Sessanta - Primus, Puscifer, A Perfect Circle - Grand Canyon - Franklin, TN 4/10/24

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Primus, Puscifer, and A Perfect Circle performing Puscifer’s “Grand Canyon” to close the Wednesday, April 10 Sessanta show at FirstBank Amphitheater in Franklin, TN.


  • @kylebrooks8607
    @kylebrooks8607 5 місяців тому +9

    Witnessing security.

  • @mapavlikify
    @mapavlikify 5 місяців тому +6

    I was there. Amazing show.

    • @leelee0404
      @leelee0404 5 місяців тому

      I was there too and yeah it was amazing in the quarry

  • @hereinsideisthemetal5841
    @hereinsideisthemetal5841 5 місяців тому +4

    Josh Freese!! The man. He was one of the best NIN ever had

    • @shroomshady27
      @shroomshady27 5 місяців тому

      I couldn't agree more. I was kinda hoping that a couple of previous members might make an appearance, like Danny Lohner, Jeordie White/Twiggy Ramirez (from Marilyn Manson), Paz Lenchantin or Troy Van Leeuwen. I didn't expect any of them to show up, but I would've lost my mind if any of those guys had showed up as a surprise guest or something. Of course I knew that Troy is on tour right now with QotSA for their incredible "...In Times New Roman" LP. I was just thinking about past APC members that I LOVE. Thirteenth Step would not have been the album it is without the contributions from all of those people. N that's also my favorite APC album ever, just above Mer de Noms. I'm so glad PRIMUS was the "Other band", that gave APC their original drummer back. Did y'all notice that Tim played drums during "The Hollow"? Holy shit that was epic! Tim played drums live with APC back in the day, but the only studio recording of Tim playing drums on Mer de Noms is "The Hollow". That was why it was so epic for He's also my favourite drummer, & PRIMUS is my favourite band, so I wouldn't have even been able to attend the show at all had Les & Ler not put me on the band list & gotten me free tickets like they've been doing for so many years now. Any PRIMUS show I ever want to go to, all I have to do is ask. That's what Ler told his wife to tell me when we first became friends. They've never NOT come through either. Every show I've asked about, I got free tickets, an still do (obviously)& they always ask me "How many tickets do you need?", it's not just a "Plus One" type a thing. Usually they're General Admission or tickets since PRIMUS usually plays mid-large sized theaters. So, as long as you get there early & you hurry up with the merch, you can be on the rail, three, maybe four feet away from Les or/or Ler. We used to mix it up every other show like that. Yeah, this show was fucking beyond incredible, I told Ler's wife when she texted me the next day asking if everything went ok/how the show was. I told her it might've been the greatest show I've ever been to, and she said laughed & said "Well, that's a high bar! I'm glad y'all enjoyed yourselves!" & sent a bunch adorable smiley face/heart-related emoji's. She's such a sweetheart. So is Ler, Les and Tim. They're all the nicest, funniest people I've ever met. Especially Les and Ler. Hanging out with those two together, they're impossibly funny. I've hung out with them several times, & just talked with them, joke around & asked them questions, etc. They have the exact same sense of humor. Though Ler can tend to be more timid & quiet unless he knows you, but Les is a bit more "out there" with his sense of humour. Tim was one of the nicest people I've ever met, Ler introduced me to Tim at a show several years back, & in person, Tim is giant & terrifying. He is the exact opposite of the way he looks once he started talking to me. He couldn't possibly have been more sweet & kind to me when I met him. He even stopped to take a picture with me while we were headed up the sidewalk to the venue, & all three of us had a nice little chat along the way. That time, it was me in the middle, Ler to my right, Tim to my left, & two HUGE security guards on either side of them. One of the security guys was about to remove me, but Ler stopped him & said "Na, he's cool! That's my buddy Matt." Lol, so I walked all the way from the tour bus to the front entrance of the venue in front of the long line of fans that all clearly hated me at that point. Once we got to the doors, they went right, into the venue & I went left back to my spot at