【替え歌】黒兄弟で悪/ノ僕【微腐向け?】(Harry Potter)

  • Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
  • see original link:
    i loved this video is really great
    find in


  • @かねこじゅうろうなおざね
    @かねこじゅうろうなおざね 6 років тому +16


  • @キャベツ紫-w4o
    @キャベツ紫-w4o 8 років тому +51


  • @龍咲ルカ
    @龍咲ルカ 9 років тому +23


  • @なかいすずの
    @なかいすずの 9 років тому +10


  • @yuka6363
    @yuka6363 5 років тому +5


  • @urakawaseina7945
    @urakawaseina7945 10 років тому +69

    兄は騎士団 僕は死喰い人 運命分かつ哀れな兄弟
    期待の中で僕は生まれた 賢い兄の兄弟として 
    純血な家柄のせいで 僕らの仲は離れていった
    僕が入学したとき また僕らは遠ざかる
    ふたつに裂けた寮の間に 生まれゆく高い壁
    兄は獅子寮 僕は蛇寮 運命分かつ哀れな血筋
    それから月日が流れて 兄はこの家を去って行った
    親友の家に行くのだと 振り向きもせず消えていった
    兄の部屋に貼ってあった 楽しげな四人の写真
    この日が来るわかっていたのに どうして涙が止まらない
    彼は兄で 僕は弟 本来ならば幸せな二人
    今日の任務はマグル暗殺 あの人は言う 僕は従う
    もうすぐ世界は闇の中 あの方と僕らの力で 
    これは間違いというのならば 僕はあの方に逆らうまでさ
    「クリーチャー 君は逃げるんだ。大丈夫。ぼくなら平気だよ。
    僕は愚か 罪を背負う 運命分かつ僕らを縛る 
    これがせめてもの償いに そう自分に言い聞かせた
    十年前 暗黒の時代 騎士団のメンバーの一人 
    僕らの敵の一人だった この世で一番 僕の兄さん
    これ以上あなたのこと 苦しめる世界ならば 
    僕は最後まで戦おう 兄さんは光の中にでて

  • @aozora_sora
    @aozora_sora 5 років тому +2


  • @カフェモカ-d3v
    @カフェモカ-d3v 8 років тому +12


  • @みかんmandarino
    @みかんmandarino 7 років тому +14


  • @kkt102
    @kkt102 9 років тому +7

    I cried....

  • @桃色モモンガ
    @桃色モモンガ 11 років тому +4


  • @望乃-n5e
    @望乃-n5e 6 років тому +2


  • @Niyandra
    @Niyandra 14 років тому +9

    1:51 "Why did it have to be like this?"
    2:54 sorry couldn't hear what he said..
    4:04 "Kreacher..you have to run away...it's okay...I'll be alright...that's why...don't tell anyone this secret...and ofcourse...brother too.."
    5:25 "I'm sorry, brother."
    5:44 "Perhaps...we could begin all over...let's meet again...until then..brother.."
    At least... That's what I think he said xD Could be all wrong cuz I'm still learning Japanese through watching anime

  • @Nyckiko
    @Nyckiko 14 років тому +7

    this gives a pretty good view on Sirius' and Regulus' relationship between each other. They loved each other once but Sirius Rebelled while Regulus stayed with The black family. they resented each other for their beliefs but still deep down they truly did love each other like all brothers should. so sad... the story of the black family..

  • @cararhyme
    @cararhyme 13 років тому +5

    *cries* and with this video, I fall in love with Regulus..

  • @Serbia666ful
    @Serbia666ful 13 років тому +2

    i cryed at this, poor kid he deserved better, i want to know what they were singing and what regulus was saying to curecher, hes an awesome guy hes also a hero in my eyes for having the real locket go with curecher R.I.P. regulus

  • @01domu
    @01domu 13 років тому +1


  • @Each213
    @Each213 13 років тому +3

    Wow, this video was sooo beautiful and sad! Ofc, I didn't understand a thing about the song or the text in the video, but still, it was very beautiful! I love Regulus/Sirius

  • @kyuri7646
    @kyuri7646 15 років тому +1

    The original song is "Servant of Evil" for the Vocaloid Len Kagamine, but the lyrics on this one are modified to fit Sirius and Regulus' story ; ;

  • @RoninOath
    @RoninOath 13 років тому

    this is the best Regulus vid i seen

  • @misakimei8790
    @misakimei8790 10 років тому +10

    I probably had dead siblings because my mom always has a miscarriage and this *sniff* video *hic*inspires us.*Hic*R-R-Regulus is defined as one of my dead brother.I miss him too much.*Hic* It shows us how to love a sibling even if they had something in the future.

  • @きさま茶
    @きさま茶 7 років тому +10

    ( ̄+ー ̄)

  • @AiShinosaki
    @AiShinosaki 13 років тому +3

    It was beautiful!! I have never seen a video of Regulus. And I would like to have a traslation of the song!!

