The insane training required to become a Japanese businessman | Japan with Sue Perkins - BBC

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
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    Watch the BBC first on iPlayer 👉 Sue Perkins starts her journey in Tokyo, Japan's glittering capital city and home to 36 million people. She finds a nation caught between the demands of a hi-tech future and the pull of a traditional past, where people work long hours but struggle to find time for love and relationships. Birth rates are falling and the population is shrinking. What does the future hold for this resilient and innovative country?
    Outside Tokyo, in the shadow of Mount Fuji, Sue takes part in Hell Camp, Japan's toughest business school. Here she sees how Japan’s strict corporate culture has created some of the world's most successful companies, with its traditional values of hard work and discipline.
    Japan with Sue Perkins | Series 1 Episode 1 | BBC
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  • @anothersettlementneedsyour9628
    @anothersettlementneedsyour9628 5 років тому +644

    Karen: ,,I want to speak with the manager ASAP!”
    Manager: ,,AUOIUOIUOOOOOO!!!!!”

  • @中山健太郎-o5k
    @中山健太郎-o5k 5 років тому +302

    A lot of non-Japanese people: This is crazy!
    Me Japanese: This is crazy!

    • @sangd4lang
      @sangd4lang 4 роки тому +8

      This is madness.

    • @dejavu5307
      @dejavu5307 4 роки тому +13

      これは SPAARTAAAAN!!!!

  • @4dgreentea
    @4dgreentea 5 років тому +502

    I’m Japanese and I just want to say, obviously not every workplace training is like this. This is just the extreme.

    • @DonEkz21
      @DonEkz21 5 років тому +73

      That's bbc for you lol, they make it seem like this it's the norm in Japan.

    • @sextant858
      @sextant858 5 років тому +37

      It is almost fake news.
      So crazy.

    • @DonEkz21
      @DonEkz21 5 років тому +4

      @Mike Nunyabizness that's not true for decades very few companies in Japan adopted this practice. Their work ethic was just strict period.

    • @godsama959
      @godsama959 5 років тому +3

      @Mike Nunyabizness I agree, more than a few Japanese client I've had, describe boot camps like this.

      @МИЉАНВАСОЈЕВИЋ 5 років тому

      This is just SICK!!!

  • @abuhuraira3685
    @abuhuraira3685 5 років тому +134

    The most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning

    • @rerikm
      @rerikm 5 років тому +3

      ohh karen, he did not say that

    • @abuhuraira3685
      @abuhuraira3685 5 років тому +1

      @@rerikm check Google

    • @lostinpa-dadenduro7555
      @lostinpa-dadenduro7555 5 років тому +1

      He never learned.

    • @TheArcher101
      @TheArcher101 4 роки тому +1

      Or they're just idiots

    • @isoldag.n4442
      @isoldag.n4442 4 роки тому +1

      actually it was Walt Disney who first said that,he also added that if you want succed you must learn everyone: costumers,all the employers,security guards,etc.,wich was idealized by Minamoto Musashi: wisdow comes from any source,you must be prepared to take the lesson ( hear everyone,no matter who is)

  • @rezkybella9068
    @rezkybella9068 5 років тому +109

    Finally i know how to greet your grandma : *loudly screams* KONICHIWA!

  • @ab76254
    @ab76254 4 роки тому +53

    This is the epitome of "form over function"
    where you try to look as much as a "businessperson" but learn no practical skills about managing a team to most efficiently achieve objectives

  • @sabnstuffgd8232
    @sabnstuffgd8232 4 роки тому +58

    Sue: “Someone really really doesn’t like the main course.”
    Japanese man: screams “Thank you for this meal!”

    • @白髪りす
      @白髪りす 3 роки тому +1

      And the guy beside him was like: " yea, yea totally agree "

  • @eekimsantos
    @eekimsantos 3 роки тому +16

    Oh my gosh as an introvert who hates standing out, this training will be the death of me LOL

  • @SekhmetSecretWeapon
    @SekhmetSecretWeapon 5 років тому +53

    I feel so bad for the ones who 'failed' the course....this is too sad.... :((

    • @dsirulz1
      @dsirulz1 4 роки тому +9

      right like im sure they are all overqualified if they were to apply to literally any job say in another country but to the japanese, nah fam, NOT GOOD ENOUGH lol.

