From where in the world are you listening?.....IMPORTANT: UA-cam will push my content more when you LIKE 👍, COMMENT ✏️ and SUBSCRIBE 🔔. Please help me with that, thanks :) NOTE: If you want to support my work, please feel free to leave a very much appreciated donation: Have a great day :)
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music: intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life.🙏
Nothing hurts or not stressed about anything but doing quite well and thanks to this forum of music, my focus on purpose is getting much clearer overall. Thanks for your willingness to share healing 🙏 words.
@@spacewavecr kokokokokokkokkokkokokkokokokkokkokkkokkokokkkkkkokkkkokkkokokokkokkokkkokokokkkokokkokkokkkokokkokkokokokkkokkkkokkokkokkokkkkkokkokokkkokkkkkkkkokkokkkkokokokkokokokkkkokkokkokkokokokokkkkkkkkkkkkokkokokkokkokkkkokokkokkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkokokkkokokokkokokokokokkkkkokkokokkkkkkkkkkokokokokkokokkkkokkkkkkkkokkokokkkokokkkokkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokokkokkokkkkokokkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkokokkkokkkkkokkokkkkkkokokkkokkkkkokkkkokkkkokokkkokkkkokokkkokkokkkkokkkkokkokkkokokkkkkkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkokkokkkokkkkokkkokkokkkkokokkkkkokokkkokkokkkkkkkokkokkkokkkokkkokkokkkokkkkokkkkokkkokkkkokokkokkokokkokkkkokokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkokokkokkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokokokkkokkkokkkkokkokkokkkkkokkkokkkokkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkokokkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkokkokkkokkkokkkokkokkkkkokkokkkokkokkokkkkkkokkkkkkokkkokkokokkkkokkkkkkokkokkkkkokkkkkokkokkokkkkokokokkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkokkokokkokkkkokkkokkkkkkokkokkkokkkokkkkkkkkokkokkkkokkkkkkkokokkkkokkkpkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkokkkkkokkkkkokkokkkkpokkkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkookkokkkkkkkkokkkkokokkokkokkkkkkokkokkokkokkokkokkkkkkkokokkkokkkkkkkkokkpkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkkkkkokkokokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkokokkkkkkkokkokokkkkkkkkkkokokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkokkokkokkkkokkkokokkokkkkkkokkokkokkkkpkkokkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkokkkokkokkokkkokkkkkookkkokkkkkkkkokkokkkkkpokkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkokkkokkkkkkokokkkokokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkpokkkkkokkokkkkokkkkpkkkokokkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkokkkkkpokkokkkkkpkokkkkokkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkokkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkokkokkkkkkkkkkkko the kkkkokkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkpkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkokkokokkkokkpkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkokkkpokkkkokkkokokkkkkokkokkokkkkkkkkkokkkokkkkookkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkokkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkpkokkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkokkkkkkokkkkokkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkokkokkkokkkkkkkkkokpkkkokkkkkkkkkokkokkkkokkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkokkkpkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkokkkokkokkkkkkokpkkokkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkopkkkkkkkkpkkkkokkokkkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkpkokkokkokkkkokokkkkokkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkoopkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkookkkopkkkkkkkkkokpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkokkokkkkkkpkokkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkokkkkkkkkokpkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkpkkkokpokkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkokkkkpkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkpkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkokkkkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkokkkppkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkkkokkkkpokkokkkokokkkkokkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkookkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkpkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkpkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkokkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkokkppkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkokkkkokkkkokkkkkkkokkokkkkkokkkkkpkkkkkkkkokpkkkkkkkpokkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkpkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkokkkokkkkkokkkpokkkkokkpkokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkpkkkokokkkkkkkokkkkkkkpokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkpokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpokkkkkkkkpkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkpkkpkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkpokkkkkpkokkokkkkokkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkpkpokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkpkokkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkoopkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkokkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkpkkkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkkkkokokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkpkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkpkkkkkokkkkkkkppkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkmkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkkkpkkkkkpokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkokokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music: intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music: intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
Same. I'm not self-diagnosing myself, and I don't want to , but I do think I have adhd. I have a hard time focusing with my studies and work because just like you said, every little thing can distract me, a little bit restless at times, forgetful, and I had a terrifying panic attack a year ago. Music and meditation really helps a lot.
@@spacewavecr Haha, absolutely. I listen to that soundtrack all the time, and I can hear some very specific cues from it in your work. There's that melody that briefly ascends (sounds like the last 4 notes of a major scale), the "siren" sound that sounds distant and falls off in pitch, and then the rain that seems to have an almost static quality to it. The static of the rain captures the record-player aesthetic of the "One More Kiss" track. These are the right vibes for sure! You've paid a lot of homage to the original.
After this comment, I dont need any more. You describe exactly my thinking. Im very glad that you appreciate it as much as you do, taking the time to wright. It means a lot. Thank you a bunch Taylor. Take care and have a nice weekend!!
@@spacewavecr Hey thanks, it's no problem! I really just love the aesthetic scene - ambient, vaporwave, synthwave, and more - and I love supporting artists who are doing great work in the genre. Thanks for your hard work! Have a great weekend!
