stfu u garb can she is the worst hero dont defend her the games dying because of her and moira and a large mount of the population is going to leave if they dont fix there game
She would kill Mei before she even got a freeze off. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your Plat tier and wrapped it around Pro level you'd know she'd play passive + Pocketed after being discorded. Wow 3 counters, HUGE.
“Sadly” that’s exactly what overwatch needs to counter what’s in the game right now. adding aim heavy heroes like widow Hanzo Ana isn’t going to help the problem of dive
trash man every single hero they’ve added except Orisa and Ana litterally ruin the game. Doomfist is annoying as shit to play against, Moira is literal cancer, and Brigete needs delete.
She has legit the most powerful kit in the game. 10 points. 1. Nothing to counter her stun or her m1 2. Self healing 3. A personal shield 4. Armour to herself and teammates 5. Range melee attack 6. Instant 150 damage combo 7. THICC 8. Brain dead hero 9. I’m running out of things to say 10. I want to die GG blizzard
People say she’s op, but most of those people never take Brigitte into higher rank matches. I recently made top 500 using Tracer and Brigitte. That “Brigitte can 1v1 anyone” statement is absolutely false. I like the nerf to her shield bash and I think they should rework her shield. Maybe make it similar to Matrix where you can activate it for a short period of time, then wait for it to recharge. This will eliminate her ability to use 3rd pov to look around corners and get an easy shield bash. Also, this will eliminate her aggressive play style becuase she won’t be able to use her shield often. Back to the 1v1s. I win about 70% of 1v1s as Brig. Here’s the thing. I ONLY 1v1 characters that I know I can counter or potentially counter. If I face a rein, I will die. Easy. I would have to bash, flail, run, and hop to god he doesn’t charge me. Doomfist. Her shield bash will counter one of his punches, but any combo she uses won’t kill him. Also, his punch comes back every 4 seconds so it’s a lost fight after he gets it back. Bastion, Snipers, Sombra, Junkrat, some tanks, and even Moira can easily counter a Brigitte. I mained Moira last season and won most 1v1s against Brigitte. She needs some reworking, but wouldn’t call her broken. Also, you need game sense to play her well. Most players will pick her up and think she’s straight forward to use. Not exactly
@@bluntsensei Lol, they tripled her healing and you call her garbagde, just becauce you cant go in like stupid anymore. They nerfed her again for a reason
"Blizzard can you fix comp?" "No, but we'll give you a Torbjorn relative with a skill floor in masters and a stun that never misses" "Haha, no but really Blizz when you gonna fix it." "We're serious."
Milan Van stein u must be fkin stupid there's a big difference between a character that's skill based like genji who if he uses his abilities in a bad manner and gets caught in the middle he gets punished hard and he has a lot of counters nowadays and characters that doesn't require skill aka brigitte u just keep stunning all day and press one button for health pack and your weapon doesn't even require you aim and u have a shield to get out when u get caught in the middle of the fight so basically u can't punish her in most cases for everything.... it feels like blizzard made that hero specifically for bronze
I meant more of zarya's bubble can helps people dive and maybe get her to burn her cc and damage and brigitte has nothing to stop her team from dying to the grav.
Forget xQc, I think more than half of the players in high elo are tilted AF just by seeing her on the enemy team. Those that aren't tiltef are the ones playing supports that don't interact with her anyways lmao.
“Ones playing support that don’t interact with her”... I played Mercy, Ana, and Moira during my placements and every game was me getting mauled in a corner by the enemy Brigitte that couldn’t die
Blizzard: We don’t want to force a meta! Blizzard: Here’s Brigitte to help lower the power of dive comps and see more slow moving or grounded comps. Me: Oh fine Blizzard! Guess I’ll play Reinhardt to try and work with the grounded comps as most mobility tanks are useless against Brigi- *proceeds to be smashed, flung and bashed into oblivion by Brigitte* Guess I’m becoming an Orisa main who at least has some of a fighting chance against Brigitte...
playing yesterday against that, we were about to lose when someone switch on sombra, and i switch on junkrat. After 1 EMP and junk ultimate and the pirate ship was dead, until the rest of the game, they tried to get the bastion back on the payload butwithout being able to. Easy win 15 minute after. :)
Blizzard placed theirself in a nutshell. They say the game is designed to encourage players to use different heros every game to acquire different aspects of the game. While Brigitte is the new "Anti-Dive" Hero Which will force Winston/Genji/Tracer mains to switch off to fit a more suitable team composition. You see the conflict in that? Blizzard does't want you to use different heros. Blizzard wants you to play the heros THEY want you to use. By buffing all these nonskilled heros like Rat And Reaper it holds a virtual sign that says "Play me or you wont climb!" Its pathetic. We buy the game to play how we want yet are forced to sit on heros most of us dont enjoy just to win a game. Looks like Blizzard is enjoying watching us Play the game more than we do.