    • @SekhmetSecretWeapon
      @SekhmetSecretWeapon 4 роки тому +7

      @@dsirulz1 this must be why so much suicide there, sad... they're good people...

    • @crazy948
      @crazy948 4 роки тому

      i can imagine at least one of those who failed is already fathoms below.

    • @SekhmetSecretWeapon
      @SekhmetSecretWeapon 4 роки тому +2

      @@crazy948 they do have a high suicide rate there, it's sad... no one's perfect...

    • @mathforlife1805
      @mathforlife1805 2 роки тому

      That's life....

  • @ayumiharapeco6366
    @ayumiharapeco6366 5 років тому +25

    Oh no, I used to live right next to this place! It keep woke me up around 5am with this strange shout . I went to ask if it's possible to start bit later but owner just said " I started this here 30 years ago so why don't you try to understand? " It was nightmare.

  • @rodaxel7165
    @rodaxel7165 5 років тому +50

    I thought this happens only in anime. My hears would bleed if this happens in my office

    • @sextant858
      @sextant858 5 років тому +5

      You're right.
      It is almost anime.
      They are not usual almost cult group.
      I've never heard and seen like this.

    • @illona2537
      @illona2537 4 роки тому

      What anime were you watching? I've never seen this before

  • @whyjapanesepeople4057
    @whyjapanesepeople4057 4 роки тому +12

    Imperial japan: BANZAI!!!!
    Modern japan: SENPAI!!!!!

  • @Soralella71
    @Soralella71 5 років тому +65

    I lived in Japan and let me tell you, the Japanese really are repressed and depressed.

    • @kriest3470
      @kriest3470 4 роки тому

      @@snarkylive yoooo

    • @BargerClan
      @BargerClan 4 роки тому +7

      Soralella71: that's why sucide forest is super duper popular

    • @andreyserebryakov2231
      @andreyserebryakov2231 4 роки тому

      @@BargerClan it's just one place.

    • @titonsama
      @titonsama 9 місяців тому


  • @masterdrewanthony
    @masterdrewanthony 5 років тому +34

    If Japan wasn't notorious for having a high suicide rate, I might not be as bothered by the crying at the end of the training. Unfortunately, it is, and I am

    • @PeaceDweller
      @PeaceDweller 3 роки тому +2

      It is quite sad. But at the same time that work ethic & culture made them the most prosperous & efficient nation in Asia for many many decades. Infact only Germany and one of the Scandinavian countries could match them in terms of efficiency & productivity. It's a relatively small country in size of 128 million people and yet it is run like a country with 4 million. Even garbage workers there treat their job like the most prestigious job on the planet.

  • @ItsMeRhaine
    @ItsMeRhaine 4 роки тому +44

    If my manager ever screams like that to me in the workplace imma have to resign right there dueces

    • @m5a1stuart83
      @m5a1stuart83 4 роки тому +3

      Well my Korean GM always yell at me everyday like that... But once you get used to it. No one can oppress or intimidate you.

    • @alventuradelacruz522
      @alventuradelacruz522 3 роки тому +1

      I would slap him/her

    • @domtom9594
      @domtom9594 Рік тому

      Lol American cry baby.

  • @manantank
    @manantank 3 роки тому +5

    Not gonna lie, this sounds fun - gets people out of their shell

  • @Dreamdays476
    @Dreamdays476 2 роки тому +4

    It's their culture, let alone and go home and look at your own...

  • @pedalboy
    @pedalboy 5 років тому +104

    It sounds like they're training for war.

    • @y.y.4673
      @y.y.4673 4 роки тому +13

      Actually, this kind of brain washing is from the Imperial Japanese Army.
      In the age of WW2, every child was forced to do like that in elementary school.

    • @maxabeles
      @maxabeles 4 роки тому +1

      @Honesty Maze It's not possible to erase thousands of years tradition with "the new generation."

    • @vivoslibertos
      @vivoslibertos 4 роки тому +3


    • @missplainjane3905
      @missplainjane3905 3 роки тому

      I feel Japan is also changing from each new era, though tradition remains strongly.

    • @BashBash-x2m
      @BashBash-x2m 9 місяців тому

      Ww2 flashbacks

  • @LionMemento
    @LionMemento 9 місяців тому +1

    There is also one for kids in the same camp i went to it when i was about 10 it was a great experience and i gained a lot of discipline

  • @Alelifechannel
    @Alelifechannel 4 роки тому +5

    If my boss screams at me like that I’m like “sorry I didn’t hear you, can you repeat that”

  • @arthurdowney2846
    @arthurdowney2846 5 років тому +9

    "The Japanese are just like everyone else, only more so."
    Watch Dan Carlin's Supenova In The East for a great look into the roots of the cultural quirks that make a place like this business camp possible.