... should I tell you something, when I saw the film Blade Runner for the first time, I was fascinated by Deckards' apartment. Not only was the interior very unusual, meanwhile I was able to visit Enni's house, I was more fascinated by the constant repetitive background noise. I tried that out on myself and played back a background noise in my apartment as a sequence throughout the day. what can I say .. that wasn't so good and then I discarded the project. Many years later I became aware of the Space Wave project on UA-cam and so on I was completely enthusiastic about this uniquely repetitive soundscape that is now spreading throughout my apartment. As a friend of the Berlin school and of course as a friend of electronic music, I thank you for uploading and continuing, albeit ignorantly, my vision at that time, which now makes sense with this wonderful long-lastingSequences.I always hear it, of course, I like to hear it through the headphones so that I can really pick up all the nuances. but I took up the idea of the continuous loop in the background with the pieces by space Wave and I play it inBackground in my apartment and I mean that I find a more relaxed atmosphere and inner peace with it. thanks for that...greetings from Germany/Hannover
Wow, Dietmar!! I am humbled you are telling me this. I'm glad that my music get to be a part of your home and life. That counts for something right :) I've been to Berlin twice and the atmosphere in that city is something else. Will definitely go back when the pandemic is halting. Thanks for this wonderful comment. I will pin this comment to show my appreciation :) Best to you!
Pandemic? Junk crap made up by assholes to piss people off or use board nerds so they have somthing to talk about and sound silly at the same time! This government nonsence and polotics are the cheapest on going act in existance! The best they have going is freedom here on youtube giving back threw donating music to express to the world, and also the comment section for showing the love and appreation for healing from such music!!! I heard some person talking about thier being more than one base! Wasteful time, people live thier best threw a constant! Abundance is nice, but if theres no safe constants, thiers no abundance, because the devil has you guessing! This is the best tool I have ever stubled across! Of coarse only when people stopped being assholes and I didn't have to report disturbing behaviour, such as targetting my house! Thats why one platform is good enough because it takes alot of effort to have your voice heard when you report problems and they still continued to happen!!!! So if a person put themselfs across all sorts of bases, would that be safe? Only if they where all kept clean and inline with the peoples beliefs involved with those bases! Thats how the devil traps! Dummy people taunting with silly codes in public like "blah blah more and a persons name" or blah blah next white game play which leads people they are trying to help astray and garbage like that dosen't help! This place provides the perfect vishoual, shelter and freedom of expresshion when used appropriatly, such as buiness owners hearing other peoples feed back and concerns! Really though, suspect because that never should have of been a problem in the first place because that can be stopped across all platforms! Or apps for tools absessed with thier junk art of word play and pandemics! Somtimes its tough to change the damage of what people took seriously because they where brainwashed to think when they said pandemic it was an actual desease! People are people! Getting rid of the negativity of the traps and drains is the only way! God provides, and hes fun! I have experienced this many times! There is no other base! I love travel, other peoples healing music, and natural experiences without controls! Grateful to have youtube as an everyday tool to provide the motivation I need to get out of my house or not feel alone or isolated! I haven't found many worth while tools on the internet that can help aid the mind! This is a life saver! Glad the filters have stayed this time! Well really for the comment section, I think I filter out the junk hidden code everyday myself! I shouldn't have to because some does seem suspect! Although its nothing in comparisom to what was happening! I can agree! This music helped me elaberate and open up my mind to share! Thanks! I love this world and won't let it go because of a cheap system that never had my or anyone elses best interest at heart! This is it, this is the new age movement! And when its not, some asssholes need to be filtered out! And for thier own good! Nobody would harm themselfs unless a series of malshious code or targeting was done! Glad to be safe, happy to be informed, even more grateful to be normal without the grey or pretenshious wanna be mind readers! People being healthly and giving love back is enough for me! Seen the challenges others present! Thiers nothing there! People create thier best when thier safe
@@spacewavecr Hydro Aquatic - Crossfire (Original Mix) - DJ Creepella & Mensepid // Edit: eek, now that I look at the channel, there is a crap ton of vids! Edit 2: god I feel like a snitch, but looks one of their sister channels ("...80's Energy") does the same, but they inverted the triangles. Wow they have a lot of vids showcasing your hard work (hours in AE ain't easy). Feel free to keep us posted how this turns out!
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music: intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music: intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
For my part the following happens when going to bed with this in my ears. It makes me feel that existence is strange and fantastic at the same time and I can see and appreciate the good things in the past, the present. I decided to look forward with courage. It does numb my tinnitus some at nighttime. To all of you reading this, do something nice to yourself or someone else tomorrow, it will give you strength. Blade Runner is forever an amazing culture.
I’ve always wondered and questioned why the soundtracks in both Blade Runners make me feel so nostalgic for a place I’ve never been to. The question is coming back through your music. It’s not easy finding music that makes me feel this way, but I have discovered another great artist. Thank you. I hope you are safe wherever you are with everything going on this world.
Wow. Comments like yours are one of the reasons I continue with this. I know exactly what you mean with nostalgia. In the future, I'll try to find a way to make it even more nostalgic. May you stay safe too friend!
I agree. Perhaps it's the bitterweetness of realising that as humans and a species we have potential that is absolute genius, but due our naivety of trust, and laziness of distraction we allow the world to be ruled by the corrupt, so the peacefulness, artfulness and harmony of our potential will never truly be met.
