Sad news!!! Demonetized our channel. we are facing huge financial difficulty to continue the ongoing series of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ series. Therefore we have decided to create a membership page to continue our dawah safely and set up a budget to cover our production costs In Sha Allah. Indeed Production of professional content needs huge costs and time. A lot of effort (e.g. providing topics, doing research, providing footage, making narration, recording, graphics, editing &, etc...) goes into making only one video. And we alone are not capable of covering the whole costs since we have no more financial source. Therefore we ask you to join our membership and take part in this project in order to make even more amazing content to educate people around the world about this beautiful religion of Islam and make them come closer to Allah (SWT). This is an opportunity for those who want to take part in our project and for those who love to contribute to our channel to improve more. In Sha Allah your support will be counted as (Sadaqah Jaariyah) and will get continuous rewards since these contents will reach more and more people by the passage of time. To complete biography of our Prophet Muhammad [SAW], we need your help. If we receive excessive amount for a project, then we will use it for charity or settling the debt. Support us by becoming our member: And if you cannot support us at all, please make Du'a for us. Jazzak Allahu Khairan, Islamic Inspiration
I believe the reason of this Sad News is because some people are chosen to speak in these videos that have horrible accent like this indian Dude and unfortunately he is somehow chosen to speak the most on some videos, his ACCENT makes me so unmotivated and frustrated to not listen to life of prophets even I love to listen to it. then I listen with being so much frustrated when this indian dude accents which makes me hard to understand the stories. I strongly believe speakers on these videos like Mufti Ment, Dr Omar Sulaiman and the rest like them should be chosen to speak about Allah's Messengers and prophets. picture of the videos , the clear speaking videos motivates people to listen and keep listening. the sound of background music should not be so loud to not be able to understand the speakers voice. there should be some EXPERTS to be gathered to speak about qualities of all aspects before launching it.
Allah, from a young age I was told always believe in Allah and Muhammad. It doesn't matter. And I believe in with all my heart and soul. Allah please protect me and my family from the fitna of the Antichrist. I wish not to be here for that trial. Ameen.
رَضِيتُ باللهِ رَبَّاً، وَبِالْإِسْلَامِ دِيناً، وَبِمُحَمَّدٍ صَلَى اللهُ عَلِيهِ وَسَلَّمَ نَبِيَّاً I am content with Allah as my Lord, with Islam as my religion and with Muhammadﷺ (SallaAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) as my Prophet.
I just love the way different narrators are brought in to tell the story. Makes for a beautiful narration. Kudos to you guys that bring this together ❤️.
Subhanallah my nephew was born and we have called him yahya I am so orphans what a powerful name ya Allah you are the most high, glorious and the best of planners. ALLAH HU AKHBAR ALLAH HU AKHBAR ALLAH HU AKHBAR!!!!!
Mother of Jesus was such way respected by Muslims, what the Christian World even do not think of . Being an ancient Christian I love the love of Muslims for Jessus and Mary ❤ .