    • @andipandi5641
      @andipandi5641 5 років тому +2

      but most like the english - only more so:
      we have public schools - they have this place.. the sun has not long ago given up dressing its models as sexualised school girls and the daily mail has only recently given up presenting us with sexualised images of school girls themselves - japan has only recently made child-pornography illegal.. police in this country never charged jimmy savile with anything and have yet to interview any catholic bishop or prince andrew under caution - while police in japan actively protect businesses sexually exploiting very young women.. in this country fox hunters continue to hunt sweet little dogs - while many japanese continue to kill dolphins and whales..

  • @高木正弘-e9z
    @高木正弘-e9z 4 роки тому +9

    I grew up in Japan and I am working in Japanese company now. in my life I changed the company 4 times but I don't think this video is for real.
    for foreigners I tell you that this is not real Japan. this is overdraw. even though as a Japanese myself , its really funny.

  • @inkyukim436
    @inkyukim436 4 роки тому +8

    I am still waiting for them to teach something useful...

  • @halukaw719
    @halukaw719 5 років тому +2

    Love Sue Perkins💕🤣

  • @Phlegethon
    @Phlegethon 4 роки тому +8

    guy says thank you for the meal. BBC White lady who doesn’t understand Japanese says in all seriousness “somebody really really didn’t like the main course”

    • @ignacio1759
      @ignacio1759 3 роки тому +2

      Ok uncle, it was a joke jeez

    @QUESCANADA 4 роки тому +2

    Well, I came here to learn but ended up lmao @ 2:34 🤣😂🤣😂😭😝

  • @jway-o1u
    @jway-o1u 5 років тому +6

    I'm being nit-picky but I hate how around 3:40 when she is listing companies she says "Sony, and my own personal favorite; Playstation". Playstation is a product of Sony Interactive Entertainment which is a subsidiary of Sony. It is not a business and to list it after Sony would be as if when she mentioned Toyota she also included "Her favorite" (Company); Camry.
    I think she may have been trying to seem "trendy" by forcing Playstation into the statement

  • @razvan6133
    @razvan6133 4 роки тому +3

    Since when is Playstation a company?

  • @therandomdot2563
    @therandomdot2563 5 років тому +13

    Sun Tzu and Musashi must be rolling in their graves at this.

    • @OzzTonWentToSpace
      @OzzTonWentToSpace 5 років тому +7

      Sun Tzu was Chinese + the discipline and training needed for samurai wasn’t too dissimilar. I get your point though for this day and age this is cringe.

    • @therandomdot2563
      @therandomdot2563 5 років тому +11

      @@OzzTonWentToSpace I was thinking more about how Musashi's Book of Five Rings and Sun Tzu's Art of War are standard reads in Asian business. But, Musashi teaches to be simple and effective. This training program is neither. Sun Tzu teaches to win war by out-maneuvering enemies and treating soldiers like equals. This program is just breaking these folks down, treating them like garbage, and building them back up into uncreative robots. The reason samurai culture took over in Japan was because the warriors had too much time on their hands, and thus did like everyone else: made an "art form" out of what they did. Basically, taking whatever they did and dialing it up to 11. But, in doing so, they went overboard. Musashi's work pointed that out, saying that Japanese Samurai culture was so full of itself that it lost sight of what was important. It was bogged down in pomp & circumstance and ritual. This business course seems to be embracing that. It's also embracing the fly-by-night "boot camp" syndrome that's taken over all aspects of work these days. Folks think they can just sign up for some rigorous program that quickly whips them into shape and then they'll get some cert that says they can do something. But, boot camp programs have flooded the market and this looks like another BS boot camp program. If they want to get certified as peons that can do nothing but follow orders, then this is the program for them. But, peons that follow orders are not business leaders, are not creative types that shake up industries, etc. It's just sad seeing aspects of Japan fall back to BS like this. But, many countries have similar BS going on. "Take a week long training program to become a Data Scientist!" Just lots of BS programs popping up these days, and desperate people going into them hoping it will move them ahead.