That feeling you get is called Anemoia. The sense of nostalgia for a time and/or place you have never lived in. This is something that a lot of people suffer from. Including myself. I have come to terms with this being the reason for my crippling depression in the last 5 years. It’s a terrible truth, that something that brings me so much joy, like synthwave, also brings me sadness and depression. I’m just trying to embrace it now. However sad it makes me
This one remains my favourite and most listened one. It makes me nostalgic for some place I've never even been to. For some life I've never experienced. It evokes such a bizarre feeling brings me into some strange time and dimensions. Last time I felt something similar is when I was still a kid and just started reading space operas, science fiction and cyberpunk and everything was so strange, so big, so new, so wonderful and unexplored.
You’ve effectively transported me in Space-Time to many fantastic thoughtful places. Sincere Thanks. Truly quietly magnificent! Your incredible works encourage grand thoughts.... ... So from one person’s electronic mind impulses, they create this music, which is an incredibly complex space/time flow of machine created electronic vibrations. Then you add amazing videos to accompany it and send it out to the World, and listeners hear/SEE these flowing intricate frequencies and rhythms that trigger electronic impulses in their thousands of brains, and that triggers thousands of wonderful dreamy thoughts and memories....quite an awesome chain of “electronic” events! Wahoo!
Just turned 54, but first listened at 53. It sounds alive and feels intense to the senses. I'm now sleeping with 🎶 with various sleeping tones. I feel timeless and weightless but somehow can open new concepts to my mind's aurora and the long tones are the most important parts that I think are impressive. They send me straight to sleep in a pleasurable state 😴.
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music: intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music: intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music: intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
Threw this on last night while I meditated....didn't realize how quickly I'd go into a trance....30 mins felt like forever as I drifted through my consciousness, haha....needless to say, I found one of my new fav channels on here!
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music: intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
Whenever I'm writing or doing my college assignment this is always my go-to music. It's just so peaceful... whenever it ends I always hit replay as long as my task isn't done yet
You know you can put youtube to loop the mix? Click with the right button on the video and select loop. That way you don't need to worry to put the mix again, just enjoying it :)
You have the best music, time and time again for when im writing my scifi scripts!!! Love it for keeping me in the zone! Thanks for ur amazing work! Wish i could write music as hauntingly majestic as this!
Beautifully restrained and carefully refined ~ I think this is the best of this type of sound I've come across. Have literally listened to it 2-3 times a day whilst working since I heard it. The rest of your tracks are wonderful too! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
🦋❤️🦋 It’s nice to hear something different rather than the same basic sound track used by the vast majority of other channels. Best of all this is not a sound track that loops every ten to thirty seconds. As a professional sound engineer, I would have made the lead sound a bit wetter in key moments, especially during the swells. If you wrote and produced this yourself you did an absolutely outstanding job sir. Gotta L❤️VE them ROLAND JUPITERS and D-50s and synths in general. Roland’s Super JUPITER has a really big fat sound. Good luck locating one and you’ll to track down the controller for it as well. The highly unusual MIDI wire that connects the two is also hard to find. If I did not know better I believe Pink Floyd has a big influence on you? AWESOME MUSIC!! Liked & Subscribed Peace Love & Light.
I turned off the default music in Cyberpunk, skipped to night in the game, and just cruise around with this kind of music on. There seems to be a huge disconnect between those who have worked on the atmosphere and environment, and those who worked on the music. It's like they were working on two different games :D
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music: intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
Beautiful floyd meets blade runner with your own modern vision. I had a beautiful night with my wife, empty house as kids were at grandma's with this on synched to our light show. A bit of molly sealed the future vibes. Thanks for the upload.
Ohhhh cuanta belleza en este sonido vibracional!!! Gracias chicos!! Son maravillosos!! Abrazo de luz desde!🇦🇷 Gracias por facilitarnos nuestra conexión con lo divino! Namasté!🙏
i really love this idea of a cyberpunk world and this movie blade runner trigger me a vibe that i can't explain, and every time when i listen to this music i feel that amaizing vibe. thx for this masterpiece!!! and by the way i'm a Brazilian
... And another one gets Blade Runner'd. Thanks. I am trying to cut caffeine and limit stressors, and this track was what I listened on the drive to and from work. I've been able to think a little more clearly tonight as a direct result of this track. Never underestimate the positive impact you may have on thousands who do not comment.
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music: intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music: intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
C'est vraiment excellent et relaxant. Parfait pour s'extirper du quotidien et voguer mentalement autour de mystérieuses exoplanètes. Thanks from New Caledonia !
This is incredible. Ambient music is so hard to make because less really is more. And it's so hard to make something so full of emotion and vibe while maintaining such minimalism. I always drive headlong into the thematic and martial and energetic. I fail utterly at ambient. Respect.
@@spacewavecr You're most welcome. As for my music, I have quite a bit - about 4 or 5 album's worth - but I haven't put it online. I figure no one's going to care about it enough for me to bother.