Please learn about Islam at once with sincere heart. Indeed, muslims loves Jesus and Mary (peace be upon them) so much and we can’t be a muslim if we not believes in Jesus. If you not convince, be with your religion. May God bless and show us the truth..❤
Am yahya and wn ever i listen to this story it really raise my iman . May Almighty Allah continue guiding us and protect us plus keeping us in a straight line amen yarabi
10 Things to escape Hell Fire: 1. Tooba: Repentance from heart 2. Istagfar: Repentance from tongue 3. Doing good deeds 4. Dua and Istagfar done by other believers for you 5. Pain & sufferings in this world 6. Azaab ul Qabar 7. Punishment and trials of the day of Judgment 8. Good deeds gifted by the loved ones 9. Intercession of our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) on the day of Judgment 10. The Mercy of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى
@@Motive..Mindset please check the following link you will get all the details with the Quranic and Hadith
Here are some sunnah of the prophet(SAW) #...When ever the prophet is mentioned say (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) #...Dikir after every prayer/you can also add (wa bihamdi) and reciting *Alatul Kursi after every fard salah *SubahanAllah 33 times *AllahuAkbar 34 times *Amhamdulillah 33time #...While entering home syaing this supplication (Allahumma inni as'aluka khairal mawliji wa khairul makhraji bismillahi wajlana wa bismillahi kjarajna waaalla rabbina tawakkalna) #... While going outside of home saying this supplication (Bismillah tawakkaltu aaalallah wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah) #...When entering your home give salam even if there is no one give salam to your self #...Entering the bathroom with left foot and exiting with right *and covering the head and while relieving yourself sitting is wajib *and when relieving yourself don't face the qibla or your back behind it #...Entering the masjid with right foot and exiting with left and performing wudu at home #...Every muslim you cross by give salam #...Using meswak #...Using fragrence #...Reading Surah Khaf every Friday #...Dusting the bed with an edge of an cloth or bromm #...Eat with your right hand and share your food with the nearest person #... if any food drops of the plate pick it up remove the dust and eat it *after finish eating lick the plate with your fingers and lick your fingers #...Before eating and drinking saying bismillah and after finishing eating and drinking saying Allhamdulillah *if one forgots to say bismillah before eating or drinking say this (bismillahi fi awwalihi wa akhirihi) #... After finish eating sya this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil ladhi at amani hadha wa razaqanihi min ghayri hawlin minnee wa la quwwatin) #...Before staring any work or going to do something saying bismillah #...After doing wudu saying (La illah illallah wadahu la sarikala) #...While drinking or eating sitting is recommended and it is an sunnah #...Sleeping on the right shoulder #...Not sleeping on your stomach or chest #...Before going to sleep *sleep in the state of wudu *Surah ikhlas 3 times *Surah Nas 3 times *Surah Falak 3 times *Ayatul Kursi 3 times *And saying (Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah) *And reciting Surah Mulk #...When going to sleep saying this supplication (Bismika rabbi wada tu janbi wa bika arfahu in amskata nafsi fagfir laha wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfaz bihi ibadaka-s-salihin)or (Allahuma bismika amutoo wa ahyaa) #...After waking up saying this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil-lathee ahyana baaada ma amatana wa ilayhin nushoor) #...After waking up doing wudu and put water inside the nose and blow it #... when wering cloths syaing this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil lathee kasanee hatha aththawab warazaqaneehi min ghayri hawlin minnee wala quwwah) *While wearing entire the right hand first and when taking of start with left hand same with the shoes Reference Sahih Al Bukhari: 6293.6294.6295.6296.6311.6314. 6322.7393.7394 Sahih Muslim: 265.267(c).304.2018(a).2020.2024. 2025.2032.2034.2626 Jami Al Tirmidi: 14.1857.1858.1885.2048.2678.2689. 3426.3458 Abu Dawood: 5212 Ibn Majah: 303.307.3287.3288 An nasai: 259. Credits goes to Ismalic knowledge official Ranga nature English May Allah guide us and have patience and remember Your lord is not ONE EYED and to read surah kahf every friday Plz pray for palistine Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah
Mas ha Allah, thank you my Muslim sister / brother. May Allah keep you on a straight path and grant your wishes and protect you from the accused satan.
Mā Shā Allāh. Amazing & thoughtful stories. Next video, let it covers the two stories of Mariam & Isa(As). May Allah grants us steadfastness on our act of worship. Aameen.
Alhamdulilah🤲,Continue with this Amazing work you are Doing.Alhamdulilah🤲 am learning much from The Prophets and Messengers of Allah Azzawajal. How they endured soo much for the sake of Allah.I love All The Messengers and Prophets of Allah Azzawajal.
