Carnival Youth - "Never Have Enough" [Official Music Video]
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- The official music video for "Never Have Enough", taken from Carnival Youth's debut album “No Clouds Allowed”, released 20 October 2014.
PRODUCED by VFS FILMS Director: Reinis Spaile
DOP: Kristaps Dzenis
Producer: Ilze Lagzdiņa
Art Department: Zane Priede
Light: Toms Locmelis
Assistant Director: Matīss Spaile
Color: Reinis Helmuts Aristovs
Stylist: Vita Radziņa
Camera Assistents: Reinis Helmuts Aristovs, Miks Ramāns
Art Assistent: Alise Popila
Set Photography: Sarah Lapin
Listen to Carnival Youth:
Apple Music:
Follow Carnival Youth:
Facebook: / carnivalyouth
Instagram: / carnivalyouth
Twitter: / carnivalyouth
Tour Dates:
#CarnivalYouth #NeverHaveEnough #NoCloudsAllowed #OfficialVideo #IndieRock
I am not Latvian nor do I speak Latvian. I am just an American girl who happened to stumble upon this group after listening to Milky Chance and I love this so much!
Awesome!! I'm from latvia and i only found this a couple of days ago, before i used to be slightly embarrassed of most of the more popular groups so i would rarely listen to it but this is great!!
Respect from Lithuania :) Braliukai!
Mana māsa šokā, ka šī izrādās ir latviešu grupa, domāja, ka klausos kādu pasaulslavenu mūziķu dziesmas. Kvalitatīvi, iedvesmojoši un skaisti! :)
Pirmais iespaids man tāds pats bija, sākumā tiešām padomāju, ka tā nav no latviešu puses.
Es tikai šodien uzināju ka viņi ir latvieši
Kaupera dēli kā nekā
@@whomeno.7683amm jaa beidzot izdomāju paskatīties youtubā mūzikas video unnn esmu šokā
I freaking love Carnival Youth so much! One of the best Latvian bands to ever exist
I can say something about my country called Latvia: well, all in all we're boring to be honest, I called Latvia the most average country in the world a couple of times because there's not a whole lot to do (or I'm just not looking far enough) but Carnival Youth is a sign that we're trying to do something about it
Jo dude ur vids are cool.
@@romefalls. But what about "Vispārējie latviešu Dziesmu un Deju svētki" ?
Katru reizi, kad klausos dziesmas no dziesmu un deju svētkiem, man uznāk zosāda no tā cik brīnišķīgs ir skanējums!
Every time I have listened to the songs from that festival I have had goosebumps, because of the beautiful sound it gives me!
@@staborter1397 Latvija ir maza valsts, par to neko nevaram darīt, tāpēc mēs esam tik nezināmi. Gandrīz katru reizi kad es ar čali no Amerikas/Kanādas/Austrālijas u.c. runāju, un stāstu par Latviju, viņi vienmēr saka "Neesmu par tādu Latviju dzirdējis." Paskaties kā Moldovā un Rumānijā dzīvo, viņiem tur neiet labi, bet viņi joprojām ir slaveni nez par ko.
Tomēr par Dziesmu un Deju svētkiem piekrītu
best wishes from Lithuania! thanks for a positive sunday!)
Easy like sunday morning :D
Brothers 🇱🇹❤️🇱🇻!
I cant believe that these guys are Latvians. I'm proud to be Latvian.
tiešām, kaupera kopija, dziedāt māk tik vienā diapazonā, nekādu emociju. tā kā vari priecāties tālāk. dēliņš iet tēta pēdās. tālāk par krieviju tā pat netiks.
well ,its not surprising 2 of them are sons of Renars Kaupers ! 😊
@@padlasvillage nu es gan piemēram tā nedomāju. Ļoti patīk un aizkustina Prāta Vētras dziesmas.
Un tavai zināšanai Prāta Vētras dziesmas ir sasniegušas daudzas valstis. Mazliet papēti pirms ko saki! :)
Why not? Latvia is an awesome country.
I’m listening to them more and more. Really good music.
Just got it! Beautifull song! listening here In Colombia!
Ilduara Castaño OMG Colombia
I don`t really know why, but this song makes me feel so happy.