From where in the world are you listening?.....IMPORTANT: UA-cam will push my content more when you LIKE 👍, COMMENT ✏️ and SUBSCRIBE 🔔. Please help me with that, thanks :) NOTE: If you want to support my work, please feel free to leave a very much appreciated donation: Have a great day :)
Done all of the above to support you, and I'm listening from a little place called London 😊
Montreal! (Biggest city in the french part of Canada)
Croatia ❤️
Aurora, Colorado. ❤️
I'm glad I'm not the only person who regularly encounters random neon triangular interdimensional portals in the forest.
Hehe. If you actually and really did that, you have to video it and send it to me, so that I can use it in my videos :)
Dude-you too?!
So... there's this game that can be easily found on STEAM called Oxenfree... :D
@@TGlooknohands Where you a part of the developement? It looks cool :)
Moody Blade Runner vibes caused.
Perfect!! :)
BTW: Your channel is awesome!
@@spacewavecr Thanks! Just discovered yours as well, looks like I have some playlists to listen to!
Sent you an email :)look for dadasoundscapes
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music:
intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life.🙏
Thank you for knowing what I need right now.
Nothing hurts or not stressed about anything but doing quite well and thanks to this forum of music, my focus on purpose is getting much clearer overall. Thanks for your willingness to share healing 🙏 words.
I really need that prayer to come true.
Thanks for the warning in the title. I was worried this could cause moody blade-runner vibes and I was right, fortunately.
Haha. What a great comment. The warning was for you 😋
@@spacewavecr kokokokokokkokkokkokokkokokokkokkokkkokkokokkkkkkokkkkokkkokokokkokkokkkokokokkkokokkokkokkkokokkokkokokokkkokkkkokkokkokkokkkkkokkokokkkokkkkkkkkokkokkkkokokokkokokokkkkokkokkokkokokokokkkkkkkkkkkkokkokokkokkokkkkokokkokkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkokokkkokokokkokokokokokkkkkokkokokkkkkkkkkkokokokokkokokkkkokkkkkkkkokkokokkkokokkkokkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokokkokkokkkkokokkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkokokkkokkkkkokkokkkkkkokokkkokkkkkokkkkokkkkokokkkokkkkokokkkokkokkkkokkkkokkokkkokokkkkkkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkokkokkkokkkkokkkokkokkkkokokkkkkokokkkokkokkkkkkkokkokkkokkkokkkokkokkkokkkkokkkkokkkokkkkokokkokkokokkokkkkokokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkokokkokkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokokokkkokkkokkkkokkokkokkkkkokkkokkkokkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkokokkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkokkokkkokkkokkkokkokkkkkokkokkkokkokkokkkkkkokkkkkkokkkokkokokkkkokkkkkkokkokkkkkokkkkkokkokkokkkkokokokkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkokkokokkokkkkokkkokkkkkkokkokkkokkkokkkkkkkkokkokkkkokkkkkkkokokkkkokkkpkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkokkkkkokkkkkokkokkkkpokkkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkookkokkkkkkkkokkkkokokkokkokkkkkkokkokkokkokkokkokkkkkkkokokkkokkkkkkkkokkpkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkkkkkokkokokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkokokkkkkkkokkokokkkkkkkkkkokokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkokkokkokkkkokkkokokkokkkkkkokkokkokkkkpkkokkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkokkkokkokkokkkokkkkkookkkokkkkkkkkokkokkkkkpokkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkokkkokkkkkkokokkkokokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkpokkkkkokkokkkkokkkkpkkkokokkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkokkkkkpokkokkkkkpkokkkkokkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkokkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkokkokkkkkkkkkkkko 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kkkkokkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkpkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkokkokokkkokkpkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkokkkpokkkkokkkokokkkkkokkokkokkkkkkkkkokkkokkkkookkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkokkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkpkokkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkokkkkkkokkkkokkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkokkokkkokkkkkkkkkokpkkkokkkkkkkkkokkokkkkokkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkokkkpkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkokkkokkokkkkkkokpkkokkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkopkkkkkkkkpkkkkokkokkkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkpkokkokkokkkkokokkkkokkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkoopkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkookkkopkkkkkkkkkokpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkokkokkkkkkpkokkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkokkkkkkkkokpkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkpkkkokpokkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkokkkkpkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkpkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkokkkkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkokkkppkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkkkokkkkpokkokkkokokkkkokkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkookkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkpkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkpkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkokkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkkokkkkkkokkppkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkokkkkokkkkokkkkkkkokkokkkkkokkkkkpkkkkkkkkokpkkkkkkkpokkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkpkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkokkkokkkkkokkkpokkkkokkpkokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkpkkkokokkkkkkkokkkkkkkpokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkpokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpokkkkkkkkpkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkpkkpkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkpokkkkkpkokkokkkkokkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkpkpokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkpkokkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkoopkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkokkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkpkkkkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkkkkokokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkpkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkokkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkpkkkkkokkkkkkkppkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkmkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkokkkkpkkkkkpokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkokkkkkkkokokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkpkkkkkpkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
This was also of concern to me.
👊🏻Taking a shower to this video now after a hard days work 😎
best comment ever 😂
Blade Runner vibe status: C A U S E D
That's a way of putting it :) Cheers!
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music:
intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
Kksh. Ding "Minor Fracture Detected."
I saved this in my “Music to write to” folder, so it would not be lost, like tears in rain.
First track is giving me serious Shine on You Crazy Diamond vibes.
