Thanks for telling people the truth about these things! Everything about the machine shown here is in equilibrium. It takes as much energy to stretch the springs as they give back when they contract. With no energy gain mechanism in the system, the wheel just runs down from its own frictional losses. This configuration of a flywheel, 3 springs and a triple crank shaft CAN work IF the spring arrangement is off to one side, the springs are made of NITINOL (shape memory metal), and they are dipped into warm water on the low half of the cycle. This can convert heat energy into mechanical energy when the NITINOL springs contract in the warm water and then are stretched back out when they cool in the air above the water bath. This can create a work cycle as long as the warm water lasts.
Thank you for your interest! You are absolutely right, in this design the spring forces are completely balanced. Unfortunately, it is impossible for me to get the metal you are talking about. In my opinion, in order for this mechanism to work, it is necessary to somehow unbalance the system without violating the balance. I am inclined to a system of levers that provide different spring tension at the right moment. I am currently working on this issue.
But a "system of select to the springs" , will need energy, who will be soustracted of result, and so, the system will stop earlier ! Anything who will be add, to inscrease, for exemple stability, will consum energy...
Gravity is a force who act in a Single direction on the earth , from zenith to nadir. To use that energy in a system , we need to change its direction in the same exemple of an elevator cannot get up all the time, it has to get down ! And when you want to change the direction of it, you need to use mechanic system who consum energy. And in that change, you lose the energy you have got before, by frictions, because, for winning energy, who use gravity, you have to use great weight, but loses are proportionnal to the weight. It's the TRAP of the expect to make Real free energy ! Spring don't have energy ! Put one spring on a table, and come back an hour after, it didn't move during ! When you deform it, you Give it, mechanic energy and it "wants" give back it to you. It didn't Create it. So you have to give energy to it, and it give it back, but less a few lose: calor, friction,deformation without return.
Любой человек тоже может собрать такой девайс,разкрутить его двигателем, после включить камеру и снимать как он долго крутится, постепенно замедляясь,потом прокрутить видео наоборот и о чудо! Он набирает обороты!!!
I understand your disappointment. Not everything in the world is what it seems. I hope that I will be able to start the generator correctly someday. Have you tried making similar machines?
Hi, it is a correct configuration. Can be use for help or assist and small motor which need force and torque to work on generator, water pump, or other appareil. Continue brother, it is a good start.
Понятно, что автор это делает для контента и монетизации. Но окуда столько необразованных людей в комментариях, восхищающихся этим и верящих в вечный двигатель? 🤯 Люди точно не разумный вид 😱☹️
Dear friend, you did not look carefully. In this version, the engine that I created does not work. And people like me are in search of a source of cheap energy. Where did you see the lack of education if a person wants to find an environmentally friendly and inexpensive source of energy.
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gpэнергия не возьмëтся из маховика или пружин. Нужную энергию можно получить только преобразовав в неë какую-то другую. Солнечная и ветровая энергия это то, что есть везде и бесплатно, вот их использование разрабатывать продуктивно. Ни какой механизм, замкнутый сам на себя не может в принципе вырабатывать энергию.
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gpдорогой друг , я помогу тебе ... Есть такой раздел в физике, он называется маятники. Так вот дело за малым , берем длинный трос , вешаем его на самую высокую точку ( на твой выбор: это башня в Дубай или гора Эверест) на нижнюю, вешаем всех твоих восхищённых подписчиков, и каждому даём в руки по тормозному диску( так как тормоз-человек и тормозной диск-это супер энергия) . И дело за малым придадим им импульс, и твоя мечта осуществиться 😂😂😂
"You should be appreciating his effort instead of criticizing. He created a machine that he thought could generate free energy, just like others have attempted before. However, he went a step further by testing and acknowledging that it doesn't work. Your unwarranted criticism is uncalled for. It's refreshing to see someone trying to find alternative energy sources, even if they don't succeed."
When the video is played in reverse, the mechanism is accelerating, yes. So, is not a free energy device, but is the best MECHANICAL ROTATIVE CAPACITOR. Nice, I like it.
Awesome share!!, now you can build a more precise component for efficiency, then add the d.c. generator & fan turbine......say goodnight to the electric bill........thanks.
Пачему Ана остановился,потому что ты не исползовал ево энергию.Если зналбы тагда 1 без пружыной эта механизм работает.Незнал физику по электро магнит.😅
Thanks for sharing. There are many possibilities for improvement: you can move the flywheel in the middle and the springs on the sides, two sets, right, left; you can add a second flywheel on the other side; you can use adjustable hydraulic shock absorbers instead of springs, it will work smoother; you can move the springs up, parallel to the camshaft like in the boxer engine; you can use the camshaft and valve springs or leaf springs on the same setting. Keep going, don't stop...I wish you luck.
Even though it did not work 100%, the idea is highly appreciated which can be applied in other devices. Some type of vacuum might be necessary to prevent air resistance and friction also must be taken into consideration. Thanks for the upload.
Sorry, but this idea is nonsense, it can not be applied to other devices. Vacuum to prevent friction? If a motor is not even able to overcome friction by air, what do you expect what loads could such a motor drive? Perpetual motion alone is not a goal. What you want from a motor is an output of energy.
All laws are written by people to explain natural phenomena. Then it turns out that the law is not a law at all, but just an explanation of some phenomenon
I think only two laws are written by God (not Jesus or Allah or some shit) Simply God. And the laws are we Born We die We cannot rewrite this law During Trump’s presidency
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp Laws do not explain things, they just describe what we observe in nature in mathematical form. This allows us often to predict the outcome of experiments without doing them. In this case we can predict that no proposals for improvements help, this device can not work. True, it has turned out several times that laws were only valid for some but not for all obsertvations. For instance, classical laws of mechanics fail with speeds near the speed of light. However, they are still precise with lower speeds, since the former observations were correct. But conservation of energy is an exceptional law, since it is not only based on observations. It is also backed up by a mathematical proof that our universe couldn't be stable without this law.
Thank you, I am fascinated by the creation of such machines. I really hope that I will be able to create an industrial version and bring benefit to people all over the world. What other energy sources are you interested in?
This is supposed to be used to overcome the back EMF in a generator based configuration so that the back EMF is overcome and force in the centrifugal wheel is concerned more than likely is recognized in classical physics because classical physics has been under the control of bankers for the last 120 years bankers are not scientists They control money and have used humanity like slaves. In effect we've been given about 2% of the actual knowledge base in physics and the rest sits intentionally never gone over even once in an academic setting for over 120 years. The only thing that is advancing at this time is the further enslavement of humanity through the use of cyberization and artificial intelligence. Do you want to be asleep how many of you out there want to remain slaves maybe if you don't want to be a slave you should stop thinking like a slave. The laws of thermodynamics are based purely on linear systems which are also based on mathematics that are wholly insufficient and cannot describe actual computation with any consistency. The example specific here is irrational numbers. Truly competent mathematicians here understand that a rational numbers only occur because of intentional faults built into the real analysis based mathematical structures forced upon academia again by the banking elites.