Also the reason they got buffs was because everyone was bitching and making videos about it and the reason all the dive heroes are being nerfed is because everyone is bitching and making videos lol. If anything its the own community's fault for this. I mean everyone thinks the new hanzo is OP and watch when the symetra re work goes live the same thing will happen where everyone is gonna bitch about her being OP or some shit.
GetSmokedScrub Its not a virtual sign that says "Play me or or you lose SR" its putting up a sign that says "We're trying to listen to you guys but no one's ever happy with anything" The absolute only instance of an OP hero was Mercy pre double rez nerf because comp was literally to the point if you didnt have a mercy, 95% of the time you lost. Its not blizzard MAKING you play all the other heroes. Its blizzard tryin to make all the heroes enjoyable and viable so that the same goddamn team comp doesn't run rampant each season. (Majority of OWL is DIVE) With Anti-Dive there is Brawler and Spam counter, and vise versa to brawler and spam theres mirror or dive in its full circle. No one could possibly say out of the 20+ heroes in the game tht there isn't a anti dive/non dive hero tht hey don't enjoy playing and are willing to pick them up in comp and if that is the case. Thn its on you to improve on your counterplay.
Malcolm Hamilton it’s competitive, not quickplay. The whole purpose of competitive is for the ones that want to try their hardest. Casual people going into competitive and not caring at all is one of the reasons why people dislike competitive now.
I did the placements , brigitte every game . Its not so bad . I recomend doing the placements now when good people do theirs too. If you do the placements later , you will get only casuals who play 1 h of ow per season. That shit is cancer , trust me ,
HelloCompanion awww man a o we’re not companions? :( Am I bad at the game, you’re sure of that because of how well you know me right? It seems to be implicit in your comment.
Meanwhile in OW forum... Brigitte is actually underpowered. Pharah and Junkrat can do splash dmg to her that she can't completely block with shield, Doomfist's charge can't be blocked, Sombra's hacking pretty much renders her utilities useless, and she can't survive in the focus fire. She actually needs buff. So in short, she can be killed so buff her plz.
That in a 1v1 against Brig. Have you face against 6v6 with a Brig on enemy team? A Brig getting pocket and Reinhardt sheild makes it so much harder to kill Brig. Yes you can say certain characters counter others but you also have to consider that the team behind Brig will not just let you kill her. Brig counters most main tanks and dps.
You should give a try to Eskay, he's amazing and play in Stanky playstyle with the same nice mentality. Also, I love good lucio, never ear about this "rammy" guy so...
Rammy is consistently one of the top Lucios, ever since day one. She's not a loudmouth circus clown screaming and yelling so that 12 year olds give her their lunch money, so maybe that's why you haven't heard of her? She's chill and nice and positive, and ridiculously good at support.
SonicBoomOW Unfortunately, due to how strong Brigitte is right now, not having someone competent play here is practically throwing. Rammy does not like throwing. She does like winning though.
This kid at the end says:" xQc is SO tilted. Definitely not what Im trying to do" Beginning of the video: "Make a xQc rage compilation? Ooo We'll see" Another kid deliberately antagonizing xQc for a moments attention. What's funny is that xQc was DEMOLISHING you even while you had the upper hand every fight.
蘇偉華 nahh I had yesterday some games where I played Rein and the enemy had a Brigitte. The thing is we had very nice healers so I could go very aggressive and bash the shit out of the Brigitte. That was very satisfying
To be honest, It doesn't matter who you are. If you're fighting against a Pro Player, not even mentioning an ex OWL player, Publicity is publicity. Positive or negative. So the fact he had a window of opportunity to place his name next to xQc's is beneficial to him. You're definitely wrong.
This editing is amazing! I love how the music switches from super happy-go-lucky and light on Galaxy's pov, then switches into a rappy rage on XQC's pov. xD
Brigitte is literally broken. I played her in master and when I played her she was way too strong. I killed a genji ulting with just 150 dmg combo. It's ridiculous
I lost it where he complains that Rein shield can't block Brig flail. I mean it's not like it's been known for a long time now that Rein shield doesn't block melee attacks similar to the same hero using said shield.
13:32 explain to me why he got to keep his ult after getting stunned? its not ping, the server saw him use ult, his ult went to 0 cuz he used it, but got stunned, and got it back
Chunk Train dunno if it was sarcasm but like every single fucking ult in the game can be negated by stun as far as i remember, except zens transcendence
you can get stunned as baby dva during the time you get your mech back(the baby ult) and you lost your mech before it was even spawn, and of course you lost your charge. So yeah , some ultimate can be denied by a stun
TooBadPing right, but not Brigitte, the demographic playing Brigitte are the same people who were mercy mains before the nerfs. They would get angry if they could be punished for making a misplay :)
Why are people saying XQC should have switched when tanks can't do shit against her? Like he's a tank main what is he supposed to do switch phara? Sweet Jesus
IKR!?! These people would rather ignore how Brig is frustrating to play against for many heroes but apparently she is *so* balanced! It's only our fault for not leaving a team tankless to go on Pharah and making it hard to not only make space for the team but also protect them! Nope! It's our fault for opposing Brig and her kit because we got *"owned"* by Brig and need to *"git gud 🙂"* and not because she was designed as is to be hard to kill! Nope! Wrecking Ball came out more balanced at release than Brig has been in this game since release! It really *really* makes you think! Doesn't?