There is some pink floyd in there, I draw inspiration from them too.
@@spacewavecr Knew it! Great stuff.
i used it to improvise with my guitar. slow chillwave is great to get pink floyd vibes
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music:
intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
Very much took me way back
I swear synthwave helps me focus while doing my work, sucks having adhd where every little thing can distract me.
I know the feeling. Adhd can be problematic at times
You should also try Dub Techno, helps me in the same way.
omg same
Same. I'm not self-diagnosing myself, and I don't want to , but I do think I have adhd. I have a hard time focusing with my studies and work because just like you said, every little thing can distract me, a little bit restless at times, forgetful, and I had a terrifying panic attack a year ago. Music and meditation really helps a lot.
I agree!
“Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
I love this!
So wonderful to take in these words and apply them as TRUTH.......💟💟💟
The warning label was accurate. I suffered serious Blade Runner side effects for hours after taking this...
And I loved it.
Just the comment I needed :)
@@spacewavecr Love your channel! It's the vibe I need to get thru 2020. Just subscribed. :)
Yep, you hit those Blade Runner vibes you were looking for. Well done.
So glad you thinks so. That means I'm doing something right :)
@@spacewavecr Haha, absolutely. I listen to that soundtrack all the time, and I can hear some very specific cues from it in your work. There's that melody that briefly ascends (sounds like the last 4 notes of a major scale), the "siren" sound that sounds distant and falls off in pitch, and then the rain that seems to have an almost static quality to it. The static of the rain captures the record-player aesthetic of the "One More Kiss" track. These are the right vibes for sure! You've paid a lot of homage to the original.
After this comment, I dont need any more. You describe exactly my thinking. Im very glad that you appreciate it as much as you do, taking the time to wright. It means a lot. Thank you a bunch Taylor. Take care and have a nice weekend!!
@@spacewavecr Hey thanks, it's no problem! I really just love the aesthetic scene - ambient, vaporwave, synthwave, and more - and I love supporting artists who are doing great work in the genre. Thanks for your hard work! Have a great weekend!
Pleasant ambiance. Blade Runner par excellence!
Not sure why but listening to this made my memories get lost in time, like tears in the rain.
Don't get lost :)
@@spacewavecr But those are my best moments 🤜🤛😉💖
@@Dr.Hoffman I think I can relate :)
como el replicante roy batty...jejejejhhehehe
Aww, poor Rutger Hauer. Never to be forgotten
... should I tell you something, when I saw the film Blade Runner for the first time, I was fascinated by Deckards' apartment. Not only was the interior very unusual, meanwhile I was able to visit Enni's house, I was more fascinated by the constant repetitive background noise. I tried that out on myself and played back a background noise in my apartment as a sequence throughout the day. what can I say .. that wasn't so good and then I discarded the project. Many years later I became aware of the Space Wave project on UA-cam and so on I was completely enthusiastic about this uniquely repetitive soundscape that is now spreading throughout my apartment. As a friend of the Berlin school and of course as a friend of electronic music, I thank you for uploading and continuing, albeit ignorantly, my vision at that time, which now makes sense with this wonderful long-lastingSequences.I always hear it, of course, I like to hear it through the headphones so that I can really pick up all the nuances. but I took up the idea of the continuous loop in the background with the pieces by space Wave and I play it inBackground in my apartment and I mean that I find a more relaxed atmosphere and inner peace with it. thanks for that...greetings from Germany/Hannover
Wow, Dietmar!! I am humbled you are telling me this. I'm glad that my music get to be a part of your home and life. That counts for something right :) I've been to Berlin twice and the atmosphere in that city is something else. Will definitely go back when the pandemic is halting. Thanks for this wonderful comment. I will pin this comment to show my appreciation :) Best to you!
Pandemic? Junk crap made up by assholes to piss people off or use board nerds so they have somthing to talk about and sound silly at the same time! This government nonsence and polotics are the cheapest on going act in existance! The best they have going is freedom here on youtube giving back threw donating music to express to the world, and also the comment section for showing the love and appreation for healing from such music!!! I heard some person talking about thier being more than one base! Wasteful time, people live thier best threw a constant! Abundance is nice, but if theres no safe constants, thiers no abundance, because the devil has you guessing! This is the best tool I have ever stubled across! Of coarse only when people stopped being assholes and I didn't have to report disturbing behaviour, such as targetting my house! Thats why one platform is good enough because it takes alot of effort to have your voice heard when you report problems and they still continued to happen!!!! So if a person put themselfs across all sorts of bases, would that be safe? Only if they where all kept clean and inline with the peoples beliefs involved with those bases! Thats how the devil traps! Dummy people taunting with silly codes in public like "blah blah more and a persons name" or blah blah next white game play which leads people they are trying to help astray and garbage like that dosen't help! This place provides the perfect vishoual, shelter and freedom of expresshion when used appropriatly, such as buiness owners hearing other peoples feed back and concerns! Really though, suspect because that never should have of been a problem in the first place because that can be stopped across all platforms! Or apps for tools absessed with thier junk art of word play and pandemics! Somtimes its tough to change the damage of what people took seriously because they where brainwashed to think when they said pandemic it was an actual desease! People are people! Getting rid of the negativity of the traps and drains is the only way! God provides, and hes fun! I have experienced this many times! There is no other base! I love travel, other peoples healing music, and natural experiences without controls! Grateful to have youtube as an everyday tool to provide the motivation I need to get out of my house or not feel alone or isolated! I haven't found many worth while tools on the internet that can help aid the mind! This is a life saver! Glad the filters have stayed this time! Well really for the comment section, I think I filter out the junk hidden code everyday myself! I shouldn't have to because some does seem suspect! Although its nothing in comparisom to what was happening! I can agree! This music helped me elaberate and open up my mind to share! Thanks! I love this world and won't let it go because of a cheap system that never had my or anyone elses best interest at heart! This is it, this is the new age movement! And when its not, some asssholes need to be filtered out! And for thier own good! Nobody would harm themselfs unless a series of malshious code or targeting was done! Glad to be safe, happy to be informed, even more grateful to be normal without the grey or pretenshious wanna be mind readers! People being healthly and giving love back is enough for me! Seen the challenges others present! Thiers nothing there! People create thier best when thier safe
@@spacewavecr hey, are you giving other channels permission to steal your stuff? Because I saw your material on another channel. Freaked me out.