It is a pity that there are so many people like you uneducated in science and spreading conspiracy theories. The law of conservation of energy is far more general then the laws of thermodynamics and it applies to all systems without exception! There is even a proof, that our universe couldn't be stable without this law. Physics in control of bankers? That's outright nonsense.
obviously, the fly wheel was spun up and only shown for a few seconds to make it appear as if its running under its own power. but its still fun to try. Humanity wouldn't be as advanced as we are now if we never tried the "impossible" to understand what is truly possible.
Though you have done a very sturdy work, but your system failed due to the fact that you have compiled a lot of weight at the centre of flywheel in comparison to its periphery. If this much of weight was compiled bn on its periphery the system would have been running continuously. The torque created by wheel is less than its requirement. Keep the centre of wheel light as far as possible possible.
@jaiveertyagi4243, agree with you. Also the spring only needs 1 (one) its function is to pull the wheel at the other side of cycle. NOT 3 or even 4 springs. as the even number of springs will only to slow down as the act to pull to their position.
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp .... Nu ! Nu va mai chinuiti degeaba ..... Indifetent unde ar fi plasata acea "greutate" .... la centru , sau extremitatea discului .... intregul sistem nu ar putea functiona continuu. Pierderile sunt mai mari decat energia ce o dorim obtinuta .... NU EXISTA PERPETUM MOBILE !!! Cercetati altceva ! ...
Закони фізики створені природою, порушити ці закони ще нікому не вдалося ! 😊👍 Спроби їх порушити марна трата часу і коштів, але спробувати варто хоча б для того щоб самому впевнитись в їх непорушності !👍👍👍😊. ♥️💪🇺🇦✌️👍
Even though this machine doesn't work, free energy IS possible. If your neighbor has an electrical outlet on the outside of their house, just run an extension cord over to your house. Easy-peasy, and it only requires one simple part available at any hardware store. It helps if your neighbor is 80-90 years old and doesn't own a firearm.
Agents in the chat. There should be four springs, 2 bolted to the left and 2 bolted to the right. Not bolted down the center…Don’t knock it till you try it.
Dear friend, thank you for your ideas!! I will definitely try to do what you are talking about, I hope I can do it. Have you ever created such devices?
Very good free perpetual motion with flywheel, very hard to replicate because of the cost of the instruments involved in the making. please kindly spell out the instruments and spanners i needed to enable me make one
Dear friend, I am not creating a perpetual motion machine, I want to create a source of cheap energy. All the tools I use are shown in my video. Do you create similar devices as well as me?
All those who think they will build a free energy machine should learn one such simple law of physics before any attempt to build a machine, which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only be converted from one form to another. Perpetuum mobile is not possible. Don't waste time unnecessarily and mislead people.
Semua orang menghina dan merasa paling pinter.padahal mereka tidak pernah melakukan percobaan.apalagi menciptakan sesuatu.mereka hanya omong kosong dan kebanyakan teori tanpa pernah melakukan sesuatu.keep going man.para penemu di dunia pada awalnya selalu di hina dan di tertawakan.lanjutkan bro..
Phenominal design! If you want your machine to be perfect in perpetual motion, put a counter weight on the very outer edge of the wheel and add 3 or 4 opposing magnets. Situated to pull the counter weighted edge of the flywheel faster in the downward cycle. Then put 3 or 4 attraction magnets on the opposing side to pull the weight up. I'd love one for free ! Let me know how it goes and when you need my address! Excellent work.
Dear friend, thank you for your ideas!! I will definitely try to do what you are talking about, I hope I can do it. Have you ever created such devices?
Dear friend, I'm sorry you have this opinion. Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything. And what energy sources do you use?
Good plan next time drill a bunch of offset holes in the flywheel and attach strong magnets to it then set some magnets to the stationary portion of your device such as a plate that aligns with the flywheel with the counter magnets set in it .dont make all the magnets at the same distance instead stagger them so it keeps the momentum. This will work
Dear friend, thank you for your ideas!! I will definitely try to do what you are talking about, I hope I can do it. Have you ever created such devices?
Felicitari pentru realizarea proiectului dvs. si pentru prezentare . Sunt preocupat si eu de asemenea inginerii . Totusi , va rog , daca se poate sa raspundeti la urmatoarea intrebare care totusi este pe buzele tuturor celor interesati : - de la momentul pornirii dispozitivului cat timp dureaza miscarea de rotatie , cat timp se misca , se roteste ? Se opreste singur , dupa cat timp ? Multumesc anticipat pentru raspunsul acordat , oferit , tuturor celor interesati !
Thank you for your interest in my project. The device spins up, slows down over time, and so on until it stops completely. I have not yet managed to find the perfect balance, but I am working on it. Perhaps the spring angle needs to be changed for more stable operation.
دوستان چرخ لنگر از لحاظ مهندسی دو کار مهم انجام میدهد اول اینکه باعث تعادل دستگاه میشود مثل تلمبه های آب گازوئیل سوز که تک سیلندر هستند و چرخ لنگر آنها بسیار بزرگ هست دوم که در مصرف انرژی با صرفه هستند یعنی چرخ لنگر انرژی ذخیره شده را دائم آزاد میکند و باعث سرعت ماشین یا دستگاه میشود ژاپنی ها با چرخ لنگر در ساعت سازی باعث شدند ساعت ها اتوماتیک شوند و دیگر احتیاج به کوک کردن نداشته باشند چون حرکت دست باعث میشد چرخ لنگر درون ساعت ساعت را کوک کند لطفن اگر اشتباه متوجه شدم یا اشتباه گفتم من را تصحیح کنید چون رشته من مهندسی نبوده بلکه تاریخ خواندم
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gpمتاسفانه من ابزار ندارم در ضمن من هرگز بلد نیستم با ابزار کار کنم اما ویدئوهای شما مهندس ها را می بینم و لذت میبرم با تشکر از شما
Me too, but alas, in such a performance it is impossible. Still, I will continue my work on this mechanism. Thank you for watching to the end!! Good luck
Maybe put another flywheel on the opposite side at the other end, with same identical weight, so they share constantly transferring the weight and keep going for a long period of time? Is just a thought.
Dear friend, thank you for your ideas!! I will definitely try to do what you are talking about, I hope I can do it. Have you ever created such devices?
Felicitări pentru finalizarea proiectului și pentru prezentare. Sunt interesat și eu de astfel de ingineri. Totusi, va rog, daca puteti raspunde la urmatoarea intrebare care se afla inca pe buzele tuturor celor interesati: - din momentul in care aparatul este pornit, cat dureaza miscarea de rotatie, cat se misca, se roteste? Se oprește de la sine, după cât timp? Multumesc anticipat pentru raspunsul dat, oferit, tuturor celor interesati!