brandon samuels well of course it doesnt seem like it otherwise it would be bad for his reputation but if you get this upset in a scrim or casual or comp then your always upset he just doesnt show it
i don't know what's better: xQc being the embodiment of salt and the community's attitude towards any support hero they can't easily kill, or the comments being like 'brigitte's the most OP hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' as if... like... there aren't (and weren't, at the time of brig being released) legitimately OP dps heroes... both equally hilarious. both make me not want to live on this planet anymore.
The OW forums would say otherwise and blame you for either not killing her quickly like other heroes (Because that doesn't go against her design or anything! *Phff* Nope!) or how it's your fault for not liking Brig since people are only angry about her since she decimmated them and not because she *is* frustrating to go against, even for a tank trying to protect his freaking teammates!!! Also, the stupid "gEt OuT oF HeR rAnGe!1!" when she can whip you at a range as to not get hit by her M1 flail range!
The new symmetra will most likely be a hard counter to Brigitte with the replenish ammo on shields, power up on beam and throwable turrets let’s not forget Tp is gonna be an ability.
I like playing brigette but tbh she needs to be nerfed especially her ultimate Also I don’t know this rammy guy anyone else think he is smug and a bit cocky in way?
XQC was such a sportsman in this game towards your team in chat he even complemented your game play yet you try to insult him by posting this video and saying "wrecked" like wtf you trying to say? everyone gets tilted sometimes so what? he lost a game so?
At 10:32 xQc called Rammy garbage because she didn’t cancel his charge with Shield Bash. I just wanna point out that not stunning him was the correct play, since he missed his charge. She saved the stun for after the charge, to make sure he couldn’t swing his hammer, because when he was locked in the charge animation, he was already effectively stunned.
Poddop There is when Rein is hit by another Rein charge or a Doomfist rocket punch. I’m pretty sure Brigitte just stuns him without the long falling over animation.
She’s clearly op , the shield she has should down to 300 not 600 and her heal should be reduced range ! God I hate playing against her with the current symetra set up
Watching Brigittes health bar constantly going back up with that busted passive, then seeing XQC with gold damage as Rein at the end of that match. I'm only watching gameplay and I'm still tilted.
and hes not really Random. Im not defending him, i dont like him, but this guy already made the world, and its one of the highest ranked player of Lucio, propably the best Lucio in overwatch.
Yeah but brig is fucking busted. Think about the damage outputs brig gets for hold left click while a mccree has to actually aim at the fucking head like what??
It's a pretty bad game XD that's why he's so popular, everyone wants to relate to the toxicity and crappyness you feel while playing.
Core war honestly what I feel
*error 404*
*sarcasm module not found*
Bro I've NEVER seen xQc tiled
This character in general is enough to tilt anyone, can’t blame the guy since she literally only has two good counters
KealtheBoss junk,phara,mei,doomfist,literally anyone+discord orbs get gud learn to adapt
+Barlos medicina
Wait, what?
Plat comment?
Just bcs it's blizzard we don't have to accept obviously broken ballancing...
stfu u garb can she is the worst hero dont defend her the games dying because of her and moira and a large mount of the population is going to leave if they dont fix there game
Barlos medicina I’ll give you that I forgot doomfist but Mei stands no chance against Brigitte
She would kill Mei before she even got a freeze off. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your Plat tier and wrapped it around Pro level you'd know she'd play passive + Pocketed after being discorded. Wow 3 counters, HUGE.
“Rammy wrecks xqc”
> gets pinned 4 times and never kills him without the whole team diving on him
Dxhty honestly I’d rather have rammy that xqc
Buda Attila uhm yes
@@budaattila5078 yes
@@budaattila5078 Rammy. Who??????????
This guy's movement is insane doe: 7:23
Dxhty >plays brig
Overwatch needs to stop adding in character that's stun you or prevent you from playing
trash man Exactly
“Sadly” that’s exactly what overwatch needs to counter what’s in the game right now. adding aim heavy heroes like widow Hanzo Ana isn’t going to help the problem of dive
trash man every single hero they’ve added except Orisa and Ana litterally ruin the game. Doomfist is annoying as shit to play against, Moira is literal cancer, and Brigete needs delete.
TALKING THICK CAT we dont need new heroes we need a dva nerf
matt and what’s a fair balanced nerf for her ? Remember the give and take thing blizzard likes to do
She has legit the most powerful kit in the game. 10 points.