@@manualLaborer Hey, No absolutely not. Which one?
Hydro Aquatic - Crossfire (Original Mix) - DJ Creepella & Mensepid //
Edit: eek, now that I look at the channel, there is a crap ton of vids!
Edit 2: god I feel like a snitch, but looks one of their sister channels ("...80's Energy") does the same, but they inverted the triangles. Wow they have a lot of vids showcasing your hard work (hours in AE ain't easy). Feel free to keep us posted how this turns out!
10/10 Moody Blade Runner vibes achieved
Definitely getting a “shine on you crazy diamond” vibe with some Vangelis mixed in. Very good keep making more.
That is a good compliment. Thanks
I was thinking the same thing! Guess I'm not the only Floyd fan here.
@@bryan.c no, looks like there are a lot of us here :)
R.I.P Vangelis 😟
The exquisite melancholy we all get from the music and mood of Blade Runner, it's simply fascinating.
I went into my astral form listening to this on a loop...
True ambient. Just presence.. no ego.
Excellent comment. Poetic almost! Honestly made me smile. Thanks
I don’t like that triangle, it’s giving me Moody Blade Runner vibes.
Ye, i know. I tried talking some sense into it, but it wouldn't listen
SpaceWave - Cosmic Relaxation Haha, I love the music though, keep it up!
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music:
intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
I came here for moody Blade Runner vibes 🤩
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music:
intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
"Moody Blade Runner Vibes", I have been listening to that soundtrack for song long and it is so so true!
So glad you think so. Then we share a common taste for great, atmospheric music my friend. Thanks for stopping by :)
For my part the following happens when going to bed with this in my ears.
It makes me feel that existence is strange and fantastic at the same time and I can see and appreciate the good things in the past, the present. I decided to look forward with courage.
It does numb my tinnitus some at nighttime.
To all of you reading this, do something nice to yourself or someone else tomorrow, it will give you strength.
Blade Runner is forever an amazing culture.
You are a creator helping those to create. Essentially, you are creating on a massive scale. What a beautiful thing.
I’ve always wondered and questioned why the soundtracks in both Blade Runners make me feel so nostalgic for a place I’ve never been to. The question is coming back through your music. It’s not easy finding music that makes me feel this way, but I have discovered another great artist. Thank you. I hope you are safe wherever you are with everything going on this world.
Wow. Comments like yours are one of the reasons I continue with this. I know exactly what you mean with nostalgia. In the future, I'll try to find a way to make it even more nostalgic. May you stay safe too friend!
I agree. Perhaps it's the bitterweetness of realising that as humans and a species we have potential that is absolute genius, but due our naivety of trust, and laziness of distraction we allow the world to be ruled by the corrupt, so the peacefulness, artfulness and harmony of our potential will never truly be met.
That feeling you get is called Anemoia. The sense of nostalgia for a time and/or place you have never lived in. This is something that a lot of people suffer from. Including myself. I have come to terms with this being the reason for my crippling depression in the last 5 years. It’s a terrible truth, that something that brings me so much joy, like synthwave, also brings me sadness and depression. I’m just trying to embrace it now. However sad it makes me
This one remains my favourite and most listened one. It makes me nostalgic for some place I've never even been to. For some life I've never experienced. It evokes such a bizarre feeling brings me into some strange time and dimensions. Last time I felt something similar is when I was still a kid and just started reading space operas, science fiction and cyberpunk and everything was so strange, so big, so new, so wonderful and unexplored.
yeah for some reason it's the one I keep coming back to also. It's incredible for calming my chaotic mind and getting into a state of flow with work.
You’ve effectively transported me in Space-Time to many fantastic thoughtful places. Sincere Thanks.
Truly quietly magnificent! Your incredible works encourage grand thoughts....
... So from one person’s electronic mind impulses, they create this music, which is an incredibly complex space/time flow of machine created electronic vibrations. Then you add amazing videos to accompany it and send it out to the World, and listeners hear/SEE these flowing intricate frequencies and rhythms that trigger electronic impulses in their thousands of brains, and that triggers thousands of wonderful dreamy thoughts and memories....quite an awesome chain of “electronic” events! Wahoo!