* Why always make these non-functioning engines. When you get a truly functional eternal energy device with a solar panel, for example. Which also pays back its price in just a few years. Nuclear power, on the other hand, never works, but is a deadly dangerous energy parasite. * Every 1000MW nuclear power plant leaks its deadly Pu-239 fuel as ion gases into the environment every year without any obstacles. Whenever there are storms, floods or other crisis situations. Every Yin power plant must always be turned off in advance. Why are there still 43 reactors destroyed in Fukushima? But not a single Japanese wind farm or solar farm was destroyed then. Will Russia give good money when you lobby like this for Putin's energy-negative nuclear weapons production. Did you know about these? I have worked in the nuclear industry for 30 years and I know what to do. Arto Lauri UA-cam Finland, more facts from there.
Dear friend, at any time inventors were laughed at and disbelieved, but with the passage of time their inventions do not surprise anyone (the steam engine replaced the horse, the diesel engine replaced the steam engine, light bulbs replaced candles) Regarding solar panels, I will tell you a secret - their production is also not entirely environmentally friendly, in addition, the limited resource of these panels and the lack of sun makes them useless. In this design, this engine does not work, but I will continue my work. I hope someday it will start rotating on its own.
Wouldn't the fly wheel work if you attached different sized weights at angles to each other welded or attached to the wheel itself thus using gravity as well as the springs?
Dear friend, I'm sorry you have this opinion. Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything. And what energy sources do you use?
Dear friend, unfortunately this is not a perpetual motion machine, watch the video carefully and completely, it stops in this version. But my work on it is not finished... And what energy sources do you use?
Noi utilizziamo un sistema simile a questo: Solo che il motore è costituito da magneti che si respingono al centro dei due rotori guarda questo: Oggi possiamo dire che il nostro sistema è a moto perpetuo usando molle ad espansione e magneti in opposizione di potenza 100Kg. Fanno andare pure i generatori che acquistiamo già pronti, ma in genere preferiamo farli da noi i generatori. Una volta ottenuto un certo voltaggio ad una certa potenza riduciamo il voltaggio con un trasformatore variabile a 73Vac, raddriziamo con un ponte Graetz 200A ed alimentiamo un inverter 72Vcc/230Vac ad onda pura sinusoidale 50Hz con fattore di potenza =1 potenza sui 8KW; Il tutto per sostituire la nostra rete monofase di casa.
I was thinking if the flywheel turns together with the shaft only in one direction, if the shaft were to turn faster than the flywheel it should be free or vice versa, and I think it shouldn't be difficult to exploit the rotation of the flywheel to load a tank of compressed air which should releasing air towards the fins to restore the speed it loses, perhaps it won't be infinite but it could greatly increase the motion.
Dear friend, thank you for your ideas!! I will definitely try to do what you are talking about, I hope I can do it. Have you ever created such devices?
@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp no my friend im italian, sorry for my english , i think the compress air can do everything, and don't requie much power to refill a tank , think about the mini compressor in the car , can achieve 3 / 4 / 5 bar easily
Уже давно доказано. Если автор не применяет в устройстве синей изоленты, устройство работать не будет ! Все ждали, когда маховик пойдёт вразнос?🤣 А что будет, если змея начнёт заглатывать свой хвост и проглотит себя целиком? Произойдёт ядерный взрыв, потому что исчезнет материя! Но никто не знает, как это сделать.
Dear friend, I'm sorry you have this opinion. Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything. And what energy sources do you use?
What I do not see (nobody thus) is the "free energy" Or "perpetum mobile". If You achieve one of them You save humanity and take at least a Nobel! No need 4 clicks on YT. I wish You the best luck You can have on this! Is good to know that at least some of us try to do something.❤❤❤❤Maybe the titel should nod be "Free energy generator" It is generating nothing. When is generating than You can winn energy not invest it!!❤❤❤❤
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp I have 2 x 400 watt solar panel. A 3000 Watt mppt output and 4x 100A 12V batteries (Led this is what I must change but then my resources for this hobby were 2 low ) Serial binding 2x2 then the 2 packs in paralel so I have 200 Amps on 24 volts out for making the 230 volt household. But this is done just for my Pc and Tv/monitor & the+light on my desk. These are working 24/24 hours. But I muss confess that the whole sys was a gift from a very good friend of mine. He bought 2 identical systems, & I have done the work mounting them. It is a good experience but is nit worth it (yet) too expensive 4 the given performance. Maybe in the future we will have better panels then it can be profitable. Or there where is no other option. ❤❤
То, что вы не видите , не значит , этого нет. Оно есть , только в самом зачаточном состоянии. А кто уже продвинулся, их уже или нет, или монетизировали свои результаты и вынуждены молчать. Обратите внимание , что нигде нет ни одного патента на действующие модели или изделия. Почему-думайте сами
If four gears are placed in the right places and connected to a rotating plate of the right weight, it will probably keep turning until it stops after turning it once by hand. At the same time, can it generate magnetic power and electricity? From which such machines can be used in places where electricity and money are scarce. Very interesting.
Thank you, this is an interesting solution. I am also thinking about it, now I am making further improvements to the engine. It is necessary to achieve stable rotation and I will try to implement the option you suggested. If I succeed, I will be able to help many people solve the problem of a source of cheap energy.
Oh it will definitely work but it's the springs that will weaken gotta use some serious springs. That's the only flaw I could possibly see but the theory is proven fact
Ups..bezwładnośc nie koniecznie może być trwała. Przy ciągłym ruchu ten mechanizm może służyć POdtrzymaniu siły która utrzymuje ruch ciągły wymuszając w sposób fizyczny rotacje napędzającą generator - PUNKT WSPOMAGANIA. POZDRO !
Dear friend, I'm sorry you have this opinion. Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything. And what energy sources do you use?
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp I use energy sources that are Genuine. Perpetual motion is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve. Scientists and Professors have tried to make this possible, but it's NOT.
Еще до того, как я прочел комментарии, мне стало понятно что это просто маховик. Его раскрутили какой-то дрелью и выдали за вечный двигатель) Неужели все такие тупицы, слепые и не видят этого?!)))
@ я просто хорошо учился в школе, и знаю закон сохранения энергии. Откуда берет энергию ваш "вечный двигатель"? Снимите его работу рядом с часами, чтобы мы видели реальное течение времени. А не это перевернутое видео)))
Dear friend, I'm sorry you have this opinion. Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything. And what energy sources do you use?
It's just a proof of the law of energy, but it's almost theoretically insignificant. Because the initial energy that is given to him with the latter is very much the analysis of the and will not be used in converting it into usable energy.
Dear friend, I'm sorry you have this opinion. Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything. And what energy sources do you use?
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp i was still searching for the working model before i mess up my pocket for this project though someone told me that it really work
True it doesn't work like that but if you connect it with a motor it drastically reduces the power consumption of the motor on load but eventually the springs loose their tension and finally break
Posisi per yang anda pasang kurang tepat.seharus nya posisi per masing masing berlawanan arah.baru sistem tarik menarik nya kemungkinan bisa bertahan lama.experimen yang baik
Thank you for your valuable advice, I will definitely try to do as you say. I got the impression that you are well versed in this topic. Do I understand you correctly?