  • @fergusgarden
    @fergusgarden 4 роки тому +10

    The part where some of the participants in the training were yelling their vulnerabilities was too short. I just saw it on TV and it was longer - it is an idea that I really like, since in trainings that I'm used to, everybody tries to be as invulnerable as possible. That was like a breath of fresh air for me.

    • @Sara-sn5gd
      @Sara-sn5gd 3 роки тому +1

      It can be seen as a good thing, but it could also be harmful in that it could be a form of public shaming. The people here would already be on a lower rank than the course administrator so having them loudly express the failing makes them emotionally lower themselves too, especially because then they likely don't really get support for it.

    • @assassinaria
      @assassinaria 2 роки тому +1

      It definitely helps people acknowledge their weaknesses and figure out how to overcome them. I often do this to remind myself I am just a person, equally as human as the people I manage. Some people can get carried away with power and presume they were given the position for who they are rather than how well they can serve the people they manage.

  • @mattng4707
    @mattng4707 2 роки тому

    I feel they need a hug

  • @proudlycanadian3023
    @proudlycanadian3023 2 роки тому +1

    Sie liegen in meiner Verantwortung! Es geht um ABSOLUTE PERFEKTION! Es geht darum, im höchsten Maße tadellos makellos / makellos zu sein!

  • @mouseminer2978
    @mouseminer2978 4 роки тому +1

    It is just a military standard. Discipline is the key.

  • @y.y.4673
    @y.y.4673 4 роки тому +1

    This led to a train accident which killed 107 people 15 years ago today.

  • @gerardsangil9760
    @gerardsangil9760 3 роки тому +1

    Customer: Hi! I’m looking for a phone. They said that it’s the best business here. Businessman: A-E-*O-OU!!!!!

  • @dodoapexch1389
    @dodoapexch1389 4 роки тому +11

    I'm Japanese.
    But, it is first time to see this kind of comany!lol

    • @dodoapexch1389
      @dodoapexch1389 4 роки тому +2

      @Linh Nguyen I'm not weeb!lol
      I'm Japanese!

    • @beaverpoo8086
      @beaverpoo8086 4 роки тому

      Linh Nguyen they are not lying! this is do you know the extreme side of the political compass? Think of this as that but company

  • @vivoslibertos
    @vivoslibertos 3 роки тому +2

    The anime title is: How to raise an isekai reborn summoned male karen

  • @huehue5286
    @huehue5286 4 роки тому +1

    >women are underrepresented in senior management
    You can take this shitty job any day, I would rather be a janitor than living this hell.

  • @FBWL-u1r
    @FBWL-u1r 5 років тому +5

    Reminds me of that scene in Blackadder season 3, when Stephen Fry plays the Duke of Wellington... "There's only one way to win a campaign: SHOUT, SHOUT AND SHOUT AGAIN!" 😄

  • @shamkumar3420
    @shamkumar3420 4 роки тому

    Introvert: I think I need to take this course

  • @kaorimakino
    @kaorimakino 4 роки тому +3

    If they spend this time in actually working and living a true life, they might be very productive. Resting is a part of working !

  • @rexchang5621
    @rexchang5621 2 роки тому +1

    I don’t agree with the over formality of this kind of training, but I absolutely hate how condescending this reporter looks

  • @noiselesspatient
    @noiselesspatient 5 років тому +3

    Horrendous. What a shame she didn't visit Eihe-ji or Antai-ji to observe how they teach self-discipline which is truly transformative. Wouldn't have made 'must-see' TV, I suppose...

  • @PhenixJr1
    @PhenixJr1 5 років тому +2

    Why is this on my recommendation list 1st I'm American 2nd I dont speak Japanese 3rd I have never seen a video about any of this stuff. Yet for some reason I still find this interesting

    • @Buzz407-
      @Buzz407- 5 років тому

      Odd, I was just wondering the same thing. Have you been watching any aviation, military history, or cooking videos? :P We gotta figure this one out.

  • @cathybaldry7822
    @cathybaldry7822 2 роки тому

    That must be one tough management course

  • @hacihocni6156
    @hacihocni6156 5 років тому

    This is cool

  • @cotedazure
    @cotedazure Рік тому +1

    reminds me of the opening scene of Gung Ho!

  • @高木正弘-e9z
    @高木正弘-e9z 4 роки тому +2

    I am Japanese but WTF. this is crazy lol. this is the craziest thing I have ever seen.
    is this for real ?