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Whoever observes fasts during the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping to attain Allah's rewards, then all his past sins will be forgiven." Sahih al-Bukhari 38
Ya Rabb, this had to pop up lol. Just half an hour ago I was on my musalla and I finished praying and was just doing my Adhkar and there I saw an off-season fruit (guava, its kind of not their season yet) below the chair where I was sitting, and obviously it came from somewhere and not miraculously duh. So I picked it up and threw it at my mother lol and told her look, SAME STORY FROM QURAN but the roles and genders are different here...I am a tall, broad shouldered, deep voiced Alhamdulillah Allahumma baarik a masculine man, in our Mother Maryam (alaihi salaam)'s place who was probably the most feminine girl ever lol are a woman but you are in Zakariyya (Alaihi Salaam)'s place. And the response I got was "Shut up!! And get up!!!" Lol🤭😆❤️ How ironic, subhanallah. May Allah preserve y'all's mothers and all of the believer's parents. Ameen.
And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision. Rejoicing in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty, and they receive good tidings about those [to be martyred] after them who have not yet joined them - that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. They receive good tidings of favor from Allah and bounty and [of the fact] that Allah does not allow the reward of believers to be lost." [Aal-Imran 3: 169-171] 778
Six ways to earn even after death: 1. Give a copy of Qur’an to someone. Each time one reads from it, you gain. 2. Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time sick person uses it, you gain. 3. Participate in building a masjid. 4. Place watercooler in a public place. 5. Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or animal sits in its shade or eats from it. 6. And the easiest of all, share this message with people. Even 1 applies any of the above, you gain. On the authority of Abu Hurairah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘When a person dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: Sadaqah Jariyah (a continuous charity), or knowledge from which benefit is gained, or a righteous child who prays for him’. (Muslim)
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu 💙 Jazakallahu Khairan 💙 Admins 💙 May Allah bless you all with goodness in this world and in the hereafter 💙 Aameen 💙
Zakaria (pbuh) was the husband of her aunt (Elizabeth = the barren wife ) so he was her uncle . Yahiya al maamaden (John the Baptist) pbuh : was the cousin of Mary and will be the companion of the word of God (Jesus pbuh) .
As per source... The reason she wanted to mary the king amd wanted to kill Yahya alayhi wa salam so that she can be the queen. Allah Ta'Ala destroyed the kingdom for the sake of his beloved slave Prophet Yahya alayhi wa salam.
Zacharias father of John Baptist husband of Elisabeth Neighbour Zacharias Thank you for your visit on Tuesday evening at 7 pm for nearly one hour we prayed for Wisdom the Divine gift from God and to live as God wants us to live by following His Eternal Undying Moral Law and not follow our own immoral foolishness our own Lawless folly our own shame and slavery to sin and failure Minor Prophet Zacharias in OLD TESTAMENT who lived under Shah of Shah Darius of Persia and who wrote twice Zecharias 8/3 Jerusalem City of peace as well as 2/10 Zion I shall dwell in midst of you Ezekiel calls The Lord is There in last chapter 48/35 Jeremiah 3/17 calls Throne of God Isaiah 1/26 City of Tsadik/Divine Righteousness
Sad news!!! Demonetized our channel. we are facing huge financial difficulty to continue the ongoing series of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ series.
Therefore we have decided to create a membership page to continue our dawah safely and set up a budget to cover our production costs In Sha Allah.
Indeed Production of professional content needs huge costs and time. A lot of effort (e.g. providing topics, doing research, providing footage, making narration, recording, graphics, editing &, etc...) goes into making only one video. And we alone are not capable of covering the whole costs since we have no more financial source. Therefore we ask you to join our membership and take part in this project in order to make even more amazing content to educate people around the world about this beautiful religion of Islam and make them come closer to Allah (SWT).
This is an opportunity for those who want to take part in our project and for those who love to contribute to our channel to improve more.
In Sha Allah your support will be counted as (Sadaqah Jaariyah) and will get continuous rewards since these contents will reach more and more people by the passage of time.
To complete biography of our Prophet Muhammad [SAW], we need your help. If we receive excessive amount for a project, then we will use it for charity or settling the debt.