  • @HistoryMuses
    @HistoryMuses 14 років тому +1

    @Rawlionson The only person she talks about later is Draco, who is married and has a son, not in prison or dead. I would constitute that as a happy ending. Just because they don't show what happens to all of them doesn't mean they didn't get happy endings.

  • @wolfwarp
    @wolfwarp 13 років тому +4

    I love this vid! And I know why people say things like 'oh, why does slytherin get the bad name? They aren't all bad!' well yeah, but think, how many slytherins do you know that were good and how many do you know that were bad? Just, do a little comparison there! (am not hating on slytherin, just saying)

  • @Wargames50
    @Wargames50 14 років тому

    So bitter sweet! But really well done

  • @Dannysek856
    @Dannysek856 14 років тому

    Awwwwwwwww This is too cute and sad I love them both they are my favs !!!!! Thanks for this great vid!!! I am watching it over and over and I can´t stop!!!

  • @cararhyme
    @cararhyme 13 років тому

    I knew I was going to cry! I knew it right after the song started! it's my fav song from vocaloid! I don't know if it has an original one or not. I only know the one Len sings

  • @Each213
    @Each213 13 років тому +1

    @LeafianAvenger Well, I think you're wrong about that. If Regulus hadn't stolen the horcrux he would have saved Harry from a lot of trouble when they tried to found the real one! But you're right about that he is a very underrated character, but one of my favorites actually. But, what is it that makes him underrated? He is just not mention very much...

  • @DraceEmpressa
    @DraceEmpressa 13 років тому +3

    The only thing I know is at the original ver, Len said this" If we reincarnated, let's play again"

  • @Narusasucuteness
    @Narusasucuteness 12 років тому +1

    This is for 1 a very well made video 2 I think this is more depressing then the Story of Evil cudos to you good sir/mam...3 omg I feel so srry for them why? lol anyhw good job to the maker of the vid

  • @ukyryo
    @ukyryo 15 років тому

    i lovet
    4:04 in that minute he says something like that like hes takes care of this, don't worry I will be well.................. however........brother" the rest not you that he says neither i don't understand
    5:44 same in the one.....but a finally "I'm sorry brother"
    I loved ys great

  • @himaji000
    @himaji000 14 років тому


  • @遠野純子
    @遠野純子 8 років тому +11


  • @1randomorange22
    @1randomorange22 13 років тому

    servant of evil by len!? omg iv never heard this version before. :D anyways awesome vid.

  • @absolutelynotsane
    @absolutelynotsane 13 років тому

    I. CRIED.

  • @aishapribadi9845
    @aishapribadi9845 6 років тому +3


  • @yuham26
    @yuham26 11 років тому +6

    レギュゥ〜(T ^ T)

  • @SanitysRebellion
    @SanitysRebellion 15 років тому

    The original title of the song was 'The Servent of Evil' by Vocaloid Kagamine Len. But the lyrics used in this video have been changed to fit Regulus so I'm not sure what they say in this video.

  • @demoness77
    @demoness77 12 років тому

    Servant of Evil....how fitting...

  • @nashobawolf321
    @nashobawolf321 14 років тому +1

    it really good!!! I love it...but who the guys in the vid?? T.T

  • @JeEvans91
    @JeEvans91 14 років тому +1

    Regulus is one of my fav... Even If he is only mentioned sometimes... =__=
    Like Sev, he is very BRAVE!
    Even if Severus is the BRAVEST! u.u I love them.

  • @PotterNinjapeople23
    @PotterNinjapeople23 12 років тому +3

    NOOO.... REGULUS, you little sweetie pie!!! D":

  • @kadonalily6615
    @kadonalily6615 9 років тому +3

    号泣したぁ...( ; ; )

  • @doublesplit234
    @doublesplit234 15 років тому

    no, it is Sirius and Regulus, (sirius's little brother). Trust me, I didn't know this until I researched about this.

  • @13CrystalHeart
    @13CrystalHeart 13 років тому +2

    I cried....poor Regulus.....;_;

  • @yamihikarilightdark9
    @yamihikarilightdark9 15 років тому

    So, is this Severus and Sirius? I can't really tell. D: Besides my obliviousness, I love this. Nicely done!

  • @Redflier3
    @Redflier3 14 років тому

    @shawpaw10 I think it's a variation of the Vocaloid song "Servant of Evil".

  • @TheRottencorrupt
    @TheRottencorrupt 13 років тому

    @naru894 it is vocaloid mate it a pardoy of a three part song set that is song by rin and lin,but i dont know the song name but i remember how it sounds

  • @AkatAngel
    @AkatAngel 14 років тому

    so beautifull...I almost cry n///n

  • @AnaRustenholtz
    @AnaRustenholtz 15 років тому

    Poor Regulus. ;A;
    He had such a tragic life. I love you Regulus!!

  • @miamew123
    @miamew123 15 років тому

    i am so sad poor regulus and sirius

  • @LadyPyrien
    @LadyPyrien 13 років тому

    this was beautiful....but this sounds just like len kagamine's "servant of evil" from vocaloid >.>

  • @Behaxeltzi
    @Behaxeltzi 15 років тому

    @Rawlionson I Believe Draco had quite a happy ending despite everything he went through in the last two books.