Great. The season finale of Rick and Morty Season 5 ad C-137's flashback got me into this type of music.
Just turned 54, but first listened at 53. It sounds alive and feels intense to the senses. I'm now sleeping with 🎶 with various sleeping tones. I feel timeless and weightless but somehow can open new concepts to my mind's aurora and the long tones are the most important parts that I think are impressive. They send me straight to sleep in a pleasurable state 😴.
Thank you so very much.
Moody Blade Runner vibes? You've got my attention
Hope you like it :)
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music:
intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music:
intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
"All the best memories are hers."
I always thought he said "I watched sea bream glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate." You're a highly specific seafood aficionado, Roy Batty!
Takes my mind to an amazing place where I can cultivate many positive experiences
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music:
intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
This puts my boys to sleep. Thank you for the sounds of peace. ☺️🙏🏼
Threw this on last night while I meditated....didn't realize how quickly I'd go into a trance....30 mins felt like forever as I drifted through my consciousness, haha....needless to say, I found one of my new fav channels on here!
Oh cool. Glad it worked for that. This is good feedback. Thanks :)
@@spacewavecr Of course! Keep it real!
I hear this every night before sleep and love it!
@@annmariepalmieri7875 That often? Wow, I'm honored :)
Beautiful and gentle perfect for this night 🌙
It’s like you’re being born again every time you listen to it super fresh I’m feeling the vibes
Lovely. Cheers :)
It’s chill for sure
Incredible soundscapes and lush textures of the sound - it’s the least I can say about your great music!
Thanks för the compliments. I appreciate it 🙏🙂
This is so relaxing. I had to buy Blade Runner 1+2 while listening to this sound.
hehe. Cool that is :)
Blade runner hell yes
Agreed to the Blade Runner feeling!! Thank you for sharing.
I love these so much. They help me fall asleep and focus on my projects. Beautiful.
That's great. Thanks for letting me know.
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music:
intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
Beautiful scenery and music!
This is a Masterpiece! Atmospheric Incredible!
Thanks Joe :)
Great sounds !
This makes me feel a way I can't even describe, thank you!
Hey, I'm grateful for you well performed sentence. I can see you mean it..
Much appreciated the lack of ads... 🌿🌻👍🏼
This music is so inspirational it makes my dreams go wild cheers for this wonderful piece I shall check out more 🤩
This is awsome, I'm lost in time like.. tears in the rain.
Thanks Luciano :)
Off the shoulder of Orion
Finally some proper Chillwave, love it! Keep em coming mate!
Thanks dude. I Will for sure!
A late Xmas present :D This is amazing !
So glad you like it. Thank you. And I love your name :)
3/3/21 rainy day and listening to this in bed.
I always make believe I’m in a cyberpunk world on days like this.
Fine music 😇 congratulations relaxing sounds
gra-zee Nelson :)
this just brings about Sylar vibes with that growly undertone now and again. beautiful!
Thank you for your existence in this world!
Your music is helping people to find that state of flow and build amazing things.
Whenever I'm writing or doing my college assignment this is always my go-to music. It's just so peaceful... whenever it ends I always hit replay as long as my task isn't done yet
So glad it works for that. Thanks for telling me :)
@@spacewavecr no problem man, thanks for the music
You know you can put youtube to loop the mix? Click with the right button on the video and select loop. That way you don't need to worry to put the mix again, just enjoying it :)
@@pafernandes1999 I didn't know this. Ha. Thanks
@@pafernandes1999 I in fact didn't know about this. Thanks for the tips man! Really appreciate it
This is the apex of the mind body and soul experience. Amazing clarity and totally still and explore.
You have the best music, time and time again for when im writing my scifi scripts!!! Love it for keeping me in the zone! Thanks for ur amazing work! Wish i could write music as hauntingly majestic as this!
Thank you. Glad you like it. Great work with your channel btw. It's starting to lift a bit it seems. I think you stand out a lot :)
@@spacewavecr Aw thank you so much, yes 2022 is a good year for me, haha. You're very talented, thanks for the writing inspiration! :)
Taking a break from music for a day and listening to this is extremely calming & self-reflecting.
I love that you use my music, to take a break from music. Just awesome :)
Parts of the video look like a psychedelic trip replication. Nicely done.
Oh, do you mean the waves in the trees :)?
@@spacewavecr yes, it reminds me of that. The "trichromy" too.
@@filobonda I have never been in a trip, so I wouldnt know, but I could definately be in a place like that for an hour or two :)
Wowser 😌 oh mahn im relaxed! Really! So many tention “GONE” 🔥
The only chillwave vid that comes with a warning lol
Awesome vibes!!!!
Thanks 🙂
Beautiful i like
So emotional , beautiful and intense.....
Mysterious as the movie it self.
Thank you for the post.
With rain perfect! You should add that to the title ;)
Beautifully restrained and carefully refined ~ I think this is the best of this type of sound I've come across. Have literally listened to it 2-3 times a day whilst working since I heard it. The rest of your tracks are wonderful too! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Well thank you for a very fine comment my friend :)
🦋❤️🦋 It’s nice to hear something different rather than the same basic sound track used by the vast majority of other channels. Best of all this is not a sound track that loops every ten to thirty seconds. As a professional sound engineer, I would have made the lead sound a bit wetter in key moments, especially during the swells. If you wrote and produced this yourself you did an absolutely outstanding job sir.