Support us by becoming our member:
And if you cannot support us at all, please make Du'a for us.
Jazzak Allahu Khairan,
Islamic Inspiration
I believe the reason of this Sad News is because some people are chosen to speak in these videos that have horrible accent like this indian Dude and unfortunately he is somehow chosen to speak the most on some videos, his ACCENT makes me so unmotivated and frustrated to not listen to life of prophets even I love to listen to it. then I listen with being so much frustrated when this indian dude accents which makes me hard to understand the stories. I strongly believe speakers on these videos like Mufti Ment, Dr Omar Sulaiman and the rest like them should be chosen to speak about Allah's Messengers and prophets. picture of the videos , the clear speaking videos motivates people to listen and keep listening. the sound of background music should not be so loud to not be able to understand the speakers voice. there should be some EXPERTS to be gathered to speak about qualities of all aspects before launching it.
@@ajstowing3549 exactly why does this indian(not judging him by his physical aspects) have to interfere. it's frustrating.
dude's putting himself among Bright speakers.
May Allah swt. Bless you for spreading The message of Allah swt. Inshallah ! 🕋🙌🏽
May Allah help the weak in Palestine and the hungry in Palestine. And Oh Allah please fill their belly’s with the best of foods! Ameen ya rab
Imagine having Zakaria as,Yahya as, Issa as and maryam in the same masjid wow some people had that opportunity but remained unbelievers
At least we're blessed to have to believe in all of them it’s part of our deen
May Allah forgive all of our past, present, and future sins, Ameen.
Just wanted to say this story is one of my favorites. And also my name is yahyaa and my twin brother is named zakaria
And you like Stalin he was a murderer what the deference between him and hitler? U see this
Same my name is Yahya and my small brother is zakariya the opposite
I’m also Yahya, Mansha’Allah
@@zakaria8085 ??
Allah, from a young age I was told always believe in Allah and Muhammad. It doesn't matter. And I believe in with all my heart and soul. Allah please protect me and my family from the fitna of the Antichrist. I wish not to be here for that trial. Ameen.
رَضِيتُ باللهِ رَبَّاً، وَبِالْإِسْلَامِ دِيناً، وَبِمُحَمَّدٍ صَلَى اللهُ عَلِيهِ وَسَلَّمَ
I am content with Allah as my Lord, with Islam as my religion and with Muhammadﷺ (SallaAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) as my Prophet.
I just love the way different narrators are brought in to tell the story. Makes for a beautiful narration.
Kudos to you guys that bring this together ❤️.
Subhanallah my nephew was born and we have called him yahya I am so orphans what a powerful name ya Allah you are the most high, glorious and the best of planners. ALLAH HU AKHBAR ALLAH HU AKHBAR ALLAH HU AKHBAR!!!!!
I’m Yahya too, Allihamdullilah
Alhamdulilah for Islam
Mother of Jesus was such way respected by Muslims, what the Christian World even do not think of . Being an ancient Christian I love the love of Muslims for Jessus and Mary ❤ .
Please learn about Islam at once with sincere heart. Indeed, muslims loves Jesus and Mary (peace be upon them) so much and we can’t be a muslim if we not believes in Jesus. If you not convince, be with your religion. May God bless and show us the truth..❤
@@MuhammadIbraheem727 ok
@@MuhammadIbraheem727i wish you paradise
@@csnoorbdi wish you to enter paradise in peace
Am yahya and wn ever i listen to this story it really raise my iman . May Almighty Allah continue guiding us and protect us plus keeping us in a straight line amen yarabi
10 Things to escape Hell Fire:
1. Tooba: Repentance from heart
2. Istagfar: Repentance from tongue
3. Doing good deeds
4. Dua and Istagfar done by other believers for you
5. Pain & sufferings in this world
6. Azaab ul Qabar
7. Punishment and trials of the day of Judgment
8. Good deeds gifted by the loved ones
9. Intercession of our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) on the day of Judgment
10. The Mercy of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى
where did u get punishent of grave from and the punishment of the day of judgement
@@Motive..Mindset please check the following link you will get all the details with the Quranic and Hadith
@@Motive..Mindset read the quran then you know
Allah can give everything to everyone he wants with no limitation
May Allah have mercy on Zakariyya and yayah love your videos
سبحان الله. الله اكبر
جزك الله خيراً.