Me parece curioso que inviertan tanto esfuerzo sólo para probar algo que evidentemente no funciona. Que los videos de estas maquinas son vistos en reversa para paresca qué se acelera
A very crudely built machine… perhaps if you had balanced the components especially the flywheel, you would have had a better chance to keep it running…
Увеличте массу маховика и он сделает намного больше оборотов, но всё равно остановится. И волшебных металлов не бывает. Зато интересующихся привлекли внимание своим роликом.
Όλα τα προβλήματα λύνονται. Η λύση είναι πολύ απλή. Το πείραμα το είχα καιρό στο μυαλό μου. Λύνεται με τον έξεις τρόπο . Συνδέοντας ένα μοτέρ που τροφοδοτείται από την γεννήτρια που θα συνδέσετε στον στροφαφο. Η γεννήτρια η ο ενναλακτηρας θα παράξει ρεύμα και με ενα μοτέρ θα διατηρήσετε τις στροφές με αισθητήρα που όταν βλέπει να πέφτουν θα δίνει εντολή στο μοτέρ. Απλά πράγματα
У двигателей нормируется механическая мощность, у генераторов электрическая. Двигатель с табличкой "1000Вт" Выдаëт 1000 Вт механической энергии и 100 Вт тепловой, потребляя из розетки 1100 Вт электрической энергии. Генератор с табличкой "1100 Вт" выдаëт 1100Вт электрической энергии и 100Вт тепловой, требуя на валу 1200Вт механической энергии. Не сходится баланс. Цифры условные, чтоб иллюстрировать ситуацию.
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp είχα στο μυαλό μου να φτιάξω κάτι παρόμοιο. Ένα από τα πράγματα που όλοι έχουμε στο μυαλό μας να κάνουμε. Όμως η ζωή μου ως τώρα δεν μου έδωσε τον χρόνο να το πραγματοποιήσω. Ελπίζω εσείς να πετύχετε τον στόχο σας και σας το εύχομαι ως Χριστουγεννιάτικο δώρο.
UA-cam is now full of similar videos demonstrating perpetual mobile. If only their creators put as much energy into the science of physics as they put into the realization of the production and filming of this nonsense video. My advice is to throw away the video camera, sell off the workshop equipment and pay for some private tutoring in physics.
Thanks for telling people the truth about these things! Everything about the machine shown here is in equilibrium. It takes as much energy to stretch the springs as they give back when they contract. With no energy gain mechanism in the system, the wheel just runs down from its own frictional losses. This configuration of a flywheel, 3 springs and a triple crank shaft CAN work IF the spring arrangement is off to one side, the springs are made of NITINOL (shape memory metal), and they are dipped into warm water on the low half of the cycle. This can convert heat energy into mechanical energy when the NITINOL springs contract in the warm water and then are stretched back out when they cool in the air above the water bath. This can create a work cycle as long as the warm water lasts.
Thank you for your interest! You are absolutely right, in this design the spring forces are completely balanced. Unfortunately, it is impossible for me to get the metal you are talking about. In my opinion, in order for this mechanism to work, it is necessary to somehow unbalance the system without violating the balance. I am inclined to a system of levers that provide different spring tension at the right moment. I am currently working on this issue.
But a "system of select to the springs" , will need energy, who will be soustracted of result, and so, the system will stop earlier ! Anything who will be add, to inscrease, for exemple stability, will consum energy...
Gravity and magnets do not consume energy, but they do work. What do you think?
EXCLUS .... PERPETUM MOBILE !@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp
Gravity is a force who act in a Single direction on the earth , from zenith to nadir. To use that energy in a system , we need to change its direction in the same exemple of an elevator cannot get up all the time, it has to get down ! And when you want to change the direction of it, you need to use mechanic system who consum energy. And in that change, you lose the energy you have got before, by frictions, because, for winning energy, who use gravity, you have to use great weight, but loses are proportionnal to the weight. It's the TRAP of the expect to make Real free energy ! Spring don't have energy ! Put one spring on a table, and come back an hour after, it didn't move during ! When you deform it, you Give it, mechanic energy and it "wants" give back it to you. It didn't Create it. So you have to give energy to it, and it give it back, but less a few lose: calor, friction,deformation without return.
W koncu ktos pokazal ze to nie kreci się bez konca 😊
Brawo Ty
Thank you for watching to the end)))
Любой человек тоже может собрать такой девайс,разкрутить его двигателем, после включить камеру и снимать как он долго крутится, постепенно замедляясь,потом прокрутить видео наоборот и о чудо! Он набирает обороты!!!
I understand your disappointment. Not everything in the world is what it seems. I hope that I will be able to start the generator correctly someday. Have you tried making similar machines?
На маховике постав толкающие неодимые магниты
Hi, it is a correct configuration. Can be use for help or assist and small motor which need force and torque to work on generator, water pump, or other appareil.
Continue brother, it is a good start.
Thank you!! It is for these purposes that I am trying to make this engine, as well as to provide people with cheap energy
Понятно, что автор это делает для контента и монетизации. Но окуда столько необразованных людей в комментариях, восхищающихся этим и верящих в вечный двигатель? 🤯 Люди точно не разумный вид 😱☹️
Dear friend, you did not look carefully. In this version, the engine that I created does not work. And people like me are in search of a source of cheap energy. Where did you see the lack of education if a person wants to find an environmentally friendly and inexpensive source of energy.
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gpэнергия не возьмëтся из маховика или пружин. Нужную энергию можно получить только преобразовав в неë какую-то другую. Солнечная и ветровая энергия это то, что есть везде и бесплатно, вот их использование разрабатывать продуктивно. Ни какой механизм, замкнутый сам на себя не может в принципе вырабатывать энергию.
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gpдорогой друг , я помогу тебе ... Есть такой раздел в физике, он называется маятники. Так вот дело за малым , берем длинный трос , вешаем его на самую высокую точку ( на твой выбор: это башня в Дубай или гора Эверест) на нижнюю, вешаем всех твоих восхищённых подписчиков, и каждому даём в руки по тормозному диску( так как тормоз-человек и тормозной диск-это супер энергия) . И дело за малым придадим им импульс, и твоя мечта осуществиться 😂😂😂
many people know nothing about physics laws
"You should be appreciating his effort instead of criticizing. He created a machine that he thought could generate free energy, just like others have attempted before. However, he went a step further by testing and acknowledging that it doesn't work. Your unwarranted criticism is uncalled for. It's refreshing to see someone trying to find alternative energy sources, even if they don't succeed."
С детство увлекаюсь подобным изобретением. Вот уже 30 лет пытаюсь ничего не получается. Но еще не потерял надежду. 😂
Я не спорю.
E purtroppo non funzionerà mai perché il moto perpetuo non esiste! L'attrito stesso dell'aria con il tempo va a fermare il sistema
When the video is played in reverse, the mechanism is accelerating, yes. So, is not a free energy device, but is the best MECHANICAL ROTATIVE CAPACITOR. Nice, I like it.
