make us any better off.

  • @Paul-qg3iw
    @Paul-qg3iw 7 місяців тому +7

    France is a beautiful country in terminal decline. Sadly the UK is similar. France could stop the boats yesterday - automatic return which destroy the economic model of the transit of illegal aliens across UK southern border. France will not do this but like the UK is playing a doom loop only with more sunshine and better beaches.

    • @flazeda8743
      @flazeda8743 7 місяців тому

      As long as england is famous to give undeclared jobs to illegal migrants you'll get waves of them planning to go there and they'll naturally be coming through France because of geography.
      Stopping the magnet effect is a sure way to get results while planning to stop thousands of people who keep coming discreetly ain't easy.

  • @gnolan4281
    @gnolan4281 7 місяців тому +3

    Fascinating facts, photos and figures are presented here in a fast & furious fusilade but the pause bar allows time for a bit of contemplation and digestion. The fact that the economies of Spain and Italy are in worse shape makes me wonder why it was only France that torpedoed the free trade agreement with Mercosur. I conjecture that among the reasons is that the agriculture sector would be disastrously affected more than the other EU nations.

    • @jandron94
      @jandron94 7 місяців тому +2

      Because the French agriculture model doesn't rely so much on a massive intensive/extensive and cheap labour model as adopted by many countries in Europe (Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Spain,...). Also environmental issues are more sensitive in France which has lots of regulations and which is less liberal ...

  • @PMMagro
    @PMMagro 7 місяців тому +4

    We get education longer, live much longer. So fewer years to earn pensions that must last longer (more years as old). Incerasing the retirment age is a given necessity.

    • @popydev
      @popydev 7 місяців тому +2

      Mathematics disagree. Also there are other options.

    • @flazeda8743
      @flazeda8743 7 місяців тому

      Actually the "we live longer" point can be way less of a think according to your job. Some people will not live much longer yet they're told they will since the national average estimation say so therefore they should work more years. No wonder why they feel scammed.

  • @popydev
    @popydev 7 місяців тому +29

    It was already coùmical that the video considers that having a flexible labor market is preferable to protect workjers right, but then there is the ponzi-scheme comparison, with which we reach deeper into stupidity.

    • @Also_sprach_Zarathustra.
      @Also_sprach_Zarathustra. 7 місяців тому

      It turns out that this channel is a propaganda organ financed by Saudi Arabia. It's easy to see why it's attacking France and Sweden in a totally dishonourable way (2 countries that are so committed to secularism).

    • @sleinpein3072
      @sleinpein3072 7 місяців тому

      jolie pp. et avis basé. cette vidéo est éclatée

    • @azahu6224
      @azahu6224 7 місяців тому +1

      La France Islamiste c'est toujours d'actualité ??

    • @popydev
      @popydev 7 місяців тому

      @@azahu6224 Aucune raison que ca arrive.

    • @daydays12
      @daydays12 7 місяців тому

      well said. I do really wonder what the background of this video creator is.

  • @lokesh303101
    @lokesh303101 7 місяців тому +3

    Southern France needs Investments. Pension System or the welfare state is not a hindrance for any growth. France did chose to go with High Taxes but at the same time forgot to reform banking & finance sector that degenerated economic growth causing the deterioration of the French Living Standards. The Private Capital is not into Banking and Finance Sector with any attractive incentives for growth and investments in different regions of France. The reliance on small and medium industries are kind of lowered in France that couldn't afford the market demand nor the growth as a means to absorb the human talent for prevention of Brain Drain.

  • @saidennasiry
    @saidennasiry 7 місяців тому +3

    France without Africa is nothing!

    • @Athalant8320
      @Athalant8320 7 місяців тому

      Let me correct you, africa is nothing without france : schools, roads, hospitals, powerplants and much more are things that france literraly donated to africa

  • @vernond3515
    @vernond3515 7 місяців тому +17

    Very interesting video, I hope France can overcome its problems!

  • @tuckerbugeater
    @tuckerbugeater 7 місяців тому +2

    This is France, it is a place in southern Britain.

  • @tsproductions4208
    @tsproductions4208 7 місяців тому +1

    I subscribed to the rather new channel. Looks great so far and I expect rapid growth. Good use of infographics and good overviews. Best regards

  • @pantegana2555
    @pantegana2555 7 місяців тому +3

    that's such a good channel!

  • @egecagdas9506
    @egecagdas9506 7 місяців тому +14

    Could you do a video on the Turkish economy possibly? I think it’s an interesting topic due to the consequences of the unorthodox practices and kleptocracy.

    • @ZenioDovgj
      @ZenioDovgj 7 місяців тому

      unorthodox = "muslim populism"

  • @olelain
    @olelain 6 місяців тому +1

    Same speech from anglos 300 years ago : "France will collapse",
    300 years later, she still didn't and her people have far more benefits than the average person in the US or UK. (where if you're not rich, you're nothing}

  • @detectiveofmoneypolitics
    @detectiveofmoneypolitics 7 місяців тому +1

    Economic investigator Frank G Melbourne Australia is still watching this very informative content cheers Frank 😊

  • @omer.g4386
    @omer.g4386 7 місяців тому +4

    Well the real pain for the French economic growth is the "charge salariale et patronales" since an employee costs 100% more to the company than the salary he is paid. With such an expensive labor force, growth is bound to be low

    • @NazriB
      @NazriB 7 місяців тому

      Lies again? MILF MILE Fly Emirates

  • @PhillCurtis
    @PhillCurtis 7 місяців тому +4

    👍 New to the channel
    Hello from the UK 🇬🇧

    • @TheInvisibleHandCo
      @TheInvisibleHandCo  7 місяців тому +1

      Thanks Phil! Maybe a video on the UK economy to come 📝

    • @Also_sprach_Zarathustra.
      @Also_sprach_Zarathustra. 7 місяців тому

      It turns out that this channel is a propaganda organ financed by Saudi Arabia. It's easy to see why it's attacking France and Sweden in a totally dishonourable way (2 countries that are so committed to secularism).