الهمغفرلنا قبل الموت
Here are some sunnah of the prophet(SAW)
#...When ever the prophet is mentioned say (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
#...Dikir after every prayer/you can also add (wa bihamdi) and reciting *Alatul Kursi after every fard salah
*SubahanAllah 33 times
*AllahuAkbar 34 times
*Amhamdulillah 33time
#...While entering home syaing this supplication (Allahumma inni as'aluka khairal mawliji wa khairul makhraji bismillahi wajlana wa bismillahi kjarajna waaalla rabbina tawakkalna)
#... While going outside of home saying this supplication (Bismillah tawakkaltu aaalallah wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah)
#...When entering your home give salam even if there is no one give salam to your self
#...Entering the bathroom with left foot and exiting with right
*and covering the head and while relieving yourself sitting is wajib
*and when relieving yourself don't face the qibla or your back behind it
#...Entering the masjid with right foot and exiting with left and performing wudu at home
#...Every muslim you cross by give salam
#...Using meswak
#...Using fragrence
#...Reading Surah Khaf every Friday
#...Dusting the bed with an edge of an cloth or bromm
#...Eat with your right hand and share your food with the nearest person
#... if any food drops of the plate pick it up remove the dust and eat it
*after finish eating lick the plate with your fingers and lick your fingers
#...Before eating and drinking saying bismillah and after finishing eating and drinking saying Allhamdulillah
*if one forgots to say bismillah before eating or drinking say this (bismillahi fi awwalihi wa akhirihi)
#... After finish eating sya this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil ladhi at amani hadha wa razaqanihi min ghayri hawlin minnee wa la quwwatin)
#...Before staring any work or going to do something saying bismillah
#...After doing wudu saying (La illah illallah wadahu la sarikala)
#...While drinking or eating sitting is recommended and it is an sunnah
#...Sleeping on the right shoulder
#...Not sleeping on your stomach or chest
#...Before going to sleep
*sleep in the state of wudu
*Surah ikhlas 3 times
*Surah Nas 3 times
*Surah Falak 3 times
*Ayatul Kursi 3 times
*And saying (Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah)
*And reciting Surah Mulk
#...When going to sleep saying this supplication
(Bismika rabbi wada tu janbi wa bika arfahu in amskata nafsi
fagfir laha wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfaz bihi ibadaka-s-salihin)or
(Allahuma bismika amutoo wa ahyaa)
#...After waking up saying this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil-lathee ahyana baaada ma amatana wa ilayhin nushoor)
#...After waking up doing wudu and put water inside the nose and blow it
#... when wering cloths syaing this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil lathee kasanee hatha aththawab warazaqaneehi min ghayri hawlin minnee wala quwwah)
*While wearing entire the right hand first and when taking of start with left hand same with the shoes
Sahih Al Bukhari:
Sahih Muslim:
Jami Al Tirmidi:
Abu Dawood: 5212
Ibn Majah:
An nasai:
Credits goes to
Ismalic knowledge official
Ranga nature English
May Allah guide us and have patience and remember Your lord is not ONE EYED and to read surah kahf every friday
Plz pray for palistine
Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah
Mas ha Allah, thank you my Muslim sister / brother. May Allah keep you on a straight path and grant your wishes and protect you from the accused satan.
Jazak Allahu khairan 😊
الله اكبر ،الحمد لله،سبحن الله ✅
Subhanallah ,
Waiting for this 😍
Kinda sad how they treated our prophets. Ya Rab grant then Jannah peace away from the corruption of this world.