Thank you sir, you have revealed my secret))) Thank you for watching the video before writing a comment. And what energy sources do you use?
Your honesty is so appreciated. To many dishonest people on here. Thank you. Great concept
Sir, thank you for watching my video completely and only then making conclusions about my work
@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp you're welcome. Thank you for you're honesty
Awesome share!!, now you can build a more precise component for efficiency, then add the d.c. generator & fan turbine......say goodnight to the electric bill........thanks.
Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything. And what energy sources do you use?
No ..but with your efforts I will try thank you for your time and efforts .
Dear friend, you probably haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything.
Пачему Ана остановился,потому что ты не исползовал ево энергию.Если зналбы тагда 1 без пружыной эта механизм работает.Незнал физику по электро магнит.😅
Thank you brother, finally there is someone who shares the truth of this, I respect your labor, successes👏👏👍🏻🤗
Muy bien explicado felicidades! Saludos Mexico🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
Thank you very much, it's nice to hear that.
A master only lives by truth ! Thanks Master Alex !
Sir, Thank you for watching my video in full!
Thanks for do a truth video.
Thank you friend, your opinion is important to me!!
Thanks for sharing.
There are many possibilities for improvement: you can move the flywheel in the middle and the springs on the sides, two sets, right, left; you can add a second flywheel on the other side; you can use adjustable hydraulic shock absorbers instead of springs, it will work smoother; you can move the springs up, parallel to the camshaft like in the boxer engine; you can use the camshaft and valve springs or leaf springs on the same setting. Keep going, don't stop...I wish you luck.
Thank you friend, I need your ideas, I continue to work, I hope I can do it
Even though it did not work 100%, the idea is highly appreciated which can be applied in other devices. Some type of vacuum might be necessary to prevent air resistance and friction also must be taken into consideration. Thanks for the upload.
Sorry, but this idea is nonsense, it can not be applied to other devices. Vacuum to prevent friction? If a motor is not even able to overcome friction by air, what do you expect what loads could such a motor drive? Perpetual motion alone is not a goal. What you want from a motor is an output of energy.
Your video was very useful for me. Thank you very much.
You can't break the second law of thermodynamics! Nobody could do it, yet 😊
All laws are written by people to explain natural phenomena. Then it turns out that the law is not a law at all, but just an explanation of some phenomenon
I think only two laws are written by God (not Jesus or Allah or some shit)
Simply God.
And the laws are we Born
We die
We cannot rewrite this law During Trump’s presidency
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp You are a FAKE
No output without input energy 😅
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp Laws do not explain things, they just describe what we observe in nature in mathematical form. This allows us often to predict the outcome of experiments without doing them. In this case we can predict that no proposals for improvements help, this device can not work. True, it has turned out several times that laws were only valid for some but not for all obsertvations. For instance, classical laws of mechanics fail with speeds near the speed of light. However, they are still precise with lower speeds, since the former observations were correct.
But conservation of energy is an exceptional law, since it is not only based on observations. It is also backed up by a mathematical proof that our universe couldn't be stable without this law.
Very interesting and impressive. Nice video. Nice work.
Thank you, I am fascinated by the creation of such machines. I really hope that I will be able to create an industrial version and bring benefit to people all over the world. What other energy sources are you interested in?
Appreciate the honesty
Thank you
This is supposed to be used to overcome the back EMF in a generator based configuration so that the back EMF is overcome and force in the centrifugal wheel is concerned more than likely is recognized in classical physics because classical physics has been under the control of bankers for the last 120 years bankers are not scientists They control money and have used humanity like slaves. In effect we've been given about 2% of the actual knowledge base in physics and the rest sits intentionally never gone over even once in an academic setting for over 120 years. The only thing that is advancing at this time is the further enslavement of humanity through the use of cyberization and artificial intelligence. Do you want to be asleep how many of you out there want to remain slaves maybe if you don't want to be a slave you should stop thinking like a slave. The laws of thermodynamics are based purely on linear systems which are also based on mathematics that are wholly insufficient and cannot describe actual computation with any consistency. The example specific here is irrational numbers. Truly competent mathematicians here understand that a rational numbers only occur because of intentional faults built into the real analysis based mathematical structures forced upon academia again by the banking elites.
o frumusete de prost.
It is a pity that there are so many people like you uneducated in science and spreading conspiracy theories. The law of conservation of energy is far more general then the laws of thermodynamics and it applies to all systems without exception! There is even a proof, that our universe couldn't be stable without this law. Physics in control of bankers? That's outright nonsense.
obviously, the fly wheel was spun up and only shown for a few seconds to make it appear as if its running under its own power.
but its still fun to try. Humanity wouldn't be as advanced as we are now if we never tried the "impossible" to understand what is truly possible.
Dear friend, you probably haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything.
There is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine
Hai ragione! Non esiste perché contraddice tutte le leggi della termodinamica e della Meccanica
Moteur à explosion sans explosion, juste des ressorts comme énergie. C'est formidable, félicitations.
Dear friend, You probably didn't watch my video fully or carefully. Change it and you will know the truth. Have you ever created such machines?
Thank you
Thank you very much
Though you have done a very sturdy work, but your system failed due to the fact that you have compiled a lot of weight at the centre of flywheel in comparison to its periphery. If this much of weight was compiled bn on its periphery the system would have been running continuously. The torque created by wheel is less than its requirement. Keep the centre of wheel light as far as possible possible.
That's an idea!! I think it will work. Thank you.
Have you built engines like this?
@jaiveertyagi4243, agree with you. Also the spring only needs 1 (one) its function is to pull the wheel at the other side of cycle. NOT 3 or even 4 springs. as the even number of springs will only to slow down as the act to pull to their position.
At the moment I am testing a car with one spring, there is progress!!! I am also trying to add pendulums
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp .... Nu !
Nu va mai chinuiti degeaba ..... Indifetent unde ar fi plasata acea "greutate" .... la centru , sau extremitatea discului .... intregul sistem nu ar putea functiona continuu.
Pierderile sunt mai mari decat energia ce o dorim obtinuta ....
Cercetati altceva ! ...
Закони фізики створені природою, порушити ці закони ще нікому не вдалося ! 😊👍 Спроби їх порушити марна трата часу і коштів, але спробувати варто хоча б для того щоб самому впевнитись в їх непорушності !👍👍👍😊. ♥️💪🇺🇦✌️👍
VERY very good work man
Thank you friend for watching my video to the end, and only then writing this comment. Are you, like me, interested in sources of cheap energy?
Even though this machine doesn't work, free energy IS possible. If your neighbor has an electrical outlet on the outside of their house, just run an extension cord over to your house. Easy-peasy, and it only requires one simple part available at any hardware store. It helps if your neighbor is 80-90 years old and doesn't own a firearm.
You can get free room and board that way too. After the power company calls the cops on you.
Agents in the chat. There should be four springs, 2 bolted to the left and 2 bolted to the right. Not bolted down the center…Don’t knock it till you try it.
Dear friend, thank you for your ideas!! I will definitely try to do what you are talking about, I hope I can do it. Have you ever created such devices?
