Bro like this is kinda wild because Blizzard monitors Xqc’s stream to make sure he doesn’t do anything wrong. But when there’s a cheater, they just sit back and watch to see if Xqc tilts and gets toxic enough to ban.
Of course lol, blizzard blatantly doesn’t give a fuck anymore if you haven’t noticed. They released brig and diablo immortals. They knew a diablo mobile game was already a meme and decided to release it anyway 😂 they haven’t fixed bugs that have been present since season 1 on OW. They literally don’t give a fuck because last year they made some of their highest profit ever
Sunfire789 yeah the company is obviously selling out after the activision merge. Honestly hurts to see a company with so much integrity get brought down by a shitty partner. They think spam adding characters is gonna be the solution but it’s just making shit 500x worse.
The stronger solution is to completely *ignore any throwers and cheaters, don't react to give them that sick joy.* *Block out any mention of them in these videos with black bars. Don't let their name or actions get anywhere so that they can look back on this*
xQc says one toxic statement, he gets banned immediately but this Zerotap troll will prolly continue playing for a couple more months before he gets banned. That's Blizz for you.
I know who the cheater is he had 13 accounts banned a month ago. He is outed as a cheater already and streams he just keeps coming back. He got rich by bit coins and now just plays overwatch and finds female mercy players to duo.
I understand wanting to draw, and i'd help draw if everyone wanted to, but i mean they shouldn't have to stop playing their game if they dont want to. Standing around for 5 minutes doing nothing is pretty boring.
they already have. they arrested a few hacking koreans because they were using/producing hacks. The reason why they're sueing that fortnite kid is cause he was selling his hacks.
It's different. Fortnite sued a kid for creating and manufacturing cheats to others for money, but just cheating in a game isn't something to go to court for.
:caught the bitch cheating :getting pocketed HARD by a mercy :starts blocking xQc and his teammates with wall and blizzard still bans xQc brilliant, absolutely brilliant
@@lisabtheplug5630 They don't have the ban you are talking about in Overwatch. All they do in overwatch is ban the account meaning you just need another email and you can make another account. An IP ban is where they ban your actual IP and is what you are referring to, meaning you would need to buy another computer to get another account. They don't do this in Overwatch
@@vVincent. Never seen anyone get one. If you could provide a link that be cool. Also just fyi if they actually get IP banned it doesn't matter if you normally use a gaming lounge, since each PC has an IP. Hence why Korea is notorious for hacking. Also the Hacker in this vid is using a new account. So I'm assuming he's been banned before and is just on another account anyway.
Lol so he cheats, stream snipes, and then tries to get xqc banned from twitch by playing a clip of someone saying the n word repeatedly. What a sad sad little man. Criminal chargers are genuinely needed.
The only and best solution is to *block out any mention of the cheaters' names, and not recognize them in-game as throwers.* Don't give any of them the satisfaction.
I actually have kind of grown a hate for XQC for some reason, and I wouldn't even do that. In fact, I don't even bother watching his streams. People SMH my head.
@@Whyteyy Yeah, I'm not completely sure, about what the extra my head part means, but I have seen people using it. It basically means smh x 2, that's all I can say. Like a shaking my head really hard moment, or disagreeing strongly.
@@newp0rt Yeah but this guy needed to grind all the way to like GrandMaster on his second account to troll XQC . Now if they ban him he'll probably take like a few months to get back up 🤷♂️ So 🤷♂️
he gonna buy another acc and use vpn play the game ruin it the game itself very bad I am master player won 7out of 10 it put me in gold XD its fun there ppl called me hacker XD
90% of the time it isn't because their bad, probably just because they want to have fun/entertain themselves. just because someone is cheating doesn't automatically mean that they are bad at the game.
ive recently had a cheater in mid gold that was absolutely blatant snapping on everyone with ana/ashe and it was 100 times more obvious than this guy. still havent recieved the message he that he got banned...
You know what i never understood about blizzard, your telling me there isnt a single person from blizzard who's watching xqc's stream who can get this guy banned instantly. This guy literally ruined the hundreds of games and he still hasnt gotten bamned wtf.
Because they have jobs and instead of sitting at there desk watching xQc streams they are working. What if non of them like watching xQc or they just happened to be spending free time with family?!?!
@@anthonyb9882 Their jobs are to watch Twitch and UA-cam to make the game better.
Xqc doesn't ruin games unlike trolls and hackers he just played with. They should get banned for doing that. Xqc does this to keep his stream alive. i promise you when he's off-streaming, he wouldn't tilt as much.
That roadhog on numbani needs to be banned too, you try to go for the draw so the hacker doesnt benefit and no one on either team is affected by it then pull that after the deals been struck? That's almost as low as hacking lol
Its worse. Hackers doing it for fun. But people like that enemy team and especially roadhog doing it because of their selfishness. Its just disgusting. They are just betraying game community like kapo in concentration camps betraying their own people. Not even exaggerating, im that fucking disgusted by them
@@blaisea.3820 sorry dude, my English sucks. I thought that you think that im justifying cheater by bitching on enemy team. And that's not true Misunderstanding)
If Blizzard banned a Symmetra One Trick that terrorised TimTheTatMam, Emongg that Widow should get banned cus the symmetra literally cannot play Overwatch anymore just ban the Widow from Overwatch Blizzard
Ive seen zerotap and threetap duo qeueing in arcade before. He wasn't cheating then but i recognize the name. You know this community is small when youre a filthy casual and you recognize a random cheater from a GM game on youtube lol.
these people are the reason why Overwatch is dying, why blizzard isn't doing anything about this, not just ban hardware ID, account, IP but pay for causing damage to the company and going against the policy conditions of company which is breaking the law, i think they should be facing punishment for breaking the law such as maybe prison and pay to the company or whatever. I'm not excluding any other game while there are people that live from it and people that profit from it such as xQc
It is actually illegal to cheat in (multiplayer) games. They can send the cops to that piece of shit's house lmao. Glad im in silver so im not facing hackers
Imagine advocating the punishment of jailtime for some cheater getting you buttblasted on some shitty video game. Yeah, I want my tax dollars to house some dork in prison for a non-violent crime that didn't effect anyone but a few emotions.