  • @Hanako_Kaori
    @Hanako_Kaori 13 років тому

    wow amazingly beautiful :')

  • @cleansalad
    @cleansalad 5 місяців тому

    this is so peak

  • @steelclaw4291
    @steelclaw4291 5 років тому

    In case anyone is still interested in a rough translation of the lyrics (as posted in Japanese by 白宮奏人, translated by me and my brother):
    All mistakes (I'm sure there are some) are my own. If anyone with a better understanding of Japanese sees this, I would be very glad to be corrected.

  • @blueteardrop123
    @blueteardrop123 15 років тому

    no this is Sirius and his little brother

  • @13CrystalHeart
    @13CrystalHeart 14 років тому +1

    Why are Slytherins aleays the bad guys? I mean not everyone could be evil, look at Snape! He's good! (For Lily's sake, pretty much)

  • @latis458
    @latis458 15 років тому

    T_T que pena me da este video lo ame desde q lo vi pobre regulus nadie supo de su sacrificio hasta muchoooo despues T_T la cancion de len esta genial y esta version tambien !!

  • @みかん-r6n7s
    @みかん-r6n7s 8 років тому +3


  • @FilleNoir
    @FilleNoir 14 років тому

    hey thanks, i know!! ;D
    but these are different lyrics...i think?

  • @blackcat1332
    @blackcat1332 14 років тому

    i think this song is servent of evil not but this should be subbed

  • @Lendarry
    @Lendarry 7 років тому +2

    Can some kind soul add subtitles to video?

  • @FabmoraesGames
    @FabmoraesGames 11 років тому +1

    sera que jeme ou sera harry sao do mau !

  • @cykuta44
    @cykuta44 6 років тому


  • @humzahkhan8945
    @humzahkhan8945 9 років тому +1

    can someone translate what regulus is saying because I can only translate a few words and its not enough to go on

    • @monicaangel3499
      @monicaangel3499 6 років тому

      Lol its been 2 years.
      "Kreacher, you run away. I'm gonna be okay. Keep this a secret, okay? Of course, even from my brother..."

  • @YukiTsubaki7
    @YukiTsubaki7 15 років тому

    I feel sad now... :'(

  • @みかん-r6n7s
    @みかん-r6n7s 8 років тому +12


    • @あけみ-w1b
      @あけみ-w1b 8 років тому +1


    • @みかん-r6n7s
      @みかん-r6n7s 8 років тому


    • @如月巽
      @如月巽 8 років тому +2


    • @みかん-r6n7s
      @みかん-r6n7s 8 років тому


    • @如月巽
      @如月巽 8 років тому +1


  • @chocoXDcoco
    @chocoXDcoco 13 років тому

    maybe because it is? xD

  • @yamihikarilightdark9
    @yamihikarilightdark9 15 років тому

    Waaaaaaaait, nevermind. Read the comments and now I know who is in this. ;>_>

  • @MoonAiri
    @MoonAiri 13 років тому

    I want translation of this version of song **

  • @Goldengirl159
    @Goldengirl159 15 років тому

    why was regulus crying in the begining?

  • @naru894
    @naru894 13 років тому

    whats the name of the song??? it could be only me but isnt that a vocadloid song? but what version it is? it doesnt sound like a vocadloid?

  • @Hinatachan121
    @Hinatachan121 13 років тому

    Sad! :(

  • @Hanako_Kaori
    @Hanako_Kaori 13 років тому +1

    5 people luved this soo much they accidently hit the dislike button and now they hate them self for doing that and hit like a 187 times

  • @TsukiOPW
    @TsukiOPW 15 років тому

    uhm ... Do you know the lyrics used in this video then? [Still anxiously to translate]

  • @FabmoraesGames
    @FabmoraesGames 11 років тому

    harry evil

  • @shawpaw10
    @shawpaw10 14 років тому

    `I forget the name of this song, can somebody please tell me?

  • @silverhat2
    @silverhat2 14 років тому


  • @猫狂い-g1t
    @猫狂い-g1t 7 років тому +2


  • @FabmoraesGames
    @FabmoraesGames 11 років тому


  • @kosameakito
    @kosameakito 13 років тому


  • @mariaboado1440
    @mariaboado1440 10 років тому +2

    REGGY ;_;

  • @Соседсдрелью-й7л
    @Соседсдрелью-й7л 5 років тому

    Тут русские есть?

  • @popo-rq5yw
    @popo-rq5yw 11 років тому


  • @Asdf-zk8lc
    @Asdf-zk8lc 8 років тому

    레귤러스 ㅠㅠ

  • @Redflier3
    @Redflier3 14 років тому

    @shawpaw10 I think it's a variation of the Vocaloid song "Servant of Evil".

  • @popo-rq5yw
    @popo-rq5yw 11 років тому