First law of thermodynamics tells that energy can’t be created or destroyed, only transferred
Tekkelime cümle ile özetlemişsiniz
Very good free perpetual motion with flywheel, very hard to replicate because of the cost of the instruments involved in the making. please kindly spell out the instruments and spanners i needed to enable me make one
Dear friend, I am not creating a perpetual motion machine, I want to create a source of cheap energy. All the tools I use are shown in my video. Do you create similar devices as well as me?
Your hand is excellent
Thank you sir, have you tried creating something like this?
All those who think they will build a free energy machine should learn one such simple law of physics before any attempt to build a machine, which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only be converted from one form to another. Perpetuum mobile is not possible. Don't waste time unnecessarily and mislead people.
Laws were written and invented by people to explain physical phenomena. What do you think about this?
Excellent work dear friend
Thank you Friend, Honesty with viewers is first and foremost, I want to help people find a source of cheap energy, so the work will continue...
Semua orang menghina dan merasa paling pinter.padahal mereka tidak pernah melakukan percobaan.apalagi menciptakan sesuatu.mereka hanya omong kosong dan kebanyakan teori tanpa pernah melakukan sesuatu.keep going man.para penemu di dunia pada awalnya selalu di hina dan di tertawakan.lanjutkan bro..
Phenominal design! If you want your machine to be perfect in perpetual motion, put a counter weight on the very outer edge of the wheel and add 3 or 4 opposing magnets. Situated to pull the counter weighted edge of the flywheel faster in the downward cycle. Then put 3 or 4 attraction magnets on the opposing side to pull the weight up. I'd love one for free ! Let me know how it goes and when you need my address! Excellent work.
Dear friend, thank you for your ideas!! I will definitely try to do what you are talking about, I hope I can do it. Have you ever created such devices?
Segment repetition thru video editing is the real secret to making free energy 😂
Dear friend, I'm sorry you have this opinion. Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything. And what energy sources do you use?
I enjoyed it
Thank you
Good plan next time drill a bunch of offset holes in the flywheel and attach strong magnets to it then set some magnets to the stationary portion of your device such as a plate that aligns with the flywheel with the counter magnets set in it .dont make all the magnets at the same distance instead stagger them so it keeps the momentum. This will work
Dear friend, thank you for your ideas!! I will definitely try to do what you are talking about, I hope I can do it. Have you ever created such devices?
With springs or without, it will never work forever 🤦 You will always be the one to make it do the initial turn there is nothing free here
I'd like to order 10 millions of those free energy generators. But I have a feeling this guy won't be able to fullfil that order.
Dear friend, you probably haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything.
😂😂 If it could run for free, governments around the world would have made generators.
Dear friend, You probably didn't watch my video fully or carefully. Change it and you will know the truth. Have you ever created such machines?
good work sir keep up
Thank you
Thank you just what I thought!
Thank you friend for watching my video to the end, and only then writing this comment. Are you, like me, interested in sources of cheap energy?
you did well. if having wait balance it will be work without support
Thank you friend for watching my video to the end, and only then writing this comment. Are you, like me, interested in sources of cheap energy?
Felicitari pentru realizarea proiectului dvs. si pentru prezentare . Sunt preocupat si eu de asemenea inginerii . Totusi , va rog , daca se poate sa raspundeti la urmatoarea intrebare care totusi este pe buzele tuturor celor interesati : - de la momentul pornirii dispozitivului cat timp dureaza miscarea de rotatie , cat timp se misca , se roteste ? Se opreste singur , dupa cat timp ? Multumesc anticipat pentru raspunsul acordat , oferit , tuturor celor interesati !
Thank you for your interest in my project.
The device spins up, slows down over time, and so on until it stops completely. I have not yet managed to find the perfect balance, but I am working on it. Perhaps the spring angle needs to be changed for more stable operation.
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp Thank you for your response ! Successful !
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp В мозгах пружины поменяй и все будет нормально, видео для шизофреников
All inventors were once told this, but history remembered Thomas Edison, and not those who did not believe in him. Good luck
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp. Пружин должно быть как можно больше Тогда возникнет резонанс...У Вас он возникает но гаснет. Миссия невыполнима !
دوستان چرخ لنگر از لحاظ مهندسی دو کار مهم انجام میدهد اول اینکه باعث تعادل دستگاه میشود مثل تلمبه های آب گازوئیل سوز که تک سیلندر هستند و چرخ لنگر آنها بسیار بزرگ هست دوم که در مصرف انرژی با صرفه هستند یعنی چرخ لنگر انرژی ذخیره شده را دائم آزاد میکند و باعث سرعت ماشین یا دستگاه میشود
ژاپنی ها با چرخ لنگر در ساعت سازی باعث شدند ساعت ها اتوماتیک شوند و دیگر احتیاج به کوک کردن نداشته باشند چون حرکت دست باعث میشد چرخ لنگر درون ساعت ساعت را کوک کند
لطفن اگر اشتباه متوجه شدم یا اشتباه گفتم من را تصحیح کنید چون رشته من مهندسی نبوده بلکه تاریخ خواندم
Dear friend, I completely agree with you. Have you created similar devices?
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gpمتاسفانه من ابزار ندارم در ضمن من هرگز بلد نیستم با ابزار کار کنم اما ویدئوهای شما مهندس ها را می بینم و لذت میبرم با تشکر از شما
I was hoping it was going to work lol 😂
Me too, but alas, in such a performance it is impossible. Still, I will continue my work on this mechanism. Thank you for watching to the end!! Good luck
Dürüst insanları çok severim. 👏👏👏
Thank you friend for watching my video to the end, and only then writing this comment. Are you, like me, interested in sources of cheap energy?
لماذا توقفت الحركة
وهل هنالك الة تتحرك ولاتتوقف
Maybe put another flywheel on the opposite side at the other end, with same identical weight, so they share constantly transferring the weight and keep going for a long period of time? Is just a thought.
Dear friend, thank you for your ideas!! I will definitely try to do what you are talking about, I hope I can do it. Have you ever created such devices?
Merci beaucoup bonne idée
Thank you my friend
Nice, thank you:)
I'm very glad that you liked it!!
Parabéns, gostei muito porque vc mostrou a realidade, vou ser mais um inscrito
Thank you dear friend
Springs will be a problem they will have to be replaced often .
Dear friend, you probably haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything.
Felicitări pentru finalizarea proiectului și pentru prezentare. Sunt interesat și eu de astfel de ingineri. Totusi, va rog, daca puteti raspunde la urmatoarea intrebare care se afla inca pe buzele tuturor celor interesati: - din momentul in care aparatul este pornit, cat dureaza miscarea de rotatie, cat se misca, se roteste? Se oprește de la sine, după cât timp? Multumesc anticipat pentru raspunsul dat, oferit, tuturor celor interesati!
That system make nothing else to go on the start power, because that don't start alone.. But after a time it will stop..
This is a true statement. I continue to work on making the system spin up without a starter. Have you tried making such mechanisms?