While that's seemingly always going to be an option for him until The Internet is treated as some sort of fascist regime where access is a privilege and can be censored as punishment (ayy Black Mirror), the stronger solution right now is to completely *ignore throwers and cheaters, don't react to give them that sick joy.* *Block out any mention of them in these videos with black bars. Don't let their name or actions get anywhere so that they can look back on this*
breste 557 And then y’all trash players get carried out of diamond and then you face Masters, and because you really didn’t play the game as it should be and gained the experience, you pocket whatever will get you the win. Mercy mains are a plague. Filling up the upper slots just because they pocketed their eboy boosting the shit out of them.
@@m.m.mefuyayuki1550 Even if Mercy players aren't all boosted (a majority of them are), Mercy is still like one of the most easiest heroes in the game lul.
He actually got rich off bitcoin then just spends his day playing overwatch hacking apparently he has like 15 acct and 10 got banned he has a while reddit on him
He is literally using "Dellor" a twitch streamer's voice to spam ingame, he is a hardcore rager/sounds like a baby most of the time, but I find him entertaining.
Dvorak - And some people find xqc annoying, without knowing that a lot of Overwatch players are worse. Toxic tryhards, cheaters, throwers, you name it. It's a miracle xqc still plays the game. He's one of the last few streamers I still watch playing the game.
@@reginaldlarracas1174 Those dumbass "tryhards, cheaters, throwers" are no better than xQc. Fucking idiot bastards. They are literally nothing but disappointments to society. Not necessarily an xQc fanboy, but seriously, those other people need to grow some balls. This nonsense ended up making my blood boil.
Aka - Ikr. They're the reasons I quit playing the game. Too stressful with little reward, especially since, with my limited free time, I know I'll never play as well as the pros. I still enjoy watching games every now and then, though.
if you slow the vid to .25 during the cheaters play of the game you can see the cheat really well. He shoots and after the shot registers it snaps to their head and then shows a headshot hitmarker
@@munouu2051 That's probably him moving the mouse off the head, and missing. It's very blatant cheating. Also if you look when it shows the stats his best in game accuracy is 100%
Someguy1237 You do realize you could just hit one shot then shit there the entire game doing nothing and you would have 100% scoped accuracy be your highest, doesn’t mean he’s hacking just from that stat. If his average scoped accuracy was something insane like 85% then there would be reason for suspicion.
11:00 for anyone wondering, this isn't actually him speaking, it's dellor on a video called "Toronto eSports? Thoughts on that?" Or smth like that. He says racist slurs for like a minute
1:53 Widow grappled to get back to, it may look like a failed grapple but it would be impossible to gain that momentum otherwise. 1:55 2 seconds later has grapple again ?????
when cheaters say "u mad?" after being called out like.....i just remember i'm not the one who pays hundreds/thousands of dollars to cheat in a video game, and then i feel ok
Then they wonder why this game is dying hard. XqC literally can revive this game and blizzard does nothing about this. They guy is literally throwing to tilt XqC. Guy will buy a new a count or modem ans be good to do it again. Honestly i gave up on this game already.
Yesterday I played with two accounts in top500 EU called Onetap and Twotap. Same hero pools and they rekt the enemy on hanzo/mcree/mercy pocket. I didn't see any kill came but the shots they were landing were nutty
this post is straight up autism. not every hacker is halfdead. cheats in this game arent hard to come by whatsoever. so many people VPN to other servers boost with hacks during late queues. this guy is literally just some xqc viewer that paid for some hacks and wanted to ruin xqcs day to make himself feel better. your entire hypothesis was completely made up while watching this and youre spreading fake news.
