Headache and Neck pain remedy - Cervical SNAGs

  • Опубліковано 10 чер 2022
  • if you're suffering from neck pain and difficulty moving your neck especially moving your neck into extension ie lifting your head to the ceiling, try the simple home exercises called cervical snags. to perform the exercise fold over a towel or a pillowcase place the pillowcase at the back of your neck specifically at the C2 spinous process. you can find the C2 spinous process by dropping about once 2 in off the back of your skull or oxput feeling for the first bump below the output. place the belt at the CT spinous process while using both hands pulling the belt forward. at the same time attempt to cervically extend your neck or look up towards the ceiling. hold this position for 3 seconds repeat 3 to 6 sets and perform three times a day.