You know what, I don't see y'all use a lot of HERP, if at all. Is there a tacit agreement that deploying it for every door is kind of dull or is it just a coincidence?
Coincidence: We all play fast and light with stims so we are able to fight fast and mean enough that most DOORS aren't a problem. We use herps to deal with teleporter traps and long halls or really busy areas that are hard to watch everything
You know what, I don't see y'all use a lot of HERP, if at all. Is there a tacit agreement that deploying it for every door is kind of dull or is it just a coincidence?
Coincidence: We all play fast and light with stims so we are able to fight fast and mean enough that most DOORS aren't a problem.
We use herps to deal with teleporter traps and long halls or really busy areas that are hard to watch everything