Inferior career best was 100%, average was 47%. Tbh career best of 100 isn’t crazy even you could do it, just only shoot one shot scoped in a game and make it a headshot
@@skel6594 So the look and aesthetic matters more than actual gameplay and enjoyment of users? Also would it play more retarded to have big spawn doors or to have your players potentially trap 5 other players with them for their own enjoyment
@@assassin51000 it would ruin the gameplay aswell, no one would want to play a game where they have to hide from a giant ass hole if theyre getting spawn trapped
Tal do troll é de fuder msm, o cara usa hack de auto trigger, sobe até o gm pra ser pareado com gente que se esforça e então acaba c o sr deles, faz stream sniping em jogador da owl pra cagar no jogo dele dos dois lados, propaga discurso de ódio na live do cara só pra ver ele tiltado ou sendo banido (até pq a blizzard fica de olho nele direto, pois convenhamos que o XQC fala mto mais do que devia pra um jogador contratual, ou seja, uma hora ele fica puto e sai alguma coisa que ele n quer) e achar que ficar dando risada vai fazer ele ter razão sobre o que faz ou que vai deixar ele acima das consequências, e o pior é que provavelmente vai, pq a blizzard ta cagando pra comp pq sabe que o jogo já desceu popularidade pra caralho (arriscaria dizer a maior parte dos jogos deles), e que acabar com thrower, hacker e troll já virou (se já não era) algo fora do alcance deles, ate pq mesmo se os caras metem um ip ban nele, da pra mudar em 5 minuto, vai la, paga mais 15 trump e vai fazer a mesma merda de novo do começo. Só n vou falar que tinha que rastrear o cara e fazer swatting com ele pq os caras merecem mais respeito com o trabalho deles e eu tbm já vi o keemstar falando da notícia do pai de 28 anos do muleque jogador de CoD sendo assassinado por causa disso, e eu sinceramente não desejaria uma coisa dessas mesmo que pra uma pessoa como ele, mas a vontade é de fazer isso mesmo pq puta que pariu da uma angústia só de saber que tem gente babaca a esse nível, da mesma espécie que eu, que se esconde da responsabilidade por detrás da tela e que tem um pensamento tão precário ao ponto de precisar recorrer a estragar a experiência alheia, prejudicar e injuriar pra satisfazer um impulso primitivo de falsa superioridade com exclusivo intuito de sustentar a vida desprezível dele. Sei que eu não precisava escrever uma Bíblia sobre isso, mas como poucas (ou nenhuma) pessoas vão ver isso eu me sinto melhor em desabafar comigo mesmo, até porque eu *TO MUITO PUTO MERMÃO DO CÉU*
Menção "honrosa" pra Mercy que estava pocketando ele e para os times que apoiaram o hacker cientes do acontecido e discordaram em empatar tanto pra ganhar mais ranking quanto a consequentemente beneficiar o trabalho do troll (ex: Roadhog)
Does anyone agree when I say blizzard blatantly tries to tilt you? I’ve noticed I’ve went on 4 game winning streaks to be matched up with people on 5 game losing streaks and have been consistently dropping. I get paired against the same people that I lost to last game because of smurfing. I literally have to use the avoid teammate option because I also get paired with the same shit teammate that I got from the previous game. It’s literally like playing Russian roulette when I que. Will i get lucky or am I fucked instantly 😂
I know exactly what you're talking about. All yesterday, Blizzard has paired me up with bronze portraits while I've been going against silver + gold portraits and even that combined! This is in QP, but shouldn't even in QP that que you up with people your own skill level? I've been paired up with people who are just so bad that we lose easily or we're decent, but we lose on Overtime, because once again, we're being put up against people who've been playing the game sense it came out Not only this, but I've been paired up with noobs while the enemy team had smurfs. At this point, I have no idea if it's portrait (hour) based in QP or or skilled
Solar Wings I don’t think they really have a strong algorithm. They just simply pair you by location & skill level that is based upon your play.. which can be really broken since they probably start with location if you have no play time 😅
@@zacharylortie2786 I have a lot of playtime, just not so much on QP. Well, I guess the people in my area are probably silver and lower. Ugh, this just makes me either want to play more so that I can get my matchmaking better or, it just makes me want to play less, considering I'm probably just gonna be paired with noobs for the reason of my OW experience
Solar Wings Yeah I’ve been trying to just keep my morale up & hopefully things change. Actual bug fixes would be nice instead of the bandaids they’re putting on the game lol
I have rarely seen head shot only aimbot (pretty much body shot, glue like tracking all time). Is this like the more sophisticated hack aimbot ? Must be pretty expensive ??!!
I like how in every masters and above games their is that widow who isnt hacking, but every one assumes they are because they are mad for being killed.
It didn’t look that fishy to me other than the lack of error but in all honesty if a top 1% player is popping of and getting lucky and is pocketed I think that could happen.
You literally don't know what you're looking at or talking about. This is not the only guy using that hack. The upwards flick is always the same with every user and every shot regardless of whether the cursor is right or left of the target. No real player flicks the same way from left to right as from right to left, the wrist movement is different, and here it always happens when the crosshair reaches the exact same distance from the head. There is a IDDQD video up somewhere of the same hack in another game of OW where he slows it down for you to see. Zerotap is the name of the cheat and a private Discord server for buying the cheats. This guy is actually much worse at hiding his cheat (if he was even trying to hide it) than others I have seen, who at least try to always position on the same side of a target for consistency. If you trust that a GM/T500 Widow can play that well, why can't you trust two whole teams of GM/T500 players to know a cheater when they see one?
I like how the aim bot guy is laughing at XQC and trys to ban him on twitch, lol. Dude is aimbotting at a game where hes a no one, while XQC makes money off the game😂. The aim bot player is probably just jealous of XQC if anything🤦♂️
Team2: *has and aimbotter* Team1: hey you guys have an aim botter Team2: *doesn't care* Team1: *dives the aimbotter* Team2: *dives the aimbotter and pocket's him because need to get boosted somehow*
Check out the golden age of xQc with Overwatch
xQc top 100 most viewed Overwatch clips
Is he no longer in the goldenage😥
Normally I like to laugh at XQC raging but he’s not in the wrong rn - id be pissed as well. Aim hacks and a pocket mercy? How cancerous
@I'M A NOT-SEE /r/subreddithashtags
@@hand__banana linking subreddits outside of reddit FeelsWeirdManW
the worst part isnt the hacker, but the teammates.
@Kevin lol be quiet Kevin and go do something better with your life
Bro like this is kinda wild because Blizzard monitors Xqc’s stream to make sure he doesn’t do anything wrong. But when there’s a cheater, they just sit back and watch to see if Xqc tilts and gets toxic enough to ban.
Of course lol, blizzard blatantly doesn’t give a fuck anymore if you haven’t noticed. They released brig and diablo immortals. They knew a diablo mobile game was already a meme and decided to release it anyway 😂 they haven’t fixed bugs that have been present since season 1 on OW. They literally don’t give a fuck because last year they made some of their highest profit ever
large factual
Sunfire789 yeah the company is obviously selling out after the activision merge. Honestly hurts to see a company with so much integrity get brought down by a shitty partner. They think spam adding characters is gonna be the solution but it’s just making shit 500x worse.
