Yes exactly or people trading. Lots of people take their cards to card shows with them to sell to sellers who are buying or to trade away cards. Or even carrying cards to a trade night. Ive been up and down the country and to Europe for card shows so these are the types of cases I would carry
Am I able to bring the big metal case on a plane?
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow Dan and hopefully we’ll get another deal done!
And you sir, hopefully! 🤞
I think I have that Shaun White card. Pulled from pack. I wonder if VHS cases would work modified, but I rarely see them.
Potentially I hadn’t ever thought of VHS cases! Yeah it’s the 2004 procore cards, they’re huge!
This is kind of hilarious, who is the target audience here, people selling who carry their card collections around?
Yes exactly or people trading. Lots of people take their cards to card shows with them to sell to sellers who are buying or to trade away cards. Or even carrying cards to a trade night. Ive been up and down the country and to Europe for card shows so these are the types of cases I would carry