ALLAH PAK guide us and help us to faith and give us Imman Ameen
Thanks for sharing
Jazakah Allahu khairan
Mā Shā Allāh. Amazing & thoughtful stories. Next video, let it covers the two stories of Mariam & Isa(As). May Allah grants us steadfastness on our act of worship. Aameen.
Ameen ya rabb
i promise you to read Quran may be who knows you will be just like Yahya a man of truth and just man
Heart touching ❤️
Beautiful story
Alhamdulilah🤲,Continue with this Amazing work you are Doing.Alhamdulilah🤲 am learning much from The Prophets and Messengers of Allah Azzawajal.
How they endured soo much for the sake of Allah.I love All The Messengers and Prophets of Allah Azzawajal.
Also the stories of each of the great companions sahabah would be a great blessing.
Assalamu Aalaikum Sheikh! May Allah Azzawajal bless you with his special blessings. Ameen yaa Rabb.
My prother zakariye Mashallah l love history for porophet zakariye
What about Maryam AS life story ?
Post that video too ..
Before Isa AS life story
In Shaa Allah
@@abdiguinean4940 assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu 💙
Bro which country ?
انا لله و انا الیه راجعون الهم اجرنی فی مصیبتی واخلف خیرا منها
Allahu akbar ❤❤ may Allah the almighty guide and protect us form Satan🙏
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Whoever observes fasts during the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping to attain Allah's rewards, then all his past sins will be forgiven."
Sahih al-Bukhari 38
I'm happy my name is Zakariya like the Nabi of Allah SWT
Ya Rabb, this had to pop up lol. Just half an hour ago I was on my musalla and I finished praying and was just doing my Adhkar and there I saw an off-season fruit (guava, its kind of not their season yet) below the chair where I was sitting, and obviously it came from somewhere and not miraculously duh. So I picked it up and threw it at my mother lol and told her look, SAME STORY FROM QURAN but the roles and genders are different here...I am a tall, broad shouldered, deep voiced Alhamdulillah Allahumma baarik a masculine man, in our Mother Maryam (alaihi salaam)'s place who was probably the most feminine girl ever lol are a woman but you are in Zakariyya (Alaihi Salaam)'s place. And the response I got was "Shut up!! And get up!!!" Lol🤭😆❤️ How ironic, subhanallah.
May Allah preserve y'all's mothers and all of the believer's parents. Ameen.
Ramadan Kareem ☪️
I’m a muslim
Just I feel it ❤️🤗
Dear Allah,
Yahya, Yousef, Muhammad, and Adam are with you. We love you Allah. 48. 💙❤️💛💚
Alhamdulillah I am Muslim
And never think of those who have been
killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather,
they are alive with their Lord, receiving
provision. Rejoicing in what Allah has
bestowed upon them of His bounty, and
they receive good tidings about those [to
be martyred] after them who have not
yet joined them - that there will be no fear
concerning them, nor will they grieve. They
receive good tidings of favor from Allah
and bounty and [of the fact] that Allah does
not allow the reward of believers to be
lost." [Aal-Imran 3: 169-171]
Allahu Akbar!
One nation one point of time one place with many pious people (zakariya as yahya as isa as imran maryam ra)
May Allah bless Zakariya alehi salam, Yahya alehi salam,Isa alehi salam,Maryam alehi salam,Imran alehi salam,Hanna alehi salam, Elisabeth alehi salam, Believing family and followers of Zakarriya alehi salam,Yahya alehi salam,Isa alehi salam
Who is Elizabeth?
@@hbytijikinuhygy4196 Wife of Zakarriya alehi salam
@@hbytijikinuhygy4196 Oh ok what was her Arabic name
@@unknownrealist5374 Ashya
@@amaanjuwaley4616 Elizabeth is the bible name for Ashya AS
Allah akbar
Masha Allah
Six ways to earn even after death:
1. Give a copy of Qur’an to someone. Each time one reads from it, you gain.
2. Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time sick person uses it, you gain.