the front of the line next to my buddy. Got to chat with Claypool & his wife Chaney for a few minutes way before all that, but Les disappeared into the venue some time after a lot of fans started showing up. He disappeared into the venue & never came back out. They knew me from being front row at somamy shows, but in 2012 at The Tabernacle on Halloween night, Ler hooked me up two pit tickets and two free Post-Show VIP "Friends & Family Only" passes so I would go backstage & actually meet them in real life & hang out with PRIMUS!That actually happened, & that was my first time not just saying "Hey" or talking to Les or Ler from the crowd, but actually "chilling" in a small room for about 30 minutes just hangin' out with Les & Ler, laughing our asses off. Jay Lane was the drummer at the time, so I met him too & got all of them to sign my first PRIMUS setlist! It was insane. I also bought the Halloween event poster made, signed & numbered by Zoltron himself, & Les, Ler & Jayski. Jay was clearly VERY high after the show on Halloween. His eyes were red as a Stop sign, so he slipped out early as soon as he could, while Les, Ler & myself just laughed our asses off until it was time to go, & I filmed us all walking through the trippy catacombs backstage at The Tabernacle from the little room we were in, all the way to the bus, & joked with Ler about getting on the bus & going to the next show with them. Got Les & Ler on film getting on the bus, & then I went right and walked to the gate to get out while hundreds of PRIMUS fans were all lined up on the other side of the gate with their vinyls & Sharpies, all staring at me and my girlfriend like they were trying to set me on fire with their eyes. I couldn't stop smiling & laughing. That was the greatest night of my entire life. N now this SESSANTA show, I'm hesitant to say whether that show was the greatest night of my life, or if PRIMUS, Halloween 2012 at The Tabernacle. That's a difficult choice, but PRIMUS being my favourite band, that's probably still the greatest night of my life. Sessanta was probably the greatest concert of my entire life, but finally meeting & hanging out with my favourite band, that's kind of an impossible experience to top right there. I did spend the last twenty years trying & failing to see APC & Puscifer every single time they came to Memphis or Atlanta & tickets always sold out immediately... So I finally got to see them both at the same time, WITH PRIMUS!... I can't even think of a more perfect concert, & the setlist we got! The incredible seats Ler & Les got for me and my friends. That's gotta be the greatest show I've ever experienced. I felt like I was 18, 19 years old again as soon as the "The Package" started... My brain couldn't process all that epicness at the show. It took me a few days for it to fully sync in. I've been in shock this entire time. My friends & I couldn't even really speak once it ended. It literally blew our minds. (& Our ears) They had never seen any of the bands before, I had at least seen PRIMUS a shitload of times, & had seen Tool about, four times prior to all this. My friends were just awestruck. I was right there with 'em, but I had a much better/accurate idea of how it was gonna be, & what songs we were gonna hear, what songs we might hear if we're lucky, etc. They went in cold, not knowing anything other than the few PRIMUS songs, Like Jerry, MUD, Pachyderm, et. They've since called me to talk about the show & just kept thanking me for the tickets & telling me how much fun they had & just asked a bunch of questions and things like that. They instantly became huge fans of all three bands that night. I was so happy to be the one to show them the way... It's a great feeling to just change people's lives like that simply by taking them to a concert. Aight, there's my ling story I decided to tell for some reason. No need to make fun of me, I'm well aware how long this novel is that I just typed out. Thanks again for getting this on film. Glad you didn't get kicked out. PRIMUS SUCKS! -

  • @milod6553
    @milod6553 5 місяців тому

    Got tix for my moms birthday, by far the best concert ive ever attended

  • @donutsacrifice2588
    @donutsacrifice2588 5 місяців тому +3

    I was a stagehand for that show! Sounded like a great time from backstage!

  • @Wilem35
    @Wilem35 4 місяці тому

    shame they aren't coming to Canada.