Caught cheater, ends up banning xqc instead.
Dude I dont want to play PC after seeing g this dude idk why these players never get banned it's a day one issue
"ban this filthy, unwashed, sewer dweller ratmode" creative/hilarious beyond measure
The stronger solution is to completely *ignore any throwers and cheaters, don't react to give them that sick joy.*
*Block out any mention of them in these videos with black bars. Don't let their name or actions get anywhere so that they can look back on this*
xQc says one toxic statement, he gets banned immediately but this Zerotap troll will prolly continue playing for a couple more months before he gets banned. That's Blizz for you.
I know who the cheater is he had 13 accounts banned a month ago. He is outed as a cheater already and streams he just keeps coming back. He got rich by bit coins and now just plays overwatch and finds female mercy players to duo.
Courtney Lavigne that's fucking sad that he got rich and decides to do nothing with his life but dwell in a basement and cheat in overwatch
@@courtneylavigne3732 What's his stream?
Courtney Lavigne yeah how did you find alll this stuff out?
@@blaisea.3820 Ill message you in private he has had threads on him on reddit.
The guy literally kept spamming “you mad” and “no u” in the chat
He told me his favorite snacks were paint chips and crayons.
thats what hackers usually say
you mad
clearly the epitome of comedy, he surpasses us mortals with his infinite gaming knowledge
imagine hacking in overwatch, that's like the epitomy of a no-life
Same goes for any competitive game really
ItsSurreal no in Minecraft is
Hacking in any online game makes you a no life.
Epitome. So close
@@OriginalAlbert damn, didn't know grammar Police was still a thing among 12 year olds
Tbh the other team is just as trash and scummy as the hacker. Not drawing OMEGALUL.
LucioForPresident ya don’t cap
Draw on koth ok buddy
other team reported him too
I understand wanting to draw, and i'd help draw if everyone wanted to, but i mean they shouldn't have to stop playing their game if they dont want to. Standing around for 5 minutes doing nothing is pretty boring.
Boku No Rainbow bro it’s literally just 5 minutes, watch a video or go eat some food or something
47% crit he's just the best widow in the game Pepega
OWL widow level avg is 25-27% iirc...
this guy literally a GOD Kapp
@@KharismaMuhammadTaqwa I checked Carpe's average in ranked, its 47% lmaoo.
I lied, 47% is only his scoped accuracy, not even the crit.
I had a Widow with 54% scoped crit in one of my games earlier LUL
Well sayaplayer once had 44 percent scope crit accuracy in comp
If fortnite can sue a kid for hacking. Then blizzard can do the same
they already have. they arrested a few hacking koreans because they were using/producing hacks. The reason why they're sueing that fortnite kid is cause he was selling his hacks.
only koreans can be sued for using cheats since its against the law there. however if you produce cheats its very possible you can be sued.
thatguy youkno except the companies are based in complete different countries with different legal systems...
the worst part is he is a fortnite streamer search up dellor and you will recognize his voice
It's different. Fortnite sued a kid for creating and manufacturing cheats to others for money, but just cheating in a game isn't something to go to court for.
:caught the bitch cheating
:getting pocketed HARD by a mercy
:starts blocking xQc and his teammates with wall
and blizzard still bans xQc
brilliant, absolutely brilliant
ItsMeJohn Did they ban him for this match?
@@nolan2655 i wish they did, lol, i really dislike xQc. xQc fans, come at me now
@@ilik04 desperate for attention much?
Good try honey
@@ilik04 Hope your life gets better bud :(
We need to try our very hardest to get both the mercy and widow banned.
They will both just buy another account.
@@Chacho131 there's a thing were you can't buy another account I think it's called ip ban or something
@@lisabtheplug5630 They don't have the ban you are talking about in Overwatch.
All they do in overwatch is ban the account meaning you just need another email and you can make another account.
An IP ban is where they ban your actual IP and is what you are referring to, meaning you would need to buy another computer to get another account. They don't do this in Overwatch
@@Chacho131 maximilian mus got an IP ban in overwatch if you look back in his videos
@@vVincent. Never seen anyone get one.
If you could provide a link that be cool.
Also just fyi if they actually get IP banned it doesn't matter if you normally use a gaming lounge, since each PC has an IP. Hence why Korea is notorious for hacking.
Also the Hacker in this vid is using a new account. So I'm assuming he's been banned before and is just on another account anyway.
Holy shit
Kotonoha Katsura wierdchamp
Lol so he cheats, stream snipes, and then tries to get xqc banned from twitch by playing a clip of someone saying the n word repeatedly. What a sad sad little man. Criminal chargers are genuinely needed.
The only and best solution is to *block out any mention of the cheaters' names, and not recognize them in-game as throwers.*
Don't give any of them the satisfaction.
I actually have kind of grown a hate for XQC for some reason, and I wouldn't even do that. In fact, I don't even bother watching his streams. People SMH my head.
KameilYaozu “shake my head my head”?
@@Whyteyy Yeah, I'm not completely sure, about what the extra my head part means, but I have seen people using it. It basically means smh x 2, that's all I can say. Like a shaking my head really hard moment, or disagreeing strongly.
@@kameilethan1991 it doesn't people just use it because they are stupid
Wow this guy ,blizzard please ban this guy
why? the account is 10$ on g2g. banning some dummy alt meant to hack and troll wont solve anything lol.