* Why always make these non-functioning engines. When you get a truly functional eternal energy device with a solar panel, for example. Which also pays back its price in just a few years. Nuclear power, on the other hand, never works, but is a deadly dangerous energy parasite.
* Every 1000MW nuclear power plant leaks its deadly Pu-239 fuel as ion gases into the environment every year without any obstacles. Whenever there are storms, floods or other crisis situations. Every Yin power plant must always be turned off in advance. Why are there still 43 reactors destroyed in Fukushima? But not a single Japanese wind farm or solar farm was destroyed then. Will Russia give good money when you lobby like this for Putin's energy-negative nuclear weapons production. Did you know about these? I have worked in the nuclear industry for 30 years and I know what to do. Arto Lauri UA-cam Finland, more facts from there.
Dear friend, at any time inventors were laughed at and disbelieved, but with the passage of time their inventions do not surprise anyone (the steam engine replaced the horse, the diesel engine replaced the steam engine, light bulbs replaced candles)
Regarding solar panels, I will tell you a secret - their production is also not entirely environmentally friendly, in addition, the limited resource of these panels and the lack of sun makes them useless.
In this design, this engine does not work, but I will continue my work. I hope someday it will start rotating on its own.
Wouldn't the fly wheel work if you attached different sized weights at angles to each other welded or attached to the wheel itself thus using gravity as well as the springs?
Thank you
You forgot the invisible hamsters! 😂😅
Watch the video carefully and completely, then maybe you'll understand))
better to invest in wind and or solar power which is all we need in terms of on site renewable energy
Dear friend, I'm sorry you have this opinion. Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything. And what energy sources do you use?
Bro machine nice but too short need to b taller and longer crank pin journals for higher momentom
Dear friend, You probably didn't watch my video fully or carefully. Change it and you will know the truth. Have you ever created such machines?
Also a combination of springs and magnets may bridge the pauses/loses in momentum and even electro-magnetism to push.
Thanks friend, your idea might work, I haven't figured out how to implement it yet. Do you have any ideas on this?
Молодец! Хоть честно признался!
BRAVOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! hai fatto un motore a moto perpetuo con le molle ad espansione. Ora fallo con le molle a compressione.
Dear friend, unfortunately this is not a perpetual motion machine, watch the video carefully and completely, it stops in this version. But my work on it is not finished... And what energy sources do you use?
Noi utilizziamo un sistema simile a questo: Solo che il motore è costituito da magneti che si respingono al centro dei due rotori guarda questo: Oggi possiamo dire che il nostro sistema è a moto perpetuo usando molle ad espansione e magneti in opposizione di potenza 100Kg. Fanno andare pure i generatori che acquistiamo già pronti, ma in genere preferiamo farli da noi i generatori. Una volta ottenuto un certo voltaggio ad una certa potenza riduciamo il voltaggio con un trasformatore variabile a 73Vac, raddriziamo con un ponte Graetz 200A ed alimentiamo un inverter 72Vcc/230Vac ad onda pura sinusoidale 50Hz con fattore di potenza =1 potenza sui 8KW; Il tutto per sostituire la nostra rete monofase di casa.
Unfortunately the video you pointed to is unavailable, but I understand your train of thought.
Quindi basta collegare in serie un alternatore che alimenta un motore che fa girare l'asse a sua volta, con un sistema di cinghie. Bella invenzione
Dear friend, You probably didn't watch my video fully or carefully. Change it and you will know the truth. Have you ever created such machines?
I bealive in your project, I would like to make a free generator but I can’t.
I was thinking if the flywheel turns together with the shaft only in one direction, if the shaft were to turn faster than the flywheel it should be free or vice versa, and I think it shouldn't be difficult to exploit the rotation of the flywheel to load a tank of compressed air which should releasing air towards the fins to restore the speed it loses, perhaps it won't be infinite but it could greatly increase the motion.
Dear friend, thank you for your ideas!! I will definitely try to do what you are talking about, I hope I can do it. Have you ever created such devices?
@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp no my friend im italian, sorry for my english , i think the compress air can do everything, and don't requie much power to refill a tank , think about the mini compressor in the car , can achieve 3 / 4 / 5 bar easily
Уже давно доказано. Если автор не применяет в устройстве синей изоленты, устройство работать не будет ! Все ждали, когда маховик пойдёт вразнос?🤣
А что будет, если змея начнёт заглатывать свой хвост и проглотит себя целиком?
Произойдёт ядерный взрыв, потому что исчезнет материя! Но никто не знает, как это сделать.
Dear friend, I'm sorry you have this opinion. Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything. And what energy sources do you use?
What I do not see (nobody thus) is the "free energy" Or "perpetum mobile". If You achieve one of them You save humanity and take at least a Nobel! No need 4 clicks on YT. I wish You the best luck You can have on this! Is good to know that at least some of us try to do something.❤❤❤❤Maybe the titel should nod be "Free energy generator" It is generating nothing. When is generating than You can winn energy not invest it!!❤❤❤❤
Thanks my friend, that's exactly what I do. Finding cheap energy will solve many people's problems. What energy sources do you use?
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp I have 2 x 400 watt solar panel. A 3000 Watt mppt output and 4x 100A 12V batteries (Led this is what I must change but then my resources for this hobby were 2 low ) Serial binding 2x2 then the 2 packs in paralel so I have 200 Amps on 24 volts out for making the 230 volt household. But this is done just for my Pc and Tv/monitor & the+light on my desk. These are working 24/24 hours. But I muss confess that the whole sys was a gift from a very good friend of mine. He bought 2 identical systems, & I have done the work mounting them. It is a good experience but is nit worth it (yet) too expensive 4 the given performance. Maybe in the future we will have better panels then it can be profitable. Or there where is no other option. ❤❤
То, что вы не видите , не значит , этого нет. Оно есть , только в самом зачаточном состоянии. А кто уже продвинулся, их уже или нет, или монетизировали свои результаты и вынуждены молчать. Обратите внимание , что нигде нет ни одного патента на действующие модели или изделия. Почему-думайте сами
Thank you
If four gears are placed in the right places and connected to a rotating plate of the right weight, it will probably keep turning until it stops after turning it once by hand. At the same time, can it generate magnetic power and electricity? From which such machines can be used in places where electricity and money are scarce. Very interesting.
Thank you, this is an interesting solution. I am also thinking about it, now I am making further improvements to the engine. It is necessary to achieve stable rotation and I will try to implement the option you suggested. If I succeed, I will be able to help many people solve the problem of a source of cheap energy.
Oh it will definitely work but it's the springs that will weaken gotta use some serious springs. That's the only flaw I could possibly see but the theory is proven fact
Your opinion is very important to me, thank you. The springs can always be replaced
Ups..bezwładnośc nie koniecznie może być trwała. Przy ciągłym ruchu ten mechanizm może służyć POdtrzymaniu siły która utrzymuje ruch ciągły wymuszając w sposób fizyczny rotacje napędzającą generator - PUNKT WSPOMAGANIA. POZDRO !