  • @richardsimms251
    @richardsimms251 7 місяців тому +1

    Very, very well done and interesting video. Thank you.
    RS. Canada

  • @nighteyes360
    @nighteyes360 7 місяців тому +1

    As a french, I can tell you this country is going down the shitter.

    • @ks_1762
      @ks_1762 6 місяців тому

      Not as bad as over here in the UK so I wouldn't worry too much.

  • @ThePat123456ify
    @ThePat123456ify 6 місяців тому +11

    I am French entrepeneur, when I left France in 2014 the Hollande gov took 75% of my dividends over a stack of 8 complex taxes. I had to care for my future and the future of my kids and I never regretted it. But I am so sad to see my country collapsing, it gonna be long and hurtful, there is now no chance of things getting better

    • @earls04
      @earls04 6 місяців тому +3

      Very happy for you if you find the way and the place you want to live. But please dont talk sh*t like "I'm so sad" , keep your hypocrisy and be more grateful. By the way, we will still welcome you when you will want come back while France will be still standing with its qualities

    • @ThePat123456ify
      @ThePat123456ify 6 місяців тому

      @@earls04 ​you see hypocrisis I see facts, France has changed dramatically in 40 years and it has nothing to do with the country of my childhood, that makes me sad. My biggest proud is that my kids are growing far from this fiasco and all its violence, ignorance and corruption

    • @gabrielalmeida6085
      @gabrielalmeida6085 Місяць тому

      @@ThePat123456ify The average European is so self-centered thinking this continent will be thriving in the upcoming years, let them blind fool themselves alone, you were smart enough buddy

  • @pierre-louisdrevon2213
    @pierre-louisdrevon2213 7 місяців тому +13

    Those aspects are just the symptoms of a much profound problem: the acumulation of undue privileges, corruption and lake of democracy are the structure hidden behind the commercial and public deficits !

    • @Spido68_the_spectator
      @Spido68_the_spectator 7 місяців тому +3

      What about the insane administration ? It's the biggest problem by far. Ineficient, slow, money hungry to justify its existence, unorganised, tons of overlaps.
      Professionnal impunity is rampant in the public sector, and the agency for the State 's shareholding sucks horribly at its jobs

    • @Also_sprach_Zarathustra.
      @Also_sprach_Zarathustra. 7 місяців тому

      It turns out that this channel is a propaganda organ financed by Saudi Arabia. It's easy to see why it's attacking France and Sweden in a totally dishonourable way (2 countries that are so committed to secularism).

    • @zemasterbenb
      @zemasterbenb 7 місяців тому

      100% agree with you both. @@Spido68_the_spectator

    • @JinMeowsoon
      @JinMeowsoon 7 місяців тому

      On that topic, last year a friend and I looked up the yearly budget on the government websites following discussions about our welfare system and bureaucracy. We found some pie charts stating X amounts for hospitals, X amounts for pensions. I couldn’t find any document detailing how exactly the budget is spent (I looked up the Senat, AN and Data Gouv websites IIRC). My friend is an accountant, not much interested in politics, and she was quite surprised we couldn’t find a report detailing past year spendings (even simplified) because that’s quite basic in her line of work.
      On my side, I work in tech consulting and worked for a bit with the public sector. The business consultants explained to us how intricate the system was made. There’s so much intermediates, projects end up costing an insane amount of money and time compared to what the firm actually billed. On top of that, so many agents are involved, it’s quite complicated to switch suppliers if there’s an issue with the delivery.
      The big issue here, is that the people who worked on the initial scope specifications and call for bids (ITT) have no expertise on said field. The ones who’ll actually work on that are involved too late, it’s almost impossible to make changes. It’s common in the private sector but in public it’s wild.

  •  7 місяців тому +1

    Please make a video about Spain!

  • @safedreams6241
    @safedreams6241 7 місяців тому +2

    so Goldman Sachs predicts the future within 50 years😂

    • @Also_sprach_Zarathustra.
      @Also_sprach_Zarathustra. 7 місяців тому

      It turns out that this channel is a propaganda organ financed by Saudi Arabia. It's easy to see why it's attacking France and Sweden in a totally dishonourable way (2 countries that are so committed to secularism).