@@newp0rt Yeah but this guy needed to grind all the way to like GrandMaster on his second account to troll XQC . Now if they ban him he'll probably take like a few months to get back up 🤷♂️ So 🤷♂️
@@thomaseverard9732 months? he can hack to gm in hours or if hes actually gm get it in a week max. if he rly tries
he gonna buy another acc and use vpn play the game ruin it the game itself very bad I am master player won 7out of 10 it put me in gold
XD its fun there ppl called me hacker XD
blizz won't ban him, this company is stupid as fuck
imagne being so bad that you have to aimbot
Joe Cabrera that’s how my report button gets charged
@m0nka not actually reffering to you btw, in case it sounded like it
90% of the time it isn't because their bad, probably just because they want to have fun/entertain themselves. just because someone is cheating doesn't automatically mean that they are bad at the game.
ive recently had a cheater in mid gold that was absolutely blatant snapping on everyone with ana/ashe and it was 100 times more obvious than this guy. still havent recieved the message he that he got banned...
@@Shotgunz999 any gm player can do the same without cheating in mid gold .. maybe it was a smurf
The worst he wont get ip banned, we dont know who is this guy really...
Blizzard can IP ban...
No point IP banning when it changes once in a while
They also ban by Mac address. It's generally a pretty permanent thing with blizzard.
Dtyler171 I know. But I don’t think games are capable for getting MAC addresses. It’s only got routers. Not servers
@@coolmn786 You can change or spoof MAC addresses with a little no how. Computers were made to be very flexible for the sake of the user.
You know what i never understood about blizzard, your telling me there isnt a single person from blizzard who's watching xqc's stream who can get this guy banned instantly. This guy literally ruined the hundreds of games and he still hasnt gotten bamned wtf.
Because they have jobs and instead of sitting at there desk watching xQc streams they are working. What if non of them like watching xQc or they just happened to be spending free time with family?!?!
@@anthonyb9882 Their jobs are to watch Twitch and UA-cam to make the game better.
@@triattackambipom1961 you linked a kotaku article?
@@Ducksquare The devs said they'd check UA-cam in a developer update, I just don't want to dig through all that assplay to find the correct video
Xqc doesn't ruin games unlike trolls and hackers he just played with. They should get banned for doing that. Xqc does this to keep his stream alive. i promise you when he's off-streaming, he wouldn't tilt as much.
I remember gabe2004, the hog,
He trolled kephrii back in the day, that kid has some real moral problems
Enemy Roadhog on numbani is so sad
It was Gabe2004 lol. xQc hater since the dawn of time.
he brings shame upon all us roadhog players and we say sorry on his behalf
Sad some people live for this. I dont really like xqc but this must be beyond annoying to deal with. Hope the trolls grow up man
Xqc is pretty entertaining but i agree
That roadhog on numbani needs to be banned too, you try to go for the draw so the hacker doesnt benefit and no one on either team is affected by it then pull that after the deals been struck? That's almost as low as hacking lol
Its worse. Hackers doing it for fun. But people like that enemy team and especially roadhog doing it because of their selfishness. Its just disgusting. They are just betraying game community like kapo in concentration camps betraying their own people. Not even exaggerating, im that fucking disgusted by them
It's worse. That's enabling the hacker.
@@blaisea.3820 how? He is still a dick
@@yellowtunes2756 I'm agreeing with you ...
@@blaisea.3820 sorry dude, my English sucks. I thought that you think that im justifying cheater by bitching on enemy team. And that's not true
His gaming chair must be large with accuracy like that
Daniel Bourgoin 49x49 inches
No way lol his pc has alot of rgb thats why hes god
If Blizzard banned a Symmetra One Trick that terrorised TimTheTatMam, Emongg that Widow should get banned cus the symmetra literally cannot play Overwatch anymore just ban the Widow from Overwatch Blizzard
ᎰEARᎢHEᏨΛᎦᎢ wait they actually banned that sym? I thought they didn't and that's the reason Tim quit.
Believe it or not XQC is showing tremendous amounts of patience
Ive seen zerotap and threetap duo qeueing in arcade before. He wasn't cheating then but i recognize the name. You know this community is small when youre a filthy casual and you recognize a random cheater from a GM game on youtube lol.
I love how quickly they were to try and Draw the match. Respect.
these people are the reason why Overwatch is dying, why blizzard isn't doing anything about this, not just ban hardware ID, account, IP but pay for causing damage to the company and going against the policy conditions of company which is breaking the law, i think they should be facing punishment for breaking the law such as maybe prison and pay to the company or whatever.
I'm not excluding any other game while there are people that live from it and people that profit from it such as xQc
It is actually illegal to cheat in (multiplayer) games. They can send the cops to that piece of shit's house lmao. Glad im in silver so im not facing hackers
facing prison lmao
Imagine advocating the punishment of jailtime for some cheater getting you buttblasted on some shitty video game. Yeah, I want my tax dollars to house some dork in prison for a non-violent crime that didn't effect anyone but a few emotions.
@@8ShekelsDeep you'll face hackers everywhere, cheats are wayyy too accessible and easy to use... Some even have free trials...
@@8ShekelsDeep That's only in South Korea atm.
even worse is that he’s stream sniping
While that's seemingly always going to be an option for him until The Internet is treated as some sort of fascist regime where access is a privilege and can be censored as punishment (ayy Black Mirror), the stronger solution right now is to completely *ignore throwers and cheaters, don't react to give them that sick joy.*
*Block out any mention of them in these videos with black bars. Don't let their name or actions get anywhere so that they can look back on this*
Actually has no life I feel bad for him what a poor looser didnt get hugged enough by his mom, or maybe a little bit too often?
@@mistameff3528 lmao
Lol I’m just sad that xqc said he will bam anime music, well he called it seen music but that’s just mean
Weeb music
bronz 4life Fucking hell
ZeroTap is the name of a private cheat.
you would know huh
@@N1SPECIAL lol yeah but it did sound like a cheat name so I searched it up and yeah...