  • @fullstackhead3450
    @fullstackhead3450 5 років тому


  • @kingstone9408
    @kingstone9408 3 роки тому +1

    Japan is military academy!

  • @MrRufusjax
    @MrRufusjax 6 місяців тому

    This is like the School for Failures in the movie Gung Ho.

  • @jakkuwolfinsomnia8058
    @jakkuwolfinsomnia8058 Рік тому

    I love how Japan takes everything to the extreme but my god they’re under so much intense pressure no wonder they’re all getting heart attacks

  • @tip_vicious
    @tip_vicious 3 роки тому +1

    Ur here after listening to Bill Burr ;)

  • @missxmarvel
    @missxmarvel 3 роки тому

    I wished I was raised like that.

  • @vaibhavsainiofficial
    @vaibhavsainiofficial 4 роки тому +2

    It is looking like a military training

  • @ichi_san
    @ichi_san 3 роки тому

    Some companies are probably as traditional as this, however hot damn this particular company is very extreme! Executive jobs in Japan look really tough...
    However I have heard that if you join a more 'globally minded' company they aren't as strict

  • @ikennabede
    @ikennabede 5 років тому +2

    🤣🤣😂😂😂😅😅😅 I'm too weak to write my opinion.

  • @bozorgmehrmosaheb9825
    @bozorgmehrmosaheb9825 8 місяців тому

    Who knows about the name of school and I really like to learn about it more I appreciate if someone help me.

    • @kurousanada3279
      @kurousanada3279 6 місяців тому

      kanrisha yousei gakko

  • @dawnmendenhall9359
    @dawnmendenhall9359 5 років тому +1

    I remember her from the British Bake Show.

  • @stupidkitty84
    @stupidkitty84 5 років тому +32

    Reporter: *screams* "Konichiwa!
    Literally Anybody: 👀✌👣

  • @zsuzsadosane3863
    @zsuzsadosane3863 Рік тому

    Wery good This film but your all film! Good your explanation and comment I agree all ! Thank you, From Hungary ❤️👍I see no BBC EARTH❤️

  • @zhuoyanpan1253
    @zhuoyanpan1253 3 роки тому

    I wonder whether this training is a must or more like an extracurricular activity for managers-to-be?

  • @ethicalphytophage
    @ethicalphytophage 4 роки тому +1

    The concept of shame at failing such a bonkers class is itself bonkers. I can imagine that such an absolutist view of what constitutes success is one of the reasons for the high number of suicides per capita in certain parts of Japan. (No offense to the Japanese people meant. All the Japanese people I've met have been absolutely wonderful. I am critical of the philosophy shown in this video, that's all.)

  • @reporterborracho
    @reporterborracho 4 роки тому +1

    Assisti esse programa na CNN Brasil. É fantástico. Mostra um Japão que pouca gente conhece.

  • @Tonytayloring
    @Tonytayloring 4 роки тому +1

    So that's the way they churned out crazy Japanese soldiers into Kamikaze attackers & banzai chargers

  • @kawaimike2507
    @kawaimike2507 5 місяців тому

    I just say this is so crazy

  • @Ultradude604
    @Ultradude604 4 роки тому

    She's giving what Larry David would call, "a shit bow".

  • @jedigrandmaster1773
    @jedigrandmaster1773 5 років тому +2

    0:41 The fact is, most women didn't want the stress that comes with it.

  • @UnclePutte
    @UnclePutte 5 років тому +1

    It all looks like busy work.

  • @DanielLopez-sh2pp
    @DanielLopez-sh2pp 4 роки тому +1

    I am replacing mine with Ai.
    My business will just a Ai program running everything soon. So how will this help me at all?

  • @PeckiePeck
    @PeckiePeck 11 місяців тому

    It's really hilarious how they have to shout everything.

  • @yerovi86
    @yerovi86 3 роки тому +1


  • @mattng4707
    @mattng4707 2 роки тому

    This is great the presenter so funny

  • @kcjfilms2946
    @kcjfilms2946 Рік тому

    3:53 she is wrong. Japan companies are not leading anymore. Japan economy and population in freefall

  • @verygoodboy5724
    @verygoodboy5724 3 роки тому

    Waa arin layaab ah

  • @douglasbullet6456
    @douglasbullet6456 3 роки тому

    This is the first time I've ever seen or heard a grown say that she likes a PlayStation

  • @KlyffHanger
    @KlyffHanger 6 місяців тому

    This do be more gruelling than the Hashira Training Arc tho...
    Blud's are getting the Training arc of their life. Gonna get a hold of that One Piece after Graduation.
    Non-Japanese: This is Crazy! Why would they sign up?
    Japanese: This is Crazy! Where do I sign up?