  • @PAlexi-iy7xj
    @PAlexi-iy7xj 7 місяців тому +14

    Migrating to France does not inherently cause an economy collapse. The impact of migration on an economy can be complex and multifaceted, depending on various factors such as the scale of migration, the skill levels of migrants, and government policies in place.
    It is important to recognize that migration can have both positive and negative economic effects. On one hand, migrants contribute to the labor force, often taking up jobs that are in high demand but have a shortage of native workers. This can help fill gaps in the labor market, boost productivity, and strengthen economic growth.
    Additionally, migrants can contribute to the economy through their consumption patterns, as they spend money on goods and services, contribute to the housing market, and pay taxes. This increased consumer spending can have a positive impact on local businesses and stimulate economic activity.
    However, migration patterns can also present certain challenges to the economy. If the influx of migrants is sudden and uncontrolled, it can strain public services such as healthcare, education, and housing. This can place a burden on local communities and result in an increased demand for resources, potentially leading to a strain on public finances.
    Moreover, there might be concerns about job competition and wage pressures. If large numbers of low-skilled migrants enter the labor market, it could potentially lead to a downward pressure on wages for certain sectors or occupations. This can create economic tensions and impact the overall labor market dynamics.
    To mitigate the potential negative impacts of migration, governments can implement policies to manage migration flows effectively. This includes ensuring proper integration programs, targeted skill-based immigration policies, and investments in public services to accommodate the needs of both the migrant population and the host country's residents.
    In conclusion, while migration can have both positive and negative economic effects, it is important to consider the context and various factors involved. Simply attributing an economy collapse solely to migration is an oversimplification of a complex issue. Effective management, policies, and integration measures can help maximize the potential benefits of migration and minimize any potential negative impacts.

    • @tuckerbugeater
      @tuckerbugeater 7 місяців тому

      over for white frenchies

    • @ND_youtube
      @ND_youtube 7 місяців тому +4

      In France most of the immigration comes from Africa. This is a "cheap" immigration as most migrants are under qualified. There were huge lobby plugging for "useful immigration" for "unwanted jobs". This prevented low qualification jobs from getting more attractive for native French people. This is still a thing as of today. It also creates security concerns. The rise of the political right wing shows something is happening.

    • @Michiamocapo-2023
      @Michiamocapo-2023 7 місяців тому +1

      ​​@@ND_youtubewhy do france colonize africa this is the price baby😂😂😂😂

    • @alexandreg3933
      @alexandreg3933 6 місяців тому +2

      Thank you ChatGPT

    • @MohamedSaid-tc1wq
      @MohamedSaid-tc1wq 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@ND_youtube Can you explain how did you get that "African migrants are under qualified"?

  • @romin7255
    @romin7255 7 місяців тому +23

    It may seem odd, since we french have a reputation for pessimism, but I have more faith in my country's future than most other nations.
    For instance, I'm pretty convinced that te UK will see Scotland go, hence not being the UK anymore.
    Same goes for child birth ratio. What good will it do south Korea or China to have economic output if it goes with a rapidly shrinking and aging population ?

    • @Also_sprach_Zarathustra.
      @Also_sprach_Zarathustra. 7 місяців тому

      It turns out that this channel is a propaganda organ financed by Saudi Arabia. It's easy to see why it's attacking France and Sweden in a totally dishonourable way (2 countries that are so committed to secularism).

    • @tuckerbugeater
      @tuckerbugeater 7 місяців тому

      they're always getting invaded

    • @emycharaa
      @emycharaa 7 місяців тому

      ​Who? Clown. @@tuckerbugeater

  • @des_pa_city4474
    @des_pa_city4474 7 місяців тому

    what do you think about making a similar video about Poland? Can't wait to see that

  • @tomstarwalker
    @tomstarwalker 7 місяців тому +1

    Again we arrive in my main proposal of building space travel.

  • @richardsimms251
    @richardsimms251 7 місяців тому +6

    As in Canada and many other countries in the West, citizens everywhere must realize that they have to work a few more years in life to make up for living longer and the rising cost of health care. Health care technology is much better now, but our lifestyles are too undisciplined ( obese and not enough exercise ).
    RS. Canada

    • @mattj905
      @mattj905 7 місяців тому

      It’s not just about working longer for ourselves, it’s about paying for the current and imminent generation of retirees. It’s a disgrace.

    • @albertinsinger7443
      @albertinsinger7443 7 місяців тому

      Canada s health care system is lousy like Frances like the UK where you die waiting for your operation. All these semi left wing countries are basically going down the drain all together. So no one can really say Oh that country really works. For that you need to go to Thailand. Which has a law that debts can never go beyond 45% to GDP and there is free market capitalism. Only 1% unemployment. Best hospitals in the world and some of the best road system too now and they are building a fast track rail service.
      Yes this side of the world is going up hill fast while socialist west is going down hill fast. Maybe try real capitalism. Small government, low taxes, few regulations and see if that works. It usually does.

    • @flazeda8743
      @flazeda8743 7 місяців тому

      Well the we live longer argument relies on an average that is made high by certain jobs. The one doing tough physical jobs didn't actually live way longer yet he's asked to work X more years in the name of the national average.

    • @albertinsinger7443
      @albertinsinger7443 7 місяців тому

      @@flazeda8743 The national average and we live longer argument. When you socialize things. You go to National average . If you want Capitalism then it’s each man for himself.

  • @davidroullierm
    @davidroullierm 7 місяців тому +16

    The fact is that I left France because I do not want to pay for somebodies' pension, and nobody will pay for mine in the future... I make 3 to 4 times more money in the US than in France! By doing the same job!!! And you know what is worse??? That consulting hours from my colleagues that work in a French office, are almost as expensive as my consulting hours working from an American office.
    We French are very good at maths. And I do not understand how we deny the fact that the current economy is unsustainable. I dream of returning to France but will not do so until I am paid fairly. In the meantime, I'll keep working abroad and voting from abroad for somebody that tries to address these major issues.