1. Nothing to counter her stun or her m1
2. Self healing
3. A personal shield
4. Armour to herself and teammates
5. Range melee attack
6. Instant 150 damage combo
8. Brain dead hero
9. I’m running out of things to say
10. I want to die
GG blizzard
Bobby Flay the cooldown needs to be removed so she can stun all the time like a real hero
Point 7 is really the biggest problem i guess XD
Bobby Flay many things stop her stun. Plus they’re nerfing it.
well said. are u a family member Bobby Flay(l)?
People say she’s op, but most of those people never take Brigitte into higher rank matches. I recently made top 500 using Tracer and Brigitte. That “Brigitte can 1v1 anyone” statement is absolutely false. I like the nerf to her shield bash and I think they should rework her shield. Maybe make it similar to Matrix where you can activate it for a short period of time, then wait for it to recharge. This will eliminate her ability to use 3rd pov to look around corners and get an easy shield bash. Also, this will eliminate her aggressive play style becuase she won’t be able to use her shield often. Back to the 1v1s. I win about 70% of 1v1s as Brig. Here’s the thing. I ONLY 1v1 characters that I know I can counter or potentially counter. If I face a rein, I will die. Easy. I would have to bash, flail, run, and hop to god he doesn’t charge me. Doomfist. Her shield bash will counter one of his punches, but any combo she uses won’t kill him. Also, his punch comes back every 4 seconds so it’s a lost fight after he gets it back. Bastion, Snipers, Sombra, Junkrat, some tanks, and even Moira can easily counter a Brigitte. I mained Moira last season and won most 1v1s against Brigitte. She needs some reworking, but wouldn’t call her broken. Also, you need game sense to play her well. Most players will pick her up and think she’s straight forward to use. Not exactly
People complained about Mercy after her rework and it took blizz 3 months to fix her. Good luck waiting for baguette to get nerfed in season 10.
Don't you mean nerfed in season 11?
Are you guys talking seasons or years, I’m guessing years.
J H She'll get countered by the new Symm I'm guessing so they mightn't actually nerf her
J H actually it took 1 year and a couple months for Mercy to be fixed
Brigitte a support hero.. hahahahahahahahaha!!! LMAO!!
A support/DPS/offtank combo with all the upsides and none of the weaknesses
"Just break the shield LUUUUUL 4Head"
Support? the only support she lends is the ground that she knocks you down to.
She's now garbage in 2019
@@bluntsensei she's drinking tea with bastion and sym
@@bluntsensei Lol, they tripled her healing and you call her garbagde, just becauce you cant go in like stupid anymore. They nerfed her again for a reason
A wholesome Lucio streamer playing a most certainly not wholesome hero VS A living meme dank tank god
Sam great comment
Sairento Kira xQc is the best streamer period.
Such a better title
fuck you brigitte is the MOST wholesome hero
Wholesome hero.
Not so wholesome game mechanics.
How did this character get through creation, ptr, and release without blizzard noticing that shes completley unbalanced? what ppl work there?
SIl3nZz Guess they should hire you instead.
She’s been out for a day lmao wait for the stats before bitching
Doncroft1 why?
Eat peepee nigga dude shes been out longer you genius
Doncroft1 They should hire me I would've bitch slapped her out of existence.
"Blizzard can you fix comp?"
"No, but we'll give you a Torbjorn relative with a skill floor in masters and a stun that never misses"
"Haha, no but really Blizz when you gonna fix it."
"We're serious."
Such a unskilled hero
SamV unskilled bro check the mirror because of how a unskilled trash can kill you thats why you bronze
Milan Van stein what takes a lot of skill with her???
Milan Van stein unskilled doesnt mean bad u bronze
Milan Van stein u must be fkin stupid there's a big difference between a character that's skill based like genji who if he uses his abilities in a bad manner and gets caught in the middle he gets punished hard and he has a lot of counters nowadays and characters that doesn't require skill aka brigitte u just keep stunning all day and press one button for health pack and your weapon doesn't even require you aim and u have a shield to get out when u get caught in the middle of the fight so basically u can't punish her in most cases for everything.... it feels like blizzard made that hero specifically for bronze
TooGoldGamer-Overwatch-Fortnite- lol 💎 but on a real note she's kinda dumb
Hmmm I think her cooldowns are a tad too short... She has stun all the time
on the other hand zarya is pretty good against her hmmm :thinking:
FruitBasketyay Brigette shield stops Zaria's beam!! So no!
I meant more of zarya's bubble can helps people dive and maybe get her to burn her cc and damage and brigitte has nothing to stop her team from dying to the grav.
Exactly. McCree has an 8-second CD. Ana has a 12-second CD. Should be an easy tweak to set Brigitte's CD to 10-seconds.
A tad? This guy was using it as a movement ability ._.
Forget xQc, I think more than half of the players in high elo are tilted AF just by seeing her on the enemy team.
Those that aren't tiltef are the ones playing supports that don't interact with her anyways lmao.