Cheating on multiplayer games is pretty scummy tbh
@@Steffsh true
Steffsh, I don’t really care about cheats as long as they aren’t in competitive modes or direct attacks
@@scintilical9442 they shouldn't be in multiplayer games. Period. It doesnt matter if its competitive or not
“If you link weeb music you will be banned”
Id link music just to piss him off
a n i m e
LastBastion 33 fuck you
Bruh imagine having a hacker on your team and then DAMAGE BOOSTING them!!!
i would. Guaranteed Win
@breste 557 i would too lol i aint losing 45 sr
breste 557 And then y’all trash players get carried out of diamond and then you face Masters, and because you really didn’t play the game as it should be and gained the experience, you pocket whatever will get you the win.
Mercy mains are a plague.
Filling up the upper slots just because they pocketed their eboy boosting the shit out of them.
Um shut up ? Not all mercy players are the same
@@m.m.mefuyayuki1550 Even if Mercy players aren't all boosted (a majority of them are), Mercy is still like one of the most easiest heroes in the game lul.
he bought aimbot for like 30$ so he is broke and now trying to steal 5$ off people... rip him.. he has such sad life i wish i could help him kappa
Pepega Clap so did you just not see the kappa?
He actually got rich off bitcoin then just spends his day playing overwatch hacking apparently he has like 15 acct and 10 got banned he has a while reddit on him
@@TheJuice01 even sadder that hes rich and still willing to troll and be a shit person over $5 XD
Go get'em Felix!
Post vid: Jesus Christ he was a kid, even the voice chat showed that
Ken Kami if a kid stabbed you in the heart with a knife would you forgive him?
What does that have to do with anything?
@@al0ntai ikr wtf ahhahha
He is literally using "Dellor" a twitch streamer's voice to spam ingame, he is a hardcore rager/sounds like a baby most of the time, but I find him entertaining.
What if a kid committed tax fraud how would you feel
In the Numbani game, they could have easily gotten a draw by not capping first point. Wtf was the enemy team doing? Tryharding much?
They were just being unsportsmanlike
Dvorak - And some people find xqc annoying, without knowing that a lot of Overwatch players are worse. Toxic tryhards, cheaters, throwers, you name it. It's a miracle xqc still plays the game. He's one of the last few streamers I still watch playing the game.
masters tryhards "needing" the sr from a troll lmao
@@reginaldlarracas1174 Those dumbass "tryhards, cheaters, throwers" are no better than xQc. Fucking idiot bastards. They are literally nothing but disappointments to society.
Not necessarily an xQc fanboy, but seriously, those other people need to grow some balls. This nonsense ended up making my blood boil.
Aka - Ikr. They're the reasons I quit playing the game. Too stressful with little reward, especially since, with my limited free time, I know I'll never play as well as the pros. I still enjoy watching games every now and then, though.
I hate cheaters will every single cell in my body, but this cheat is insane, looks so unsuspicious
So not sus until you see that he flicks to the head every. Single. Time.
Someguy1237 nah he missed plenty of shots
if you slow the vid to .25 during the cheaters play of the game you can see the cheat really well. He shoots and after the shot registers it snaps to their head and then shows a headshot hitmarker
That's probably him moving the mouse off the head, and missing. It's very blatant cheating. Also if you look when it shows the stats his best in game accuracy is 100%
Someguy1237 You do realize you could just hit one shot then shit there the entire game doing nothing and you would have 100% scoped accuracy be your highest, doesn’t mean he’s hacking just from that stat. If his average scoped accuracy was something insane like 85% then there would be reason for suspicion.
the guy needed the 5$ for the daily buy of doritos and mt dew yo
11:00 for anyone wondering, this isn't actually him speaking, it's dellor on a video called "Toronto eSports? Thoughts on that?" Or smth like that. He says racist slurs for like a minute
i was wondering why that voice clip sounded like dellor
I also heard that and instantly thought it was dellor
Oh i thought it was him that was saying that, i was so ready to yeet his ass to the moon-
8:09 uhh ok prolly the dirtiest laugh ive ever heard but sure
12:04 XQC looked back. Never do that, it makes the prankster feel even more proud inside for making a show in front of thousands.
Look at that face, no wind left in those sails. LMAO fucking toxic losers
1:53 Widow grappled to get back to, it may look like a failed grapple but it would be impossible to gain that momentum otherwise.
1:55 2 seconds later has grapple again
It’s a known bug, if you grapple really close to a ledge and cancel it there is no cooldown
when cheaters say "u mad?" after being called out like.....i just remember i'm not the one who pays hundreds/thousands of dollars to cheat in a video game, and then i feel ok
5:05 you should do a loot box opening I bet that would take forever 🤣
I can't even wait till I farmed for 10 lootboxes and he has over 900 haha
All I could think during that was “I want to knock Mei out... with snowball”
With a rock inside
@Paradox yessssss
I am soo mad just from watching him being mei and not letting xqc out, also mad that the other team didnt want a draw on numbani
That Gabe2004 is so bad
Linktg2016 isn’t he saebeolbe’s smurf?
@@michaell4775 no its some normiw who stacks with orisa one tricks while playing bastion to get sr, pathetic when hes on any other hero
whats his main acc
Gabe2004? Pfft what a pathetic attempt to tarnish reapers name
These enemies on numbani were so sad
How does blizzard not ban this guy
Jackson Sanders blizz is bad that’s why
Maybe he doesnt cheat.... ur just too fanboy to understand it when ur favorite boi says he is cheating
@@jere9915 Not sure what you're trying to type but if ... you think someone with 47% crit accuracy isn't cheating... Lmao
@@awhnii prove it or act like your hero and insult ppl without proof of cheating.