    • @bryangauthier1135
      @bryangauthier1135 7 місяців тому +3

      Good on you for leaving France. I want to leave Belgium for the same reasons. May I ask what is your occupation in the US?

    • @walideg5304
      @walideg5304 7 місяців тому +5

      Just come back and start a freelance activity. You will be paid a fair salary

    • @opheliedebroise9446
      @opheliedebroise9446 7 місяців тому +13

      So you got to the level of skills through french education but when it's time to contribute yourself to the system itself, you leave. Selfish entitlement.

    • @walideg5304
      @walideg5304 7 місяців тому +5

      @@opheliedebroise9446 I understand him. And I willl leave soon too. Personally the state gave me nothing except free education until my 18. Education paid by my parents with taxes. I am currently abused by the tax system in France. I have a good salary but we are too much taxed. It’s robbery at this point. I’m ok to pay taxes but long term workers are just too much taxed. You have to be freelancer. Direct Heirs are not taxed that much for instance. My parents were immigrants who worked hard, I am against inheritance, but I refuse over taxation on work.

    • @richardsimms251
      @richardsimms251 7 місяців тому +3

      That is a very accurate and articulate comment !
      RS. Canada

  • @raylopez99
    @raylopez99 7 місяців тому

    Nice graphs, but @7:31 the graphic is a bit misleading for the USA since in France services are by and large "centralized" while in the USA services are also "local" as in state and local taxes. If you include the USA's state, local and municipal government tax rates, you get roughly a tax/GDP ratio of about 40%, not 27%. The 27% rate is for Federal expenditures, which btw are deficit funded. If you just include expenditures funded from direct taxes not including debt the ratio is closer to 22%. This means in the USA the pensions are not long term sustainable, and the tax rate must either be increased as has happened in France, or, more likely for the US, pension benefits must be cut and/or retirement ages raised.

  • @motosnape
    @motosnape 7 місяців тому

    As it stands, that 'relatively high' minimum wage applies to vast swathes of jobs and trades that shouldn't be paid minimum wage. When you look at drivers that transport hazardous goods, project surveyors, technical construction workers, highways agency maintenance workers, accountancy clerks, all being paid 12.50€ per hour (£10.85), it's just not appropriate, it's insulting.
    If the government wants to see more tax receipts, people need to earn sufficiently that they're spending disposable income, not ekeing out a minimalist existence.

  • @zenithlight6132
    @zenithlight6132 7 місяців тому +25

    I think France is one of the best demographically positioned in the EU with a high birth rate. And they are much more tech forward than their neighbor Germany. They just need some labor market reforms, can easily become the strongest economy in EU.

    • @labechamel75
      @labechamel75 7 місяців тому +9

      France has the best geography of Europe and maybe the best geography in the world if you take into account overseas France. I agree with you, this country needs economic, social, immigration, public and education reforms. After that it would become a paradise.

    • @jesselivermore2291
      @jesselivermore2291 7 місяців тому

      better demographics? you mean muslims and blacks? lol what you have is a country filled with slums

    • @mitonaarea5856
      @mitonaarea5856 7 місяців тому

      "best demographically positioned in the EU" lol nice meme bud. Getting ethnically replaced in your own country by a completly alien and often hostile people surely won´t bite France in the future. God you gotta love the delusion of these egalitarian liberals....

    • @jiggy7108
      @jiggy7108 7 місяців тому +5

      @@labechamel75 the USA has the best geography globally

    • @labechamel75
      @labechamel75 7 місяців тому

      @@jiggy7108 look at france’s one and you will understand my friend

  • @freecreator6426
    @freecreator6426 7 місяців тому +3

    France is clearly collapsing 😢

    • @crazyosva
      @crazyosva 7 місяців тому +1

      This is happening when " it takes 50 years to decide for a country to not to build an airport '';
      N. Sarkozy, Aéroport de Nantes

  • @brunoponte1236
    @brunoponte1236 7 місяців тому

    Great video the graphics They show the righ info! Can you a video off Germany and Portugal?

  • @Tortuex_
    @Tortuex_ 7 місяців тому +1

    looking forward to the video abour the uk

  • @Athalant8320
    @Athalant8320 7 місяців тому +6

    Real problem of the country is industry, industries were deported to 3rd class country like china, bengladesh or bulgaria to cut the production cost. So we lost everything Jobs, Skills, added value/GDP all this so that 1% of the richest people can make more profits and earn more (mostly because of taxes). Our Biggest problem is mondialization

  • @orangejuice7156
    @orangejuice7156 7 місяців тому +8

    Betrayed by our politicians, betrayed by the EU, betrayed by our elders. Welcome to France 😇

    • @zurielsss
      @zurielsss 7 місяців тому +1

      Didn’t you vote for them to be in office? Take some blame

    • @VélocirapTom_5
      @VélocirapTom_5 7 місяців тому +1

      For more than 50 years.... Save the real French who voted good...