It`s so deepful and beautiful.
Keep going!
Beautifull Song ! Greetings from Germany !!
I like how well Latvia is shown in the background. It's nice to see !!!
Saw these guys at Summersound 2014 . Naughty Boy had to play, instead these guys came and played . They were awesome and took everyone with these song's . I am proud to be Latvian!
amazing sound, Braliukai. Greetings from Lithuania :)
Why only 2 millions? Oh my....(((( I'm crying.. this song is my love..
A Masterpiece.
Greetings from Cologne.
Wow, Kauperpuikas nu ļoti pozitīvi pāsteidza, pārsteidza tādēļ, ka nebiju nevienu dziesmu dzirdējis, tik zināju ka jūs spēlēpat, pat uzliku LV tastatūru lai uzrakstītu latviski. Paldies, ļoti jauks video.
Fantastiski...! Nekad nedomāju, ka mani uz šādu mūziku pavilks... bet tādā kvalitātē - nu, tas nevar nepatikt!!! :D puiši paceļ latiņu visai latviešu jaunatnei un mūziķiem... cerams, ka šis būs tikai revolūcijas sākums :)
Malači!!!! Lepojos!!!!! :) :) :)
Visu cieņu jauniešiem - šis ir skaisti, aizkustinoši un varen' tīkami.
tiešām, ļoti laba mūzika! Latviešiem nerakstūrīgs, ļoti kvalitatīvs interesants video! Super!
Best greets from Austria. It will be a great time in Vienna!
real music, I listen to you all the time, respect
This video is wonderful and kind, it gives a bright feeling!
Can't believe so many people missing out on this amazing song! What a great song!
i never have enough of this.
Как же я вами горжусь! Хоть Вы и не знаете русского языка! Вы молодцы!
надеюсь, что выучат русский язык и будут петь , как брайнсторм, на русском!
Puiši baigie malači, ļoti patīk viņu dziesmas, un šī jo īpaši - gan klips, gan izpildījums! Tā tik turpināt!!
Tādi smuki tie Kaupera puikas izauguši! :)
Oo jaaaa. Un kā vēl!
Jaa riktīg'! :))
Faina daina our Latvian brothers!!
Labas 🇱🇻🇱🇹
kaut kāds pozitīvisms dziesmā.. pievelk, gribās klausīties vēl un vēl.
Tiešām lieliski. Tikai nosaukumu biju dzirdējusi un lasījusi, ka iespējams nākamā latviešu grupa, kas atkārtos/pārsniegs Prāta Vētras sniegumu pasaulē, - tagad patiešām tam ticu. Patīk solista nobriedusī balss, tiešām patīkami klausīties. Tā turēt! :)
Nu, tie ir tomēr Renāra dēli. =D
Ja kas si grupa ir pratas vetras braleni vai brali vini sadarbojas ar pratu vetru vini ir ka gimene
Listening here In Brazil,.....
vim deixar meus grandes elogios a essa linda produção do clip e musica! Tudo magnifico!! :D
this song will never be old
Darbā kafijas pauze,skan pa radio šī dziesma. Nodomāju lipīgs meldiņš,jāpaskatās ar soundhound,kas izpilda. Izrādās pašmāju puikas. Super gabals! 😊
this is awsome!!!
respect from Brazil!
Eyes wide,
Try to find
my memories
Birds tweet,
river floats
Best friends
are my family
So generous,
They gave us,
You are
a fire
It scares away
my bitterness
I'll never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Sunlight in your eyes.
Don't end
We all are friends
and let yourself a smile
Don't end
We all are your friends
There are,
No confusion
As they say,
in life should be
I learned,
That you have,
told me.
There's nothing
between us.
A bit of joy,
and memories.
I'm proud
of being here.
Nowhere else,
but my family.
I'll never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Sunlight in your eyes.
Don't end
We all are friends
and let yourself a smile
Don't end
We all are your friends
Sunlight in your eyes.
Don't end
We all are friends
and let yourself a smile
Don't end
We all are your friends
Good wished form cleveland ohio, USA!
Wonderful! Good, clean, wholesome music for family enjoyment!