@@awhnii what kinda aimbot doesnt hit 100%... maybe a human ? :DDDD
The Fact that they didn't even draw after second round is what pisses me off the most
Dude who was doing this must have a dreadful social life for real
"I can't even watch my camel's in peace" 😡
Then they wonder why this game is dying hard. XqC literally can revive this game and blizzard does nothing about this. They guy is literally throwing to tilt XqC. Guy will buy a new a count or modem ans be good to do it again. Honestly i gave up on this game already.
man, i alway feel bad about him, not his fault, hacker plus toxic and wanting 5$, never seen such a pathetic way like that
when xQc was going to type ''cheating more than doctor disrespect''
Zerotap is The Joker and Threetap is Zero's Harley Quinn.
When the title was "and he's crying for $5" I thought xqc was crying for $5 lol
I feel warm when I see how the enemy throws because of the hacker. this is true sportsmanship
Yesterday I played with two accounts in top500 EU called Onetap and Twotap. Same hero pools and they rekt the enemy on hanzo/mcree/mercy pocket. I didn't see any kill came but the shots they were landing were nutty
That hacker and pocket mercy needs to never be born problem solved.
8:08 100% ACC on his best game LOL
just watching this vid made me rage, can't imagine actually playing it holy shit
Dude, I feel the exact same way. Don’t know why it makes my blood boil so much
to everyone who wants to know this person is boosting a mercy and i believe they are some how related to halfdead who is also back and aimbotting
this post is straight up autism. not every hacker is halfdead. cheats in this game arent hard to come by whatsoever. so many people VPN to other servers boost with hacks during late queues. this guy is literally just some xqc viewer that paid for some hacks and wanted to ruin xqcs day to make himself feel better. your entire hypothesis was completely made up while watching this and youre spreading fake news.
@@newp0rt halfdead is literally back... I'm a 4200 widow main and actually know this community...
@@yoozernayme4371 them mercy is named vicsen and i dont think was hard banned
@@newp0rt Its not him
There is always that one guy that is a crazy fan. literally.
I can understand how easily he get tilted by everything with such jerks in his stream
People like that are seriously so toxic I hate them so much. They live such a sad and broke life.
Not hacking has never missed a shot with scoped in accuracy his whole career 100% accuracy
Inferior career best was 100%, average was 47%. Tbh career best of 100 isn’t crazy even you could do it, just only shoot one shot scoped in a game and make it a headshot
That's not how it works, some shots get wasted because they hit something before they get to the Head
David Reeder I hope ur not trying to say he wasn’t hacking bc he 100 percent was
Ramij Hasan no he definitely was just saying 100% best isn’t impossible
David Reeder he’s never missed a shot with scoped in there’s no way he’s hacking
how does xqc get banned but this dude still in games after getting reported multiple times
8:08 fyi Aimbottz scope accuracy is 29% and Kragies is 26%, so this is blatantly obvious Zerotap is cheating.
no he has a great mousepad man
“Cheating more than dr-“ *ponders past life decisions* (enters ‘cheating’ only)
Wait zerotap threetap was in my console plat game like a month ago and now zeros top 10
at first I thought it said xqc vs aimbotzz and I was like "wow aimbotzz is toxic af"
Blizzard is actually such a trash company they haven’t thought of making every spawn door/entrance bigger/wider than Mei’s wall.
@@skel6594 So the look and aesthetic matters more than actual gameplay and enjoyment of users? Also would it play more retarded to have big spawn doors or to have your players potentially trap 5 other players with them for their own enjoyment
Go out the OTHER way then.
Pizza Cake your solution is to JUST go the other way LAWWWWWWL. I’ll remember that on last point Numbani defense where doors are a mile apart
@@assassin51000 it would ruin the gameplay aswell, no one would want to play a game where they have to hide from a giant ass hole if theyre getting spawn trapped
He has a toggle key, he tries to make it legit, but it’s so glitchy, he looks near the head then toggles smh
47% LOL
25-30% é o máximo q a galera consegue, até 35% com smurf, o cara pegar GM com 47% LOL, tão obvio q é hacker. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Caraca br
Se bem q agente teve q começar a assistir gringo quando o patriota começou a jogar fortnite kkj
Tal do troll é de fuder msm, o cara usa hack de auto trigger, sobe até o gm pra ser pareado com gente que se esforça e então acaba c o sr deles, faz stream sniping em jogador da owl pra cagar no jogo dele dos dois lados, propaga discurso de ódio na live do cara só pra ver ele tiltado ou sendo banido (até pq a blizzard fica de olho nele direto, pois convenhamos que o XQC fala mto mais do que devia pra um jogador contratual, ou seja, uma hora ele fica puto e sai alguma coisa que ele n quer) e achar que ficar dando risada vai fazer ele ter razão sobre o que faz ou que vai deixar ele acima das consequências, e o pior é que provavelmente vai, pq a blizzard ta cagando pra comp pq sabe que o jogo já desceu popularidade pra caralho (arriscaria dizer a maior parte dos jogos deles), e que acabar com thrower, hacker e troll já virou (se já não era) algo fora do alcance deles, ate pq mesmo se os caras metem um ip ban nele, da pra mudar em 5 minuto, vai la, paga mais 15 trump e vai fazer a mesma merda de novo do começo. Só n vou falar que tinha que rastrear o cara e fazer swatting com ele pq os caras merecem mais respeito com o trabalho deles e eu tbm já vi o keemstar falando da notícia do pai de 28 anos do muleque jogador de CoD sendo assassinado por causa disso, e eu sinceramente não desejaria uma coisa dessas mesmo que pra uma pessoa como ele, mas a vontade é de fazer isso mesmo pq puta que pariu da uma angústia só de saber que tem gente babaca a esse nível, da mesma espécie que eu, que se esconde da responsabilidade por detrás da tela e que tem um pensamento tão precário ao ponto de precisar recorrer a estragar a experiência alheia, prejudicar e injuriar pra satisfazer um impulso primitivo de falsa superioridade com exclusivo intuito de sustentar a vida desprezível dele. Sei que eu não precisava escrever uma Bíblia sobre isso, mas como poucas (ou nenhuma) pessoas vão ver isso eu me sinto melhor em desabafar comigo mesmo, até porque eu *TO MUITO PUTO MERMÃO DO CÉU*
Menção "honrosa" pra Mercy que estava pocketando ele e para os times que apoiaram o hacker cientes do acontecido e discordaram em empatar tanto pra ganhar mais ranking quanto a consequentemente beneficiar o trabalho do troll (ex: Roadhog)
bat ata idai se for gay? Não muda em nada sua vida
Hacker aside, respect for the enemy team for not killing them on Blizzard World.