    • @zenymax8348
      @zenymax8348 7 місяців тому

      Honnestly, the EU is at least trying and enforcing better living standards and regulations than anywhere else on the globe, most of what doesnt work in the EU is inside sabotage by nationalists and especially their veto power or member states individual corruption or unefficiency. The EU is pretty transparent as well. The problem of the EU is that it followed German and French leadership into status quo for too long (which makes the french anti-EU politicians look ridiculous for other europeans when they claim everything is EU's fault because its more often than not the result of their own actions..)
      And its already trying to reform itself (so no need for some politician who says he will do it himself after the upcoming elections) on the 22th of november, 2 weeks ago, the parliament approved the launch of a treaties reform to reduce the undemocratic power of the commission and commissioners election submitted to the parliament, upgrade the parliament to be as powerfull in decision making as the council. Changing the council system so that it cant be controled by only the two most populated countries anymore. Replacing vetoes with qualified majority and adding the possibility to undertake european referendums (among others) The second stage of the reform is due this month.

    • @Athalant8320
      @Athalant8320 7 місяців тому +3

      @@zurielsss there are more elder's retired worker in france than middle age workers, because younger generation see that your income can be 1.5x time higher in germany, 2x time higher in luxemburg and even 4x time higher in Switzerland for exemple so they still use french commodity while not contributing to the national economy that's why decisions are not made towards active population when you look at average age of people who vote youg people don't even care to vote and i'm saying that as a 20 year old french student

  • @nonokbh
    @nonokbh 7 місяців тому +2

    The analysis is simply hilarious.

  • @Ozzie_Ozay
    @Ozzie_Ozay 7 місяців тому

    We can begin with 1787- 1799 that will probably explain a bit more to understand the future of France, also by looking at other countries past too.

  • @bentothepeco
    @bentothepeco 7 місяців тому +7

    The problem with France's economy is the EU

  • @charliestips557
    @charliestips557 7 місяців тому +8

    Great Vid! Glad to see your channel is growing

    • @TheInvisibleHandCo
      @TheInvisibleHandCo  7 місяців тому +1

      Thanks so much for all the support!

    • @Also_sprach_Zarathustra.
      @Also_sprach_Zarathustra. 7 місяців тому

      @@TheInvisibleHandCo So you've managed to make a video in December 2023 without mentioning the unprecedented revolution represented by artificial intelligence? Are you aware that abolishing pensions is the last thing we should be doing when we're talking about installing a UBI because 3/4 of all jobs will be lost?
      France's only priority should have been to invest massively in ia, but certainly not to cut spending.

    • @Also_sprach_Zarathustra.
      @Also_sprach_Zarathustra. 7 місяців тому

      It turns out that this channel is a propaganda organ financed by Saudi Arabia. It's easy to see why it's attacking France and Sweden in a totally dishonourable way (2 countries that are so committed to secularism).

  • @johnsonisback1584
    @johnsonisback1584 7 місяців тому +2

    As a french I can assure you one thing, we are fucked

    • @patfarget-nm3mt
      @patfarget-nm3mt 7 місяців тому

      a Frenchman whose nickname is @johnsonisback?
      actually dude, you're really fucked as you say 😂

    • @ks_1762
      @ks_1762 6 місяців тому

      Not as much as over here in the UK so I wouldn't worry too much.

    • @LEKIPE1
      @LEKIPE1 Місяць тому

      I’m a French living in the UK. The job market in France is much worse

  • @killabling1702
    @killabling1702 7 місяців тому +2

    France has the highest taxes in the world and if it could, it would tax oxygen.

    • @Also_sprach_Zarathustra.
      @Also_sprach_Zarathustra. 7 місяців тому

      It turns out that this channel is a propaganda organ financed by Saudi Arabia. It's easy to see why it's attacking France and Sweden in a totally dishonourable way (2 countries that are so committed to secularism).

  • @emikke
    @emikke 7 місяців тому +4

    The problem in both the EU and France is the visible hand 🫳🏻💶

  • @albevanhanoy
    @albevanhanoy 7 місяців тому +5

    There's like, maybe a third of this video that's true. For starters, even the thumbnail is extremely misleading, as the entirety of Europe is stagnating economically. France is not going down while Europe is going up, in fact, it's pretty much exactly the middle of the (European) pack in almost all metrics.
    The situation is difficult, yes, but there's hardly a country that has it easy at the moment. The USA is one of very few countries that is doing well economically, and it's mostly because they have used their post-WW2 diplomatic dominance to build the world's systems in a way that benefits them. The game was never supposed to be fair. And despite that, they still offer shit all to their citizens. Shit car-centric infrastructure, no public transport, no healthcare, no unemployment benefit, no pension, nothing.
    Despite losing much of its influence and power after WW2, France carried on as a strong economy, with an impressive welfare system, and mostly started stagnating around the time corporate greed started to win out over the citizen's interests. The amount of upaid taxes by the large corporations and the richest people in the country could easily pay for all of France's welfare and then some. But now, the profitability of Capital has increased, the value of real estate has shot up, but it only results in extra wealth in the hands of a few. You were a rich landowner in the 1970s? Congratulations. Your father was the CEO of a major company? Congratulations. Everyone else? Sorry, your salary is too busy filling shareholders pockets, and you can't own a house, you can only rent.
    It can very easily be turned around with political will. But the ruling corporate class will never allow it and blame everything on migrants instead. Migrants that they themselves let in because they were a cheap, massive workforce, resulting in even more profits for corporations.
    They have played us for absolute fools.