3. Participate in building a masjid.
4. Place watercooler in a public place.
5. Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or animal sits in its shade or eats from it.
6. And the easiest of all, share this message with people.
Even 1 applies any of the above, you gain.
On the authority of Abu Hurairah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘When a person dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: Sadaqah Jariyah (a continuous charity), or knowledge from which benefit is gained, or a righteous child who prays for him’. (Muslim)
Only 2 prophets left isa alehi salam and Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and also other people
@@abdiguinean4940 ❤️❤️
20:58 can i know the name of this narrator pls?
Nice ❤️
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu 💙
Jazakallahu Khairan 💙 Admins 💙
May Allah bless you all with goodness in this world and in the hereafter 💙
Aameen 💙
Thanks alot,whats the name of the background music?
Man.. i didn't know that yahya(AS) and zakariya(AS) were assasianted...💔💔
which chapter this story in quran
Subhan'Allah amazing times/events , what blessed people.
Yahia Ben Yahi, father of Shlomo, Joseph, and Bakr Ben Yahya
Manisha ALLAH
Just a question regarding Lady Maryam Birth. Why was she an orphan after the death of Imran what happened to Hannah?
she was an orphan because the father died
when the father dies the son/daughter is an orphan even though the mother is alive
why is the speaking voice different?
what is the meaning of the Arabic word Yahya?
It means Yahweh is mercifull
It means to live or live
You nomi koplit Ibrahim Zakaria badriy hamamoch mohamad. Hachimi all Agbani rgabi all eidrissi all hawari
Zakaria the brother in law of maryam or was he the uncle???
I think his the uncle maryam
Yes. There are two opinions about this. some scholars said he is the brother in law. Others said he’s the uncle. Allahu a’lam. Allah knows best.
Zakaria (pbuh) was the husband of her aunt (Elizabeth = the barren wife ) so he was her uncle .
Yahiya al maamaden (John the Baptist) pbuh : was the cousin of Mary and will be the companion of the word of God (Jesus pbuh) .
Thank you all for your answers may allah bless you all ❤️
@@THEREALASSAKURA you can see his story here :
Mostly people here in Pakistan don't know about yahya as
@Sir my name is yahya and in siraiki language it means pretty bad wrong yah yah and people used to Bully me alot with that name I live in Pakistan
I live in Pakistan
I know about yahya
I didnt know Yahia and Zakaria were killed🤔
Alayhisalam m
Because jewish kill Yahya as and Zakaria as
One moulana in this video is from india. His English deliberately tells it
What happened to that kind and that woman
As per source... The reason she wanted to mary the king amd wanted to kill Yahya alayhi wa salam so that she can be the queen. Allah Ta'Ala destroyed the kingdom for the sake of his beloved slave Prophet Yahya alayhi wa salam.
Zacharias father of John Baptist husband of Elisabeth
Neighbour Zacharias Thank you for your visit on Tuesday evening at 7 pm for nearly one hour
we prayed for Wisdom the Divine gift from God and to live as God wants us to live by following His Eternal Undying Moral Law
and not follow our own immoral foolishness our own Lawless folly our own shame and slavery to sin and failure
Minor Prophet Zacharias in OLD TESTAMENT who lived under Shah of Shah Darius of Persia and who wrote twice
Zecharias 8/3 Jerusalem City of peace as well as 2/10 Zion I shall dwell in midst of you
Ezekiel calls The Lord is There in last chapter 48/35
Jeremiah 3/17 calls Throne of God
Isaiah 1/26 City of Tsadik/Divine Righteousness
Lo ammi😊😊
Never heard so much rubbish in my life. Full of lies. You need to read the Quran properly.
That women must of been the Devil himself.. How can you ask for the head of Yahya😥😥😠😠😠😠
Kinda sad how they treated our prophets. Ya Rab grant then Jannah peace away from the corruption of this world.
they are going Jannah by default
جزك الله خيراً.
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