Russian Borei class submarine

  • Опубліковано 27 жов 2024


  • @Primorsky
    @Primorsky 15 років тому

    "The BULAVA is developed by the same people who built the TOPOL M. They have no experience in making slbm's wich is why they have had many problems with this new missile. "
    Bulava is well constructed.
    Problem is quality control on production lines and cooperation between several factories.

  • @riverman83
    @riverman83  13 років тому

    @laksh20 Typhoon and delta III is being replaced. Delta II was reitried years ago and Delta IV is being modified to rmain in active duty atleast for another decade. The Typhoon class was just to expencive to keep. They all needed new missiles.

  • @mattmatt115
    @mattmatt115 15 років тому

    "Rardars" or Radars, are used for the detection of objects in the air as it is more difficult for radio waves to travel through water, than they do through air
    Also, you can't passively emmit a radar wave so using radar underwater would need an EXTREMELY powerful emitter, i mean HUGE, and your position would be given up instantly, which is why SONAR is used underwater, actively it emits soundwaves to locate an object, and can passivley "listen" for sounds, while remaining undetected.

  • @drhl1
    @drhl1 16 років тому

    Булава имеет систему преодоления противоракетной обороны: минимальное время подготовки, повышенное ускорение при старте, маневрирование на траектории, защищённую боеголовку, ложные боеголовки, активные электронные помехи.

  • @TheCharlie359
    @TheCharlie359 15 років тому

    Took a while but Russia finally got there putting a decent modern ssbn to sea,

  • @riverman83
    @riverman83  13 років тому

    @mnnh1 doubt any jaccuzzis are installed, Only the Typhoon class was large enough for this.

  • @riverman83
    @riverman83  13 років тому

    @harris3693 What are you mumbling about? The Typhoon hasnt been produced since the late 80s and are more or less out of service today. The last LA class submarine was commissoned in 1996.

  • @Staatssicherheit
    @Staatssicherheit 16 років тому

    Im agree. Though usa and russia wont go face to face in a war. Especially not a huge one where u need big daddy submarines. But its still nice to se results of science, and military fire power.
    It will always be talk not war and I like it.

  • @anisocoro
    @anisocoro 15 років тому

    Given the recent improvements is submerged submarine detection the value of submarines is probably lesser than 10 years ago. Of course Borei are very good sbmarines, but they too have become vulnerable. Now the "hardcore" of nuclear dterrence are Bombers. I think so because ICBMs can be intercepted, and submarines can be detected, but manned bombers with electronic countermeasures can reach their targets even against modern air defences.

  • @bittemeinrammstein
    @bittemeinrammstein 16 років тому

    best SSBM in the world! and might i add that Russia also has by far the best military on the planet today... the BMD-4 is also an extremely attractive machine!

  • @riverman83
    @riverman83  12 років тому

    @anisocoro Strategic bombers was something you could relly on in the 50s and 60s. A modern patroling Boomer (SSBN) has a much larger change to survive and attack its tagets. This is why almost no country is developing new Str bombers and all is rellying heavaly on submarines.

  • @Cyberwwwizard
    @Cyberwwwizard 15 років тому

    Is this supposed to be replacing the Typhoon as the flagship or flagsub? It doesn't look big enough, infact, it looks similar to the DELTA type sub..

  • @bombarderoazul
    @bombarderoazul 16 років тому

    Two more Borei SSBN's are under construction, up to 12 boreis will be built by 2015 giving Russia a powerful punch. The BULAVA is developed by the same people who built the TOPOL M. They have no experience in making slbm's wich is why they have had many problems with this new missile.

  • @keslot
    @keslot 12 років тому

    Norway should buy submarine type 212A .... We need to protect our interests in the Arctic

  • @Artas1984
    @Artas1984 16 років тому

    It can't be 170 m, only Typhoons were that large..

  • @ActiveStorage
    @ActiveStorage 12 років тому

    unfortunately neither high nor low frequency radio waves can penetrate water surface in a any efficient and practical way, so we still have to rely on sonars. And specially on the stationary networks of sonar arrays. It's really hard to spot a sub even today. But the fact that US navy does spot Russian subs once in a while, and Russian navy doesn't spot US subs tells alot about US capabilities.

  • @anisocoro
    @anisocoro 15 років тому

    NATO navy officers are very worried about Russia's Borei class because they are both modern and powerful submarines. But Synthetic Aperture Rardars are probably able to detect them even submerged, we know that MARSIS and SHARAD radar systems are already exploring Mars soil even as deep as 1 nm under surface, The inventor of these systems are Italian, and probably gave this technology both to USA and to Russia

  • @MrRein1988
    @MrRein1988 15 років тому

    Yeah and US officials confirmed spotting a couple russian subs 200 miles from east coast of US. Russian officials said t hat they never stopped patrolling even in 90s ... and they were surprised that they spotted them only now.

  • @anisocoro
    @anisocoro 15 років тому

    are you sure they are cheap to mantain? it can be read that Russia will spend huge sums of money in making them to go on patrol, and that a Typhoon- even if less quiete- is a bit less expensive

  • @mnnh1
    @mnnh1 13 років тому

    I want to see the insides , central command, torpedo room, the reactor compartments and junior eights mess rooms. I wonder if these ones still have the on board gyms and jaccuzzis. The Russians like to go to war in style!

  • @victorh1414
    @victorh1414 15 років тому

    how many is Russia making?

  • @anisocoro
    @anisocoro 15 років тому

    USA hasstopped the military use of SOSUS ocean acosticsurveillnce system since 1992-1993, and as she had little non- acoustic dtectors, modern subs could patrol without detection. But in 2004 University"La sapienza" Italy build aradar that is able to "see deeply under soil (and water). There are twoversions: MARSIS and SHARAD, both used for Mars scientific missions. Russia has got something symilar since 1988, Ngyìuyen says

  • @kibabiba
    @kibabiba 15 років тому

    you r an time i wont

  • @kibabiba
    @kibabiba 15 років тому

    You do not undertand the concept of Bulava. Bulava is for penetrating anti-missile system. It has !!!!flat trajectory!!!!!at the last part of distance and unexpectable behaviour of each warhead, stealth technology and so on..........Trident-2 is previous generation..

  • @drhl1
    @drhl1 16 років тому

    Top secret)))

  • @Sightless111
    @Sightless111 16 років тому

    1st unit of Borei class - Yuri Dolgoruky carry only 12 missiles. next units of 955 bis - will carry 16 missiles

  • @Sightless111
    @Sightless111 16 років тому

    best SSBN in world still Ohio due to their Trident-II missiles.
    Borei still no have weapons cuz Bulava missiles still not entered ser vice.. and when they will enter - they still be worst than Trident and Trident II ((((
    maybe Borei more advanced as pure sub than Ohio, but as complex of sub and mssile system - hes underdog comparing to Ohio.
    20 missiles with 11 000km range,2000kg payload of 12MLRV's even better than 16 with 8000km range, 1150kg payload and 8 warheads.

  • @bestamerica
    @bestamerica 15 років тому

    what is WASTE WASTE

  • @drhl1
    @drhl1 16 років тому

    У тебя устаревшая информация.)))