  • @honest_thoughts_on_regular_bs
    @honest_thoughts_on_regular_bs 7 місяців тому

    Relatively high minimum wage in France???? Wtf???? It's barely survivable with TWICE the minimum wage. Everyone lives off a salary from 1980 in France when inflation has been ravaging people's purchasing power for 30 years!!!! THIS is the problem

  • @tonylombardo59
    @tonylombardo59 7 місяців тому +1

    7.86% unemployment rate ..But real rate of 17.86%

    • @patfarget-nm3mt
      @patfarget-nm3mt 7 місяців тому

      117,86 % rather no?
      take care of your countries, you bumpkins, France is an independent nuclear power,
      with bombs made in France...

  • @voeckler1
    @voeckler1 7 місяців тому +14

    The problem of France, it's just a difference of her paradigm versus English countries. Defending a social policy maintain in a confort zone where working hard means earning lot for lot of taxes, so ambitious persons try their meritocracy and chance in English countries, which receive qualify, educated and hard workers frenchies. So the problem of France it's her lethargy and dependence at social aids who maintains everyone in a kind of laziness been in a confort zone.

    • @PMMagro
      @PMMagro 7 місяців тому +5

      Have you visted the UK the last few decades? It is like travelling back in time anytime you leave London...
      France is very slow to reform though. That is a n issue.

    • @voeckler1
      @voeckler1 7 місяців тому

      That kind of arguments !! Have you visited France, I mean, not only 7th arrondissement of Paris or the French Riviera !! Come to suburb of Marseille, Calais, even Paris,…Your argument of social policy do not find an answer for more social policy. Like your budget, you must invest in your home, stocks market, where you will obteined futures profits and dividendes rather then only consuming it for your present care !! Rates of creation of business, innovations, exports,…that make the difference. Poverty will be always a charge in every countries, whether rich or poor !!

    • @CharlesDuchemin-ip1yf
      @CharlesDuchemin-ip1yf 7 місяців тому

      lmao there is lots of wealth in regions like Alsace , Savoie , Britanny or even Vendée , France needs some strong decentalization and a cut to boomer pensions + taxation of non productive capital + lowering taxes on productive capital instead of labour. @@voeckler1

    • @alioshax7797
      @alioshax7797 7 місяців тому +5

      Considering the UK is not doing much better than France economy-wise, and largely suffers from the same issues, I doubt how relevant your analysis is.

    • @houssedecouette4056
      @houssedecouette4056 7 місяців тому +2

      the infamous narative of laziness driven by social nets , well sorry brother but 500 euros a month of help are barely survival

  • @borlach321
    @borlach321 7 місяців тому +4

    Math is math. It works the same way in every country, every system. It constantly amazes me how few people can do it. The one thing that helps France (unlike Germany) is its energy independence via nuclear power.

    • @leonardo2108
      @leonardo2108 7 місяців тому +1

      True, just keep in mind social sciences are not exact science.

    • @brb4903
      @brb4903 7 місяців тому

      helps France for what?

  • @maximemburu7581
    @maximemburu7581 7 місяців тому +1

    As a recent undergraduate living in France, yeah, theres literally 0 jobs here, Ive been looking and finding things that I am overqualified for, and "under experienced" for. This shit is not a vibe. Its not as bad as some other countries, and I am lucky to be french and live in this country, but knowing it could be a lot better much easier is a bit sadening

    • @PGproductionsHD
      @PGproductionsHD 7 місяців тому +1

      So leave

    • @AuroraManza
      @AuroraManza 7 місяців тому

      service industries are hiring. Just saw a recruitment ad by Le Bon Marché. So chic.

  • @alumni2a692
    @alumni2a692 7 місяців тому +1

    Problem with France economy : 5.5 million civil servants + 500k people working in associations paid for by the state + over 3 million people living on welfare for 24 months = 46% GDP is taxed by the state which spends 52% of GDP. Total failure

  • @eloididierjean
    @eloididierjean 7 місяців тому +3

    On est mal mdr

    • @labechamel75
      @labechamel75 7 місяців тому +7

      La France n’est pas au meilleur de sa forme mais reste une grande puissance nucléaire (civile et militaire), maritime, spatiale, diplomatique et culturelle. Quand à la dette, elle possède la 4ème plus grande réserve d’or au monde. La France a connu dès heures plus difficiles dans son histoire et a toujours reussi à s’en sortir. Elle s’en sortira. Vive la France 🇫🇷

    • @SP95
      @SP95 7 місяців тому

      40 ans de socialisme et au vu de la population actuellement endoctrinée on en a encore pour 40 de plus

    • @MambaMentality91
      @MambaMentality91 7 місяців тому

      ​@@SP95 Quel est ton programme pour sauver les meubles ??