  • @Matt-en1kn
    @Matt-en1kn 5 місяців тому +2

    Mjk never disappoints I was at the show in Atlanta the day before this show best show I have ever seen that includes seeing mjk with tool apc and puscifer over 20 times in 25 yrs I have never experienced like this tour if u can go or can find tickets please do so u will not regret it❤

    • @shroomshady27
      @shroomshady27 5 місяців тому +2

      I was there too brother. Ler & Les from PRIMUS are friends of mine, & they hooked me up with a free ticket, & three more for my buddy & our girlfriends. The seats perfect! Dead center in the middle of the orchestra about half way between the stage & the sound booth. That was probably the greatest show I've ever witnessed, & I've been to over 50 PRIMUS shows, seen Tool four times, point is I've seen some EPIC shows over the years, and every time APC or Puscifer came around, tickets sold out immediately. Every single time. My friends and I never had a chance. They're two of my favorite bands ever, period. Seeing PRIMUS, APC & Puscifer at the same time, swapping bands every 3 songs & switching the order during for each Act, having Les, Ler & Tim sitting in on Puscifer and APC songs. It took me a bit to register what I had just witnessed after this, but after some serious consideration, & listening to a SOLID audio recording my buddy sent me... (We didn't record it)
      It has to be my greatest show ever... I've tried and failed for TWENTY YEARS to see APC & Puscifer, & I finally got to see them both, WITH PRIMUS! I don't even know how to describe how epic that was for me. The words "Epic" or "Incredible" don't feel like they do it nearly enough justice. Easily one of the greatest nights of my entire life. That setlist was PERFECT, I teared up a few times, but especially during Grand Canyon. Having EVERYONE on stage performing that song. I was in shock, I can't believe I was actually there seeing/hearing all of that. I've seen PRIMUS 54-56 times now, but never once had I seen APC or Puscifer until that night. I got very emotional, let's just say that. Greatest show EVER... Holy shit our ATL show was glorious. I'll remember every moment of that show for the rest of my life. PRIMUS really put in work that night, I can't imagine any other band holding shit down like they did. My mind was completely blown, I'm still processing it all... Maynard singing Tom Waits' vocals on "Tommy the Cat", I freaked the FUCK out when they did that! There are no words to describe it. It was just the greatest show I've ever seen. Took me 20 years to see them, & holy shit that was incredible. Probably the most surreal experience of my entire life.-

    • @Matt-en1kn
      @Matt-en1kn 5 місяців тому +1

      @shroomshady27 I was speechless too had a 3 hour drive home it literally felt like 30 mins I was still like in shock I will never forget that night was like a spiritual experience hard to describe

    • @shroomshady27
      @shroomshady27 5 місяців тому +1

      @@Matt-en1kn Exactly! "Spiritual experience" is a good one. My mind just went blank, and so did my friends. We were all super excited & like "Holy Shit!" but neither of us knew how to articulate anything or what to say. I think all I came up with was "Well, what'd you guys think" & they were like "That was fucking incredible!". That's about as articulate as we were able to be in the moment. It started to sync in over the next few days, but I still didn't know what to say when people asked me how the show was. I:d just be like "The greatest show I've ever seen?" I'm a fucking live music journalist & photographer. It's literally my job to describe shows like that. Glad I didn't have to review that show, it would've been the shortest concert review I've ever written. Lol. I've been able to explain & tell a few buddies about the show since then, they all knew what I meant and I actually had answers for their questions and all that. Shock, that's exactly what it was! We were all just dumbfounded by all that epicness. N we couldn't hear shit! It was so fuckin' awesome! -

  • @Drok333
    @Drok333 5 місяців тому +1

    Ga , tn , live in knoxville
    Going to az today for the 17th

    • @Drok333
      @Drok333 5 місяців тому

      Maynard always has the best seat

  • @MeanBobRay
    @MeanBobRay 5 місяців тому +2

    Awesome show.