Gotta L❤️VE them ROLAND JUPITERS and D-50s and synths in general. Roland’s Super JUPITER has a really big fat sound. Good luck locating one and you’ll to track down the controller for it as well. The highly unusual MIDI wire that connects the two is also hard to find.
If I did not know better I believe Pink Floyd has a big influence on you?
Liked & Subscribed
Peace Love & Light.
My mind will wander through the entire track as though I am directing my own experiences. Excellent for focus and awareness 👏.
I turned off the default music in Cyberpunk, skipped to night in the game, and just cruise around with this kind of music on. There seems to be a huge disconnect between those who have worked on the atmosphere and environment, and those who worked on the music. It's like they were working on two different games :D
Huh, you say! That's unfortunate. I will buy the game once they've fixed everything. Thanks for letting me know.
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music:
intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
there's a disconnect between every department that made that game clearly
That whole game is a giant disconnect.
Beautiful floyd meets blade runner with your own modern vision. I had a beautiful night with my wife, empty house as kids were at grandma's with this on synched to our light show. A bit of molly sealed the future vibes. Thanks for the upload.
My music acompanied to love, that is really sweet indeed :)
Your music is fantastic. I sit down to unwind before bed, drawing and with this on. Much love from a fellow Swede.
Ooh cool. Vad nice. Känner du att den hjälper dig med o komma ner i varv? Lycka till med ritandet :)
big fan of Bladerunner mood ambient mixes and this may be the best one I've found
Wow. So glad you think so. Thanks :)
Very nice atmosphere and great sound , well done !
Thanks Walter :)❤🙏
Nice track.
Very nice !!
i listen to this everyday. My spirit loves to dwell amongst these chill vibes.
Initiating chill vibe sequence.
Ohhhh cuanta belleza en este sonido vibracional!!!
Gracias chicos!!
Son maravillosos!!
Abrazo de luz desde!🇦🇷
Gracias por facilitarnos nuestra conexión con lo divino!
You're ridiculously good at your craft
i really love this idea of a cyberpunk world and this movie blade runner trigger me a vibe that i can't explain, and every time when i listen to this music i feel that amaizing vibe. thx for this masterpiece!!! and by the way i'm a Brazilian
thank you finalllyyyyyy found a channel like this.Your EQ's area reallllyyyyyy goooooddddd......
Thanks mate. I guess you know what you talk about :) appreciate it
The ambiance this creates makes me feel like my bed is outside in the rain, and it’s pleasant
Will love BLADE RUNNER forever ... in all of its versions ... so I 💖💖💖💖💖💖 your ambient music!💫🌀
... And another one gets Blade Runner'd. Thanks.
I am trying to cut caffeine and limit stressors, and this track was what I listened on the drive to and from work. I've been able to think a little more clearly tonight as a direct result of this track.
Never underestimate the positive impact you may have on thousands who do not comment.
Thanks Trench. Nice words for sure :)
The opening set the tone for this entire video.
Chilliest music ever !!!!.✌✌lollll bravoooo Amazing
Wow! This is amazing stuff. Fell asleep not even realizing it. Drifting deeper into a vivid world beyond my imagination.
Loved and subscribed!
That sounds awesome. Thanks🙏😁❤
I definitely hear some "Blade Runner Blues" in here.
Awesome. Check my latest out. That is blade runner blues for sure!
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music:
intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
Great piece!
Also reminiscent of the opening to Pink Floyd's Shine On You Crazy Diamond. I love it!
Glad you think so. That song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pretty nice atmosphere!
Thanks friend :)
This hit the nail on the head wow
Sounds good in my book :)
Bro facts im building an audi rightnow and this shit fuckin hit lmao
wow! Relaxing and cool. Great attention to detail
Hey, thanks mate.
The triangle reminds me of Bashar, the channeled alien by Darryl Anka, perfect music for it as well!
Ah, see what you mean
Wonderful job, so calming and relaxing.
Thanks Patrick. Appreciate your comment 🙏
perfect TTRPG background music for any game that causes Moody Blade Runner Vibes
If you like vast, reverb-heavy ambient soundscapes, feel free to check out some of my original music:
intend to release even longer, more ambient tracks like the original video, so feel free to subscribe.
Epic start!
Sounds amazing!
Thanks friend :)!
C'est vraiment excellent et relaxant. Parfait pour s'extirper du quotidien et voguer mentalement autour de mystérieuses exoplanètes.
Thanks from New Caledonia !
This is incredible. Ambient music is so hard to make because less really is more. And it's so hard to make something so full of emotion and vibe while maintaining such minimalism. I always drive headlong into the thematic and martial and energetic. I fail utterly at ambient. Respect.
Whata comment Matthias. Thank you very much. So you make music too. Anywhere one could listen?
@@spacewavecr You're most welcome. As for my music, I have quite a bit - about 4 or 5 album's worth - but I haven't put it online. I figure no one's going to care about it enough for me to bother.
@@MatthiasPowerbombI for one would love to hear your music.😊