    • @SP95
      @SP95 7 місяців тому

      ​@@MambaMentality91 En tout premer : Immense débat/bilan national sur les dérives de l'utopie socialiste et la surpopulation débridée.
      On a une démographie obèse qui passe son temps à endetter les générations futures par l'excuse du socialisme et de la fameuse " échelle sociale " donc les bombes à retardement générées par les rouges commencent maintenant à faire surface des décennies plus tard à la surprise de tous.
      Le fameux " vieillissement " est une arnaque générationnelle car une fois la génération baby boom disparue, ce phénomène n'existera plus à l'avenir donc ces parasites les plus flemmards de l'histoire de France ne pensent vraiment qu'à eux. On est censé dépenser son épargne à la vieillesse et non pas la faire encore grossir d'avantage ce qui est une dérive, encore plus quand c'est sur le dos des jeunes ce qui est immoral en plus d’être handicapant.
      Seulement ensuite :
      - Contracter progressivement la population à moins de 50 millions d'habitants par la remigration et la fin des allocations familiales sauf jumeaux etc.
      - Privatisation des assurances vieillesses et donc fin de la retraite par répartition publique qui est la plus grosse pyramide de ponzi jamais crée.
      - Fin du tronc commun à partir du collège, abolition du baccalauréat et de beaucoup d'universités publiques générant du surdiplomage et des frustrés.
      - Quasi abolition de l'hôpital public et basculement sur le régime de santé singapourien où le citoyen a beaucoup plus de contrôle sur ses cotisations.
      - Privatisation réelle du secteur de l'énergie, des transports et l'audiovisuel. Abrogation de la collectivité territoriale (Les Régions & Départements).
      - Sortie de l'Union Européenne, de l'Euro, du Franc CFA et du futur ECO. Interdiction à l'état de s'endetter auprès des banques en temps de paix.
      - Fin des HLM, des charges patronales, du code du travail et de l'impôt sur le revenu mais maintien des loyers plafonnés et du salaire minimum.
      Les russes ont mis 80 ans à sortir de l'URSS et comme nous n'avons que 60 ans de socialisme derrière nous il nous reste au minimum 20 ans de dérives.

  • @BH-yk5cn
    @BH-yk5cn 7 місяців тому +4

    Get rid of pension and have elderly people move back in with their kids like humanity has done for thousands of years.

    • @ZenioDovgj
      @ZenioDovgj 7 місяців тому +2

      There is no way for something like this to be passed when majority of voters are pensioners or almost pensioners. Usually this is done though inflation and consecutive lack of indexing for pensions. The only way is to collapse...

    • @geraldgreenman4715
      @geraldgreenman4715 7 місяців тому

      too right ,that goes for every materialistic country world wide ,,, we want to be entitled to everything

  • @gwoodlogger4068
    @gwoodlogger4068 7 місяців тому +1

    The few people left in EU will be rich due to inheritance.

  • @kinai01
    @kinai01 7 місяців тому

    I have noticed that all big European Nations have big issues on the horizon. The UK the ramifications of Brexit are yet to manifest themselves fully, The afford mentioned issues in France. Germany is potentially Stagnating and there's Italy and Spain.

    • @SP95
      @SP95 6 місяців тому +1

      Socialist country, socialist country, socialist country annnnnnnd... an other socialist country.

  • @gothicvolvot4
    @gothicvolvot4 7 місяців тому +3

    10 minutes to show that you can say everything with numbers.
    Unemployment does not show quality of life
    Protest is presented as an issue whereas it is just french democracy application
    Being able to get money from the government during retirement is displayed as a ponzi scheme and personal saving as an ideal while giving money to the government all long of its working life and get it back during retirement seems beneficial to both parties.
    In brief this is an over capitalistic analysis that forgets that behind numbers there is people and why work hard like in the US if you cannot afford a place to live whereas in France you will get help when needed and will be able to help in return

  • @emileturnala8215
    @emileturnala8215 7 місяців тому +4

    Very biased video made with a liberal anglo-saxon mind which cannot understand how a post-war social and welfare State works and perdure. Here are few arguments to elaborate :
    - Pension system is not a ponzi scheme if the birth rate of the Country is good and the lifespan is stable : 1 individual pays for another : the big problem here is that birth rate is CRASHING all over Europe when lifespan has never been that high
    - Also the French institution (the COR) literally designed to monitor and supervise the pension system declared economically and mathematically that the system will not be in deficit with a probability of 90% and if it's gonna be 1 the amount of debt will be ridiculously low and 2 it will no be before 2040. Therefore, the Reform made by Macron was purely and solely political with the idea that "people need to work more"
    - An other critical point are all the issues linked to the EU : Because Germany is a bigger country in the Union it has more decisional power and because their economy it's nothing like our, when they are making a decision we are often fu**d + we are the biggest giver of financial aid.
    - The best example of that it's our energy system : we are one, if not, the best Country in the world in therms of nuclear energy and nuclear power plant : that makes our energy greener, cheaper, more efficient. BUT because of the shared energy market of EU, we cannot event benefit from that.
    - One thing true for sure is all the information you give concerning diploma and youth unemployment : that's for sure is a problem, because we stay with the old mentality that "without a bac + 5 '(Master degree) you're nothing" then we have unemployed overgraduate youth with other sectors considered as "unqualified" which cannot find people to employ
    Finally among others factors :
    - yes our policy against covid was REALLY expensive (we literally called it "whatever it costs") and that put the Country in deep sh***
    - The problem is not that we are paying that much taxes but that the tax bases and steps are so broken and badly done : if you want an example of that look at the inheritance taxes : from 1.8 million to an infinite amount you're gonna pay the same tax BUT even if your inheritance is less than 8 000 € you're gonna pay 5% to the State. This is clearly fuc***
    - Immigration : it is happening to all Western European country (especially Italy, Uk and France) and it's really not helping

  • @crazyosva
    @crazyosva 7 місяців тому

    This is happening when " it takes 50 years to decide for a country to not to build an airport '';
    N. Sarkozy, Aéroport de Nantes