Exactly Catasmic Rito
“Ones playing support that don’t interact with her”... I played Mercy, Ana, and Moira during my placements and every game was me getting mauled in a corner by the enemy Brigitte that couldn’t die
"he's killing me through shield"
Me: "Brigitte a melee character, causing damage through shield.....UNBELIEVABLE"
Blizzard: We don’t want to force a meta!
Blizzard: Here’s Brigitte to help lower the power of dive comps and see more slow moving or grounded comps.
Me: Oh fine Blizzard! Guess I’ll play Reinhardt to try and work with the grounded comps as most mobility tanks are useless against Brigi-
*proceeds to be smashed, flung and bashed into oblivion by Brigitte*
Guess I’m becoming an Orisa main who at least has some of a fighting chance against Brigitte...
This is why im waiting for a patch to play comp haha
Elliott W judging blizzard’s history, you won’t be playing comp for six months.
same no brain no aim girls aids
Omg same dude, want the brig hype in comp to die down so I don’t have a brig every game
Funny, they just nerfed her today.
U cant rly call that a nerf that´ll fix any problems
Her dash is reduced. Much wow, the problem isnt the range.
This is an accurate visual of what brig mains looks like
He's a lucio main
1:43 That is literally my exact reaction when I kill Brigitte.
I don’t have that reaction very often...
14:25 a support just 1v1 a dva with no skill what so ever
*B A L A N C E D*
Sym just has to hold RMB near the enemy, but ok 👌
Evan ist LMB but ok 👌🏿
Evan Free SR Main SPOTTED
Evan symettra is op in damage since 1890 but she can't heal herself or stun every 5 s so yeah
lol get good and learn to aim yourself before complaining that I dont need to aim
Imagine this: Junkertown + Brigitte + Rein + Orisa + Dva+ Bastion + Other support = Cancer and viruses in your PC.
Dude I just got through playing against that . It was cancer
playing yesterday against that, we were about to lose when someone switch on sombra, and i switch on junkrat. After 1 EMP and junk ultimate and the pirate ship was dead, until the rest of the game, they tried to get the bastion back on the payload butwithout being able to.
Easy win 15 minute after. :)
Called it LUL.
Blizzard placed theirself in a nutshell. They say the game is designed to encourage players to use different heros every game to acquire different aspects of the game. While Brigitte is the new "Anti-Dive" Hero Which will force Winston/Genji/Tracer mains to switch off to fit a more suitable team composition. You see the conflict in that? Blizzard does't want you to use different heros. Blizzard wants you to play the heros THEY want you to use. By buffing all these nonskilled heros like Rat And Reaper it holds a virtual sign that says "Play me or you wont climb!" Its pathetic. We buy the game to play how we want yet are forced to sit on heros most of us dont enjoy just to win a game. Looks like Blizzard is enjoying watching us Play the game more than we do.
Who are you kidding? Those kind of players don't switch. They just whine.
Lol exactly.
Also the reason they got buffs was because everyone was bitching and making videos about it and the reason all the dive heroes are being nerfed is because everyone is bitching and making videos lol. If anything its the own community's fault for this. I mean everyone thinks the new hanzo is OP and watch when the symetra re work goes live the same thing will happen where everyone is gonna bitch about her being OP or some shit.
GetSmokedScrub Its not a virtual sign that says "Play me or or you lose SR" its putting up a sign that says "We're trying to listen to you guys but no one's ever happy with anything" The absolute only instance of an OP hero was Mercy pre double rez nerf because comp was literally to the point if you didnt have a mercy, 95% of the time you lost. Its not blizzard MAKING you play all the other heroes. Its blizzard tryin to make all the heroes enjoyable and viable so that the same goddamn team comp doesn't run rampant each season. (Majority of OWL is DIVE) With Anti-Dive there is Brawler and Spam counter, and vise versa to brawler and spam theres mirror or dive in its full circle. No one could possibly say out of the 20+ heroes in the game tht there isn't a anti dive/non dive hero tht hey don't enjoy playing and are willing to pick them up in comp and if that is the case. Thn its on you to improve on your counterplay.
brigitte really unbalanced, i might switch to fortnite because of her
I'm going to wait for her nerf and then do my placements.
J A Y E oh shit that’s actually a good idea
Malcolm Hamilton briggite main spotted
Malcolm Hamilton it’s competitive, not quickplay. The whole purpose of competitive is for the ones that want to try their hardest. Casual people going into competitive and not caring at all is one of the reasons why people dislike competitive now.
I did the placements , brigitte every game . Its not so bad . I recomend doing the placements now when good people do theirs too.
If you do the placements later , you will get only casuals who play 1 h of ow per season. That shit is cancer , trust me ,
Lucas Kranjec yeah you are right
Her shield bash makes she unbalanced
You're so right (sry for bad english im german)
Luca Mayer me too :)
Lucas Kranjec Waaaaaaaas haha XD
Considering Brigette counters everyone, XQC did pretty well against her
Gilbert Giancola IKR what a guy :D
She doesn't counter Pharah :)
This is what plats actually think...