Es esmu patīkamā šokā, šī dziesma ir playlistē jau ilgi, bet tikai tgd, pateicoties #EBBA2016 uzzināju, ka Carnival Youth ir latvieši. Tāds prieks!
Kaupera dēli
Broliai latviukai - geras darbelis!;]
Andrius Sabaliauskas labai gerai lietuvi
+raymond silins latvia
aciu bralikai
that sunlight!
Married a Latvian woman on the 9th September and this played at our first dance. Thank you for this great song!
Jūs nuostabūs! Greetings from Lithuania :)
Patīk ka pie related video jau ir Coldplay. Puišiem skaidra nākotne :D Super video!
Man uzrāda arī Kings Of Leon! ;)
un veel AM
easy - tas atkarīgs no tavas vēstures.
man gan rāda Lennox Lewis vs Vitali Klitschko.
Ieteiktie video ir atkarīgi no tā, ko klausies. Šai dziesmai nav nekāda sakara ar to, ko tev iesaka :)
chill style guys reminds me of of a lot. good luck guys
Симпатичный музыкальный видеоклип в латвийском топе немузыкального видео, очевидно, не в своем топе он оказался из-за того, что при загрузке была выбрана категория не "Музыка", а "Люди и блоги". Пожалуй, это первая песня из топов UA-cam за 2014 год из тех, что я видел, которая у меня не вызвала отторжение, а видео не выдирало глаза.
Respect from Poland! 👍
wow. Beidzot kāda Latviešu grupa, kas māk dziedāt angliski bez akcenta. Not bad.
Tas bija pirmais, ko padomāju, izdzirdot šo dziesmu.
Lai cik kāds latvietis censtos, nav 100% iespējams atbrīvoties no stulbā akcenta angļu valodā.
kAnal Jā, tas gan, bet jāatzist ka čaļiem diezgan labi izdodas to noslept. :)
ILikeChocolateBrah Otaku?
Rūdis RAKA Nē es neesmu resns, bet es skatos anime un lasu mangu. :D
never gets old, greetings from Turkey
2 mil. views and only 15K likes CMON whats wrong with you people, lets support these guys are awsome
This song reminds me of other song that I can't quite remember! Loved it anyway
javierzh yeah...!! the part about memories rings a bell... I am trying to find it also, but I just can't put my finger on it..
pirmo reizi kad dzirdeju domaju kas par muziku!!!!!tagad pec tik daudz menesiem ierubiju ka tie ir musu pashu dzheki.....labs parsteugts....lai izdodas
amazing gig at Open'er Festival!
I will never have enough of this song
Pacilājoša dziesma!
Baigā nojauta, ka tas Gaujas līkums ir samērā netālu no dzelzceļa tilta.
I will never have enough of this song, that's some pure talent!!
Pirms dažām dienām pat nezināju kas ir šī grupa, bet šī dziesma jau ir manu favorītu aukšgalā!:) Vairāk šādas dziesmas un nebrīnīšos, ka uzvarēsiet eirovīzijā:)
Ļoti skaisti! Aizrāva tas, ka filmēts dažādās, skaistās Latvijas vietās! SUPER!
Dažreiz var papriecāties , ka esi latvietis! ;)
Mathew Pike Piekrītu
vienmēr jāpriecājas. :))
Aizsapņojos klipā, ļoti baudāmi
Time flies by. I can’t believe that it’s been five years since you guys released this. I think I never expressed how much I appreciatie you. Don’t ever stop creating such amazing art. I hope to see one of your shows one day.
Puiši, jūsos ir milzu talants! :) Mīlu jūsu mūziku. Tā tik turpināt!! :)
truly a hidden gem
I miss Latvia so much. Can't wait till restrictions are over, the first place I will go to Riga!
Ich liebe dieses Lied, tolle Musik
I have seen their concert yesterday and they were amazing :-)
Thanks to Carlsberg Nordic commercial for bringing me here!
Pārsteidzoši labi!! Par šo grupu uzzināju tikai vakar,un droši varu teikt,ka tas bija vakardienas labākais notikums! :D No visas sirds novēlu,lai izdodas,izdodas ''izsisties'' sākumā pašmāju lauciņā un tad ārzemēs,kas Jums pilnīgi noteikti izdosies! Kā arī paši teicāt,ka Jums patīk tas ko Jūs darāt,tas ir pats galvenais! Malači,novēlu ne tikai uz uzstāties pašmāju festiņos,bet gan uz lielākām skatuvēm! :)
amazing song!respect from slovakia!