  • @benjaminlamey3591
    @benjaminlamey3591 7 місяців тому +1

    that was a great promotion of liberalism ... not sure it is what frances need, but it is a point of view.
    what you call a ponzi scheme is solidarity ... Of course, private insurance and brokers cannot get the people broke, therefore standard liberalism ahs an issue with it. and the deficit, comes from the payment cuts granted by governements to the big corporations and itself ... would they pay their share like small businesses, the system would have no benefit, but the shareholders would make a bit less money ...
    The fiscal deficit is equivalent to the subventions given by Macron to the big corporations. these are not being used to create jobs but to pay dividends to shareholders that escape the taxes ... kind of a welfare payment by the french people but not for the french people ... at minute 8:30 please add 160 Billions subventions to Big Corpo for not creating jobs in comparison to the 25 billions to the pension and social benefits (health insurance and old age insurance actually) ...
    you talk about important investments (education, infrastructure ...), these are the main savings seeked for by the governements, not the subsidies to private companies

  • @ahmedjama9604
    @ahmedjama9604 7 місяців тому +6

    The trajectory of France's decline appears poised to intensify, driven by the increasing autonomy of former West African colonial countries in managing their economic interests. This trend signals a significant shift away from historical patterns of French dominance and economic exploitation within former French colonies.

    • @clementl.9566
      @clementl.9566 7 місяців тому +6

      It is mostly healthy French people who benefited from the exploitation of former french colonies. The middle- to low-income classes have actually suffered from this exploitation. Since french capital investment has been employed to exploit the raw resources in former colonies instead of being spent in France.

    • @MrMenclay36
      @MrMenclay36 7 місяців тому +5

      Trade with former colonies does not bring us that much money for a long time dude. This time is widely over

  • @EdgarAmara
    @EdgarAmara 7 місяців тому +10

    Frances colonies were, and still remain, the reason they prospered. They still have colonies via full control of other independent countries' finances!

    • @smal750
      @smal750 7 місяців тому +3

      France bitched europe before africa was even maped lmfao

    • @ErickHumboldt
      @ErickHumboldt 7 місяців тому +13

      😂😂😂 such a joke 😂😂😂

    • @timmytimpster3807
      @timmytimpster3807 7 місяців тому

      All African countries are poor because the human capital is very low . Because of low iq

    • @shinobikyojune1849
      @shinobikyojune1849 7 місяців тому

      anything, the little African victims who believe that the world is turning because they were screwed centuries ago

    • @unimaginative5352
      @unimaginative5352 7 місяців тому +8

      France was a great power for hundreds of years before the colonization of Africa...

  • @laoup26
    @laoup26 7 місяців тому

    I'm not sure the data used for this video are up to date.

  • @juansantiago5030
    @juansantiago5030 7 місяців тому

    Friendly advice , perhaps tone the tick sfx a little bit.

  • @marcoac-sx6lq
    @marcoac-sx6lq 7 місяців тому +14

    The problem with France economy is that it's a colonialistic country still today. This and the fact that uncle Sam allowed them to have the nuclear are the only reasons this country is rich. Otherwise they wouldn't have gone so far with their 36 hours work per week and their huge welfare

    • @labechamel75
      @labechamel75 7 місяців тому +21

      Stop crying, France doesn’t owe its success to anyone else but itself. France is a nuclear (civil and military), space, maritime, diplomatic, cultural and industrial power. And France has the 4th largest gold reserves. Don’t be jealous.

    • @OKawaiiKoto80
      @OKawaiiKoto80 7 місяців тому +16

      "uncle Sam allowed them to have the nuclear" ? The USA and GB were against the idea that France could have nuclear techs as France had a different nuclear strategies ( Usa and uk were using MAD tactics while France was like "if you declare war you get nuked"), France just developped it anyway due to DeGaulle will to not be dependent on the Us for energies and nuclear deterrent strategies, others than that i totaly agree with your comment

    • @marcoac-sx6lq
      @marcoac-sx6lq 7 місяців тому +5

      @@labechamel75 it's very easy with the money coming from the exploitation of Africa still today

    • @labechamel75
      @labechamel75 7 місяців тому +1

      ⁠​⁠@@marcoac-sx6lq this is a french bashing narrative used by African leaders to justify their lack of competence. But it does not rely on facts just perceptions. However if you look at facts, China owns more than 40% of the market shares in Africa, followed by Russia and Turkey which combined own 10-15% and France only owns 3%. Based on these figures that you can verify easily on Satista, tell me who is doping its economy thanks to Africa resources? Who is the real coloniser? France is a capable country no worries.

    • @geraldinefaure4635
      @geraldinefaure4635 7 місяців тому +6

      People in those " colonies" VOTED to stay French therefore they are NOT colonies but an entire part of French Republic.

  • @oscar2958
    @oscar2958 6 місяців тому +1

    Very inccorrect assumptions. Seems a lecture of the Chichago School promoting for trickel down economics.

  • @benoitsentenac
    @benoitsentenac 7 місяців тому +1

    We are going to be okay, dont worry for us !

  • @bensuico1224
    @bensuico1224 7 місяців тому

    How much is France spending to take care of the refugees and migrants? Does the amount affect France's economy in any way?

  • @deggho5877
    @deggho5877 7 місяців тому

    love this

  • @joshuamarchal7667
    @joshuamarchal7667 6 місяців тому

    "Sweet Nature Vibes" they said... :')

  • @randomguy4116
    @randomguy4116 7 місяців тому

    @Invisible Hand, make a video about CANADA

  • @BernardSAUSSAIE
    @BernardSAUSSAIE 6 місяців тому +1

    🤩 *On verra ce que la Pen fera...* 🤩