dude really said "your mad?" OMEGALUL
what a jerk
I wouldn't give him $5 because if you're gonna cheat in a game, I'll cheat with your trust
Gotta love that apex music at the end rather than overwatch music on a overwatch channel lol.
10:58 i almost pissed myself
dellor rage is best rage
The music was perfect timing when he popped off on bastion
Does anyone agree when I say blizzard blatantly tries to tilt you? I’ve noticed I’ve went on 4 game winning streaks to be matched up with people on 5 game losing streaks and have been consistently dropping. I get paired against the same people that I lost to last game because of smurfing. I literally have to use the avoid teammate option because I also get paired with the same shit teammate that I got from the previous game. It’s literally like playing Russian roulette when I que. Will i get lucky or am I fucked instantly 😂
I know exactly what you're talking about. All yesterday, Blizzard has paired me up with bronze portraits while I've been going against silver + gold portraits and even that combined! This is in QP, but shouldn't even in QP that que you up with people your own skill level? I've been paired up with people who are just so bad that we lose easily or we're decent, but we lose on Overtime, because once again, we're being put up against people who've been playing the game sense it came out
Not only this, but I've been paired up with noobs while the enemy team had smurfs. At this point, I have no idea if it's portrait (hour) based in QP or or skilled
Solar Wings I don’t think they really have a strong algorithm. They just simply pair you by location & skill level that is based upon your play.. which can be really broken since they probably start with location if you have no play time 😅
@@zacharylortie2786 I have a lot of playtime, just not so much on QP. Well, I guess the people in my area are probably silver and lower. Ugh, this just makes me either want to play more so that I can get my matchmaking better or, it just makes me want to play less, considering I'm probably just gonna be paired with noobs for the reason of my OW experience
Solar Wings Yeah I’ve been trying to just keep my morale up & hopefully things change. Actual bug fixes would be nice instead of the bandaids they’re putting on the game lol
@@solarwings1132 not gonna lie if you think level say anything in this game you prob should be paired up with plat and below anyway....
When he was blocking xQc with the Mei wall i was mad as fuck too hahahahaha
I have rarely seen head shot only aimbot (pretty much body shot, glue like tracking all time). Is this like the more sophisticated hack aimbot ? Must be pretty expensive ??!!
Called a trigger bot, it clicks for you when your mouse moves over their head or body
Good gaming chair
Blizzard is just a joke at this point with how the manage their players
I like how in every masters and above games their is that widow who isnt hacking, but every one assumes they are because they are mad for being killed.
Dawg it's how blizzard is gonna ban XQC for being toxic for calling the guy a cheater ...... what a joke of a game
6:52 LOL he was about to say 'Cheating more than Doctor Disrespect' XQC you fucking savage XD
Wow, usually I'll laugh at xQc's rage, but this is literally BS.
True 😂
It didn’t look that fishy to me other than the lack of error but in all honesty if a top 1% player is popping of and getting lucky and is pocketed I think that could happen.
You literally don't know what you're looking at or talking about. This is not the only guy using that hack. The upwards flick is always the same with every user and every shot regardless of whether the cursor is right or left of the target. No real player flicks the same way from left to right as from right to left, the wrist movement is different, and here it always happens when the crosshair reaches the exact same distance from the head. There is a IDDQD video up somewhere of the same hack in another game of OW where he slows it down for you to see. Zerotap is the name of the cheat and a private Discord server for buying the cheats.
This guy is actually much worse at hiding his cheat (if he was even trying to hide it) than others I have seen, who at least try to always position on the same side of a target for consistency.
If you trust that a GM/T500 Widow can play that well, why can't you trust two whole teams of GM/T500 players to know a cheater when they see one?
Just get Dafran or Moxy
$omeone facts lol dude will get bodied by the best players
xQc is the only person in the world who can kill a hacker wearing a bib
I like how the aim bot guy is laughing at XQC and trys to ban him on twitch, lol. Dude is aimbotting at a game where hes a no one, while XQC makes money off the game😂. The aim bot player is probably just jealous of XQC if anything🤦♂️
16:53 the fact he killed the hammond has me dead XD
He isn’t hacking
He has a good *GAMING CHAIR*
Edit: wait this has likes that aren’t from me making multiple accounts to like my own comment wow
8:29 Lmao I cant
Team2: *has and aimbotter*
Team1: hey you guys have an aim botter
Team2: *doesn't care*
Team1: *dives the aimbotter*
Team2: *dives the aimbotter and pocket's him because need to get boosted somehow*