HelloCompanion awww man a o we’re not companions? :( Am I bad at the game, you’re sure of that because of how well you know me right? It seems to be implicit in your comment.
Meanwhile in OW forum...
Brigitte is actually underpowered. Pharah and Junkrat can do splash dmg to her that she can't completely block with shield, Doomfist's charge can't be blocked, Sombra's hacking pretty much renders her utilities useless, and she can't survive in the focus fire. She actually needs buff.
So in short, she can be killed so buff her plz.
Then why are most professionals saying that's she's op?
KealtheBoss Who, me or Burnt?
KealtheBoss please for The love of god, be more constructive.
I think he’s saying that the Overwatch team is trash at balancing, so he’s making fun of their team discussions.
That in a 1v1 against Brig. Have you face against 6v6 with a Brig on enemy team? A Brig getting pocket and Reinhardt sheild makes it so much harder to kill Brig. Yes you can say certain characters counter others but you also have to consider that the team behind Brig will not just let you kill her. Brig counters most main tanks and dps.
I wanna watch xqc not this random guy
Evan they're probably 13 year old gold salty xqc fans. why are you arguing with them?
Gaidxn good point lol
Evan I don’t care about any Lucio except DSPStanky, and he quit because the game is shit and not fun, so...yeah...
You should give a try to Eskay, he's amazing and play in Stanky playstyle with the same nice mentality. Also, I love good lucio, never ear about this "rammy" guy so...
Rammy is consistently one of the top Lucios, ever since day one. She's not a loudmouth circus clown screaming and yelling so that 12 year olds give her their lunch money, so maybe that's why you haven't heard of her? She's chill and nice and positive, and ridiculously good at support.
If this character is not nerfed soon, then overwatch will die out fast.
Well she somehow managed to get out of the PTR while being broken af until this very moment. I don't think they will nerf her this season
Lmao stop over exaggerating. She’s not going anywhere
Its the truth tho lol
I’ve stopped playing until they change her, competitive just isn’t fun right now playing against her every game.
A whole bunch of top tiered players have already threatened to leave, and a bunch of people around OW have already stopped.
XQC gets tilted? Oh that’s nothing new.... A fly could go past him and he’ll rage like it’s the end of the world.
6:46 flashback to muma
That’s not fair tbh. It’s not like xqc can do anything about it. I guess rammy just wants that easy SR 😴
SonicBoomOW Unfortunately, due to how strong Brigitte is right now, not having someone competent play here is practically throwing. Rammy does not like throwing. She does like winning though.
Sam yeah that’s true too
Sam she? Rammy is a she?
Salamander vi Britannia ye im confused aswell her voice is deeper than mine lol
XQC could of switched to someone else but I guess he was too busy being salty.
1:52 7:24
Oh I can see some Lucio main habits. Like "Why can't I climb a wall...?"
This is a very well put together video, way to sync up the videos! Thank you for making it, I loved it
The title should be *XQC tilts BRIGITTE*
This kid at the end says:" xQc is SO tilted. Definitely not what Im trying to do"
Beginning of the video: "Make a xQc rage compilation? Ooo We'll see"
Another kid deliberately antagonizing xQc for a moments attention.
What's funny is that xQc was DEMOLISHING you even while you had the upper hand every fight.
The only thing I learned from this video is I DON'T WANT TO BE THE REIN
Funny I just learn I don't want to play this game until fix.
蘇偉華 nahh I had yesterday some games where I played Rein and the enemy had a Brigitte. The thing is we had very nice healers so I could go very aggressive and bash the shit out of the Brigitte. That was very satisfying
Rammy doesn't care about getting attention from the kind of cancerous lepers that follow people like xqc, to be honest. You're definitely wrong.
To be honest, It doesn't matter who you are. If you're fighting against a Pro Player, not even mentioning an ex OWL player, Publicity is publicity. Positive or negative. So the fact he had a window of opportunity to place his name next to xQc's is beneficial to him. You're definitely wrong.
6:40 Lmfao the shit XQC has to say to not get in trouble
This video is like "hey let's add symmetra gameplay! It's skillful!"
Why is he toxic that she can hit through barriers when his hero can also do it he’s such a hypocrite
hammer powered by jermany rocket power = big
ordinary modern flail = smol
see the difference ?
Kittysune that is completely irrelevant as that “smol”(small) flail can extend to bigger ranges than a basic hammer he is a hypocrite and big baby
wait till brigitte gets the fat nerf then ow will be somewhat playable
@@dean7920 also still waiting
Tommy Brad LOL
"I'm smiling really loudly!"
-xQc Master Of The Rage
Who else rewatched xqc dancing
This editing is amazing! I love how the music switches from super happy-go-lucky and light on Galaxy's pov, then switches into a rappy rage on XQC's pov. xD
Yea sure let's wreck xQc with op af hero... Seems fair
The25kubalok xqc‘s team played Brigitte too tho
Track at 5:00 is Bubble Tea, if anyone wondered.