  • @balkarsinghtoor8084
    @balkarsinghtoor8084 3 роки тому

    I went to the wrong business school :(

  • @carmenantonia3317
    @carmenantonia3317 4 роки тому +1


  • @panaderiatecnica5922
    @panaderiatecnica5922 4 роки тому

    so smart people!!!!!!!!

  • @swirlandtwirl5417
    @swirlandtwirl5417 11 місяців тому


  • @hackeem7
    @hackeem7 3 роки тому

    I’m worried for Japan now

    • @aproy5256
      @aproy5256 Рік тому +1

      Sorry, this is not the most of Japanese companies or academy. However, there are a lot of companies doing these strange activities in daily work.

  • @shadow_gamer_7773
    @shadow_gamer_7773 5 років тому +1

    PS4 is best console, proven by bbc

  • @oopopp
    @oopopp 5 років тому +1

    When JOKER isn't fighting Batman... I see him starting a school like this... haha.....

  • @darelbvcr687
    @darelbvcr687 9 місяців тому


  • @lillithdv8
    @lillithdv8 2 роки тому

    The bit about the badges of shame at 5:00 reminds me of Pride & Prejudice where Elizabeth comments on the notion of an 'accomplished woman' as per the high standards of Mr Darcy & Co where she must have thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, all the modern languages, to deserve the word. It's extreme and rather untenable tbh

  • @hugo2171
    @hugo2171 5 років тому

    That's what work looks like !

  • @hanoo_hanzo
    @hanoo_hanzo 4 роки тому

    crazy workplace.

  • @cy4330
    @cy4330 5 років тому +1

    This is brain washing. The discipline is important but not until you can't exercise your wisdom to deal with different situations. We learn from our mistakes and our minds need to be flexible enough to continue to learn and teach.

  • @aflyingwhale
    @aflyingwhale 5 років тому +19

    It is not Japanese culture but military cultures of fascism.

    • @andipandi5641
      @andipandi5641 5 років тому +2

      or you could see it this way - Britain and Japan have a lot in common - both island races..
      we have public schools - they have this place.. the sun has not long ago given up dressing its models as sexualised school girls and the daily mail has only recently given up presenting us with sexualised images of school girls themselves - japan has only recently made child-pornography illegal.. police in this country never charged jimmy savile with anything and have yet to interview any catholic bishop or prince andrew under caution - while police in japan actively protect businesses sexually exploiting very young women.. in this country fox hunters continue to hunt sweet little dogs - while many japanese continue to kill dolphins and whales..

  • @vivoslibertos
    @vivoslibertos 4 роки тому +1

    So the graduates either become bully or bullied.

  • @maxsteel9704
    @maxsteel9704 2 роки тому

    Thats to crazy 🤦🤦

  • @anderzonmanrique8777
    @anderzonmanrique8777 4 роки тому


  • @loc12345pro
    @loc12345pro 3 роки тому

    This place is weird… I cannot imagine this even in my weirdest dreams.

  • @Rob-cy5xj
    @Rob-cy5xj 5 років тому +2

    Japan and China seem to push the limits of the work environment to the maximum from what I've seen.

  • @atharsuhail4465
    @atharsuhail4465 2 роки тому

    Are they preparing manager or fish seller

    @JANE_ESTER Рік тому

    Um 'aberto' de mão frouxo...

  • @35340505
    @35340505 5 місяців тому

    To be honest saying FROM a Japanese man who born in 1990
    I HAVE experienced kinda this training at just normal self gas station really when I was high school student for just part time job😂😂😂😂
    I would say to the Japanese who said that this video is extreme.They are upper class people and don't know the reality. The persons doesn't know what is real Bottom society in Japan

  • @dsirulz1
    @dsirulz1 4 роки тому +1

    People: 0__0 ......

  • @markhorney7625
    @markhorney7625 2 роки тому

    Wow, after seeing GUNG HO with michael Keaton, I was curious if these sort of places exist. I'm suprised.. XD