Agency and Perception in Whitehead and the Free Energy Principle (dialogue with Tim Jackson)

  • Опубліковано 28 лют 2024


  • @scottjrowan
    @scottjrowan 4 місяці тому

    This is so good guys! Thank you 🙏

  • @idealdabbler
    @idealdabbler 4 місяці тому

    1:04:57 Indeed, ”any phenomena” we’re talking emergent evolution. “The one becomes many, and the many become one.” PR sec V

  • @projectmalus
    @projectmalus 4 місяці тому

    around 50 min where Tim is looking at the objects in his room; those objects are all the same object as the human, since their time apprehension has been bound into that, the way dogs are human and not pack. It's the difference between a plastic and real green plant, the green is vitality of the object which when the "plant" is plastic is made up for, by the person looking at it, as the human species object representative. The human supplies the energy sequestered from the intelligence machine. The recording of the information from doing this is intelligent, until it isn't which is where the grass comes in and wears the human instead of the other way around. Separating disciplines is clever and necessary for focus, but if the grass effect from non-ruminants consuming it is multi then a multi approach is needed. Consider the radically different effects:
    - stuffing the nose, who has a clear nose? Mine has been clear about 4 mths now and it took me decades, what a difference and it gets better.
    three effects in the GI tract,
    - constipation as negative mood enhancement
    - a pathological condition from inviting anerobic bacteria in, by creating the conditions "unknowingly" so look at the structure of the med industry as a spring that masks in how dieticians (scapegoat) are positioned before fix it mechanics and the entrail readers that build the knowledge pool (scapegoat on a different level) coming last and not connecting back to the dietician. The power of culture, where the good can be kept (the culture part, like a party) and the bad removed thru understanding, to keep the culture, and the party continues.
    - neurotransmitter influence.
    see how different they are? then drug use to correct the vitality lost, unfolds into a spring with harsh government etc, dark triadic and systemic arrangements, permissions and scapegoats on a few levels.
    I believe that women's finest moment as people is when they prove an intelligent oneness by seeing this and their collective role, which is where the free personal choice and collective free will are possible.
    the whole point is affording as many freedoms for as many different entities as possible and furthering the intelligence machine, with a difference in clever and intelligent, mediated perhaps by two actions of allowing and asserting which allow a persistent and dynamic, coherent series as object. The thickness of the chaos butterfly as the series out of the interaction set possibilities aka the intelligence machine. Thanks for reading!

  • @idealdabbler
    @idealdabbler 4 місяці тому

    54:02 54:02 You are talking about Whitehead’s affirmation of realism, and the quote that came to my mind is from Whitehead’s preface roughly in the middle he writes:”it becomes natural at this point to ask whether the type of thought involved be not a transformation of some main doctrines of Absolute Idealism onto a realistic basis.” if that helps anything.

  • @projectmalus
    @projectmalus 4 місяці тому

    around 1 hr 36, very cool. All the suns in the galaxy as one that manifests all the different possible ages, which for suns takes different forms like red giant. With telescopes I was thinking that the higher ontology needed to observe something isn't the material of the telescope since that is actually more bounded, it's the person using and inventing to allow intelligence, which is deceived by appearance of "different objects" which is more about naming things. Like preventable diseases named for the part afflicted. This narrows the choice of different time apprehensions, asserting to allow that which asserts, a trap that requires a series, kind of like these dialogues. thanks again.

  • @projectmalus
    @projectmalus 4 місяці тому

    at 38 min the time slice infers a single rate of time? If objects have differing rates of time and interaction is embracing those different rates, then it would seem the objects can remain distinct. For instance if humans are one object with people as facets gathering experience, and this perception unfolding into their being "form" as facet or scale in a dancing dragon made up of all possible ages of people. However, if humans are both facets and the one human object, to make sense of this the all human object might need circular time which is the life of the species. The way things are shared in the world, I look at a green plant and the green is not the plant, the form is ambiguous and the motion relative. Their culture is underground. Molecules are traded thru the nose and possibly there's a time sense there that allows moving in a higher dimension like sharks move and find things in the ocean. For humans, the same form and difference in the facets of experience, for grass the same intent expressed in many forms, the zein protein zeal I guess. It seems like a topological shift where a shell fragments and tries to form a tube with the fragments, and settles for a disc which could be a trampoline.
    Undifferentiated and unrealized darkness encapsulated as the black hole, fragmenting into the universe. The suns in a galaxy still one object, the all sun object that fragments and forms the spiral. The Sun as disc or trampoline for the fragments of planets gathered as tube wannabe solar system, with a sweet spot in the wannabe tube (the part that refuses not to be a tube?) that is the life on the sweet spot of Earth, and the human topology as both shell and tube, with a sweet spot there too. Not the connecting which seems more like being bound into objects' specific circular time, which proportions the segmented personal linear seeming lifetime. This sweet spot that affords what we call life seems like the eternal object. Thanks for the video!

  • @projectmalus
    @projectmalus 4 місяці тому

    A humanity self trigger of being able to step out of symbiosis of circle and trees with fire as vertical from sticks, into that grass, herd and pack object.
    In a trigger, two truths of how one is attacked (what the vulnerability is that's exploited) and one's response. This as the human knowledge pool (including culture) from antagonistic actions, allowing instead of asserting and asserting where allowing has the power. There's great power in revealing trickery, no one likes to be tricked, and so people can be watchdogs without being judgemental like in a social credit scheme based on appearance and the dark triad. Keep the culture!

  • @projectmalus
    @projectmalus 4 місяці тому

    about 1 hr 23 Tim mentions states that don't follow each other in a jumbled fashion and appearance can deceive one, it does seem jumbled in a way that limits a collective free will but not individual free choice. Like recorded knowledge is one fix, but another more allowing action combines levels that are the jumbled, by extending symbiosis corrected by knowledge as understanding.

  • @dltooley
    @dltooley 4 місяці тому

    Einstein asserted that ‘god’ does not roll dice.
    In a Whiteheadian sense would it be fair to say that god IS the dice? Or is there something more?

    • @bavingeter423
      @bavingeter423 3 місяці тому

      I think it’s simply put as:
      Einstein said god does not roll dice
      Whitehead said that God DOES roll dice