Thanks for the idea!!, I continue my work on this mechanism. Have you created similar devices?
In reality , the springs slow it down !
Dear friend, you probably haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything.
@@magneplanar777 it's FAKE.
Perpetual motion is impossible
The only clever part is you hiding the electric motor..😂😂😂
Dear friend, I'm sorry you have this opinion. Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything. And what energy sources do you use?
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp I use energy sources that are Genuine.
Perpetual motion is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve.
Scientists and Professors have tried to make this possible, but it's NOT.
Еще до того, как я прочел комментарии, мне стало понятно что это просто маховик. Его раскрутили какой-то дрелью и выдали за вечный двигатель) Неужели все такие тупицы, слепые и не видят этого?!)))
Видно , что ты смотрел невнимательно , поэтому сам себе подвесил свои определения
Dear friend, You probably didn't watch my video fully or carefully. Change it and you will know the truth. Have you ever created such machines?
@ я просто хорошо учился в школе, и знаю закон сохранения энергии. Откуда берет энергию ваш "вечный двигатель"? Снимите его работу рядом с часами, чтобы мы видели реальное течение времени. А не это перевернутое видео)))
Where can I buy 3 like this? Link plees.
This is not for sale
Does this work for the lamp to work?
These projects are only working in Pakistan... The question is can these work in space with zero gravity?
Dear friend, I'm sorry you have this opinion. Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything. And what energy sources do you use?
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp Thank you for the clarification and I wish you success.
It would be great if it really worked. Just think what the possibilities would be!
Dear friend, I completely agree with you. Have you created similar devices?
I've always thought that inertia plays a big part in this aplication and speed also magnet motors
Dear friend, I completely agree with you. Have you created similar devices?
Good 👍 work
It's just a proof of the law of energy, but it's almost theoretically insignificant. Because the initial energy that is given to him with the latter is very much the analysis of the and will not be used in converting it into usable energy.
Dear friend, I completely agree with you. Have you created similar devices?
Muito bom.
Thank you very much
Tu peux démarrer ça jusqu'à un mois ça continue à travailler
Dear friend, I'm sorry you have this opinion. Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything. And what energy sources do you use?
have you tried to increase the spring stress
Yes, I tried, but it doesn't help. Something else is needed here. Are you also into the creation of such machines?
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp i was still searching for the working model before i mess up my pocket for this project though someone told me that it really work
True it doesn't work like that but if you connect it with a motor it drastically reduces the power consumption of the motor on load but eventually the springs loose their tension and finally break
Dear friend, what you are talking about is not at all what I am trying to achieve when I conduct my tests. Do you create such mechanisms?
@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp yes am working on it and after spending time & money realised that the spring mechanism videos are nothing but a scam
I thought they were supposed to run forever how about getting a 6 cylinder diesel engine with a crank in it and leave it in the block
Dear friend, You probably didn't watch my video fully or carefully. Change it and you will know the truth. Have you ever created such machines?
Não tem como funcionar, pois o atrito e a resistência do ar vai fazer parar.
Dear friend, you haven't watched my video in full, watch it carefully to the very end. Then you'll understand
Posisi per yang anda pasang kurang tepat.seharus nya posisi per masing masing berlawanan arah.baru sistem tarik menarik nya kemungkinan bisa bertahan lama.experimen yang baik
Thank you for your valuable advice, I will definitely try to do as you say. I got the impression that you are well versed in this topic. Do I understand you correctly?
Me parece curioso que inviertan tanto esfuerzo sólo para probar algo que evidentemente no funciona. Que los videos de estas maquinas son vistos en reversa para paresca qué se acelera
I wanted to find out for myself whether it works or not, and have you tried to create similar machines?
A very crudely built machine… perhaps if you had balanced the components especially the flywheel, you would have had a better chance to keep it running…
Dear friend, I completely agree with you. Have you created similar devices?
Its real done brother??
Sure not just hoax
I wanna to try the metode
Probably you haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything.
I think it would work the Springs heat up and turn into mechanical energy what a little touch of witchcraft it'd be off the chain
Interesting idea, but so far I have not been able to achieve continuous rotation without stopping. Have you created similar devices?
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp not yet and I put a lot of time and effort into it but still no good results
Увеличте массу маховика и он сделает намного больше оборотов, но всё равно остановится. И волшебных металлов не бывает. Зато интересующихся привлекли внимание своим роликом.
Dear friend, you probably haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything.
It would be better if you welded it to the bicycle.😉😛😛🤤
Dear friend, you probably haven't watched my video in full. Change that and then you'll understand everything.
Όλα τα προβλήματα λύνονται. Η λύση είναι πολύ απλή. Το πείραμα το είχα καιρό στο μυαλό μου. Λύνεται με τον έξεις τρόπο . Συνδέοντας ένα μοτέρ που τροφοδοτείται από την γεννήτρια που θα συνδέσετε στον στροφαφο. Η γεννήτρια η ο ενναλακτηρας θα παράξει ρεύμα και με ενα μοτέρ θα διατηρήσετε τις στροφές με αισθητήρα που όταν βλέπει να πέφτουν θα δίνει εντολή στο μοτέρ. Απλά πράγματα
Thank you for the idea. I will try to implement the mechanism in the version you suggested. Have you made similar mechanisms?
У двигателей нормируется механическая мощность, у генераторов электрическая. Двигатель с табличкой "1000Вт" Выдаëт 1000 Вт механической энергии и 100 Вт тепловой, потребляя из розетки 1100 Вт электрической энергии. Генератор с табличкой "1100 Вт" выдаëт 1100Вт электрической энергии и 100Вт тепловой, требуя на валу 1200Вт механической энергии. Не сходится баланс. Цифры условные, чтоб иллюстрировать ситуацию.
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp είχα στο μυαλό μου να φτιάξω κάτι παρόμοιο. Ένα από τα πράγματα που όλοι έχουμε στο μυαλό μας να κάνουμε. Όμως η ζωή μου ως τώρα δεν μου έδωσε τον χρόνο να το πραγματοποιήσω. Ελπίζω εσείς να πετύχετε τον στόχο σας και σας το εύχομαι ως Χριστουγεννιάτικο δώρο.
@@АлександрС-в2л4ж Η γλώσσα που μιλάτε δεν υποστηρίζεται και δεν μπορούμε να σας καταλάβουμε τι γράφετε . Λυπάμαι
Dear friend, thank you for your support!!
UA-cam is now full of similar videos demonstrating perpetual mobile.
If only their creators put as much energy into the science of physics as they put into the realization of the production and filming of this nonsense video.
My advice is to throw away the video camera, sell off the workshop equipment and pay for some private tutoring in physics.
Dear friend, You probably didn't watch my video fully or carefully. Change it and you will know the truth. Have you ever created such machines?
@@josefvogeltanz2858 Well said.
This guy must think that everybody is stupid.
@@IdeasMastersAlexs-ec9gp What a load of rubbish talk.
If you want some proper attention, make something that REALLY works.