Can't wait to see you in Kino Šiška in May!! I'm so excited
This song makes me remember my University days in Paris, I am back to india now I still miss those days
сегодня впервые услышала о вашей группе и это первая песня. Спасибо, клевые ребята! )
Hello! I've been listening to this for the past 30 to 40minutes and not realising this is from the Latvian fellas! I am from Latvia too!
Gribu dzirdēt vairāk dziesmu no šīs grupas!
Var redzēt, ka kaupera deeli! SUPER!
iemīlējos šajā grupā ❤️
Mana viena no mīļākajām dziesmām!! Live from Latvia!
Malči puikas. Prieks, kad ir ar ko lepoties LV :]
+Kristīne Rūple Malči
Best song ever!!! ❤️
Eyes wide open
Try to find my memories
Birds tweet, river floats
Best friends are my family
So generous, fearless
They gave us happiness
You are a fire
It scares away my bitterness
I'll never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Sunlight in your eyes
Don't end
We all are your friends
And let yourself a smile
Don't end
We all are your friends
There are no confusion
As they say
In life should be
I learned certancy
That you have told me
There's nothing between us
A bit of joy and memories
I'm proud of being here
Nowhere else but with my family
I'll never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Sunlight in your eyes
Don't end
We all are your friends
And let yourself a smile
Don't end
We all are your friends
Sunlight in your eyes
Don't end
We all are your friends
And let yourself a smile
Don't end
We all are your friends
I'll never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Thanks :)
absolutely amazing! Glad to see you coming to Zauberberg in Passau
See you soon in Poland!
i was at saldus saule when you performed and i never have heard of you before, thank god i can say i saw u all live cus now i love your music
God,i though its kind of new world wide new stars indie group.. But than i see its from my country and its just awesome song
My girlfriend is Latvian and I am happy to have been introduced to this by her
From start i tought they were english but when i saw ur group at sigulda my heart was pumping and when i got ur youtube name i imedtly got my phone typed it in a nd subscribed and im starting to watch all the vids make more! Ur so inspiring i belive in u guys you guys and gacho are the best groups in latvia
Super! Ļoti skaisti gan vokāli, gan vizuāli. :)
I'll never have enough of this
Eyes wide
Try to find
My memories
Birds tweet
River floats
Best friends
Are my family
So generous
They gave us
You are
A fire
It scares away
My bitterness
I'll never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Sunlight in your eyes
Don't end
We all are your friends
And let yourself a smile
Don't end
We all are your friends
There are
No confusion
As they say
In life should be
I learned
That you have
Told me
There's nothing
Between us
A bit of joy
And memories
I'm proud
Of being here
Nowhere else
But with my family
I'll never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Sunlight in your eyes
Don't end
We all are your friends
And let yourself a smile
Don't end
We all are your friends
Sunlight in your eyes
Don't end
We all are your friends
And let yourself a smile
Don't end
We all are your friends
I'll never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Never have enough of this
I'll never have enough of this
Renars,thank you for your contribution :D
Neitrāls :)
Super! Visu Cieņu!.
My new favorite music video :D Great Job Guys! and brilliant song too :)
Ģeniāli! Uz riņķi vien!
Jūs, puiši, esiet lieliski!
Lai veicas! ;)
always makes my day
i took about an hour trying to find this song. I dont regret it :)
WHAT KIND OF MUSIC IS THIS? WHAT GENRE?! have never known, but always wanted to.. i needed to know
i never have enough of this
Vot, kas bija jāsūta uz eirovīziju!!! Kāds justs???
+Arturs Sablis vne
Arturs Sablis Justs ir forssh💖💕🔥
tik laba dziesma , tā patīk !
Beautiful video. A decent , interesting song. It'd be more interesting if the lyrics were in Latvian. It's understandable for commercial reasons why bands like Carnival Youth choose to write in English, but ironically for many English-speaking music lovers it is more evocative when artists use their own language. Or an invented one, eg Sigur Ros.
Loving this song since 2015 💖