Brigitte is literally broken. I played her in master and when I played her she was way too strong. I killed a genji ulting with just 150 dmg combo. It's ridiculous
the gengi ulting when a brigitte is close is just stupid, i hope the gengi learned a lesson.
He has to get close to do damage you moron.
Someguy1237 LOL
I lost it where he complains that Rein shield can't block Brig flail.
I mean it's not like it's been known for a long time now that Rein shield doesn't block melee attacks similar to the same hero using said shield.
13:32 explain to me why he got to keep his ult after getting stunned?
its not ping, the server saw him use ult, his ult went to 0 cuz he used it, but got stunned, and got it back
oli because that would defeat the purpose of the hero if she could get outplayed by a stun, so they gave it back. :)
Chunk Train dunno if it was sarcasm but like every single fucking ult in the game can be negated by stun as far as i remember, except zens transcendence
oli Because blizzard Devs are trash
you can get stunned as baby dva during the time you get your mech back(the baby ult) and you lost your mech before it was even spawn, and of course you lost your charge. So yeah , some ultimate can be denied by a stun
TooBadPing right, but not Brigitte, the demographic playing Brigitte are the same people who were mercy mains before the nerfs. They would get angry if they could be punished for making a misplay :)
5 second stun and a 4 second ranged displacement that does damage.
Why are people saying XQC should have switched when tanks can't do shit against her? Like he's a tank main what is he supposed to do switch phara? Sweet Jesus
IKR!?! These people would rather ignore how Brig is frustrating to play against for many heroes but apparently she is *so* balanced! It's only our fault for not leaving a team tankless to go on Pharah and making it hard to not only make space for the team but also protect them! Nope! It's our fault for opposing Brig and her kit because we got *"owned"* by Brig and need to *"git gud 🙂"* and not because she was designed as is to be hard to kill! Nope! Wrecking Ball came out more balanced at release than Brig has been in this game since release! It really *really* makes you think! Doesn't?
Blizzard: a support that can just insta kill a dva with no effort and remain at full hp *B A L A N C E D*
I like how people bash Brigitte for being easy to play yet also bitch when there's a Doomfist on their team.. arguably the hardest character to play
brigitte broke the game
Lol that fuckin edit at 9:16 when he coughs got me good
Yo sausage what happened to the Dafran montage ?
ImNocturnal - GodlyJelly skill/impressive play is not wanted in overwatch
13:57 holy shit the song he has in the background is from a sonic adventures 2 or whatever the game was on the gamecube damn right in the childhood
I dont get how XQC is a pro player when its so easy to beat him just by triggering him
ExtraordinaryGamerZ You just said some dumb shit.
Sir Netflix unless you can elaborate I don't see how its true, other pro players even say "tbag XQC get him mad and its easy win"
He doesn't get tilted in pro play lmao
brandon samuels well of course it doesnt seem like it otherwise it would be bad for his reputation but if you get this upset in a scrim or casual or comp then your always upset he just doesnt show it
ExtraordinaryGamerZ He's just trying to be entertaining, people like to see him tilt. Dont be a brick, it's not easy to beat him
Rammy playing with the box in spawn is just funny lmao QXC is screaming and he's like :D this is fun
Ummm, from what I see xQc outplayed rammy quite a few times... Using skill and a non-broken character.
literally 0 skill involved
Paladins here i come bois! No more ow untill torbette is nerfed to the ground
Oskar Rådstam I call her a baguette
Bundy Bro who cares. I just dont want to play ow and not being able to do anything
You are basically jumping over from vomit to shit.
Paladins in its current state is unplayable.
Bundy Bro In overwatch I play like a shit.
In Paladin,I am literally an aim god.
Bye bye :v
i don't know what's better: xQc being the embodiment of salt and the community's attitude towards any support hero they can't easily kill, or the comments being like 'brigitte's the most OP hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' as if... like... there aren't (and weren't, at the time of brig being released) legitimately OP dps heroes...
both equally hilarious. both make me not want to live on this planet anymore.
And this Title should be XQC gets rekt by noob character
Brig is tilting, but XQC literally rages like he's on steroids lmao
That boston logo when xqc was slurping ..... you are an actual GOD
“Shield bash cooldown increased from 5 to 10 seconds.”
Proof that there is a god.
The absolute state of this game.
Brig isn’t a one person counter. It takes a team effort to take her out. (diamond 3100)
The OW forums would say otherwise and blame you for either not killing her quickly like other heroes (Because that doesn't go against her design or anything! *Phff* Nope!) or how it's your fault for not liking Brig since people are only angry about her since she decimmated them and not because she *is* frustrating to go against, even for a tank trying to protect his freaking teammates!!! Also, the stupid "gEt OuT oF HeR rAnGe!1!" when she can whip you at a range as to not get hit by her M1 flail range!
