Fantastischer Talk! "BEESAT-1 has the highest orbit of all later satellites #2-13 in the series and so #1 is already the last one left" sad - umso genialer, dass er weiterlebt
Amazing talk except for the noises originating from the jewellery. Maybe leave out the jewelry that makes noise and is within microphone range next time.
He talked too fast. He needs to advance his speaking by slowing down maybe 0.75 times. Then it is good to listen to. But in every other aspect the talk was absolutely amazing in my opinion!
Epic talk! Mad respect for your persistence and this achievement!
He prepped additional slides for the q&a? If there is a Oscar, Nobel prize and/or ignoble nobel prize for talks he should get that all!
happens when you realize,. that you have too much material for your time slot and keep them as backup slides for such occasions.
Fantastischer Talk! "BEESAT-1 has the highest orbit of all later satellites #2-13 in the series and so #1 is already the last one left" sad - umso genialer, dass er weiterlebt
Und nach so langer Zeit auch noch! Ich frage mich, ob der hohe Orbit dafür gedacht war, die Langlebigkeit der Komponenten zu testen.
das erste Mal, dass ich die Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit langsamer stelle 😂...
Cheers PistonMiner, awesomework 😸
omg they're so swagged out 🥵
this is what a real hacker looks like
Der hier geht steil.
Amazing Talk. And great work on that satellite.
How cute I would like to have him as a pet and hug him
Interessanter Vortrag. Fürs nächste Mal haben wir hoffentlich mitgenommen, dass ein bimmelnder Choker nicht die ideale Kleidung für einen Vortrag ist.
This. War schwer auszublenden
nach 5 minuten komplett ausgeblendet, stört eigentlich nicht
criticise the content - come back when you have root on a cubesat.
@@tdobson2 Nope. Solche Details darf man durchaus anmerken. Ganz egal ob und auf wie viele Sateliten man Zugriff hat.
Hörs erst jetzt :D zum glück bin ich mit dem video schon durch
rust programmer if ever i've seen one
Das geklimper von dem Halsband macht mich irre
Ich hasse dich! ;). Hab es vorher nicht gehört. Nun kann ich es nicht mehr nicht hören
Mich auch
Nervt irrsinnig
Amazing talk except for the noises originating from the jewellery. Maybe leave out the jewelry that makes noise and is within microphone range next time.
Epic work! Glad that you also managed to prove the flat earthers wrong!
so why unburn the empty page and go through the trouble of uploading a bunch of code and not just unburn the parameter page and fix the parameters?
Sorry which OS is in there? Couldn't get the name
All I could find from Uni Würzburg is: "Realtime Onboard Dependable Operating System (RODOS)"
RODOS (Realtime Onboard Dependable Operating System)
An deren Hochschule gibt’s Satelliten an unserer gab es Overheadprojektoren und kalte Pommes
Gibt es den Vortrag vllt später noch auf deutsch? Mein englisch ist nicht mehr so das wahre.
Die übersetzten Talks gibt's hier:
Why does every 2nd person on that talk looks like that the past few months?
das iss schon ziemlich gut, cool, danke
Now there's a soundtrack for you: Counting Crows' album "Recovering the Satellites"
Krasser Typ!
Please, wo bekommt man diese Katzenohren her? 😻😻😻
strammer vortrag 👍
He talked too fast. He needs to advance his speaking by slowing down maybe 0.75 times. Then it is good to listen to. But in every other aspect the talk was absolutely amazing in my opinion!
puh nervt das Gebimmel