Bulgaria July Challenge maybe more additions



  • @NeilBarratt
    @NeilBarratt 23 дні тому +1

    I'm retired, live alone, and have had a lifelong curiosity about the world and its affairs, so I can relate very strongly to spending too much time on the laptop!
    I'm sure that if I moved to a country where I didn't speak the language reasonably well I'd be spending even more time on it.
    That is the main thing that puts me off moving, or at least moving permenantly.
    I think intermittent technology is a perfect name for renewables which don't work when the sun doesn't shine or the wind doesn't blow.

  • @swb8883
    @swb8883 24 дні тому +1

    Certainly agree with the excessive water drinking....but I'm surprised about the xylitol...I thought carbs are carbs ... Wow !
    Intermittent tech is tiptop....great idea ...I hadn't thought of it ....thanks.

  • @slowjames6904
    @slowjames6904 23 дні тому +1

    Have you looked into the carnivore diet, not tried it fully myself but tend to eat mostly eggs and meat, like the idea of technology fasting Richard Vobes might steal that one haha

  • @marjaramage478
    @marjaramage478 23 дні тому

    Gonna add the intermittent tech. I too am on my iPad too much especially right now with what the Supreme Court just did.

  • @medwayhospitalprotest
    @medwayhospitalprotest 23 дні тому

    We need do this in our house. God knows my kids, if the WiFi is off even 5 minutes, they are up in arms. 🤣 I start telling them how we only had 3 channels on TV when I was their age and all that. Ha ha. Read a book! Seriously, I don't read enough these days, its easy when its all spoon fed to you on a video.

  • @donna9679
    @donna9679 24 дні тому

    Where is the dog? First time I have heard about this.

    • @nickob55
      @nickob55  23 дні тому


    • @emmamullen1008
      @emmamullen1008 23 дні тому

      I could get some intermittent fasting too. I’ve tried to change it where I don’t touch phone or laptop before getting ready for the day but it’s a tricky pattern to break 😮

    • @emmamullen1008
      @emmamullen1008 23 дні тому