Rammy is very smug
Corn Man yeah fuck him.
Corn Man Who wouldn't be smug when abusing no skill Brigitte for free sr?
Rammy is one of the best support players in the world, why wouldn't she be smug?
No way that's a girl
(She's in transition)
The new symmetra will most likely be a hard counter to Brigitte with the replenish ammo on shields, power up on beam and throwable turrets let’s not forget Tp is gonna be an ability.
Bubztte ! Let’s hope :D
I like playing brigette but tbh she needs to be nerfed especially her ultimate
Also I don’t know this rammy guy anyone else think he is smug and a bit cocky in way?
Rammy has been one of the top ranked supports in the world since the game came out
I agree with u
Kevin I it’s actually a “she” lol or that’s what I’ve heard
Adding no skill characters this broken really brings in a lot of people and obviously doesn't make people quit. Gg blizz
Everybody else see the smirk on this guy’s face the whole game and then he says “that’s not what I’m trying to do at the end” lol wat
Everytime blizzard releases a new hero it's a sad day in fps games history.
Good that ov is no classic fps game genius
Rammy boosted
Brigitte needs a nerf
XQC was such a sportsman in this game towards your team in chat he even complemented your game play yet you try to insult him by posting this video and saying "wrecked" like wtf you trying to say? everyone gets tilted sometimes so what? he lost a game so?
At 10:32 xQc called Rammy garbage because she didn’t cancel his charge with Shield Bash. I just wanna point out that not stunning him was the correct play, since he missed his charge. She saved the stun for after the charge, to make sure he couldn’t swing his hammer, because when he was locked in the charge animation, he was already effectively stunned.
There is a longer stun for getting knocked down as rein I think, which would make it stupid to not shield bash
That stun animation doesn’t go through. It’s the split second one that will work
Poddop There is when Rein is hit by another Rein charge or a Doomfist rocket punch. I’m pretty sure Brigitte just stuns him without the long falling over animation.
WOw you're so analyzed, You in the OWL? DIdnt think so
Rammy is a dude. He has a dick so he's a guy call him a "he."
That feel when Reinhardt can also melee through barriers
He has a massive hammer
Junkertown pirate ship strategy with 3 shields is gonna be cool
cool isnt the right word?
jakob Ellis My bad it's gonna be fucking GREAT to know killing an orisa rein Brigitte and bastion is going totally fun
Emohg what about the dva that’s going to be with them to matrix literally everything?
Catasmic Rito Oh yea cant forget the best part!!!!!!!!!! A whole dva to top it off
>Masters player
>Doesn't know Brig's most basic combo
>Compares it to fighting games
U wot m8?
She’s clearly op , the shield she has should down to 300 not 600 and her heal should be reduced range ! God I hate playing against her with the current symetra set up
WATER!!?? water, water WATER!?
Damn XQC be thristy lol
that's it
moving to paladins
Aw, can the pro players not handle a new character. Everyone is going insane over her holy fuck.
Brigitte is so broken and Overpowered
The act of breathing could tilt XQC, this is not shocking at all.
If they removed Shield bash and make it so she can’t hit through shields would it make her balance ?
Reece Boland I think so, but I think her armor should also have
a cooldown. But fixing those two things should be good
welp they fixed that
I see literally no difference between a gold Bridgette and a top 500 Bridgette
SONG AT 1:44
Brayzord Macky Gee - Make me feel
fucking poggers i love you
no its macky gee- tour
paul mcmanus no it's Macky Gee - Make me feel
LRNz haHA cos make me feel isn't by macky gee I GEt it
5:16 When you support boston uprising R.I.P
is he proud to play this noob Hero? thats the poor Thing dude , not xqc
gandalf grau a Support is Not to kill a Tank?
Watching Brigittes health bar constantly going back up with that busted passive, then seeing XQC with gold damage as Rein at the end of that match.
I'm only watching gameplay and I'm still tilted.
Brigette : "waves"
Brigette : *HEHE*
This comment is underrated
I really like the small edited bits like when reinhardt pins bridgette round 1 good job👍
Does this random actually think he’s good ?
and hes not really Random. Im not defending him, i dont like him, but this guy already made the world, and its one of the highest ranked player of Lucio, propably the best Lucio in overwatch.
Rammy has been one of the top ranked support players in the world since the game was released
Yeah but brig is fucking busted. Think about the damage outputs brig gets for hold left click while a mccree has to actually aim at the fucking head like what??
Not enough xQc biblethump
Everytime Xqc died:" WATTT *insert an insult about the person who killed him* "
Not even kidding is rammy a guy or a girl I can’t tell
Rammy is a transgirl
FlozzSD Bro is that shit true?
FlozzSD So a dude
He's a man. He has an X and a Y so he's a man.
well he is a man in 2018 who doesn't know how to act like a man and thinks automatically he is a woman.